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Showing 94,876 through 94,900 of 97,865 results

Foreign Aid in a World in Crisis: Shifting Geopolitics in the Neoliberal Era (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies)

by Viktor Jakupec Max Kelly John McKay

This book investigates the geopoliticisation of foreign aid in recent years, against a background of global overarching crises such as climate change, conflict, Covid-19, economic crisis, energy shortages and migration.Foreign aid has historically been understood as assisting both with the development objectives of the recipients and with the trade and geopolitical interests of the donors. In the first decades of the 21st century, however, this balance has been shifted by a series of complex global challenges. This book argues that donors have now moved towards framing aid as a geopolitical instrument, wherein aid can be given or withheld based on power or political intent, thus imposing the donor’s specific values and norms. This book provides an in-depth analysis of this weaponisation of foreign aid within a framework of global disruption and ultimately concludes that the world is at a tipping point towards a new socio-political world order.Asking important questions about the power dynamics at play within the aid sector, this book will be an important read for researchers across development studies, political science, international relations and global affairs.

The Foreign Policy of Russia: Changing Systems, Enduring Interests

by Robert H. Donaldson Vidya Nadkarni

This text traces the lineage and development of Russian foreign policy with the insight that comes from a historical perspective. Now fully updated, the seventh edition incorporates new coverage of issues including relations with the major powers and with other post-communist states, with an emphasis on tensions with the United States and engagement with Ukraine, Crimea, and Syria. International security issues including arms control, sanctions, and intervention continue to grow in importance. Domestic and regional issues related to natural resource politics, human rights, Islamism, and terrorism also persist. Chronologically organized chapters highlight the continuities of Russia’s behavior in the world since tsarist times as well as the major sources of change and variability over the revolutionary period, wartime alliances and Cold War, détente, the Soviet collapse, and the first post-communist decades. The basic framework used in the book is a modified realism that stresses the balance of power and the importance of national interest, and it identifies several factors (both internal and external) that condition Russian policy. The interpretations are original and based on a mix of primary and secondary sources. New to the Seventh Edition A new concluding chapter: Russia Openly Confronts the "Collective West". Thoroughly updated coverage of Russia’s bilateral relations with the United States and countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Expanded discussion of Moscow’s efforts to control the flow of information at home and abroad as it employs Russia’s "soft power" assets. Russian-American relations, especially with respect to continuing interference in the U.S. elections and to U.S. foreign policy concerns in the Far East, Iran, and Syria. The full unfolding of the Ukraine crisis, culminating in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s escalated claims of the superiority of Russian cultural values and more openly imperialistic ambitions. Expanded coverage of Russia’s relations with China and India, now in a separate chapter on this "strategic triangle." Greater attention to the impact of climate change on Russian foreign policy, including its heightened activity in the Arctic. Significant new developments in the Middle East including the collapse of the nuclear deal with Iran, the expanded Russian role in the Syrian civil war, and the growing complexity in Russian-Turkish relations.

Forensic DNA Transfer

by Jane Moira Taupin

Forensic DNA Transfer provides a guide to the recognition and current understanding of DNA transfer in forensic criminal investigations. Increased improvements in technology mean that it is now routinely possible to obtain DNA profiles from non-visible deposits. How or when the DNA in question was deposited may be an issue in the context of the case, especially if the donor of the DNA is not in dispute. A DNA profile alone cannot reveal when or how that DNA was deposited at a crime scene, nor can it reveal the body matter from which it originated. Issues of transfer associated with activities may be debated – which the traditional discrimination purpose of DNA profiling cannot address. DNA may be everywhere and anywhere – in homes, at workplaces, during transport, and on personal items including clothing. DNA from a person may be on an object they have never contacted or in a room they have never entered. Concepts discussed in the book include non-self DNA on hands through day-to-day activities, the prevalence of background DNA in the environment and perhaps on the exhibit, the persistence of any DNA transferred, and that a DNA result will depend on these variables as well as recovery techniques. Since DNA may be transferred to an exhibit: (a) during the commission of a crime, (b) before the crime, and/or (c) after the crime through handling, examination, and testing, this book covers various transfer pathways and sources of DNA. Inadvertent issues of transfer of DNA resulting in wrongful convictions and the misleading of investigations are discussed, with an emphasis on contamination mitigation. Forensic DNA Transfer examines the additional complexity resulting from non-visible deposits of DNA that impact on sampling and testing regimes. The changing understanding of the composition of purported 'touch DNA' deposits from the skin, including extracellular DNA transported via body secretions is described. Further, the newer focus on interpreting DNA evidence – using activity level propositions and the rationale and associated issues – is also discussed.

Forest Policies, Laws, and Governance in India: Conservation Challenges in the Face of Climate Change

by Asheem Srivastav

The book delves into the intricate relationship between India’s forest governance, laws, and policies over time, examining their effects on the quality and coverage of the country’s forests. Historically, especially during the British era and the initial phase following independence, forests were valued for timber, leading to increased deforestation to fulfill the rising demands of shipbuilding, railways, residential construction, and industry. The economic benefits derived from converting forest land for developmental purposes were a key factor in this trend. However, recent statistics indicate that except Maharashtra, most of the forest rich states including MP and Chhattisgarh have lagged in economic development. The history of overexploitation and diversion for non-forestry use has also led to less forest area per capita. India has lost tree biomass much more than its productivity potential, and the average biological productivity of Indian forest is much below the global average. It is extremely important to restore the health of natural forests which are, by far, the best and a highly cost-effective carbon sequestering machine provided by nature. The book also provides research data, both at national and global scales to convincingly put forward the contention that natural forests are sine qua non and under no circumstances can farm and roadside plantations, tea and coffee plantations, and orchards be a substitute for natural forest for three important reasons: (1) the influence of natural forest on rainfall, (2) the complexity in maintaining energy flow, and (3) the impact of natural forest or deforested sites on soil.

Forestry Economics: A Managerial Approach (Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics)

by John E. Wagner

- Each chapter introduces one or more key concepts in managerial economics and then illustrates the importance of those ideas by showing how they can be applied when making business decisions.- The inclusion of numerous case studies throughout the book enables students to see how forestry and natural resource management works in practice.- A new chapter on developing and writing business plans highlights a managerial tool and allows students to put the ideas developed throughout the book into practice.

Forests of Refuge: Decolonizing Environmental Governance in the Amazonian Guiana Shield

by Dr. Yolanda Ariadne Collins

Forests of Refuge questions the effectiveness of market-based policies that govern forests in the interest of mitigating climate change. Yolanda Ariadne Collins interrogates the most ambitious global plan to incentivize people away from deforesting activities: the United Nations–endorsed Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) initiative. Forests of Refuge explores REDD+ in Guyana and neighboring Suriname, two highly forested countries in the Amazonian Guiana Shield with low deforestation rates. Yet REDD+ implementation there has been fraught with challenges. Adopting a multisited ethnographic approach, Forests of Refuge takes readers into the halls of policymaking, into conservation development organizations, and into forest-dependent communities most affected by environmental policies and exploitative colonial histories. This book situates these challenges in the inattentiveness of global environmental policies to roughly five hundred years of colonial histories that positioned the forests as places of refuge and resistance. It advocates that the fruits of these oppressive histories be reckoned with through processes of decolonization.

Forging Queer Leaders: How the LGBTQIA+ Community Creates Impact from Adversity

by Bree Fram Elizabeth Cavallaro

LGBTQ+ individuals disproportionately encounter bias, adversity, stigma, and marginalization throughout their lives. It's an enormous obstacle - but also prepares them for leadership in a fast-moving, volatile, uncertain, complex, and adaptive working world.The book explores the unique and inspiring developmental experiences of LGBTQ+ leaders, the amazing capabilities they bring to teams, and what that means for everyone pursuing positive and inclusive organizational strategy. With stories from the armed forces, lawyers, entrepreneurs, authors, academics, thought-leaders, medical professionals - you name it - this shows how queer folk everywhere are harnessing their hard-won power and resilience to excel.With a history of excellence in queer leadership, the contextual underpinning of adversity and resilience theory, and uplifting stories and soundbites from queer game-changers in every field - this is an essential resource for LGBTQ+ individuals, allies, advocates, business professionals and leaders of all kinds.

Forging Queer Leaders: How the LGBTQIA+ Community Creates Impact from Adversity

by Bree Fram Elizabeth Cavallaro

LGBTQ+ individuals disproportionately encounter bias, adversity, stigma, and marginalization throughout their lives. It's an enormous obstacle - but also prepares them for leadership in a fast-moving, volatile, uncertain, complex, and adaptive working world.The book explores the unique and inspiring developmental experiences of LGBTQ+ leaders, the amazing capabilities they bring to teams, and what that means for everyone pursuing positive and inclusive organizational strategy. With stories from the armed forces, lawyers, entrepreneurs, authors, academics, thought-leaders, medical professionals - you name it - this shows how queer folk everywhere are harnessing their hard-won power and resilience to excel.With a history of excellence in queer leadership, the contextual underpinning of adversity and resilience theory, and uplifting stories and soundbites from queer game-changers in every field - this is an essential resource for LGBTQ+ individuals, allies, advocates, business professionals and leaders of all kinds.

The Forgotten Financiers of the Louisiana Purchase: European Bankers, the US, and the Rise of International Finance (Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance)

by Larry Neal

This book provides a comprehensive account of how the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was financed. Where existing research has focused predominantly on the political and diplomatic significance of the Purchase, this book demonstrates the importance of the Purchase to global financial history. The book provides context and background for the Louisiana Purchase and examines the role of key actors and companies, focusing particularly on the ‘forgotten financiers’ of the Purchase – individuals from the US, France and the UK including Alexander Baring, Albert Gallatin, Pierre Cesar Labouchere and Francois Barbe-Marbois. Based on extensive, original archival research, the chapters will illuminate the role played by these individuals in bringing about financial innovation and facilitating a major transaction that doubled the size of the original United States and helped set the country on a path to global power. The book will be a valuable resource for historians of Europe and America, particularly those with interests in economic and financial history, as well as banking and finance scholars who are interested in the emergence of large-scale international finance in the 19th century.

The Forgotten Political Elites of North Korea: Woe to the Vanquished (Routledge Research on Korea)

by Fyodor Tertitskiy

This book comprises the biographies of the North Korean politicians whose actions played a pivotal role in shaping the formation of the country during the late 1940s, the Korean War of 1950-53 and the power struggles of the mid-1950s.Drawing from a rich array of archival material in both Korean, Russian and oral testimonies, this book gives insight into the life stories of key figures such as Pang Hak-se, the founder of North Korea's secret police; Lee Sang-jo, a rebellious and idealistic North Korean ambassador; and Mun Il, the secretary of North Korea’s first leader, Kim Il-sung. The biographies offer fresh perspectives into significant events in North Korean history such as the rise of Kim Il-sung and the reasons behind his selection as the nation's leader, The book also reveals how crucial events during the Korean War, such as the Inchon Landing Operation and China's entry into the war, shed new light on North Korean history.Unveiling the lives and impact of influential politicians in a notoriously secretive nation, this book will appeal to a wide range of readers including students and scholars of North Korea, the Korean War, the Cold War era, Asian history and those interested in the biographies of significant historical figures.

Formation of Adult Learning Systems in Central Europe (Lifelong Learning Book Series #32)

by Jan Kalenda

This book explores the formation and development of the cross-national patterns of adult learning systems between 1989 and 2019 in four Central European countries: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. Drawing on the approach of the political economy of adult education and historical institutionalism, the book closely examines (1) how the institutional settings in these countries have formed, evolved and contributed to overall participation in adult education and training, (2) how they have shaped patterns of participation and unequal chances to be involved in this social activity, as well as (3) perceived barriers to access organized learning and related governmental policies. This book offers a contemporary overview of key findings regarding adult learning systems. It delves into the factors that influence participation in adult education and training. Through the utilization of the novel framework, GALS (Global Adult Learning Space), the book not only highlights a crucial distinction among adult learning systems within the region but also presents in-depth case studies of these systems in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia spanning a 30-year period. Despite these countries sharing similar institutional backgrounds and societal challenges, the book reveals that their adult learning systems have undergone divergent trajectories over the past three decades. This book will be useful to researchers and scholars in the fields of adult education, comparative education, welfare policy, sociology of education, and European studies.

A Fortified Far Right?: Scrutinizing the Threat

by Katalin Petho-Kiss Rohan Gunaratna

Petho-Kiss and Gunaratna understand the nature of the threat posed by the far right because of their findings and they propose effective provisions and mechanisms for detecting and countering it.The book undertakes a consistent procession and empirical examination of available information to arrive at the recognition that in order to dissolve the complexity of the associated threat, we need to scrutinize the functioning of far-right threat groups. In-depth and consistent analysis on their mode of operation and mindset enables us to identify ways to detect and counter their malicious efforts and activities. The theoretical framework for the analysis lies upon the concept of wave theory. The main question that this book examines is whether far-right terrorism constitutes a new wave of global terrorism. One question emerges from this statement that requires further elaboration. Is far-right terrorism a novel wave of terrorism? If yes, how is it novel and what are the novelties or developments in it?This book is for scholars as well as practitioners in the counter-terrorism (CT) and the prevention/countering violent extremism (PCVE) field. Through specific case studies students studying CT and/or PCVE could gain insight into the operational functionalities of far-right threat groups. This may help them to get a more accurate understanding of the threat posed by these entities. Examining the recruitment, funding, communication practices, and modus operandi of worrisome threat actors equips us to design the most effective countermeasures and identify the hiatuses in applicable legislative regimes.

The Forum of Federations Handbook on Local Government in Federal Systems

by Nico Steytler

This book brings together leading scholars and practitioners from around the globe to examine the current roles of and future trends in local government structures and mechanisms in 16 different federal and federal-type countries. In doing so, this volume explores pressing topics such as the institutions of local government, constitutional recognition, financial management, intergovernmental relations, political culture, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the role of local government in federal systems. Contributors to this volume provide a timely and comprehensive account of the integral role local governments play in federal countries and offer fascinating perspectives on how these roles may change as individual federal systems evolve. These individual analyses are contextualized in a comparative perspective in order to gain a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities of various local government dynamics in different regions around the world.This is an open access book.

Fossil Fuels in the European Union: Geopolitical Change, Climate Policy and Financing Conditions (Lecture Notes in Energy #99)

by Zbigniew Korzeb Paweł Niedziółka Kari Liuhto Agnieszka Bryc Dorota Niedziółka Maciej Mróz

This book identifies scenarios for changes in transmission infrastructure, contracting, consumption patterns and fossil fuel financing policies, considering climate goals and the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine. The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has fundamentally changed the geopolitical situation, approaches to energy security issues, the EU’s energy (in)dependence and the implementation of previously outlined climate policies, including the planned gradual withdrawal from fossil fuels.This book presents the geopolitical architecture, energy mix, energy fuel supply structure, long-term energy policy and financing conditions of the oil and gas and sectors in the EU in the period preceding and following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The authors consider the date of Russia’s attack on Ukraine as a symbolic caesura marking the beginning of the process of creating a new energy order in the EU. A novel part of the book is the attention it pays to the role of the credit and investment policy of the EU banking sector in relation to carbon-intensive sectors and to the significance of the financial system from the point of view of the effectiveness of international sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation, including, above all, sanctions related to the fossil fuel sector. The book is of interest to researchers and all those interested in learning about these subjects.

Foundations of Homeland Security and Emergency Management: Law and Policy

by Martin J. Alperen

Foundations of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Complete guide to understanding homeland security law The newly revised and updated Third Edition of Foundations of Homeland Security and Emergency Management enables readers to develop a conceptual understanding of the legal foundations of homeland security and emergency management (HSEM) by presenting the primary source law and policy documents we have established to address “all hazards,” both terrorism and natural disasters. The book demonstrates that HSEM involves many specialties and that it must be viewed expansively and in the long-term. The Third Edition has more sources than previous editions and is streamlined with fewer long quotations. It highlights only those portions of the various documents and statutes necessary to provide the reader an understanding of what the law is designed to accomplish. Foundations of Homeland Security and Emergency Management includes information on: WMD, now expanded to include Pandemic Laws Political extremism, domestic threats, Posse Comitatus Act, and Insurrection Act Space Law, comparative Drone Law with Japan, HSEM in Puerto RicoHomeland Security Legal Architecture before 9/11Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in Homeland SecurityCritical Infrastructure Protection, Resiliency, and Culture of Preparedness With its accessible format, plethora of primary source documentation, and comprehensive coverage of the subject, this book is an essential resource for professionals and advanced students in law enforcement, national and homeland security, emergency management, intelligence, and critical infrastructure protection.

The Foundations of Modern Arms Control: An International History, 1815-1968 (Routledge Global Security Studies)

by Robert M. Blum

This book is an international history of the foundation of modern arms control, highlighting the fact that the instrument is varied, resilient, successful, and enduring.The narrative begins after the Napoleonic wars when newly arisen peace movements focused on arbitration as a path to “ending the war system.” It moves on to the international community’s embrace of “total and complete disarmament” and then to its acceptance of more limited measures by 1968, including the agreements that remain in force today. The book connects the past to the present of multiple negotiations, successful and failed, and underlines how the peace movement increasingly influenced the national policy of the major Western powers, especially the United States. It also highlights the increasing diversification of arms control players, including women and people of color as well as the countries they represented. Based on original research in multinational records and the latest scholarship, the book illustrates the reasons multilateral arms control remains a key instrument of international relations. The chapters are organized both chronologically and thematically, with the result that they cover different amounts of time in order to encompass a given issue and to capture the development of particular threads. The main narrative evolves into a decadeslong quest for a global treaty on “general and complete disarmament,” which otherwise paces the book and shapes its chapters.This book will be of much interest to students of arms control, global governance, peace studies, and International Relations.

Four Shots in the Night: A True Story of Stakeknife, Murder and Justice in Northern Ireland

by Henry Hemming

'A truly page-turning, compulsive and also profoundly moving narrative. Superb.' JAMES HOLLAND'Gripping, urgent, superbly reported and brilliantly written' DAN JONES'A gripping and pacey book that reads like a thriller. I found it shocking in a world where I didn't think I could be shocked any more. Henry Hemming wears his extensive research very lightly and manages to shape a great narrative from a complex and dark episode from our recent history. An important and skilfully crafted book.' JOHN O'FARRELLHOW THE DEATH OF A SPY IN THE IRA LED TO ONE OF THE BIGGEST MURDER INVESTIGATIONS IN BRITISH HISTORY. On 26th May 1986, the body of an undercover British agent was found by the side of a muddy lane, with a rope tied around its wrists and tape over each eye. Years later, it was reported that this murder might have been carried out by another undercover British agent, known as 'Stakeknife'. In 2016, a detective began to investigate this case, and would soon find himself running the largest murder investigation in British history.In a compulsive blend of investigative journalism and true crime thriller, Henry Hemming exposes the parallel worlds of the IRA and British intelligence through the lives of those inextricably bound up in both. He reveals the bravery of those who were crucial in ending the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the bloodiest and longest-running conflict in recent British history, and the determination of one detective in his dogged search for justice and the truth.'a compelling story' - The Times'[a] gripping and consistently surprising true-life thriller' - Observer

Four Shots in the Night: A True Story of Stakeknife, Murder and Justice in Northern Ireland

by Henry Hemming

'A truly page-turning, compulsive and also profoundly moving narrative. Superb.' JAMES HOLLAND'Gripping, urgent, superbly reported and brilliantly written' DAN JONES'A gripping and pacey book that reads like a thriller. I found it shocking in a world where I didn't think I could be shocked any more. Henry Hemming wears his extensive research very lightly and manages to shape a great narrative from a complex and dark episode from our recent history. An important and skilfully crafted book.' JOHN O'FARRELLHOW THE DEATH OF A SPY IN THE IRA LED TO ONE OF THE BIGGEST MURDER INVESTIGATIONS IN BRITISH HISTORY. On 26th May 1986, the body of an undercover British agent was found by the side of a muddy lane, with a rope tied around its wrists and tape over each eye. Years later, it was reported that this murder might have been carried out by another undercover British agent, known as 'Stakeknife'. In 2016, a detective began to investigate this case, and would soon find himself running the largest murder investigation in British history.In a compulsive blend of investigative journalism and true crime thriller, Henry Hemming exposes the parallel worlds of the IRA and British intelligence through the lives of those inextricably bound up in both. He reveals the bravery of those who were crucial in ending the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the bloodiest and longest-running conflict in recent British history, and the determination of one detective in his dogged search for justice and the truth.'a compelling story' - The Times'[a] gripping and consistently surprising true-life thriller' - Observer

Four Shots in the Night: A True Story of Spies, Murder, and Justice in Northern Ireland

by Henry Hemming

Four Shots in the Night is the story of a political murder: the killing of an IRA member turned British informant. The search for justice for this one man's death—his body found in broad daylight, with tape over his eyes, an undisguised hit—would deliver more than the truth. It exposed his status as an informant and led to protests, campaigns, far-reaching changes to British law, a historic ruling from a senior judicial body, a ground-breaking police investigation, and bitter condemnation from a US Congressional commission. And there have been persistent rumors that one of the country&’s most senior politicians, the Sinn Fein leader Martin McGuinness, might have been personally involved in this particular murder. Relying on archival research, interviews, and the findings of a new complete police investigation, Four Shots in the Night tells a riveting story not just of this murder but of his role in the decades-long conflict that defined him--the Troubles. And the questions it tackles are even larger: how did the Troubles really come to an end? Was it a feat of diplomatic negotiation, as we've been told--or did spies play the decisive role? And how far can, or should, a spy go, for the good of his country? Four Shots in the Night is a page-turner that will make you think.

Four Worlds of the Welfare State in Latin America

by Ilán Bizberg

This book explores the trajectories and structures of Latin American welfare states using a typology developed through conceptual and historical analyses of social protection systems in Latin America. It argues that social protection can be accomplished by different actors in distinct societies, be that the State, civil society, the market, or families. This work defines four types of welfare worlds based on who administers and allocates resources: the socio-corporatist, the statist, the commodified, and the familial. Author Ilan Bizberg delves on the historical trajectories of ten Latin American countries, each with a unique analysis of the corresponding social protection system: Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador The book begins with a meaningful discussion on the welfare state as a necessity of modern capitalist societies. Then, it counters the consequences of the disembeddedness of the economy from societyand the way the social protection system protects the society against this rupture. Chapters focus on the health system, pensions, and assistance programs of these countries, with diverse case studies that include analyzing the performance of the health systems during the pandemic. The book closes with a discussion on gender and the situations women face and encounter under and within different social-protection regimes.

Fracking Uncertainty: Hydraulic Fracturing and the Provincial Politics of Risk (Studies in Comparative Political Economy and Public Policy)

by Heather Millar

Hydraulic fracturing – fracking – is an unconventional extraction technique used in the oil and gas industry that has fundamentally transformed global energy politics. In Fracking Uncertainty, Heather Millar explains variation in Canadian provincial policy approaches, which range from pro-development regulation to moratoria and outright bans. Millar argues that although regulatory designs are shaped by governments’ desires to seek out economic benefits or protect against environmental harms, policy makers’ perceptions of said benefits and/or harms are mediated through socially constructed narratives about uncertainty and risk. Fracking Uncertainty offers in-depth case studies of regulatory development in British Columbia, Alberta, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Drawing on media analysis and interviews with government officials, industry representatives, academics, and environmental advocates, Millar demonstrates how risk narratives foster distinctive forms of learning in each province, leading to different regulatory reforms.

Fragments against My Ruin: A Life

by Farrukh Dhondy

The rebellious life of a novelist, screenwriter and revolutionary activistBorn in Poona, India, Farrukh Dhondy came to England in 1964 and immersed himself in radical politics and the counterculture. He kicked off a career in journalism interviewing Pink Floyd and Allen Ginsberg and covering the first meeting between the Beatles and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Dhondy was soon drawn into political activism. He joined the Indian Workers Association and the British Black Panther Movement. Within the radical activist collective Race Today, he worked alongside Darcus Howe and C. L. R. James. An award-winning writer, he co-wrote the ground-breaking sit-com Tandoori Nights. In 1984 he became Channel 4&’s Commissioning Editor for multicultural programming and was a driving force behind Desmond&’s, Salaam Bombay!, and the trailblazing Bandung File.In Fragments against My Ruin, Dhondy explores a life to salvage precious moments against the inevitable decay of age. The result is a fascinating social and historical document of the late twentieth century, addressing politics, culture, friendship, and the determination to break down boundaries. It is an autobiography packed with compelling anecdotes, such as an insightful take on Jeffrey Archer&’s conviction, as well as portraits of Richard Attenborough, Arundhati Roy, V. S. Naipaul, Charles Sobhraj, and many others.

Frankly Speaking: The Extraordinary Life of United States Senator Frank R. Lautenberg

by Bonnie Lautenberg

Frank Lautenberg was the embodiment of the American dream. The son of Eastern European immigrants who toiled in the factories of northern New Jersey, he rose to become a Fortune 500 CEO and eventually a five-term US senator. Yet his is not a simple rags-to-riches tale, but is rather the story of someone who used his newfound affluence and influence to improve the lives of ordinary Americans. Told by one of the people who knew him best, his widow Bonnie, Frankly Speaking reveals the political strategies that made Lautenberg one of the Senate’s most powerful advocates for the health and safety of America’s citizens. He championed seemingly minor, unglamorous reforms that made a big difference to everyday lives, from raising the national drinking age to preventing domestic abusers from purchasing guns. These campaigns earned him powerful enemies in the alcohol, tobacco, and firearms industries, and he was subjected to some of the most brutal campaign mudslinging in American history. Yet, as this inspiring biography reveals, New Jersey’s longest-serving senator was not afraid to take big political risks if it meant standing up for his principles, whether that meant opposing the Iraq War or protecting LGBTQ and women’s rights.

Frankreich. Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Politik, Kultur, Mentalitäten: Eine landeskundliche Einführung

by Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink

Das weitere Erstarken rechter Parteien und die Corona-Pandemie haben zu politischen und wirtschaftlichen Konflikten in Frankreich geführt. Doch was sind die Hintergründe der aktuellen Situation, wie ist die französische Gesellschaft strukturiert, wie funktioniert das politische System? – Diese Einführung beschreibt die politischen, wirtschaftlichen, sozialen, kulturellen und mentalen Strukturen, die die gegenwärtige Situation der französischen Gesellschaft prägen und vermittelt ein grundlegendes Verständnis für unser Nachbarland. Ausführlich beschäftigt sich der Autor mit dem historischen Gedächtnis Frankreichs, den Medien, den Kulturinstitutionen sowie mit den für Frankreichs Kulturpolitik wichtigen Bezügen zu den frankophonen Staaten und Kulturen außerhalb Europas. – Für die fünfte Auflage wurde der Band umfassend aktualisiert und erweitert.

Frantz Fanon: Combat Breathing (Black Lives)

by Nigel C. Gibson

Revolutionary humanist and radical psychiatrist Frantz Fanon was one of the greatest Black thinkers of the twentieth century. Born in Martinique and known for his involvement in the Algerian liberation movement, his seminal books Black Skin, White Masks and The Wretched of the Earth are widely considered to be cornerstones of anti-colonial and anti-racist thought.In this essential introduction to Fanon’s remarkable life and philosophy, Nigel C. Gibson argues that Fanon’s oeuvre is essential to thinking about race today. Connecting Fanon’s writing, psychiatric practice, and lived experience in the Caribbean, France, and Africa, Gibson reveals (with startling clarity) his philosophical commitments and the vision of revolution that he stood for. Despite his untimely death, the revolutionary pulse of Fanon’s ideas has continued to beat ever more strongly in the consciousness of successive revolutionary generations, from the Black Panthers and the Black Power to Black Lives Matter.As Fanon’s thought comes alive to new activists thinking about their mission to “humanize the world,” Gibson reminds us that that Fanon’s revolutionary humanism is fundamental to all forms of anti-colonial struggle, including our own.

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