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Why Isn't Becky Twitchell Dead?

by Mark Richard Zubro

Second Tom/Scott mystery.


by Alex Zuchi

Matheus Mayer is a man tormented by past woes. Accused of killing his family, he's trying to prove his innocence and that his daughter is still alive. When he's sent to a new Psychiatric Hospital – built in an isolated region – Matheus finds only five other inmates. Each one has a completely distinctive personality and each seems to have their own goals. A special characteristic, however, seems to unite them. Dark enigmas start to echo inside the institution, specially after the arrival of a mysterious man by the name of Heitor Velasques and his team of researchers. Their goals are unknown. Matheus starts to feel the presence of supernatural beings that seem to inhabit the Institution. These beings bring about unique feelings, as if the divine and the profane were fighting for dominion. One by one, the inmates are called by the research team for an experiment. After it, they can’t be found anywhere, and some physical and sensory changes seem to transform the Psychiatric Hospital's facilities into something completely different. Now there's pain. nauseating smells, flames, and throbbing walls. With the help of the Hospital's own employees, Matheus Mayer starts to unveil Heitor's motivation and finds himself entangled in a dangerous and complex game, in which, due to neural interface devices and experimental drugs, the patient's minds are invaded in search of the key to the realm of gods. It's time to explore the depths of the unknown in a journey towards a reunion. How far would you go to save someone you love?

Inferis: L’oscurità pulsante prendeva forma

by Alex Zuchi

Matheus Mayer è un uomo tormentato dai dolori del passato. Accusato dell'omicidio della sua famiglia, deve provare la sua innocenza, e anche che sua figlia è ancora viva. Trasferito nell'ennesimo ospedale psichiatrico, costruito nel bel mezzo di una zona desolata, Matheus incontra altri cinque pazienti. Ciascuno ha una personalità completamente diversa dall'altro, e tutti sembrano perseguire obiettivi diversi. Tuttavia, paiono legati da abilità speciali. Enigmi arcani si disvelano all'interno dell'istituto, soprattutto in seguito all'arrivo di un uomo misterioso chiamato Heitor Velasques e della sua èquipe di ricercatori, le cui intenzioni sono ancora sconosciute. Matheus percepisce presenze soprannaturali nell'edificio. Queste manifestazioni risvegliano sensazioni contrastanti, come se il divino e il profano combattessero per il potere. I pazienti sono sottoposti uno per uno all'esperimento dall'èquipe di ricercatori. In seguito, i pazienti scompaiono, e trasformazioni fisiche e sensoriali sembrano trasformare le stanze dell'ospedale psichiatrico in un posto completamente diverso. Pieno di dolore, fiamme, odori nauseabondi e pareti palpitanti. Con l'aiuto dei dipendenti dell'ospedale, Matheus Mayer svela lo scopo di Heitor, e si ritrova prigioniero di un piano complesso e pericoloso tramite il quale, attraverso interfacce neurali e droghe psicotrope, le menti dei pazienti sono invase alla ricerca della chiave per il dominio degli dei. È giunto il tempo di esplorare le profondità dell'ignoto, in un viaggio di ritrovamento. Quanto lontano sei disposto a spingerti per salvare coloro che ami?

Innocence; or, Murder on Steep Street: Or, Murder On Steep Street

by Alex Zucker Heda Margolius Kovály

Famed Holocaust memoirist Heda Margoulis Kovály (Under a Cruel Star) knits her own terrifying experiences in Soviet Prague into a powerful, Raymond Chandler-esque work of literary suspense. 1950s Prague is a city of numerous small terrors, of political tyranny, corruption and surveillance. There is no way of knowing whether one's neighbor is spying for the government, or what one's supposed friend will say under pressure to a State Security agent. A loyal Party member might be imprisoned or executed as quickly as a traitor; innocence means nothing for a person caught in a government trap.But there are larger terrors, too. When a little boy is murdered at the cinema where his aunt works, the ensuing investigation sheds a little too much light on the personal lives of the cinema's female ushers, each of whom is hiding a dark secret of her own.Nearly lost to censorship, this rediscovered gem of Czech literature depicts a chilling moment in history, redolent with the stifling atmosphere of political and personal oppression of the early days of Communist Czechoslovakia.From the Hardcover edition.

Mission 1: Game On (Max Flash #1)

by Jonny Zucker

Meet Max, explosive escapologist and master magician! He can free himself from the tightest of chains and contort himself into the tiniest of spaces. When the top secret Department for Extraordinary Activity discovers that an evil computer game character has escaped from the virtual world and is intent on causing chaos, they know the time has come for Max's first mission. There are dangerous monsters to fight, and a perilous plot to foil: does Max have the special skills needed to save the day?

Mission 2: Supersonic (Max Flash #2)

by Jonny Zucker

Max, explosive escapologist and master magician, is back for his second mission—and it's out of this world! The Department for Extraordinary Activity tells Max that there's a vicious alien race preparing for a revenge attack on Earth, and he must blast off into space to defend the planet. Has Max got what it takes to battle evil aliens and save his fellow humans from slavery?

Mission 3: In Deep (Max Flash #3)

by Jonny Zucker

Max, explosive escapologist and master magician, has been recruited by the Department for Extraordinary Activity for his third dangerous mission. A remote island in the Pacific Ocean has been flooded by a freak surge of water, and sinister forces are suspected. There's no time to lose—Max must dive straight into a perilous adventure. Will Max defeat his terrifying underwater enemies and discover the dark secrets of the deep?

Mission 4: Grave Danger (Max Flash #4)

by Jonny Zucker

Max Flash, explosive escapologist and master magician, is back for his fourth death-defying mission. The Department for Extraordinary Activity tells Max that the Sorcerer's Venom, an ancient Egyptian papyrus, has been stolen. Legend has it that the papyrus holds the power to raise the dead, so Max must prepare himself for a gruesome battle. Can Max defeat the mummies and save the world from grave danger?

Mission 5: Subzero (Max Flash #5)

by Jonny Zucker

Max, amazing escapologist and master magician, is off on his coolest mission yet—to the Antarctic. The Department for Extraordinary Activity wants him to investigate a distress signal from a ship that has been trapped in the ice and whose crew has mysteriously vanished. Could this be connected to sightings of strange beasts in the area? As the temperature plummets, can Max foil a chilling plot and save the world from a deadly new Ice Age?

Mission 6: Short Circuit (Max Flash #6)

by Jonny Zucker

Max, exceptional escapologist and master magician, returns for another electrifying mission. Futuristic robots have been spotted at large on the streets of London, and the Department for Extraordinary Activity is sending Max to investigate. He must follow the robots back to their own world, where they are making their final preparations to wage war on humans. Can Max uncover the sinister cyborgs' deadly state-of-the-art new weapon and save the world from total meltdown?

Benno's Bear

by Naomi Flink Zucker

After being arrested as a pickpocket, Benno is separated from his father, who is sent to prison, and from the bear he had helped to raise and had come to love, when he is taken in by a kindly policeman and his wife.

Tiger Kittens

by Al Zuckerman

What can a girl do, who's only nine years old, when she discovers her father has a "girlfriend" and may be leaving home? Daphne Beckman had to face that question, and all by herself. Her mother, nervous and unpredictable, was preoccupied totally with a research paper for graduate school. And her father, though gentle and affectionate, was so busy with law work and having his play produced that he could never find time to calm her fears. There was Vick, her brother, of course, but he was so easy. Daphne knew he'd just have to go along. Because she did know the one thing that would keep her Daddy home: kill his girlfriend!

Wealth Management: A Novel

by Edward Zuckerman

For Fans of Jess Walter and Gary Shteyngart, a Financial Thriller Featuring Three Ivy League MBAs who Must Put Their Lopsided Love Triangle Aside to Snare International TerroristsIn the lush world-banking capital of Geneva, Switzerland, three friends from Harvard Business School find their lives and their work unexpectedly intertwined. Catherine and Majid are handling investments for clients with dubious pedigrees. When their friend Rafe shows up in Geneva, he claims to be just another start-up hedge fund manager. But Rafe, after a moral awakening, is now an undercover agent with the U.S. Treasury&’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence and he&’s in Geneva secretly investigating his old friends, one of whom was his former lover.Catherine and Rafe pick up right where they left off, even though she&’s now seeing Majid, but she&’s soon in a tangle bigger than infidelity when her biggest client appears to be leading her into a trap of money laundering co-conspiracy. And then there&’s Majid, who would be more jealous of Rafe if he didn&’t have more worrisome problems, such as his biggest client shorting a Nigerian oil company stock right before a catastrophic &“accident.&” As the CIA closes in on the terrorists themselves, Rafe, with the help of Detective Emmanuel Okoro of the Nigerian police, works to find a way to save his friends and the world at the same time.Fast-paced and entertaining, Wealth Management shows that Emmy award-winning TV writer Edward Zuckerman is at the top of his game.

El monasterio (Trilogía medieval #Volumen 3)

by Luis Zueco

Un thriller histórico de máximo suspense ambientado en un fascinante escenario medieval, entre los muros de uno de los monasterios medievales más impresionantes de España. El silencio oculta la verdad. Pero hasta las mejores mentiras terminan por descubrirse. El monasterio de Santa María de Veruela aspiraba a ser una ciudad celeste, un fiel reflejo del reino de los cielos, pero lo cierto es que lo habitaban simples mortales. Sus muros fueron testigos de historias de ambición, traición y venganza. Y también de amor, sexo y... muerte. En las mágicas y misteriosas tierras del Moncayo se asienta uno de los monasterios cistercienses más bellos del mundo. En el siglo XIV es escenario de una cruenta guerra entre las coronas de Castilla y Aragón, y hasta allí llega el joven Bizén con una misión que cumplir: recuperar los restos que yacen en una de sus tumbas, algo a lo que el abad se niega por misteriosas razones. Pero cuando uno de los hermanos de la abadía aparece asesinado en misteriosas y violentas circunstancias, Bizén se verá implicado en una intriga de peligrosas ramificaciones. Y deberá concentrarse en hallar al culpable si no quiere que su propio secreto sea descubierto. La crítica ha dicho sobre el autor y sus obras anteriores, El Castillo y La Ciudad... «La mejor novela histórica de 2015.»Novelas Históricas «En la estela de Los pilares de la tierra y La catedral del mar.»La Vanguardia «Si uno quiere trasladarse a la Edad Media, el castillo de Loarre es la mejor máquina del tiempo.»El Mundo «¡Recomendadísima!»Librería General «Hace mil años se erigió en el Pirineo aragonés una colosal fortaleza. Luis Zueco novela cómo se llevó a cabo esta proeza y da respuesta a algunos enigmas aún sin resolver.»ABC «Sus páginas están repletas de peripecias, de idilios y de lances bélicos.»Heraldo de Aragón «Una extraordinaria novela.»SER «Una de las novelas históricas con más enganche.»20 minutos «Una novela que pone en valor una de nuestras joyas patrimoniales: Loarre.»El Periódico de Aragón «La novela histórica más impactante del año.»Librería Serret Llibres «Mezcla los datos históricos con tramas de mucha intriga, como si de un thriller se tratase.»El Placer de la Lectura «Magnífica ambientación.»Entre mis libros y yo «Uno de los escritores de novela histórica más importante del país. Mezcla sabiamente personajes históricos con otros ficticios, dando a la trama una tensión trepidante.»Todo Literatura «Un trepidante thriller histórico. La Historia aquí no es mero paisaje, sino que es elemento de suspense.»20 minutos

El monasterio (Trilogía Medieval #Volumen 3)

by Luis Zueco

Un thriller histórico de máximo suspense ambientado entre los muros de uno de los monasterios medievales más impresionantes de España. Tercera entrega de la aclamada Trilogía Medieval de Luis Zueco. El monasterio de Santa María de Veruela aspiraba a ser una ciudad celeste, reflejo del reino de los cielos… pero sus muros fueron testigos de historias de ambición, traición y venganza. En el siglo XIV es escenario de una cruenta guerra entre las coronas de Castilla y Aragón. Hasta allí llega Bizén con una misión: recuperar los restos que yacen en una de sus tumbas, algo a lo que el abad se niega. Pero cuando uno de los hermanos de la abadía aparece misteriosamente asesinado, Bizén se verá implicado en una muy peligrosa intriga… Porque si no encuentra al culpable, su propio secreto será descubierto. La crítica ha dicho sobre El monasterio...«La ambientación espacio-temporal, una vez más, es magnífica. Luis Zueco es un maestro a la hora de describir escenarios y de situar sus novelas en el tiempo y en espacio, trasladando allí al lector.»Libros que hay que leer«Con El monasterio (2018), Zueco ha logrado dar un paso más adelante y crear una obra redonda, con un ritmo endiablado. Donde, como siempre, logra conjugar el suspense, la historia, las batallas, intrigas; con unas tramas apasionantes y unos diálogos afilados y para enmarcar.»Novelashistó«Una novela que no hay que dejar escapar. Comparada con las anteriores, El castillo y La ciudad, mantiene la tónica de calidad.»Anika entre librosLa crítica ha dicho sobre el autor y sus obras anteriores, El Castillo y La Ciudad... «La mejor novela histórica de 2015.»Novelas Históricas «En la estela de Los pilares de la tierra y La catedral del mar.»La Vanguardia «Si uno quiere trasladarse a la Edad Media, el castillo de Loarre es la mejor máquina del tiempo.»El Mundo «¡Recomendadísima!»Librería General «Hace mil años se erigió en el Pirineo aragonés una colosal fortaleza. Luis Zueco novela cómo se llevó a cabo esta proeza y da respuesta a algunos enigmas aún sin resolver.»ABC «Sus páginas están repletas de peripecias, de idilios y de lances bélicos.»Heraldo de Aragón «Una extraordinaria novela.»SER «Una de las novelas históricas con más enganche.»20 minutos «Una novela que pone en valor una de nuestras joyas patrimoniales: Loarre.»El Periódico de Aragón «La novela histórica más impactante del año.»Librería Serret Llibres «Mezcla los datos históricos con tramas de mucha intriga, como si de un thriller se tratase.»El Placer de la Lectura «Magníficaambientación.»Entre mis libros y yo «Uno de los escritores de novela histórica más importante del país. Mezcla sabiamente personajes históricos con otros ficticios, dando a la trama una tensión trepidante.»Todo Literatura «Un trepidante thriller histórico. La Historia aquí no es mero paisaje, sino que es elemento de suspense.»20 minutos«Si la primera obra que escribió Zueco de esta trilogía, El castillo, ambientada en el de Loarre (Huesca), es una novela puramente histórica, este segundo libro, La ciudad, incorpora al rigor histórico el thriller.»La Vanguardia

Dark Prophecy: A Level 26 Thriller Featuring Steve Dark

by Anthony E. Zuiker Duane Swierczynski

Steve Dark is a man on a mission. He is ready to embrace his destiny, and has nothing to lose . . . Steve Dark was once a lost soul, torn between his family and his one-of-a-kind talent for hunting down serial killers - especially those so-called 'Level 26' killers whose depravity exceeds law enforcement's official scale of evil. In his reluctant pursuit of justice Dark once crossed the ultimate line, a line that might cause a lesser man to lose himself completely. Not Dark. When the world took everything from him, when it destroyed the very thing Dark once lived for, it sparked a transformation that, three years later, is only just complete. Dark is now a man on a mission. A mission unbound by authorities. A mission that, at long last, allows him to embrace his destiny. Dark is finally ready - ready to take justice to the next level.

Dark Revelations: A Level 26 Thriller Featuring Steve Dark

by Anthony E. Zuiker Duane Swierczynski

After the spine-chilling novels Dark Origins and Dark Prophecy, Anthony E. Zuiker's Dark Revelations marks the return of one of the most skillful masters of the classic serial killer thriller. Complementing the Steve Dark books is Level26. com, a stunning online and digital media component featuring exclusive cinematic content, written and created by Zuiker. The most terrifying creation yet from the man behind CSISteve Dark has been tasked by the FBI with the ultimate search-and-destroy mission: to take down the world's most dangerous serial killers. Now he faces the most intricate, intense, and explosive case of his career. The killer calls himself Labyrinth. The riddles, puzzles, and wordplay with which he announces his new targets have caused a worldwide media sensation. The case has already claimed a number of high profile individuals as its victims - not to mention several government agencies, which have tried and failed to stop a growing global panic. But what point is Labyrinth trying to make? Who will be his next victim? It's up to Dark to assemble an elite team from the remains of the international crime-solving community, find Labyrinth wherever he may be, and put a stop to the mayhem, once and for all. But the mystery of who, where and what Labyrinth is, is the biggest riddle of them all. And if Dark doesn't solve it, he knows he'll be the next victim . . . In Dark Revelations, Anthony E. Zuiker proves yet again that he is one of the true masters of the serial killer thriller which will strongly appeal to all fans of James Patterson and Thomas Harris. Anthony E. Zuiker is the creator and executive producer of the most watched television show in the world, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. He produces all three editions of the CSI franchise: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: Miami and CSI: NY. Zuiker lives with his family in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

Level 26

by Anthony E. Zuiker Duane Swierczynski

Steve Dark was once a lost soul, torn between his family and his one-of-a-kind talent for hunting down serial killers - especially those so-called 'Level 26' killers whose depravity exceeds law enforcement's official scale of evil. In his reluctant pursuit of justice Dark once crossed the ultimate line, a line that might cause a lesser man to lose himself completely. Not Dark. When the world took everything from him, when it destroyed the very thing Dark once lived for, it sparked a transformation that, three years later, is only just complete. Dark is now a man on a mission. A mission unbound by authorities. A mission that, at long last, allows him to embrace his destiny. Dark is finally ready - ready to take justice to the next level.

Blinded by the Lights: Now a major HBO Europe TV series

by Jakub Zulczyk

NOW A MAJOR HBO EUROPE TV SERIES'Tough, knowing, high-octane crime fiction... Los Angeles has James Ellroy, Boston has Dennis Lehane, Oslo has Jo Nesbo. And Warsaw has its own two-fisted crime laureate in Jakub Zulczyk. Already a massive bestseller in Poland, this is brilliant stuff from a fresh new voice in crime fiction.' Tony Parsons'Jakub Zulczyk’s Blinded by the Lights is dark, dangerous, and seductive. A multi-layered story that – like his anti-hero’s product – will assault your senses and leave you craving for more. This is post-Communist Warsaw, but it could be Moscow, New York, or London. A truly terrific piece of writing and I can’t recommend it enough.'G.D. Abson'A striking novel, brilliantly written - for the fans of the dark and gritty!'Robert BryndzaKuba is a cocaine dealer in the dark, electric streets of Warsaw, believing he is smart enough to stay in control, unlike the top lawyers, doctors, TV personalities who are his client base.However, after calling in the debt of a failing nightclub owner, breaking his own rules on other people’s property and being caught in the consequences of his clients’ actions, all control starts to slip from his grasp.Now suffering under the glare of the spotlight and dragged into the dark underbelly of the drug world, Kuba must find a way through the middle of the whirlwind of violence and betrayal sweeping him away.

Mysteries of the Unexplained

by Allan Zullo

In "Mysteries of the Unexplained", Zullo takes us on a journey to six mysteries of our time, including the Bermuda triangle, the Loch Ness monster, the purported UFO crash in Roswell, the Mary Celeste, the Plains of Nazca, and Bigfoot.

Colmillos de Furia: No hecho por la mano de Dios

by Paul Zunckel

Él intenta gritar, el terror se atora en su garganta ... la oscuridad a su alrededor ... el hedor, puede oler a la criatura del infierno, el gruñido bajo de su garganta ... agitándose a su alrededor con los puños ... no puede ver, la oscuridad envuelto alrededor de él como una manta… debo defenderme, oh Dios mío los colmillos. África, tierra de mitos, brujería, magia y corrupción. Una tierra donde la muerte espera en las sombras. Una tierra donde el híbrido ahora camina sin miedo con sed de sangre y odio por el hombre… creado para matar. Hombre jugando a ser Dios, trabajando con la creación genética, decidido a crear el Ser Humano perfecto ... en forma aislada nada puede perturbar la creación ... nada puede salir mal, pero si estás en el África más oscura, nadie puede oírte gritar mientras mueres por la mano de una criatura no creada por Dios, sino por la mente enferma del hombre ... una criatura del infierno. Dos criaturas ahora caminan por la selva africana ... una, un alma gentil que proviene del útero de un chimpancé ... la otra ... un asesino, un babuino cruzado gorila / mandril. Ha comenzado la caza para poner fin a la locura, al miedo que acecha entre la maleza, que extiende sus alas sobre África, para acabar con el alboroto de los asesinos, para capturar a la dulce Híbrida ... para vender su cuerpo al mejor postor. Un hombre impulsado por la codicia ... el otro por la compasión.

Fluistering in die Wind

by Paul Zunckel

Boekbeskrywing: Stap in die bose wêreld van mensehandel, waar korrupte amptenare, werkloosheid, armoede,gierigheid en mag 'n rol speel. 'n Gesin word deur ontvoering uitmekaar geskeur. 'n Kind wat in die middel van die nag gesteel word, 'n ma wat in slawerny ontvoer en verkoop is, en die wêreld van sekshandel. Die soektog na die kind en vrou verskuif van die oewer van die magtige Zambezi tot diep in die Afrika-bos, na die onderwêreld van Johannesburg, Suid-Afrika.

Susurros En El Viento: Un thriller africano de Piet van Zyl

by Paul Zunckel

Adéntrese en el malvado mundo de la trata de personas, donde los funcionarios corruptos, el desempleo, la pobreza, la codicia y el poder juegan un papel importante. Una familia es destrozada por el secuestro. Una niña capturada en la oscuridad de la noche, una madre secuestrada y vendida como esclava, y el mundo del comercio sexual. La búsqueda de la niña y la mujer se traslada desde las orillas del poderoso Zambeze hasta las profundidades de la selva africana, hasta las entrañas de Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica.

Death in Shangri-La (A Dotan Naor Thriller #1)

by Yigal Zur

Perfect for fans of Nelson DeMille and Daniel SilvaEx-Israeli operative turned private investigator, Dotan Naor—to settle a bet—agrees to locate the missing son of former acquaintance, now ruthless Israeli arms merchant, Willy Mizrachi. Willy, who does not hesitate to sell killing machines to the most heinous players in the world, is desperate to find his only son, Itiel, who has headed to an ashram in the Himalayas. The Himalayas are also host to groups of young Israelis who have completed their mandatory military service—a sort of rite of passage. Now, those innocent kids are being hunted down by violent terrorists. India and the disputed Kashmir region between India and Pakistan is familiar territory to Dotan, as he searches for Itiel and for the source of these heinous attacks on Israeli youth. Unwilling to leave this quest in the hands of Dotan, Willy also travels to India, where he is murdered in Delhi, triggering international repercussions capable of ripping the world apart at one of its most dangerous flashpoints. Nothing is as it seems in this region of the world. Betrayal reigns everywhere. But love, in its purest form, does manage to shine through in this story of brutal international corruption.

Passport to Death (A Dotan Naor Thriller #2)

by Yigal Zur

Perfect for fans of Daniel Silva and Nelson DeMille.Dotan Naor, an Israeli private investigator, ousted from Shin Bet—Israel's internal security service—goes to Thailand to find Sigal Bardon, a beautiful young girl from a wealthy Israeli family. Sigal has disappeared in Bangkok—completely. Dotan has connections in Thailand and he's familiar with Bangkok's dark side—the narrow alleys with bars and hookers, trenches of stagnant water, hotel rooms with illicit activity. This is where he intends to start his search. But when the passport of the missing Israeli girl ends up in his hands during his first taxi ride in the city, he's suspicious that someone is playing him. But who? And why? As Dotan searches for Sigal, police corruption blocks his every path. Every lead he pursues draws him closer and closer to a black hole in his "own" past—one intertwined with his pursuit of Sigal—one that leads him to Reuven—and the haunting failure that led to the dismissal of both of them from Shin Bet. The wound between Dotan and Reuven is raw and deep, but Dotan realizes it must be healed in order to save Sigal.

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