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Koi-Karpfen halten (How to... #1)

by Owen Jones

Der Inhalt dieses Buches über Koi Gartenteiche und ähnliche Themen ist auf 18 Kapitel aufgeteilt, welche Ihnen helfen werden, einen Ort für Ihren Koi-Teich auszuwählen, ihn anzulgen und ganzjährlich zu warten und sich um Ihre kostbaren Fische in verschiedenen Jahreszeiten und sogar in besonders schlechten Wetterkonditionen zu kümmern. Es könnte Ihnen sogar dabei helfen, eine neue Karriere zu starten. Das Mindeste, was es tun wird, ist Ihnen hunderte professioneller Ratgeber zu ersparen. Als ein zusätzlicher Bonus gebe ich Ihnen die Erlaubnis, den Inhalt des Buches auf Ihrer Webseite oder Ihrem Blog/Newsletter zu nutzen, obwohl es besser wäre, wenn Sie den Inhalt mit Ihren eigenen Worten wiedergeben würden. Sie können das Buch ebenfalls aufteilen und die Artikel weiterverkaufen. Tatsächlich ist das einzige recht, welches Sie nicht haben der Weiterverkauf oder das Verschenken des Buches, wie Sie es erhalten haben. Wenn SIe Feedback haben, bitte schreiben Sie es bei der Quelle Ihres Kaufes oder senden Sie es mir unter Sie können mehr Bücher wie dieses finden, wo Sie es gekauft haben.

Multifunctional Land Uses in Africa: Sustainable Food Security Solutions (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)

by Elisabeth Simelton Madelene Ostwald

This book presents contemporary case studies of land use, management practices, and innovation in Africa with a view to exploring how multifunctional land uses can alleviate food insecurity and poverty. Food security and livelihoods in Africa face multiple challenges in the form of feeding a growing population on declining land areas under the impacts of climate change. The overall question is what kind of farming systems can provide resilient livelihoods? This volume presents a selection of existing farming systems that demonstrate how more efficient use of land and natural resources, labour and other inputs can have positive effects on household food security and livelihoods. It examines how aquaculture, integrated water management, peri-urban farming systems, climate-smart agriculture practices and parkland agroforestry contribute multiple benefits. Drawing on case studies from Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Burkina Faso, contributed by young African scientists, this book provides a unique perspective on multifunctional land use in Africa and illustrates how non-conventional uses can be profitable while promoting social and environmental sustainability. Tapping into the global discussion on land scarcity and linking food security to existing land use change processes, this volume will stimulate readers looking for diversified land uses that are compatible with both household and national food security ambitions. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of African development, agriculture, food security, land use and environmental management, as well as sustainable development more generally, in addition to policymakers and practitioners working in these areas.

Conflicts over Marine and Coastal Common Resources: Causes, Governance and Prevention (Earthscan Oceans)

by Karen A. Alexander

This book explores the types of conflicts that occur over marine and coastal resources, the underlying causes, and attempts to prevent them. Despite the emergence of various marine and coastal governance approaches to address the effects of human activities within the marine environment, conflict continues. In this book, the author outlines the reasons conflicts can, and do, arise in the marine and coastal environment. Drawing on case studies from both the northern and southern hemispheres, the book takes a broad view of how we interact with our environment, of how and why conflict is perpetuated as a political and cultural phenomenon, and how this varies or remains constant across space and place. The case studies explore not only the underlying perceptions and needs of those involved in marine and coastal conflict and the types of conflicts that arise in oceanic and coastal areas, but also the underpinning reasons for these conflicts. Marine and coastal resource conflicts have the potential to derail conservation efforts and blue growth policies, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Thus, it is imperative we understand the drivers and exacerbating factors of marine and coastal conflict. Arguing that there is an urgent need for renewed thinking and focus on conflict prevention, the author develops a theory of marine and coastal conflict which allows us to understand those factors and the means to help prevent such conflicts arising in the first place. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of coastal and marine science and environmental management as well as those working in the field of marine resource management, including coastal zone managers and fisheries managers.

On Sea Turtle Patrol

by Nancy Dawson

Callie is volunteering to track sea turtles on the beach, where they come to lay their eggs.

Turtle Rescue

by Charnan Simon

Nana is a turtle trekker! She can help Stella take care of the baby sea turtle they find on the beach.

Anna and the Ice Troll

by C. L. Clickard

Until she finishes her laundry, Anna won't be chased away by an ice troll!

The Dark Past of the Polar Bear

by Rebecca E. Hirsch

Polar bears rule the frozen sea, but their ancestors weren't always built for ice and snow.

Ants in Their Pants

by Patricia Nikolina Clark

If you accidentally sat on an anthill, and little black ants started to crawl all over you, would you stay there? Of course not!

Beyond Jack-O'-Lanterns

by Sue Gagliardi

What kind of fruit could be a boat, a race car, and a work of art? An Atlantic Giant Pumpkin!

The Great Bayou Flying Race

by William Kelly

This bird race explains why flamingos have long legs, pelicans have pouches, and vultures are bald.

Swimming with Sharks

by Darienne Oaks

A young boy's snorkeling guide, Juni, tells a story that he has swum with wild sharks and lived to tell the tale.

Meet the Candidates 2020: A Voter's Guide (Meet the Candidates)

by Grant Stern

Is Joe Biden the right Democrat to face Trump in 2020? Decide by reading this guide to his policies, accomplishments as vice president to Barack Obama, and complicated past as a Congressman. Even before he decided to run, Joe Biden was the most popular Democratic candidate for president in 2020. On the heels of serving as vice president, and close friend, to Barack Obama, Biden’s resume and likability position the former Congressman from Delaware as the favorite for the nomination. He holds s strong lead in the polls.But Joe Biden’s legacy is much more complicated. He chaired the Foreign Relations and Senate Judiciary Committees, but his treatment of Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court hearings will be a black mark on his candidacy. He oversaw successful Great Recession relief and the Violence Against Women Act and ultimately received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but the racial statements from his past will reflect poorly when promoted by Republicans and fellow Democratic candidates. And Biden has faced allegations of inappropriate touching by several women. Meet the Candidates 2020: Joe Biden: A Voter’s Guide will explore these contradictions and help you decide if Biden is your choice for 2020. The Meet the Candidates 2020 series is the informed voter’s guide to making a decision in the 2020 Democratic primary and presidential election. Each book gives an unbiased, political insider’s analysis of each contender, featuring: candidate interviews; an introduction by campaign advisor, Democratic Coalition co-founder, and Dworkin Report host Scott Dworkin; and compilation and writing by Occupy Democrats Editor at Large Grant Stern. In two hours of reading, you’ll understand their defining characteristics, credentials, campaign issues, challenges, presidential chances, and everything else you need to know to decide who should challenge Donald Trump. Whether it’s for Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker, or another, Meet the Candidates is what you need to make an informed vote for president in 2020.

One Tough Butterfly

by Laura Lane

Quino butterflies depend on dwarf plantain plants to survive. Climate change and habitat destruction have made it difficult for these plants to grow well, but quino butterflies have been able to adapt quickly and survive.

Catch a Falling Star

by Bradford H. Robie

Anna must wake up late and struggle to keep warm outside so she can watch a meteor shower.

A Rainbow of Food

by Karen Stephenson

Colors can help identify healthy substances in foods, such as vitamin A in oranges.

A Hunger for Grass

by Susannah Buhrman-Deever

The wildebeests of the Serengeti follow the grass as it grows throughout the year.

The Return of the Horse

by Liz Huyck

Horses began 55 million years ago in North America before migrating to Asia. One day, Europeans would bring horses back to the plains of North America.

A Rat's Tale

by Ann McLain

Rats are opportunistic, living in human cities provides them with food, shelter, and everything else they need!

Teen Engineers Tackle Turbines

by Mary Beth Cox

Turbine designers are always looking for new ways to get more energy from wind.

Reinventing the Spoon

by Cricket Media

The Bakeys company uses a simple recipe to make edible spoons in the hopes of cutting down on plastic trash.

Busy Beavers

by Mary Batten

Beavers build dams that benefit an entire ecosystem.

Tree Story

by Deborah Pool

At every stage in a tree's life cycle, it provides a home for many animals and insects.

Something Strange in Grandpa's Woods

by Jane Dauster

Alex and her grandfather traverse their backyard trails to discover the source of a strange sound.

The Elephant Moon of Sir Herbert Spoon

by Kelly Terwilliger

Sir Herbert Spoon alerts Cecil Spout, his butler, that he has spotted an elephant on the moon through his telescope.

Mountain Mystery

by Connie Pettersen

Laura and her cousin Cassie are on a day hike when they get caught in a rainstorm and a mysterious stranger comes to their aid...

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