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Qatar: Selected Issues (Imf Staff Country Reports #Country Report No. 14/109)

by International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Kyrgyz Republic: Selected Issues (Imf Staff Country Reports #No. 13/176)

by International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Algeria: Selected Issues Paper (Imf Staff Country Reports #Country Report No. 14/342)

by International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Peru: Selected Issues (Imf Staff Country Reports #Country Report No. 14/22)

by International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Bulgaria: Selected Issues Paper (Imf Staff Country Reports #No. 14/24)

by International Monetary Fund. European Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Federal Rules Of Evidence (2022 Edition): With Advisory Committee Notes

by H. S. E. HSE Publishing Co.

This 2022 edition contains both the Federal Rules of Evidence and the Advisory Committee Notes with amendments effective December 1, 2020. No amendments were enacted in 2021. The Advisory Committee Notes are extremely useful in understanding and interpreting the Rules. In addition, this book provides an overview of Rule 502, governing waiver of privilege, with non-waiver templates.

Maritime Supremacy and the Opening of the Western Mind: Naval campaigns that Shaped the Modern World

by Peter Padfield

In the great wars of modern history, maritime powers have always prevailed over land-based empires, whether Habsburg, Napoleonic, Nazi or Soviet. In contrast to the rigid hierarchies and centralisation of land-based empires, those nations attaining mastery at sea have been distinguished by liberty, flexibility and enterprise. The seventeenth-century Dutch were the first to achieve naval and trading dominance and, exploring the effects on daily life, industry, art and thought, finance and power politics, Peter Padfield reveals the Dutch in their golden age as the heralds of modern Western society. The British took over the Dutch system of naval, trading and world supremacy in the eighteenth century and were, in their turn, displaced by the United States in the twentieth. This book carries the story from the defeat of the Armada in 1588 to the American Revolutionary War and Rodney's victory. Maritime Supremacy and the Opening of the Western Mind charts the growth of linked strengths – sea-fighting, trading, financial and constitutional – which made empires so formidable, and reveals how supremacy at sea freed thought and society itself.

Just Policing

by Edward F Cronin

Just Policing by Edward F Cronin (Author)

Structured Discovery Cane Travel Approach to Orientation and Mobility Concepts

by Merry-Noel Chamberlain

Structured Discovery Cane Travel Approach to Orientation and Mobility Concepts is a collection of skill-building fundamental techniques essential to develop mobility independence for students who are blind or visually impaired. This book dives into transformational mobility concepts followed by a trove of tried-and-true necessary and efficient activities to enhance students’ abilities to improve problem-solving skills within natural environments while using a long white cane with a metal tip as the primary mobility tool. Since Structured Discovery Cane Travel is individualized, this activity-based collection may be used to enhance introduction to and/or assistance with on-going education of comprehending complicated concrete and abstract Orientation and Mobility concepts to help achieve independent mobility. Structured Discovery Cane Travel Approach to Orientation and Mobility Concepts focuses on encouraging students to develop intrinsic knowledge and abilities through this plethora of activity-based transformational approaches to target individual objectives. These activities logically transpire through direct exposure and/or teachable moments to hand-on experiences to help students create mental mapping skills of their surroundings which can then be utilized in novel or unfamiliar environments. Used in conjunction with The ABCs of Structured Discovery Cane Travel for Children, by Merry-Noel Chamberlain, parents and instructors of children who are blind or visually impaired will be able to comprehend and instruct O&M essentials using this vault of O&M activities.

Constitutional Law, Cases and Materials, 16th, 2023 Supplement (University Casebook Ser.)

by Jonathan D. Varat Vikram D. Amar Evan H. Caminker

This supplement brings the principal text current with recent developments in the law.

My Brother's Keeper: Netanyahu, Obama, & the Year of Terror & Conflict that Changed the Middle East Forever

by Ari Harow

&“A useful aid to understanding today&’s headlines as well as Israel&’s recent past.&” –Kirkus Review My Brother&’s Keeper tells the behind-the-scenes story of how the American President and the Israeli Prime Minister clashed about peace, war, and the future of the region.Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu viewed the world—and especially the Middle East—differently. The US president wanted to end what he saw as America&’s perpetual war against the Muslim and Arab worlds, use diplomacy to bring about a Palestinian state coexisting peacefully with Israel, and apply his signature foreign policy vision to reward the Islamic Republic of Iran in exchange for the scaling back of their nuclear pursuits. The Israeli premier wanted his country to thrive without the senseless bloodshed of terror and violence, and he was determined to protect the Jewish state from threats of annihilation by a member of the axis of evil that would one day be armed with nuclear weapons. Netanyahu wanted peace for peace, as well as the acceptance of Israel as a full-fledged part of the Middle East. In 2014, during a pivotal summer of terrorist violence, a war in Gaza, and the advancement of a nuclear deal with Iran, the two men clashed, threatening the US-Israeli strategic alliance and the future of the region. The Middle East would never be the same.

True Blue: My Journey from Beat Cop to Suspended FBI Whistleblower

by Stephen Friend

A suspended special agent explains his decision to turn whistleblower and expose FBI politicization and abuse against conservative America.Stephen Friend had his dream job as an FBI special agent. After nearly a decade of combating violent crime, human trafficking, and child predators, he was reassigned to the FBI&’s unprecedented investigation of the political unrest at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Friend soon uncovered efforts by the FBI and Department of Justice to manipulate statistics and exaggerate the nationwide threat of domestic terrorism. Friend spotlighted how the politicized FBI was cooking the books to support an ongoing narrative from the Joe Biden administration to label Donald Trump voters as violent extremists. Friend witnessed overzealous practices to harass conservative Americans and realized the FBI was turning its investigative processes into a punishment. When the married father of two made his bombshell allegations in a whistleblower disclosure, leaders within the FBI exposed themselves as partisan, ambitious players who insisted that January 6th protestors killed police officers and attempted to seize American democracy. Hell-bent on suppressing Friend from exposing the truth, FBI officials seized his gun and badge and suspended him from working as a special agent. In this memoir, Friend reflects on the lessons and life experiences that led him to ultimately risk his career to uphold his FBI special agent oath to protect and defend the United States Constitution against all enemies—both foreign and domestic.

You Shall Be as Gods: Pagans, Progressives, and the Rise of the Woke Gnostic Left

by Erick Erickson

Our country doesn&’t have a partisan problem, a political problem, a social problem, or an economic problem. We have a spiritual problem.What in the world is happening? To many Americans, it feels as if reality itself has been turned upside down. Speaking truth, or even suggesting such a thing exists, is labeled as oppression and cause for social banning. Judeo-Christian values once taken for granted are not only routinely ignored, but openly attacked. Why is America being fundamentally transformed before our eyes?As Christianity has been pushed aside, the Progressive Left has developed a new pagan religion complete with all the trappings: creeds, confessionals, sacraments and mantras, liturgies, shunnings, sacred books, redemptive rituals, and priests and priestesses. But the radical roots of the new secular religion are ancient. We&’ve seen it all before. In You Shall Be as Gods, Erick Erickson traces the religion&’s roots from Paganism and Gnosticism through the Age of Enlightenment all the way into the Postmodernism of the 21st century. At the heart of the ancient religion is a self-centered culture.The Christian church today has been weakened by compromising with the neo-pagan religion, leaving the faithful confused and ill-prepared to counter the claims of society&’s present-day doctrine. Yet there remains a significant remnant, perhaps even a silent majority, in America that refuses to bow to the rising belief system.Just as in Rome and countless societies throughout history, the religions present two opposing stories of reality which necessitates conflict. In an era where the &“Christian thing&” to do seems to be to go along and get along, Erickson makes clear that the two cultures cannot peacefully coexist and calls the reader to speak the truth in love.

Guns, Girls, and Greed: I Was a Blackwater Mercenary in Iraq

by Morgan Lerette

Guns, Girls, and Greed is an unvarnished, behind-the-scenes, tell-all account of the scathing and dangerous life of mercenaries at war in Iraq.Experience the world of private contractors conducting high-threat missions for a nascent Iraqi government in the hopes of rebuilding after the fall of Saddam Hussein. With limited support, the men of Blackwater protected US diplomats as the country descended into sectarian violence. It was a hazardous mission complete with rockets, mortars, improvised explosive devices, and not knowing who or where the enemy was. Morgan Lerette&’s irreverently honest memoir shows the good and bad of injecting private armies into active combat zones in the name of diplomacy and digs deep into the bonds of brotherhood created by war. With gut-wrenching tragedy, dark humor, and parties that make Animal House seem like a Disney film, this memoir offers a firsthand perspective on how men act and react in war. Lerette, a private contractor employed by the notorious Blackwater in the early days of the Iraq War, pulls no punches in calling out the incompetence of both the US military and the Department of State during the collapse of Iraq. You can decide if the insertion of private contractors in Iraq assisted or detracted from the war effort and if the costs in blood and treasure were worth the carnage.

Standing His Ground: The Inside Story of Ron Desantis's Rise and Battle for Freedom

by Richard Corcoran

Contrary to what the mainstream media has claimed, Florida under Ron DeSantis has become the home for freedom and individual liberty.At the onset of the pandemic, political leaders throughout the country were forced to quickly make significant decisions about how they would govern under extraordinary circumstances. A number of these decisions simply required instinct—they just had to come from the gut. There was little, if any, precedent to examine, and hardly any time for the usual gambits to test potential solutions. One person became a household name and a national hero for having made what proved to be the best decisions over and over: Ron DeSantis, the 46th governor of Florida. However, not surprisingly, his success also begot wrath. A patriot to millions of everyday Americans is often a &“tyrant&” to progressive elites. Other than perhaps former President Donald Trump, DeSantis was and remains the most vilified elected official in media, politics, entertainment, academia, and now the corporate world. Conservatives know full well this means he hit the bullseye. Now that more than two years have passed, the American people are able to clearly see whose decisions struck the proper balance between liberty and safety. There&’s no denying that DeSantis&’s influence soared as the world watched him successfully steer his state step by step through one of the greatest periods of turmoil and uncertainty in modern history. While many other states floundered, Florida didn&’t just survive—it flourished.

American Doom Loop: Dispatches from a Troubled Nation, 1980s–2020s

by Dale Maharidge

Much of the contemporary crazy can be traced to the 1980s—America of the 2020s is living with the cultural shapeshifting rooted in that decade.Americans lived in a different reality in 1980: Vermont was the only state that let residents carry a concealed firearm without a permit. Twenty-four states now allow this—and numerous other gun laws have fallen by the wayside. When police were accused of wrongdoing, the default answer from society&’s arbiters—courts, politicians, newspaper editors—was: &“The police wouldn&’t lie.&” Editors steered clear of stories about rape and sexual violence. The word &“homeless&” wasn&’t in common use. The fabric of the middle class had not yet begun fraying. America of the 2020s is living with cultural shapeshifting rooted in the 1980s. History, of course, is not a snapshot—it&’s a film. To understand the United States today, we have to know the 1980s. American Doom Loop chronicles the first part of that moving picture, then brings the story forward. As a newspaper journalist, Dale Maharidge had a front-row seat to this decade, immersed in disparate worlds. He was in the Philippines during the last days of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos, witnessing the US lose a critical piece of its empire dating to the Spanish–American War; he traveled to Central America where the East-West conflict was playing out by proxy; he smuggled a Salvadoran family marked by death squads, driving them through trackless desert to the US border; he embedded with a group that was a precursor to the Oath Keepers; and he investigated police, who kept trying to get him fired. Through it all, Maharidge gained an invaluable view of a complicated decade that offers insight into our society today.

Taxocracy: What You Don't Know About Taxes and How They Rule Your Daily Life

by Scott Hodge

Taxocracy: What You Don&’t Know About Taxes and How They Rule Your Daily Life won&’t help you lower your tax bill, but it will help you understand how politicians use taxes to influence our lives, how taxes harm the economy, and why we need a simpler tax system.Did you ever wonder why the costs of health care, housing, and college tuition keep going up? Or how your neighbor could afford that fancy electric car? Or why there are so many hard seltzers on the market? Your first guess might not be &“taxes,&” but they play a big role. We live in a world ruled by taxes—a taxocracy. History is full of misguided tax policies that led to &“see-through&” buildings, tax-free attics, three-wheeled cars, women in children&’s clothing, and baked chips to go along with our hard seltzer. Written by former Tax Foundation CEO Scott Hodge, Taxocracy: What You Don&’t Know About Taxes and How They Rule Your Daily Life uses amusing lessons from past tax policies gone wrong to explore how the US tax code caused serious consequences, affecting how we get our health insurance, the price of a college education, what car we buy, where we bank, and, in some cases, even when we die. Taxocracy outlines economic principles for designing a tax code that doesn&’t rule our daily lives—a tax code that promotes economic growth, free-enterprise, and takes the politics out of tax policy.

Obvious in Hindsight

by Bradley Tusk

A tech start-up and their cutthroat consultants will stop at nothing to realize their dream of filling the skies of America&’s cities with flying cars…and their opposition is equally determined to bring that dream crashing down.Dozens of start-up tech companies are forming each week, innovating at a breakneck pace and forcing change overnight, ready or not. In the blisteringly funny Obvious in Hindsight, the new technology in question is flying cars, and they&’re coming to a crowded urban area near you. But before that happens, the slick and powerful political consultants campaigning to get the new tech adopted will have to manipulate political operatives to their advantage while overcoming fierce opposition from groups hostile to the idea, from the strategically aligned taxi cab and rideshare companies to the squawking, costumed Audubon Society, the socialists, and the Russian mob. This story takes readers on a richly imagined, page-turning journey through multiple cities populated by opposing special interest groups, hucksters, and corrupt power brokers. A riveting and ultimately insightful satire that provides an insider&’s view of how capitalism, politics, and entrepreneurship intersect, Obvious in Hindsight is a timely novel destined to become one of the most entertaining cautionary tales of the millennium.

The Emerging Populist Majority

by Troy M. Olson Gavin M. Wax

The Emerging Populist Majority analyzes America&’s political future and changing coalitions through long-term and emerging trends across demography, geography, and ideology.America is on a new rendezvous with destiny…at least that&’s what co-authors Troy M. Olson and Gavin M. Wax explore in The Emerging Populist Majority. With confounding consensus narratives in our media and culture, and building on Donald Trump&’s historical upset in the 2016 presidential election, Olson and Wax make the case that the populist revolt remaking American politics is merely at the midfield point. Furthermore, they argue that this revolt is poised to continue long-term, and more recent trends predict that populism will become the major political movement in America for the remainder of the twenty-first century. Building on the late 1960s tradition when Kevin P. Phillips accurately predicted the next generation of Republican dominance at the presidential level, and considering the forecasted coalition of the ascendent that found its way through the electoral process in the 2006 midterm wave and election of Barack Obama in 2008, The Emerging Populist Majority exists both in that tradition and sets itself apart. Casting doubt and scrutiny on realignments and the traditionally agreed-upon narrative about them, this book is an exploration of the elite corridors of American society. Leaving no stone unturned, this analytical dive into the past, present, and future of America&’s changing electorate and emerging coalitional makeup running through its two major parties has something for the politically obsessed across the divide, at home, and abroad.

Climbing the Rough Side of the Mountain: The Extraordinary Story of Love, Civil Rights, and Labor Activism

by Norman Hill

The remarkable story of a couple who came together during the civil rights movement and made fighting for equality and civil and workers&’ rights their purpose for more than sixty years, overcoming adversity—with the strength of their love and commitment—to bring about meaningful change. &“A chronicle of lives of unwavering dedication. Now in their 80s, labor and civil rights activists Norman and Velma Hill recount more than six decades of struggles, triumphs, and frustrations in their tireless work as &‘crusaders for democracy.&’... An inspiring joint memoir.&” —Kirkus ReviewsWhen Velma Murphy was knocked unconscious by a brick thrown by a man from an angry white mob and was carried away by Norman Hill, it was the beginning of a six-decade-long love story and the turmoil, excitement, and struggle for civil rights and labor movements. In Climbing the Rough Side of the Mountain, the Hills reflect upon their more than half a century of fighting to make America realize the best of itself.Through profound conversations between the two, Velma and Norman Hill share their earliest memories of facing racial segregation in the 1960s, working with Martin Luther King Jr., Bayard Rustin, and A. Philip Randolph, crossing paths with Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael. They also reveal how they kept white supremacists like David Duke from taking office, organized workers into unions, met with Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and continued to work tirelessly, fighting the good fight and successfully challenging power with truth.

The Search for Reagan: The Appealing Intellectual Conservatism of Ronald Reagan

by Craig Shirley

Never before has anyone explored the mind, soul, and heart of Ronald Reagan. The Search for Reagan explores the challenges and controversies in Reagan&’s life and how he successfully dealt with each, depicting a man who was never as conservative as some conservatives wanted him to be, but rather as conservative as he was comfortable being—a man who wanted to win on his own terms and integrity.Ronald Reagan was a singularly unique man and conservative who championed a wildly successful revolution—leading to more freedom and less government for the American people and to the fall of communism, while boosting American morale, which had been his three big goals. He was the first president in many years who believed optimism from the Oval Office had a direct bearing on the affairs of the nation. As a consequence, he left office more popular than when he entered with a whopping 73 percent approval. He is beloved even today as his presidential library is visited far more than any other presidential library, by more than five million people each year. He understood that American conservatism was based upon the individual and not the group. He is still regarded as one of the most admired men in America. The range of Reagan scholarship by virtue of books sold about him continues to grow. In his presidency, he solved the mystery of high inflation that had bedeviled his predecessor, high interest rates, and high gas prices. He created over twenty million new jobs, and the number of American millionares grew from 4,414 to 34,944. He quite literally changed our world for the better and is considered by most historians to be one of our four greatest presidents, along with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt.

The Bomb Doctor: A Scientist's Story of Bombers, Beakers, and Bloodhounds

by Kirk Yeager Selene Yeager

A rare peek behind the curtain into boots-on-the-ground, in-the-lab scientific bomb forensics—told with humanity, heart, and even a bit of humor.This is not CSI. What you encounter as a true bomb detective—or &“Bomb Doctor,&” as some in the FBI call me—are fields of twisted metal containing soot-covered fragments intermingled with human remains. You have carnage and chaos. As you wade into that sea of wailing sirens and screaming survivors awash with the stench of diesel fuel and decaying bodies, your job is to ferret out forensic clues in a type of macabre scavenger hunt to ultimately reconstruct the scene and the explosive device and determine what happened and what the bomb looked like before it was torn asunder. None of this happens overnight. Nor does it happen in a timeframe that can be neatly packaged in an hour-long made-for-TV drama. The scavenger hunt can take months—or, in the case of the infamous Collar Bomber, seven painstaking years. The work is worth every second and every horrific image that etches itself into your brain because it helps prevent new horrors. Not all, obviously. We are not superheroes. But unlike shooters, who often just &“snap&” or seem to act out in random ways, bombers almost always have a story—one that follows an arc. In The Bomb Doctor, my goal is to explain that arc, explode myths, reconstruct reality, and build an understanding of the reason and means behind the mayhem, as well as pull back the curtain on the investigative process that brings bombers to justice.

Swing Hard in Case You Hit It: My Escape from Addiction and Shot at Redemption on the Trump Campaign

by Tim Murtaugh

From waking up in jail to flying on Air Force One less than four years later, this is the story of Tim Murtaugh&’s journey from desperate alcoholism to the top of the political world on the 2020 Trump campaign.When he woke up in jail in Fairfax County, Virginia, in 2015, Tim Murtaugh had no way of knowing he&’d be a senior leader on the reelection campaign for the president of the United States less than four years later.What began as a form of high-school amusement quickly became an addiction, which over decades would lead Murtaugh to the edge of ruin. Able to beat the disease of alcoholism only under the threat of losing everything, and with the support of a loving wife and family, Murtaugh managed to recover, revive his career, and make it to the top of the political world.Travel along on the 2020 Trump campaign as Murtaugh shares stories—never published before—from his two years as communications director, navigating a hostile media, the COVID-19 pandemic, highly anticipated debates, Election Day 2020, January 6, and life on the most-watched political campaign in world history.Swing Hard in Case You Hit It is a redemption story unlike any other—from being on the verge of complete self-destruction to flying on Air Force One with President Donald J. Trump—that doesn&’t come with a happy Hollywood ending

A Savage Republic: Inside the Plot to Destroy America

by Michael Savage

From New York Times Bestselling Author and Host of the Michael Savage Podcast A Warning to All Freedom-Loving AmericansMichael Savage predicted the chaos that is Biden&’s legacy. Now he tells us whether the destruction can be stopped! The prophetic author of bestsellers including Stop Mass Hysteria, A Savage Life, and Our Fight for America, Dr. Michael Savage is back with his most urgent and important work. Listeners of Dr. Savage&’s top-rated podcast, The Michael Savage Show podcast, know him to be an articulate and engaged spokesman for traditional American values of borders, language, and culture. Now, after just a few short years of the Biden Gang, Dr. Savage lays out an irrefutable case for how our nation has been undermined by adversaries from without, by anarchists from within, by an incompetent president and politicians with contempt for the Constitution and the law, and by a complicit liberal media. With words and topics that are as insightful as they are timely, he makes an ironclad case for the dangers we face from the Biden administration and the progressive movement. He also explains what the conservative movement must do to regain control of our government, our country, and our national soul. Your rights are under attack from the Biden administration, the Democrats, and the radical left-wing socialists who are infiltrating every aspect of American life. Michael Savage covers all the dangerous hot-topics currently engulfing United States politics and threatening the American way of life: · cancel culture, · out-of-control immigration, · business-destroying lockdowns, · crime gone crazy, · silencing of free speech, · threats to freedom of religion, · and much, much more. A Savage Republic: Inside the Plot to Destroy America will lay out the threats we face, prepare you for what&’s next, and offer solutions to save our republic. Wake up and fight back before it is too late!

Policy Framing Issues in the World of COVID-19

by Beryl A. Radin

This book is a somewhat unusual depiction of a difficult policy issue. It transcends almost all boundaries because of its constant change and its movement across many different participants.It was found attached to a range of policy topics, methodologies and approaches. Some of these were familiar while others seemed new. Interest in this topic was exhibited across the globe and did not appear to be delivered along with a narrow political agenda.While researchers tended to re-examine classic public policy literatures (such as those dealing with implementation, federalism and budgeting) they did so by raising unusual issues. But this was not typical since analysts are likely to emphasize similarities rather than differences in settings.

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