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Showing 94,826 through 94,850 of 96,378 results

Keywords in Education Policy Research: A Conceptual Toolbox

by Andrew Wilkins Steven J. Courtney Nelli Piattoeva

The field of education policy research is a dense, crowded space owing to its complicated relationship to different intellectual histories and the influence of various ontologies or ‘turns’. To aid comprehension and clarity, this book describes the history, contribution and application of over 90 keywords in the field of education policy research. It is designed as a reference, learning and teaching tool to assist students, educators and researchers with: • complex learning and teaching; • wider and background reading and knowledge building; • critical scholarship and research; • interdisciplinary thinking and writing; and • theory development and application.

Kingdom of Rage: The Rise of Christian Extremism and the Path Back to Peace

by Elizabeth Neumann

A former counterterrorism official explores how modern evangelicalism and right-wing conservatism intermingled to form the combustible ideology that resulted in the January 6 attacks on the Capitol—and which threatens to destroy the American Church from within. How did a Church that purports to follow the teachings of Jesus - the Prince of Peace - become a breeding ground for violent extremism? When Elizabeth Neumann began her anti-terrorism career as part of President George W. Bush&’s Homeland Security Counsel in the wake of the September 11 attacks, she expected to spend her life protecting her country from the threat of global terrorism. But as her career evolved, she began to perceive that the greatest threat to American security came not from religious fundamentalists in Afghanistan or Iraq but from white nationalists and radicalized religious fundamentalists within the very institution that was closest to her heart – the American evangelical church. And she began to sound the alarm, raising her concerns to anyone in government who would listen, including testifying before Congress in February of 2020. At that time, Neumann warned that anti-Semitic and white supremacist terrorism was a transnational threat that was building to the doorstep of another major attack. Shortly after her testimony, she resigned from her role as Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention in protest of what she believed was then-President Trump&’s failure of leadership and his stoking of the hatred, anger, and division from which she had dedicated her life to protecting her country. Her worst fears came true when she witnessed the attack on the capital on January 6, 2021. In Kingdom of Rage, Neumann explores the forces within American society that have encouraged the radicalization of white supremacist, anti-government and other far-right terrorists by co-opting Christian symbols and culture and perverting the faith&’s teachings. While Neumann offers decades of insights into the role government policies can play to prevent further bloodshed, she believes real change must come from the within the Christian church. She shines a bright light on the responsibility of ordinary Americans – and particularly American Christians – to work within their families and their communities to counteract the narrative of victimization and marginalization within American evangelicalism. Her goal for this book is not only to sound a warning about one of the greatest threats to our security but to rescue the Church from the forces that will, if left unchecked, destroy it – culturally, morally, and ultimately quite literally. This is a book for anyone who wants to understand the unholy marriage of right-wing politics and Christian exceptionalism in America and who wants to be a part of reversing the current path towards division, hatred, violence and the ultimate undermining of both evangelical Christianity and American democracy.

Knowledge Cohesion: Uniting Europe Through Research Networks (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)

by İbrahim Semih Akçomak Umut Yılmaz Çetinkaya Erkan Erdil Müge Özman

Research collaboration plays a pivotal role in not only disseminating existing knowledge but also catalyzing the generation of novel insights. This book delves into the benefits that arise from research collaborations, shedding light on their multifaceted impacts. It serves as a pioneering exploration into the nexus of collaboration, knowledge convergence, and knowledge cohesion, drawing extensively from the rich literature on the EU's cohesion policy and collaboration-induced knowledge diffusion.Firstly, Knowledge Cohesion: Uniting Europe Through Research Networks unravels the nuanced interplay among collaboration, knowledge convergence, and knowledge cohesion. Secondly, it carves out clear distinctions between the realms of convergence and cohesion. Lastly, it unveils an empirical framework, offering tools for quantifying and analysing knowledge cohesion. These contributions culminate in the conceptualisation of knowledge cohesion, enriching our understanding of how collaborative research profoundly impacts the advancement of knowledge. The empirical analyses show that while the research collaboration network indicates knowledge convergence, there is no evidence for knowledge cohesion in Europe.This book stands as a resource for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners alike, inviting them to explore the nuanced interplay of research collaboration and knowledge dynamics, while presenting knowledge cohesion as a new concept.

Knowledge, Power and Ignorance: The Indian Context

by Abhijit Guha Gorky Chakraborty Bidhan Kanti Das

What is knowledge, and ignorance? How is it decided? Do power and power relations influence this process? Does the spread of knowledge lead to more ignorance? Is ignorance socially produced? Is knowledge always socially contextualized? This book deals with these important questions on the interplay of knowledge, ignorance and power located in varied contexts in India.As systematic knowledge grows, so does the possibility of ignorance. Ignorance is a state which people attribute to others and is loaded with moral judgment. Thus, being underdeveloped often ‘implies a kind of stupidity or failure’. This volume seeks to be premised in a framework where ignorance is understood as being a socially produced and maintained phenomenon, where the ways of knowing and not knowing are interdependent. It is a novel attempt for an academic re-orientation of the Knowledge–Ignorance paradigm through a process of re-interpretation of the bounded purview attached with the existing epistemological understandings. It focuses on concrete case studies, often with an ethnographic stint. The volume critically looks at various aspects: Epistemological Issues; Understanding Community Perspectives and the State; Natural Resources, Power and Ignorance; Media and Production of Non-Knowledge; and other emerging areas. Each essay bears a striking similarity – that of understanding the complex processes and dynamics of the production of ignorance in a field of commonly held beliefs of 'knowledge' - be it scientific, societal, religious, magical or political - through the overarching realm of power.This interdisciplinary volume will be of interest to a cross-section of academics and students of sociology, social anthropology, political science, human geography, history, public policy and development studies.

Knowledge Production and Epistemic Decolonization at the End of Pax Americana (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series)

by Naoki Sakai Jon Solomon Peter Button

This book critically analyzes the global hegemony of the United States – a hegemony whose innovative aspect consists in articulating postcoloniality to imperial control – in relation to knowledge and knowledge production. Through targeted case studies on the historical relationship between regional areas and the United States, the authors explore possibilities and obstacles to epistemic decolonization. By highlighting the connection between the control of work and the control of communication that has been at the core of the colonial regimes of accumulation (‘classic colonialism’), they present an entirely new form of disciplinary practice, not based on the equation of evolution and knowledge. An extensive introduction outlines the historical genealogy of Pax Americana epistemic hegemony, while individual chapters examine the implications for different regions of the world and different domains of activity, including visual culture, economy, migration, the arts, and translation. This interdisciplinary collection will appeal to students and scholars in many fields, including Asian studies, American studies, postcolonialism, and political theory.

Kommunalwahlkämpfe: Wahlverhalten, Planung und Durchführung (essentials)

by Simon Jakobs

​Dieses essential bietet in komprimierter Form die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse zu Wahlverhalten bei Kommunalwahlen und gibt einen Einblick in die Planung und Durchführung von Wahlkämpfen. Dazu werden Wahlkampfmethoden und -maßnahmen vorgestellt, die auch mit geringen finanziellen und/oder personellen Ressourcen genutzt werden können. Ein wesentlicher Schwerpunkt liegt auf der zielgerichteten Planung und Durchführung von Haustürwahlkämpfen. Ihnen kann gerade für Kommunalwahlen eine besondere Wirkmacht zugeschrieben werden.

Kongruentes Policy-Lernen als lernbedingter Policy-Wandel: Zum Koordinierungsmechanismus des Policy-Lernens in Regierungsformationen (Studien der NRW School of Governance)

by Sandra Plümer

Sandra Plümer untersucht „kongruentes Policy-Lernen“ (congruent policy learning) als lernbedingten Policy-Wandel und fragt nach dem Koordinierungsmechanismus innerhalb von Regierungsformationen, der die Übersetzung von Policy-Lernen in Policy-Wandel sicherstellt. Den Analyserahmen für die „Mikropolitische Policy-Lernen Analyse“ bildet eine Theorienverbindung des Advocacy Coalition Framework mit der Strategischen Organisationsanalyse. Als Fallbeispiel fungiert die Rückkehr zum Abitur nach neun Jahren (G9) an Gymnasien in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Die qualitativ-interpretative Fallstudie verdeutlicht den regierungsinternen Koordinierungsmechanismus als multidimensionalen Interaktionsprozess bestehend aus Normen, Ressourcen und Deutungsschemata. Dieser ist trotz eines gesamtgesellschaftlichen Lernprozesses notwendig, um zum Lernprozess kongruente Reformen zu beschließen. Damit erfasst die Autorin die bisher wenig erforschte Schnittstelle von kognitivem Überzeugungswandel und handlungsbasierterDurchsetzungsfähigkeit.

Konspiration: Soziologie des Verschwörungsdenkens

by Andreas Anton Michael Schetsche Michael K. Walter

Spätestens seit der Corona-Pandemie werden Verschwörungstheorien zunehmend als gesellschaftspolitisches Problem wahrgenommen und sind zum Politikum geworden. Wohl noch nie zuvor gab es im öffentlichen Diskurs eine derart hohe Sensibilität für das Thema. Ängste vor Verschwörungen einerseits und Ängste vor Verschwörungstheorien andererseits schaukeln sich offenbar gegenseitig hoch. Dies führt zu einer anwachsenden gesellschaftlichen Polarisierung und zu einem Klima von Misstrauen, Empörung und Gereiztheit. Zehn Jahre nach der Erstauflage des vorliegenden Bandes erscheint die Analyse des gegenwärtigen Verschwörungsdenkens dringender denn je. Im Rahmen von sechs neuen Beiträgen nimmt die erweiterte Neuauflage aktuelle Entwicklungen in den Blick. In Kombination mit den ursprünglichen Aufsätzen soll so zu einem umfassenden und differenzierten Bild des sozialen Phänomens Verschwörungstheorien beigetragen werden.

Körper und Emotionen in Bewegung: Migrationsgesellschaftliche Perspektiven auf Bildung, Politik und Familie (MiGS: Migration - Gesellschaft - Schule)

by Margarete Menz Daniel Rellstab Miriam Stock

Der Band versammelt aktuelle interdisziplinäre Analysen zu Körper und Emotionen in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Gefühle und Körper spielen eine wesentliche Rolle in Migrationsprozessen wie auch in Diskursen und Debatten über Migration und über ‚Migrationsandere‘. Sie begleiten und verstärken Aushandlungen über Zugehörigkeit, über das Eigene und das Fremde. In den Beiträgen werden Normen und Ideale, Diskriminierungen und Vulnerabilitäten und schließlich auch Widerstandspraktiken im Kontext von Bildung, Politik und Familie vorgestellt und diskutiert.

The Kremlin's Noose: Putin's Bitter Feud with the Oligarch Who Made Him Ruler of Russia (NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies)

by Amy Knight

In The Kremlin's Noose Amy Knight tells the riveting story of Vladimir Putin and the oligarch Boris Berezovsky, who forged a relationship in the early years of the Yeltsin era. Berezovsky later played a crucial role in Putin's rise to the Russian presidency in March 2000. When Putin began dismantling Boris Yeltsin's democratic reforms, Berezovsky came into conflict with the new Russian leader by reproaching him publicly. Their relationship quickly disintegrated into a bitter feud played out against the backdrop of billion-dollar financial deals, Kremlin in-fighting, and international politics. Dubbed the "Godfather of the Kremlin" by the slain Russian-American journalist Paul Klebnikov, Berezovsky was a successful businessman and media mogul who had an outsized role in Russia after 1991. Worth a reported $3 billion by 1997, Berezovsky engineered the reelection of Yeltsin as president in 1996 and negotiated an end to the 1995–96 Chechen war. Despite his own wealth, power, and influence, once he became Putin's enemy, Berezovsky was forced into exile in Britain, where he waged a determined campaign to topple Putin. Kremlin authorities responded with bogus criminal charges and demanded Berezovsky's extradition. Death threats soon followed. In March 2013, after losing a British court battle with another Russian oligarch, Berezovsky was found dead at his ex-wife's mansion outside London. Whether he died from suicide or murder remains a mystery.The Kremlin's Noose sheds crucial new light on the Kremlin's volatile politics under Yeltsin and Putin, helping us understand why democracy in Russia failed so badly. Knight provides a fascinating narrative of Putin's rise to power and his authoritarian rule, told through the prism of his relationship with Russia's once most powerful oligarch, Boris Berezovsky.

Kretek Capitalism: Making, Marketing, and Consuming Clove Cigarettes in Indonesia (Atelier: Ethnographic Inquiry in the Twenty-First Century #13)

by Marina Welker

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more. Indonesia is the world's second-largest cigarette market: two out of three men smoke, and clove-laced tobacco cigarettes called kretek make up 95 percent of the market. Each year, more than 250,000 Indonesians die of tobacco-related diseases. To account for the staggering success of this lethal industry, Kretek Capitalism examines how kretek manufacturers have adopted global tobacco technologies and enlisted Indonesians to labor on their behalf in fields and factories, at retail outlets and social gatherings, and online. The book charts how Sampoerna, a Philip Morris subsidiary, uses contracts, competitions, and gender, age, and class hierarchies to extract labor from workers, influencers, artists, students, retailers, and consumers. Critically engaging nationalist claims about the commodity's cultural heritage and the jobs it supports, Marina Welker shows how global capitalism has transformed both kretek and the labor required to make and promote it.

Krisen des Feldzugangs: Methodologische, empirische und forschungspraktische Beiträge (Wissen, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft)

by Max Kaufmann Sylvia Marlene Wilz

Dieses Buch bietet eine ausführliche und aktuelle Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, wie der Zugang zum Forschungsfeld gelingen kann. Der Feldzugang ist eine notwendige Bedingung, um Feldforschung betreiben zu können – gelingt der Zugang zum Feld nicht, dann ist auch die geplante Forschung nicht möglich. Das Anbahnen eines Feldzugangs ist entsprechend eine besonders kritische Phase des Forschungsprozesses, die grundsätzlich die Eigenschaft hat, krisenhaft zu sein oder es zu werden. Diesen Sachverhalt stellt der Band in den Mittelpunkt und versammelt Beiträge, die das krisenhafte Potential von Feldzugängen aus drei Perspektiven diskutieren: Erstens mit Blick auf veränderte und erschwerte äußere Rahmenbedingungen qualitativer Forschung (Der Feldzugang in der Krise); zweitens aus einer wissenssoziologischen Sicht (Der Feldzugang als krisenhafter Prozess) und drittens aus der Perspektive der Forschungsfelder und -gegenstände (Der Feldzugang als Krise für den Forschungsgegenstand?). In dieser Diskussion verfolgt der Band das Ziel, Feldzugänge sowohl unter forschungspraktischen und methodologischen Gesichtspunkten zu erörtern als auch den Feldzugang als Forschungsgegenstand zu reflektieren. Der Band gibt Anregungen für alle, die ein empirisches Forschungsprojekt durchführen wollen und für die diejenigen, die ihre eigene Forschungspraxis selbstreflexiv thematisieren. Er bietet Anschlüsse an die ethnografische Literatur, Einblicke in die Arbeit der ethnografischen Feldforschung, und er bietet wichtige Impulse für die Debatte zur Zukunft der qualitativen Sozialforschung.

Krisengeprüftes Europa: Die EU auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Identität

by Heinz Handler

Das Integrationsprojekt der Europäischen Union ist über seine wirtschaftlichen Erfolge noch nicht weit hinausgekommen, die ursprüngliche Idee einer politischen Union nach den Krisen des vergangenen Jahrzehnts in weite Ferne gerückt. Mit dem Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine ist eine Krise hinzugekommen, die Europa vor enorme innere und äußere Herausforderungen stellt und eine Neubewertung der geopolitischen sowie wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Europäischen Union erforderlich macht. Für die 2. Auflage wurden die Inhalte entsprechend überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Neu sind die beiden Kapitel über den Ukrainekrieg und dessen Einfluss auf die Bemühungen der Europäischen Union, die Energiekrise und den Klimawandel zu bewältigen.

The Ku Klux Klan in South Dakota

by Arley Kenneth Fadness

A startling rise and retreat In the 1920s, a reborn Ku Klux Klan slithered into South Dakota. Bold at times, the group intimidated citizens in every county. KKK anti-Catholicism sentiment resulted in the murder of Father Arthur Belknap of Lead. Idealized Gutzon Borglum, sculptor of Mount Rushmore, operated as a white supremacist and KKK leader. In 1925, animosity between the KKK and Fort Meade soldiers came to a clash one night in Sturgis. The clatter of two borrowed .30 caliber Browning cooled machine guns split the air over the heads of a Klan gathering across the valley. Author Arley Fadness follows the Klan's trail throughout the Rushmore state.

Kulturelle Teilhabe durch Immaterielles Kulturerbe: Instrumente der Kulturpolitik in Deutschland zur Umsetzung der UNESCO-Konvention von 2003 (Auswärtige Kulturpolitik)

by Benjamin Hanke

Dieses Open-Access-Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Verfahren und Abläufe der nationalen Umsetzung der UNESCO-Konvention zur Erhaltung des immateriellen Kulturerbes in Deutschland. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf die Jahre unmittelbar vor und nach dem deutschen Beitritt zum Übereinkommen im Jahre 2013. Durch eine Politikfeldanalyse wird insbesondere der Frage nachgegangen, ob und wie die neue Aufgabe vom übergreifenden Ziel des Politikfelds, kulturelle Teilhabe zu steigern, beeinflusst wurde. Die Kombination aus einer Insiderperspektive des Autors mit einem analytischen Forschungsansatz dürfte für Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Praxis des deutschen Mehrebenensystems der Kulturpolitik ebenso interessant sein wie für andere Forschende im Feld.

Kyrgyz Republic: Selected Issues (Imf Staff Country Reports #No. 13/176)

by International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

La economía política de una expansión segmentada: Política social latinoamericana en la primera década del siglo XXI (Elements in Politics and Society in Latin America)

by null Camila Arza null Rossana Castiglioni null Juliana Martínez Franzoni null Sara Niedzwiecki null Jennifer Pribble null Diego Sánchez-Ancochea

Los primeros años del siglo XXI fueron un período de expansión de la política social en América Latina. Se crearon nuevos programas en salud, jubilaciones y pensiones, y asistencia social, y se incorporaron grupos previamente excluidos de las políticas existentes. ¿Cuál fue el carácter de esta expansión de la política social? ¿Por qué experimentó la región esta transformación? A partir de una revisión de un amplio número de artículos y libros, mostramos que los avances de la política social en la primera década del siglo XXI se mantuvieron segmentados, con diferencias en los niveles de acceso y beneficio, brechas en la calidad de los servicios y disparidad entre los sectores de política. Argumentamos que esta “expansión segmentada” fue el resultado de una combinación de características de la democracia a corto y largo plazo, condiciones económicas favorables y legados de política. El análisis revela que quienes estudian la política social latinoamericana han generado nuevos conceptos e importantes teorías que propician nuestra comprensión de las constantes preguntas sobre el desarrollo y el cambio del estado de bienestar.

La légende du roi Arthur: Comment Arthur devint roi

by Stuart Glendover

La fascinante histoire du roi Arthur commence par un problème conjugal. Le roi de Grande-Bretagne Uther Pendragon veut épouser la belle Yvonne de Cornouailles pour en faire sa sa reine. Malheureusement, Celle-ci n'est pas favorable à ce mariage. Uther demande donc l'aide d'un magicien nommé Merlin qui résout le problème pour lui. C'est ainsi qu'Uther et Ygraine finissent par convoler en justes noces.Pour récompenser Merlin de son aide préceuse, le roi lui promet de lui confier leur premier enfant pour qu'il l'élève. C'est ainsi qu'à la naissance du fils d'Uther, Merlin s'empare du nouveau-né bébé et le baptise du nom d'Arthur. Quelques années plus tard, le roi Uther tombe gravement malade et, avant de mourir, il déclare que son fils Arthur sera l'héritier du trône. Cependant, aucun noble ne connaissant l'existence d'un héritier, les nobles présents à l'aide de quelques milliers de partisans se préparaient à revendiquer la couronne. Avec l'aide d'une épée magique, Arthur réussit à convaincre tous les nobles et les communes qu'il était destiné à hériter du royaume. Finalement, il sera fait chevalier, puis couronné roi du pays.

Land of Extraction: Property, Fracking, and Settler Colonialism

by Rebecca R. Scott

Explores fracking’s dual impact on settler colonial culture and sustainabilityThrough meticulous research and poignant storytelling, Land of Extraction unravels the complex web of relationships between humans, places, and the environment, all bound by the concept of private property. It presents a thought-provoking analysis of how settler colonial culture imposes limits on environmental politics.Drawing on real-life events, fictional portrayals of fossil-fuel driven apocalypses, and firsthand ethnographic accounts of the fracking and pipeline boom in West Virginia, Rebecca R. Scott argues that the American dream’s promise of empowerment through property ownership actually restricts action against extractive industries and hampers the progress of environmental justice coalitions.As the ever-expanding reach of natural gas and pipeline industries takes its toll on communities, the book reveals the fractures in landowners’ reliance on private property, opening the door to more sustainable futures. A powerful call to reevaluate our perspectives and challenge the status quo, this book will leave readers questioning the foundations of our society and the possibilities that lie ahead.

Landmark Legislation 1774-2022: Major U.S. Acts and Treaties

by Stephen W. Stathis

Landmark Legislation 1774-2022, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide to important laws and treaties enacted by the U.S. Congress. This updated edition includes landmark legislation from the last five Congresses (2013-2022) on issues like climate change, criminal justice, education, and more. It features carefully selected acts and treaties with historical significance and has an updated index and bibliography for easy access. A must-have for public and academic libraries with American history or political science collections.

Landmark Legislation 1774-2022: Major U.S. Acts and Treaties

by Stephen W. Stathis

Landmark Legislation 1774-2022, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide to important laws and treaties enacted by the U.S. Congress. This updated edition includes landmark legislation from the last five Congresses (2013-2022) on issues like climate change, criminal justice, education, and more. It features carefully selected acts and treaties with historical significance and has an updated index and bibliography for easy access. A must-have for public and academic libraries with American history or political science collections.

Language Education Policies in Multilingual Settings: Exploring Rhetoric and Realities in Situ (Multilingual Education Yearbook)

by Laura Gurney Lakshman Wedikkarage

The volume provides grounded and contemporary insight into multilingual education from diverse perspectives – stemming from the authors' epistemic, cultural and geographic positioning around the world in different educational milieu – and will give both academic and practitioner audiences an up-to-date picture of multilingual education in the early 2020s. Multilingual education policies are continually implemented, re-evaluated and debated around the world, from primary to tertiary education. Fundamentally, however, educational policies manifest in classroom practice; the language envisaged in policy becomes the languaging of practice as teachers, learners and stakeholders negotiate educational curricula together. Internal and external forces – from resourcing to the Internet, to broader events such as pandemics and changes in government – shape the landscapes in which policies are enacted. The volume is extending the themes of the Multilingual Education Yearbook series in line with current developments in theory, research and practice. As such, this book provides a wealth of information to practitioners (teachers and teacher educators), researchers in applied linguistics and language education, postgraduate students in the field of applied linguistics, and policymakers.

Language Matters in Contemporary Zimbabwe (Routledge African Media, Culture and Communication Studies)

by Esther Mavengano Collen Sabao

Speaking to a broader global preoccupation with the state of languages and language development, this book considers issues surrounding the diverse languages, linguistic communities, and cultures of Zimbabwe.Reflecting on Shona, Xitsonga, Sotho, Xhosa, Tjwao, Nambya, IsiNdebele, Nyanja, Tshivenda, English and Braille, the book uncovers both the internal and external factors that impact language structures, language use and language ideologies across the country. The book considers how colonial legacies and contemporary language domination and minoritisation have led to language endangerment. It considers the fate of communities whose languages are marginalised and, in the process, poses questions on what can and should be done to preserve Zimbabwean languages. The authors' offerings range across subjects as diverse as music, linguistic innovation, education, human rights, literature, language politics and language policy, in order to build a rich and nuanced picture of language matters in the country.Coming at a critical moment of increasing mobility, migration, cultural plurality and globalisation, this book will be an important resource for researchers across African literature, linguistics, communication, policy and politics.

Language Policy as Practice: Advancing the Empirical Turn in Language Policy Research

by Florence Bonacina-Pugh

This edited book brings together original contributions from scholars working across Language Policy and Planning to advance the recent 'Empirical turn' that has taken place in the field. All the chapters in the volume show how Language Policy can be conceptualized 'as practice' in a variety of domains, ranging from the home to the workplace, schools, and higher education. The authors also suggest further theoretical, methodological, and empirical developments for the discipline in light of this epistemological shift. A Foreword and an Afterword shed light on the theoretical and empirical lineage of this volume and show how this book contributes to the humanization of Language Policy research. This book will be of interest to scholars and post-graduate students working across Language Policy and Planning, Language in Education Policy, and Family Language Policy, as well as those in adjacent fields including Education Policy, Classroom Discourse, Linguistic Anthropology, Sociologyof Education, and Multilingualism.

The Last Mile: Turning Public Policy Upside Down (Innovations, Practice and the Future of Public Policy in India)

by Amarjeet Sinha

The Last Mile explores the gaps and dichotomy between drafted policies and their implementation, and the last mile challenges which often make public services inaccessible to the poorest and most vulnerable sections of society. It provides an in-depth overview of the dynamics between communities, research and consultation and the implementation of policies for development. Rich in empirical data and case studies from different government programmes and reports, this book examines the implementation of government service programmes for poverty reduction, women’s empowerment, and income generation for the poor, among others, from a people’s perspective. It highlights the need for policies and institutions to align their methods to community needs. Offering guidelines for redesigning as well as solutions to counter challenges related to lack of trust and effective communication, human resource management, capacity development, redressal mechanisms, and facilitating the last mile connection, the author delineates effective ways for integrating new technologies in policy implementation. The book also addresses legacy issues in institutions and re-orienting policy for better governance, transparency, and building trust. Part of the Innovations, Practice and the Future of Public Policy in India series, this book, by a senior practitioner, will be an essential resource for students and researchers of development studies, sociology, public policy and governance, economics, and South Asian studies. This book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

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