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Showing 94,651 through 94,675 of 96,476 results

The Wicked Wit of Queen Elizabeth II

by Karen Dolby

A charming collection of quotes and anecdotes celebrating the incomparable Queen of EnglandWhen we think of the queen, we probably picture a serious, dignified personage complete with majestic hat and matching handbag. But The Wicked Wit of Queen Elizabeth II reveals a side of the monarch the public rarely sees, her healthy sense of humor: sometimes silly, sometimes sarcastic—and occasionally unintentional (to guitar legend Eric Clapton: “Have you been playing long?”)!This is a delightful celebration of the queen’s humor revealed through her own words on topics from family and travel to pets and hobbies, as well as stories from the royal household of Britain’s longest-serving monarch. In addition to the queen, other royals get in their two cents, including the famously filterless Prince Philip and the acerbic Princess Margaret, as well as Prince Charles and Princess Anne.

Wide Awake Now

by David Levithan

From the New York Times bestselling author of Every Day, this is a queer love story set against the backdrop of the 2024 presidential election, in a reimagining of David Levithan&’s 2004 novel Wide Awake.When David Levithan published Wide Awake in 2004, he set it in an imagined 2024, where a gay Jewish man had just been elected president of the United States, until a governor decides that some election results in his state are invalid, awarding crucial votes to the other candidate and his fellow party member. What follows is the story of teens Jimmy and Duncan as they explore their relationship, their politics, and their country.In Wide Awake Now, David Levithan is flipping the script and rewriting Jimmy and Duncan&’s story in the real 2024, rather than his imagined version. This is a protest novel for today.Once again, David Levithan proves the critical importance of standing up for what you believe in and the cost of apathy in today&’s political climate.

The Wide-Awake Princess

by Katherine Paterson

In this amusing, eloquently told story, created by Katherine Paterson specifically for artist Vladimir Vagin to illustrate with his beautifully detailed watercolors, there was born a wise little princess who was different from everyone else. Miranda had been granted the gift of being wide awake all her waking hours. Thus, unlike those before her, she was able to see that the peasants of the kingdom were overworked and starving while the nobles lived in selfish luxury. Miranda, with confidence and determination, forms an innovative plan to help her people overcome their oppression, and in the process reveals the power of words to vanquish ignorance and bring about change.

The Widening Circle of Genocide: Genocide - A Critical Bibliographic Review (Genocide Studies #Vol. 3)

by Israel W. Charny

The Widening Circle of Genocide, the third volume of an award-winning series, combines an encyclopedic summary of knowledge of the subject with annotated citations of literature in each field of study. It includes contributions by R.J. Rummel, Leonard Glick, Vahakn Dadrian, Rosanne Klass, Martin Van Bruinessen, James Dunn, Gabrielle Tyrnauer, Robert Krell, George Kent, Samuel Totten, and a foreword by Irving Louis Horowitz.This volume presents scholarship on a variety of topics, including: Germany's records of the Armenian genocide; little-known cases of contemporary genocide in Afghanistan, East Timor, and of the Kurds; a provocative new interpretation of the psychic scarring of Holocaust survivors; and nongovernmental organizations that have undertaken the beginnings of scholarship on the worldwide problems of genocide. The Widening Circle of Genocide embodies reverence for human life; its goal is the search for new means to prevent genocide.This work is distinguished by its excellence, originality, and depth of its scholarship. The first volume was selected by the American Library Association for its list of "Outstanding Academic Books of 1988-89." It is both compelling reading and an invaluable tool for scholars and students who wish to pursue specific fields of study of genocide. It will also be of interest to political scientists, historians, psychologists, and religion scholars.

Widening the Circle: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms

by Mara Sapon-Shevin

Widening the Circle is a passionate, even radical argument for creating school and classroom environments where all kids, including children labeled as "disabled" and "special needs," are welcome on equal terms. In opposition to traditional models of special education, where teachers decide when a child is deemed "ready to compete" in "mainstream" classes, Mara Sapon-Shevin articulates a vision of full inclusion as a practical and moral goal. Inclusion, she argues, begins not with the assumption that students have to earn their way into the classroom with their behavior or skills, it begins with the right of every child to be in the mainstream of education, perhaps with modifications, adaptations, and support. Full inclusion requires teachers to think about all aspects of their classrooms-pedagogy, curriculum, and classroom climate. Crucially, Sapon-Shevin takes on arguments against full inclusion in a section of straight-talking answers to common questions. She agrees with critics that the rhetoric of inclusion has been used to justify eliminating services and "dumping" students with significant educational needs unceremoniously back into the mainstream with little or no support. If full inclusion is properly implemented, however, she argues, it not only clearly benefits those traditionally excluded but enhances the educations and lives of those considered mainstream in myriad ways. Through powerful storytelling and argument, Sapon-Shevin lays out the moral and educational case for not separating kids on the basis of difference.

Widening the European Union: Politics of Institutional Change and Reform (Routledge Advances in European Politics #Vol. 5)

by Bernard Steunenberg

The proposed enlargement of the European Union to include countries from Central and Eastern Europe has become an important political issue. Widening the European Union focuses on those institutional reforms of the Union that may be necessary to make the enlargement possible. The institutional structure, originally designed for the Union of just six states, might not be suitable for a EU of twenty-seven or more member states. An overview of current rational choice theories of institutional change is provided before the volume focuses on several aspects of institutional reforms in the Union. Widening the European Union contains contributions from a distinguished team of European academics. This book is a valuable resource to students of the European Union with an interest in its politics and policy, enlargement and institutional reform.

Widening the World of International Relations: Homegrown Theorizing (Worlding Beyond the West)

by Ersel Aydinli Gonca Biltekin

Current international relations (IR) theories and approaches, which are almost exclusively built in the West, are alien to the non-Western contexts that engender the most hard-pressing problems of the world and ultimately unhelpful in understanding or addressing the needs surrounding these issues. Our supposedly revolutionary new concepts and approaches remain largely insufficient in explaining what happens globally and in offering lessons for improvement. This deficiency can only be addressed by building more relevant theories. For theory to be relevant in accounting for contemporary international relations, we argue, it should not only apply to, but also emanate from different corners of the current political universe. In other words, diversity and dialogue can only come about when periphery scholars do not just "meta-theorize" but also "theorize." Aydinli and Biltekin propose a new form of theorizing through this collection of work, one that effectively blends peripheral outlooks with theory production. They call this form "homegrown theorizing," or original theorizing in the periphery about the periphery. Arguing that disciplinary culture is oblivious to the diversity that might be achieved by theorizing based on indigenous ideas and/or practices, this book intends to highlight that potential, showing diversity in the background of the authors, because wherever one looks at the world from, paints the picture that is being seen. Therefore, we bring together scholars from Eastern Europe to South Africa, from Iran to Japan to cover the extant diversity in ideas. This work will be essential reading for all students and scholars concerned with the future of international relations theory.

Wider die Borniertheit und den Chauvinismus – mit Paul K. Feyerabend durch absurde Zeiten

by Wolfgang Frindte

Anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstages wird an Paul K. Feyerabend erinnert; es werden seine Ideen diskutiert und es wird gefragt, inwieweit diese geeignet sind, aktuelle Geschehnisse und Konflikte zu beurteilen.

A Wider Patriotism: Alfred Milner and the British Empire (Empires in Perspective #2)

by J Lee Thompson

When Alfred Milner was knighted, he took as his motto Communis Patria, 'patriotism for our common country'. This is the study of Milner, which takes his politics, or 'constructive' imperialism as its primary theme. It also discovers a group of young female supporters of his vision.

Widerstand gegen Großprojekte: Rahmenbedingungen, Akteure und Konfliktverläufe (essentials)

by Jonas Gobert

Das essential zeigt Interessenkonflikte auf, die bei umstrittenen Großvorhaben regelmäßig entstehen, und analysiert die zentralen Akteursgruppen inklusive ihrer Organisationsstrukturen, ihrer Handlungslogik und ihrer politischen Strategien. Zunächst werden die wichtigsten rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Planung und Genehmigung von Großvorhaben beschrieben. Anschließend erläutert Jonas Gobert die Instrumente des Widerstands und die zentralen Argumentationen der Konfliktparteien sowie die Rezeption in den Medien. Drei aktuelle Fallbeispiele bekannter Großprojekte verdeutlichen seine Ausführungen.

Widows: A Novel

by Ariel Dorfman Stephen Kessler

Set in a Greek village in 1942, and purportedly written from his imagination by a Danish man before he was picked up by the Gestapo and not seen again, here is Ariel Dorfman's haunting and universal parable of individual courage in the face of political oppression. Widows forms a testament to the disappeared--those living under totalitarian regimes the world over, who are taken away for "questioning" and never return.One by one, the bodies of men wash up on the shore of the river, where they are claimed by the women of the local town as husbands and fathers, even though the faces of the dead men are unrecognizable. A tug-of-war ensues between the local police, who insist that the women couldn't possibly recognize their loved ones, and the women demanding the right to bury their beloveds. As it evolves, the stand-off reveals itself to be a power struggle between love, dignity and honor, and the lesser god of brute force. A lesson in how power really works, and how it can be made to work differently.

Wie Corona Afrika verändert: Ein entwicklungspolitischer Überblick (essentials)

by Wolff-Christian Peters Rainer Tetzlaff

​Die wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Folgen der Corona-Pandemie werden in diesem essential analysiert. Drei Fallstudien (Äthiopien, Sambia und Südafrika) zeigen die Versäumnisse der Regierungspolitik. Zur Sprache kommen Fragen der Impfstoffbeschaffung und der Zukunft von Gesellschaften, die schon heute unter Hunger, Arbeitslosigkeit und der Perspektivlosigkeit einer verzweifelten Jugend leidet. Der Migrationsdruck wächst.

Wie Corona die Hochschullehre verändert: Erfahrungen und Gedanken aus der Krise zum zukünftigen Einsatz von eLearning

by Ullrich Dittler Christian Kreidl

Die Hochschulen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz sahen sich durch die Covid-19-Pandemie im Frühjahr 2020 gezwungen, auf traditionelle Präsenzlehre temporär zu verzichten und innerhalb kürzester Zeit auf Online-Lehre umzustellen. Erstmalig in der Hochschulgeschichte mussten sich alle Institutionen, alle Lehrenden und auch alle Studierenden gleichzeitig mit den damit einhergehenden digitalen Lehrformen und -technologien auseinandersetzen. Dieses Buch dokumentiert zum einen, wie die Hochschulen und die Lehrenden auf die Herausforderungen des Corona-Sommersemesters reagierten. Zum anderen wird diskutiert, wie diese Entwicklungen dauerhaft die Lehre an Hochschulen verändern könnten.Es sind dabei bewusst vielfältige und unterschiedliche Blickwinkel in den einzelnen Beiträgen vertreten. Die Perspektive der Hochschulverwaltungen, von zentralen Support-Einrichtungen sowie die Sichtweise von Lehrenden und Studierenden. Die grundlegende Zielsetzung des Buches besteht darin, die umfassenden Erfahrungen, die in der Corona-Krise gemacht wurden, als Chance aufzuarbeiten, um daraus verbesserte Ansätze für die zukünftige Hochschullehre zu entwickeln.

Wie Corona die Hochschullehre verändert: Erfahrungen und Gedanken aus der Krise zum zukünftigen Einsatz von eLearning

by Ullrich Dittler Christian Kreidl

Die Hochschulen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz sahen sich durch die Covid-19-Pandemie in den Corona-Semestern 2020 bis 2022 gezwungen, auf traditionelle Präsenzlehre temporär zu verzichten und innerhalb kürzester Zeit auf Online-Lehre umzustellen. Erstmalig in der Hochschulgeschichte mussten sich alle Institutionen, alle Lehrenden und auch alle Studierenden gleichzeitig mit den damit einhergehenden digitalen Lehrformen und -technologien auseinandersetzen. Dieses Buch dokumentiert zum einen, wie die Hochschulen und die Lehrenden auf die Herausforderungen der Corona-Semester reagierten und welche Erfahrungen bei der Online-Lehre gesammelt wurden. Zum anderen wird diskutiert, wie diese Entwicklungen dauerhaft die Lehre an Hochschulen verändern könnten. Es sind dabei bewusst vielfältige und unterschiedliche Blickwinkel in den einzelnen Beiträgen vertreten: die Perspektive der Hochschulverwaltungen, von zentralen Support-Einrichtungen sowie die Sichtweise von Lehrenden und Studierenden. Die grundlegende Zielsetzung des Buches besteht darin, die umfassenden Erfahrungen, die in den Corona-Semestern gemacht wurden, als Chance aufzuarbeiten, um daraus verbesserte Ansätze für die zukünftige Hochschullehre zu entwickeln.In der überarbeiteten zweiten Auflage stehen daher die zahlreichen Erfahrungen, die in den Corona-Semestern 2020 bis 2022 gemacht wurden, im Vordergrund.

Wie Kampagnen die Entscheidung der Wähler beeinflussen: Zum kurzfristigen Wirkungspotential von Medienberichten und Wahlumfragen in der Schweiz

by Thomas De Rocchi

Im Vorfeld der eidgenössischen Wahlen 2011 wurde erstmals in der Schweiz ein Rolling Cross-Section Survey realisiert. Thomas De Rocchi nutzt die damit erhobenen Daten, um kurzfristige Einstellungs- und Präferenzänderungen der Wählerschaft im Verlauf der Kampagne zu identifizieren und mit (Kommunikations-)Ereignissen aus ebendieser Kampagne zu erklären. Die präsentierten Analysen liefern daher wichtige neue Erkenntnisse mit Blick auf den Einfluss von Medienberichten und Wahlumfragen auf die Meinungsbildung sowie die zugrundeliegenden Wirkungsmechanismen.

Wie Politiklehrkräfte Antisemitismus denken: Vorstellungen, Erfahrungen, Praxen (Bürgerbewusstsein)

by Christoph Wolf

Die qualitative Studie geht der Frage nach, wie Politiklehrkräfte Antisemitismus denken. Im Mittelpunkt stehen somit die subjektiven Vorstellungen sowie schulischen Erfahrungen und Praxen der Lehrkräfte. In der Analyse werden diese systematisch zu wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen über Antisemitismus in Bezug gesetzt. Ein Ergebnis ist, dass trotz anti-antisemitischer Grundhaltungen der Befragten auch immer wieder antisemitische Denkmuster reproduziert oder antisemitische Äußerungen und Handlungen im schulischen Alltag übersehen oder relativiert werden. Die Untersuchung liefert abschließend Hinweise hinsichtlich einer nachhaltigen und subjektorientierten Gestaltung von Fortbildungsangeboten.

Wie relevant ist die Politikwissenschaft?: Wissenstransfer und gesellschaftliche Wirkung von Forschung und Lehre

by Wolfgang Bergem Helmar Schöne

Der Band thematisiert die gesellschaftliche und politische Relevanz der Politikwissenschaft. Er zeigt einesteils auf, wie die Politikwissenschaft über die Trias aus Forschung, Lehre und Kommunikation in die Gesellschaft hineinwirkt. Anderenteils wird gefragt, welche Kompetenzen, Kapazitäten und Ressourcen dazu beitragen können, die öffentliche Bedeutung der Disziplin zu fördern. Damit wird die seit einigen Jahren geführte Debatte über die Rolle und die Ausstrahlung der Politikwissenschaft in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft aufgegriffen und fortgeführt.

Wie soll das Volk entscheiden?: Chancen, Risiken und Voraussetzungen der direkten Demokratie

by Heike Walterscheid Thomas Petersen

Dieses Buch beleuchtet aus interdisziplinärer und ländervergleichender Perspektive, unter welchen Bedingungen direkte Demokratie funktionieren kann, wo ihre Chancen und Risiken liegen und welche Rolle dabei die politische Bildung, die politische Kulturtradition eines Landes, der Zusammenhang von Entscheidung und Verantwortung und der Grad der Kleinräumigkeit und Dezentralität der Entscheidungsstrukturen spielt. Ausdrücklich wird weder für noch gegen die direkte Demokratie plädiert, sondern das Thema unvoreingenommen und mit der Gründlichkeit behandelt, die die öffentliche Diskussion über plebiszitäre Elemente in der Politik meistens vermissen lässt.

Wie und warum wir lügen

by Bella DePaulo

Eine bekannte Wissenschaftlerin bietet einen fesselnden und anspruchsvollen Überblick über die grundlegendsten Aspekte der Lügenpsychologie und -entdeckung. Jahrzehntelang hat die preisgekrönte Geisteswissenschaftlerin Harvard Ph.D. Bella DePaulo die Psychologie der Täuschung und Täuschungsentdeckung studiert. "Warum und wie wir lügen" enthält kurze und zugängliche Antworten auf die grundlegendsten Fragen zu Lügen, wie zum Beispiel: •Wie oft lügen Personen? •Worüber lügen Personen? •Wann ist es okay zu lügen oder ist es überhaupt irgendwann okay? •Wie rechtfertigen Lügner ihre Lügen? •Wie zeigen Lügner ihre Lügen? •Wenn es Lügnern am wichtigsten ist, mit ihren Lügen davonzukommen, ist das der Moment, wenn sie es am ehesten vermasseln? •Wie gut sind Menschen darin, zu wissen, wenn jemand sie anlügt? •Merken Menschen intuitiv, wenn sie angelogen werden, wobei sie nicht wissen, wie sie sich diese Fähigkeit zu Nutze machen können? Das Buch ist zweigeteilt: "Die vielen Gesichter der Lügen" und "Lügen von Wahrheiten unterscheiden: Hinweise des Verhaltens auf Täuschung und der indirekte Pfad der Intuition".

Wielding the Ax: State Forestry and Social Conflict in Tanzania, 1820-2000 (Ecology and History)

by Thaddeus Sunseri

<p>Forests have been at the fault lines of contact between African peasant communities in the Tanzanian coastal hinterland and outsiders for almost two centuries. In recent decades, a global call for biodiversity preservation has been the main challenge to Tanzanians and their forests. <p>Thaddeus Sunseri uses the lens of forest history to explore some of the most profound transformations in Tanzania from the nineteenth century to the present. He explores anticolonial rebellions, the world wars, the depression, the Cold War, oil shocks, and nationalism through their intersections with and impacts on Tanzania’s coastal forests and woodlands. In Wielding the Ax, forest history becomes a microcosm of the origins, nature, and demise of colonial rule in East Africa and of the first fitful decades of independence. <p>Wielding the Ax is a story of changing constellations of power over forests, beginning with African chiefs and forest spirits, both known as “ax–wielders,” and ending with international conservation experts who wield scientific knowledge as a means to controlling forest access. The modern international concern over tropical deforestation cannot be understood without an awareness of the long–term history of these forest struggles.</p>

Wigan Pier Revisited: Poverty and Politics in the 80s

by Beatrix Campbell

A brilliant exposé of poverty and politics in Britain. In 1937 George Orwell published The Road to Wigan Pier, an account of his famous 'urban ride' among the people and places of the Great Depression. Fifty years later we lived through a second Great Depression, and this time the journey north was made by a woman - like Orwell a journalist and a socialist, but, unlike him, working class and a feminist. Wigan Pier Revisited is a devastating record of what Beatrix Campbell saw and heard in towns and cities ravaged by poverty and unemployment. She talked to young mothers on the dole, to miners and their families, to school leavers, battered wives, factory workers, redundant workers; discovered what work, home, family, politics and dignity meant for working-class people. Out of this came her passionate plea for a genuine socialism, one informed by feminism, drawing its strength from the grass roots and responding to people's real needs.

Wigan Pier Revisited: Poverty and Politics in the 80s

by Beatrix Campbell

A brilliant exposé of poverty and politics in Britain. In 1937 George Orwell published The Road to Wigan Pier, an account of his famous 'urban ride' among the people and places of the Great Depression. Fifty years later we lived through a second Great Depression, and this time the journey north was made by a woman - like Orwell a journalist and a socialist, but, unlike him, working class and a feminist. Wigan Pier Revisited is a devastating record of what Beatrix Campbell saw and heard in towns and cities ravaged by poverty and unemployment. She talked to young mothers on the dole, to miners and their families, to school leavers, battered wives, factory workers, redundant workers; discovered what work, home, family, politics and dignity meant for working-class people. Out of this came her passionate plea for a genuine socialism, one informed by feminism, drawing its strength from the grass roots and responding to people's real needs.

Wiki Government

by Beth Simone Noveck

Collaborative democracy-government with the people-is a new vision of governance in the digital age. Wiki Government explains how to translate the vision into reality. Beth Simone Noveck draws on her experience in creating Peer-to-Patent, the federal government's first social networking initiative, to show how technology can connect the expertise of the many to the power of the few. In the process, she reveals what it takes to innovate in government.Launched in 2007, Peer-to-Patent connects patent examiners to volunteer scientists and technologists via the web. These dedicated but overtaxed officials decide which of the million-plus patent applications currently in the pipeline to approve. Their decisions help determine which start-up pioneers a new industry and which disappears without a trace. Patent examiners have traditionally worked in secret, cut off from essential information and racing against the clock to rule on lengthy, technical claims. Peer-to-Patent broke this mold by creating online networks of self-selecting citizen experts and channeling their knowledge and enthusiasm into forms that patent examiners can easily use.Peer-to-Patent shows how policymakers can improve decisionmaking by harnessing networks to public institutions. By encouraging, coordinating, and structuring citizen participation, technology can make government both more open and more effective at solving today's complex social and economic problems. Wiki Government describes how this model can be applied in a wide variety of settings and offers a fundamental rethinking of effective governance and democratic legitimacy for the twenty-first century.

Wiki Government

by Beth Simone Noveck

Collaborative democracy--government with the people--is a new vision of governance in the digital age. Wiki Government explains how to translate the vision into reality. Beth Simone Noveck draws on her experience in creating Peer-to-Patent, the federal government's first social networking initiative, to show how technology can connect the expertise of the many to the power of the few. In the process, she reveals what it takes to innovate in government.Launched in 2007, Peer-to-Patent connects patent examiners to volunteer scientists and technologists via the web. These dedicated but overtaxed officials decide which of the million-plus patent applications currently in the pipeline to approve. Their decisions help determine which start-up pioneers a new industry and which disappears without a trace. Patent examiners have traditionally worked in secret, cut off from essential information and racing against the clock to rule on lengthy, technical claims. Peer-to-Patent broke this mold by creating online networks of self-selecting citizen experts and channeling their knowledge and enthusiasm into forms that patent examiners can easily use. Peer-to-Patent shows how policymakers can improve decisionmaking by harnessing networks to public institutions. By encouraging, coordinating, and structuring citizen participation, technology can make government both more open and more effective at solving today's complex social and economic problems. Wiki Government describes how this model can be applied in a wide variety of settings and offers a fundamental rethinking of effective governance and democratic legitimacy for the twenty-first century.

WikiLeaks: From Popular Culture to Political Economy

by Mark Andrejevic Angela Daly Christian Fuchs Birgitta Jónsdóttir William Uricchio Pj Rey Pelle Snickars Larry Gross Axel Bruns Sandra Braman Nathan Jurgenson Athina Karatzogianni Lisa Lynch Andrew Robinson Karin Wahl-Jorgensen Arlene Luck Christian Christensen Toby Miller Leah A. Lievrouw

"Little did I know that I was getting involved with WikiLeaks at the time of the biggest leaks in human history." -- Birgitta JónsdóttirWithin a relatively short period of time, WikiLeaks became the best-known whistle-blowing organization in the world. Due in large part to the release of massive quantities of classified data on the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, the notoriety of its founder, Julian Assange, and the trial and imprisonment of Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks has been the subject of widespread attention and debate.In this collection, influential and innovative scholars from a wide variety of research backgrounds speculate about why and how WikiLeaks does (or does not) matter. These of essays demonstrate that WikiLeaks and their activities are relevant to more areas of academic study than have been addressed to date. Also, in a rare interview, editor Christian Christensen asks Birgitta Jonsdittir about her astonishing activity with WikiLeaks and the important role she played in the making of the Collateral Murder video.The authors are rigorous in their arguments, but also offer opinions and even speculation about WikiLeaks in relation to a range of areas of study. Readers of the essays in WikiLeaks. From Popular Culture to Political Economy will appreciate that the contributors have managed to be concrete and precise in their thinking, but also provocative and sharp in their argumentation.

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