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Showing 64,476 through 64,500 of 96,302 results

Social Issues in IMF-Supported Programs

by Sanjeev Gupta Louis Dicks-Mireaux Ritha Khemani Calvin Mcdonald Marijn Verhoeven

This paper reviews the IMF's policy advice in two areas of social policy: social safety nets and spending on education and health care. It was initiated as part of the work by the World Bank and IMF to strengthen the poverty focus of adjustment programmes in low-income countries. It looks at the lessons learnt from experience and sets out proposals for strengthening the social content of IMF supported programmes.

Republic of Equatorial Guinea: Statistical Appendix

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Macroeconomic Effects of Pension Reform in Russia

by David Hauner

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Public Disclosure and Bank Failures

by Tito Cordella Eduardo Levy Yeyati

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

A Multivariate Filter for Measuring Potential Output and the NAIRU: Application to the Czech Republic

by Jaromir Benes Papa N'Diaye

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Regional Trade Arrangements

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.


by Hamid Faruqee Douglas Laxton Bart Turtelboom

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Spillovers of Domestic Shocks: Will They Counteract the "Great Moderation"?

by Alina Carare Ashoka Mody

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

International Currency Portfolios

by Michael Kumhof

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

France: Selected Issues

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Jordan Strategy for Adjustment and Growth

by Edouard Maciejewski Ahsan Mansur

The paper analyzes the major progress Jordan has made in recent years in macroeconomic stabilization and the transformation of its economic structure. It discusses recent economic developments, macroeconomic policies, and structural reforms and examines the factors underpinning growth, including structural reforms in key areas such as public finance, the financial system, the trade and exchange regime, Jordan's external debt-management strategy, and the dynamics of the public debt and its sustainability.

How Good Are Ex Ante Program Evaluation Techniques? The Case of School Enrollment in PROGRESA

by Fabian Bornhorst

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Do IMF Programs Improve Economic Governance?

by Jiro Honda

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

The Role of Inter- and Intraindustry Trade in Technology Diffusion

by Dalia Hakura Florence Jaumotte

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Haiti: Selected Issues

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Efficiency Costs of Myanmar's Multiple Exchange Rate Regime

by Masahiro Hori Yu Ching Wong

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

The Fiscal Dimensions of Adjustment in Low-Income Countries

by Karim Nashashihi Sanjeev Gupta Claire Liuksila Henri Lorie Walter Mahler

A strengthened fiscal position is at the core of most economic adjustment programs supported by IMF lending, especially for the poorer countries that draw on the IMF's structural adjustment facilities. This paper reviews developments in 23 countries and evaluates their experience with fiscal and structural adjustment, including their efforts to design social safety nets to cushion the effects of adjustment.

Fiscal Dimensions of Sustainable Development

by Sanjeev Gupta Michael Keen Benedict Clements Kevin Fletcher Luiz De Mello Muthukumara Mani

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Aftermath of the CFA Franc Devaluation

by Jean A.P. Clément Johannes Mueller Stéphane Cossé Jean Le Dem

Financial report from the IMF

Is the PRGF Living Up to Expectations? An Assessment of Program Design

by Sanjeev Gupta Mark Plant Benedict Clements Thomas Dorsey Emanuele Baldacci Gabriela Inchauste Shamsuddin Tareq Nita Thacker

The creation of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) in late 1999 represented the culmination of more than two years of internal and external reviews and IMF policy discussions on the assessment and transformation of the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF). The PRGF now functions as the IMF's principal instrument to support low-income countries in implementing their poverty reduction strategies. Targets and policies embodied in PRGF-supported programs should emerge from the country's own poverty reduction strategy, as laid out in its PRSP or Interim PRSP (I-PRSP). Key features which PRGF programs have in common were identified as follows: Broad participation and greater ownership; Embedding of the PRGF in the overall strategy for growth and poverty reduction; Budgets that are more pro-poor and pro-growth; Appropriate flexibility in fiscal targets ensured; More selective structural conditionality; Emphasis on measures to improve public resource management/accountability; Social impact analysis of major macroeconomic adjustments and structural reforms. The remainder of this paper provides an assessment of the extent to which PRGF-supported programs have implemented the individual key features.

Equilibrium Non-Oil Current Account Assessments for Oil Producing Countries

by Alu Thomas Jun Il Kim Aqib Aslam

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Rapid Current Account Adjustments: Are Microstates Different?

by Patrick Imam

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Sweden's Welfare State

by Subhash Thakur Michael Keen Balázs Horváth Valerie Cerra

The Swedish Prime Minister, Gèran Persson, has used the analogy of a bumblebee to describe the success of the Swedish welfare state, saying "Think of a bumblebee. With its overly heavy body and little wings, supposedly it should not be able to fly, but it does. " Drawing on its continued surveillance of the economic policies of IMF member states, this book examines the Swedish model and considers both its achievements and the challenges facing it in the 21st century. It also seeks to draw lessons from the Swedish experience for other countries that face similar challenges from developments in globalisation and demographics.

Republic of Moldova: 2003 Article IV Consultation--Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

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Showing 64,476 through 64,500 of 96,302 results