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Road Trip 13000 feet: रोड ट्रिप १३००० फीट

by Devendra Pandey

तीन अनजाने जो मित्र बने। पहली मुलाकात और पहली ही मुलाकात में रोड ट्रिप की योजना, तीन यात्राएं, तीन पड़ाव, तीन कहानियां, लेकिन मंजिल एक। जिंदगी की परेशानियों और उलझनों से जूझ रहे तीन अनजाने दुनिया जहान को भुला कर एक अनोखे सफर पर निकल पड़े, एक ऐसे अनुभव के लिए जिसने उन्हें बदल कर रख दिया। यात्रा जो मुम्बई के मैदानों से आरम्भ होकर उत्तराखंड की बर्फीली चोटियों तक पहुंच जाती है, जहां उनका सामना उनकी नियति से होता है। नियति जो जीवन मरन से परे जाकर उनके अस्तित्व को ही बदल कर रख देती है। रास्तों में मंजिल खोजने की कहानी।

The Impact of Climate Change and Bioenergy on Nutrition

by Marc J Cohen Brian Thompson

Climate changes will affect food production in a number of ways. Crop yields, aquatic populations and forest productivity will decline, invasive insect and plant species will proliferate and desertification, soil salinization and water stress will increase. Each of these impacts will decrease food and nutrition security, primarily by reducing access to and availability of food, and also by increasing the risk of infectious disease. Although increased biofuel demand has the potential to increase incomes among producers, it can also negatively affect food and nutrition security. Land used for cultivating food crops may be diverted to biofuel production, creating food shortages and raising prices. Accelerations in unregulated or poorly regulated foreign direct investment, deforestation and unsustainable use of chemical fertilizers may also result. Biofuel production may reduce women's control of resources, which may in turn reduce the quality of household diets. Each of these effects increases risk of poor food and nutrition security, either through decreased physical availability of food, decreased purchasing power, or increased risk of disease. The Impact of Climate Change and Bioenergy on Nutrition articulates the links between current environmental issues and food and nutrition security. It provides a unique collection of nutrition statistics, climate change projections, biofuel scenarios and food security information under one cover which will be of interest to policymakers, academia, agronomists, food and nutrition security planners, programme implementers, health workers and all those concerned about the current challenges of climate change, energy production, hunger and malnutrition.

Coral Reefs: An Ecosystem In Transition

by Zvy Dubinsky Noga Stambler

This book covers in one volume materials scattered in hundreds of research articles, in most cases focusing on specialized aspects of coral biology. In addition to the latest developments in coral evolution and physiology, it presents chapters devoted to novel frontiers in coral reef research. These include the molecular biology of corals and their symbiotic algae, remote sensing of reef systems, ecology of coral disease spread, effects of various scenarios of global climate change, ocean acidification effects of increasing CO2 levels on coral calcification, and damaged coral reef remediation. Beyond extensive coverage of the above aspects, key issues regarding the coral organism and the reef ecosystem such as calcification, reproduction, modeling, algae, reef invertebrates, competition and fish are re-evaluated in the light of new research and emerging insights. In all chapters novel theories as well as challenges to established paradigms are introduced, evaluated and discussed. This volume is indispensible for all those involved in coral reef management and conservation.

The Amazon Várzea: The Decade Past and the Decade Ahead

by Christine Padoch Mauro L. Ruffino Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez Eduardo S. Brondízio

This book takes a multi-disciplinary and critical look at what has changed over the last ten years in one of the world's most important and dynamic ecosystems, the Amazon floodplain or várzea. It also looks forward, assessing the trends that will determine the fate of environments and people of the várzea over the next ten years and providing crucial information that is needed to formulate strategies for confronting these looming realities.

Alternative Farming Systems, Biotechnology, Drought Stress and Ecological Fertilisation (Sustainable Agriculture Reviews #6)

by Eric Lichtfouse

Sustainable agriculture is a rapidly growing field aiming at producing food and energy in a sustainable way for our children. This discipline addresses current issues such as climate change, increasing food and fuel prices, starvation, obesity, water pollution, soil erosion, fertility loss, pest control and biodiversity depletion. Novel solutions are proposed based on integrated knowledge from agronomy, soil science, molecular biology, chemistry, toxicology, ecology, economy, philosophy and social sciences. As actual society issues are now intertwined, sustainable agriculture will bring solutions to build a safer world. This book series analyzes current agricultural issues, and proposes alternative solutions, consequently helping all scientists, decision-makers, professors, farmers and politicians wishing to build safe agriculture, energy and food systems for future generations.

Environmental Security in South-Eastern Europe

by Slavko Bogdanovic Massimiliano Montini

Authored by international experts from academia, international organizations, governments and NGOs, this book highlights the main environmental security issues in the South-East European (SEE) countries, with a particular focus on climate change and water management. The common goal of the authors was to provide a reliable evaluation of whether existing legal regimes and correct implementation of applicable international treaties may contribute to reducing environmental security risks in the region. In-depth analyses and assessment of major challenges in compliance, serve as a firm ground which such evaluation is based on. This volume is recommended for public officials, legal practitioners and consultants. Its interest may also extend beyond the SEE countries, serving as a case-study of a broader and paradigmatic relevance of the analysis and management of environmental and security issues in a trans-boundary context.

Technical Challenges of Multipollutant Air Quality Management

by Luisa T. Molina Jeffrey R. Brook Kenneth L. Demerjian Richard D. Scheffe George M. Hidy William T. Pennell

Recent critiques of air quality management approaches currently employed in developed and many developing countries have suggested that efficiencies could be achieved if air quality management practices shifted from pollutant-by-pollutant approaches to a comprehensive multipollutant approach in which emission reduction decisions are based on relative risk and evaluated on their effectiveness in meeting environmental and health goals. This book assesses our technical readiness to undertake such an approach, and it outlines the technical developments that will be needed to achieve a risk-based approach air quality management that includes means for measuring the effectiveness of management decisions.

Spatial Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems

by Graeme S. Cumming

Spatial Resilience is a new and exciting area of interdisciplinary research. It focuses on the influence of spatial variation - including such things as spatial location, context, connectivity, and dispersal - on the resilience of complex systems, and on the roles that resilience and self-organization play in generating spatial variation. Prof. Cumming provides a readable introduction and a first comprehensive synthesis covering the core concepts and applications of spatial resilience to the study of social-ecological systems. The book follows a trajectory from concepts through models, methods, and case study analysis before revisiting the central problems in the further conceptual development of the field. In the process, the author ranges from the movements of lions in northern Zimbabwe to the urban jungles of Europe, and from the collapse of past societies to the social impacts of modern conflict. The many case studies and examples discussed in the book show how the concept of spatial resilience can generate valuable insights into the spatial dynamics of social-ecological systems and contribute to solving some of the most pressing problems of our time. Although it has been written primarily for students, this book will provide fascinating reading for interdisciplinary scientists at all career stages as well as for the interested public. "Graeme Cumming, central in the development of resilience thinking and theory, has produced a wonderful book on spatial resilience, the first ever on this topic. The book will become a shining star, a classic in the explosion of new ideas and approaches to studying and understanding social-ecological systems." Carl Folke, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden

Operational Oceanography in the 21st Century

by Andreas Schiller Gary B. Brassington

Over the past decade the significant advances in real-time ocean observing systems, ocean modelling, ocean data assimilation and super-computing has seen the development and implementation of operational ocean forecast systems of the global ocean. At the conclusion of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) in 2008 ocean analysis and forecasting services were being supported by 12 international centres. This book is about ocean forecasting - a maturing field which remains an active area of research, and includes such topics as ocean predictability, observing system design, high resolution ocean modelling and ocean data assimilation. It presents the introduction to ocean forecasting which provides a foundation for new opportunities in areas of coupled bio-geochemical forecasting and coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean forecasting. The book describes an updated account of research and development to improve forecast systems, determining how best to service the marine user community with forecast information as well as demonstrating impact to their applications. It also discusses operational centres that are now supporting a range of real-time ocean services including online graphical and data products for their user communities and their feedback on the quality of information. The contents of this book are aimed at early career scientists and professionals with an interest in operational oceanography and related ocean science. There are excellent opportunities for exciting careers in the emerging field of operational oceanography in order to address current and future challenges as well as provide the supporting services to a rapidly growing user community.

Sustainable Agriculture Volume 2

by Eric Lichtfouse Marjolaine Hamelin Mireille Navarrete Philippe Debaeke

This book gathers review articles that analyze current agricultural issues and knowledge, then propose alternative solutions. It will therefore help all scientists, decision-makers, professors, farmers and politicians who wish to build a safe agriculture, energy and food system for future generations.

Global Change and Baltic Coastal Zones

by Gerald Schernewski Jacobus Hofstede Thomas Neumann

Climate change and ongoing transformation processes in economy and agriculture will have strong and multiple impacts in the Baltic region. In particular coastal zones face increasing hazards, e.g. due to sea level rise or changes in riverine nutrient loads and eutrophication. These changes also offer a wide range of new opportunities in the Baltic Region. Adaptation measures are needed but require a thorough and spatially differentiated understanding of underlying ecological, economic and social processes. Sixteen contributions by authors from eight countries give a comprehensive overview of these changes, their consequences and practical challenges with focus on coastal zones. Besides risks, the chances and opportunities of changes for the region are addressed and adaptation examples and strategies are given. The practitioners' perspective and their demands are integrated in the various contributions.

The Geography of Wine

by Percy H. Dougherty

Wine has been described as a window into places, cultures and times. Geographers have studied wine since the time of the early Greeks and Romans, when viticulturalists realized that the same grape grown in different geographic regions produced wine with differing olfactory and taste characteristics. This book, based on research presented to the Wine Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers, shows just how far the relationship has come since the time of Bacchus and Dionysus. Geographers have technical input into the wine industry, with exciting new research tackling subjects such as the impact of climate change on grape production, to the use of remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems for improving the quality of crops. This book explores the interdisciplinary connections and science behind world viticulture. Chapters cover a wide range of topics from the way in which landforms and soil affect wine production, to the climatic aberration of the Niagara wine industry, to the social and structural challenges in reshaping the South African wine industry after the fall of apartheid. The fundamentals are detailed too, with a comparative analysis of Bordeaux and Burgundy, and chapters on the geography of wine and the meaning of the term 'terroir'.

Sustainable Agricultural Development

by Mohamed Behnassi Joyce D'Silva Shabbir A. Shahid

Due to many challenges (i.e. climate change, energy, water and land shortage, high demands on food, land grabbing, etc.), agriculture production potential is expected to be seriously affected; thus, increasing food insecurity and hunger in many already affected regions (especially in Africa). In this context, sustainable agriculture is highly recommended as an eco-system approach where soil, water, plants, environment and living organisms live in harmony. Innovative technologies and research should be developed to ensure sustainable agriculture and productivity using modern irrigation systems, improved varieties, improved soil quality, etc. In the meantime, the preservation of natural environment should be based on resource conservation technologies and best management practices. Sustainable Agricultural Development, not only raises the serious ethical and social issues underlying these huge environmental problems, but also aims at presenting successful experiences from all over the world in relation with sustainable farming, sustainable management of water and land resources, and innovative processes in livestock production. It also aims at providing inputs to decision making processes and encouraging the transfer of relevant know-how, technologies and expertise to different countries where similar agro-climatic conditions may exist; thus saving precious resources and promoting sustainable agricultural development as a relevant approach to tackle the food security challenge. Finally, this book focuses on the paradigmatic and policy dimensions and call for an innovative approach by analyzing the key themes in a complex and interrelated manner.


by Ben A. Lepage

The science of wetlands and our understanding of these complex ecosystems have improved considerably. The emergence of multidisciplinary strategies is providing new opportunities and innovative approaches to address issues such as climate change and coastal protection. This book, with contributions from 19 specialists from academia, government, and industry, provides a trans-disciplinary approach to the understanding wetlands science, drawing together a wide range of expertise. Topics covered include the physical aspects that shape different wetlands around the world, as well as wetlands ecology, regulation, policy, and related social and economic issues. Featuring contributions from some of the world's leading wetlands researchers and practitioners, this book provides an invaluable resource for undergraduate and post-graduate training in all aspects of wetlands management, conservation, and construction. It is also a useful auxiliary text for researchers working across disciplines in fields such as wetlands science, law, landscape architecture, environmental engineering, conservation ecology, and related disciplines.

Climate Change Adaptation in Developed Nations: From Theory to Practice (Advances in Global Change Research #42)

by James D. Ford Lea Berrang-Ford

It is now widely accepted that adaptation will be necessary if we are to manage the risks posed by climate change. What we know about adaptation, however, is limited. While there is a well established body of scholarship proposing assessment approaches and explaining concepts, few studies have examined if and how adaptation is taking place at a national or regional level.

Plant-Plant Allelopathic Interactions: Phenolic Acids, Cover Crops and Weed Emergence

by Udo Blum

In an effort to implement conservation measures farmers have used a variety of production methods, including the use of reduced or zero tillage and cover crops. One benefit of these production methods has been early season weed control. The literature suggests that a variety of mechanisms may be involved, among them the allelopathic effects of phenolic acids. This retrospective analysis addresses the following: How likely are phenolic acid concentrations and environmental conditions in wheat no-till cropping systems for the inhibition of annual broadleaf weed emergence? and Do phenolic acids have a dominant role or are they just one component of a larger promoter/modifier/inhibitor complex? The book covers allelopathic plant-plant interactions, laboratory and field experiments, and future research. It uses a journal format, provides justifications for procedures used, if-then hypotheses, and cons and pros so that readers can reach their own conclusions.

Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics

by Paul B. Thompson David M. Kaplan

The field of agricultural and food ethics emerged in the 1980 s as scholars began to recognize the need for explicitly normative scholarship on problems and issues associated with the food system. After 25 years of growth, agricultural and food ethics have blossomed in the wake of food safety scandals and renewed interest in alternative ways to organize the agrifood system. There has been a rapid growth in courses taught and in the entry of new researchers into the topics of agricultural and food ethics over the last five years. Scholarship has now reached a point where there is a need for a cross-cutting reference volume that will enable newcomers to the field to gain orientation to the array of topics and problems, existing scholarship on these topics and problems, and key concepts that have been established in agricultural and food ethics. Active scholars in the field would also benefit from literature reviews and survey articles that facilitate a more cumulative trend in research efforts. "

The Soils of Bangladesh

by Jalal Uddin Shoaib S.M. Imamul Huq

This book presents a comprehensive overview of the soils of Bangladesh. It is compiled by authors with vast experience in soil related problems and potential mitigation approaches. It discusses the development of Soil Science as an individual discipline in a country with limited resources and where soil plays a pivotal role for the economy; the formation of different agro-climatic regions; and the effects of human-induced soil degradation and climatic change on its soils, geology and geomorphology and major soil types. It examines 'problem soils' and how they are managed, the scenario of soil fertility status, and land and crop management, as well as focusing on the future soils. Topics covered include: the history of soil research in Bangladesh; agro-climatic regions of Bangladesh; soil and climatic change, major soil types; soil maps; soil properties; soil classification; soil fertility; land use and vegetation; land use changes; human-induced soil degradation; soil contaminants; and future soil issues. This book will be a valuable resource for researchers and soil science professionals.

Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources: Issues of National and Global Security (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security)

by Alper Baba Antonio Chambel Gökmen Tayfur Ken W.F. Howard Michael J. Friedel Orhan Gündüz

National and global security can be assessed in many ways but one underlying factor for all humanity is access to reliable sources of water for drinking, sanitation, food production and manufacturing industry. In many parts of the world, population growth and an escalating demand for water already threaten the sustainable management of available water supplies. Global warming, climate change and rising sea level are expected to intensify the resource sustainability issue in many water-stressed regions of the world by reducing the annual supply of renewable fresh water and promoting the intrusion of saline water into aquifers along sea coasts, where 50% of the global population reside. Pro-active resource management decisions are required, but such efforts would be futile unless reliable predictions can be made about the impact of the changing global conditions on the water cycle and the quality and availability of critical water reserves. Addressing this wide spectrum of issues, a team of expert authors discusses here the impacts of climate change on the global water resources, the long-term resource management goals at global and local scales, the data requirements and the scientific and technical advances necessary to mitigate the associated impacts.

New Perspectives on People and Forests

by Dainis Dauksta Eva Ritter

The aim of this book is to elucidate the role of forests as part of a landscape in the life of people. Most landscapes today are cultural landscapes that are influenced by human activity and that in turn have a profound effect on our understanding of and identification with a place. The book proposes that a better understanding of the bond between people and forests as integrated part of a landscape may be helpful in landscape planning, and may contribute to the discussion of changes in forest cover which has been motivated by land use changes, rural development and the global climate debate. To this end, people's perception of forest landscapes, the reasons for different perceptions, and future perspectives are discussed. Given the wide range of forest landscapes, and cultural perspectives which exist across the world, the book focuses on Europe as a test case to explore the various relationships between society, culture, forests and landscapes. It looks at historical evidence of the impacts of people on forests and vice versa, explores the current factors affecting people's physical and emotional comfort in forest landscapes, and looks ahead to how changes in forest cover may alter the present relationships of people to forests. Drawing together a diverse literature and combining the expertise of natural and social scientists, this book will form a valuable reference for students and researchers working in the fields of landscape ecology and landscape architecture, geography, social science, environmental psychology or environmental history. It will also be of interest to researchers, government agencies and practitioners with an interest in issues such as sustainable forest management, sustainable tourism, reserve management, urban planning and environmental interpretation.

Emerging Development of Agriculture in East Africa

by Frank Place Keijiro Otsuka Takashi Yamano

Emerging Development of Agriculture in East Africa offers case studies that find promise in many new innovations. Farmers in Uganda have quickly learned the management of NERICA rice (a new upland rice variety), which is being disseminated in a limited way in the region. Also in Uganda, farmers living in more remote areas have improved access to markets due to the expansion of mobile phones. In Kenya, improved milk marketing systems have increased efficiency and led to tangible increases in the adoption of dairy production technologies. And the adoption of intensive dairy production systems in Kenya and Uganda are providing significant amounts of manure and positively impacting yields of maize and banana.

Warfare Ecology

by Gary E. Machlis Jean E. Mckendry Thor Hanson Zdravko Špirić

The purpose of this book is specific and ambitious: to outline the distinctive elements, scope, and usefulness of a new and emerging field of applied ecology named warfare ecology. Based on a NATO Advanced Research Workshop held on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, the book provides both a theoretical overview of this new field and case studies that range from mercury contamination during World War I in Slovenia to the ecosystem impacts of the Palestinian occupation, and from the bombing of coral reefs of Vieques to biodiversity loss due to violent conflicts in Africa. Warfare Ecology also includes reprints of several classical papers that set the stage for the new synthesis described by the authors. Written for environmental scientists, military and humanitarian relief professionals, conservation managers, and graduate students in a wide range of fields, Warfare Ecology is a major step forward in understanding the relationship between war and ecological systems.

Size- and Age-Related Changes in Tree Structure and Function

by Barbara Lachenbruch Todd E. Dawson Frederick C. Meinzer

Millions of trees live and grow all around us, and we all recognize the vital role they play in the world's ecosystems. Publicity campaigns exhort us to plant yet more. Yet until recently comparatively little was known about the root causes of the physical changes that attend their growth. Since trees typically increase in size by three to four orders of magnitude in their journey to maturity, this gap in our knowledge has been a crucial issue to address. Here at last is a synthesis of the current state of our knowledge about both the causes and consequences of ontogenetic changes in key features of tree structure and function. During their ontogeny, trees undergo numerous changes in their physiological function, the structure and mechanical properties of their wood, and overall architecture and allometry. This book examines the central interplay between these changes and tree size and age. It also explores the impact these changes can have, at the level of the individual tree, on the emerging characteristics of forest ecosystems at various stages of their development. The analysis offers an explanation for the importance of discriminating between the varied physical properties arising from the nexus of size and age, as well as highlighting the implications these ontogenetic changes have for commercial forestry and climate change. This important and timely summation of our knowledge base in this area, written by highly respected researchers, will be of huge interest, not only to researchers, but also to forest managers and silviculturists.

Integrating Agriculture, Conservation and Ecotourism: Examples from the Field

by W. Bruce Campbell Silvia López Ortíz

Issues In Agroecology - Present Status and Future Prospectus not only reviews aspects of ecology, but the ecology of sustainable food production systems, and related societal and cultural values. To provide effective communication regarding status and advances in this field, this series connects with many disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, environmental sciences, ethics, agriculture, economics, ecology, rural development, sustainability, policy and education, and integrations of these general themes so as to provide integrated points of view that will help lead to a more sustainable construction of values than conventional economics alone. Such designs are inherently complex and dynamic, and go beyond the individual farm to include landscapes, communities, and biogeographic regions by emphasizing their unique agricultural and ecological values, and their biological, societal, and cultural components and processes.

The Price of Precaution and the Ethics of Risk

by Christian Munthe

Christian Munthe undertakes an innovative, in-depth philosophical analysis of what the idea of a precautionary principle is and should be about. A novel theory of the ethics of imposing risks is developed and used as a foundation for defending the idea of precaution in environmental and technological policy making against its critics, while at the same time avoiding a number of identified flaws. The theory is shown to have far-reaching practical conclusions for areas such as bio-, information- and nuclear technology, and global environmental policy in areas such as climate change. The author argues that, while the price we pay for precaution must not be too high, we have to be prepared to pay it in order to act ethically defensible. A number of practical suggestions for precautionary regulation and policy making are made on the basis of this, and some challenges to basic ethical theory as well as consumerist societies, the global political order and liberal democracy are identified.

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