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The Oxford Handbook Of The History Of Political Philosophy

by George Klosko

The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy presents fifty original essays, each specially written by a leading figure in the field, covering the entire subject of the history of political philosophy. They provide not only surveys of the state of research but substantial pieces that engage with, and move forward, current debates. Part I addresses questions of method. Contributors discuss the contextual method, classically articulated by Quentin Skinner, along with important alternative methods associated with Leo Strauss and his followers, and contemporary post-modernism. This section also examines the value of the history of political philosophy and the history of the discipline itself. Part II, Chronological Periods, works through the entire history of Western political philosophy. While most contributions address recognizable chronological periods, others are devoted to more specialized topics, including the influence of Roman Law, medieval Arabic political philosophy, Socialism, and Marxism. Aspects of the history of political philosophy that transcend specific periods are the subject of Part III. Essays on topics such as democracy, the state, and imperialism trace theoretical developments over time. The histories of major non-Western traditions-Muslim, Confucian, and Hindu-are discussed in the final Part, with special reference to their relationships to Western political thought.

The Oxford Handbook Of Political Philosophy

by David Estlund

Even though political philosophy has a long tradition, it is much more than the study of old and great treatises. Contemporary philosophers continue to press new arguments on old and timeless questions, but also to propose departures and innovations. The field changes over time, and new work inevitably responds both to events in the world and to the directions of thought itself. This volume includes 22 new pieces by leaders in the field on both perennial and emerging topics of keen interest to contemporary political philosophers. In addition to longstanding issues such as Authority, Equality, and Freedom, and Democracy, there are articles on less classical topics such as Race, Historical Injustice, Deliberation, Money and Politics, Global Justice, and Ideal and Non-Ideal Theory. All of the pieces combine clarity and accessibility with a top scholar's critical and original point of view. The introductory essay briefly situates this snapshot of the state of the art in a broader view of developments in political philosophy in the last 40 years, and looks forward to future developments. Students and scholars alike will find the pieces to be valuable not only surveys but as provocations to think further about the questions, puzzles, and practical problems that animate recent work in political philosophy. The issues will be of interest to many working in philosophy, political science, law, economics, and more.

Stoizismus für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Tom Morris Gregory Bassham

Die Kunst der stoischen Ruhe In einer hektischen Welt geprägt von Reizüberflutung und endlosen To-Do-Listen gibt es ein jahrhundertealtes Gegenmittel: Stoizismus. Entdecken Sie eine zeitlose Philosophie, die Ihnen einen Weg zur inneren Ruhe und mehr Gelassenheit aufzeigt. Spannendes Hintergrundwissen und zahlreiche Lebensweisheiten helfen Ihnen, mit den Herausforderungen des Alltags gelassener umzugehen. Mit Gelassenheit und „stoischer Ruhe“ lassen sich Hürden, aber auch Sinnfragen viel besser bewältigen. Lernen Sie mit Stoizismus für Dummies wertvolle Weisheiten kennen, die sich schon jahrhundertelang bewährt haben und Ihnen einen Leitfaden für ein erfülltes und glückliches Leben bieten. Sie erfahren Wie Ihnen Stoizismus durch den Dschungel des Lebens helfen kann Wie Sie stoische Prinzipien einfach und effektiv anwenden Warum Stoizismus aktueller denn je ist

Verkannt, verfemt, vergessen: Geschichten aus der europäischen Mathematik der Neuzeit

by Heinz Klaus Strick

Sobald Sie sich eingehender mit der Geschichte der Mathematik beschäftigen, werden Sie auch auf Personen stoßen, deren Namen Ihnen bislang unbekannt waren oder von deren Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Mathematik Sie bisher nichts wussten. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen Einblick in das Leben und Wirken von 67 besonderen Persönlichkeiten aus dem europäischen Raum – und geht bei der Betrachtung der Einzelschicksale jeweils auch der Frage nach, warum diese Personen vergleichsweise unbekannt sind, warum sie regelrecht „vergessen“ wurden. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig und meist in den jeweiligen politischen, gesellschaftlichen oder individuellen Lebensumständen zu finden – viele wurden diskriminiert und konnten ihre Fähigkeiten gar nicht erst entfalten, andere waren Ihrer Zeit voraus und blieben lange Zeit unverstanden. Über die historische Einordnung hinaus werden einige der mathematischen Beiträge dieser Personen dargestellt – so ausgewählt, dass sie mit denin der gymnasialen Oberstufe üblicherweise vermittelten Kenntnissen nachvollzogen werden können. Die in diesem Buch enthaltenen Darstellungen beginnen mit Persönlichkeiten aus dem 16. Jahrhundert und schließen somit chronologisch an das Buch Geschichten aus der Mathematik desselben Autors an, sind aber unabhängig davon lesbar. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften interessieren und dabei insbesondere ein tieferes Verständnis für die menschlichen Aspekte der Mathematik entwickeln möchten.

Resonances of Neo-Confucianism (Palgrave Studies in Comparative East-West Philosophy)

by Margus Ott

This book “resonates” the work of Chinese and Western philosophers, developing ontological ideas that are neither purely Chinese nor Western. In so doing, it argues that Deleuzian idea of “resonance” offers a model for a new way of doing comparative philosophy in which the comparison actualizes the virtual and counter-actualizes the actual in both compared traditions. More particularly, Neo-Confucian thinkers Zhang Zai (1020–1077), Zhu Xi (1130–1200), and Wang Yangming (1472–1529) are resonated with Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677), Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860), Husserlian phenomenology, and Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995). The three Chinese thinkers represent three distinct currents of Neo-Confucianism: the school of veins (li) of Zhu Xi, the school of energy (qi) of Zhang Zai, the school of mind (xin) of Wang Yangming. The method of resonance is used to discuss the following topics: dichotomy of veins and energy, temporality and subjectivity, self-cultivation, all-embracing energy, dichotomy of primary ability and primary knowledge.

Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Covid-19 (Conspiracy Theories)

by Peter Knight Clare Birchall

Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Covid-19 provides a wide-ranging analysis of the emergence and development of conspiracy theories during the Covid-19 pandemic, with a focus on the US and the UK.The book combines digital methods analysis of large datasets assembled from social media with politically and culturally contextualised close readings informed by cultural studies. In contrast to other studies which often have an alarmist take on the "infodemic," it places Covid-19 conspiracy theories in a longer historical perspective. It also argues against the tendency to view conspiracy theories as merely evidence of a fringe or pathological way of thinking. Instead, the starting assumption is that conspiracy theories, including Covid-19 conspiracy theories, often reflect genuine and legitimate concerns, even if their factual claims are wide of the mark. The authors examine the nature and origins of the conspiracy theories that have emerged; the identity and rationale of those drawn to Covid-19 conspiracism; how these conspiracy theories fit within the wider political, economic and technological landscape of the online information environment; and proposed interventions from social media platforms and regulatory agencies.This book will appeal to anyone interested in conspiracy theories, misinformation, culture wars, social media and contemporary society.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

Heidegger on Being Affected (Elements in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger)

by null Katherine Withy

Things get to us. We are moved or affected by 'things' in the ordinary sense=the paraphernalia of our daily lives-and also by ourselves, by others, and by ontological phenomena such as being and time. How can such things get to us? How can things matter to me? Heidegger answers this question with his concepts of finding (Befindlichkeit) and attunement (Stimmung). This Element explores how being finding allows things to matter to us in attunements such as fear and hope by allowing those things to show up as benefits or detriments to our pursuits and so to put those pursuits at stake. It also explores how we can be affected ontologically-that is, affected by being-in special attunements such as angst and boredom, as well as how Heidegger's account of being affected has contributed to our understanding of emotions, moods, and affective disorders.

Heidegger on Eastern/Asian Thought (Elements in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger)

by null Lin Ma

This Element elucidates the metamorphoses of Heidegger's comportment toward Eastern/Asian thought from the 1910s to the 1960s. With a view to the many meanings of the East at play in Heidegger's thinking, it considers how his diversified 'dialogues' with the East are embedded in different phases of his Denkweg. Various themes unexplored previously are examined: Heidegger's early treatment of near Eastern traditions and Islamic philosophy, his views on alien cultures, the 'primitive Dasein' and the 'mythical Dasein,' and his meditation on Russianism's deeply rooted spirituality and its recuperative possibilities for the West. Finally, this Element reveals how Heidegger opened the promise of a dialogue with the East and yet stepped back from the threshold, and how his move from the Occidental line of philosophizing toward the Oriental line is integral to his shift from the guiding question of “Being” to the abyssal question of 'Beyng.'

Kant on Self-Control (Elements in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant)

by null Marijana Vujošević

This Element considers Kant's conception of self-control and the role it plays in his moral philosophy. It offers a detailed interpretation of the different terms used by Kant to explain the phenomenon of moral self-control, such as 'autocracy' and 'inner freedom'. Following Kant's own suggestions, the proposed reading examines the Kantian capacity for self-control as an ability to 'abstract from' various sensible impressions by looking beyond their influence on the mind. This analysis shows that Kant's conception of moral self-control involves two intimately related levels, which need not meet the same criteria. One level is associated with realizing various ends, the other with setting moral ends. The proposed view most effectively accommodates self-control's role in the adoption of virtuous maxims and ethical end-setting. It explains why self-control is central to Kant's conception of virtue and sheds new light on his discussions of moral strength and moral weakness.

Phenomenology in a Co-creative Workplace

by Ichiro Yamaguchi Emiko Tsuyuki

This book introduces phenomenology to reveal how the atmosphere and relationships in the workplace are generated and how this affects creativity. In their daily work, people sometimes feel that "today's meeting was more exciting than expected" or that "everyone's motivation is down”. This unspoken workplace atmosphere has a significant impact on their work. But has enough thought been given to how this workplace atmosphere is created? Phenomenology reveals the basic structure of human relationships in the workplace. Are there any general rules that govern human interaction and the nature of relationships in that workplace? If these unspoken rules can be made explicit – clearly felt and spoken — people can work together to bring about a creative workplace in which individuals can maximize their abilities. The main point of the book is that human relationships are based on a two-layered structure: "emotional communication", which is rooted in human sensitivity and centers on sensation and emotion; and "verbal communication", which is based on shared intelligence and relies upon language and thought. The invisible layer of emotional communication is always at work as the foundation of verbal communication, creating what can be described as the "workplace atmosphere”. This book offers a new perspective on promoting creativity in the workplace by unraveling the principles behind the structure of workplace atmospheres.

Romantischer Realismus: Literarhistorische Kontinuität im 19. Jahrhundert (Abhandlungen zur Literaturwissenschaft)

by Christoph Gardian

Romantik und Realismus werden in der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung vorwiegend als Gegensätze beschrieben. Ihre Rekonstruktion als dichotome Epochen verstellt aber den Blick auf die Kontinuitäten zwischen den beiden großen Literaturbewegungen des 19. Jahrhunderts, auf ihre gemeinsamen Problemfelder und Strategien zur Problembewältigung. Denn weshalb beziehen sich Texte in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts permanent auf eine Literatur, die sie als ›Romantik‹ kennzeichnen und aus der Welt schaffen wollen? Weshalb bearbeiten Texte, die als ›realistische‹ positioniert werden, über einen Zeitraum von immerhin gut 50 Jahren Konzepte und Themenkomplexe, die erkennbar ihren Anfang in der von ihnen abgelehnten und als obsolet konzipierten Romantik nehmen? Weshalb lassen sie fortwährend romantische Figuren auftreten oder romantische Motive handlungsleitend ein? Ganz offenbar handelt es sich beim Romantischen, das der Realismus bestreitet, um einen unerledigten Problemkomplex. Ausgehend vondiesen Beobachtungen stellt sich das Verhältnis von romantischer und realistischer Literatur weniger als epochale Dichotomie, sondern vielmehr als konstitutives Wechselverhältnis dar – als komplementäre Konstellation vor einem gemeinsamen Problemhorizont. Romantische und realistische Literatur lassen sich als alternative und gleichwohl parallele Strategien im Umgang mit historischen Transformationsprozessen auffassen, die ungeachtet ihrer markierten Konkurrenz kaum jemals ungemischt zur Anwendung kommen. Romantische und realistische Tendenzen treten in wechselseitiger Abhängigkeit auf. Dabei geht es sowohl den programmatisch romantisierenden als auch den programmatisch realistischen Texten um nicht weniger als die Gestaltung gesellschaftlicher Realität. Auf der Grundlage einer anderen Begründungsgeschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur im 19. Jahrhundert lassen sich Beschreibungsmodelle für kulturelle Identifikations- und Transformationsprozesse gewinnen. Die untersuchten literarischen Texte formulieren ebenso Konzepte für den Umgang mit kulturellem Wandel wie sie Konstellationen kulturellen Wandels als Positionskämpfe zwischen romantischen und realistischen Akteuren konfigurieren.

Iterative Conceptions of Set (Elements in the Philosophy of Mathematics)

by null Neil Barton

Many philosophers are aware of the paradoxes of set theory (e.g. Russell's paradox). For many people, these were solved by the iterative conception of set which holds that sets are formed in stages by collecting sets available at previous stages. This Element will examine possibilities for articulating this solution. In particular, the author argues that there are different kinds of iterative conception, and it's open which of them (if any) is the best. Along the way, the author hopes to make some of the underlying mathematical and philosophical ideas behind tricky bits of the philosophy of set theory clear for philosophers more widely and make their relationships to some other questions in philosophy perspicuous.

Logic and Information (Elements in Philosophy and Logic)

by null Edwin Mares

This Element looks at two projects that relate logic and information: the project of using logic to integrate, manipulate and interpret information and the proect of using the notion of information to provide interpretations of logical systems. The Element defines 'information' in a manner that includes misinformation and disinformation and uses this general concept of information to provide an interpretation of various paraconsistent and relevant logics. It also integrates these logics into contemporary theories of informational updating, probability theory and (rather informally) some ideas from the theory of the complexity of proofs. The Element assumes some prior knowledge of modal logic and its possible world semantics, but all the other necessary background is provided.

Laws of Physics (Elements in the Philosophy of Physics)

by null Eddy Keming Chen

Despite its apparent complexity, our world seems to be governed by simple laws of physics. This volume provides a philosophical introduction to such laws. I explain how they are connected to some of the central issues in philosophy, such as ontology, possibility, explanation, induction, counterfactuals, time, determinism, and fundamentality. I suggest that laws are fundamental facts that govern the world by constraining its physical possibilities. I examine three hallmarks of laws-simplicity, exactness, and objectivity-and discuss whether and how they may be associated with laws of physics.

Human Reasoning (Elements in Philosophy of Mind)

by null David E Over null Jonathan St Evans

This Element is on new developments in the psychology of reasoning that raise or address philosophical questions. In traditional studies in the psychology of reasoning, the focus was on inference from arbitrary assumptions and not at all from beliefs, and classical binary logic was presupposed as the only standard for human reasoning. But recently a new Bayesian paradigm has emerged in the discipline. This views ordinary human reasoning as mostly inferring probabilistic conclusions from degrees of beliefs, or from hypothetical premises relevant to a purpose at hand, and as often about revising or updating degrees of belief. This Element also covers new formulations of dual-process theories of the mind, stating that there are two types of mental processing, one rapid and intuitive and shared with other animals, and the other slow and reflective and more characteristic of human beings. The final topic covered is the new developments and rationality.

The Roles of Representation in Visual Perception (Synthese Library #486)

by Berit Brogaard Robert French

This volume contains new papers addressing a number of new and traditional issues pertaining to the roles of representations in visual perception.Among these issues is the one concerning the nature of the perceptual state itself – e. g. on the issue of whether the perceptual state, like its distal objects, is structured, for instance by possessing a spatial character. Other issues include those of whether at least aspects of the distal object are presented immediately to us visually, whether representation plays any (interesting) role in disjunctivist and naïve realist accounts of visual experience and the relationship among visual perception, attention and representation.The anthology includes a wide variety of positions on the subject of the roles of representations in visual perception, which would help to close the literature gap and will be of interest to scholars from all schools and trends of philosophy of mind.

Free Elections: An Elementary Textbook (Routledge Revivals)

by W.J.M. Mackenzie

Originally published in 1958 at a time when many African and Asian nations were newly independent or going through the process of independence, this book sets out the facts and arguments which have to be considered in designing and running electoral systems. The book treats the problems of free elections in Africa and Asia objectively and uncontroversially, without pre-supposing any previous training in political science. The discussion of 'free elections' raises large issues about political norms and ideologies and about the working of political systems in different societies, and the book tackles these questions head on. The book gives a balanced account of the whole issue of elections, covering on the one hand qualifications and voting systems, and on the other hand less ‘political’ questions of administration and control, which are of equal importance in the working of an electoral system.

International Institutions (Routledge Revivals)

by Paul Reuter

Originally published in 1958, this book assesses the continuity and variety of international societies as they have existed in recent history. Although the study of international institutions is firmly based on a foundation of law, this book also encompasses sociology, history and politics. The introduction defines the elements of international society in terms of the accepted principles of group psychology. Part 1 considers the origins of 20th Century international institutions. This historical analysis runs from the ancient civilizations through to the greatly changed relations which followed World War II. The general notions and sources of international law are then examined. Part 2 deals with the structure of day-to-day relations between States and the means of recognizing changes within a State. The United Nations and principal regional organizations are also examined.

Rick Turner's Politics as the Art of the Impossible

by Lawrence Hamilton Laurence Piper Daryl Glaser Crain Soudien Tendayi Sithole Christine Hobden John Sodiq Sanni Ayesha Omar Michael Onyebuchi Eze Gideon van Riet Paula Ensor Billy Keniston

Revisits the work of Rick Turner, a South African political theorist, and addresses contemporary debatesRick Turner was a South African academic and anti-apartheid activist who rebelled against the apartheid state at the height of its power. For this he was assassinated in 1978, at just 32 years of age, but his life and work are testimony to the power of philosophical thinking for humans everywhere. Turner chose to live freely in an unfree time and argued for a non-racial, socialist future in a context where this seemed unimaginable.This book takes seriously Rick Turner’s challenge that political theorising requires thinking in a utopian way. Turner’s seminal book The Eye of the Need: Towards a Participatory Democracy laid out some of his most potent ideas on a radically different political and economic system. His demand was that we work to escape the limiting ideas of the present, carefully design a just future based on shared human values, and act to make it a reality, both politically and in our daily lives.The contributors to this volume engage critically with Turner’s work on race relations, his relationship with Steve Biko, his views on religion, education and gender oppression, his participatory model of democracy, and his critique of enduring forms of poverty and economic inequality. They show how, in his life and work, Turner modeled how we can dare to be free and how hope can return, as the future always remains open to human construction. This book makes an important contribution to contemporary thinking and activism where the need for South Africans to define their understanding of their greater common good is of crucial importance.

Religion of Love: Sufism and Self-Transformation in the Poetic Imagination of ʿAṭṭār (SUNY series in Islam)

by Cyrus Ali Zargar

Religion of Love explores the life and work of the Persian Sufi poet and sage Farīd al-Dīn ʿAṭṭār. ʿAṭṭār changed the face of world literature, leaving his impact on all cultures that have valued Persian Sufi writings. Considered for the first time through the lens of religious studies, ʿAṭṭār's oeuvre offers much to contemporary readers. ʿAṭṭār's poems cast a light on the relationship between revelation and the intellect. They also encourage liberation from self-centeredness through the fiery path of love. Thus, Religion of Love considers one of Persian literature's greatest poets as more than just a poet, but also as a thinker and a commentator on moral psychology, ethics, and the intellectual debates of his age, debates that shed light on today's religious complexities.

Those Who Act Ruin It: A Daoist Account of Moral Attunement (SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)

by Jacob Bender

Drawing on both western and Chinese philosophy, Those Who Act Ruin It shows how Daoism presents a viable alternative to established moral theories. The Daoist, critical of the Confucian and Mohist discourses of their time, provides an account of morality that can best be understood as achieving an attunement to situations through the cultivation of habits. Furthermore, Daoism's meta-ethical insights outline how moral philosophy, when theorized in a way that ignores our fundamental interdependence, devolves into moralistic narcissism. Another way of putting this, as the Daodejing states perfectly, is that "those who act ruin it" (為者敗之). Sensitive to this problem, the Daoist account of moral attunement can ameliorate social woes and not "ruin things." In their moral attunement, Daoists can spontaneously respond to situations in ways that are sensitive to the underlying interdependence of all things.

Metaphor and Meaning: Thinking Through Early China with Sarah Allan (SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)

by Constance A. Cook; Christopher J. Foster; Susan Blader

In Metaphor and Meaning, scholars from China, the United States, and Europe draw on Sarah Allan's groundbreaking application of conceptual metaphor theory to the study of early Chinese philosophy and material culture. Conceptual metaphor theory treats metaphors not just as linguistic expressions but as fundamental structures of thought that define one's conceptual system and perception of reality. To understand another culture's worldview, then, hinges upon identifying the right metaphors, through which it then becomes possible to navigate between shared and unshared experiences. The contributors pursue lines of argument that complement, enhance, or challenge Allan's prior investigations into these root metaphors of early Chinese philosophy, whether by explicitly engaging with conceptual metaphor theory or, more indirectly, by addressing meaning construction in a broader sense. Like Allan's interpretative works, Metaphor and Meaning interrogates both transmitted traditions and newly unearthed archaeological finds to understand how people in early China thought about the cosmos, society, and themselves.

"Revolution in Poetic Language" Fifty Years Later: New Directions in Kristeva Studies (SUNY series in Gender Theory)

by Emilia Angelova

In her 1974 Revolution in Poetic Language, Julia Kristeva resisted the abstract use of language, with its aim of totalization and finality, in all its colonizing and alienating forms. A major thinker and critic, Kristeva reappropriated Hegel's concepts of desire and negativity, in conjunction with the thought of Heidegger, Arendt, Freud, and Lacan, to revolt against modernity's culture of nihilism and the West's inability to deal with loss. This collection celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of Revolution in Poetic Language by revisiting Kristeva's oeuvre and establishing exciting new directions in Kristeva studies. Engaging with queer and transgender studies, disability studies, decolonial studies, and more, renowned and rising scholars plot continuities in—and push the boundaries of—Kristeva's thinking about loss, revolution, and revolt. The volume also includes two essays by Kristeva, translated into English for the first time here—"The Impossibility of Loss" (1988) and "Of What Use Are Poets in Times of Distress?" (2016).

Leo Strauss and the Recovery of "Natural Philosophizing" (SUNY series in the Thought and Legacy of Leo Strauss)

by Alberto Marco Ghibellini

Among the political philosophers of the twentieth century, Leo Strauss is usually singled out for his attempt to revitalize the ancient approach to counter the relativism of both historicism and positivism. It is less commonly underscored, however, that the cornerstone of this attempt is the recovery of the question of "nature," which he regarded as inseparable from genuine philosophy since its inception in ancient Greece. Leo Strauss and the Recovery of "Natural Philosophizing" addresses such a theme, focusing on the theoretical presuppositions that Strauss found at the basis of the acquired inability to raise the question of nature. Prominent among these is the encounter between philosophy and revelation, which, due to their conceptual incompatibility, leads to a condition Strauss metaphorically described as a "second, 'unnatural' cave" characterized by insurmountable "prejudices" rather than "appearance and opinion." These, however, are the starting point of genuine philosophy in the Platonic "first, 'natural' cave," which has to be regained, by way of historical deconstruction of the presuppositions of the second cave, if the "natural philosophizing" embodied by Socratic dialectics is to be reactivated.

Discourses of Globalisation, Active Citizenship and Education (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #43)

by Joseph Zajda Anatoli Rapoport

This book analyses dominant discourses of globalisation, and citizenship in schools. Diverse worldviews and ideologies construct different meanings for globalization, citizenship, and education, resulting in conceptual debates, tensions, competing discourses, and practical challenges for scholars and educators, navigating complex and contested terrain. The chapters in this volume advance further the discussions on the phenomenon of globalisation, and how it impacts on the nature of active citizenship education in schools around the world. In order to help students recognize that they are inherently global citizens, capable of understanding that local actions are globally interdependent, and that communities can be seen as temporal social networks within and beyond physical space, and action for global citizenship in school. The book, by building on intercultural dialogue and active citizenship education in schools, will promote critical appraisal of various views of the world, andoffers different ways to reconstruct and re-imagine social reality.

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