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The Life of William Cobbett (Routledge Library Editions)

by G D Cole

This volume is representative of the historical works of a particular period (1923-29) when there was a hiatus in the output of Cole the theoretician. It is an extraordinary contribution to labour history and is among the finest of his historical works.

Political and Social Philosophy (Routledge Library Editions: Political Science #30)

by D. O’Mahony

This volume consists of many of Lacordaire’s writings on social and political issues, many of which have been out of print for a long time and some of which appeared in this volume, when originally published, for the time in English. The central theme of the book is that the Christian solution of all the great social and political problems is liberal and democratic, Christian doctrine being based on the equality of souls. It argues that Christian fraternal charity is a stronger force than mere humanitarian brotherhood or political socialism.

Revival: European Bankruptcy and Emigration (Routledge Revivals)

by Carl Axel Key

This book is the outcome of a series of articles which appeared in the "Svenska Dagbladet" in the summer of 1923 and were afterwards published as a book. The interest aroused in Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries, and still more the momentous problems it is concerned with, have induced me to revise and enlarge it for an English version in order to reach a wider public. Also, the great English-speaking community, possessing more experience of colonization than any other people, may safely be presumed to take a still more vivid interest in these question which involve in my judgement the future of the white race and of its civilization.

Contemporary Political Thought in England (Routledge Library Editions: Political Thought and Political Philosophy #50)

by Lewis Rockow

First published in 1925. This book is a brief analysis of the historical relation of contemporary writers to their immediate predecessors. The author attempts to further a comprehensive summary of certain selected writers, with a criticism of their ideas, while in the last chapter an attempt is made at synthesis. Among those whose work is examined are Ramsay MacDonald, Bertrand Russell, Harold Laski, the Pauls, Hobhouse, Bryce, G. D. H. Cole, Norman Angell, etc. This title will be of great interest to students of politics, philosophy and history.

Fifty Key Figures in Twentieth Century British Politics (Routledge Key Guides)

by Keith Layborn

This guidebook provides a complete overview of the lives and influence of fifty major figures in modern British political history. Reflecting the changes within British society and politics over the past century, the entries chart the development of key contemporary issues such as women's rights, immigration and the emergence of New Labour. Figures covered include:* Winston Churchill* Tony Blair* Emmeline Pankhurst* David Lloyd George* Margaret Thatcher* John Maynard Keynes* Enoch Powell* Barbara CastleWith cross-referenced entries and helpful suggestions for further reading, this book is an essential guide for all those with an interest in understanding the dominating issues of modern British politics.

A Grammar of Politics (The Works of Harold J. Laski)

by Harold J. Laski

Laski’s magnum opus, this volume outlines the history and functions of state institutions which (in the author’s view) are desirable for the effective functioning of a democracy. Topics discussed include: The necessity of government; state and society; rights and power; liberty and equality; property as a theory of industrial organisation; the nature of nationalism; law as a source of authority; the functions of international organisations.

The Labour Revolution (Routledge Revivals)

by Karl Kautsky

First published in English in 1924 this ambitious work, by the famous Marxist theoretician Karl Kautsky, aims to provide nothing less than an "exposition of the methods to introduce socialism" amongst the capitalist economies of Europe in the post-World War One era. Looking back on the experiences of the German socialist movement and looking forwards to the likelihood of a Labour government in Great Britain, he discusses the problems facing a labour revolution in Europe, with particular reference to the role of the middle classes, the transitional period between capitalism and socialism, and the economic impact of a socialist revolution.

La libertad de ser libres

by Hannah Arendt

«Leer a Hannah Arendt permite comprender mejor el presente.» Berliner Morgenpost ¿Qué es la libertad y qué significa para nosotros? ¿Consiste solo en la ausencia de miedo y restricciones, o acaso implica también la participación en procesos sociales, con voz política propia, ser escuchado, reconocido y finalmente recordado por otros? Publicado en Estados Unidos en los años sesenta pero inédito hasta hoy en español -y en alemán-, este ensayo refleja el rigor y la fuerza del pensamiento político de Hannah Arendt y condensa con precisión y maestría sus reflexiones sobre la libertad, de gran calado y capaces de conectar de manera asombrosa con los desafíos y peligros de nuestro tiempo. Arendt rastrea el desarrollo histórico de la noción de libertad, en particular, toma en cuenta las revoluciones en Francia y América. Mientras que la primera supuso un punto de inflexión en la historia pero terminó en desastre, la otra fue un éxito triunfal pero se mantuvo como un asunto local. Repensar la idea de revolución se ha vuelto imperioso hoy, y este reencuentro con Hannah Arendt representa el impulso necesario para las nuevas generaciones. La crítica ha dicho:«Este ensayo recién redescubierto es como una petición de compromiso político en la era de Trump.»Die Zeit «Pese a haber sido escrito hace cincuenta años, es tan moderno que parece pensado para la actualidad política mundial.»Westdeutscher Rundfunk «Breve y revelador. Escrito hace más de cincuenta años, es de una vigencia pasmosa.»Deutschlandfunk Kultur «Una pieza muy atractiva y perdida por largo tiempo.»Süddeutsche Zeitung «Este texto tiene futuro hoy.»Frankfurter Rundschau «Un texto muy sugerente, que además es perfecto para los recién llegados a Arendt.»Zeitzeichen «Un ensayo inspirador de una relevancia extraordinaria, especialmente en tiempos en que se cuestionan los valores liberales del orden democrático.»Philosophie «Lo que parece un análisis preciso de la fallida construcción de la nación por medios militares, desde Somalia hasta Irak y Afganistán, en realidad tiene cinco décadas de antigüedad.»Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung «Vale la pena leerlo por la claridad de su razonamiento, por ejemplo a la hora de fijar el concepto de "revolución" y reflejar su cambio histórico de significado.»Badische Neueste Nachrichten

La pluralidad del mundo

by Hannah Arendt

La obra de Hannah Arendt sintetizada en esta antología esencial e imprescindible. No hay nada más radical que un clásico. Hannah Arendt, la gran pensadora del siglo XX, es sin duda fundamental para afrontar los desafíos del XXI. Abordó todas las cuestiones clave de su tiempo, desde el antisemitismo hasta el totalitarismo, los orígenes de la democracia, la crisis de la autoridad, los fundamentos de la educación y la estética o el problema del mal en la modernidad. Toda su obra está sintetizada en esta antología esencial e imprescindible. ------------- radical: adj. Perteneciente o relativo a la raíz. «Clásicos Radicales» nace con la misión de recuperar algunos de los libros más emblemáticos del sello que en su día formularon una idea nueva u ofrecieron una mirada original y pertinente sobre las grandes cuestiones universales.Ausentes de las librerías durante demasiado tiempo pero recordados y buscados por los lectores más despiertos, estos textos esenciales de disciplinas como la filosofía, la ética, la historia, la sociología, la economía, la antropología, la psicología y la política mantienen su plena vigencia y vuelven hoy con fuerza para iluminar nuestro presente. ------------- Reseña:«Hannah Arendt volvió a pensar el espacio público después de su destrucción y nosotros debemos volver a ella para prevenir que se destruya de nuevo.»Andreu Jaume

Free-Thought in the Social Sciences (Routledge Revivals)

by J. A. Hobson

This Routledge Revival sees the reissue of a seminal work by British economist, sociologist and academic John A. Hobson, elucidating his views on a variety of topics across the social sciences. He makes particular reference to the struggle between the disinterested urge of the social scientist and the interests and other motive forces which tend to influence and mould his processes of inquiry. The work is split into three parts, focussing upon free-thinking, economics and political ethics respectively.

The International Anarchy (Routledge Library Editions: Anarchy)

by G. Lowes Dickinson

This volume, a classic of its time, discusses the tragic evolution of European politics from 1870-1914. The main part of the book describes the development of the relations between France, Germany, Russia and Britain and follows the sequence of political events, the Triple Alliance and Bismarck's secret treaties, the Triple Entente, Morocco and the Conference of Algeciras, The Annexation of Bosnia, Agadir, Tripoli, the Bagdad Railway, Persia, the Far East, the Balkan Wars. Its value remains because while other books deal with the actions of individuals, this volume indicates the underlying forces of which they were the victims.

The Marshall Plan and the Shaping of American Strategy

by Bruce D. Jones Strobe Talbott Will Moreland

How the United States helped restore a Europe battered by World War II and created the foundation for the postwar international orderSeventy years ago, in the wake of World War II, the United States did something almost unprecedented in world history: It launched and paid for an economic aid plan to restore a continent reeling from war. The European Recovery Plan-better known as the Marshall Plan, after chief advocate Secretary of State George C. Marshall-was in part an act of charity but primarily an act of self-interest, intended to prevent postwar Western Europe from succumbing to communism. By speeding the recovery of Europe and establishing the basis for NATO and diplomatic alliances that endure to this day, it became one of the most successful U.S. government programs ever.The Brookings Institution played an important role in the adoption of the Marshall Plan. At the request of Arthur Vandenberg, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Brookings scholars analyzed the plan, including the specifics of how it could be implemented. Their report gave Vandenberg the information he needed to shepherd the plan through a Republican-dominated Congress in a presidential election year.In his foreword to this book, Brookings president Strobe Talbott reviews the global context in which the Truman administration pushed the Marshall Plan through Congress, as well as Brookings' role in that process. The book includes Marshall's landmark speech at Harvard University in June 1947 laying out the rationale for the European aid program, the full text of the report from Brookings analyzing the plan, and the lecture Marshall gave upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953. The book concludes with an essay by Bruce Jones and Will Moreland that demonstrates how the Marshall Plan helped shape the entire postwar era and how today's leaders can learn from the plan's challenges and successes.

Negotiating Paradise

by Dennis Merrill

Accounts of U.S. empire building in Latin America typically portray politically and economically powerful North Americans descending on their southerly neighbors to engage in lopsided negotiations. Dennis Merrill's comparative history of U.S. tourism in Latin America in the twentieth century demonstrates that empire is a more textured, variable, and interactive system of inequality and resistance than commonly assumed. In his examination of interwar Mexico, early Cold War Cuba, and Puerto Rico during the Alliance for Progress, Merrill demonstrates how tourists and the international travel industry facilitated the expansion of U.S. consumer and cultural power in Latin America. He also shows the many ways in which local service workers, labor unions, business interests, and host governments vied to manage the Yankee invasion. While national leaders negotiated treaties and military occupations, visitors and hosts navigated interracial encounters in bars and brothels, confronted clashing notions of gender and sexuality at beachside resorts, and negotiated national identities. Highlighting the everyday realities of U.S. empire in ways often overlooked, Merrill's analysis provides historical context for understanding the contemporary debate over the costs and benefits of globalization.

Plato: The Man And His Work (Routledge Library Editions: Plato)

by A.E. Taylor

This book provides an introduction to Plato’s work that gives a clear statement of what Plato has to say about the problems of thought and life. In particular, it tells the reader just what Plato says, and makes no attempt to force a system on the Platonic text or to trim Plato’s works to suit contemporary philosophical tastes. The author also gives an account that has historical fidelity - we cannot really understand the Republic or the Gorgias if we forget that the Athens of the conversations is meant to be the Athens of Nicias or Cleon, not the very different Athens of Plato’s own manhood. To understand Plato’s thought we must see it in the right historical perspective.

Politics in the Republic of Ireland

by Michael Gallagher John Coakley

Politics in the Republic of Ireland is now available in a fully revised fifth edition. Building on the success of the previous four editions, it continues to provide an authoritative introduction to all aspects of politics in the Republic of Ireland. Written by some of the foremost experts on Irish politics, it explains, analyzes and interprets the background to Irish government and contemporary political processes. Bringing students up to date with the very latest developments, Coakley and Gallagher combine real substance with a highly readable style, providing an accessible textbook that meets the needs of all those who are interested in knowing how politics and government operate in Ireland.

The Real Tripitaka: And Other Pieces

by The Arthur Estate Arthur Waley

First published in 1952. The Real Tripitaka gives an account of the seventh century pilgrim's adventures, spiritual and material, both in India and after his return to China. In addition the book contains an account of a Japanese pilgrim's visit to China in the ninth century, which describes the Wu-t'ai Shan, China's great place of Pilgrimage, and an eye-witness's account of the great persecution of Buddhism in 842-845 A.D.

Where is Britain Going? (Routledge Revivals)

by Leon Trotsky

First Published in 1926, Where is Britain Going? focuses on the historical factors and circumstances which were to define Britain’s development in the midst of social unrest at that time. The book considers the future of Britain in an age when the working classes were being driven into confrontation with the state under the impact of the world crisis of capitalism. Writing over eighty years ago, Trotsky concentrates on the decline of British imperialism in his analysis of the Bolshevik Revolution. In a brilliant polemic that exposes all the treachery of the Labour leaders in the year before the General strike, he recalls the revolutionary traditions of the working class and draws on the historical lessons of the English Civil War and Chartism. Rejecting the parliamentary road and stripping bare the pretensions of Fabian socialism, Where is Britain going? outlines perspectives of revolution which continue to retain their validity.

Communism (The Works of Harold J. Laski)

by Harold J. Laski

This volume bases a clear and unbiased account of Communist philosophy on the Marxian Materialist Concept of History and Marxian Theory of Value. The spear-head of Marxism is its doctrine of class-struggle and from this Laski sets out on in his exposition of the Communist attitude. Although first published in 1927, the intervening years have in no way detracted from the intrinsic value of this enlightening study, regarded by many as the essential textbook for the understanding of this subject.

The Science and Method of Politics (Routledge Library Editions: Political Thought and Political Philosophy #12)

by G. E. Catlin

Originally published in 1927, this book was written as a reaction to the First World War, hoping to try and analyse the causes leading up to it. The author states in the Preface that he puts this forward as an unsystematic contribution to what he is conscious is a very great subject, and he adds since Aristotle, an almost untouched one. He starts by looking at the nature, methods and uses of history, considered from a political point of view. He goes on to look at the possibility of a political science; the place of politics among the social sciences, and the process of politics. In conclusion he considers the relation of politics and ethics.

Thomas Paine: Prophet and Martyr of Democracy (Routledge Library Editions: Political Thought and Political Philosophy #8)

by Mary Agnes Best

First published in 1927. This study explores Thomas Paine, an English-born American philosopher, activist, political theorist and revolutionary. The author examines Paine’s important aspects of Paine’s life, including his migration to the British Colonies, his participation in the American Revolution, and his imprisonment in Paris. This title will be of great interest to historians and those studying philosophy and politics.

Urban Planning in North Africa (Design and the Built Environment)

by Carlos Nunes Silva

There has been relatively little written on the history of urban planning in North Africa, despite the wealth of towns and cities in this region which date back to Antiquity. The book explores the history of urban planning in North Africa and the challenges confronting contemporary urban planning in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. It examines the transnational flow of planning ideas during the colonial period, namely through the French, British, and Italian colonial presence, and the Portuguese and Spanish influences as well, and discusses key challenges currently confronting urban planning in the major urban centers in the region. The fifteen chapters that constitute the book offer an informed analysis of the history of urban planning in North Africa, covering the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods.

Black Democracy: The Story of Haiti (Routledge Library Editions: Revolution #4)

by H.P. Davis

This book, first published in 1929, examines the history of Haiti and its long struggle for independence. The revolution against the French is treated in some detail, as is the story of the free Haitian republic that followed. Building a new country from slavery was no easy task, and another revolutionary period followed in the early twentieth century, which is also analysed alongside its aftermath.

Conservative Counterrevolution: Challenging Liberalism in 1950s Milwaukee

by Tula A Connell

In the 1950s, Milwaukee's strong union movement and socialist mayor seemed to embody a dominant liberal consensus that sought to continue and expand the New Deal. Tula Connell explores how business interests and political conservatives arose to undo that consensus, and how the resulting clash both shaped a city and helped redefine postwar American politics. Connell focuses on Frank Zeidler, the city's socialist mayor. Zeidler's broad concept of the public interest at times defied even liberal expectations. At the same time, a resurgence of conservatism with roots presaging twentieth-century politics challenged his initiatives in public housing, integration, and other areas. As Connell shows, conservatives created an anti-progressive game plan that included a well-funded media and PR push; an anti-union assault essential to the larger project of delegitimizing any government action; opposition to civil rights; and support from a suburban silent majority. In the end, the campaign undermined notions of the common good essential to the New Deal order. It also sowed the seeds for grassroots conservatism's more extreme and far-reaching future success.

Fudamental Problems of Life: An Essay on Citizenship as Pursuit of Values (Routledge Revivals)

by J.S. Mackenzie

In this volume, originally published in 1928, Mackenzie explores the meaning of Value and its place and relation in human thought and life. Divided into two parts, the first concerns itself with more general problems concerning Value while the latter part details the bearing Value has upon social problems. Mackenzie integrates the major branches of philosophy (Logic, Ethics, Metaphysics and Aesthetics) to analyse and evaluate the fundamental problems of citizenship making this title ideal for students of Philosophy and Politics.

An Incurable Past: Nasser's Egypt Then and Now

by Mériam N. Belli

"Spanning virtually the entire twentieth century and as timely as the outbreak of the 2011 ‘January Revolution,’ this work has much to say about where Egypt has been, who Egyptians are and, ultimately, where they may take their country." --Joel Gordon, author of Nasser: Hero of the Arab Nation "A truly extraordinary accomplishment that is thought provoking, creative, and inspiring. Belli is the first in Middle Eastern studies to examine the cultural history of twentieth-century Egypt through the interactions between education and remembrance. Her revised theoretical approach is applicable not only to Middle Eastern societies and cultures, but to others worldwide." --Israel Gershoni, Tel Aviv University "An interesting history of memory that is diverse, dynamic, and disparate. Makes an outstanding contribution to our understandings of Egyptian national identity and memory." --Nancy L. Stockdale, University of North Texas Examining history not as it was recorded, but as it is remembered, An Incurable Past contextualizes the classist and deeply disappointing post-Nasserist period that has inspired today’s Egyptian revolutionaries. Public performances, songs, stories, oral histories, and everyday speech reveal not just the history of mid-twentieth-century Egypt, but also the ways in which ordinary people experience and remember the past. Constructing a ground-breaking theoretical framework, Mériam Belli demonstrates the fragility of the "collectivity" and the urgent need to replace the current method for studying collective memory with a new approach she defines as "historical utterances." Contextual and relational, these links between intimate and public historical narratives are an integral part of a society’s dialogue about its past, present, and future. Three major vernacular expressions constitute the historical utterances that illuminate the Nasserite experience and its present. The first is universal schooling and education. The second is anti-colonial struggle, as exemplified by Port Said’s effigy burning festival. The third is the public’s responses to the "miraculous millenarian" apparition of the Virgin Mary. Using an extensive array of sources, ranging from official archives and press reportage to fiction, public rituals, and oral interviews, Belli’s findings penetrate issues of class, religion, and social and political activism. She shows that personal testimonies and public representations allow us a deep understanding of Egypt’s construction of the modern in its many sociocultural layers. Mériam N. Belli is associate professor of history at the University of Iowa.

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