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Poems to Make the Soul Sing: A Collection of Mystical Poetry through the Ages

by Alan Jacob

A beautifully designed collection of mystical poems to soothe, inspire and rejuvenate the soul. With a body of work spanning the centuries, from the Vedas to St Teresa of Avila, Rumi and Rilke, and arranged by transcendent themes, this book will connect readers with nature, with the stillness within themselves and with the Divine. When your soul hungers for peace, knowledge or comfort, there is no answer as profound as poetry. In a world that is increasingly noisy and disconnected from the Divine, this wonderfully inspiring collection of poems for the soul from mystics of all traditions encourages readers to listen to their own hearts, marvel at the wonder of nature and explore profound truths of life, death, eternity and God. With its elegant design and comprehensive selection of poets, the volume is ideal for gifting. Themed chapters allow readers to choose topics to explore, including: DIVINITY – what is the nature of God or the One? TRANSCENDENCE – what deep truths can we find in our spiritual quest? LOVE – how can we give and cherish most profoundly? DEVOTION – how should we explore and affirm our faith? PEACE – how can we find stillness amidst turmoil and loss? NATURE – what lessons can we learn from creation? SPIRIT – what is sacred about the individual self? From the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas and the Song of Solomon to the Divine Comedy and the Rubaiyat of Mar Khayyam, readers will find all the great mystical writers, including Attar, Ansari, St Francis of Assisi, Lao Tzu, John Donne, John Bunyan, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Elizabeth Barratt Browning, Christine Rossetti and Walt Whitman, as well as many fine but lesser-known spiritual writers. A book to give as a thoughtful gift, and also one to treasure.

Clemente (Spanish Edition)

by The Clemente Family

INCLUYE FOTOS Gigante del béisbol, hombre de familia, activista humanitario... la vida y el legado de Roberto Clemente, contado aquí por su familia. Con la rapidez de su bate y un atletismo inigualable, Roberto Clemente intimidó a la mayoría de los lanzadores de las grandes ligas durante dieciocho temporadas, compilando más de tres mil hits. Tenía las piernas más veloces de la época. Su brazo era uno de los más fuertes; con increíble frecuencia fusilaba a los corredores de base desde el jardín derecho. Pasó toda su carrera luchando por ganarse el respeto del público y finalmente lo obtuvo con un desempeño histórico durante la Serie Mundial y a lo largo de la segunda mitad de su carrera, la cual lo dejaría en compañía de grandes nombres como Jackie Robinson, Hank Aaron, Willie Mays y Mickie Mantle. Pero es lo que Roberto Clemente hacía fuera del campo lo que lo convirtió en un gran ser humano. Fue uno de los primeros atletas en comprender cómo utilizar el poder de los deportes para transformar no sólo un puñado de vidas sino miles de ellas. Murió siendo fiel a su consciencia y a lo que le pedía su corazón. Clemente estaba llevando suministros a una Nicaragua afectada por el terremoto cuando su avión se cayó en el Atlántico. Cuarenta años después de esta trágica fecha, la viuda y los hijos de este atleta ejemplar y activista humanitario consumando, hablan por primera vez del hombre que perdieron. Con una colección de fotografías exclusivas nunca antes vistas, este poderoso libro cuenta la inspiradora historia de Roberto Clemente en la voz de quienes mejor lo conocieron.

Ronin - Skirmish Wargames in the Age of the Samurai

by Craig Woodfield Jose Daniel Pena

Ronin is a set of skirmish wargame rules set in late 16th century feudal Japan. Players build small warbands of models and battle each other as well as non-player factions in duels and skirmishes. Ronin is historically accurate, but also pays tribute to the films of Akira Kurosawa such as Seven Samurai and Yojimbo.Despite the enduring popularity of this period, there are very few widely available historical samurai skirmish wargames rules sets. Figures for the period are increasingly available, particularly from Perry Miniatures (very high quality 28mm metal), Wargames Factory (plastic 28mm box sets) and Zvezda (1/72 plastic). Ronin seeks to fill this void with an enjoyable system that is easy and cheap to take up. Gameplay is based upon a d6 system that forces players to make tactical decisions about attack and defence, simulating the cut and thrust of hand-to-hand combat.There are numerous player factions, from Samurai and Ashigaru, the professional soldiers of the period, to Buddhist warrior monks, martial arts schools, and bandits.There are also swords for hire such as Ronin and ninja that players can hire to augment their warband.Players design their warband using a points system, and assign each model weapons, armour and martial skills. Weapons include the yari (pike/spear), naginata (pole arm), yumi (bow), arquebus and of course the katana and its variants. Specialist skills allow a model to undertake various special actions (for example, arrow-cutter provides additional defence against bow fire) or increases the proficiency of the model with a specific weapon.As well as straight warband-on-warband battles, there are specific scenarios, some of them linked to provide a loose narrative. Gameplay is based upon a d6 system that forces players to make tactical decisions about attack and defence, simulating the cut and thrust of hand-to-hand combat. One scenario features the warband defending a notable person from attack by ninjas, another the defence of a village against bandits. There are also campaign rules that allow for the development of a warband in terms of gaining new skills and equipment and planning on-going battles against other players. Finally, very simple guidelines for running a tournament are included.

Girldrive: Criss-Crossing America, Redefining Feminism

by Nona Willis Aronowitz Emma Bee Bernstein

What do young women care about? What are their hopes, worries, and ambitions? Have they heard of feminism, and do they relate to it?These are just a few of the questions journalist Nona Willis Aronowitz and photographer Emma Bee Bernstein set out to answer in Girldrive. In October 2007, Aronowitz and Bernstein took a cross-country road trip to meet with the 127 women profiled in this book, ranging from well-known feminists like Kathleen Hanna, Laura Kipnis, Erica Jong, and Michele Wallace, to women who don't relate to feminism at all. The result of these interviews, Girldrive is a regional chronicle of the struggles, concerns, successes, and insights of young women who are grappling-just as hard as their mothers and grandmothers did-to find, define, and fight for gender equity.

Party & Snack Recipe Perfection

by Ellen Argyriou

Party & Snack Recipe Perfection contains simple, delicious recipes that anyone can make. From mini pizzas and scallop puffs to delicious fruit tartlets, this collection offers exciting finger food recipes to suit every taste and occasion. Each recipe comes with fully illustrated, easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions.

Biotechnology for the Treatment of Hazardous Waste

by Daphne L. Stoner

The development of biologically based processes for the treatment of hazardous inorganic and organic wastes is a multi-disciplinary effort requiring the consideration of a number of biological, chemical, and physical parameters, as well as the effective teaming of biologists, chemists, engineers, and regulatory agencies. This new text/reference bridges the disciplines in a unique way, allowing an exchange of fundamental information to take place. The book begins with a description of the biological transformations of inorganic and organic compounds and a review of strategies that may be used for the treatment of hazardous wastes. It continues with a discussion of the physiological and engineering factors that must be considered for successful process development and concludes with a discussion of the regulations that have influenced biological waste treatment and environmental remediation.

Freshwater Field Tests for Hazard Assessment of Chemicals

by Peter Matthiessen Fred Heimbach Ian R. Hill Peter Leeuwangh

Freshwater field tests are an integral part of the process of hazard assessment of pesticides and other chemicals in the environment. This book brings together international experts on microcosms and mesocosms for a critical appraisal of theory and practice on the subject of freshwater field tests for hazard assessment. It is an authoritative and comprehensive summary of knowledge about freshwater field tests, with particular emphasis on their optimization for scientific and regulatory purposes. This valuable reference covers both lotic and lentic outdoor systems and addresses the choice of endpoints and test methodology. Instructive case histories show how to extrapolate test results to the real world.

User Interface Design: Bridging the Gap from User Requirements to Design

by Larry E. Wood

Although numerous sources document aspects of user-centered design, there are few references that consider how a designer transforms the information gathered about users and their work into an effective user interface design. This book explains just how designers bridge that gap. A group of leading experts in GUI design describe their methods in the context of specific design projects, and while the projects, processes, and methods vary considerably, the common theme is building a bridge between user requirements and user interface design.

Bolt Action: Ostfront

by Warlord Games Peter Dennis

Take charge of Operation Barbarossa and drive towards Moscow or command the steadfast defenders of the Soviet Union. From the early battles for Leningrad and Sevastopol to the tank clash of Kursk and the bitter urban warfare of Stalingrad, this new theatre supplement for Bolt Action provides players with new scenarios and special rules that give them everything they need to focus their gaming on the Eastern Front.

Fighting Sail - Fleet Actions 1775-1815

by Peter Dennis Ryan Miller

In the years between 1776 and 1815, grand square-rigged sailing ships dominated warfare on the high seas. Fighting Sail is a tabletop wargame of fleet battles in this age of canvas, cannon, and timbers. Players take on the roles of fleet admirals from one of eight different national fleets: America, Britain, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Portugal, Russia and Sweden in battles ranging from the American War of Independence to the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. Each fleet has access to different ships, tactics, and command personalities - each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Offering a unique blend between detail and simplicity, the scenarios included enable the recreation of historic actions or 'what-if' scenarios. Join the battle and experience the adventurous age of the fighting sail!

Across A Deadly Field - Regimental Rules for Civil War Battles

by John Hill

Manassas, Shiloh, Gettysburg, Atlanta, and Petersburg are just a few of the many large scale Civil War battles that gamers enjoy simulating on the tabletop. Up until now, CW (Civil War) games have either taken a regimental approach for a more tactical game or a brigade-level view for a more grand tactical game - and gamers have plenty of both regimental or brigade level CW rule sets to choose from. However, both approaches have drawbacks. The pure regimental approach - such as in Johnny Reb - can make it difficult to fight a very large battle, while the brigade approach often fails to capture the unique feel of the CW where the actions of one regiment - such as the 20th Maine at Little Round Top - could turn a battle. Across A Deadly Field offers a game system that enables gamers to fight large battles in a relatively compact space, yet maintains the regimental focus and flavor appropriate to the conflict. Across A Deadly Field uses a scale that can be described as a "telescoped" version of Johnny Reb III - with twice the ground and figure scale, and has individual regiments and batteries as the base element of maneuver:- Ground Scale: 1" = 100 yards- Time Scale: 1 turn = 20 minutes- Regiment Scale: Two stands/bases per regiment- Figure Scale: 1 figure = 60 men- Gun scale: 1 gun = 1 batteryThe big advantage of this approach is that the gamer is not required to rebase any figures from his existing Johnny Reb army, allowing for much easier conversion from the older game to Across A Deadly Field. The existing four-stand regiments become two different regiments of two stands each - his miniature army has, for gaming purposes, just doubled. This will hold an appeal for many gamers - they can either recreate smaller engagements in half the space that would once have been needed, or can game huge battles on a table that would once have only accommodated a small skirmish. In essence, Across A Deadly Field offers two games with a single, consistent basing system.

Across A Deadly Field - The War in the West

by Mark Stacey John Hill

The War in the West, the new supplement for Across A Deadly Field brings to the tabletop the bitter struggles of the Western Theatre of the American Civil War. The special rules and scenarios included in this volume give players everything they need to recreate the battles, both great and small, of this theatre of the war. Battles such as Shiloh, Stone River, Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Chattanooga and Atlanta are presented in great detail, offering players of Across a Deadly Field not only a range of scenario options, but the ability to play through a full campaign.

On the Seven Seas

by Steve Noon Chris Peers

On the Seven Seas is a set of wargames rules covering the high adventure and low morals of the world of the pirate. From Drake and his sea-rovers to Blackbeard, the Barbary Corsairs and the Wo-k'ou of the Far East, pirates have haunted seas across the globe, preying on port and vessel alike. Now you too can recreate the exploits of pirate captains or the naval commanders that hunted them. Whether you want skirmishes between crews on uncharted islands and in the alleyways of Caribbean ports or ship-to-ship duels that culminate in bloodthirsty boarding actions, the rules offer a quick-to-learn basic game. These small forces of buccaneers, commanded by captains and kept in line by trusted lieutenants, can also be scaled up with ease for larger engagements. Gameplay centers on two driving motivations that epitomize the pirate life - Fear and Greed. Cunning captains will have to balance these two elements, instilling fear in their opponents with bloodthirsty reputations, while keeping their own crews in line with the promise of loot and wealth.

The Moon: A History for the Future (Economist Books)

by Oliver Morton The Economist

An intimate portrait of the Earth's closest neighbor--the Moon--that explores the history and future of humankind's relationship with itEvery generation has looked towards the heavens and wondered at the beauty of the Moon. Fifty years ago, a few Americans became the first to do the reverse--and shared with Earth-bound audiences the view of their own planet hanging in the sky instead.Recently, the connection has been discovered to be even closer: a fragment of the Earth's surface was found embedded in a rock brought back from the Moon. And astronauts are preparing to return to the surface of the Moon after a half-century hiatus--this time to the dark side.Oliver Morton explores how the ways we have looked at the Moon have shaped our perceptions of the Earth: from the controversies of early astronomers such as van Eyck and Galileo, to the Cold War space race, to the potential use of the Moon as a stepping stone for further space exploration.Advanced technologies, new ambitions, and old dreams mean that men, women, and robots now seem certain to return to the Moon. For some, it is a future on which humankind has turned its back for too long. For others, an adventure yet to begin.

The Seven Summits of Success

by Robert Heller Rebecca Stephens

When Rebecca Stephens first formed her goal of climbing Everest she was a young journalist with hardly any climbing experience, but with a strong vision and limitless determination to achieve her dream. It was a highly ambitious goal for such an inexperienced climber. Yet only four years on, she became the first British woman to climb the highest mountain in the world. That achievement led directly to her second great ambition: to be the first British woman to climb the Seven Summits, the tallest peak on each of the world's seven continents. In this inspiring book, Rebecca Stephens and management guru Robert Heller join forces to explore the mental skills, practical abilities and psychological powers that enabled her to achieve her dream. Whatever your personal ambition may be, the lessons of this unique book will lead you to identify, master and scale your own individual heights.

Lion Rampant - Medieval Wargaming Rules

by Mark Stacey Daniel Mersey

Lion Rampant is a set of rules designed for fighting historical or Hollywood battles in the medieval period from the Norman Conquest to the Hundred Years' War. This period is well suited to large skirmish gaming as played with Lion Rampant as it was a time of anarchy, feuds, robbery, and raiding. Become Robin Hood, Richard the Lionheart, Gamelyn, William Wallace, Llewellyn the Last, or other legends and leaders from the colorful, dangerous medieval period. Lion Rampant is ideal for players who wish to collect medieval miniatures without wanting to muster huge forces or spend time learning complex rules.Gameplay is very simple, and requires the player to use units in the correct tactical way: knights are great at charging down enemies but less useful for guarding convoys, while spearmen are jacks of all trades and masters of none, and bowmen are to be feared at distance but easily cut down if you can get close enough. An army usually consists of 6-8 units comprised of 6-12 individually based figures (making it ideal for 15mm or 28mm games), and is led by a Leader, who may have some unique character traits that affect game play and provide some opportunity for role playing. The action, however, focuses very much on the small units involved in the battle rather than individual characters: each unit moves and fights independently, assuming that they follow your orders rather than just doing their own thing. Command and control is just as important on the battlefield as the power of a mounted knight.Some army lists are provided, and guidance given for players seeking to create their own forces, but this game is not army list-heavy. The rules include a good number of scenarios, which are important to this style of gaming.

When Grief Breaks Your Heart

by James W. Moore

Sooner or later, heartache comes to everyone. Sadness, sorrow, disappointment, mourning, grief--whatever people call it--is a fact of life. People need help in knowing how to deal with grief, how to work through it, and how to grow because of it. In When Grief Breaks Your Heart, best-selling author James W. Moore explores two major questions: * What does faith say about the grief experience? * How does faith help mend a broken heart? The book, therefore, is about grief and grace. Moore shows how these two words belong together: * God's grace sustains people through the grief experience * God's love supports people when they have nowhere else to turn * God's grace brings the healing touch people so desperately need when their hearts are crushed. The book is appropriate for anyone who is experiencing grief. Pastors especially will find it helpful to keep a quantity on hand to pass out to people during grief experiences and grief counseling.

Leadership in a Time of Crisis: The Way Forward in a Changed World (100 Coaches)

by Marshall Goldsmith Scott Osman

The founder of Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches presents insight on business and leadership in the age of COVID-19 from some of today&’s top consultants. This informative volume offers expert advice on navigating a business through today&’s global pandemic. Some of the world&’s most effective consultants give their perspectives on all areas of employee and customer growth and engagement. They also consider the ramifications of COVID-19 on people; the healthcare system; local, national and global economies; and on our businesses. In early March 2020, members of the nonprofit organization Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches began discussing the developments and repercussions of current events with each other as well as global leaders around the world. Thirty-seven contributors offer helpful and forward-thinking insights on how we can create more value in the companies we serve and better the lives of our coworkers and communities. Leadership in a Time of Crisis features essays by: Asheesh Advani, Jenny Blake, Peter Bregman, David Burkus, James M. Citrin, Erica Dhawan, Connie Dieken, Chester Elton, Robert Glazer, Sally Helgesen, Whitney Johnson, Tom Kolditz, Harry Kraemer, Martin Lindstrom, Rita McGrath, Sharon Melnick, Dave Meltzer, Richie Norton, Luara Gassner Otting, Liz Wiseman, And many more!

Reframing Convenience Food

by Christine Wenzl Valerie Viehoff Angela Meah Frej Daniel Hertz Maria Fuentes Jonathan Everts Helene Brembeck Bente Halkier Peter Jackson

This book questions the simplistic view that convenience food is unhealthy and environmentally unsustainable. By exploring how various types of convenience food have become embedded in consumers’ lives, it considers what lessons can be learnt from the commercial success of convenience food for those who seek to promote healthier and more sustainable diets. The project draws on original findings from comparative research in the UK, Denmark, Germany and Sweden (funded through the ERA-Net Sustainable Food programme). Reframing Convenience Food avoids moral judgments about convenience food, and instead provides a refreshingly novel perspective guided by an understanding of everyday consumer practice. It will appeal to those with an interest in the sociology and politics behind health, consumerism, sustainability and society.

Land of the Free

by Joe Krone

This set of rules allows players to start with small warbands of 10-20 miniatures of any scale and develop their forces over time, building them up into armies of hundreds of models! No matter the size of a player's collection, these rules will provide an enjoyable game. England and France set upon the New World with a fury, building settlements whenever they could hack a clearing out of the wilderness. Expansion brought them into contact with the natives, with whom they established trade and commerce. The New World was vast but not nearly big enough for the ambitions of these powers and conflict was inevitable. In Europe they call it the Seven Years' War, but in the New World the French and Indian War was fought for dominance over this new land. Nine long years of bloodshed saw England triumphant, but the war had placed great burdens upon colonist and King alike. Tariffs were created to pay for the war but the newly formed colonies quickly realized they were being treated unfairly. "No taxation without representation" became the rallying cry and a cultural revolution ignited into full rebellion. The American Revolution birthed a new nation that faced trials from the very beginning, not least a new conflict against England - the War of 1812. After nearly three years of warfare, the young nation stood strong and started down the road to becoming a new world power.Each player will build their forces using a unique system of command points. Throughout the game these command points will be used to perform actions, resolve morale tests, and reduce the enemy's will to fight. Resource management is determining what command points will be used for which elements and which actions. Risk management is evaluating whether you should extend your command point resources at the danger or exhausting your army and making them susceptible to counter-attack. Victory is determined by who holds the field of battle and which objectives were achieved.

Bolt Action: Armies of Great Britain

by Warlord Games Peter Dennis

From Hitler's Blitzkriegs to the North African desert, Singapore, New Guinea, Burma, India, Sicily, Italy, Normandy, Arnhem, Ardennes, and the Ruhr, Churchill's Commonwealth, composed of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, and many colonies, fought World War II in virtually every theater. bolt Action players can use this book to simulate much more varied armies than what was possible to include in the core rulebook.

Bolt Action: Armies of Italy and the Axis

by Warlord Games

While many nations flocked to the side of the Allies, others joined forces with Germany as part of the Axis. This volume is the definitive guide to the armies of Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia and Finland. Refight the Winter War against the Soviets, hold back the British in North Africa, or help shore up the German offensives on the Eastern Front with this latest supplement for Bolt Action.

Bolt Action: Battleground Europe

by Peter Dennis Warlord Games

Take the fight to the enemy with this new theatre book for Bolt Action. From the D-Day landings to the final battle for Berlin, this volume gives players everything they need to focus their gaming on these final campaigns in the ETO. Scenarios and special rules offer something for all Bolt Action players, regardless of the armies they collect.

Bolt Action: Armies of the United States

by Warlord Games Peter Dennis

With this latest supplement for Bolt Action, players now have all the information they need to field the varied military forces of the United States of America. Entering the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States immediately went to war on several fronts. In Europe and Africa, the Americans battled against the Germans and Italians, while in the Pacific the soldiers of the Army and Marines faced the forces of Imperial Japan. This book allows players to choose from dozens of different troop types including Sherman tanks, Marine raiders, and paratroopers, and build a US force to fight in any theatre of the war.

Bolt Action: Armies of the Soviet Union

by Warlord Games

Stalin's Russian Winter War against Finland, and his World War II campaigns on Nazi Germany's eastern front (around Kiev, Lenningrad, Moscow, Kharkov, Stalingrad, Kursk, Byelorussia, the Balkans, East Prussia, Warsaw, Hungary, and Berlin) constitute the largest land war in world history in terms of the number of troops engaged, and is also impressive in terms of the vast distances fought over. Russia took 20 million military and 20 million civilian casualties during a brutal four year war, and the Germans lost over 2 million military and 2 million civilian casualties as well. Bolt Action allows gamers to recreate a small part of this titanic struggle on the table-top.

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