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Ontologische Ordnungswechsel mit Michel Foucault: Vorschlag einer polykontexturalen Lesart der Diskurstheorie

by Kathleen Neher

Ordnung muss behauptet werden, um sie untersuchen zu können. Dass jedoch keine Ordnung ohne den Verweis auf ihr Komplement zu haben ist, bemerkte schon Foucault im Rahmen seiner Diskurstheorie. In dem Moment, in dem das ordnende Subjekt in Zusammenhang mit der Unruhe des wissenschaftlichen Diskurses gebracht wird, erklärt auch Foucault sich selbst zum Problem. Jenes onto-epistemologische Problem, welchem sich kaum eine noch so methodisch kontrollierte Wissenschaft entziehen kann, lässt die Autorin im Rahmen eines Theoriedialoges nunmehr erneut verhandeln. Darin werden Theoriefiguren aus den Laws of Form George Spencer-Browns und der Polykontexturalitätstheorie Gotthard Günthers aufgegriffen, im Hinblick auf ihren methodologischen Wert diskutiert und im Rahmen einer (onto)logischen Untersuchung der Theoriegenese Foucaults zur Anwendung gebracht. Im Ergebnis wird eine polykontexturale Lesart der Diskurstheorie vorgeschlagen: Ordnung bleibt darin keine bloße Behauptung, vielmehr wird sie zur Reflexionsform, innerhalb derer ontologische Ordnungswechsel methodologisch möglich werden.

Gestaltungsprinzipien für den Erwerb von TPACK in der Lehrkräftebildung: Eine empirisch-explorative Längsschnittbefragung von Lehramtsstudierenden

by Danny Dignaß

Die voranschreitende Digitalisierung unserer Lebenswelt stellt die traditionelle Lehrkräfteausbildung in Deutschland vor die Herausforderung, sich den Veränderungen anzupassen und den steigenden Anforderungen im Umgang mit digitalen Medien gerecht zu werden. Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung und Förderung von digitalisierungsbezogenen Kompetenzen und Einstellungen sowie der unterrichtlichen Nutzungshäufigkeit digitaler Medien bei Lehramtsstudierenden. Am konkreten Beispiel der Technischen Universität Dortmund werden dabei Zusammenhänge zwischen spezifischen Gestaltungsprinzipien digitalisierungsbezogener Lehr-Lernangebote für angehende Lehrkräfte und dem TPACK-Konzept erforscht. Die Untersuchung basiert auf einer umfassenden Auswertung quantitativer und qualitativer Daten aus den Sommersemestern 2021 und 2023. Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit steht die Bereitstellung einer evidenzbasierten Orientierung für die Vorbereitung von Lehramtsstudierenden auf einen effektiven Einsatz digitaler Medien in schulischen Lehr-Lernprozessen in der Digitalität.

Pascal's God and the Fragments of the World

by Martin Nemoianu

In Pascal's God and the Fragments of the World, Martin Nemoianu offers a new interpretation of the thought of Blaise Pascal, drawn from the Pensées and beyond. The book takes Pascal's central theme to be the distinction - Infini rien - between the transcendent God and the created world, which, without God, would be nothing. Nemoianu identifies the distinction in Pascal, articulates it, and works through the difficulties attending the distinction's disclosure. He then considers the implications of the distinction for the nature of nature and the nature of the human being, culminating in the ideal of martyrdom. The book closes with treatment of a closely related theme: the relation between human freedom and divine grace, in the context of the vexed question of Pascal's Jansenism.

Russian Historiography from 1880 to 1905: Pavel N. Miliukov and the Moscow School (New Perspectives on Central and Eastern European Studies #6)

by Thomas M. Bohn

In Russian historiography, the Moscow School’s paradigm shift from political and legal history to social and economic history was markedly driven by Pavel Miliukov (1859-1943), the late leader of the Constitutional Democrats and foreign minister of the Provisional Government. Russian Historiography from 1880 to 1905 develops a narrative of historical sociology’s advancement through the Moscow School under Miliukov’s influence and provides a window into his decision making as a political figure who based his leadership not on public opinion but on the effectiveness of historical processes.

The Immeasurable Power of Prayer (The Buddhism of the Sun)

by Daisaku Ikeda

Does prayer work? What does it mean to pray in Buddhism? In a world where problems, both personal and global, seem out of our control, Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda explains the power of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo: “ Daimoku is so powerful that there is nowhere in the universe it does not reach.” The Immeasurable Power of Prayer is a collection of essays where Daisaku Ikeda outlines the limitless power of prayer in Nichiren Buddhism. We learn that no matter how difficult our circumstances, through chanting, we develop the ability to take bold action, create value, and make positive changes.

Deeper Learning with Psychedelics: Philosophical Pathways through Altered States (SUNY series, Horizons in the Philosophy of Education)

by David J. Blacker

In both clinical and informal settings, psychedelics users often report they have undergone something profound and even life-altering. Yet there persists a confounding inability to articulate just what has been imparted. Informed by multidisciplinary emerging research, this book provides an account of the specifically educational aspects of psychedelics and how they can render us ready to learn. Drawing from indigenous peoples worldwide who typically revere these substances as "plant teachers" and from canonical thinkers in the western tradition such as Plato, Spinoza, Kant, and Heidegger, the author proposes an original set of categories through which to understand the educational capabilities of "entheogens" (psychedelics with visionary qualities). It emerges that entheogens' real power lies not in destabilizing and decentering—"turning on and dropping out"—but as powerful aids in restoring and reenchanting our shared worlds.

Gadamer and the Social Turn in Epistemology (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

by Carolyn Culbertson

While some take Gadamer's Truth and Method to be a departure from epistemological questions and concerns, author Carolyn Culbertson reads Gadamer's work as offering a valuable reflection on the nature of understanding—one that is deeply resonant with the recent social turn in epistemology. Like social epistemologists, Gadamer worries about the epistemic irresponsibility that we encourage when we treat an attitude of objectivity, wherein the inquirer lacks any awareness of their social and historical situation, as an epistemic ideal. Like social epistemologists too, Gadamer argues that understanding that one is socially and historically situated does not mean believing that one is fated to simply repeat traditional ideas without critique or modification—a concern frequently raised in response to critiques of Enlightenment epistemology. By developing such parallels, Gadamer and the Social Turn in Epistemology offers seasoned readers of Gadamer a new context in which to appreciate his discussion of understanding in Truth and Method and readers unfamiliar with Gadamer a productive point of access into his major work.

A Politics of Emancipation: The Miguel Abensour Reader (SUNY series in Contemporary French Thought)

by Miguel Abensour

Despite his influence in utopian studies and democratic theory, French philosopher Miguel Abensour (1939–2017) has yet to be fully discovered in the English-speaking world as only a fraction of his work has been translated. A Politics of Emancipation fills this void by translating a selection of his seminal essays into English for the first time. The Reader provides a systematic overview of Abensour's work and the two inseparable projects that govern his approach to political theory: on the one hand, a radical critique of all forms of domination and, on the other, a desire to conceptualize the political as the realm of freedom and emancipation. For Abensour, both projects are to be undertaken together in order to avoid the double trap of an evacuation of conflict from politics and the reduction of politics to a form of domination. In other words, a politics of emancipation requires a "ruthless" critique of domination coupled with an analysis of politics as the domain within which human beings experience freedom and equality.

Das Nachleben der Künste: Von Kunst und Künsten zu Materialien und Orten (Ästhetiken X.0 – Zeitgenössische Konturen ästhetischen Denkens)

by Christian Grüny

Die künstlerische Produktion der Gegenwart ist äußerst divers und kaum mehr auf klare Kategorien festlegbar. Es ist eine geläufige Diagnose, dass sich Disziplinengrenzen auflösen und dass letztlich alles in einer Kunst im Singular aufgeht. Das Buch vertritt die These, dass bei allen Überschreitungs- und Hybridisierungsbewegungen disziplinäre Logiken weiterhin bedeutsam sind und dass die Begriffe der Kunst im Singular und der Künste im Plural nur schlecht geeignet sind, diese Situation zu beschreiben: Sie unterschätzen die Heterogenität der künstlerischen Arbeiten bzw. suggerieren, die verschiedenen Disziplinen ließen sich sauber nebeneinander sortieren und folgten im Großen und Ganzen derselben Logik, was offensichtlich nicht der Fall ist. Als alternative Beschreibungsmöglichkeiten werden die Begriffe des Materials und des Ortes angeboten, mit denen jeweils konkrete, aber systematisch verankerte Analysen an die Stelle klarer Kategorisierungen gesetzt werden. Der Begriff des künstlerischen Materials wird von Theodor W. Adorno übernommen, aber flexibilisiert: Er ist produktiv darin, dass er die innere Historizität von Kunstwerken zu denken erlaubt und sie auf Vorläufer und Traditionslinien beziehbar macht. Er muss allerdings von der Vorstellung eines klaren Fortschritts befreit und von der Fixierung auf einzelne, getrennte Disziplinen gelöst werden. Mit dem Begriff des Ortes wird der disziplinären, architektonischen, institutionellen und geopolitischen Situierung künstlerischer Arbeiten Rechnung getragen. Die beiden Begriffe funktionieren komplementär, indem sie Materiallinien auch über Grenzen hinweg verfolgbar und die Interferenzen beschreibbar machen, die sich bei Ortswechseln ergeben.Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.

The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy

by David Kyle Johnson

Much philosophical work on pop culture apologises for its use; using popular culture is a necessary evil, something merely useful for reaching the masses with important philosophical arguments. But works of pop culture are important in their own right--they shape worldviews, inspire ideas, change minds. We wouldn't baulk at a book dedicated to examining the philosophy of The Great Gatsby or 1984--why aren't Star Trek and Superman fair game as well? After all, when produced, the former were considered pop culture just as much as the latter. This will be the first major reference work to right that wrong, gathering together entries on film, television, games, graphic novels and comedy, and officially recognizing the importance of the field. It will be the go-to resource for students and researchers in philosophy, culture, media and communications, English and history and will act as a springboard to introduce the reader to the other key literature inthe field.

Ernesto Laclau: Pädagogische Lektüren

by Ralf Mayer Steffen Wittig Julia Sperschneider

Der Band diskutiert ausgewählte Positionen der Theoriebildung Ernesto Laclaus, die in den letzten Jahren im Kontext demokratietheoretischer Debatten zwar in politik-, kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Feldern rezipiert wurde, deren Aufnahme in erziehungswissenschaftlichen Debatten aber eher als ‚handverlesen‘ bezeichnet werden könnte. Die Rezeption beschränkt sich häufig auf spezifische Einsätze rund um die gemeinsam mit Chantal Mouffe in Hegemonie und radikale Demokratie entwickelte und an Antonio Gramsci ansetzende Hegemonietheorie. Dass Laclaus Perspektiven jedoch eine Vielzahl produktiver Anschlüsse und Irritationen für unterschiedliche pädagogische Frage- und Problemstellungen beinhalten, verdeutlichen die hier versammelten Beiträge rund um transdisziplinäre Spannungsverhältnisse von Politik, Bildung und Pädagogik, von Artikulation und Repräsentation, von Ontologie und Identität oder im Kontext aktueller Sichtweisen auf Inklusion, Solidarität, Migration, pädagogische Beziehungen und Professionalität.

Everything Is Predictable: How Bayes' Remarkable Theorem Explains the World

by Tom Chivers

Thomas Bayes was an eighteenth-century Presbyterian minister and amateur mathematician whose obscure life belied the profound impact of his work. Like most research into probability at the time, his theorem was mainly seen as relevant to games of chance, like dice and cards. But its implications soon became clear. Bayes' theorem helps explain why highly accurate screening tests can lead to false positives, causing unnecessary anxiety for patients. A failure to account for it in court has put innocent people in jail. But its influence goes far beyond practical applications. A cornerstone of rational thought, Bayesian principles are used in modelling and forecasting. 'Superforecasters', a group of expert predictors who outperform CIA analysts, use a Bayesian approach. And many argue that Bayes' theorem is not just a useful tool, but a description of almost everything - that it is the underlying architecture of rationality, and of the human brain. Fusing biography, razor-sharp science communication and intellectual history, Everything Is Predictable is a captivating tour of Bayes' theorem and its impact on modern life. From medical testing to artificial intelligence, Tom Chivers shows how a single compelling idea can have far-reaching consequences.

Leadership Matters in Catholic Education: Part 1: Foundations and Case Studies for the United Kingdom (Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities #2)

by Quentin Wodon Sean Whittle

This edited collection is the first part of a two-volume set., which focuses on leadership in Catholic education settings in the United Kingdom. It includes an overview of the importance of different types of leadership, including ‘servant-leadership’, in understanding and framing Catholic school practice, a critical survey of why leadership matters to ensuring the success of Catholic education, and a discussion of what counts as the defining characteristics of leadership in Catholic education and how this relates to the aims or philosophy of Catholic education. The chapters in this book draw from the insights and experiences of serving Catholic school leaders as well as from academics and researchers in Catholic education studies. The final two chapters provide a comparative analysis for the United Kingdom in a global perspective using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) . Together, the chapters argue that there is an urgent need to find, nurture, and sustain outstanding leaders for Catholic schools and colleges.

Kritische Pädagogik und Bildungsforschung: Anschlüsse an Paulo Freire (Kritische Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft)

by Rita Braches-Chyrek Joachim Schroeder Wassilios Baros Solvejg Jobst

Der Band greift theoretische und methodische Ansätze Paulo Freires auf, dessen Kampf für Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität beispielhaft für eine radikale Kritik am bestehenden, postkolonialen neoliberalen System ist. In der Auseinandersetzung mit Freires Position der kritischen Erziehungswissenschaft eröffnen sich neue, die bisherigen Grenzen überschreitende Möglichkeiten.

Race, Capital, and Equity in Higher Education: Challenging Differential Academic Attainment in UK Universities (Palgrave Studies in Race, Inequality and Social Justice in Education)

by Alexander Hensby Barbara Adewumi

This book examines the structural and cultural factors that explain the persistence of an attainment gap between white and Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students in UK universities. So-called ‘deficit’ approaches have long represented the orthodoxy in higher education strategy-making, yet they overlook the structural and institutional factors that reproduce attainment gaps. Whereas students already in possession of the right ‘academic capital’ are made to feel validated and empowered in their learning, BAME students – particularly those from working class backgrounds – may feel marginalised by dominant hierarchical cultures on campus.This book provides an important and unique contribution to the study of racial equity in higher education. Its chapters provide a breadth and depth of analyses which help explain the roots of the attainment gap, while offering reflections and commentaries on the necessary steps that universities must take in order to ensure equityfor students from all backgrounds.

An Academic History of China's Han Dynasty: Volume I Communicational Factors in Academic Development

by Tieji Xiong

This book offers an innovative take on the study of Chinese academic history, approaching the subject from the perspective of broader social and cultural developments, one that is not only comprehensive and inclusive, but also sheds new light on the subject. The book investigates the main academic developments of the Han Dynasty, such as the formation of new-Confucianism and the new-Daoism of Han, the establishment of history studies, advances in astronomy and geography, breakthroughs in agronomy and hydraulics, and the achievements in traditional Chinese medicine. It also explores the cultural and political backgrounds, the main influencing factors, and the main features of academic developments, especially academic carriers and Chinese hermeneutics. It provides a new paradigm for academic history studies and includes many new theories, e.g., the reconstruction of the pre-Qin academics by the Han scholars. This book offers a unique resource for all those who want to learn about and understand Chinese history and culture, especially the academic history of the Han Dynasty.

Real Gender: A Cis Defence of Trans Realities

by Constantine Sandis Danièle Moyal-Sharrock

Societies around the world are struggling to think clearly about trans realities and understand trans identities. Real Gender is the first book to present a cis defence of what it means to be transgender. Moyal-Sharrock and Sandis delve into the various factors which make many trans people’s experience of their gender (or lack thereof) as natural and unquestionable as that of cis people. While recognising the undeniably social aspects of gender, they find that gender cannot be completely divorced from our biological underpinnings. Contrary to popular opinion, gender self-identification does not require the denial of either biology or sex. What is needed is a more liberal understanding of our gender concepts, which would prevent us from confusing diversity with pathology. Steeped in published and personal trans testimonials, Real Gender does not seek to provoke or attack, but to unequivocally defend trans realities. A powerful exploration of a divisive topic, this book will be of interest to a wide audience of readers.

Podcasting (Digital Media and Society)

by Jeremy Wade Morris

Podcasting burst onto the media landscape in the early 2000s. At the time, there were hopes it might usher in a new wave of amateur and professional cultural production and represent an alternate model for how to produce, share, circulate and experience new voices and perspectives. Twenty years later, podcasting is at a critical juncture in its young history: a moment where the early ideals of open standards and platform-neutral distribution are giving way to services that prioritize lean-back listening and monetizable media experiences. This book provides an accessible and comprehensive account of one of digital media’s most vibrant formats. Focusing on the historical changes shaping podcasts as a media format, the book explores the industrial, technological and cultural components of podcasting alongside case studies of various podcasts, industry publications, and streaming audio platforms (e.g. Spotify, Google and Apple Podcasts). Jeremy Morris argues that as streaming platforms push to make podcasting more industrialized, accessible, user-friendly and similar to other audio media like music or audiobooks, they threaten podcasting’s early, though always unrealized, promises. This is the go-to introduction for students and researchers of media, communication and cultural studies, as well as readers who enjoy making and listening to podcasts.

Disavowal (Theory Redux)

by Alenka Zupančič

This book argues that the psychoanalytic concept of disavowal best renders the structure underlying our contemporary social response to traumatic and disturbing events, from climate change to unsettling tectonic shifts in our social tissue. Unlike denialism and negation, disavowal functions by fully acknowledging what we disavow. Zupančič contends that disavowal, which sustains some belief by means of ardently proclaiming the knowledge of the opposite, is becoming a predominant feature of our social and political life. She also shows how the libidinal economy of disavowal is a key element of capitalist economy. The concept of fetishistic disavowal already exposes the objectified side of the mechanism of the disavowal, which follows the general formula: I know well, but all the same, the object-fetish allows me to disregard this knowledge. Zupančič adds another twist by showing how, in the prevailing structure of disavowal today, the mere act of declaring that we know becomes itself an object-fetish by which we intercept the reality of that very knowledge. This perverse deployment of knowledge deprives it of any reality.This structure of disavowal can be found not only in the more extreme and dramatic cases of conspiracy theories and re-emerging magical thinking, but even more so in the supposedly sober continuation of business as usual, combined with the call to adapt to the new reality. To disrupt this social embedding of disavowal, it is not enough to change the way we think: things need to change, and hence the way they think for us.

The Orchid Cage: A Science Fiction Novel (Science and Fiction)

by Herbert W. Franke

This book is a new English translation of the classic science fiction story written in 1961 by Herbert W. Franke, widely held to be the most important German-language science-fiction writer. A dead city on a distant planet, two groups of people trying to explore it. Step by step, they penetrate the outer ring with its ultra-modern technology, the half-ruined medieval city center and finally the mysterious center. But is the eerie city really dead? Suddenly the factories start working again, the automatons intervene, and somewhere in the background there is still something hidden that could perhaps awaken. But is it people or machines? Herbert W. Franke leads the reader into an oppressively strange world; only after the startling resolution does it become clear what lies behind the adventures of the intruders - not a cosmic strangeness, but a threatening development that could affect humans in the same way. Franke's novel is thus a parable of the evolution of all humans in the age of technical communication ...

Culture Wars, Universities, and the Political Unconscious

by Robert Samuels

This book argues that whenever we are talking about cancel culture, identity politics, political correctness, antisemitism, conspiracy theories, or the alt-Right, we are dealing with a culture war, which often pits two sides against each other in a split world of good and evil. These political representations rely on a set of unconscious processes best understand through psychoanalysis. As this book argues, if you want to comprehend the rhetoric of the Right, the Left, conservatives, and centrists, it is necessary to see how these ideologies rely on unacknowledged defense mechanisms, fantasies, fears, and desires. In fact, if we do not employ psychoanalytic concepts to examine our political investments, we will be unable to get to the root causes driving these social productions. Each chapter of this book looks at a specific writer‘s or politician’s take on contemporary culture wars. One of the reoccurring themes concerns the way free speech has been weaponized by different ideological formations, and this battle over free expression is often centered on the role that universities play in balancing the demands among competing social interests. This book will not only clarify what universities should be, but it will also help us to move beyond our polarized political world.

Noise as a Constructive Element in Music: Theoretical and Music-Analytical Perspectives (Musical Cultures of the Twentieth Century)

by Mark Delaere

Music and noise seem to be mutually exclusive. Music is generally considered as an ordered arrangement of sounds pleasing to the ear and noise as its opposite: chaotic, ugly, aggressive, sometimes even deafening. When presented in a musical context, noise can thus act as a tool to express resistance to predominant cultural values, to society or to socioeconomic structures (including those of the music industry). The oppositional stance confirms current notions of noise as something which is destructive, a belief not only cherished by hard-core rock bands but also shared by engineers and companies developing devices to suppress or reduce noise in our daily environment.In contrast to the common opinions on noise just described, this volume seeks to explore the constructive potential of noise in contemporary musical practices. Rather than viewing noise as a ‘defect’, this volume aims at studying its aesthetic and cultural potential.Within the noise music study field, most recent publications focus on subgenres such as psychedelic post-rock, industrial, hard-core punk, trash or rave, as they developed from rock and popular music. This book includes work on avant-garde music developed in the domain of classical music as well. In addition to already well-established (social) historical and aesthetical perspectives on noise and noise music, this volume offers contributions by music analysts.

Treatise on the First Principle (Hackett Classics)

by John Duns Scotus

Seeking what he describes as "the utmost limit of the knowledge our natural reason can achieve . . . concerning the True Existence [that is God]," John Duns Scotus (1265–1308) offers in this treatise one of philosophy&’s most rigorous and ambitious attempts to deduce God&’s existence from purely metaphysical theorems. As elucidated by its concise philosophical commentary, Thomas M. Ward's new translation of the Treatise on the First Principle puts a masterpiece of natural theology within reach of a new generation of English-reading students of philosophy.

Living Educational Theory Research as an Epistemology for Practice: The Role of Values in Practitioners’ Professional Development (Routledge Research in Education)

by Jack Whitehead Marie Huxtable

This book explores a value-based research methodology, Living Educational Theory Research (LETR), which aligns a values-based approach with key tenets of professional development to inform and inspire future educators’ practice.Written by world-leading scholars in the field of LETR, the chapters are global in reach and promote the evolving and dynamic nature of the methodology and its application with real-world professional training within higher education. Through discussion and dialogue on the evolution of Living Educational Theory Research, the chapters explore topics such as professional development and community-based contexts, supporting academics wishing to improve their practice by placing the theory within a scholarly paradigm to legitimise its use for scholarly learning.Demonstrating how insights from disciplines such as philosophy, sociology and psychology are integrated within the generation of living-educational-theories, this outwardly looking volume will appeal to postgraduate students, scholars and researchers involved with educational theory, action research and other forms of practitioner research, and education research methods more broadly.

Plug-and-Play Education: Knowledge and Learning in the Age of Platforms and Artificial Intelligence

by Carlo Perrotta

Plug-and-Play Education: Knowledge and Learning in the Age of Platforms and Artificial Intelligence documents and critiques how the education sector is changing with the advancement of ubiquitous edtech platforms and automation. As programmability and computation reengineer institutions towards efficiency and prediction, the perpetual collection of and access to digital data is creating complex opportunities and concerns. Drawing from research into secondary and higher education settings, this book examines the influence of digital “infrastructuring”, the automation of teaching and learning, and the very purpose of education in a context of growing platformisation and artificial intelligence integration. These theoretical, practical, and policy-oriented insights will offer educational technologists, designers, researchers, and policymakers a more inclusive, diverse, and open-ended perspective on the design and implementation of learning technologies.

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