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Elusive Balances: Shaping U.S.-Southeast Asia Strategy

by Prashanth Parameswaran

This book undertakes an in-depth examination of the dynamics of commitment in U.S.-Southeast Asia strategy. Drawing on cases including the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam and Washington’s pivot to Asia amid China’s growing regional role, it constructs an original balance of commitment model to explain continuity and change in U.S.-Southeast Asia policy. Balance of commitment goes beyond balance of power approaches to explains how translating Southeast Asia’s importance in U.S. thinking into actual commitments has proven challenging for policymakers as it requires simultaneously calibrating adjustments to power shifts, threat perceptions and resource extraction. The book applies the balance of commitment approach to several practical case studies, based on hundreds of conversations with policymakers and experts in the United States and Southeast Asia, personal experiences across nearly two decades and primary and secondary source material across a half-century. The findings suggest that the challenges of U.S. commitment to the region are rooted not simply in differences between administrations or divergences in outlook between Washington and regional capitals, but tough balancing acts for U.S. policymakers in domestic politics and wider foreign policy. As such, shaping U.S. strategy in Southeast Asia and calibrating and sustaining commitment requires not just appreciating Southeast Asia’s significance, but committing to the region in ways that manage structural aspects of U.S. thinking, capabilities and resourcing.

Ageing Asia and the Pacific in Changing Times: Implications for Sustainable Development

by John Burgess Subas Dhakal Alan Nankervis

This book demonstrates that there are wide-ranging potential challenges in addressing issues associated with ageing populations in both developed and developing countries of the region. This book brings together local, national and regional perspectives on the ageing population and sustainable development nexus in selected countries in the Asia Pacific region. The countries selected in this book include a mix of developed and developing economies that all reflect strong trade, investment and migration linkages. While the Asia Pacific region is forecast to enjoy high growth in the coming decade, a recurring common policy challenge is addressing the ‘demographic time bomb’ posed by ageing populations and workforces (Montague et al., 2017). Consequently, this book focuses on strategic policies and practices of multiple stakeholders, primarily: governments, industry and education systems, together with, the range of aged care services providers – in more effectively addressing these key socio-economic challenges associated with the ageing population for sustainable development.

Analyzing Strategic Rivalries in World Politics: Types of Rivalry, Regional Variation, and Escalation/De-escalation (Evidence-Based Approaches to Peace and Conflict Studies #4)

by William R. Thompson Kentaro Sakuwa Prashant Hosur Suhas

Strategic rivalries are contests between states that view one another as threatening competitors and treat each other as enemies. A disproportionate amount of interstate conflict is generated by a relatively small number of these pairs of states engaged in rivalries that can persist for years. Thus, to understand interstate peace and conflict, it is useful to know how rivalries work in general and more specifically. In the past two decades, a strenuous effort has been mounted to introduce the concept of rivalry and demonstrate its utility in unraveling conflict situations. Yet all rivalries are not exactly alike. We need to move to a more rewarding differentiation of how they differ in general. Principal rivalries are those antagonisms that are most significant to the decision makers in a state. The main distinction on issues about which rivals dispute are positional and spatial concerns. Positional rivalries contend over regional and global influence. Spatial rivals contend over which state deserves to control disputed territory. Interventionary rivalries predominate in sub-Saharan Africa. Their primary focus involves neighboring states attempting to influence who rules and how co-ethnics are treated. This book updates the inventory of strategic rivalries from 1816 to 2020. Principal rivalries are identified for the first time and cover the same period. A theory stressing the two main types of rivalry (positional and spatial) is elaborated and tested. Regional variations on the origins and terminations of spatial rivalry are explored and interpreted. In addition, attention is paid to fluctuations in the intensity of positional rivalries by examining the working of the contemporary major power triangle (United States, Soviet Union/Russia, and China) and, more generally, the dynamics of regional power that are rising in terms of their relative capability and status in the system. Variations in cooperation and termination dynamics both in general and according to rivalry type are also examined. Overall, the emphases of the book are split between demonstrating the utility of distinguishing among rivalry types and examining selected rivalry dynamics.

Demystifying Myanmar’s Transition and Political Crisis

by Chosein Yamahata Bobby Anderson

This book offers the assessment of Myanmar’s societal changes, development aspects, and political situation over the course of the nation’s short lived democratic transition disrupted by the coup d’état on 1 February 2021. A multitude of authors with different expertise add new dimensions of analysis to provide a foundation for any future international cooperation in Myanmar’s center and peripheries. The military’s institutionalization of its influence and control in political, economic and social affairs has negatively affected the safety, security and peace of people and their communities at the periphery. This in turn has led the people to undertake local grassroots initiatives towards securing a genuine democratic transition at the local and national level. The chapters probe into Myanmar’s transition and political crisis through in-depth discussion on the issues such as, but not limited to, state fragility, community resilience, political leadership, ethnic women’s organizations, human security, education equality, IDPs and non-state actors, ethnic community-based health organizations, the 2020 election, peace process, development issues, the coup’s destruction, and a new-born unity. The book covers an important collection of inputs from young and prominent scholars alike, offering a valuable resource for general readers, students, and practitioners. The editors present this volume as a vital collection to literature at a time of heated political crisis and societal responses on her current course since the contributors highlight the state of Myanmar by also focusing on the margins, the grassroots, and the recent coup.

China’s Role in Global Governance

by Bin Zhang

This book presents a post-COVID glimpse at how top Chinese policymakers and intellectuals understand China's future in global international relations, reviewing the global economy, China’s economy, society and diplomacy, and the international situation. Ten researchers review China’s diplomacy and give their outlooks in the book. Topics discussed include: the new round of technological revolution and Industrial Revolution, the role of WTO in developing countries, the ups and downs of the Sino-US and Sino-American rivalry, the functioning of the UN General Assembly from a Chinese perspective, China’s role in restoring the world after COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beijing-led Belt and Road Initiative. This book will be of interest to development economists, scholars of politics and international relations, and scholars of comparative politics.

Atlas of Global Change Risk of Population and Economic Systems (IHDP/Future Earth-Integrated Risk Governance Project Series)

by Peijun Shi

This book is open access and illustrates the spatial distribution of the global change risk of population and economic systems with the maps of environment, global climate change, global population and economic systems, and global change risk. The risks of global change are mapped at 0.25 degree grid unit. The risk results and their contribution rates of the world at national level are unprecedentedly derived and ranked. The book can be a good reference for researchers and students in the field of global climate change and natural disaster risk management, as well as risk managers and enterpriser to understand the global change risk of population and economic systems.

Populist and Pro-Violence State Religion: The Diyanet’s Construction of Erdoğanist Islam in Turkey (Palgrave Studies in Populisms)

by Ihsan Yilmaz Ismail Albayrak

This book explores state–religion relations under a populist authoritarian ruling party in Turkey. In doing so, it investigates how the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) instrumentalizes state-controlled religion to further, defend, legitimatize and propagate its authoritarian populist political agenda in a constitutionally secular nation-state. To exemplify this, the authors examine the Friday sermons delivered weekly in every mosque in Turkey by the Turkish State’s Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet). By analyzing all sermons delivered between 2010-2021, the book shows how the Diyanet has enthusiastically adopted AKP’s increasingly Islamist, authoritarian, civilisationist, militarist and pro-violence populism since 2010, and how it has tried to socially engineer beliefs in line with this ideology.

Creating World-Class Universities in China: Ideas, Policies, and Efforts (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices)

by Jian Li Eryong Xue

This book explores how can we shape “World-class University” in China from the perspectives of ideas, policies and efforts, specifically. It examines the essence and logic of creating world-class universities and disciplines and focuses on the construction of a number of universities and disciplines across a number of historical periods. The book also investigates the improvement of China's education, and the higher education needs to “face modernization, face the world, face the future”. It offers a broader vision to connect with the Chinese higher education system and the international higher education communities contextually.

Reforming Pedagogy in Cambodia: Local Construction of Global Pedagogies (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #62)

by Takayo Ogisu

This book presents a sociocultural account of logic, or a pedagogy, that governs Cambodian education, from policy-making to classroom practices. In so doing, it seeks to not only provide an introduction to Cambodian education, but also to help readers understand the complexities involved in reforming educational practices by drawing on an ethnographic multi-level case study of an ongoing pedagogical reform policy. The book reveals what is actually taking place in today’s Cambodian classrooms and how actors view their own practices in response to the new pedagogy. Importantly, the book situates Cambodian pedagogical reform efforts amid the global wave of student-centered pedagogies and sheds new light on the political economy of educational policy-making and policy implementation along a global-local axis.

Climate Change Discourse in China

by Sidan Wang

This book focuses on the politics, discourse and actors surrounding climate change issues in China. This framework offers a new way of observing Chinese discourses around climate change. Discursive changes in coal consumption and air pollution have been raised to uncover the various motivations of China towards addressing climate issues. This book will be of interest to a variety of different stakeholders including policy-makers, non-state actors, business communities and media, and anyone who are interested in the climate governance of China.

Decolonising Peace and Conflict Studies through Indigenous Research

by Kelli Te Maihāroa Michael Ligaliga Heather Devere

This book focuses on how Indigenous knowledge and methodologies can contribute towards the decolonisation of peace and conflict studies (PACS). It shows how Indigenous knowledge is essential to ensure that PACS research is relevant, respectful, accurate, and non-exploitative of Indigenous Peoples, in an effort to reposition Indigenous perspectives and contexts through Indigenous experiences, voices, and research processes, to provide balance to the power structures within this discipline. It includes critiques of ethnocentrism within PACS scholarship, and how both research areas can be brought together to challenge the violence of colonialism, and the colonialism of the institutions and structures within which decolonising researchers are working. Contributions in the book cover Indigenous research in Aotearoa, Australia, The Caribbean, Hawai'i, Israel, Mexico, Nigeria, Palestine, Philippines, Samoa, USA, and West Papua.

The Asian 21st Century (China and Globalization)

by Kishore Mahbubani

This open access book consists of essays written by Kishore Mahbubani to explore the challenges and dilemmas faced by the West and Asia in an increasingly interdependent world village and intensifying geopolitical competition. The contents cover four parts: Part One The End of the Era of Western Domination. The major strategic error that the West is now making is to refuse to accept this reality. The West needs to learn how to act strategically in a world where they are no longer the number 1. Part Two The Return of Asia. From the years 1 to 1820, the largest economies in the world were Asian. After 1820 and the rise of the West, however, great Asian civilizations like China and India were dominated and humiliated. The twenty-first century will see the return of Asia to the center of the world stage. Part Three The Peaceful Rise of China. The shift in the balance of power to the East has been most pronounced in the rise of China. While this rise has been peaceful, many in the West have responded with considerable concern over the influence China will have on the world order. Part Four Globalization, Multilateralism and Cooperation. Many of the world’s pressing issues, such as COVID-19 and climate change, are global issues and will require global cooperation to deal with. In short, human beings now live in a global village. States must work with each other, and we need a world order that enables and facilitates cooperation in our global village.

Japan’s International Cooperation in Education: History and Prospects (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #63)

by Nobuko Kayashima Kazuo Kuroda Yuto Kitamura

This book records the history of Japan’s international cooperation in education from the 1950s to 2020. It provides a crucial overview of the nearly 70 years since Japan began engaging in international cooperation in education in order to record and document these efforts that range from basic to higher education to technical and vocational education and training, and the large numbers of people involved in their respective areas of activity and specialization. The book provides useful indicators for exploring new forms of education cooperation in this age of global governance and beyond. The authors include not only researchers but also field practitioners, such as personnel from the Japan International Cooperation Agency and NGOs.

Central Bank Policy Mix: Handbook of Central Banking Studies

by Perry Warjiyo Solikin M. Juhro

This is an open access book.This book is an integration of keynote speeches, lectures, and related teaching materials during the five years of the "Central Bank Policy Mix: Issues, Challenges and Policy Responses" flagship program of the BI Institute, the learning and research centre of Bank Indonesia. The book examines the interactions among central bank policies including monetary policy, exchange rate policy, macroprudential policy, and capital flow management and also elaborates on modeling issues and quantitative analysis of the interaction between macroeconomic variables and policy instruments.

Periphery and Small Ones Matter: Interplay of Policy and Social Capital

by Iwan J. Azis

This open access book analyzes the dualism and inequality insofar as how it is manifested in interregional disparity and small enterprises. Using the case of Indonesia, the author considers how the general direction of policy should be to mitigate the effects of agglomeration forces leading towards concentration, and exploit the same forces by encouraging small businesses to operate in a cluster for collective action. The book addresses these issues by focusing on the role of interactions between policies and institutions, of which social capital is an important part. This is an open access book.

Religion, Extremism and Violence in South Asia (Politics of South Asia)

by Imran Ahmed Shahram Akbarzadeh Howard Brasted Zahid Shahab Ahmed

This book sheds light on religiously motivated extremism and violence in South Asia, a phenomenon which ostensibly poses critical and unique challenges to the peace, security and governance not only of the region, but also of the world at large. The book is distinctive in-so-far as it reexamines conventional wisdom held about religious extremism in South Asia and departs from the literature which centres its analyses on Islamic militancy based on the questions and assumptions of the West’s ‘war on terror’. This volume also offers a comprehensive analysis of new extremist movements and how their emergence and success places existing theoretical frameworks in the study of religious extremism into question. It further examines topical issues including the study of social media and its impact on the evolution and operation of violent extremism. The book also analyses grassroots and innovative non-state initiatives aimed to counter extremist ideologies. Through case studies focusing on Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, this collection examines extremist materials, methods of political mobilisation and recruitment processes and maps the interconnected nature of sociological change with the ideological transformations of extremist movements.

A Decade of Disaster Experiences in Ōtautahi Christchurch: Critical Disaster Studies Perspectives

by Bruce C. Glavovic Steve Matthewman Shinya Uekusa

This book critically surveys a decade of disasters in Ōtautahi Christchurch. It brings together a diverse range of authors, disciplinary approaches and topics, to reckon with the events that commenced with the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence. Each contribution tackles its subject matter through the frame of Critical Disaster Studies (CDS). The events and the subsequent recovery provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from a series of concatenating urban disasters in order to prepare us for our future on an urban planet facing unprecedented environmental pressures. The book focuses on the production of vulnerability, the human dimensions of disaster, the Indigenous response to disasters and the practical lessons that can be drawn from them.

The Politics of Educational Decentralisation in Indonesia: A Quest for Legitimacy

by Irsyad Zamjani

“The Politics of Educational Decentralisation in Indonesia: A Quest for Legitimacy is a well written, analytically sharp, and compelling study of educational decentralisation in Indonesia. Irsyad Zamjani, provides fresh insights into this important topic. The author treats educational reform as a window into much deeper questions about power, the government’s responsibility to its citizens, and social change in Indonesia. His findings should interest academics as well as practitioners with an interest in educational reform.” —Professor Christopher Bjork, Vassar College, New York “This is a remarkable book which should appeal not only to Indonesian scholars, but also to educationists and political scientists, to name just a few. By tracing the path of decentralisation in the Indonesian educational reform in the early 2000s, Zamjani shows how the central and municipal governments struggled in different ways to retain control over education in their domains through various mechanisms largely related to claims of legitimacy. The study is grounded in new institutional theory, and the interview and case study data provide a richness and depth in showing the dynamics of reform attempts.” —Professor Lawrence J. Saha, Australian National University, Canberra This book discusses the dynamics of educational decentralisation in post-reform Indonesia. Taking sociology’s new institutionalism approach, and drawing upon data from documents and interviews with strategic informants, the book investigates how institutional legitimacy of educational decentralisation was garnered, manipulated, and then contested. Besides analysing global institutional pressures which influenced the national adoption of decentralisation reform, and the central government’s attempts to restore its legitimacy, the book also offers comparative case studies of education governance in two local districts to highlight how this reform is responded to at the local level.

Caste, COVID-19, and Inequalities of Care: Lessons from South Asia (People, Cultures and Societies: Exploring and Documenting Diversities)

by Sanghmitra S. Acharya Stephen Christopher

This book explores how social discrimination in South Asia contributes to health disparities and impedes well-being. Specifically, it addresses how marginalization shapes health outcomes, both under normal circumstances and specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coming from diverse backgrounds and representing different academic disciplines, the authors have contributed a range of chapters drawing from quantitative and ethnographic material across South Asia. Chapters address reservation politics, tribal lifeways, Dalit exclusions from governmental institutions, Muslim ghettoization, gendered domestic violence, social determinants of health among migrant workers, and the pandemic fallout across South Asian society, among other subjects. Scholars draw on decades of experience and firsthand ethnographic fieldwork among affected communities. The chapters provide an innovative analysis, often in real time, of the human toll of casteism, classism, patriarchy, and religious intolerance—many set against the spectre of COVID-19. Many authors not only present social critiques but also offer specific policy recommendations. The book is of great interest to social scientists, public health practitioners, and policy advocates interested in addressing systemic inequalities and ensuring that future pandemics are not disproportionately felt by the most vulnerable.

Social Norms, Gender and Collective Behaviour: Development Paradigms in India

by Indranil De Shyam Singh Shilpi Smita Panda

This book explores the nature and type of prevalent collective behavior that influences women empowerment, women workforce participation and behavior change in sanitation. The influence of collective norms and customs have been investigated through a series of studies throughout India. There are very few research works on understanding social norms that distinguishes it from a range of other collective behaviors. This understanding would not only improve analytical clarity on collective behavior in general and social norms in particular, in the context of gender and sanitation, but also improve development practice in these areas. This book is also novel as it would expound the social network in the context of sanitation behavior in India. The tools and techniques discussed in the book are replicable and hence would be helpful for other researchers and development practitioners to analyse other collective behaviours.

From Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific: Diplomacy in a Contested Region (Global Political Transitions)

by Robert G. Patman Patrick Köllner Balazs Kiglics

This book brings together a unique team of academics and practitioners to analyse interests, institutions, and issues affecting and affected by the transition from Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific. The Indo-Pacific has emerged as the world’s economic and strategic centre of gravity, in which established and rising powers compete with each other. As a strategic space, the Indo-Pacific reflects the rise of geo-political and geo-economic designs and dynamics which have come to shape the region in the early twenty-first century. These new dynamics contrast with the (neo-)liberal ideas and the seemingly increasing globalisation for which the once dominant ‘Asia-Pacific’ regional label stood.

Global Ecological Governance and Ecological Economy (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Weiguo Zhang Fawen Yu

This book focuses on ecological economics conducted in the context of global ecological governance, covering topics from ecological footprint, energy saving and emission reduction, circular economy, green development, sustainable development, ecological civilization, to the ecological environment and ecological governance of rural areas, etc. as well as some theoretical studies related to efficient ecological economics. It is contributed by scholars attending the high-level forum with the theme of “Global Ecological Governance and Ecological Economic Studies” hosted by the Chinese Ecological Economics Society (CEES), the first ecological economics society in the world, and many cutting-edge concepts in the field of ecological economics are proposed. It provides some insight for scholars who are interested in the field of global ecological governance and ecological economic studies.

Malaysia’s Leap Into the Future: The Building Blocks Towards Balanced Development (Dynamics of Asian Development)

by Rajah Rasiah Kamal Salih Cheong Kee Cheok

This book presents the future development of Malaysia. It puts together building blocks to achieve a better future. These blocks are poverty and income inequality, population, demography and urbanization, growth and technological progress, education, human capital and skills, finance, labor, the environment, and health care. It examines the reasons for the decline in the agricultural sector with an emphasis on food security. It discusses Malaysia’s economic growth and structural change compared to some of the Northeast East Asian and Southeast Asian countries. It explains the projections of population and demographic change and its bearing on government policies. It evaluates the country’s education sector and discusses the strategies to improve its role in the country further. It argues for replacing ethnic-based approaches with a needs-based system for the future direction to build a plural Malaysia. This insightful book is of interest across several fields, including demography, economic development, and urbanization.

Pakistan Factor and the Competing Perspectives in India: Party Centric View

by Raja Qaiser Ahmed

The book discusses the Pakistan factor in Indian foreign policy, covering the evolution of both Indian nationalism and Hindu nationalism and their impact on India’s foreign policy framework. To explain the bipartisanship on Pakistan in India, it separates party-centric foreign policy views of national parties of India. Then it explains India’s Pakistan policy from multiple aspects. It underscores India's pursuit of policy choices under Modi and ends with a discussion on the future of India-Pakistan relations.

Teaching Chinese Language in Singapore: Cultural Teaching and Development (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Soh Kay Cheng

This book is cast in a Singaporean context in which Chinese Language is taught as a second language with an emphasis on communicational skills. It showcases ideas on including cultural teaching to enhance second language learning for more effective outcomes. As a collection of chapters relevant to cultural teaching, the book seeks to enthuse Chinese Language educators to incorporate elements of Chinese culture into their lessons. It is practice-oriented and provides examples using Chinese language textbooks, with suggestions for post-lesson activities. It also documents and discusses the needed developments of Singapore's Chinese culture with references to the three popular co-curricular activities of Chinese music, drama (crosstalk), and dance in schools.

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