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Showing 95,676 through 95,700 of 97,914 results

Illiberal China: The Ideological Challenge of the People's Republic of China (China in Transformation)

by Daniel F. Vukovich

This book analyzes the 'intellectual political culture' of post-Tiananmen China in comparison to and in conflict with liberalism inside and outside the P.R.C. How do mainland politics and discourses challenge ‘our’ own, chiefly liberal and anti-‘statist’ political frameworks? To what extent is China paradoxically intertwined with a liberal economism? How can one understand its general refusal of liberalism, as well as its frequent, direct responses to electoral democracy, universalism, Western media, and other normative forces? Vukovich argues that the Party-state poses a challenge to our understandings of politics, globalization, and even progress. To be illiberal is not necessarily to be reactionary and vulgar but, more interestingly, to be anti-liberal and to seek alternatives to a degraded liberalism. In this way Chinese politics illuminate the global conjuncture, and may have lessons in otherwise bleak times.

How Nations Succeed: Manufacturing, Trade, Industrial Policy, and Economic Development

by Murat A. Yülek

This book assesses developmental experience in different countries as well as British expansion following the industrial revolution from a developmental perspective. It explains why some nations are rich and others are poor, and discusses how manufacturing made economies flourish and spur economic development. It explains how today’s governments can design and implement industrial policy, and how they can determine economically strategic sectors to break out of Low and Middle Income Traps.Closely linked to global trade and (im)balances, industrialization was never an accident. Industrialization explains how some countries experience export-led growth and others import-led slowdowns. Many confuse industrialization with the construction of factory buildings rather than a capacity and skill building process through certain stages. Industrial policy helps countries advance through those stages. Explaining technical concepts in understandable terms, the book discusses the capacity and limits of the developmental state in industrialization and in general in economic development, demonstrating how picking-the-winner type focused industrial policy has worked in different countries. It also discusses how industrial policy and science, technology and innovation policies should be sequenced for best results.

Ecological Wisdom: Theory and Practice (EcoWISE)

by Bo Yang Robert Fredrick Young

This book offers an introduction to the theory and practice of ecological wisdom (EW). EW is the integration of robust contemporary science with proven cultural and historical practices to identify long-term, sustainable solutions to problems of environmental management and urban design. The book combines theoretical concepts with specific case studies, illustrating the opportunities for interdisciplinary approaches combining historical experience, cultural context, and contemporary science as effective strategies for addressing complex problems confronting metropolitan and rural environmental and resource management in areas such as land use, water management, materials and building engineering, urban planning, and architecture and design. EW transcends the limitations in these fields of the normative approaches of modernity or traditional wisdom by offering a new, synthetic strategy to address socio-ecological issues. By presenting these ideas both theoretically and through existing case studies, the book provides researchers, practitioners and students with a powerful new perspective in developing long-term, resilient solutions to existing socio-environmental challenges. It is intended mainly for those working or interested in the fields of sustainable environmental and resource management, city and regional planning, architecture and design, civil engineering, landscape architecture, and the philosophy of science, particularly those with an ecological or sustainability focus.

Principles of Transversality in Globalization and Education

by David R. Cole Joff P.N. Bradley

This unique book comprehensively covers the evolving field of transversality, globalization and education, and presents creative, research-based thought experiments that seek to unravel the forces of globalization impacting education. Pursuing various approaches to and uses of transversality, with a focus on the ideas of Félix Guattari, it is the only book of its kind. Specifically, it examines the influence of Guattari at the forefront of educational research that addresses, enhances and sets free activist micro-perspectives, which can counter macro-global movements, such as capitalism and climate change. This book is a global education research text that includes perspectives from four continents, providing a balanced and significant work on globalization in education.

Conceptualizing Soft Power of Higher Education: Globalization and Universities in China and the World (Perspectives on Rethinking and Reforming Education)

by Jian Li

This book examines the globalization trends in higher education from an international political science perspective, using Nye’s theory of soft power to explore the rationale behind it. It focuses on conceptualizing the Soft Power Conversion Model of Higher Education, which is embedded in the globalization of higher education, and analyzes the globalization of Chinese higher education reform.Also, this book provides innovative and unique viewpoints on conceptualizing and mapping the globalization and internationalization of higher education, especially for current Chinese higher education (1949-2016). It discusses and illustrates cutting-edge concepts of global higher education, such as global learning, global competency, and global citizenship and refines them in the conceptualized soft power conversion model of higher education.This book reports on and enriches the theoretical concept of global education, and provides practical insights into global learning, global citizenship and global competency for Chinese undergraduate students.

A Comprehensive Evaluation on Emergency Response in China: The Case of Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 2009 (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Lan Xue Guang Zeng

This book is a third-party evaluation of H1N1 prevention and control effects in China. Based on the characteristic of H1N1 pandemic around the world and current public health management system in China, this book evaluates the comprehensive effects by considering the countermeasures, joint prevent and control mechanism operated by central and local government, the cost and benefit effects and also the social influence during the whole process. Using the methods of interview and questionnaire, it investigates the central and local government, disease control and prevention center, hospital, community, school and enterprise in Beijing, Fujian, Henan, Guangdong and Sichuan provinces, and also presents the response from the public, patient and close contacts to evaluate the overall effects from different stakeholders. Assessment findings and policy suggestions are included in the book on the way to improve the efficiency of public health emergency system in China. This book provides a good reference to researchers and officials in public management, crisis management and public health studies.

Social & Public Policy of Alzheimer's Disease in the United States

by Robert H. Blank

This book focuses on the public policy and political dimensions of Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias (AD/D) in the United States, with coverage of the global dimensions and relevant examples from other countries. Starting off with a discussion on the characteristics of AD/D and competing theories of their causes, their human and financial costs, and the increasing burden they place on all societies as populations age, the book examines in detail the range of policy issues they raise. These include funding policies, payment policy and regulatory functions, long-term services and support (LTCS), public health and prevention policies.The book analyses the big business surrounding AD/D and shows that the strong public fear of developing dementia heightens the likelihood of exploitation of vulnerable people looking for a technological fix. It examines both informal and formal caregivers and the heavy burden placed on families, primarily women, and recent policy attempts to strengthen LTCS. It also examines the latest evidence of potential risk-reduction and prevention strategies and the difficult issues surrounding advance directives, assisted suicide, and definitions of death that increasingly face policy makers. It concludes by analyzing the policy implications on possible technological scenarios.

Currency Internationalization and Macro Financial Risk Control

by International Monetary Institute

This book collects expert opinions, research, and risk assessments from within the Chinese financial policy establishment on prospects for the internationalization of the renminbi as a reserve currency around the world. As China's economy diversifies in the acquisition of global assets, the renminbi may partially displace the dollar or yen as a reserve currency, with unpredictable and profound potential consequences. This book, presenting for the first time in English, the Chinese perspective on the internationalization of the Chinese currency will be of great value to central bankers, financiers, and students of international finance.

Whither Capitalism?: Internalizing the Market and Free Investment

by Makoto Nishibe

This book is the first to clarify the essential meaning and serious impact of globalization at the most abstract level from the point of view of Polanyi's three socioeconomic principles of exchange, reciprocity and redistribution. It also provides a theoretically coherent explanation of the evolution of the market and capitalist economies with respect to the advancement of commodification through Marx's internalization of the market into the community and state.Globalization is the long-term tendency of the market to extensively expand and deepen, and of the community and state to contract and become shallower. The ultimate goal of globalization is free investment capitalism for all people – not only capitalists and speculators, but workers, students, and housewives as well.The book also examines Hayek's criticism of a centrally planned economy and Lange's proposal of market socialism in the “Socialist Calculation” debate, which has been ongoing since the 1920s, and acknowledges Hayek's vision of a distributed market with local and tacit knowledge to explain why socialism is infeasible and capitalism is robust.The outcomes of globalization are disastrous in socioeconomic, cultural and ecological realms. As such, it argues that in the twenty-first century, a post-capitalist, cooperative market economy mediated by new forms of money as communication media must be achieved. These new media will include community currencies and local exchange trading systems (LETS) that can maintain the merits of money and the market and can overcome the defects of free investment capitalism.Lastly, this English version of the book includes a postscript explaining the significance and prospects of the socioeconomic changes around the globe since the publication of Japanese version in 2011.

Dense and Green Building Typologies: Research, Policy and Practice Perspectives (SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology)

by Thomas Schröpfer Sacha Menz

In this book, academics, policy makers, developers, architects and landscape architects provide a systematic review of the environmental, social, economic and design benefits of dense and green building types in high-density urban contexts and discuss how these can support higher population densities, higher standards of environmental sustainability and enhanced live ability in future cities.

Greening China’s Urban Governance: Tackling Environmental and Sustainability Challenges (ARI - Springer Asia Series #7)

by Jørgen Delman Yuan Ren Outi Luova Mattias Burell Oscar Almén

This volume examines how urban stakeholders in China – particularly city governments and social actors – tackle China’s urban environmental crisis. The volume’s case studies speak to important interdisciplinary themes such as new tools and instruments of urban green governance, climate change and urban carbon consumption, green justice, digital governance, public participation, social media, social movements, and popular protest. It lays out a unique theoretical framework for examining and discussing urban green governance. The case studies are based on extensive fieldwork that examines governance failures, challenges, and innovations from across China, including the largest cities. They show that numerous policies, experiments, and reforms have been put in place in China – mostly on a pragmatic basis, but also as a result of both strategic policy design, civil participation, and protest. The book highlights how China’s urban governments bring together diverse programmatic building blocks and instruments, from China and elsewhere. Written by experts and researchers from different disciplines at leading universities in China and the Nordic countries in Europe, this volume will be of interest to researchers and students who are interested in Chinese politics, especially urban politics, governance issues, and social movements. Both students and teachers will find the theoretical perspectives and case studies useful in their coursework.The unique green governance perspective makes this a work that is empirically and theoretically interesting for those working with urban political and environmental studies and urbanization worldwide.

Incarcerated Youth Transitioning Back to the Community: International Perspectives

by Sue C. O’Neill

This book offers a broad overview of transition practices for incarcerated youth, shaped by local culture, politics, ideologies, and philosophies. It highlights the similarities and differences in international approaches, as well as promising practices. The book is divided into two sections: Section One presents a synthesis of the current research on essential areas shown to promote successful transitions for incarcerated youth, using the Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0 as a cohesive framework, Section Two focuses on national perspectives on topical issues impacting local transition practices and/or policy. It provides information pertaining to the respective countries and a summary of key facets of their juvenile justice system, including successful or promising approaches and programs used in transition. This book benefits academics and researchers from a broad range of fields, policy makers and leadership teams from various agencies, associations, and government departments with an interest in juvenile and youth justice, social work, and special education courses on transition planning.

The Chinese Health System in Transition (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Lijie Fang

This book provides an overview of the ongoing transition in China’s health system, especially focusing on the new healthcare reform initiated in 2009. First, it reviews the changes in China’s healthcare system from the 1950s to 2008, establishing the situation when the reform was introduced. The book subsequently analyzes the social and economic context in which the health system is embedded. Since the primary focus is on the new healthcare reform, the book introduces the blueprint and the year-for-year development of the new healthcare reform, as well as the specific reforms in health financing, public hospitals, and primary care. Given its central importance in the health system, the book also described major trends in long-term care in the past several years. In addition, it examines the health policy-making process with a case study of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme of China. Lastly, the book assesses the performance of China’s health system and predicts future developmental trends.

The Practices of School Middle Leadership: Leading Professional Learning

by Peter Grootenboer

This book uses practice theory to examine the role of ‘middle-leadership’. In particular, it investigates the practices of ‘leading in the middle’ in the cultural-discursive, material-economic, and social-political domains – i.e., the sayings, doings and relatings of middle leading. This perspective acknowledges the ecological arrangement of leading practices in schools, and the necessity of considering the unavoidable reality of the site. The analysis is used to promote the need to view leading in the middle as a form of praxis – a morally and ethically informed practice that requires thoughtful decision-making and action in situations where the outcomes are not always clear. This book focuses on the practice of leading for those in ‘middle management’ positions in primary and secondary schools, such as those responsible for curriculum leadership, including senior teachers, assistant principals, and curriculum leaders. In their positions that bridge ‘management’ and ‘the classroom’ they are significant leaders in promoting and sustaining effective pedagogy for good learning outcomes, and they have to continue to provide high-quality teaching in their own classrooms, while simultaneously being a mentor, coach, supporter and evaluator for their colleagues.

New Money in Rural Areas: Land Investment in Europe and Its Place Impacts

by Nick Gallent Iqbal Hamiduddin Meri Juntti Nicola Livingstone Phoebe Stirling

This book examines the flow of investment into rural land assets in Europe, particularly farmland, woodland and wineries, but extending also to leisure uses such as golf courses and theme parks. It explores the characteristics of investors in rural land and their motivations before undertaking an analysis of the place impacts of investment, viewing ‘new money’ as a potential development opportunity, delivering a variety of outcomes for local landscapes and communities. After providing introductory insights into rural land investment and the measurement of associated impacts, ten case studies – from different European locations – explore actual investment motives and local impacts. The book concludes with a synthesis of investment experiences and an assessment of the transformative changes brought to rural areas by the flow of new money.

Devising a Clean Energy Strategy for Asian Cities

by Hooman Farzaneh

This book capitalizes on two hot topics: the Low Carbon Emission Development Strategies and climate change in Asian cities. There is resurgence in making policies to investigate more aspects of the energy-environment spectrum for the global energy market in the future. This book helps the policy makers and researchers to understand which actions should be taken to reduce the environmental impacts of economic activities in different regions in Asia. The clean energy strategy proposed in this book refers to the development and implementation of policies and strategies that simultaneously contribute to addressing climate change and solving local environmental problems, which also have other development impacts. It provides insights to a wide audience on successful ways to promote, design and implement the clean energy policies in Asian cities. To determine the global actions, it is necessary to make breakthroughs by promoting further research and to present scenarios that achieve Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) goals without dependence upon fossil fuels. The scenarios and case studies discussed in this book are helpful to plan for the SDGs, where various objectives have to be achieved at the same time. The UN 2030 development agenda needs innovative planning to achieve multiple goals with limited resources and generate synergy among sectors. This book will be one of the first books available on this subject.

India's Saudi Policy: Bridge to the Future

by P. R. Kumaraswamy Md. Muddassir Quamar

The book traces India’s Saudi Policy and locates the current state of bilateral relations and the challenges it faces. It argues that during the Cold War the relations were largely shaped by the Pakistan factor which in turn inhibited both sides from exploring the importance and value of one another. As a result, the relations were largely transactional and marginal. The end of the Cold War coincided with two interesting developments, namely, significant growth in India’s economic power and influence and the de-hyphenation of Pakistan from its Middle East policy. This resulted in greater political engagements between India and Saudi Arabia and was strengthened by the growing energy trade ties. For long expatiate population and haj have been the backbone of the relations, and they have been new instruments as India looks to enhance its engagements with the Kingdom through investments opportunities, political contacts, shared security concerns and strategic cooperation. India’s Saudi policy, however, face many challenges most importantly the regional instability, the Iran factor, low oil price and the international dynamics. The book will be the first comprehensive work on the India-Saudi relations. Though targeting a wider audience, it will be academically grounded and based on primary sources collected from India and Saudi Arabia.

The Indian Metamorphosis: Essays on Its Enlightenment, Education, and Society

by Arup Maharatna

This book examines various ideational, attitudinal and intellectual impasses that are becoming glaringly apparent on several fronts, and which have held back India’s balanced, steady and uniform development and transformation post-independence. It argues that all of these ideational and attitudinal aberrations stem from one basic fact, namely that India, throughout the entire period since the onset of modern industrial secular civilization at the global level, has somehow managed to evade the core ideas and values of the western Enlightenment movement, leaving unfinished the crucial task of modernizing and secularizing the mindsets and outlooks of its people on a mass scale – a task that has historically and globally been the backbone of sustained modern material development with socio-political stability. Further, it suggests that this enormous failure is crucially linked to key shortcomings in Indian mainstream thinking, and the imaginations and visions in general, and as such is also linked with confused educational ideas and content – particularly at the elementary level – since the country gained independence. The book maintains that Indian curricula and educational content at the school level has been consciously designed to guard against the core values and ideas of the Enlightenment, which could have made the typical Indian mind more rational, reasonable, mature and secular, resulting in much lower degrees of unreason, raw sentiments and emotions than have been hitherto entrenched in it. The book further sketches the genesis and impact of the currently dominant neoliberal ideas and thinking that have invaded the entire educational universe and its philosophy around the world. Lastly, it examines and assesses the latter’s far-reaching ramifications for current Indian educational philosophy, pedagogy and practices, and proposes concrete remedial directions for public policy and action.

Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415–1668 (Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History)

by Bartolomé Yun-Casalilla

This open access book analyses Iberian expansion by using knowledge accumulated in recent years to test some of the most important theories regarding Europe’s economic development. Adopting a comparative perspective, it considers the impact of early globalization on Iberian and Western European institutions, social development and political economies. In spite of globalization’s minor importance from the commercial perspective before 1750, this book finds its impact decisive for institutional development, political economies, and processes of state-building in Iberia and Europe. The book engages current historiographies and revindicates the need to take the concept of composite monarchies as a point of departure in order to understand the period’s economic and social developments, analysing the institutions and societies resulting from contact with Iberian peoples in America and Asia. The outcome is a study that nuances and contests an excessively-negative yet prevalent image of the Iberian societies, explores the difficult relationship between empires and globalization and opens paths for comparisons to other imperial formations.

Educational Governance in China

by Hao Ni Ming Yang

This book presents a comprehensive and cutting-edge overview of the educational governance reform trajectory and the latest issues in China, addressing several important topics such as administration, internal management, provision, enrollment, employment, financing, examinations, evaluation and quality assurance. In addition, this important and timely book discusses the educational system at all levels, from primary and secondary schools to colleges and universities, and each chapter ends with a discussion of the status quo, problems facing China and coping strategies for further reform. The past 68 years (1949-2016) have seen a sea change in social, economic, cultural, political and educational fields. Systematically describing the educational landscape in China, the book also reveals how the massive changes in China have shaped education, and how education has responded to the new demands placed on it.Offering essential insights into educational reform in China, the book represents a valuable resource, especially for researchers and graduate students in the field of education.

Educational Policies and Legislation in China (Zhejiang University Press Ser. #2)

by Xiaozhou Xu Weihui Mei

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of educational policies and legislation in China, particularly following the introduction of Reform and Opening Up in 1978. The scope of this book: (1) provides the theoretical basis and framework of educational policies; (2) explains key educational laws and legislation; and (3) introduces readers to policies for educational internationalization, private education, lifelong learning and teacher education. The book is intended for researchers, teachers and graduate students in the field of comparative education, educational policy and legislation, educational management. Readers will find essential information on the most important educational laws and legislation, as well as the recent characteristics of and trends in educational policies in China.

Urban Planning and Development in China and Other East Asian Countries

by Guanzeng Zhang Lan Wang

This book examines urban development and its role in planning in China and other Asian cities. Starting with a substantial narrative on the history, development philosophy, and urban form of ancient Asian cities, it then identifies the characteristics of urban society and different phases of development history. It then discusses urbanization patterns in China with a focus on spatial layout of the city clusters in the Yangtze River Delta since the 20th Century. Lastly, it explores institutional design and the legal system of urban planning in China and other Asian cities. As a textbook for the “Model Course in English” for international students listed by the Ministry of Education in China, it helps international researchers and students to understand urban development and planning in Asian cities.

Understanding China's Overcapacity

by Dianqing Xu Ying Liu

This book analyzes of the surplus of production capacity in China. According to a government statement, there is a serious surplus of productive capacity in the steel, cement, glass, aluminum, and shipbuilding industries. There was no surplus of productive capacity in above industries between 2002 and 2012, and the current surplus is due to poor government policies on real estate prices after 2012. The book argues that if the Chinese government invested more in social welfare housing over the next few years the surplus of productive capacity would very soon disappear.

Housing Reform and China’s Real Estate Industry: Review and Forecast (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Pengfei Ni Linhua Zou Guangchun Gao Xuemei Jiang

This book provides an in-depth analysis of China’s housing system and real-estate industry .The author weaves together the different elements of the real estate industry into a logically coherent whole, in which the relationship between the real-estate industry and the macroeconomy sets the background, the housing market forms the core, real estate finance makes up a necessary condition, public policy provides the guarantee and the housing system the foundation.The book constructs an analytical framework for the development of China’s housing system that considers a comprehensive range of factors, highlights the most important issues, and is soundly structured, logical and clear. By applying this framework, the authors present an overview of the past, present and future of China’s housing industry.

The Transition from Graduation to Work: Challenges and Strategies in the 21st Century Asia Pacific and Beyond (Work, Organization, and Employment)

by John Burgess Alan Nankervis Verma Prikshat Subas Dhakal

This book reports on the findings from a research study of vocational and higher education graduates’ employability challenges. The nature and extent of these challenges, their underlying causes, and effective strategies to address the problems in this area are all analysed from a multiple-stakeholder paradigm. The primary focus of the book is on governments; secondary, vocational, and higher education systems; and industry employers - rather than graduates themselves - in order to highlight the policy and strategy implications for governments, industry and educational systems. Readers will acquire comprehensive information on the nature and extent of graduate employability in terms of country-specific challenges, together with a deeper understanding of their complex causes, and the inter-relatedness between governments, educational systems, industry sectors, and potential employers. They will also be provided with a broad range of stakeholder strategies designed to effectively address these challenges within integrated national and regional approaches.

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