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Showing 24,201 through 24,225 of 24,837 results

Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean

by Paul Arthur Berkman Alexander N. Vylegzhanin

This seminal book results from a NATO Advanced Research Workshop at the University of Cambridge with Russian co-directorship, enabling the first formal dialogue between NATO and Russia about security issues in the Arctic Ocean. Involving interdisciplinary participation with experts from 17 nations, including all of the Arctic states, this workshop itself reflects progress in Arctic cooperation and collaboration. Interests now are awakening globally to take advantage of extensive energy, shipping, fishing and tourism opportunities in the Arctic Ocean as it is being transformed from a permanent sea-ice cap to a seasonally ice-free sea. This environmental state-change is introducing inherent risks of political, economic and cultural instabilities that are centralized among the Arctic states and indigenous peoples with repercussions globally. Responding with urgency, environmental security is presented as an "integrated approach for assessing and responding to the risks as well as the opportunities generated by an environmental state-change." In this book - diverse perspectives on environmental security in the Arctic Ocean are shared in chapters from high-level diplomats, parliamentarians and government officials of Arctic and non-Arctic states; leaders of Arctic indigenous peoples organizations; international law advisors from Arctic states as well as the United Nations; directors of inter-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations; managers of multi-national corporations; political scientists, historians and economists; along with Earth system scientists and oceanographers. Building on the "common arctic issues" of "sustainable development and environmental protection" established by the Arctic Council - environmental security offers an holistic approach to assess opportunities and risks as well as develop infrastructure responses with law of the sea as the key "international legal framework" to "promote the peaceful uses" of the Arctic Ocean. With vision for future generations, environmental security is a path to balance national interests and common interests in the Arctic Ocean for the lasting benefit of all.

Development Cooperation Policy in Forestry from an Analytical Perspective

by Peter Aurenhammer

Any reader eager to gain a comprehensive insight into forest development policy, praxis and reality shouldn't miss this excellent publication. Hard to find a comparable reading where the author is digging as deep into Forest Development Policy. The author discovered numerous highly relevant theories as well as inspiring cases about forests and people from around the world, focusing on 'change' rather than 'development' and on the role of various actors in creating or preventing 'change'. The exciting results uncover reality and lead to inspiring discussions on concepts of development cooperation. All individual theoretical arguments and empirical proofs are well based and shed light into the political process of Forest Development Policy. The book is an essential contribution to scholarly debate and research on forestry in the South, and its relations to development cooperation, for both, readers with theoretical and practice related interests.

Transhumanism and Society

by Stephen Lilley

This book provides an introductory overview to the social debate over enhancement technologies with an overview of the transhumanists' call to bypass human nature and conservationists' argument in defense of it. The author present this controversy as it unfolds in the contest between transhumanists proponents and conservationists, who push back with an argument to conserve human nature and to ban enhancement technologies. This book provides an overview of the key contested points and present the debate in an orderly, constructive fashion. Readers are informed about the discussion over humanism, the tension between science and religion, and the interpretation of socio-technological revolutions; and are invited to make up their own mind about one of the most challenging topics concerning the social and ethical implications of technological advancements.

Climate Change, Climate Science and Economics: Prospects for an Alternative Energy Future

by G. Cornelis van Kooten

This volume enables readers to understand the complexity associated with climate change policy and the science behind it. For example, the author describes the criticism and defense of the widely known "hockey stick" temperature graph derived from combining instrumental data and proxy temperature indications using tree ring, ice core and other paleoclimatic data. Readers will also learn that global warming cannot easily be avoided by reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in rich countries. Not only is emissions reduction extremely difficult in rich countries, but demands such as the UN mandate to improve the lives of the poorest global citizens cannot be satisfied without significantly increasing global energy use, and CO2 emissions. Therefore, the author asserts that climate engineering and adaptation are preferable to mitigation, particularly since the science is less than adequate for making firm statements about the Earth's future climate. Readers will also learn that global warming cannot easily be avoided by reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in rich countries. Not only is emissions reduction extremely difficult in rich countries, but demands such as the UN mandate to improve the lives of the poorest global citizens cannot be satisfied without significantly increasing global energy use, and CO2 emissions. Therefore, the author asserts that climate engineering and adaptation are preferable to mitigation, particularly since the science is less than adequate for making firm statements about the Earth's future climate.

Forest and Nature Governance

by Jelle Behagel Bas Arts Jessica De Koning Esther Turnhout Séverine Van Bommel

Today, problems such as deforestation, biodiversity loss and illegal logging have provoked various policy responses that are often referred to as forest and nature governance. In its broadest interpretation, governance is about the many ways in which public and private actors from the state, market and/or civil society govern public issues at multiple scales. This book takes a fresh perspective on the study of forest and nature governance. Departing from 'practice theory', and building upon scholars like Giddens, Bourdieu, Reckwitz, Schatzki and Callon, it seeks to move beyond established understandings of institutions, actors, and knowledge. In so doing, it not only presents an innovative conceptual and methodological framework for a practice based approach, but also rich case studies and ethnographies. Finally, this book is about how actors involved in governance talk about and work with trees, forests, biodiversity, wildlife, and so on, while acting upon forest policies, environmental discourses, codes of conduct, or scientific insights.

Management Planning for Nature Conservation: A Theoretical Basis & Practical Guide

by Mike Alexander

The first edition of Mike Alexander's Management Planning for Nature Conservation, brought a new dimension to the modern literature on conservation management. This second edition, a significant enhancement of the original, deals with the development both, conceptual and practical, of adaptive management planning for nature conservation. It is about preparing management plans, and guides the reader through the entire process. Case-studies, including a conservation and access plan, demonstrate the planning process in action. This approach to planning can be applied to any place which is managed entirely, or in part, for wildlife. It can be applied to the management of species or habitats in any circumstance, regardless of site designation. The process is fully compatible with the Convention on Biological Diversity's 'ecosystem approach' to conservation management. Mike Alexander has long been at the forefront of developing management planning for conservation, with experience ranging from Uganda to Estonia, and from Costa Rica to Wales. He is the General Secretary of the Conservation Management System Consortium, a group of organisations with a common aim of raising standards and developing best practice in conservation management and planning. In 2012 Mike Alexander was elected a Fellow of the Society of Biology in recognition of his contribution to nature conservation and in particular management planning. This book has drawn on the experiences and expertise of the CMS consortium and other leaders in both conservation research and wildlife management from around the world. It is essential reading for professional conservation managers and any student studying management planning for conservation within a range of degree and postgraduate courses.

Application of Nature Based Algorithm in Natural Resource Management

by Mrinmoy Majumder Rabindra Nath Barman

This book highlights the application of nature-based algorithms in natural resource management. The book includes the methodologies to apply what natural flora or fauna do to optimize their survival. The same technique was used to optimize renewable energy generation from water resources, maximization of profit from crop harvesting, forest resource management and decision-making studies. These studies can be used as an example for finding solutions of the other maximization or minimization problems which are common in natural resource management.

Broad Scale Coastal Simulation: New Techniques to Understand and Manage Shorelines in the Third Millennium (Advances in Global Change Research #49)

by Robert J. Nicholls Richard J. Dawson Sophie A. Day

Coastal zones exemplify the environmental pressures we face: their beauty attracts settlement, they offer potential for diverse economic activities, and they are sensitive natural habitats for important species, as well as providing a range of ecosystem services. They are also extremely vulnerable to the vicissitudes of climate change, which include rising sea levels and changes in extreme events such as storms. With large populations living in coastal and estuarine cities facing the ongoing threat of inundation, coordinated management is essential, especially as coastal zones form a linked system in which piecemeal, uncoordinated management could be counterproductive.

Soil Emission of Nitrous Oxide and its Mitigation

by Rattan Lal David Ussiri

Nitrous oxide gas is a long-lived relatively active greenhouse gas (GHG) with an atmospheric lifetime of approximately 120 years, and heat trapping effects about 310 times more powerful than carbon dioxide per molecule basis. It contributes about 6% of observed global warming. Nitrous oxide is not only a potent GHG, but it also plays a significant role in the depletion of stratospheric ozone. This book describes the anthropogenic sources of N2O with major emphasis on agricultural activities. It summarizes an overview of global cycling of N and the role of nitrous oxide on global warming and ozone depletion, and then focus on major source, soil borne nitrous oxide emissions. The spatial-temporal variation of soil nitrous oxide fluxes and underlying biogeochemical processes are described, as well as approaches to quantify fluxes of N2O from soils. Mitigation strategies to reduce the emissions, especially from agricultural soils, and fertilizer nitrogen sources are described in detail in the latter part of the book.

Climate Change Impacts on Plant Biomass Growth

by Mohammad Ali

This book offers a methodical explanation of our biomass-driven ecosystem, the undeniable uncertainties posed by the response of vegetation to changes in environmental conditions and the fact that humans everywhere have an interest, even an obligation, to cooperate in a global campaign to combat climate change.

Climate Change and the Law (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #21)

by Michael Mehling Kati Kulovesi Erkki J. Hollo

Climate Change and the Law is the first scholarly effort to systematically address doctrinal issues related to climate law as an emergent legal discipline. It assembles some of the most recognized experts in the field to identify relevant trends and common themes from a variety of geographic and professional perspectives. In a remarkably short time span, climate change has become deeply embedded in important areas of the law. As a global challenge calling for collective action, climate change has elicited substantial rulemaking at the international plane, percolating through the broader legal system to the regional, national and local levels. More than other areas of law, the normative and practical framework dedicated to climate change has embraced new instruments and softened traditional boundaries between formal and informal, public and private, substantive and procedural; so ubiquitous is the reach of relevant rules nowadays that scholars routinely devote attention to the intersection of climate change and more established fields of legal study, such as international trade law. Climate Change and the Law explores the rich diversity of international, regional, national, sub-national and transnational legal responses to climate change. Is climate law emerging as a new legal discipline? If so, what shared objectives and concepts define it? How does climate law relate to other areas of law? Such questions lie at the heart of this new book, whose thirty chapters cover doctrinal questions as well as a range of thematic and regional case studies. As Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), states in her preface, these chapters collectively provide a "review of the emergence of a new discipline, its core principles and legal techniques, and its relationship and potential interaction with other disciplines."

Research, Action and Policy: Addressing the Gendered Impacts of Climate Change

by Kerri Whittenbury Margaret Alston

Research, Action and Policy: Addressing the Gendered Impacts of Climate Change presents the voices of women from every continent, women who face vastly different climate events and challenges. The book heralds a new way of understanding climate change that incorporates gender justice and human rights for all.

Response of Flood Events to Land Use and Climate Change

by Azadeh Ramesh

This book is an original and novel contribution to flood hazard assessment, climate change and land use change and is intended to serve both as an effective source of information and a valuable basis for priority setting and further technical, financial and political decisions regarding flood hazard assessment. The study area is located on the floodplain of the Ubaye River in the Barcelonnette area, part of the Alpes de Haute Provence in southeast France. The book offers a comparative overview of the major challenges faced when dealing with flood hazards. The research presented is intended to promote a deeper understanding of how climate change and land use change processes have evolved from past to present, and how they affect the flow regime of the Ubaye River based on sound and reproducible scientific arguments. The methodology implemented ranges from remote sensing interpretation to hydrodynamic modeling and includes the application of spatial and statistical modeling. The results of this research provide essential information for policymaking, decision-making support and flood hazard planning in the Barcelonnette area.

Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 6, Fruits

by T. K. Lim

This book continues as volume 6 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. It covers edible fruits/seeds used fresh, cooked or processed into other by-products, or as vegetables, cereals, spices, stimulant, edible oils and beverages. It covers selected species from the following families: Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae, Schisandraceae, Solanaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Urticaceae, Vitaceae and Winteraceae. This work will be of significant interest to scientists, researchers, medical practitioners, pharmacologists, ethnobotanists, horticulturists, food nutritionists, agriculturists, botanists, conservationists, lecturers, students and the general public. Topics covered include: taxonomy; common/English and vernacular names; origin and distribution; agroecology; edible plant parts and uses; botany; nutritive and pharmacological properties, medicinal uses and research findings; nonedible uses; and selected references.

Functions of Natural Organic Matter in Changing Environment

by Jianjun Wu Jianming Xu Yan He

Functions of Natural Organic Matter in Changing Environment presents contributions from the 16th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS 16) held in Hangzhou, China on September 9-14, 2012. It provides a comprehensive and updated research advance in the field of characterization, function, application of humic substances (HS) and natural organic matter (NOM) in environment, agriculture, and industry. A broad range of topics are covered: i) formation, structure and characteristics of HS and NOM; ii) HS/NOM and carbon sequestration; iii) HS/NOM and biogeochemical cycling of nutrients; iv) HS/NOM and the environmental processes of toxic elements and anthropogenic organics; v) HS/NOM, naturally occurring and engineered nanoparticles; vi) HS/NOM, biodiversity and ecosystem health; vii) HS/NOM in water and water treatment; viii) characterization and function of biochar in the environment; and ix) industrial products and application of HS. The book will be an invaluable reference for chemists, biologists, environmental scientists, ecologists, soil scientists, water scientists, agronomists, global change researchers and policy makers. Jianming Xu is Professor and Director at the Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Jianjun Wu is Professor at the Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Yan He is Associate Professor at the Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

The Soils of Italy

by Carmelo Dazzi Edoardo A.C. Costantini

The Soils of Italy is the first comprehensive book on Italian pedology in seventy years. Taking advantage of the authors' large experience and of the most up-to-date information and technology, this book treats the main soil types of Italy, their diffusion, their functions, ecological use, and the threats to which they are subjected during centuries of intensive management. It also deals with future scenarios of the relationships between soil science and other disciplines, such as urban development, medicine, economics, sociology, and archaeology. The description of the soils is accompanied by a complete set of data, pictures and maps, including benchmark profiles. Factors of soil formation are also treated, making use of new, unpublished data and elaborations. The book also includes a history of pedological research in Italy, spanning over a century.

Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 5, Fruits

by T. K. Lim

This book continues as volume 5 of a multicompendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. It covers edible fruits/seeds used fresh, cooked or processed as vegetables, cereals, spices, stimulant, edible oils and beverages. It covers selected species from the following families: Apiaceae, Brassicaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Cunoniaceae, Lythraceae, Papaveraceae, Poaceae, Polygalaceae, Polygonaceae, Proteaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rubiaceae, Salicaceae, Santalaceae, Xanthorrhoeaceae and Zingiberaceae. This work will be of significant interest to scientists, medical practitioners, pharmacologists, ethnobotanists, horticulturists, food nutritionists, botanists, agriculturists, conservationists, lecturers, students and the general public. Topics covered include: taxonomy; common/English and vernacular names; origin and distribution; agroecology; edible plant parts and uses; botany; nutritive/pharmacological properties, medicinal uses, nonedible uses; and selected references.

The Soils of Mexico

by Carlos Omar Cruz-Gaistardo Elizabeth Solleiro-Rebolledo Ma. del Gutiérrez-Castorena Pavel Krasilnikov Robert J. Ahrens Sergey Sedov

Mexico is an extensive country with an extremely complex mosaic of landscapes. The soils of Mexico have still not been completely studied, and there are few publications available on this subject. This book provides a state-of-the-art view on Mexican soils, their geographical distribution, their use and degradation. This is a first attempt to give a systematized characteristic of the soil resources of Mexico. Land resources of the second-biggest economy in Latin America are critical for its sustainable development, and a demand for adequate soil information is high. The information contained within can be used for any soil-related research done in Mexico and in neighboring countries. The book includes detailed characteristics of soils of all the physiographic regions of Mexico with maps, photos and explanatory schemes. The book is based on the experiences of the authors in research and soil survey, as well as on the existent, mainly 'grey' literature on Mexican soils. The book is recommended for researchers and university readers, students of all levels and decision-makers, working in the area of soil science, environmental issues, Earth sciences, land management and nature conservation.

Soils: Principles, Properties and Management

by Khan Towhid Osman

Aimed at taking the mystery out of soil science, Soils: Principles, Properties and Management is a text for undergraduate/graduate students who study soil as a natural resource. Written in a reader-friendly style, with a host of examples, figures and tables, the book leads the reader from the basics of soil science through to complex situations, covering such topics as: the origin, development and classification of soil physical, chemical and biological properties of soil water and nutrient management management of problem soils, wetland soils and forest soils soil degradation Further, the ecological and agrological functions of soil are emphasized in the context of food security, biodiversity and climate change. The interactions between the environment and soil management are highlighted. Soil is viewed as an ecosystem itself and as a part of larger terrestrial ecosystems.

Urbanization and Sustainability

by Christopher G Boone Michail Fragkias

Case studies explore the Million Trees initiative in Los Angeles; the relationship of cap-and-trade policy, public health, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental justice in Southern California; Urbanization, vulnerability and environmental justice in the Brazilian cities of Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba and São Paulo, and in Antofagasta, Greater Concepción and Valparaiso in Chile; Sociospatial patterns of vulnerability in the American southwest; and Urban flood control and land use planning in Greater Taipei, Taiwan ROC.

Developments in Soil Salinity Assessment and Reclamation

by Faisal K. Taha Mahmoud A. Abdelfattah Shabbir A. Shahid

The papers assembled here cover topics such as technological advances in soil salinity mapping and monitoring, management and reclamation of salt-affected soils, use of marginal quality water for crop production, salt-tolerance mechanisms in plants, biosaline agriculture and agroforestry, microbiological interventions for marginal soils, opportunities and challenges in using marginal waters, and soil and water management in irrigated agriculture.

Factor X

by Michael Angrick Andreas Burger Harry Lehmann

Factor X: Re-source--Designing the Recycling Society explores the role of recycling in efforts to achieve the sustainable world envisioned in the Federal Environment Ministry's Resource Efficiency Programme, known as ProgRess. The chapters build a roadmap to a Recycling Society in which the decoupling of resource consumption and economic growth is accomplished.

Patterns of Land Degradation in Drylands: Understanding Self-Organised Ecogeomorphic Systems

by Anthony J. Parsons Eva Nora Mueller John Wainwright Laura Turnbull

This book explores the theory of ecogeomorphic pattern-process linkages, using case studies from Europe, Africa, Australia and North America. Sets forth a research agenda for the emerging field of ecogeomorphology in drylands land-degradation studies.

Principles of Animal Biometeorology

by Roberto Gomes da Silva Alex Sandro Campos Maia

The book begins by describing in detail the mechanisms of energy exchange - radiative, convective, conductive and evaporative - together with techniques for their determination. The discussion extends to the importance of CO2, ozone and methane, together with that of aerosol pollutants and the evolution of atmospheric CO2. Subsequent chapters apply the results of the biophysical methods to mammals, birds and aquatic animals. Discussion includes problems of shelter and shade for animals in tropical environments and techniques for the thermal evaluation for shelters and for several tree types. The details of heat exchange between animals and the environment are presented, in separate chapters covering Mammals and Birds and Aquatic Mammals. A chapter on Shade and Shelter describes the importance of shade for animals, factors of shade efficiency, the protections offered by shelter and methods of calculating the protection afforded by both shade and shelter. A Special Methods chapter offers a variety of techniques for evaluating cutaneous and respiratory evaporation, and practical methods for sampling of hairs and the evaluation of hair coat characteristics.

Global Approaches to Site Contamination Law

by Elizabeth Brandon

The book describes the complex and variable laws addressing site contamination, reviewing existing international, regional and national law of relevance to site contamination. It also offers detailed case studies of national approaches to the issue, and goes on to explore avenues for promoting the development of comprehensive domestic laws on site contamination, with a focus on the role of international law and actors. A detailed discussion analyzes such variations as a binding international legal instrument, a non-binding instrument, and a model framework for site contamination management. The text includes recommendations regarding the key elements needed for regulating site contamination at the national level. The author also offers an appropriate and feasible timetable for international action to promote better national law and policy regarding contaminated sites.

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