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Law, Property and Disasters: Adaptive Perspectives from the Global South

by Daniel Fitzpatrick Caroline Compton

This book re-considers property law for a future of environmental disruption. As slogans such as “build the wall” or “stop the boats” affect public policy, there are counter-questions as to whether positivist or statist notions of property are fit for purpose in a time of human mobility and environmental disruption. State-centric property laws construct legal fictions of sovereign control over land, notwithstanding the persistent reality of informal settlements in many parts of the Global South. In a world affected by catastrophic disasters, this book develops a vision of adaptive governance for property in land based on a critical re-assessment of state-centric property law. This book will appeal to a broad readership with interests in legal theory, property law, adaptive governance, international development, refugee studies, postcolonial studies, and natural disasters.

Hurricane Harvey's Aftermath: Place, Race, and Inequality in Disaster Recovery

by Kevin M. Fitzpatrick Matthew L. Spialek

Heartbreaking stories from survivors along the Texas Gulf CoastHurricane Harvey was one of the worst American natural disasters in recorded history. It ravaged the Texas Gulf Coast, and left thousands of people homeless in its wake. In Hurricane Harvey’s Aftermath, Kevin M. Fitzpatrick and Matthew L. Spialek offer first-hand accounts from survivors themselves, providing a rare, on-the-ground perspective of natural disaster recovery. Drawing on interviews from more than 350 survivors, the authors trace the experiences of individuals and their communities, both rich and poor, urban and rural, white, Latinx, and Black, and how they navigated the long and difficult road to recovery after Hurricane Harvey. From Corpus Christi to Galveston, they paint a vivid, compelling picture of heartache and destruction, as well as resilience and recovery, as survivors slowly begin rebuilding their lives and their communities. An emotionally provocative read, Hurricane Harvey’s Aftermath provides insight into how ordinary people experience and persevere through a disaster in an age of environmental vulnerability.

Hurricanes: A Reference Handbook (2nd edition)

by Patrick J. Fitzpatrick

This book provides background on issues, people, organizations, statistics, and publications related to hurricanes. Most material is based on peer-reviewed literature and has been updated for this second edition. Written in a readable style, with occasional technical overtones, the book follows the series' format, with chapters on problems and solutions, a global perspective, a chronology, biographical sketches, facts and data, and lists of organizations and print and non-print resources.

Climate Change and Poverty: A New Agenda for Developed Nations

by Tony Fitzpatrick

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Climate change is the main challenge facing developed countries in the 21st century. To what extent does this agenda converge with issues of poverty and social exclusion? Climate change and poverty offers a timely new perspective on the ‘ecosocial’ understanding of the causes and symptoms of, and solutions to, poverty and applies this to recent developments across a number of areas, including fuel poverty, food poverty, housing, transport and air pollution. Unlike any other publication, the book therefore establishes a new agenda for both environmental and social policies which has cross-national relevance. It will appeal to students in social policy, public policy, applied social studies and politics and will also be of interest to those studying international development, economics and geography

A Green History of the Welfare State (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies)

by Tony Fitzpatrick

Environmental problems – particularly climate change – have become increasingly important to governments and social researchers in recent decades. Debates about their implications for social policies and welfare reforms are now moving towards centre stage. What has been missing from such debates is an account of the history of the welfare state in relation to environmental issues and green ideas. A Green History of the Welfare State fills this gap. How have the environmental and social policy agendas developed? To what extent have welfare systems been informed by the principles of environmental ethics and politics? How effective has the welfare state been at addressing environmental problems? How might the history of social policies be reimagined? With its lively, chronological narrative, this book provides answers to these questions. Through overviews of key periods, politicians and reforms the book weaves together a range of subjects into a new kind of historical tapestry, including: social policy, economics, party politics, government action and legislation, and environmental issues. This book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of environmental policy and history, social and public policy, social history, sociology and politics.

Understanding the environment and social policy (Understanding Welfare: Social Issues, Policy and Practice)

by Tony Fitzpatrick

Bringing together leading experts, this textbook explores the key social, political, economic and moral challenges that environmental problems pose for social policy in a global context. Combining theory and practice with an interdisciplinary approach, the book reviews the current strategies and policies and provides a critique of proposed future developments in the field. Understanding the environment and social policy guides the reader through the subject in an accessible way using chapter summaries, further reading, recommended webpages, a glossary and questions for discussion. Providing a much-needed overview, the book will be invaluable reading for students, teachers, activists, practitioners and policymakers.

Rethinking Economic Growth Theory From a Biophysical Perspective

by Blair Fix

Neoclassical growth theory is the dominant perspective for explaining economic growth. At its core are four implicit assumptions: 1) economic output can become decoupled from energy consumption; 2) economic distribution is unrelated to growth; 3) large institutions are not important for growth; and 4) labor force structure is not important for growth. Drawing on a wide range of data from the economic history of the United States, this book tests the validity of these assumptions and finds no empirical support. Instead, connections are found between the growth in energy consumption and such disparate phenomena as economic redistribution, corporate employment concentration, and changing labor force structure. The integration of energy into an economic growth model has the potential to offer insight into the future effects of fossil fuel depletion on key macroeconomic indicators, which is already manifested in stalled or diminished growth and escalating debt in many national economies. This book argues for an alternative, biophysical perspective to the study of growth, and presents a set of "stylized facts" that such an approach must successfully explain. Aspects of biophysical analysis are combined with differential monetary analysis to arrive at a unique empirical methodology for investigating the elements and dependencies of the economic growth process.

Investing in Resource Efficiency: The Economics and Politics of Financing the Resource Transition

by Florian Flachenecker Jun Rentschler

This book covers the multi-faceted incentives, trade-offs, and challenges associated with the economics and politics of resource efficiency investments. By contributing a wide range of empirical evidence, practitioners' insights, and policy perspectives, this book carefully examines the role of resource efficiency in reconciling environmental and economic considerations. It also discusses the critical role of resource efficiency investments in mitigating climate change and enabling sustainable development. Featuring expert insights from academia, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, this book provides a policy oriented guide, reference, and toolbox for unlocking the potential of resource efficiency. To this end, it identifies practical measures for overcoming barriers and creating smart incentives for leveraging resource efficiency investments. Overall, this book brings together evidence to develop innovative ideas and strategies for improving the efficient use of resources and advancing clean and sustainable development."This book is an important and timely contribution", Angel Gurria, Secretary General, OECD

The Wild Within: Histories of a Landmark British Zoo

by Andrew Flack

Established in 1836, the Bristol Zoo is the world’s oldest surviving zoo outside of a capital city and has frequently been at the vanguard of zoo innovation. In The Wild Within, Andrew Flack uses the experiences of the Bristol Zoo to explore the complex and ever-changing relationship between human and beast, which in many cases has altered radically over time.Flack recounts a history in which categories and identities combined, converged, and came into conflict, as the animals at Bristol proved to be extremely adaptive. He also reveals aspects of the human-animal bond, however, that have remained remarkably consistent not only throughout the zoo’s existence but for centuries, including the ways in which even the captive animals with the most distinct qualities and characteristics are misunderstood when viewed through an anthropocentric lens.Flack strips back the layers of the human-animal relationship from those rooted in objectification and homogenization to those rooted in the recognition of consciousness and individual experience. The multifaceted beasts and protean people in The Wild Within challenge a host of assumptions--both within and outside the zoo--about what it means to be human or animal in the modern world.

Zurück zur Natur?: Erkenntnisse und Konzepte der Naturpsychologie

by Antje Flade

Das Buch informiert anschaulich und verständlich über die positiven Effekte grüner Natur im Lebensalltag des Menschen.<P><P> Es geht auf die diversen Aspekte und Fragen unterschiedlicher Akteure zur Begrünung ein.<P> Mit praktischen Beispielen für eine Begrünung von Wohngebieten und städtischen Orten und Plätzen .<P> Das Buch informiert über die positiven Effekte von Natur im Lebensalltag des Menschen. Sowohl infolge der Verstädterung als auch der technologischen Entwicklung verschwindet die natürliche Umwelt aus der Lebenswelt des Menschen immer mehr. Das Buch möchte die Frage beantworten, inwieweit und in welcher Weise ein „Zurück zur Natur“ in gebauten Umwelten und technischen Kulturen Sinn macht. Untersucht wird, wie dies in Wohn- sowie Lern- und Arbeitsumwelten bewerkstelligt werden könnte, und wie Umwelten, die der Erholung und Gesundung dienen, noch stärker von der Erholkraft der Natur profitieren könnten. Im abschließenden Kapitel wird Fragen der Stadtentwicklung bezogen auf die positiven Wirkungen von grüner Natur in der urbanen Umwelten nachgegangen. Das Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis wird beleuchtet.

Climate Resilience: How We Keep Each Other Safe, Care for Our Communities, and Fight Back Against Climate Change

by Kylie Flanagan

An intersectional primer for saving the planet: place-based perspectives and community-led tools for fighting climate change—for readers of The Intersectional Environmentalist and All We Can Save"An essential, inspired chorus of voices echoing the urgency of action in the fight against climate change." —Kirkus ReviewsIn Climate Resilience, climate justice and resilience strategist Kylie Flanagan invites us to see and act beyond status-quo solutions, Big Tech promises...and everything we&’re usually told about how to save the planet.Centering the voices of Native Rights activists, queer liberation ecologists, youth climate-justice organizers, Latinx wilderness activists, and others on the front lines, Climate Resilience urges us toward a vision of climate care that invests in place-based, community-led projects focused on:Relationship RepairEcological RestorationEconomic RegenerationCollective CareCommunity AdaptationCultural StrategyPeople PowerEach section offers practical blueprints for engaging with different aspects of climate-change action through mutual aid, seed-saving, community-owned energy, community safety plans, and more, and includes a range of ideas for readers to apply these strategies in their own communities.

In the Herbarium: The Hidden World of Collecting and Preserving Plants

by Maura C. Flannery

How herbaria illuminate the past and future of plant science Collections of preserved plant specimens, known as herbaria, have existed for nearly five centuries. These pressed and labeled plants have been essential resources for scientists, allowing them to describe and differentiate species and to document and research plant changes and biodiversity over time—including changes related to climate. Maura C. Flannery tells the history of herbaria, from the earliest collections belonging to such advocates of the technique as sixteenth-century botanist Luca Ghini, to the collections of poets, politicians, and painters, and to the digitization of these precious specimens today. She charts the growth of herbaria during the Age of Exploration, the development of classification systems to organize the collections, and herbaria&’s indispensable role in the tracking of climate change and molecular evolution. Herbaria also have historical, aesthetic, cultural, and ethnobotanical value—these preserved plants can be linked to the Indigenous peoples who used them, the collectors who sought them out, and the scientists who studied them. This book testifies to the central role of herbaria in the history of plant study and to their continued value, not only to biologists but to entirely new users as well: gardeners, artists, students, and citizen-scientists.

La amenaza del cambio climático

by Tim Flannery

¿Qué significa el cambio climático? ¿Cómo afectará el calentamiento global a nuestras vidas? ¿Es la causa de las tormentas extremas y de las sequías cada vez más frecuentes? ¿Son inevitables estos sucesos? Con este libro, Tim Flannery responde a cuestiones tan urgentes como éstas y otras muchas. Para ayudarnos a comprender el dilema al que nos enfrentamos, nos cuenta con detalle la fascinante historia del clima y su posible futuro, pues si seguimos quemando combustibles fósiles, aumentarán los niveles de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera y esto provocará un calentamiento del planeta aún mayor. A pesar de que cada país se ve influido de manera diferente por estos efectos no deseados, todos tenemos algo en común: la amenaza del cambio climático. La nueva meteorología que estamos generando pone en peligro el futuro de nuestra civilización. Tenemos que ser conscientes de que el estado de la atmósfera y del subsuelo, del agua y de la tierra depende de nosotros. Pero este reconocido científico va más allá de relatar la historia del clima y no pierde el optimismo. Con gran entusiasmo, Flannery muestra cómo podemos colaborar en la lucha contra estos problemas y nos transmite su confianza en una futura solución si todos nos implicamos. Nos sorprenderá lo mucho que aún podemos hacer. La amenaza del cambio climático nos puede cambiar la vida. Reseñas:«Por fin una explicación clara sobre una de las cuestiones más importantes y polémicas de la actualidad.»Jared Diamond «Éste es el libro que el mundo ha estado esperando -y necesitando- durante décadas. Por fin un libro que presenta, para el público general, la prueba irrefutable de que el cambio climático ya se está produciendo, y la necesidad de ser muy serios con este tema... rápidamente.»Peter Singer «Todo aquel que lea La amenaza del cambio climático podrá apreciar la fragilidad de nuestro clima y comprender que es ésta la generación que debe actuar para protegerla.»Tony Blair

Aquí en la Tierra: Argumentos para la esperanza

by Tim Flannery

Tim Flannery quiere ofrecernos un cambio de perspectiva y nos invita a reconsiderar nuestro lugar en la Tierra, qué significa realmente estar vivos. Aquí en la Tierra es una revolucionaria doble biografía de nuestro planeta y de nuestra especie. Flannery recrea la trayectoria del mundo, desde sus orígenes como una caótica masa de gases elementales a los paisajes abarrotados que ahora habitamos. Y es una historia asombrosa. ¿Cómo surgió la vida? ¿Qué fuerzas le dieron forma? ¿Cómo llegamos a convertirnos en la especie dominante? ¿Cuándo empezamos a alterar el planeta? Y lo que es más importante, ¿cómo nos ha cambiado como especie? La formidable fuerza de la naturaleza nunca ha sido tan bien representada como en este libro. Ni, sorprendentemente, el poder transformador de las ideas. La más feroz rivalidad por la supervivencia ha dado paso a la cooperación. Y el desafío al que ahora nos enfrentamos es cómo preservar el frágil equilibrio del planeta. Nuestro destino está en nuestras manos. Pero primero tendremos que saber quiénes somos. Reseñas:«Absorbente, divertido e increíblemente erudito.»Bill Bryson «Flannery ha conseguido unir la historia del planeta, la biología evolutiva y su propia experiencia. Es el triunfo de lo interdisciplinar, y merece ser ampliamente leído.»Financial Times «Un libro maravilloso. Indispensable para optimistas y para pesimistas.»New Scientist

Atmosphere of Hope: Searching for Solutions to the Climate Crisis

by Tim Flannery

A decade ago, Tim Flannery’s #1 international bestseller, The Weather Makers, was one of the first books to break the topic of climate change out into the general conversation. <P><P>Today, Earth’s climate system is fast approaching a crisis. Political leadership has not kept up, and public engagement with the issue of climate change has declined. Opinion is divided between technological optimists and pessimists who feel that catastrophe is inevitable. <P><P>The publication of this new book is timed for the lead-up to the Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015, which aims to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate from all the nations in the world. This book anticipates and will influence the debates. <P><P>Time is running out, but catastrophe is not inevitable. Around the world people are now living with the consequences of an altered climate-with intensified and more frequent storms, wildfires, droughts and floods. For some it’s already a question of survival. <P><P>Drawing on the latest science, Flannery gives a snapshot of the trouble we are in and more crucially, proposes a new way forward, including rapidly progressing clean technologies and a "third way” of soft geo-engineering. Tim Flannery, with his inimitable style, makes this urgent issue compelling and accessible. This is a must-read for anyone interested in our global future.

Deep Dive into Deep Sea: Exploring The Most Mysterious Levels Of The Ocean

by Tim Flannery

Internationally renowned author and scientist Tim Flannery explores the most remote and mysterious levels of Earth’s oceans. Who is the giant squid’s mortal enemy? Can you see ghosts in the deep sea? What in the world is a headless chicken monster? Tim Flannery has the answers. In this informed and accessible book, he takes readers on a journey into the darkest depths of this unchartered realm to learn about the incredible creatures living there. Divided into sections that focus on the various depths of the ocean, readers can navigate their way through the sea while being guided by anecdotes from Tim’s own personal experiences. From hairy sea devils and goblin sharks to entire ecosystems within whale carcasses, he uncovers fascinating and bizarre facts about this enchanting place and the slippery, scaly, and strange creatures that live there. Packed with vibrant illustrations and snappy engaging text, Deep Dive into Deep Sea will enthrall, enlighten, and capture the imaginations and passions of young oceanographers.

The Eternal Frontier: An Ecological History of North America and Its Peoples

by Tim Flannery

In "The Eternal Frontier," scientist and historian Flannery tells the story of the geological and biological evolution of the North American continent, from the time of the asteroid strike that ended the age of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, to the present day.

The Eternal Frontier: An Ecological History of North America and Its Peoples

by Tim Flannery

Sixty-five million years ago, a meteor six miles wide smashed into the Gulf of Mexico, ending the age of dinosaurs and devastating the North American continent. Starting with this catastrophic event, The Eternal Frontier recounts the extraordinary ecological history of North America, showing how the continent originally came into being and eventually transformed into the landscape we know today. This sweeping, multidisciplinary book is history on an epic scale. Tim Flannery, a world-renowned paleontologist, traces the postmeteor rebirth of plants, animals, climate, and landforms. He describes a time when rain forests flourished in Greenland and when giant long-necked camels and fat aquatic rhinos thrived in North America’s golden age. He explores the massive changes wrought by the ice ages and shows how geological and climatic forces shaped both the autumn foliage in New England and the cacti in the Sonoran Desert. As the story moves across vast distances of time and geography, we eventually witness the impact of the human race. Flannery imagines the first humans to have immigrated 14,000 years ago, after the recession of the last ice age, and he explains how the pioneering Clovis hunters exterminated an ice-age fauna, including enormous mammoths and mastodons and half-ton lions. The story continues right up to the present, covering the deforestation of the Northeast, the decimation of the buffalo, and other facets of the impact of frontier settlement and the development of modern industry and commerce. The Eternal Frontier is science writing at its best, combining an enormous wealth of fascinating information with engaging prose that will be accessible to readers of any background.

Europe: A Natural History

by Tim Flannery

A tale of cave bears and comet strikes and a hundred million years of history by the bestselling author of Here on Earth: &“Marvelous.&”—Publishers Weekly (starred review) In Europe: A Natural History, world-renowned scientist, explorer, and conservationist Tim Flannery applies the eloquent interdisciplinary approach he used in his ecological histories of Australia and North America to the story of Europe. He begins 100 million years ago, when the continents of Asia, North America, and Africa interacted to create an island archipelago that would later become the Europe we know today. It was on these ancient tropical lands that the first distinctly European organisms evolved. Flannery teaches us about Europe&’s midwife toad, which has endured since the continent&’s beginning, while elephants, crocodiles, and giant sharks have come and gone. He explores the monumental changes wrought by the devastating comet strike and shows how rapid atmospheric shifts transformed the European archipelago into a single landmass during the Eocene. As the story moves through millions of years of evolutionary history, Flannery eventually turns to our own species, describing the immense impact humans had on the continent&’s flora and fauna—within 30,000 years of our arrival in Europe, the woolly rhino, the cave bear, and the giant elk, among others, would disappear completely. The story continues right up to the present, as Flannery describes Europe&’s leading role in wildlife restoration, and then looks ahead to ponder the continent&’s future: with advancements in gene editing technology, European scientists are working to recreate some of the continent&’s lost creatures, such as the great ox of Europe&’s primeval forests and even the woolly mammoth.

Now or Never: Why We Must Act Now to End Climate Change and Create a Sustainable Future (Quarterly Essay Ser. #No. 31)

by Tim Flannery

In Now or Never, the internationally acclaimed author of The Weather Makers returns to the subject of climate change with a book that is at once a forceful call to action and a deeply (and often surprisingly) pragmatic roadmap toward sustainability. Utilizing the most up-to-the-minute data available, Tim Flannery offers a guided tour of the environmental challenges we face and their potential solutions in both the big picture and in specific detail. He explores everything from techniques for storing the carbon that dead plants release into the earth to the fragile balancing act between energy demands and food supply in India and China, from carbon-trading schemes in South America to a recent collaboration between a Danish wind-energy company and an automobile manufacturer that may produce a viable electric car and end the reign of big oil. Now or Never is a powerful, thought-provoking, and essential book about the most urgent issue of our time. It burns with Flannery’s characteristic mix of passion, scientific precision, and "offhand interdisciplinary brilliance” (Entertainment Weekly).

The Weather Makers: How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth

by Tim Flannery

An international best seller embraced and endorsed by policy makers, scientists, writers and energy industry executives from around the world, Tim Flannery’s The Weather Makers contributed in bringing the topic of global warming to national prominence. For the first time, a scientist provided an accessible and comprehensive account of the history, current status, and future impact of climate change, writing what has been acclaimed by reviewers everywhere as the definitive book on global warming.With one out of every five living things on this planet committed to extinction by the levels of greenhouse gases that will accumulate in the next few decades, we are reaching a global climatic tipping point. The Weather Makers is both an urgent warning and a call to arms, outlining the history of climate change, how it will unfold over the next century, and what we can do to prevent a cataclysmic future. Originally somewhat of a global warming skeptic, Tim Flannery spent several years researching the topic and offers a connect-the-dots approach for a reading public who has received patchy or misleading information on the subject. Pulling on his expertise as a scientist to discuss climate change from a historical perspective, Flannery also explains how climate change is interconnected across the planet.This edition includes an new afterword by the author.

The Weather Makers: How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth

by Tim Flannery

Warning that climate change is fast becoming an issue that "will dwarf all others combined," Flannery (U. of Adelaide, Australia) uses these pages to summarize the scientific evidence regarding climate change for a general audience. He has sought to be comprehensive in coverage, discussing the role of climate change in the evolution of the earth, the natural and anthropogenic driving factors of climate change, the range of environmental effects thought to be connected to the phenomena, global models and predictions, and technology- and policy-based solutions. Annotation ©2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Weird, Wild, Amazing!: Exploring The Incredible World Of Animals

by Tim Flannery

Internationally renowned author and scientist Tim Flannery’s first children’s book is a humorous, informed, and accessible deep-dive into the natural world. Are zombie jellyfish real? Do frogs like opera? What’s it like to wrestle a python? Tim Flannery has the answers. Introducing some of the most spectacular and unusual creatures on Earth, from water to sky and the forests and deserts in between, he offers in- depth and often bizarre facts on extraordinary animals that live in each habitat while incorporating concepts of climate change, evolution, conservation, and taxonomy. Did you know that lions once roamed North America, or that albatrosses sleep-fly? Have you ever heard a piranha bark, or ever wondered how the sloth got its name? Packed with vibrant illustrations and guided by real-life anecdotes from one of our greatest science communicators, Weird, Wild, Amazing! teaches readers to cherish and delight in our planet’s environment with Flannery’s signature mix of humor and wisdom.

Weird, Wild, Amazing! Desert: Exploring the World's Incredible Drylands

by Tim Flannery

Internationally renowned author and scientist Tim Flannery explores Earth’s deserts and grasslands and the extraordinary animals that live in them. Are zombie ants real? How high can an armadillo jump? What’s it like to wrestle a python? Tim Flannery has the answers. In this informed and accessible book, he introduces some of the most spectacular and unusual creatures in our planet’s deserts and grasslands with in-depth and often-bizarre facts. Flannery ties together concepts of climate change, evolution, conservation, and taxonomy throughout each animal’s profile, firmly connecting it to its environment while sparking wonder at its role in the natural world. Packed with vibrant illustrations and guided by real-life anecdotes from one of our greatest science communicators, Weird, Wild, Amazing! Desert teaches readers to cherish and delight in our planet’s ecosystems with Flannery’s signature mix of humor and wisdom.

Weird, Wild, Amazing! Forest: Forest

by Tim Flannery

Internationally renowned author and scientist Tim Flannery explores our planet’s forests and the extraordinary animals that live in them. Can spiders fly? Are dire wolves real? Do chameleons practice magic? Tim Flannery has the answers. In this informed and accessible book, he introduces some of the most spectacular and unusual creatures in Earth’s forests with in-depth and often bizarre facts. Flannery ties together concepts of climate change, evolution, conservation, and taxonomy throughout each animal’s profile, firmly connecting the animal to its environment while sparking wonder at its role in the natural world. Packed with vibrant illustrations and guided by real-life anecdotes from one of our greatest science communicators, Weird, Wild, Amazing! Forest teaches readers to cherish and delight in our planet’s ecosystems with Tim Flannery’s signature mix of humor and wisdom.

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