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Showing 201 through 225 of 38,541 results

Hume's Philosophy of Human Nature (Routledge Revivals)

by John Laird

The essence of Hume’s eighteenth-century philosophy was that all the sciences were ‘dependent on the science of man’, and that the foundations of any such science need to rest on experience and observation. This title, first published in 1932, examines in detail how Hume interpreted ‘the science of man’ and how he applied his experimental methodology to humankind’s understanding, passions, social duties, economic activities, religious beliefs and secular history throughout his career. Particular attention is paid to the English, French and Latin sources that shaped Hume’s theories. This is a full and fascinating title, of particular relevance to students with an interest in the philosophy of Hume specifically, as well as the philosophy of human nature and the methodologies applied to its study more generally.

The Philosophy of Descartes (Routledge Library Editions: Rene Descartes #2)

by A. Boyce Gibson

Maintaining that it is impossible to understand the work of a philosopher without understanding the previous history of thought and the contemporaneous developments, this book, originally published in 1932, is an in-depth study of Descartes’ philosophy with a strong emphasis on the historical approach. It covers Descartes’ early life and education, before continuing to discuss his method of doubt, the existence of God, the scientific interpretation of nature, the unity of knowledge, the attributes of God and free-will.

Revival: His Life And His Philosophy (Routledge Revivals)

by Helen Zimmern

In the following pages are outlined the Life and Philosophy of one of the most original and picturesque intellectual giants of our age. For while Schopenhauer offers marked analogies to Johnson, Rousseau and Byron, and yields in interest to none of them, he was at the same time a man of absolutely unique mould.

Routledge Revivals (1932): A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life

by Oswald Spengler

First published in 1932, this book, based on an address delivered in 1931, presents a concise and lucid summary of the philosophy of the author of The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler. It was his conviction that the technical age — the culture of the machine age — which man had created in virtue of his unique capacity for individual as well as racial technique, had already reached its peak, and that the future held only catastrophe. He argued it lacked progressive cultural life and instead was dominated by a lust for power and possession. The triumph of the machine led to mass regimentation rather than fewer workers and less work — spelling the doom of Western civilization.

Symbolic Distance: In Relation to Analogy and Fiction (Routledge Revivals)

by S. Buchanan

First Published in 1932 Symbolic Distance presents the grammatical account of the structure of symbols and the description of the field within which fictions arise. The author argues that it seems improbable that distance should become an exact technical term in art criticism as long as the divorce between works of art and symbols is maintained. The book discusses important themes such as the analysis of fictions, genesis of fictions, and reduction of fictions. This is an interesting read for students of English literature.

To Have or To Be? (Bloomsbury Revelations Series)

by Erich Fromm

Erich Fromm's groundbreaking examination of an age-old question, and a stunning look at how to pursue a life with purpose and meaningLife in the modern age began when people no longer lived at the mercy of nature and instead took control of it. We planted crops so we didn't have to forage, and produced planes, trains, and cars for transport. With televisions and computers, we don't have to leave home to see the world. Somewhere in that process, the natural tendency of humankind went from one of being and of practicing our own human abilities and powers, to one of having by possessing objects and using tools that replace our own powers to think, feel, and act independently. Fromm argues that positive change--both social and economic--will come from being, loving, and sharing. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Erich Fromm including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author's estate.

A Critical History of Modern Aesthetics (Routledge Library Editions: Aesthetics #3)

by Earl of Listowel

First published in 1933. The purpose of this work was to bridge a gap in English philosophical literature by completing the elaborate history of Bosanquet and to stimulate and enrich the whole study of aesthetics by means of his personal destructive and constructive criticism. This title will be of interest to students of philosophy.

The Essence of Plato's Philosophy (Routledge Revivals)

by Constantin Ritter

This book, first published in English in 1933, provides a detailed analysis of the life and concepts of the Greek philosopher Plato. The Essence of Plato’s Philosophy explores epistemology and ontology, the philosophy of nature, ethics and the philosophy of the state, and aesthetics and religion. This book will be of interest to students of philosophy.

Morgenthau, Law and Realism

by Oliver Jütersonke

Although widely regarded as the 'founding father' of realism in International Relations, this book argues that Hans J. Morgenthau's legal background has largely been neglected in discussions of his place in the 'canon' of IR theory. Morgenthau was a legal scholar of German-Jewish origins who arrived in the United States in 1938. He went on to become a distinguished professor of Political Science and a prominent public intellectual. Rather than locate Morgenthau's intellectual heritage in the German tradition of Realpolitik, this book demonstrates how many of his central ideas and concepts stem from European and American legal debates of the 1920s and 30s. This is an ambitious attempt to recast the debate on Morgenthau and will appeal to IR scholars interested in the history of realism as well as international lawyers engaged in debates regarding the relationship between law and politics, and the history of international law.

New British Philosophy: The Interviews

by Julian Baggani Jeremy Stangroom

From popular introductions to biographies and television programmes, philosophy is everywhere. Many people even want to be philosophers, usually in the café or the pub. But what do real philosophers do? What are the big philosophical issues of today? Why do they matter? How did some our best philosophers get into philosophy in the first place?Read New British Philosophy and find out for the first time. Clear, engaging and designed for a general audience, sixteen fascinating interviews with some of the top philosophers from the new generation of the subject's leaders range from music to the mind and feminism to the future of philosophy.Each interview is introduced and conducted by Julian Baggini and Jeremy Stangroom of The Philosophers Magazine. This is a unique snapshot of philosophy in Great Britain today and includes interviews with:Ray Monk - Biography; Nigel Warburton - the Public; Aaron Ridley - Music; Jonathan Wolff - Politics; Roger Crisp - Ethics; Rae Langton - Pornography; Miranda Fricker - Knowledge; M.G.F.Martin - Perception; Timothy Williamson - Vagueness; Tim Crane - Mind; Robin Le Poidevin - Metaphysics; Christina Howells - Sartre; Simon Critchley - Phenomenology; Simon Glendinning - Continental; Stephen Mulhall - the Future; Keith Ansell Pearson - the Human.

Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics (Second Edition) (Loeb Classical Library #XIX)

by H. Rackham Aristotle

Nearly all the works Aristotle (384-322 BCE) prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials, notes, and memoranda (some are spurious). They can be categorized as practical; logical; physical; metaphysical; on art; other; fragments.

Artists in Uniform: A Study of Literature and Bureaucratism (Routledge Revivals)

by Max Eastman

First published in 1934, Artists in Uniform confronts what the author describes as ‘two of the worst features of the Soviet experiment’ following Lenin’s death – bigotry and bureaucratism – and shows how they have functioned in the sphere of arts and letters. It is divided into three parts: The Artist’s International; A Literary Inquisition; and Art and the Marxian Philosophy.

Essentials in the Development of Religion: A Philosophic and Psychological Study (Routledge Revivals)

by J. E. Turner

First published in 1934, Essentials in the Development of Religion was written with the conviction that the psychological and philosophical analysis of all phases of religious experience, even those which may be accounted the highest, is capable of yielding results of inestimable importance which could be attained in no other way. Dr. Turner discusses the historical development of the philosophy of religion and reveals topics that have been presupposed or embodied in regular human life. The book will be of interest to students of philosophy, religion and psychology.

Idealism: A Critical Survey (Routledge Revivals)

by Alfred C Ewing

First published in 1934, this book evaluates the characteristic doctrines of the idealism which dominated philosophy during the last century. It seeks to combine realism, as to epistemology and physical objects, with a greater appreciation of views which emphasize the unity and rationality of the universe. This work is not a history and does not try to compete with any histories of idealism but it instead reaches an independent conclusion on certain philosophical problems by criticising what others have said. The book considers differing arguments in order to determine their validity.

Logic in Practice (Routledge Library Editions: Logic)

by L. Susan Stebbing

Originally published in 1934. This fourth edition originally published 1954., revised by C. W. K. Mundle. "It must be the desire of every reasonable person to know how to justify a contention which is of sufficient importance to be seriously questioned. The explicit formulation of the principles of sound reasoning is the concern of Logic". This book discusses the habit of sound reasoning which is acquired by consciously attending to the logical principles of sound reasoning, in order to apply them to test the soundness of arguments. It isn’t an introduction to logic but it encourages the practice of logic, of deciding whether reasons in argument are sound or unsound. Stress is laid upon the importance of considering language, which is a key instrument of our thinking and is imperfect.

Preface to Action (Routledge Revivals)

by George E. Catlin

First published in 1934, Preface to Action was written to provoke thought on society and its structure and to enable readers to make a considered judgement at election, particularly those with less time to make their decision. The book discusses the conflict between wanting to make an informed political decision, and not having the time or all the information to do so. In light of this, Catlin brings together what he considers useful points to help guide readers towards a decision. He outlines his personal opinions and explains his reasons for them. Divided into three parts, the book first explores psychology and considers what institutional forms would best satisfy what he identifies as the major human instincts or impulses. The second part considers the community, whether it is state or nation, and what the best form of it is. The third part is a detailed exploration of the religions of Catholicism, Toryism, Fascism, and Communism. Preface to Action will be of great appeal to those with an interest in twentieth century British and European history, the history of politics, the history of political thought, and political psychology.

Religion and Theism: The Forwood Lectures Delivered at Liverpool University, 1933. Together with a Chapter on the Psychological Accounts of the Origin of Belief in God (Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy of Religion)

by Clement C.J. Webb

Four lectures on the Philosophy of Religion are included in this compact book along with an extra chapter on the psychology of belief in God. In a search for an acceptable theism, the author examines religious faith and human personality via many theories and facets of thinking, referring to psychologists, theologians and philosophers who have battled with similar questions. Originally published a year after the lectures were presented, this is an interesting classic volume by a well-known theorist of the early Twentieth Century.

Routledge Revivals: Germany and World-Historical Evolution (Routledge Revivals)

by Oswald Spengler

First published in 1934, the majority of this book was developed just prior to the Nazi seizure of power, with additional material which reflects on its aftermath. It assessed the decline of European power and the crisis of Western civilization in the face of conflict between the ruling class and the lower classes, arguing that only by adherence to their inherited ‘Prussianism’ would Germany have the solidity to be able to combat these dangers. Despite the influence of his previous writings on key Nazi figures, his criticisms of National Socialism led to the book being banned, although not before it had been widely distributed throughout Germany. This work will be of interest to students of 20th century German and European history.

An Enquiry into Moral Notions (Routledge Revivals)

by John Laird

First published in 1935, this book compares and examines what John Laird termed the ‘three most important notions in ethical science’: the concepts of virtue, duty and well-being. Laird poses the question of whether any one of these three concepts is capable of being the foundation of ethics and of supporting the other two. This is an interesting reissue, which will be of particular value to students researching the philosophy of ethics and morality.

Hume's Theory of the Understanding (Routledge Library Editions: 18th Century Philosophy #7)

by Ralph W. Church

This book, first published in 1935, is an examination of Hume’s theories of causal inference and belief in substance and his analysis of the understanding.

Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America

by Paul E. Gottfried

This book offers an original interpretation of the achievement of Leo Strauss, stressing how his ideas and followers reshaped the American conservative movement. The conservative movement that reached out to Strauss and his legacy was extremely fluid and lacked a self-confident leadership. Conservative activists and journalists felt a desperate need for academic acceptability, which they thought Strauss and his disciples would furnish. They also became deeply concerned with the problem of 'value relativism', which self-described conservatives thought Strauss had effectively addressed. But until recently, neither Strauss nor his disciples have considered themselves to be 'conservatives'. Contrary to another misconception, Straussians have never wished to convert Americans to ancient political ideals and practices, except in a very selective rhetorical fashion. Strauss and his disciples have been avid champions of American modernity, and 'timeless' values as interpreted by Strauss and his followers often look starkly contemporary.

The Life and Writings of Giambattista Vico (Routledge Revivals)

by H. P. Adams

First published in 1935, The Life and Writings of Giambattista Vico is a succinct biography of the Italian philosopher, Giambattista Vico. Carefully documented, the book comments on Vico’s life as well as his oeuvre in a bid to extend his audience to the English-speaking population. From his early childhood to the influence of his writings after his death, the book provides a keen insight into the many facets of his philosophy. This book will be of interest to students of philosophy and history.

Marxism and Modern Thought (Routledge Revivals)

by N. I. Bukharin A. M. Deborin Y. M. Yuranovsky S. I. Vavilov V. L. Komarov A. I. Tiumeniev

First published in English in 1935, this is a vital and stimulating critical appraisal of contemporary thought in the post-World War One era. Written by a selection of leading Marxist thinkers including Nikolai Bukharin, who would later become one of the most famous victims of Stalin's show trials, this work offers a Marxist critique of contemporary thought relating to philosophy, science and history. The authors all lean towards the view that the general tendency of modern thought is to abandon the historical method and to deny progress, with the conclusion that Marxism was the only historical and progressive outlook in science, philosophy and history in the period following the First World War and the Communist revolution in Russia. A fascinating document of great historical and political interest which offers an invaluable insight into contemporary thought in the Soviet Union of the 1930s.

Neoplatonism of the Italian Renaissance (Routledge Library Editions: Idealism)

by Nesca A. Robb

Originally published in 1935, the aim of this title is first to give a clear outline of Florentine Neoplatonism, and then to consider its influence on art and literature during a period that extends roughly from the age of Lorenzo de’ Medici to the middle of the sixteenth century and the beginnings of the Counter-Reformation. No rigid divisions of time have been fixed, but with few exceptions the works discussed may be placed between these bounds. Even within these limits it would require a work of greater dimensions that the present to exhaust so large a subject in all its bearings. The leaven of Neoplatonism had penetrated the thought of the age in many directions; this study is confined to such of its manifestations as were, in a somewhat narrow sense, artistic and literary and to the use and abuse of philosophical ideas for aesthetic purposes.

Plato's Theory of Knowledge (International Library of Philosophy)

by Francis MacDonald Cornford

This is Volume V of ten on a series on Ancient Philosophy that includes the works of Aristotle, Plato and the history of Greek philosophy. Originally published in 1935, this study looks ‘the ‘Theaetetus’ and the ‘Sophist’ of Plato translated with a running commentary.

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