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Iran: The Politics Of Confrontation (Polity Histories)

by Ali M. Ansari

Both revolutionary and reactionary, the Islamic Republic of Iran has long been a conundrum for Western observers. A theocracy that aspires to a popular mandate; an anti-colonial state with imperial pretensions of its own: modern Iran is in many ways a reflection of its struggle to reconcile its traditions with the challenges of modernity. In this book, Ali Ansari takes readers on a journey through Iran’s turbulent history. Beginning with the country’s fall from grace as a Great Power in the nineteenth century, he explores its repeated attempts to modernize in a series of revolutionary movements from the Constitutional Revolution of 1906 to the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and the civil unrest that is breaking out today. In so doing, he reveals how the experience of history and Iran’s encounter with ‘modernity’ have come to define it – and set it on an authoritarian path in confrontation with the West and, often, its own people.

Iran and the West: A Non-Western Approach to Foreign Policy (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics)

by Andrew Thomas

This book explores non-Western approaches to foreign policy in the context of Iran in order to encourage wider consideration of non-Western scholarship in international relations.Throughout its existence IR has drawn primarily on Western thought and experience, leaving other perspectives on the periphery of discourse. As the field becomes more about contexts beyond the West, this has become a challenge for creating a truly ‘global’ field of study. Concepts like ‘national interest,’ ‘rationality’ and ‘pragmatism’ are often applied to Iran without considering what these concepts mean in the context of Iranian political identity. The aim of this book is to highlight the contemporary relevance of native Iranian and non-Western perspectives to IR analysis, returning complexity and critique to Iranian studies. To do this, the author examines four of Iran’s political encounters with the West, including its resistance to sanctions policy and negotiations surrounding its nuclear program. Ultimately, the book argues that ignoring Iranian motivations of identity has routinely resulted in missed opportunities, growing tensions and failed coercive policy.The book will prove valuable reading for students and researchers interested in international relations theory, Iranian history and Middle East studies.

The Iran Nuclear Deal: Non-proliferation and US-Iran Conflict Resolution (Studies in Iranian Politics)

by Saira Khan

This book delves deep into the complex dynamics surrounding the Iran nuclear deal and its subsequent fracture. In a post-2018 world, following the United States’ withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, this work dissects the ramifications of this geopolitical shift, particularly with respect to Iran's nuclear ambitions. The book's central premise revolves around the idea that Iran's pursuit of nuclear capabilities is intricately tied to its enduring conflicts with Iraq, Israel, and the United States. It argues that the nuclear deal had the potential to quell these conflicts, particularly the long-standing rivalry between Iran and the U.S., thus reshaping Iran's relationships in the Middle East. However, with the U.S. exit from the agreement and its accusations of Iranian sponsorship of terrorism, Iran now perceives a heightened threat, potentially leading it to consider nuclear weapons as a deterrent against a potential war with the U.S. The book challenges conventional international relations paradigms with regards to Iran: realism, which typically predicts all conflicting states will seek nuclear weapons regardless of cooperative arrangements, is shown to ignore the nuanced connection between cooperation and proliferation propensity; and liberalism's emphasis on cooperation is critiqued in this case for overlooking the negative consequences of failed cooperative endeavours. The book highlights the importance of trust and compliance in the success of cooperative agreements, as well as the adverse effects of their breakdown. The work contributes significantly to our understanding of international relations in the Middle East. It draws on an extensive examination of prior research while presenting novel theoretical insights. The detailed case study of Iran's nuclear aspirations before, during, and after the nuclear deal serves as a compelling application of the theoretical framework. Finally, the book provides an in-depth exploration of the intricate web of geopolitics, trust, and cooperation that has shaped the trajectory of Iran's nuclear ambitions. It offers not only theoretical contributions to the field of international relations but also valuable policy insights for managing this critical international issue.

Ireland's Long Economic Boom: The Celtic Tiger Economy, 1986–2007 (Palgrave Studies in Economic History)

by Eoin O'Malley

This Open Access book examines the long economic boom experienced in Ireland between the late 1980s and 2007, analysing why this boom occurred. The book situates Ireland as a relative latecomer to economic development, with specific challenges and advantages inherent to this position. It discusses the risks involved in remaining reliant on foreign companies, exploring how in Ireland’s case the rapidly growing economy required active, interventionist and imaginative policy measures rather than relying primarily on free market forces. The book also offers an estimation of the value of the net foreign earnings associated with different categories of exports after deducting the profit outflows and payments for imported inputs, revealing a number of findings about the importance of Irish indigenous companies and services during this time. It shows that Irish indigenous companies, assisted by industrial policy measures, played a significant part, as did the services sector,alongside the more visible and widely recognised role of foreign multinationals in high-tech manufacturing. Offering fresh insights and analyses more than 15 years after the long boom ended at the precipice of the global financial crisis, this book will be a useful resource for economic historians, scholars of political economy and macroeconomic policy, as well as those interested in modern Irish history more broadly.

Irreparable Evil: An Essay in Moral and Reparatory History

by David Scott

What was distinctive about the evil of the transatlantic slave trade and New World slavery? In what ways can the present seek to rectify such historical wrongs, even while recognizing that they lie beyond repair? Irreparable Evil explores the legacy of slavery and its moral and political implications, offering a nuanced intervention into debates over reparations.David Scott reconsiders the story of New World slavery in a series of interconnected essays that focus on Jamaica and the Anglophone Caribbean. Slavery, he emphasizes, involved not only scarcely imaginable brutality on a mass scale but also the irreversible devastation of the ways of life and cultural worlds from which enslaved people were uprooted. Colonial extraction shaped modern capitalism; plantation slavery enriched colonial metropoles and simultaneously impoverished their peripheries. To account for this atrocity, Scott examines moral and reparatory modes of history and criticism, probing different conceptions of evil. He reflects on the paradoxes of seeking redress for the specific moral evil of slavery, criticizing the limitations of liberal rights-based arguments for reparations that pursue reconciliation with the past. Instead, this book argues, in making the urgent demand for reparations, we must acknowledge the fundamental irreparability of a wrong of such magnitude.

Is This Any Way to Run a Democratic Election?

by Stephen J. Wayne

This new edition examines the theory, structure, and the contemporary electoral process, analyzing how the system has evolved, how it is working today, and its challenges for the future. Stephen J. Wayne illuminates the democratic strength and weaknesses of the American electoral system and asks, "Is this any way to run a democratic election?"Updated to included insight into the contentious 2020 and 2022 elections, the chapters look ahead to the 2024 election with detailed analysis of the impact of money, media, partisanship, misinformation, changes in electoral laws, public trust and election denial on the electorate, political parties, and the candidates for office. Each chapter opens with “Did You Know” teasers and concludes with a critical thinking section that includes Discussion Questions, Topics for Debate, Research Oriented Exercises, and Internet Resources and Selected Readings--providing a wide array of tools with which to explore alternatives to the status quo. Comparative examples from other countries are included to provide readers with a broader perspective on the issues democracies face around the world.Tackling the big questions about American politics, this is an accessible read for undergraduate students in courses on Electoral Politics, Political Parties, Campaigns and Voting and American Democracy.

Is Voting for Young People?

by Martin P. Wattenberg

Is Voting for Young People? explores the reasons why young people are less likely to follow politics and vote in the United States and other established democracies, no matter who the candidates are, or what the issues may be.This brief, accessible, and provocative book suggests ways of changing that. Fully updated to include statistics and analysis from the 2020 and 2022 US elections, this book argues that politics and voting have increasingly become the province of the elderly, with a growing rift between politicians and young adults that weakens democracy. Employing a wealth of cross‑national data, Martin P. Wattenberg shows how changes in media consumption, neglect from politicians, and changing attitudes towards civic duty have created a generation gap in voter turnout and ceded important decisions on youth concerns to those who have different values and interests.Illustrating the critical importance of engaging young voters, this book is an important read for students of democracy, political participation, elections, and voter behavior.

ISIS' Propaganda Machine: Global Mediated Terrorism

by Ahmed Al-Rawi

This book examines ISIS’ media propaganda machine.The book focuses on case studies that have been largely understudied in relation to ISIS’ media production. Empirically, it offers new insights into how ISIS uses its media production to disseminate its extremist ideology by focusing on video games, educational apps, Dark Web sites, and offline billboards. The book argues that despite all the discussion about how ISIS has disappeared or even died, the terrorist group’s daily activities on the Dark Web show that they are still thriving and disseminating their propaganda in more than 20 different languages, and effectively functioning as an international news organization. Using a mixed-method research approach, the book offers a multilayered understanding of media content and fills a major gap in the literature, especially in relation to the use of educational apps and the Dark Web.This book will be of much interest to students of media and communication studies, terrorism and counterterrorism, Middle Eastern politics, and international relations.

Islam and Citizenship in Indonesia: Democracy and the Quest for an Inclusive Public Ethics (Politics in Asia)

by Robert W. Hefner

Islam and Citizenship in Indonesia examines the conditions facilitating democracy, women’s rights, and inclusive citizenship in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim-majority country and the third largest democracy in the world. The book shows that Muslim understandings of Islamic traditions and ethics have coevolved with the understanding and practice of democracy and citizen belonging. Following thirty-two years of authoritarian rule, in 1998 this sprawling Southeast Asian country returned to electoral democracy. The achievement brought with it, however, an upsurge in both the numbers and assertiveness of Islamist militias, as well as a sharp increase in violence against religious minorities. The resulting mobilizations have pitted the Muslim supporters of an Indonesian variety of inclusive citizenship against populist proponents of Islamist majoritarianism. Seen from this historical example, the book demonstrates that Muslim actors come to know and practice Islam in a manner not determined in an unchanging way by scriptural commands but in coevolution with broader currents in politics, society, and citizen belonging. By exploring these questions in both an Indonesian and comparative context, this book offers important lessons on the challenge of democracy and inclusive citizenship in the Muslim-majority world. Well-written and informative, this book will be suitable for adoption in university courses on Islam, Southeast Asian Politics, Indonesian and Asian studies, as well as courses dealing with religion, democracy, and citizen belonging in multicultural societies around the world. The book will be of interest to the general reader with an interest in Islam, citizenship, and democracy.

Islamic Religious Authority in a Modern Age: Australian and Global Perspectives

by Shaheen Amid Whyte

This book situates Australian Muslim experiences of religious authority within the global context of Islam in the modern world. While drawing on examples of Muslim-majority states, new empirical findings indicate the growing diversity of Muslim religious actors in Australia, as well as the contextual realities shaping the way religious authority is legitimised and contested in democratic and authoritarian environments. In particular, the study challenges homogenous articulations of Islamic religious authority in unearthing new voices, epistemologies and socio-political factors shaping Muslim attitudes and experiences of religious authority. The book fills important gaps in the field, such as intra-Muslim relations, female religious authority, digital Islam and the relationship between traditional ulama, reformists and Muslim intellectuals in the West.

Islamic Social Finance: Law and Practice in Malaysia

by Sherin Kunhibava Aishath Muneeza Maryam Binti Khalid Zakariya Mustapha Thong Ming Sen

This book addresses the growing significance of Islamic social finance as an alternative and sustainable financing approach in the world. With a focus on Malaysia, a global leader in Islamic banking and finance, the topics covered fills the gap in the extant research by providing in-depth coverage of the legal framework surrounding Islamic social finance. Written with students, researchers, and policymakers in mind, it explores the unique features and principles of Islamic social finance, which aims to achieve social objectives alongside financial returns. By examining real-life case studies and digital examples, readers will gain valuable insights into the practical application of Islamic social finance principles. Each chapter concludes with self-review questions, allowing students to assess their understanding and consolidate their knowledge. This book serves as a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and practitioners seeking to explore and implement Islamic social finance principles. With its comprehensive coverage and practical insights, it will will play a crucial role in promoting the understanding and adoption of Islamic social finance for sustainable development.

Islamic State, Biopolitics and Media Governmentality: The Dispositif of Terror (Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies)

by Lewis Rarm

This book analyses the Islamic State’s (IS) media and governance strategy from a critical media and cultural studies perspective. It deploys Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of assemblage and Foucault’s theories of dispositif (dispositive, apparatus) and biopower to understand the ways in which IS governed its subjects during the tenure of its so-called ‘caliphate’. This theoretical triangulation is used to situate the group as more than just a terrorist organisation, but rather as a more amorphous force with proclivities toward governance. The analysis of globally fluid and conjunctive terrorist strategies executed through media, governance and conduct, as part of and produced by IS’s dispositif, manifests in the group’s epistemology, discourse and social ontology. To analyse these processes, the book deploys a dispositif analysis of official IS administrative documents, media produced by the group’s English-language media wing (al-Hayat Media Center), and IS Twitter activity, including the use of nonhuman bots. In doing so, it seeks to reveal the resonance between IS’s media and governmental discourses, develop dispositif theory, and to argue for more context-specific formulations of biopolitics. This book will be of much interest to students of Critical Terrorism Studies, social theory, media theory and International Relations.

Islamist Parties and Power in Democratic Nation-States: A Comparative Analysis of Six Muslim-Majority Countries

by Ihsan Yilmaz Syaza Shukri

By exploring the trajectories of Islamist parties in six diverse countries (Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Malaysia), this book provides a comparative analysis of the strategies employed by Islamist groups to confront established political structures through electoral processes and their subsequent governance practices if and when they assume power. The latter aspect is less explored than the predominant focus on Islamist opposition movements. The book analyses how these Islamist political parties navigate and negotiate with oppositional forces and establishments, concisely discussing the complex dynamics at play within each country. The book also bridges the gap between North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Asia Minor, providing a comparative analysis across regions. Primarily serving as an introductory text to the subject of Islamist parties, the book functions as a comprehensive reader and handbook. Each chapter covers a range of key issues and themes relevant to the governance and political activities of the Islamist party of the country studied in the chapter, offering a general overview of Islamist party experiences across various themes and different historical periods.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Teach Yourself Educational)

by Stewart Ross

This book is the essential guide to the extraordinarily complicated and developing situation in Israel/Palestine. Fully updated to reflect the tense and troubling changes in the region since 7 October 2023, this book puts the present situation into its broader context and, examining all perspectives, it unravels the origins and development of issues which make the headlines daily. Each aspect of this complex conflict is explained with engaging objectivity which will ensure you can examine the issues from all perspectives and in a social, political, historical and international framework.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Teach Yourself Educational)

by Stewart Ross

This book is the essential guide to the extraordinarily complicated and developing situation in Israel/Palestine. Fully updated to reflect the tense and troubling changes in the region since 7 October 2023, this book puts the present situation into its broader context and, examining all perspectives, it unravels the origins and development of issues which make the headlines daily. Each aspect of this complex conflict is explained with engaging objectivity which will ensure you can examine the issues from all perspectives and in a social, political, historical and international framework.

The Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process: A Personal Insider's Account

by Yair Hirschfeld

This book describes the evolution of the Israeli-Palestinian peace-seeking process from 1967 to the present. Written from the perspective of Israel’s most prominent peace activist, it offers an unparalleled insider’s account of a crucial set of negotiations intended to settle a seemingly endless conflict. Hirschfeld’s historical narrative provides a wealth of knowledge and experience that is indispensable to anyone seeking to seriously approach the Middle East conflict. The book’s thorough analysis of the successes and failures of all peace efforts since the Six-Day War represents an essential asset for future negotiators, politicians, diplomats and peace activists alike. Moreover, the book shares pearls of human wisdom that anyone searching to resolve conflicts in general should take to heart. The book is of burning topicality. Not only with a view to the normalisation process between Israel and Arab countries that began with the recent Abraham Accords (2020) but also regarding the new “age of war” in Europe, sparked by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

Israelische Charedim und politische Moderne: Herausforderungen einer orthodoxen Strömung in einer detraditionalisierten Welt (Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens)

by Peter Lintl

​Die vorliegende Arbeit wirft einen eingehenden Blick auf die Konfrontation der Charedim mit der politischen Moderne. Die Charedim sind eine jüdisch-orthodoxe Gruppe, die sich auf traditionelle religiöse Lehren beruft und kritisch gegenüber Grundprinzipien der Moderne wie Demokratie, Gleichheit und Autonomie eingestellt sind. Darüber hinaus lehnen sie moderne jüdische Strömungen, wie den Zionismus und das Reformjudentum, als ketzerisch ab. Ihr Streben nach Bewahrung einer imaginierten Tradition im Kontext der Moderne und ihr erzwungenes Einfügen darin prägt ihr Dasein und ihr Handeln.Lintl untersucht ihre Auseinandersetzung mit anderen jüdischen Strömungen sowohl in der Zeit vor der Gründung des Staates Israel als auch seit 1948. Zudem zeigt der Autor wie sich die Charedim den Herausforderungen eines jüdischen und demokratischen Nationalstaats stellen müssen. Dabei werden politische und ideologische Konflikte ebenso analysiert wie der wachsende politische Einfluss ihrer Parteien auf den Staat.Diese Herangehensweise wird in einen Rahmen eingebettet, der sich von den herkömmlichen Analyserastern abhebt. Insbesondere werden Fundamentalismustheorien, ihre theoretischen Vereinfachungen und normativen Vorurteile kritisch betrachtet. Stattdessen verdeutlicht Lintl, dass der religiös-politische Komplex nur dann angemessen verstanden wird, wenn der Übergang von einer achsenkulturell geprägten Logik zur Moderne betrachtet wird. Dabei verdeutlicht Lintl, was an der politischen Moderne im Kern säkular ist, warum „Religion“ im heutigen Sinne erst durch die Moderne geschaffen wurde, inwiefern es religiöse Kontinuitäten in der Moderne gibt und weshalb diese eine Herausforderung für religiöse Bewegungen darstellt.

Israel’s Civil-Military Relations and Security Sector Reform: Lessons for Conflict-Affected Societies (Besa Studies In International Security Ser.)

by Ian Westerman

This book examines Israel’s civil-military relations (CMR) in order to explore alternatives to orthodox Western models of security sector reform (SSR) in post-conflict societies. This book argues that the guidelines of SSR have always tended to draw on theoretical work in the field of CMR and focus too heavily on Western, liberal democratic models of governance. Consequently, reform programs based on these guidelines, and intended for use in post-conflict and conflict-affected states, have had, at best, mixed results. The book challenges the necessity for this over-reliance on traditional Western liberal democratic solutions and instead advocates an alternative approach. It proposes that by drawing on an unconventional CMR model, that in turn references the specific context and cultural background of the particular state being subject to reform, there is a significantly higher chance of success. Drawing on a case study of Israel's CMR, the author seeks to provide practical assistance to those working in this area and considers the question of how this unorthodox CMR model might usefully inform post-conflict and conflict-affected SSR programmes. This book will be of interest to students of military studies, security studies, Israeli politics, and International Relations.

Israel's National Security Predicament: Guarding the Third Temple (Israeli History, Politics and Society)

by David Rodman

This book provides a ground-breaking assessment of the Israeli national security experience from the establishment of the country through to the present day. Seventy-five years after its establishment, the State of Israel continues to face an acute national security predicament as a result of the still unresolved Arab–Israeli conflict. This monograph offers a new framework for analyzing this experience, first exploring the crucial events of the past and present that define it, including interstate wars, asymmetrical wars, low-intensity conflicts, and developments in weapons of mass destruction. The book then probes how Israel’s evolving national security doctrine has addressed these various challenges over the years, highlighting the roles of a number of variables: deterrence, warning, and decision; strategic depth and defensible borders; the quality and quantity of fighting men and machines; intelligence; self-reliance in military matters; foreign policy; and the influence of ethnic demography, societal resilience, economic prosperity, and water security. Written in accessible, non-technical language, the book will appeal to general readers seeking an introduction to Israeli security, as well as to specialists and researchers in various fields, including Israeli history, Middle Eastern politics, and security studies.

Istanbul at the Threshold of Nation State: Allied Occupation, National Resistance, and Political Conflict, 1918-1923 (New Directions in Turkish Studies #2)

by Erol Ulker

During the formation of the Turkish national movement, while Istanbul was under British, French, and Italian occupation, a distinct factional split emerged. One side supported the Ottoman sultanate’s sovereignty, while the other championed a populist, republican path. An Istanbul at the Threshold of Nation State contextualizes this history of coalition, political disintegration, and power struggles in Turkey between 1918 and 1923 to highlight the rise of anti-communist movements and the emergence of national labor and merchant confederations that formed xenophobic, Christian exclusionary policies in the 1920s and 30s.

ISUF, Urban Morphology and Human Settlements: Advances and Prospects (The Urban Book Series)

by Vítor Oliveira

This book offers insight into the most important scientific society on urban morphology worldwide: the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF). After addressing the three-decade history of ISUF, the book analyses the present and future of this scientific society, of urban morphology, and of human settlements. This timely and fundamental reflection gathers contributions from present and past leadership of ISUF since its inception in 1994. Over the last three decades, the urban world has undergone major changes: the urban population is now higher than the rural population; more than half of the world's population lives on a single continent—Asia, home to almost three billion people in China and India alone—so geographical imbalance is considerable; and while half of the urban population still lives in small cities of fewer than 300,000 inhabitants, the number of megacities has increased significantly. How does the physical form of cities in different parts of the world respond to these dynamics? Can cities preserve fundamental elements of humankind's urban heritage while accommodating changes driven by the main socioeconomic and environmental needs of today? The field of urban morphology has been continuously adjusting to the essential dynamics of its object of study. While developing and strengthening its most robust theories, concepts, and methods designed after the mid-twentieth century, urban morphology has been able to integrate innovative approaches for describing and explaining the emerging dynamics and patterns of urban form—often incorporating groundbreaking technologies for data collection, analysis, modelling, and simulation. But what is the role of urban morphology in science and society today? How effective is it in communicating a rigorous understanding of the urban landscape both to academics and researchers in other fields and to citizens in general? How successful is it in providing practitioners with relevant and useful knowledge that informs their action on cities' form and structure through spatial planning, urban design, and architecture? This book addresses these fundamental questions, offering academics, researchers, and practitioners comprehensive knowledge on human settlements, the field of urban morphology, and the role of ISUF in promoting groundbreaking morphological thought.

The Italian Democratic Party and New Labour: The Crisis of the European Left

by Luciano M. Fasano Paolo Natale James L. Newell

In this intriguing book, professors Fasano, Natale and Newell offer a comprehensive and compelling discussion of the European left's evolution. As the left grapples with its historical legacy and attempts to connect with voters in a changing political landscape, the authors examine the journey of the Italian Democratic Party (PD) from its inception to the present day, shedding light on its evolution and struggles. Drawing a fascinating parallel with the UK's New Labour, the book explores the challenges faced by these parties as they navigate their post-communist heritage. A timely exploration of social-democratic politics in an era of populism, this book is a must-read for political enthusiasts, scholars, and anyone interested in the changing landscape of the left in all the European countries.

The Italian Diaspora in South Africa: Nostalgia, Identity, and Belonging in the Second and Third Generations (Routledge Studies in Development, Mobilities and Migration)

by Maria Chiara Marchetti-Mercer Anita Virga

This book investigates the experiences of second- and third-generation Italians living in South Africa, exploring how nostalgia for Italy influences their sense of identity and belonging. The Italian community in South Africa is a unique diaspora, with a complex history, including roots in Italian colonial activities in Africa, and in World War II. This book looks at how the descendants of these early migrants take pride in being Italian and value the Italian language. They also ascribe much importance to their family roots, and have often created a romanticized image of Italy, mostly based on childhood vacation visits. The longing for an imaginary idealized version of Italy is closely linked to their wider search for a sense of identity and belonging against the backdrop of South African society, currently still grappling with its own multicultural identity. Interdisciplinary by design, this book draws on insights from both cultural studies and psychology in order to shine a light on an important and under-studied diasporic community. The book will be of interest to scholars from across migration studies and the Humanities in general.

The Italian Far Right from 1945 to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)

by Nicola Guerra

The Italian Far Right from 1945 to the Russia–Ukraine Conflict provides a comprehensive account of the postwar parliamentary and extra parliamentary far right in Italy. This book explores the ideology, movements and activism of the extreme right and neo- fascists. The recent victory in the Italian parliamentary elections of the ‘post-fascist’ party Fratelli d’Italia and its leader Giorgia Meloni highlights the importance of such research. The book examines why some of these movements participated with CIA- backing in the ‘Strategy of Tension’ in the years of the Cold War where terrorist actions aimed to keep Italy in NATO and prevent the Communist Party from coming to power, while other extreme- right groups vehemently opposed this and what they considered the dangerous ‘Americanization’ of the country. It debunks the myth that there was a unified postwar fascist movement in Italy, but instead excavates the complex battles within the extreme right as well as with their opponents from the left, and the authorities. This study is necessary to clarify the history and ideological dynamics of a political area still too often shrouded in mystery and whose geopolitical role is still poorly understood and generally underestimated. The analysis is contextualized in the present day by looking at the different perspectives of the Italian far right on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The book will be of interest to researchers of political history, the Cold War and Italian history and politics.

Italian Politics: Exploring the Dynamics of Political Change

by James L. Newell

This book presents a comprehensive and incisive exploration of the intricacies of the Italian political system. Written in a lucid and informative style, the work features: an examination of Italian political history from 1943 to the present day an analysis of the governmental system, the constitutional framework, the core institutions, the electoral system and the key parties an analysis of the role of contemporary pressure groups and social movements including environmental, labour and institutional organisations discussions of important topical issues, such as corruption and organised crime an exploration of Italian foreign policy towards the EU, the US and the wider world a wide range of examples, tables and figures. Italian Politics: Exploring the Dynamics of Political Change is an indispensable resource for students and scholars delving into Italian politics, Italian studies, European politics/studies, political systems and comparative politics.

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