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Showing 26,451 through 26,475 of 38,558 results

Educationalization and Its Complexities: Religion, Politics, and Technology

by Rosa Bruno-Jofré

This edited collection brings together scholars from Canadian and international institutions to discuss educationalization, a trend in modern societies that involves transferring social responsibilities onto the school system. This book brings a new dimension to the literature on educationalization by examining the concept in relation to Catholicism, Indigenous issues, the right to education, and historical studies grounded in both Canada and Chile. In these contributions, the book represents an attempt to both deepen the current discussion on the construction and use of educationalization as a concept as well as invite further exploration of this subject in relation to the increasing digitalization of life in the twenty-first century.

The Ego and the Id (Complete Psychological Works Of Sigmund Freud Ser. #0)

by Sigmund Freud

“Many major ideas have been borne out [of his theories] and are still relevant today.” —Huffington Post One of famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud’s most prominent ideas was that of the id, the ego, and the super-ego—the three main factors behind the workings of the human mind. Freud claimed these components of the human psyche controlled all processes of personality, behaviors, and traits in a person. The Id was a person’s most basic and impulsive instincts—the ones that feed into our deepest desires and physical needs. The Super-Ego was the opposite of the id. This component controlled our highest morals and standards, operating through our conscience and making us desire to be our most ideal-selves. The piece in the middle is the Ego. The ego mediates between the id and realities of the world around us, while being supervised (and guilted) by the super-ego. In this new edition of his book, The Ego and the Id, Sigmund Freud delves deeper into the concepts of the human mind and the results of the conflicts and workings between them.

"- ein Leser, wie ich ihn verdiene": Nietzsche-Lektüren in der deutschen Philosophie und Soziologie

by Eike Brock Jutta Georg

Dieses Buch trägt die Nietzsche-Rezeption im deutschsprachigen Raum anhand der bedeutendsten Autorinnen und Autoren zusammen, wobei neben der philosophischen auch die soziologische Rezeption berücksichtigt wird. Es dokumentiert die spannenden Veränderungen des Nietzsche-Verständnisses im Wandel der Zeiten und eröffnet im selben Atemzug neue Perspektiven für die Interpretation von Nietzsches Philosophie. Nicht zuletzt ist der Band eine exklusive Informationsquelle und Orientierungshilfe für Nietzsche-Forscherinnen und -Forscher und – ganz nebenbei – eine etwas andere Geschichte der deutschen Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Einführung in die Philosophie der Mathematik

by Jörg Neunhäuserer

Welche Art von Gegenständen untersucht die Mathematik und in welchem Sinne existieren diese Gegenstände? Warum dürfen wir die Aussagen der Mathematik zu unserem Wissen zählen und wie lassen sich diese Aussagen rechtfertigen? Eine Philosophie der Mathematik versucht solche Fragen zu beantworten. In dieser Einführung stellen wir maßgebliche Positionen in der Philosophie der Mathematik vor und formulieren die Essenz dieser Positionen in möglichst einfachen Thesen. Der Leser erfährt, auf welche Philosophen eine Position zurückgeht und in welchem historischen Kontext diese entstand. Ausgehend von Grundintuitionen und wissenschaftlichen Befunden lässt sich für oder gegen eine These in der Philosophie der Mathematik argumentieren. Solche Argumente bilden den zweiten Schwerpunkt dieses Buchs. Das Buch soll den Leser dazu anregen, über die Philosophie der Mathematik nachzudenken und eine eigene Position zu formulieren und für diese zu argumentieren.

Einstein: An Intimate Study of a Great Man

by Dimitri Marianoff Palma Wayne

Einstein: An Intimate Study of a Great Man, first published in 1944, recounts the personal life of physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955). The book was written by Einstein’s son-in-law, who married his daughter Margot in Berlin in 1930. Einstein was a simple, direct man, but remains today larger-than-life, and as author Marianoff writes, “Einstein’s life is not an exciting one. It is not filled with the rush and sweep of spectacular adventures. It has none of the scope and danger of the explorer, who freezes and suffers and agonizes in his search. It is not filled with the stir and headiness of eventful, flamboyant episodes. It is not a colorful panorama of the human pilgrimage...It has no color at all except the color of greatness...It is a mighty epic journey of science—a steady, breathtaking march whose heroic altitude is of such heights that it precludes the ecstatic language so often applied to singular human endeavors...It has no thrill in it, except the thrill of having changed the tide of man’s history and created new channels for his growth...It has no drama in it, except the overpowering drama of a conquest so immeasurable that as long as man remains on earth he will have benefited by it.”

Einstein's Unfinished Revolution: The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum

by Lee Smolin

A daring new vision of the quantum universe, and the scandals controversies, and questions that may illuminate our future--from Canada's leading mind on contemporary physics.Quantum physics is the golden child of modern science. It is the basis of our understanding of atoms, radiation, and so much else, from elementary particles and basic forces to the behaviour of materials. But for a century it has also been the problem child of science, plagued by intense disagreements between its intellectual giants, from Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawking, over the strange paradoxes and implications that seem like the stuff of fantasy. Whether it's Schrödinger's cat--a creature that is simultaneously dead and alive--or a belief that the world does not exist independently of our observations of it, quantum theory is what challenges our fundamental assumptions about our reality. In Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, globally renowned theoretical physicist Lee Smolin provocatively argues that the problems which have bedeviled quantum physics since its inception are unsolved for the simple reason that the theory is incomplete. There is more, waiting to be discovered. Our task--if we are to have simple answers to our simple questions about the universe we live in--must be to go beyond it to a description of the world on an atomic scale that makes sense. In this vibrant and accessible book, Smolin takes us on a journey through the basics of quantum physics, introducing the stories of the experiments and figures that have transformed the field, before wrestling with the puzzles and conundrums that they present. Along the way, he illuminates the existing theories about the quantum world that might solve these problems, guiding us toward his own vision that embraces common sense realism. If we are to have any hope of completing the revolution that Einstein began nearly a century ago, we must go beyond quantum mechanics as we know it to find a theory that will give us a complete description of nature. In Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, Lee Smolin brings us a step closer to resolving one of the greatest scientific controversies of our age.

Einstein's Unfinished Revolution: The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum

by Lee Smolin

A daring new vision of quantum theory from one of the leading minds of contemporary physicsQuantum physics is the golden child of modern science. It is the basis of our understanding of atoms, radiation, and so much else, from elementary particles and basic forces to the behavior of materials. But for a century it has also been the problem child of science: it has been plagued by intense disagreements between its inventors, strange paradoxes, and implications that seem like the stuff of fantasy. Whether it's Schrödinger's cat--a creature that is simultaneously dead and alive--or a belief that the world does not exist independently of our observations of it, quantum theory challenges our fundamental assumptions about reality. In Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, theoretical physicist Lee Smolin provocatively argues that the problems which have bedeviled quantum physics since its inception are unsolved and unsolvable, for the simple reason that the theory is incomplete. There is more to quantum physics, waiting to be discovered. Our task--if we are to have simple answers to our simple questions about the universe we live in--must be to go beyond quantum mechanics to a description of the world on an atomic scale that makes sense. In this vibrant and accessible book, Smolin takes us on a journey through the basics of quantum physics, introducing the stories of the experiments and figures that have transformed our understanding of the universe, before wrestling with the puzzles and conundrums that the quantum world presents. Along the way, he illuminates the existing theories that might solve these problems, guiding us towards a vision of the quantum that embraces common sense realism. If we are to have any hope of completing the revolution that Einstein began nearly a century ago, we must go beyond quantum mechanics to find a theory that will give us a complete description of nature. In Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, Lee Smolin brings us a step closer to resolving one of the greatest scientific controversies of our age.

Ejemplaridad pública (edición conmemorativa con prólogo del autor)

by Javier Gomá Lanzón

Taurus recupera Ejemplaridad pública, el libro de filosofía más emblemático de los últimos años, para conmemorar el décimo aniversario de su publicación. Este libro defiende la ejemplaridad, igualitaria y secularizada, como principio organizador de la democracia moderna en la convicción de que, en esta época postnihilista, en la que autoritarismo y coerción han perdido su poder cohesionador, solo la fuerza persuasiva del ejemplo virtuoso, generador de costumbres cívicas, es capaz de promover la auténtica emancipación del ciudadano. La crítica opina:«Un soplo de aire fresco. Sacude las sombras de las antiguas tradiciones con la claridad de un arroyo de montaña. Ofrece también una nueva visión, perspicaz y necesaria, de los futuros posibles. Insuflará nueva vida a nuestra perpetua búsqueda de sentido.»Zygmunt Bauman «De lejos el intelectual español más interesante y profundo del momento, una especie de hombre del Renacimiento.»Joseph Weiler «Uno de los intelectuales públicos más distinguidos de España. Una propuesta audaz y atractiva que contribuye a revitalizar la filosofía y enriquecer la vida cívica de las sociedades democráticas.»Michael Sandel «A veces pienso que una buena antología de los textos de Gomá o, por qué no, todos ellos, podrían figurar como adenda de la misma Constitución una vez que sea revisada.»César Antonio De Molina «Un fenómeno dentro del pensamiento español actual.»Javier Rodríguez Marcos, El País «Una de las obras mayores para quienes se toman en serio la crisis política actual, que es moral.»J.M. Ureña, El Periódico «El capítulo "La auténtica fuente de moralidad social" deberían ponerlo en las paradas del bus y del metro.»Luis Algorri, Tiempo «En este ambiente de cinismo generalizado no puede ser más oportuno este libro.»Germán Cano, La Razón «Admirable ensayo.»Félix de Azúa «Un éxito fulgurante.»Manuel Barrios, El Cultural «Como nos recuerda el brillante filósofo español Javier Gomá Lanzón, la educación moral se da mediante el poder del ejemplo.»David Brooks, The New York Time «Javier Gomá medita sobre un tiempo geológico -el filosófico- sin renunciar a observar urgencias del presente. Se apropia de conceptos caídos en desuso y los rellena con savia nueva.»Tereixa Constenla, El País «Un hombre cuya formación lo convierte en una espléndida rareza dentro del ámbito del nuevo pensamiento español.»ABC «Javier Gomá se ha convertido con todo merecimiento en una destacada figura del panorama intelectual español.»El Cultural «Un pensador en alza.»El Mundo «El filósofo Javier Gomá es el pensador de moda.»Babelia

El libro de las matemáticas (DK Big Ideas)

by DK

Grandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasEscrito en un lenguaje accesible, El libro de las matemáticas presenta explicaciones claras y concisas que desbrozan la jerga especializada, diagramas que plasman complejas teorías, citas memorables e ingeniosas ilustraciones que juegan con nuestras ideas acerca de los números.¿Qué es un número imaginario? ¿Cómo pueden servir las matemáticas para predecir el futuro? A lo largo de la historia, los matemáticos se han planteado grandes preguntas como estas, y han proporcionado respuestas que ayudan a comprenderlo todo, desde los patrones de la naturaleza hasta la tecnología informática actual.Tanto el alumno motivado como quien simplemente sienta curiosidad por las matemáticas se sentirán intrigados y estimulados por muchas de las ideas de este libro.

Elegant Simplicity: The Art of Living Well

by Satish Kumar

&“A profound and accessible guide to an ecological civilization of peace, material sufficiency, and spiritual abundance for all.&” —David Korten, international-bestselling author of When Corporations Rule the World Consumerism drives the pursuit of happiness in much of the world, yet as wealth grows unhappiness abounds, compounded by the grave problems of climate change, pollution, and ecological degradation. We&’ve now reached both an environmental and spiritual dead-end that leaves us crying out for alternatives. Elegant Simplicity provides a coherent philosophy of life that weaves together simplicity of material life, thought, and spirit. In it, Satish Kumar, environmental thought leader and former monk, distills five decades of reflection and wisdom into a guide for everyone, covering: · The ecological and spiritual principles of living simply · Shedding both &“stuff&” and psychological baggage · Opening your mind and heart to the deep value of relationships · Embedding simplicity in all aspects of life including education and work · Merging science and spirituality for a coherent worldview. Elegant Simplicity is a life guide for everyone wanting off the relentless treadmill of competition and consumption and seeking a life that prioritizes the ecological integrity of the Earth, social equity, and personal tranquility and happiness. &“Satish Kumar embodies the elegance of simplicity . . . follow his path to make your life simple, elegant, and inspiring.&” —Deepak Chopra, New York Times–bestselling author &“In this moving and eloquent book, Satish Kumar takes us through his own journey to a simpler, happier life with a low ecological footprint.&” —David Suzuki, award-winning geneticist, author, broadcaster, and environmental activist

Eliminativism, Objects, and Persons: The Virtues of Non-Existence (Routledge Studies in Metaphysics)

by Jiri Benovsky

In Eliminativism, Objects, and Persons, Jiri Benovsky defends the view that he doesn't exist. In this book, he also defends the view that this book itself doesn't exist. But this did not prevent him to write the book, and although in Benovsky's view you don't exist either, this does not prevent you to read it. Benovsky defends a brand of non-exceptionalist eliminativism. Some eliminativists, typically focusing on ordinary material objects such as chairs and hammers, make exceptions, for instance for blue whales (that is, living beings) or for persons (that is, conscious organisms). Benovsky takes one by one all types of allegedly existing objects like chairs, whales, and persons and shows that from the metaphysical point of view they are more trouble than they are worth—we are much better off without them. He thus defends an eliminativist view about ordinary objects as well as the 'no-Self' view, where he explores connections between metaphysics, phenomenology, and Buddhist thought. He then also considers the case of aesthetic objects, focusing on musical works and photographs, and shows that the claim of their non-existence solves the many problems that arise when one tries to find an appropriate ontological category for them, and that such an eliminativist view is more natural than what we might have thought. The arguments provided here are always topic-specific: each type of entity is given its own type of treatment, thus proving a varied and solid foundation for a generalized, non-exceptionalist, full-blown eliminativist worldview.

Emancipation After Hegel: Achieving a Contradictory Revolution

by Todd McGowan

Hegel is making a comeback. After the decline of the Marxist Hegelianism that dominated the twentieth century, leading thinkers are rediscovering Hegel’s thought as a resource for contemporary politics. What does a notoriously difficult nineteenth-century German philosopher have to offer the present? How should we understand Hegel, and what does understanding Hegel teach us about confronting our most urgent challenges?In this book, Todd McGowan offers us a Hegel for the twenty-first century. Simultaneously an introduction to Hegel and a fundamental reimagining of Hegel’s project, Emancipation After Hegel presents a radical Hegel who speaks to a world overwhelmed by right-wing populism, authoritarianism, neoliberalism, and economic inequalities. McGowan argues that the revolutionary core of Hegel’s thought is contradiction. He reveals that contradiction is inexorable and that we must attempt to sustain it rather than overcoming it or dismissing it as a logical failure. McGowan contends that Hegel’s notion of contradiction, when applied to contemporary problems, challenges any assertion of unitary identity as every identity is in tension with itself and dependent on others. An accessible and compelling reinterpretation of an often-misunderstood thinker, this book shows us a way forward to a new politics of emancipation as we reconcile ourselves to the inevitability of contradiction and find solidarity in not belonging.

Embodied Cognition (New Problems of Philosophy)

by Lawrence Shapiro

Embodied cognition is a recent development in psychology that practitioners often present as a superseding standard cognitive science. In this outstanding introduction, Lawrence Shapiro sets out the central themes and debates surrounding embodied cognition, explaining and assessing the work of many of the key figures in the field, including Lawrence Barsalou, Daniel Casasanto, Andy Clark, Alva Noë, and Michael Spivey. Beginning with an outline of the theoretical and methodological commitments of standard cognitive science, Shapiro then examines philosophical and empirical arguments surrounding the traditional perspective, setting the stage for a detailed examination of the embodied alternative. He introduces topics such as dynamical systems theory, ecological psychology, robotics, and connectionism, before addressing core issues in philosophy of mind such as mental representation and extended cognition. This second edition has been updated and revised throughout and includes new chapters that both expand on earlier topics and that introduce new material on embodied concepts, preference formation, and emotion. Including helpful chapter summaries and annotated further reading at the end of each chapter, Embodied Cognition, Second Edition is essential reading for all students of philosophy of mind, psychology, and cognitive science.

Embodiment, Relation, Community: A Continental Philosophy of Communication

by Garnet C. Butchart

In this volume, Garnet C. Butchart shows how human communication can be understood as embodied relations and not merely as a mechanical process of transmission. Expanding on contemporary philosophies of speech and language, self and other, and community and immunity, this book challenges many common assumptions, constructs, and problems of communication theory while offering compelling new resources for future study.Human communication has long been characterized as a problem of transmitting information, or the “outward” sharing of “inner thought” through mediated channels of exchange. Butchart questions that model and the various theories to which it gives rise. Drawing from the work of Giorgio Agamben, Roberto Esposito, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Jacques Lacan—thinkers who, along with Martin Heidegger and Michel Foucault, have critiqued the modern notion of a rational subject—Butchart shows that the subject is shaped by language rather than preformed, and that humans embody, and not just use, the signs and contexts of interaction that form what he calls a “communication community.”Accessibly written and engagingly researched, Embodiment, Relation, Community is relevant for researchers and advanced students of communication, cultural studies, translation, and rhetorical studies, especially those who work with a humanistic or interpretive paradigm.

Embodiment, Relation, Community: A Continental Philosophy of Communication

by Garnet C. Butchart

In this volume, Garnet C. Butchart shows how human communication can be understood as embodied relations and not merely as a mechanical process of transmission. Expanding on contemporary philosophies of speech and language, self and other, and community and immunity, this book challenges many common assumptions, constructs, and problems of communication theory while offering compelling new resources for future study.Human communication has long been characterized as a problem of transmitting information, or the “outward” sharing of “inner thought” through mediated channels of exchange. Butchart questions that model and the various theories to which it gives rise. Drawing from the work of Giorgio Agamben, Roberto Esposito, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Jacques Lacan—thinkers who, along with Martin Heidegger and Michel Foucault, have critiqued the modern notion of a rational subject—Butchart shows that the subject is shaped by language rather than preformed, and that humans embody, and not just use, the signs and contexts of interaction that form what he calls a “communication community.”Accessibly written and engagingly researched, Embodiment, Relation, Community is relevant for researchers and advanced students of communication, cultural studies, translation, and rhetorical studies, especially those who work with a humanistic or interpretive paradigm.

Emergence and Modularity in Life Sciences

by Lars H. Wegner Ulrich Lüttge

This book focuses on modules and emergence with self-organization in the life sciences. As Aristotle observed so long ago, the whole is more than the sum of its parts. However, contemporary science is dominated by reductionist concepts and tends to neglect the non-reproducible features of complex systems, which emerge from the interaction of the smaller units they are composed of. The book is divided into three major parts; the essays in part A highlight the conceptual basis of emergence, linking it to the philosophy of science, systems biology and sustainability. This is subsequently exemplified in part B by applying the concept of emergence to various biological disciplines, such as genetics, developmental biology, neurobiology, plant physiology and ecology. New aspects of emergence come into play when biology meets the technical sciences, as revealed in a chapter on bionics. In turn, part C adopts a broader view, revealing how the organization of life follows a hierarchical order in terms of scalar dimensions, ranging from the molecular level to the entire biosphere. The idea that life is primarily and exclusively shaped by processes at the molecular level (and, in particular, by the information encoded in the genome) is refuted; rather, there is no hierarchy with respect to the level of causation in the cross-talk between the levels. In the last two chapters, the evolutionary trend toward ever-increasing complexity in living systems is interpreted in terms of the Gaia hypothesis sensu Lovelock: the entire biosphere is viewed as a functional unit (or ‘holobiont-like system’) organized to develop and sustain life on Earth.

The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant's Moral Philosophy

by Stefano Bacin Oliver Sensen

Autonomy is one of the central concepts of contemporary moral thought, and Kant is often credited with being the inventor of individual moral autonomy. But how and why did Kant develop this notion? The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant's Moral Philosophy is the first essay collection exclusively devoted to this topic. It traces the emergence of autonomy from Kant's earliest writings to the changes that he made to the concept in his mature works. The essays offer a close historical and philosophical analysis of what prompted Kant to develop his conception of autonomy, charting the historical background which prompted his search, and thoroughly analysing different stages of his writings in order to see which element of autonomy was introduced at which point. The resulting volume will be of interest to both scholars and students of Kantian moral philosophy, as well as to anyone interested in the subject of autonomy.

The Emergence of Relativism: German Thought from the Enlightenment to National Socialism

by Martin Kusch Katherina Kinzel Johannes Steizinger Niels Wildschut

Debates over relativism are as old as philosophy itself. Since the late nineteenth century, relativism has also been a controversial topic in many of the social and cultural sciences. And yet, relativism has not been a central topic of research in the history of philosophy or the history of the social sciences. This collection seeks to remedy this situation by studying the emergence of modern forms of relativism as they unfolded in the German lands during the "long nineteenth century"—from the Enlightenment to National Socialism. It focuses on relativist and anti-relativist ideas and arguments in four contexts: history, science, epistemology, and politics. The Emergence of Relativism will be of interest to those studying nineteenth- and twentieth-century philosophy, German idealism, and history and philosophy of science, as well as those in related disciplines such as sociology and anthropology.

The Emergence of Spacetime in String Theory (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics and Physics)

by Tiziana Vistarini

The nature of space and time is one of the most fascinating and fundamental philosophical issues which presently engages at the deepest level with physics. During the last thirty years this notion has been object of an intense critical review in the light of new scientific theories which try to combine the principles of both general relativity and quantum theory—called theories of quantum gravity. This book considers the way string theory shapes its own account of spacetime disappearance from the fundamental level.

Émilie Du Châtelet and the Foundations of Physical Science (Routledge Focus on Philosophy)

by Katherine Brading

The centerpiece of Émilie Du Châtelet’s philosophy of science is her Foundations of Physics, first published in 1740. The Foundations contains epistemology, metaphysics, methodology, mechanics, and physics, including such pressing issues of the time as whether there are atoms, the appropriate roles of God and of hypotheses in scientific theorizing, how (if at all) bodies are capable of acting on one another, and whether gravity is an action-at-a-distance force. Du Châtelet sought to resolve these issues within a single philosophical framework that builds on her critique and appraisal of all the leading alternatives (Cartesian, Newtonian, Leibnizian, and so forth) of the period. The text is remarkable for being the first to attempt such a synthetic project, and even more so for the accessibility and clarity of the writing. This book argues that Du Châtelet put her finger on the central problems that lay at the intersection of physics and metaphysics at the time, and tackled them drawing on the most up-to-date resources available. It will be a useful source for students and scholars interested in the history and philosophy of science, and in the impact of women philosophers in the early modern period.


by Vicente Verdú

Un libro que vibra con toda la sensibilidad, la ironía y la inteligencia que caracterizaban a Vicente Verdú. En este brillante ejercicio literario y filosófico, Vicente Verdú se dedicó a contemplar con detenimiento los espacios, objetos y pequeños instantes que forman parte de nuestra vida cotidiana: las sábanas, el sexo, el momento de despertar, la atracción del parecido, los lunes, la memoria, la mentira... Aparentemente intrascendentes, se vuelven evocadores y emocionantes, y revelan la personalidad del artista y su lúcida e irónica mirada sobre el mundo. Emociones es un libro que nos hace sentir como en casa. La crítica ha dicho:«Verdú era un renacentista moderno que desde el Mediterráneo se trajo a la meseta un modo insólito de interpretar la realidad. Siempre dio muestras radicales de su compromiso con la modernidad, en los cuadros y en los artículos o en los libros.»Juan Cruz, El País

Emotion: The Basics (The Basics)

by Michael Brady

While human beings might be rational animals, they are emotional animals as well. Emotions play a central role in all areas of our lives and if we are to have a proper understanding of human life and activity, we ought to have a good grasp of the emotions. Michael S. Brady structures Emotion: The Basics around two basic, yet fundamental, questions: What are emotions? And what do emotions do? In answering these questions Brady provides insight into a core component of all our lives, covering: the nature of emotion; emotion, knowledge, and understanding; emotion and action; emotions and social groups; emotion, morality, and art. In this concise and insightful introduction, Brady explains why we are often better off as a result of emotion rather than reason being in the driving seat, as our lives, both individual and social, would be significantly impoverished without the emotions. With a glossary of key terms and suggestions for further reading, Emotion: The Basics is an ideal starting point for anyone seeking a full introduction to the philosophical study of emotion.

Emotion in Sports: Philosophical Perspectives (Ethics and Sport)

by Yunus Tuncel

Emotion is central to human character, infiltrating our physiological functions and our mental constitution. In sport, athletes feel emotion in specific ways, from joy to anger and despair. This is the first book to examine emotion in sport from a philosophical perspective, building on concepts developed by ancient Greek and modern philosophers. For instance, how is Aristotle’s concept of catharsis applied to the sports field? How about power as advanced by Nietzsche, or existentialism as discussed by Kierkegaard? Emotion in Sports explores the philosophical framework for the expression of emotion and relates it to our psychological understanding, from the perspective of both athlete and spectator. A fascinating and useful read for students, researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the fields of sport sciences, philosophy, and psychology.

The Emotional Mind: The Affective Roots of Culture and Cognition

by Stephen T. Asma

For 200 million years before humans developed a capacity to reason, the emotional centers of the brain were hard at work. Stephen Asma and Rami Gabriel help us understand the evolution of the mind by exploring this more primal capability that we share with other animals: the power to feel, which is the root of so much that makes us uniquely human.

Emotions, Protest, Democracy: Collective Identities in Contemporary Spain (Routledge Advances in Democratic Theory)

by Emmy Eklundh

With the rise of both populist parties and social movements in Europe, the role of emotions in politics has once again become key to political debates, and particularly in the Spanish case. Since 2011, the Spanish political landscape has been redrawn. What started as the Indignados movement has now transformed into the party Podemos, which claims to address important deficits in popular representation. By creating space for emotions, the movement and the party have made this a key feature of their political subjectivity. Emotions and affect, however, are often viewed as either purely instrumental to political goals or completely detached from ‘real’ politics. This book argues that the hierarchy between the rational and the emotional works to sediment exclusionary practices in politics, deeming some forms of political expressions more worthy than others. Using radical theories of democracy, Emmy Eklundh masterfully tackles this problem and constructs an analytical framework based on the concept of visceral ties, which sees emotions and affect as constitutive of any collective identity. She later demonstrates empirically, using both ethnographic method and social media analysis, how the movement Indignados is different from the political party Podemos with regards to emotions and affect, but that both are suffering from a broader devaluation of emotional expressions in political life. Bridging social and political theory, Emotions, Protest, Democracy: Collective Identities in Contemporary Spain provides one of the few in-depth accounts of the transition from the movement Indignados to party Podemos, and the role of emotions in contemporary Spanish and European politics.

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