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Stoizismus für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Tom Morris Gregory Bassham

Die Kunst der stoischen Ruhe In einer hektischen Welt geprägt von Reizüberflutung und endlosen To-Do-Listen gibt es ein jahrhundertealtes Gegenmittel: Stoizismus. Entdecken Sie eine zeitlose Philosophie, die Ihnen einen Weg zur inneren Ruhe und mehr Gelassenheit aufzeigt. Spannendes Hintergrundwissen und zahlreiche Lebensweisheiten helfen Ihnen, mit den Herausforderungen des Alltags gelassener umzugehen. Mit Gelassenheit und „stoischer Ruhe“ lassen sich Hürden, aber auch Sinnfragen viel besser bewältigen. Lernen Sie mit Stoizismus für Dummies wertvolle Weisheiten kennen, die sich schon jahrhundertelang bewährt haben und Ihnen einen Leitfaden für ein erfülltes und glückliches Leben bieten. Sie erfahren Wie Ihnen Stoizismus durch den Dschungel des Lebens helfen kann Wie Sie stoische Prinzipien einfach und effektiv anwenden Warum Stoizismus aktueller denn je ist

Storytelling and Improvisation as Anti-Racist Pedagogies: Challenging White Supremacy in Elementary Education

by Samuel Jaye Tanner Erin T. Miller

This book theorizes and describes the concept of transformative critical whiteness pedagogies that are rooted in theories and practices of improvisation. It shows how these pedagogies invite people, especially white people, into the urgent work of resisting the ongoing production and affirmation of white supremacy.Using the frameworks of storytelling and story analysis, this book uses narrative to invite the reader into ongoing work to design and make sense of teaching and learning about whiteness that would meaningfully account for a grapple with white supremacy. Chapter 1 offers the conceptual framework rooted in theories and practices of improvisation that allow for new ways to think about engaging whiteness in anti-racist pedagogies, which the authors name transformative critical whiteness pedagogies. Chapters 2–4 tell and analyze the stories that emerged out of this work to design and facilitate transformative critical whiteness pedagogies with white elementary students, white college students, and then black elementary students in the US. Chapters 5 and 6 discuss the challenges of developing and implementing transformative critical whiteness pedagogies in K-12 contexts. The final chapters offer a discussion of the improvisational ethos, as well as an overview of the authors’ ongoing work to engage people, especially white people, in getting smarter about whiteness.Using simple, straightforward language to address complex ideas about anti-racist pedagogies, this volume will be important reading for pre-service teachers and teacher educators in Critical Whiteness Studies, Critical Multicultural Education, Social Foundations of Education, Elementary Education, and Race and Culture Studies.

Strategische Wahrheiten: Desinformation und Postfakten in der strategischen Kommunikation

by Olaf Hoffjann Lucas Seeber Ina von der Wense

Strategische Kommunikation zielt mit ihren kontingenten Wirklichkeitsbeschreibungen seit jeher auf gesellschaftliche Wahrheitsmodelle. Wie häufig gesellschaftliche Wahrheitsmodelle auf strategische Kommunikationsbemühungen zurückgehen, auf Unwahrhaftigkeit beruhen und damit zumindest zeitweise zu strategischen Wahrheiten werden, zeigen eindrucksvoll zwischenzeitlich geglaubte Wahrheiten, die sich als Lüge entpuppt haben: von Walter Ulbrichts „Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten“ über Hitlers Tagebücher bis hin zu den Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak. Die erfolgreichen Kampagnen der Brexiteers und von Donald Trump 2016 haben diesem Thema zu neuer und bislang ungeahnter Aufmerksamkeit verholfen. Während die Themen Desinformation und postfaktische Gesellschaft die Journalismus-, politische Kommunikations- und Medienethikforschung aktuell zu dominieren scheinen, ist das Schweigen der deutschsprachigen und internationalen PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung auffällig. Dies ist umso bemerkenswerter, weil die PR-Wissenschaft in der Vergangenheit immer wieder versucht hat, ihren Gegenstand zu schärfen, indem sie sich am Begriff der Propaganda abgearbeitet hat. Daraus müsste eigentlich eine Affinität für das Thema Desinformation resultieren. Aber genau das Gegenteil ist offensichtlich der Fall: Hat sich die PR-Wissenschaft gerade deshalb nicht mit Desinformation beschäftigt, weil sie sich so dezidiert von Propaganda und darin eingeschlossenen desinformierenden und manipulativen Techniken abgrenzen will? Was sind die Gründe hierfür? Glauben wir, bereits alles zum Thema gesagt zu haben? Liegt dies daran, dass sich die PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung seit jeher vor allem für Unternehmen und weniger für politische und Non-Profit-Organisationen interessiert? Oder fühlen wir uns hier schlicht und ergreifend nicht zuständig? Es scheint offenkundig höchste Zeit zu sein, sich wieder eingehend mit Fragen der Desinformation aus der Perspektive der strategischen Kommunikationsforschung zu befassen. Die Beiträge des Tagungsbandes fokussieren hierzu auf neue theoretische Perspektiven, normative Bewertungen und empirische Befunde.

Street Naming and the Politics of Greek-Cypriot Identity: The Case of Nicosia (Lefkosia), 1878–1975

by Stella Theocharous

This book is the first to explore street names and street-naming in the formation of a Greek-Cypriot identity in the cityscape of Nicosia between 1878 and 1975. Rather than treating toponymy as a direct linguistic act of spatial orientation, the book approaches street-naming as a contested practice involving those shared symbols and representations used to depict official history and collective identity as part of a political process. It considers how street names are part of the symbolic politics of space, and how authorities transformed the streets of Nicosia into arenas of struggle for the control of symbolic and material space. It documents historical efforts over the course of a century to impose a ‘geography of forgetting’ to buttress national identity and to cast out the ‘other’ from space — both literally and symbolically — so as to achieve territorial dominance and political legitimacy. The book is another step towards the development of a global perspective on the critical study of street-naming, thereby refining and expanding our knowledge of the political dynamics involved in the process. In their commemorative capacity, street names belong to the politics of public memory and identity.

Structuralism and Form in Literature and Biology: Critiquing Genetic Manipulation

by Peter McMahon

The book considers biology in parallel with philosophical structuralism in order to argue that notions of form in the organism are analogous to similar ideas in structuralist philosophy and literary theory. This analogy is then used to shed light on debates among biological scientists from the turn of the 19th century to the present day, including Cuvier, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Dawkins, Crick, Goodwin, Rosen and West-Eberhard. The book critiques the endorsement of genetic manipulation and bioengineering as keys to solving agricultural and environmental problems, suggesting that alternative models have been marginalized in the promotion of this discourse. Drawing from the work of philosophers including Cassirer, Saussure, Jakobson and Foucault the book ultimately argues that methods based on agroecology, supported by molecular applications (such as marker-assisted selection, MAS), can both advance agricultural development and remain focused on the whole organism.

Struggles for Liberation in Abya Yala

by Luis Rubén Díaz Cepeda Ernesto Rosen Velásquez

Presents struggles for liberation in the Americas from the perspectives of structural victims Struggles for Liberation in Abya Yala explores the ways people occupying different positionalities respond to various catastrophes while discussing how collective processes of struggle make new meanings and create new forms of relationality and subjectivity. Bringing together contributions by a diverse panel of well-established voices and rising scholars, this provocative volume challenges readers to resist, take direct collective action, organize, protest, and give proper uptake to social movements that fight against injustice and life-threatening conditions. Operating primarily within the context of “Abya Yala” — the term deployed by indigenous peoples to refer to the US, Latin America, and the Caribbean — the volume demonstrates and advances the explanatory and normative power of Philosophy of Liberation and the Decolonial Turn through theoretical analysis of current social changes unfolding in the Americas. Throughout the book, academic scholars and on-the-ground activists illustrate the reach, impact, and implications of radical social transformations that support victims of the system. Offering perspectives from the people who have chosen to rebel and act in solidarity against the system that oppresses them, Struggles for Liberation in Abya Yala: Addresses different struggles for social justice in the US, México and Latin America Draws from philosophical tradition with influence in Africana philosophy, feminism, critical race theory, ethics, and political philosophy Tasks readers to fight for reparations, stand in solidarity with marginalized and indigenous peoples, and abolish dispossession Critiques the capitalist and colonial relationships that facilitate the exploitation of large segments of the population Promotes social mobilization through education and the decolonization of Westernized university and educational practices An urgent call to action for all those seeking to fundamentally change the world, Struggles for Liberation in Abya Yala is a must-read for undergraduate and graduate students, educators and university lecturers, academic researchers and scholars, social and political activists, policymakers, journalists and media professionals, and general readers who are committed to liberation.

Studieren unter Bedingungen des ökonomisierten Lehramtsstudiums: Eine rassismuskritische Perspektive auf Professionalisierungsprozesse angehender Lehrer*innen (Pädagogische Professionalität und Migrationsdiskurse)

by Dennis Barasi

Die Studie geht der Frage nach, inwiefern eine rassismuskritische Professionalisierung von Lehramtsstudierenden unter den Bedingungen der sich im Lehramtsstudium verdichtenden ökonomisierten Studienstrukturen stattfinden kann. Hierzu werden Vermittlungsprozesse von Reflexionswissen und Kompetenzen unter den Bedingungen des Lehramtsstudiums aus rassismuskritischer Perspektive untersucht. Das Datenkorpus der Studie basiert auf umfangreichen, teilweise über zwei Semester reichenden Teilnehmenden Beobachtungen in erziehungswissenschaftlichen und physikdidaktischen universitären Lehrveranstaltungen. Demnach greift die Studie auf einen ethnographisch informierten Forschungsansatz zurück, bei dem aufgrund der spezifischen Feldbedingungen des Forschungsfeldes ‚universitäre Lehrveranstaltung‘ bereits während der Beobachtungen umfassende Notizen angefertigt werden konnten. Ausführliche Beobachtungsprotokolle wurden dann – basierend auf diesen Feldnotizen – unmittelbar nach den beobachteten Lehrveranstaltungen angefertigt. Forschungs-Gespräche mit beteiligten Studierenden ergänzen die empirische Grundlage der Studie. Die Studie folgt in Design und Auswertungsmethode dem Forschungsparadigma der Reflexiven Grounded Theory.

Studying Islam in the Arab World: The Rupture Between Religion and the Social Sciences (Routledge Studies in Islamic Philosophy)

by Sari Hanafi

Addressing the rupture between religious and social sciences in Arab universities, this book provides a critical assessment of the curricula of Shariah and Islamic Studies departments across the Arab World, arguing for increased interdisciplinary dialogue. Based on over 250 interviews with university students and teachers, this study is the sum of five years of field research observing the curricula and teaching styles of colleges in the Shariah sciences. The author provides critical insight into these curricula by focusing on case studies in Lebanon and Jordan, Morocco, Kuwait and Qatar, and in Malaysia. In doing so, the book aims to answer the following questions: What is the aim of religious education? Does it aim to create people who specialize solely in religious affairs, or does it aim to form the student according to a comprehensive human framework? What is the nature of the relationship between the social sciences and the Shariah sciences? The book concludes by examining three pioneering institutions which have introduced alternative curricula in teaching Shariah studies. The book has wide geographic and ideological coverage, and will appeal to university students, academics, and policy analysts working across a range of disciplines, including the philosophy of knowledge, Islamic law and education, and sociology.

Subaltern Silence: A Postcolonial Genealogy (New Directions in Critical Theory #90)

by Kevin Olson

Subordination did not simply fade away in the aftermath of colonialism. Instead, this illuminating book shows, a host of subtle new techniques have arisen that dominate vast categories of people by rendering them silent. Kevin Olson investigates how contemporary societies silence the subaltern: sometimes a literal silencing, often a metaphor for other ways of making people unheard. Such forms of silence make some people invisible, push others to the margins, and devalue the voices and actions of still others.Subaltern Silence traces the development of these techniques to the early years of European colonialism, focusing on Haiti’s revolution and postcolonial trajectory. Exploring rich archives from Europe and the postcolonial world, Olson critiques fundamental modern institutions and technologies, such as the public sphere, the free press, and even progressively minded democratic revolution, as sites of exclusion. With the emergence of postcoloniality, he argues, subordination has become increasingly abstract, virtual, and symbolic. Nonetheless, it lies at the heart of contemporary racial politics, divides Global South from Global North, and allocates privileges and burdens in ways that are often scarcely perceptible. Engaging deeply with the thought of Gayatri Spivak and Michel Foucault, Subaltern Silence offers a new genealogy of colonialism and postcoloniality that is both historically informed and theoretically rich.

The Subject of Sovereignty: Relationality and the Pivot Past Liberalism

by Gregory Feldman

Seeking new forms of democracy, progressive politics raises a fundamental question: what is the alternative to the allegedly coherent, self-contained liberal subject that represents the project of modernity? Exploring the themes of nature, race, and the divine, this book identifies the more realistic alternative in the “relational subject”: a subject that is inseparable from the global field of relations through which it emerges and yet distinct from that field because it lives a life that no one else ever has. Recognizing ourselves as such subjects allows us not only to rethink politics, but, more profoundly, to envision sovereignty as the means by which we each rejuvenate ourselves and the polities we constitute with others.

Subjective Experience: Its Fate in Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Philosophy of Mind (Psychological Issues)

by Morris N. Eagle

Morris N. Eagle explores the understanding and role of subjective experience in the disciplines of psychology, psychoanalysis, and philosophy of mind.Elaborating how different understandings of subjective experience give rise to very different theories of the nature of the mind, Eagle then explains how these shape clinical practices. In particular, Eagle addresses the strong tendency in the disciplines concerned with the nature of the mind to overlook the centrality of subjective experience in one's life, to view it with suspicion, and to reduce it to neural processes. Describing examples of research in which subjective experience is a central variable, Eagle provides an outline of a model in which the dichotomy of conscious and unconsious is supplemented by subjective experience as a continuum. This book is essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, psychologists and anyone wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of theories of the mind to therapeutic practice.

The Substance of Consciousness: A Comprehensive Defense of Contemporary Substance Dualism

by Brandon Rickabaugh J. P. Moreland

A singularly powerful and rigorous argument in favor of modern substance dualism In The Substance of Consciousness: A Comprehensive Defense of Contemporary Substance Dualism, two distinguished philosophers deliver a unique and powerful defense of contemporary substance dualism, which makes the claim that the human person is an embodied fundamental, immaterial, and unifying substance. Multidisciplinary in scope, the book explores areas of philosophy, cognitive science, neuroscience, and the sociology of mind-body beliefs. The authors present the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and rigorous non-edited work on substance dualism in the field, as well as a detailed history of how property and substance dualism have been presented and evaluated over the last 150 years. Alongside developing new and updated positive arguments for substance dualism, they also discuss key metaphysical notions and distinctions that inform the examination of substance dualism and its alternatives. Readers will also find: A thorough examination of the recent shift away from standard physicalism and the renaissance of substance dualism Comprehensive explorations of the likely future of substance dualism in the twenty-first century, including an exhaustive list of proposed research projects for substance dualists Practical discussion of new and rigorous critiques of significant physicality alternatives, including emergentism and panpsychism. Extensive treatments of philosophy of mind debates about the roles played by staunch/faint-hearted naturalism and theism in establishing or presuming methodology, epistemic priorities, and prior metaphysical commitments Perfect for professional philosophers, The Substance of Consciousness will also earn a place in the libraries of consciousness researchers, philosophical theologians, and religious studies scholars.

A Summer with Pascal

by Antoine Compagnon

From an eminent scholar, a spirited introduction to one of the great polymaths in the history of Europe.Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) is best known in the English-speaking world for his contributions to mathematics and physics, with both a triangle and a law in fluid mechanics named after him. Meanwhile, the classic film My Night at Maud’s popularized Pascal’s wager, an invitation to faith that has inspired generations of theologians. Despite the immensity of his reputation, few read him outside French schools. In A Summer with Pascal, celebrated literary critic Antoine Compagnon opens our minds to a figure somehow both towering and ignored.Compagnon provides a bird’s-eye view of Pascal’s life and significance, making this volume an ideal introduction. Still, scholars and neophytes alike will profit greatly from his masterful readings of the Pensées—a cornerstone of Western philosophy—and the Provincial Letters, in which Pascal advanced wry theological critiques of his contemporaries. The concise, taut chapters build upon one another, easing into writings often thought to be forbidding and dour. With Compagnon as our guide, these works are not just accessible but enchanting.A Summer with Pascal brings the early modern thinker to life in the present. In an age of profound existential doubt and assaults on truth and reason, in which religion and science are so often crudely opposed, Pascal’s sophisticated commitment to both challenges us to meet the world with true intellectual vigor.

Suspension of Belief (Elements in Ancient Philosophy)

by null Daniel Vazquez

This Element offers a systematic outline of ancient conceptions and uses of suspension of belief (understood broadly) while engaging with contemporary philosophy. It discusses the notion of epochē ('suspension of judgement') and other related terms, like aporia, aphasia, paradox, hypothesis, agnosticism, and Socratic wisdom. It examines the Academic and Pyrrhonian sceptics and some of their arguments and strategies for suspension. It also includes the use and conditions for suspension of belief in other philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Plotinus, Protagoras, and Democritus. The Element is divided into four thematic sections, each addressing one of the following questions: What is suspension of belief? When does it arise? What could its scope be? And what are its practical and moral implications?

Sustainability (Key Concepts)

by Leslie Paul Thiele

The quest for sustainability has generated lifestyle changes for individuals across the globe, transformations within the arts, sciences, business, design, engineering, and agriculture, innovative policies and laws, and historic international agreements. Yet the means to achieving sustainability remain unsettled and disputed, even as its crucial importance in the face of the climate crisis grows. The third edition of this popular and lively text explores the concept and practice of sustainability across a broad range of issues and topics. Fully revised and updated, the book underlines the importance of creativity in the service of conservation within ecological, economic, technological, political, legal, and cultural arenas. Chapters conclude with new Discuss, Explore, and Take Action sections that pose probing questions for review and discussion. A new final chapter presents four practical principles that readers may employ to guide the investigation of sustainability problems and their crafting of viable solutions. Sustainability presents a hopeful account of the opportunities before us while squarely confronting the daunting challenges that lie ahead. It provides a crucial resource for students grappling with many of the most urgent issues of our time.

Sustainability and the Philosophy of Science (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)

by Jeffry L. Ramsey

This book demonstrates how the philosophy of science can enhance our understanding of sustainability and the practices we use to enact it. Examining assumptions about concepts, theories, evidence, and the moral ideals of sustainability can better orient us as we pursue this urgent and important goal. The book applies perspectives and tools from the philosophy of science – construed broadly to include portions of science and technology studies, history of science, and philosophy more generally – to sustainability discourse. It argues that widely held assumptions regarding the meaning of concepts, methods of theorizing and inferential practice, evidential structure, and ethics limit our understanding and practice of sustainability. It offers philosophical alternatives that capture more fully the confusing, wicked nature of sustainability challenges. The alternatives draw attention to existing but often undervalued frameworks in sustainability discourse. This book is aimed towards academics, researchers, and post-graduates working in sustainability, as well as philosophers of science and environmental philosophers interested in the philosophical issues raised by the pursuit of sustainability.

Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: 17th European Conference, ECSQARU 2023, Arras, France, September 19–22, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14294)

by Zied Bouraoui Srdjan Vesic

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, ECSQARU 2023, held in Arras, France, in September 2023. The 35 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 46 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections about Complexity and Database Theory; Formal Concept Analysis: Theoretical Advances; Formal Concept Analysis: Applications; Modelling and Explanation; Semantic Web and Graphs; Posters.

Taking Responsibility for Climate Change

by Säde Hormio

This book proposes that it is not only states and international bodies that have a responsibility to take action toward mitigating climate change. Other collective agents, such as corporations, need to also come onboard. Additionally, the book argues that climate change is not solely a problem for collective agents, but also for individuals, as they are members of collectives and groups of several kinds. Therefore, framing climate change responsibility exclusively from either the collective or the individual perspective leaves out something crucial: how we all are influenced by the collectives we belong to and how, in turn, collectives are influenced by individuals. The focus of the book is on areas of climate change responsibility that are often left out of the picture or get too little attention in climate ethics, such as carbon inequality within countries. But why should any theoretical arguments about normative issues matter when we have a real-life climate crisis on our hands? Säde Hormio argues that ethical arguments have an important role in setting climate policy: they can highlight what values are at stake and help ground normative arguments in public deliberations.

Taking the “Oof!” Out of Proofs (Textbooks in Mathematics)

by Alexandr Draganov

This book introduces readers to the art of doing mathematical proofs. Proofs are the glue that holds mathematics together. They make connections between math concepts and show why things work the way they do. This book teaches the art of proofs using familiar high-school concepts, such as numbers, polynomials, functions, and trigonometry. It retells math as a story, where the next chapter follows from the previous one.Readers will see how various mathematical concepts are tied and will see that mathematics is not a pile of formulas and facts; rather, it has an orderly and beautiful edifice.The author begins with basic rules of logic and then progresses through the topics already familiar to the students: numbers, inequalities, functions, polynomials, exponents, and trigonometric functions. There are also beautiful proofs for conic sections, sequences, and Fibonacci numbers. Each chapter has exercises for the reader.Reviewer Comments:I find the book very impressive. The choice and sequence of topics is excellent, and it is wonderful to have all of these things together in one volume. Theorems are clearly stated, and proofs are accurate. – Michael ComenetzThe thoroughness of the narrative is one of the main strengths of the book. The book provides a perfect illustration of mathematical thinking. Each step of a given derivation is precise and clear. – Julie GershunskayaDraganov’s book stands out from the many competing books. Draganov’s goal is to show that mathematics depends on the notion of proof. Unlike other transition books, he addresses mathematical topics at an accessible level, rather than topics studied later in the university curriculum. – Ken Rosen

Teaching from an Ethical Center: Practical Wisdom for Daily Instruction

by Cara E. Furman

A methodology for using philosophy to guide teaching preparation and practice

Teaching the Invisible Race: Embodying a Pro-Asian American Lens in Schools

by Tony DelaRosa

Transform How You Teach Asian American Narratives in your Schools! In Teaching the Invisible Race, anti-bias and anti-racist educator and researcher Tony DelaRosa (he, siya) delivers an insightful and hands-on treatment of how to embody a pro-Asian American lens in your classroom while combating anti-Asian hate in your school. The author offers stories, case studies, research, and frameworks that will help you build the knowledge, mindset, and skills you need to teach Asian-American history and stories in your curriculum. You’ll learn to embrace Asian American joy and a pro-Asian American lens—as opposed to a deficit lens—that is inclusive of Brown and Southeast Asian American perspectives and disability narratives. You’ll also find: Self-interrogation exercises regarding major Asian American concepts and social movements Ways to center Asian Americans in your classroom and your school Information about how white supremacy and anti-Blackness manifest in relation to Asian America, both internally and externallyAn essential resource for educators, school administrators, and K-12 school leaders, Teaching the Invisible Race will also earn a place in the hands of parents, families, and community members with an interest in advancing social justice in the Asian American context.

Teaching Where You Are: Weaving Indigenous and Slow Principles and Pedagogies

by Shannon Leddy Lorrie Miller

Teaching Where You Are offers a guide for non-Indigenous educators to work in good ways with Indigenous students and provides resources across curricular areas to support all students. In this book, two seasoned educators, one Indigenous and one settler, bring to bear their years of experience teaching in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary contexts to explore the ways in which Indigenous and Slow approaches to teaching and learning mirror and complement one another. Using the holistic framework of the Medicine Wheel, Shannon Leddy and Lorrie Miller illustrate the ways in which interdisciplinary thinking, a focus on experiential learning, and the thoughtful application of the 4Rs – Respect, Relevance, Reciprocity, and Responsibility – can bring us back to the principle of teaching people, not subjects. Bringing forth the ways in which colonialism and cognitive imperialism have shaped Canadian curriculum and consciousness, the book offers avenues for the development of decolonial literacy to support the work of Indigenizing education. In considering the importance of engaging in decolonizing and Indigenizing approaches to education through Slow and Indigenous pedagogies using the lens of place-based and land-based education, Teaching Where You Are presents a text useful for teachers and educators grappling with the ongoing impacts of colonialism and the soul-work of how to decolonize and rehumanize education in meaningful ways.

Teaching Yoga, Second Edition: A Comprehensive Guide for Yoga Teachers and Trainers: A Yoga Alliance-Aligned Manual of Asanas, Breathing Techniques, Yogic Foundations, and More

by Mark Stephens

The bestselling guide for yoga teachers and trainers, revised and updated—a comprehensive Yoga Alliance-aligned manual of asanas, breathing techniques, yogic foundations, and more.Revised and updated, Teaching Yoga by yoga expert Mark Stephens is one of the most popular resources for new and experienced teachers, and has been a trusted guide since its publication in 2010.This classic resource covers fundamental topics of yoga history and philosophy, as well as each of the 11 major styles of contemporary yoga. There is also practical advice for every stage of the teaching process, including tools for teaching 108 yoga poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation.The 2nd edition—adapted to meet the needs of the modern yoga teacher—features:Updated sections on yoga history and philosophyDiscussions of trauma-sensitive yogaCoverage of cultural appropriation, racism, and sexism in yoga An inclusive approach that expands beyond the traditional vinyasa flow styleNew photos and illustrations1-page summaries after each chapterAn extended list of references for further learningDeveloped to meet 100% of the teacher training curriculum standards set by Yoga Alliance, the world&’s leading registry and accreditation source for yoga teachers and schools, Teaching Yoga is ideal for use as a core textbook in yoga teacher training programs.

Ted Lasso and Philosophy: No Question Is Into Touch (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)

by William Irwin

An accessible and engaging journey through the philosophical themes and concepts of Ted Lasso Ted Lasso and Philosophy explores the hidden depths beneath the vibrant veneer of AppleTV’s breakout, award-winning sitcom. Blending philosophical sophistication with winsome appreciation of this feel-good comedy, the collection features 20 original essays canvassing the breadth of the series and carefully considering the ideas it presents, including the goal of competition, the role of mental health, sportsmanship, revenge versus justice, the importance of friendship, the imperative of respect for persons, humility, leadership, identity, character growth, courage, journalistic ethics, belief, forgiveness, what love looks like, and just how evil tea is. In a nod to the show’s many literary allusions, the compilation concludes with a whimsical appendix that catalogs the books most significant to Ted Lasso’s themes and characters. If football is life, as Dani Rojas fondly repeats, then this book’s a fitting primer. Covers the full breadth of the original Ted Lasso series, including the third season Explores every major character and all of the show's significant subplots and elements Written in the spirit of the show, with in-jokes that will appeal to Ted Lasso fans Features an introduction that guides readers through the book’s materials Includes Beard's Bookshelf, a bibliography of the most significant books shown or alluded to in the series Ted Lasso and Philosophy is for the curious, not judgmental. Sport is quite the metaphor, and we can’t wait to unpack it with you.

Teenage Boys, Musical Identities, and Music Education: An Australian Narrative Inquiry (ISSN)

by Jason Goopy

Music is a powerful process and resource that can shape and support who we are and wish to be. The interaction between musical identities and learning music highlights school music education’s potential contributions and responsibilities, especially in supporting young people’s mental health and well-being. Through the distinctive stories and drawings of Aaron, Blake, Conor, Elijah, Michael, and Tyler, this book reveals the musical identities of teenage boys in their final year of study at an Australian boys’ school.This text serves as an interface between music, education, and psychology using narrative inquiry. Previous research in music education often seeks to generalise boys, whereas this study recognises and celebrates the diverse individual voices of students where music plays a significant role in their lives. Adolescent boys’ musical identities are examined using the theories of identity work and possible selves, and their underlying music values and uses are considered important guiding principles and motivating goals in their identity construction. A teaching and learning framework to shape and support multiple musical identities in senior secondary class music is presented.The relatable and personal stories in this book will appeal to a broad readership, including music teachers, teacher educators, researchers, and readers interested in the role of music in our lives. Creative and arts-based research methods, including narrative inquiry and innovative draw and tell interviews, will be particularly relevant for research method courses and postgraduate research students.

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