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Normalisation in Practice: Residential Care for Children with a Profound Mental Handicap (Routledge Library Editions: Children and Disability #Vol. 1)

by Andy Alaszewski Pauline Bn Ong

First published in 1990, this book was the first informed study to focus on care within the voluntary sector. Written with the child in mind, it is a sensitive work which explores the administration, strategy, and problems facing carers in children’s homes, at that time. <P><P>Centring on small, community-based facilities, the authors discuss the processes involved in setting up and running such facilities. They examine the difficulties of evaluating progressive services that are influenced by the philosophy of normalisation, and highlight the lessons from which other providers of services are able to learn. <P><P>Written by experienced researchers with contributions from service managers, Normalisation in Practice offers pragmatic advice on managing innovation efficiently without neglecting the needs of the child. Detailed interviews are combined with theoretical insight to provide an important guide for students and practitioners and a model for academics undertaking evaluative research. Although written at the start of the 1990s, this book contains discussions and material that are still very relevant to the subject today.

The Anthropology of Sibling Relations

by Erdmute Alber Cati Coe Tatjana Thelen

Drawing on international case studies, the contributors extrapolate a systematization of the ways in which siblingship is conceived on the basis of shared parentage, shared childhoods, and reciprocal care. They explore what makes these relations worth maintaining and how they contribute to community processes and to material and emotional survival.

Pequeños grandes lectores: Un nuevo método para potenciar la capacidad lectora de tu hijo y evitar el fracaso escolar

by Fernando Alberca

El autor de Todos los niños pueden ser Einstein propone un nuevo método para potenciar la capacidad de comprensión lectora de tu hijo y evitar el fracaso escolar. «A todos los niños y niñas les gusta leer, pero muchos no lo hacen porque no han aprendido a hacerlo bien.», convencido de ello, Fernando Alberca, en este nuevo libro, defiende cómo y cuándo debe aprenderse a leer y cómo puede mejorarse la lectura de adolescentes y adultos. En este libro de Alberca, la idea fuerza es que «sí se puede» potenciar la inteligencia racional y emocional de nuestros hijos, aportando las herramientas necesarias para solucionar, obstáculos asociados a la lectura, a las dificultades que niños, adolescentes y adultos tienen con esta, llámense dislexia, comprensión lectora, cansancio, lentitud o lateralidad cruzada, así como las consecuencias negativas que estas pueden ocasionar a la autoestima y el fracaso escolar. Los juegos y ejercicios, que se presentan en este libro imprescindible para mejorar la lectura, han resultado ser muy eficaces y han tenido efectos extraordinarios en niños y niñas zurdos, con dislexia, TDAH, con lateralidad cruzada, síndrome de Down, altas capacidades u otras muchas circunstancias, pero sobre todo con niños y niñas y adolescentes que no presentan obstáculos visibles y sin embargo no leen con la fluidez y eficacia que podrían.

Candy: Poems (Sewanee Poetry)

by Dan Albergotti

Dan Albergotti’s Candy is a book steeped in sound and silence. Sound in the form of song, of chaotic cacophony, and of the drone (sometimes natural, sometimes manufactured) that creates the ambient soundtrack of history and the seemingly apocalyptic present. Silence in the sense both of the void’s innate quietude and of the failure to speak—of people either dumbstruck or in denial, not speaking because they cannot or will not. Throughout this collection, these sounds and intermittent silences provide the rhythm for poems that question the nature of truth and myth, and that restlessly search for meaning in a reticent universe, ultimately unwilling to take no for an answer as they strive to find an ever-elusive yes.

Courageously Expecting: 30 Days of Encouragement for Pregnancy After Loss

by Jenny Albers

Using Scripture and personal narrative, Courageously Expecting empathizes with and empowers women to face a pregnancy after loss with faith and courage, despite inevitable feelings of grief and fear that accompany life after losing a baby.Pregnancy is widely regarded as the most joyful time in a woman's life, but for the mother who has experienced pregnancy loss, a subsequent pregnancy can feel like she's holding her breath and hoping for what she can't control. In Courageously Expecting, Jenny Albers meets women in this difficult season as someone who has also experienced the worst and cautiously hoped for the best. Through the telling of her own story, Scripture, and heartfelt prayer, she encourages readers to cling to faith in the face of fear and guides them tocultivate hope when doubt weighs heavy;realize that the past does not dictate the present or the future and that God creates a way in the wilderness of grief and loss;flip the script on the what-if, worst-case-scenario narrative in their minds and learn to take their thoughts captive; andfind the courage to humble themselves and ask for and accept help from others. Regardless of where readers are on their pregnancy after loss journey, Courageously Expecting is a companion to help them through the days when fear overshadows hope.

Desert Blues

by Bill Albert

An orphaned teenager moves in with his cocktail-waitress aunt in 1950s Palm Springs, in a novel with &“its full share of hilarious, and touching, moments&” (Booklist). &“Swinging from poignant drama to edgy satire to farce, Albert&’s moving and funny first novel pairs an awkward orphaned adolescent immersed in 1950s rock &’n&’ roll and an unconventional &‘kept&’ woman. In 1957, confused, taciturn and fat 15-year-old Harold Abelstein, survivor of a car crash that killed his parents, goes to live with his Aunt Enid, a Palm Springs, Calif., cocktail waitress whose flowery perfumes, loud talk and constant pinching and touching make him uncomfortable. Enid&’s rent and car are provided gratis by her part-time lover, incredibly self-absorbed Archie Blatt, a St. Louis garment manufacturer who pops in a few times a year to escape his invalid wife and teenage daughters. Though resenting her dependence, Enid faces a bigger problem when her manipulative, self-pitying father, Abe, who walked out on the family 25 years ago, suddenly reappears, shabby, reeking of whiskey and terminally ill. Tensions snap as Abe grows ever sicker and then Archie shows up, forcing four disparate souls to fitfully coexist under one roof. With a fine ear for dialogue, Albert perfectly captures a time and place—and the emotional chafing between family members who can't help but care for one another, despite themselves.&” —Publishers Weekly

The Healing Heart for Families: Storytelling to Encourage Caring and Healthy Families

by David H. Albert Nancy Mellon Allison M. Cox

The Healing Heart provides powerful examples of the use of stories and storytelling in encouraging resiliency, empathy, respect, and healing. These engaging books contain stories, and narratives about the use of the stories in activities with different populations (children, teens, those with disabilities, seniors, inmates, etc.) or which address specific social or community problems (addictions, poverty, violence, racism, environmental degra-dation, homelessness, abuse).The books are a collective effort containing the expertise of more than 60 storytellers and health professionals who illustrate the power of story in moving others to commitment and action, in building self-esteem and mutual respect.The Healing Heart ~ Families focuses on families, dealing specifically with healing through story, health promotion, disease prevention, early childhood intervention, children with medical problems, adopting families, schools, sexual identities, grief, and spiritual healing. The Healing Heart ~ Communities focuses on community-building, with sections on youth, violence prevention, poverty, domestic violence, substance abuse and addiction, racism, elders, culture, environmental protection, homelessness, and community development.Allison Cox is a therapist and Prevention Specialist, in Tacoma, Washington, with 20 years experience as a professional storyteller, and is a founder of the Healing Story Alliance--part of the National Storytelling Network.David Albert is a storyteller, writer, and Senior Planner and Policy Analyst with the Washington State Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse, and a contributor to Spinning Tales, Weaving Hope (New Society, 2002).

Freud's Blind Spot

by Elisa Albert

Relationships with our siblings stretch, as an old saying has it, all the way from the cradle to the grave. Few bonds in life are as significant, as formative, as lasting, and as frequently overlooked as those we share with our brothers and sisters. In this stellar, first-of-its-kind anthology, contemporary writers explore the rich and varied landscape of sibling experience, illuminating the essential, occasionally wonderful, often difficult ways our brothers and sisters--or lack thereof--shape us. There are those who love and cherish their siblings, those who abhor and avoid them, and everyone in between.

Human Blues: A Novel

by Elisa Albert

From an author whose writing has been praised as &“blistering&” (The New Yorker), &“virtuosic&” (The Washington Post), and &“brilliant&” (The New York Times) comes a provocative and entertaining novel about a woman who desperately wants a child but struggles to accept the use of assisted reproductive technology—a hilarious and ferocious send-up of feminism, fame, art, commerce, and autonomy.On the eve of her fourth album, singer-songwriter Aviva Rosner is plagued by infertility. The twist: as much as Aviva wants a child, she is wary of technological conception, and has poured her ambivalence into her music. As the album makes its way in the world, the shock of the response from fans and critics is at first exciting—and then invasive and strange. Aviva never wanted to be famous, or did she? Meanwhile, her evolving obsession with another iconic musician, gone too soon, might just help her make sense of things. Told over the course of nine menstrual cycles, Human Blues is a bold, brainy, darkly funny, utterly original interrogation of our cultural obsession with childbearing. It&’s also the story of one fearless woman at the crossroads, ruthlessly questioning what she wants and what she&’s willing—or not willing—to do to get it.

La Femme de Gilles

by Elisa Albert Faith Evans Madeleine Bourdouxhe

"A haunting, slim novel which has the mesmeric inevitability of a classical tragedy." --Independent on SundayLa Femme de Gilles tells the story of a fatal love triangle--written on the eve of World War II.Set among the dusty lanes and rolling valleys of rural 1930s Belgium, La Femme de Gilles is the tale of a young mother, Elisa, whose world is overturned when she discovers that her husband, Gilles, has fallen in love with her younger sister, Victorine. Devastated, Elisa unravels. As controlled as Elena Ferrante's The Days of Abandonment and as propulsive as Jenny Offill's Dept. of Speculation, La Femme de Gilles is a hauntingly contemporary story of desperation and lust and obsession, from an essential early-feminist writer.Just after her novel was first published in 1937, Madeleine Bourdouxhe disassociated herself from her publisher (which had been taken over by the Nazis) and spent most of World War II in Brussels, actively working for the resistance. Though she continued to write, her work was largely overlooked by history . . . until now.

Matters of Chance: A Novel

by Gail Albert

This searing novel, a National Book Award finalist, &“transforms one woman&’s experience with cancer into a work of vision and intelligence&” (The Washington Post). &“I am thirty-four years old, married, a professor of neurobiology; I have two sons, aged nine and seven. I grew up in Brownsville and I left it behind, and I was diagnosed as having cancer in January. I know that these facts are connected; I have yet to understand how.&” Mona&’s perfect world is shattered by sudden and serious illness—leaving her searching her past for answers. Fate has led her from a tough Brooklyn girlhood to a happy marriage with a wonderful man, but what has she forgotten along the way? In this classic New York novel of the 1980s, as Mona struggles to understand her own life story, she uncovers the shocking memory of a murder and traces the shape of her own mortality. This stunning work was a finalist for the National Book Award for First Novel; now, its brilliant, ambitious exploration of an unfinished life is about to be discovered by a new generation of readers.

The Hazel Wood

by Melissa Albert

<P>Seventeen-year-old Alice and her mother have spent most of Alice’s life on the road, always a step ahead of the uncanny bad luck biting at their heels. <P>But when Alice’s grandmother, the reclusive author of a cult-classic book of pitch-dark fairy tales, dies alone on her estate, the Hazel Wood, Alice learns how bad her luck can really get: Her mother is stolen away—by a figure who claims to come from the Hinterland, the cruel supernatural world where her grandmother's stories are set. Alice's only lead is the message her mother left behind: “Stay away from the Hazel Wood.”

Tangled June (A Dave Garrett Mystery #6)

by Neil Albert

[from inside flaps] "Praised for his complex, human stories and vivid characters, Neil Albert grabbed the imagination of readers with his first Dave Garrett mystery, The January Corpse, a debut that brought the author to the immediate attention of mystery fans because of its stunning twist. Now, in Tangled June--Albert's most moving and powerful novel--Garrett's skills are put to the test as he becomes embroiled in a background investigation of his most elusive quarry. Garrett's assistant, Lisa, wants more to do, wants to begin gathering the experience that she needs to obtain her own investigator's license--wants, simply, a case of her own. And knowing that Dave is never going to give her the go-ahead, she's picked the investigation and begun the work. It all seemed simple, birth records were public documents and there didn't appear to be anything mysterious involved, even the fire in the hospital that destroyed the records wasn't an unheard-of event. So why was it that every road was a dead end? Why couldn't she find anything, anywhere, that led to some solid facts about her subject's early years? Who was Dave Garrett? Neil Albert is an attorney in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Tangled June, the sixth Dave Garrett mystery, is based on the author's search for his own birth parents." You'll find the other books in this short series in the Bookshare collection including: #1 The January Corpse, #2 February Trouble, #3 Burning March, #4 Cruel April and #5 Appointment in May.

Il mondo è il mio tamburo

by Laura Albini Amber Richards

Per i bambini il mondo intero è un irresistibile parco giochi che li implora di divertirsi. Nel toccante libro per bambini, Il mondo è il mio tamburo, quel divertimento è il suono dei risonanti tamburi del piccolo Hudson! Hudson è in grado di trasformare qualsiasi cosa in un tamburo e produrre suoni incredibili! Meravigliosamente illustrato ad acquerello, stimola i bambini ad essere creativi con gli oggetti comuni che li circondano. Aspettate di vedere cosa sa fare con i suoi tamburi fatti in casa! Potrebbe essere il concerto del secolo o finire in un enorme groviglio di tamburi e martellanti mal di testa! In ogni caso, ci sarà da divertirsi!

Leela's Book: A Novel

by Alice Albinia

"Steeped in the tradition of the Indian epic, yet modern and vastly entertaining."--The Times (London) In her fiction debut, Alice Albinia weaves a multithreaded epic tale that encompasses divine saga and familial discord and introduces an unforgettable heroine. Leela--alluring, taciturn, haunted--is moving from New York back to Delhi. Worldly and accomplished, she has been in self-imposed exile from India and her family for decades; twenty-two years earlier, her sister was seduced by the egotistical Vyasa, and the fallout from their relationship drove Leela away. Now an eminent Sanskrit scholar, Vyasa is preparing for his son's marriage. But when Leela arrives for the wedding, she disrupts the careful choreography of the weekend, with its myriad attendees and their conflicting desires. Gleefully presiding over the drama is Ganesh--divine, elephant-headed scribe of the Mahabharata, India's great epic. The family may think they have arranged the wedding for their own selfish ends, but according to Ganesh it is he who is directing events--in a bid to save Leela, his beloved heroine, from Vyasa. As the weekend progresses, secret online personas, maternal identities, and poetic authorships are all revealed; boundaries both religious and continental are crossed; and families are ripped apart and brought back together in this vibrant and brilliant celebration of family, love, and storytelling.

Finding Chika: A Little Girl, an Earthquake, and the Making of a Family

by Mitch Albom

Chika Jeune was born three days before the devastating earthquake that decimated Haiti in 2010. She spent her infancy in a landscape of extreme poverty, and when her mother died giving birth to a baby brother, Chika was brought to The Have Faith Haiti Orphanage that Albom operates in Port Au Prince. <p><p> With no children of their own, the forty-plus children who live, play, and go to school at the orphanage have become family to Mitch and his wife, Janine. Chika’s arrival makes a quick impression. Brave and self-assured, even as a three-year-old, she delights the other kids and teachers. But at age five, Chika is suddenly diagnosed with something a doctor there says, “No one in Haiti can help you with.” <p> Mitch and Janine bring Chika to Detroit, hopeful that American medical care can soon return her to her homeland. Instead, Chika becomes a permanent part of their household, and their lives, as they embark on a two-year, around-the-world journey to find a cure. As Chika’s boundless optimism and humor teach Mitch the joys of caring for a child, he learns that a relationship built on love, no matter what blows it takes, can never be lost. <p> Told in hindsight, and through illuminating conversations with Chika herself, this is Albom at his most poignant and vulnerable. Finding Chika is a celebration of a girl, her adoptive guardians, and the incredible bond they formed—a devastatingly beautiful portrait of what it means to be a family, regardless of how it is made. <P><P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Finding Chika: A heart-breaking and hopeful story about family, adversity and unconditional love

by Mitch Albom

FROM THE MASTER STORYTELLER WHOSE BOOKS HAVE TOUCHED THE HEARTS OF OVER 40 MILLION READERS'Mitch Albom sees the magical in the ordinary' Cecilia Ahern__________Chika Jeune came into Mitch Albom's life by chance. Growing up in the aftermath of the devastating 2010 Haiti Earthquake, at three years old she tragically lost her mother and was brought to the orphanage run by Mitch and his wife, Janine. Chika made a quick impression. Brave and self-assured, she delighted those around her. But everything changed when Chika was diagnosed with a terminal disease that no doctor in Haiti could treat. This discovery sparked a two-year, around-the-world journey in search of a cure. As Chika's boundless optimism and humour taught Mitch the joys of caring for a child, he learned that a relationship built on love can never be lost.__________WHAT READERS ARE SAYING ABOUT FINDING CHIKA'A powerful, emotional story''If you read one book this year, make it this one!''A beautifully written book, heart-breaking and uplifting in equal measure''An amazing journey of determination and love''I laughed, I cried, and just couldn't put it down'

Finding Chika: A heart-breaking and hopeful story about family, adversity and unconditional love

by Mitch Albom

Chika Jeune was born three days before the devastating earthquake that decimated Haiti in 2010. She spent her infancy in extreme poverty, and when her mother died giving birth to a baby brother, Chika was brought to the Have Faith Haiti Orphanage that Mitch and his wife, Janine operate.Chika's arrival made a quick impression. Brave and self-assured, even as a three-year-old, she delighted the other kids and teachers. But at age five, Chika was suddenly diagnosed with a terminal disease that no doctor in Haiti could help with.Mitch and Janine took Chika to America, hoping that treatment there would enable her to go back home. Instead, Chika became a permanent part of their lives, as they embarked on a two-year, around-the-world journey to find a cure. As Chika's boundless optimism and humour taught Mitch the joys of caring for a child, he learnt that a relationship built on love, no matter what blows it takes, can never be lost.This is Mitch Albom at his most poignant, powerful and personal. Chika is a celebration of a girl, her adoptive guardians, and the incredible bond they formed - a devastatingly beautiful portrait of what it means to be a family, regardless of how it is made.

The First Phone Call From Heaven: A Novel

by Mitch Albom

"What if the end is not the end?" From the beloved author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven comes his most thrilling and magical novel yet--a page-turning mystery and a meditation on the power of human connection.One morning in the small town of Coldwater, Michigan, the phones start ringing. The voices say they are calling from heaven. Is it the greatest miracle ever? Or some cruel hoax? As news of these strange calls spreads, outsiders flock to Coldwater to be a part of it.At the same time, a disgraced pilot named Sully Harding returns to Coldwater from prison to discover his hometown gripped by "miracle fever." Even his young son carries a toy phone, hoping to hear from his mother in heaven.As the calls increase, and proof of an afterlife begins to surface, the town--and the world--transforms. Only Sully, convinced there is nothing beyond this sad life, digs into the phenomenon, determined to disprove it for his child and his own broken heart.Moving seamlessly between the invention of the telephone in 1876 and a world obsessed with the next level of communication, Mitch Albom takes readers on a breathtaking ride of frenzied hope.The First Phone Call from Heaven is Mitch Albom at his best--a virtuosic story of love, history, and belief.

The First Phone Call From Heaven

by Mitch Albom

FROM THE MASTER STORYTELLER WHOSE BOOKS HAVE TOUCHED THE HEARTS OF OVER 40 MILLION READERS'Mitch Albom sees the magical in the ordinary' Cecilia Ahern__________One last chance. What would you say? When the residents of a small town on Lake Michigan start receiving phone calls from the afterlife, it becomes the subject of widespread attention. Is it the greatest miracle ever or a massive hoax?Sully Harding, a grief-stricken single father, returns to Coldwater from a stint in prison to discover his hometown gripped by 'miracle fever.' Even his young son carries a toy phone, hoping to hear from his mother in heaven.As the calls increase Sully begins to dig into the phenomenon. Determined to discover who or what is behind the mystery, he gradually begins to piece together the pieces of his broken heart. __________WHAT READERS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE FIRST PHONE CALL FROM HEAVEN'Gripping from start to finish . . . The plot twists and turns like a great mystery novel''As always, with Mitch Albom's books, the storyline is addictive, leaving the reader wanting more''Makes you see the world from a different perspective . . . A real treat for the soul''Brilliant and moving read from start to end. Superb''Beautifully constructed, thought-provoking and soulful'

The First Phone Call From Heaven

by Mitch Albom

The First Phone Call from Heaven tells the story of a small town on Lake Michigan that gets worldwide attention when its citizens start receiving phone calls from the afterlife. Is it the greatest miracle ever or a massive hoax? Sully Harding, a grief-stricken single father, is determined to find out. An allegory about the power of belief -- and a page-turner that will touch your soul -- Albom's masterful storytelling has never been so moving and unexpected.Readers of The Five People You Meet in Heaven will recognize the warmth and emotion so redolent of Albom's writing, and those who haven't yet enjoyed the power of his storytelling, will thrill at the discovery of one of the best-loved writers of our time.

For One More Day

by Mitch Albom

The story of a mother and son, and the relationship that lasts a lifetime and beyond. What would you do if you could spend 1 day with a lost loved one?

For One More Day

by Mitch Albom

A HEART-BREAKING, HOPEFUL NOVEL FROM THE MASTER STORYTELLER WHOSE BOOKS HAVE TOUCHED THE HEARTS OF OVER 40 MILLION READERS'Mitch Albom sees the magical in the ordinary' Cecilia Ahern__________As a child, Charley Benetto was told by his father, 'You can be a mama's boy or a daddy's boy, but you can't be both.' So he chooses his father, only to see him disappear when Charley is on the verge of adolescence.Decades later, Charley is a broken man. His life has been destroyed by alcohol and regret. He loses his job. He leaves his family. When he discovers that he won't be invited to his only daughter's wedding he realises he has hit rock bottom.Charley makes a midnight ride to his small hometown; his final journey before he ends his life. But as he staggers into his old house, he makes an astonishing discovery. His mother - who died eight years earlier - is there to welcome Charley home. What follows is the one seemingly ordinary day so many of us yearn for: a chance to reconcile with someone lost to us, to understand family secrets and to seek forgiveness from a person we love.__________WHAT READERS SAY ABOUT FOR ONE MORE DAY'Superb read, Mitch Albom has a way of writing to reach the soul of the reader''Ground-breaking . . . The amount of impact this book has had on my life is indescribable!''Mitch Albom makes you think about life . . . a book you can read again and again, and keep learning''Another awesome read by Albom. One of the most amazing writers of our generation''I absolutely love Mitch Albom. His stories always reduce me to real tears and laughter'

For One More Day

by Mitch Albom

This is the story of a man named Charley who loses his job, leaves his family, and decides, one night, to end his life. Somewhere between this world and the next, he encounters his mother, who died years ago, and he spends one last day with her - a day he never had on earth. This 'ordinary' day covers the whole of their existence, and reveals how Charley, like many children, was constantly forced to choose between his mother and his father. He gets the chance many of us yearn for - to ask the questions never asked while our parents are alive. In the end, Charley learns how little he really knew about his mother, how her love saved their family, and how deeply he wants the chance to save his own.

The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto: A Novel

by Mitch Albom

Mitch Albom creates his most unforgettable character--Frankie Presto, the greatest guitarist ever to walk the earth--in this magical novel about the power of talent to change our lives.In Mitch Albom's epic new novel, the voice of Music narrates the tale of its most beloved disciple, Frankie Presto, a Spanish war orphan raised by a blind music teacher. At nine years old, Frankie is sent to America in the bottom of a boat. His only possession is an old guitar and six magical strings.But Frankie's talent is touched by the gods, and it weaves him through the musical landscape of the twentieth century, from classical to jazz to rock and roll. Along the way, Frankie influences many artists: he translates for Django Reinhardt, advises Little Richard, backs up Elvis Presley, and counsels Hank Williams.Frankie elevates to a rock star himself, yet his gift becomes his burden, as he realizes that he can actually affect people's futures: his guitar strings turn blue whenever a life is altered. Overwhelmed by life, loss, and this power, he disappears for years, only to reemerge in a spectacular and mysterious farewell.With its Forrest Gump-like journey through the music world, The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto is a classic in the making. A lifelong musician himself, Mitch Albom delivers an unforgettable story. "Everyone joins a band in this life," he observes, be it through music, family, friends, or lovers. And those connections change the world.

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