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The 80/80 Marriage: A New Model for a Happier, Stronger Relationship

by Nate Klemp Kaley Klemp

An accessible, transformative guide for couples seeking greater love, connection, and intimacy in our modern worldNate and Kaley Klemp were both successful in their careers, consulting for high-powered companies around the world. Their work as mindfulness and leadership experts, however, often fell to the wayside when they came home in the evening, only to end up fighting about fairness in their marriage. They believed in a model where each partner contributed equally and fairness ruled, but, in reality, they were finding that balance near impossible to achieve. From this frustration, they developed the idea of the 80/80 marriage, a new model for balancing career, family, and love. The 80/80 Marriage pushes couples beyond the limited idea of "fairness" toward a new model grounded on radical generosity and shared success, one that calls for each partner to contribute 80 percent to build the strongest possible relationship. Drawing from more than one hundred interviews with couples from all walks of life, stories from business and pop culture, scientific studies, and ancient philosophical insights, husband-and-wife team Nate and Kaley Klemp pinpoint exactly what's not working in modern marriage. Their 80/80 model of marriage provides practical, powerful solutions to transform your relationship and open up space for greater love and connection.

80 Menschen – 80 Storys: Inspirierende Berufswege mit Denkanstößen und Tipps – nicht nur für junge Frauen

by Marie-Luise Kissler

​Ob Bundestagsabgeordnete, Tattoo-Künstlerin, Chocolatier oder Schornsteinfegerin – das Leben ist ein Kaleidoskop von Möglichkeiten. Dieses Buch zeigt 80 Persönlichkeiten und inspiriert junge Menschen ihren eigenen, einzigartigen Berufsweg zu verwirklichen.Die Interviews enthalten exklusive Ratschläge von 80 erfolgreichen Role Models - sie erzählen aus ihrem Leben, nennen berufliche Erfolge und Fehler beim Namen und verraten persönliche Tipps und Tricks, wie junge Frauen zwischen Selbst- und Fremdanspruch ihre eigene Berufung finden. Die 80 Interviewpartnerinnen sind: Trixie Bannert – Claudia Bechstein – Sandra Berndt – Marco Boos – Sylvia Borcherding – Katja Borghaus – Julia Börs – Julia Bösch – Andrea Bruckner – Ilka Brühl – Linda Burchhardt – Frank Buschmann – Valentina Daiber – Angela De Giacomo - Vanessa Didam – Sabine U. Dietrich – Özlem Doger-Herter – Anja Dorny – Julia Dorny – Katharina Fankidejski – Emilia Fehse – Bettina Fetzer – Nicolette Fountaris – Marie-Christin Ghanbari – Kirsten Heike Giering – Saskia Stella Gleitsmann – Laura Große – Laura Halfas – Ilka Hartmann – Caitlin Hennen – Josephine Henning – Verena Herb – Ulrike Hiller – Nicole Hölscher – Elke Holst – Bettina Hueske – Petra Justenhoven – Lise-Christine Kobla Mendama – Hatice Koca – Carmen Köhler – Anne Kozlowski – Dirk Kreuter – Toma Kubiliute – Kevin Kugel – Ricarda Lang – Meriem Lebdiri – Monika Maria Lehmann – Elisabeth Lepique – Susanne Liebermann – Chenchao Liu – Dubravka Maljevic – Thomas Mickeleit – Lan Anh Nguyen – Martina Niemann – Laura Nolte – Bettina Pauck – Susanne Pfab – Astrid Quentell – Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke – Johanna Röh – Colette Rückert-Hennen – Nicole Schilling – Sabine Schmittroth – Laura Schönberger – Gabriele Sons – Britta Steffen – Julian F. M. Stoeckel – Sarah Süß – Martyna Trajdos – Marie-Christine Trappen – Anastasia Umrik – Lisa Unruh – Katja von Doren – Linda van Rennings – Christina Virzí – Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl – Hiltrud Dorothea Werner – Alina Wichmann – Nicola Winter – Laura Zieger.

9/11 as a Collective Trauma: And Other Essays on Psychoanalysis and Society

by Hans-Juergen Wirth

Hans Juergen Wirth, a leading German psychoanalyst and editor of the journal Psychosozial, brings cultural breadth, historical perspective, and analytic astuteness to bear in considering the "collective trauma" of 9/11. His meditation, which brings into its compass the psychic structure of suicide bombers and the psycho-political causes and consequences of the Iraq war, is especially insightful in considering the psychological meaning of 9/11 for the world outside the U.S. In complementary forays into psyche and politics, Wirth explores the relationship of xenophobia and violence; the story of Jewish analysts who emigrated from Nazi Germany to the United States; the idea of man in psychoanalysis; and the family dynamics that sustain the AIDS phobia. These wonderfully illuminating essays, both cautionary and constructive, show how clinical experience with the unconscious processes of violence, traumatization, and destructiveness can be foundational to new political strategies for dealing with collective violence.

9 Highland Road

by Michael Winerip

Before Julie Callahan came to the house at 9 Highland Road in Glen Cove, New York, she had spent a good part of her young life in mental hospitals, her mental and emotional coherence nearly destroyed by a childhood of sexual abuse. Fred Grasso, a schizophrenic, had lived in a filthy single-room occupancy hotel. At 9 Highland Road they and their housemates were given a decent alternative to lives in institutions or in the streets. It was a place in which some even found the chance to get better.This perfectly observed and passionately imagined book takes us inside one of the supervised group homes that, in an age of shrinking state budgets and psychotropic drugs, have emerged as the backbone of America's mental health system. As it follows the progress and setbacks of residents, their families, and counselors and notes the embittered resistance their presence initially aroused in the neighborhood, 9 Highland Road succeeds in opening the locked world of mental illness. It does so with an empathy and insight that will change forever the way we understand and act in relation to that world.

90 Minutes in Heaven

by Don Piper Cecil Murphey

After colliding with a semi-truck, Don Piper died and went to heaven. Ninety minutes later he returned to life on earth. After years of silence, he is now sharing his life-changing story.

90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting Confidence, Resilience, and Authenticity

by Joan I. Rosenberg

How to manage your most difficult feelings and building the emotional strength you need to create the life of your dreams.Sadness, shame, helplessness, anger, embarrassment, disappointment, frustration, and vulnerability. In 30 years as a practicing psychologist, Dr. Joan Rosenberg has found that what most often blocks people from success and feeling capable in life is the inability to experience, move through, and handle these 8 unpleasant feelings. Knowing how to deal with intense, overwhelming, or uncomfortable feelings is essential to building confidence, emotional strength, and resilience. Yet when we distract or disconnect from these feelings, we move away from confidence, health, and our desired pursuits, ultimately undermining our ability to fully realize our ambitions.Neuroscientists suggest that the biological lifespan of a feeling, often known first through bodily sensations, lasts approximately 90 seconds. Dr. Rosenberg teaches readers to be aware, consciously lean into, and balance these unpleasant emotions by riding one or more 90-second waves of the bodily sensations. By staying present to these 8 feelings, we cultivate the confidence that we can handle life's challenges and the deep sense we can pursue whatever we want.Combining more than three decades of clinical experience with aspects of clinical psychology, mindfulness, and neuroscience research, 90 Seconds to a Life You Love is a strategic and practical guide on building core emotional strength, reducing anxiety, and developing the confidence you need to create a life of your design -- a life you love.

The A B C of Nerves (Psychology Revivals)

by D.F. Fraser-Harris

Originally published in 1928, the preface reads: "It is almost impossible to distinguish between what is ‘elementary’ and what is ‘advanced’ in regard to the nervous system. The constitution and functions of that system are so little matters of common knowledge that it would be safe to assume that practically nothing of its physiology is known to the ordinary reader. The selection of what is necessary to be known and likely to be comprehended by readers who have no previous knowledge of anatomy and physiology is, therefore, no easy task. It is certain that in the opinion of some authorities much has been omitted that should have been included; one can but say in self-defence that to have included more than is here considered would have exceeded the limits of a treatise whose title is the A B C." Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.

The A B C Of Psychology (International Library Of Psychology Ser.)

by Ogden, C K

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The A. D. D. Book: New Understandings, New Approaches to Parenting Your Child

by William Sears Lynda Thompson

An estimated 20 percent of boys and up to 8 percent of girls have attention deficit disorder -- a condition marked by distractibility, short attention span, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. Many physicians routinely prescribe Ritalin, an amphetamine-like drug, to modify the behavior of A.D.D. children. But as Dr. William Sears and child psychologist Lynda Thompson explain, drug therapy is not the only way to approach A.D.D. Drawing on the latest research findings and their own experiences with A.D.D. children, Sears and Thompson show that these kids actually possess certain read advantages: tenacity, energy, creativity, spontaneity, and the ability to hyperfocus. They offer a state-of William the-art self-help approach to A.D.D. that will help parents reduce or eliminate the need for Lynda drugs -- including cutting-edge neurofeedback techniques and learning strategies that empower A.D.D. children and teach them how to cope. Full of real-life case histories, this landmark guide is an indispensable resource for every parent with an A.D.D. child -- and the only book available that focuses on the positive side of A.D.D.

The A. D. D. Nutrition Solution: A Drug-Free Thirty-Day Plan

by Marcia Zimmerman

The first scientifically proven, effective, all-natural nutritional alternative to the much-prescribed drug Ritalin. Attention deficit disorder is a nutritional deficiency, not a psychological condition. This is the revolutionary discovery Marcia Zimmerman made during her ten years of research as a nutritional biochemist. That conclusion led her to develop a diet that addresses the specific needs of the 17 million adults and children suffering from ADD. Her easy-to-follow thirty-day plan has been proven just as effective as Ritalin in relieving the symptoms of ADD. Learn: - How women should boost their nutrition before conception to prevent ADD in their children. - Why boys are much likelier to be tagged as ADD than girls - How to get a reliable ADD diagnosis Reasons why parents prefer a diet plan to prescription drugs for ADD children - The effects of brain allergies on attention span - Foods to avoid that may exacerbate ADD - Fats and oils we all need to stay focused - Calming effects of carbohydrates - Concentration-enhancing protein - Why to stay away from simple sugars - The dangers of artificial food ingredients, and much more This important book will help us curb the epidemic growth of ADD in this country and change the way we treat those who have it now by addressing its source instead of merely treating its symptoms.

A.D.D. & Romance

by Jonathan Scott Halverstadt

This book examines what it is like to have ADD and be in a relationship.

A dormir!

by Eduard Estivill

El método definitivo para hacer dormir a los niños Un tercio de los niños padecen insomnio, es decir, se resisten a acostarse y se despiertan varias veces cada noche. Ello puede tener graves consecuencias. Los niños se vuelven irritables e inseguros y, a medio plazo, pueden acabar teniendo problemas para relacionarse con los demás; en los padres, el inevitable agotamiento puede perjudicar su vida conyugal. Este libro, rigurosamente científico, no sólo explica cómo enseñarles a dormir bien desde el principio, sino que revela cómo acabar definitivamente con el problema. El sencillo método del doctor Eduard Estivill, uno de los principales expertos en temas de insomnio infantil, ha funcionado en el 96 por ciento los casos en los que se ha aplicado y ha ayudado a dormir a miles de niños alrededor del mundo. Dormir bien es esencial para el desarrollo físico y mental de los niños, y lograr que duerman bien es fundamental para la estabilidad de la familia. En esta edición actualizada y revisada, el doctor Estivill les ofrece a todos los padres y educadores la oportunidad de conseguir que los niños duerman adecuadamente desde el primer día de vida.

A dos pasos de la locura

by Silvia Olmedo

Silvia Olmeda te dará las herramientas para que dejes las relaciones tóxicas, detectes tus errores y elijas lo mejor para tu vida. ¿Tu pareja psicópata te da celos y crea un triángulo amoroso para desequilibrarte? ¿Qué es la agorafobia? ¿Cuáles son los grandes enemigos de tu sexualidad? ¿Tu jefe te exige mucho o es un psicópata integrado? El día que me conoció me pidió casarse conmigo, ¿es bipolar o un romántico? ¿Soy demasiado perfeccionista o tengo un trastorno anancástico? ¿Cuál es la adicción más peligrosa? ¿La depresión se hereda? ¿Por qué si tengo un Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo me recetan un antidepresivo? ¿Por qué siempre tengo la sensación de que algo malo va a ocurrir? ¿Qué diferencia hay entre un psicópata y un psicótico?

A-FFIP – Autismusspezifische Therapie im Vorschulalter (Psychotherapie: Manuale)

by Karoline Teufel Christian Wilker Jennifer Valerian Christine M. Freitag

Dieser Leitfaden gibt Handlungsanweisungen durch Therapiesitzungen. Es werden Grundlagen und Methoden der autismusspezifischen Fr#65533;hf#65533;rderung vermittelt, wie sie am Autismus-Therapie- und Forschungszentrum der Universit#65533;tsklinik f#65533;r Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters in Frankfurt am Main entwickelt wurden. Das Frankfurter Fr#65533;hinterventionsprogramm "A-FFIP" basiert dabei auf Ergebnissen entwicklungspsychologischer Studien zur Sprach-, motorischen, kognitiven und Spielentwicklung von gesunden und Kindern Mit Autismus-Spektrum-St#65533;rung und verwendet empirisch #65533;berpr#65533;fte verhaltenstherapeutische und #65533;bende Verfahren f#65533;r die F#65533;rderung.

A fin de cuentas: Nuevo cuaderno de la vejez

by Aurelio Arteta

Aurelio Arteta rescata la vejez del enjambre de prejuicios que suelen desfigurarla. «Solo desde el crepúsculo se adquiere una visión del día completo.» La vejez nos convierte en testigos privilegiados de la vida, por ser la posición idónea, afirma Aurelio Arteta, desde la que evaluar las demás edades. En A fin de cuentas, entabla con el lector una conversación a la que también están invitados Montaigne, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Leopardi, Saint-Exupéry, De Beauvoir y Canetti, entre otros, al tiempo que rescata la vejez del enjambre de prejuicios que suelen desfigurarla. Este «diario disfrazado» compuesto de sabias meditaciones, citas memorables, recuerdos, escenas de la vida y retratos, puede leerse como un sutil tratado filosófico en fragmentos que nos invita a mirarnos bien adentro y a despojarnos de toda afectación y de la trivialidad en la que tendemos a hundirnos. Con ingenio, serenidad e ironía, capta las contrariedades, la dureza, los reveses, pero también las delicias y el humor de la vejez. Lo que brilla a través de estas páginas al tiempo graves y luminosas es un profundo amor a la vida, el rechazo de la muerte -también su acogida- y la enérgica juventud que caracteriza a algunos mayores. También, la nostalgia que tanta lucidez conlleva. La crítica ha dicho...«Uno diría que, de no ser por ese angustioso telón de fondo, en la sociedad actual la vejez ofrece razonables placeres y alegrías bien pautadas, dentro del plazo limitado.»Carlos García Gual, sobre A pesar de los pesares

Κa Lama Kukui - Hawaiian Psychology: An Introduction

by William C. Rezentes

A guide to culturally relevant therapy and healing efforts for individuals and families of Hawaiian descent and heritage. It recognizes ""Hawaiian Psychology"" as the integration of traditional Hawaiian concepts and values with Western views and approaches to therapy and healing. This book arose from a long-standing and still-growing need for Hawaiians, as for those of other specific cultural groups, to have available culturally relevant therapy and healing assistance. Ka Lama Kukui--Hawaiian Psychology: An Introduction is an attempt to assist anyone interested in bridging Hawaiian culture and Western psychology.

A ser feliz tambien se aprende

by Neva Milicic

Un libro para todo padre y profesor que desea enseñar a ser feliz a los niños ¿Se puede aprender a ser feliz? ¿Cómo les transmitimos seguridad a nuestros niños? ¿Cómo superar sus primeros miedos? El período que abarca desde los dos hasta los seis años de vida es fundamental para la formación de la personalidad y la salud mental de nuestros hijos. En este corto tiempo la persona aprende a vincularse consigo misma y con los otros, a dar y recibir ternura, a respetar los derechos y las normas, a relacionarse con los objetos y la naturaleza. Pero todavíamás, hay evidencia que señala cómo las experiencias emocionales positivas son clave para generar en los niños una actitud optimista ante la vida. Este libro -en una edición actualizada- es una auténtica guía para el desarrollo emocional de nuestros hijos y da respuesta a las preguntas más frecuentes de los padres y educadores acerca de cómo ayudar a los niños a crecer y ser feliz. Una lectura valiosa e imprescindible.

The A to Z of Eating Disorders

by Emma Woolf

Are you worried about your food intake? Do you weigh yourself most days and feel guilty if you gain half a pound? Do strict rules dominate your mealtimes and life, just so you can feel more in control?The A to Z of Eating Disorders is a road map for anyone who wants a way out of the bewildering world of disordered eating and body-image anxiety.From anorexia, bingeing and clean eating, to social media, yo-yo dieting and size zero, this book explores these complex conditions from a range of angles, offering valuable insights and hope.In this inspiring, impeccably researched book, renowned writer and broadcaster Emma Woolf says, 'Eating disorders cause untold misery and can affect anyone at any time of life. As someone who has lived through anorexia and recovery, I receive emails every day from those desperate for guidance. The A to Z of Eating Disorders helps to demystify disordered eating and sets you back on the path to a happy, healthy relationship with food.'Praise for The A to Z of Eating Disorders'Detailed but to the point, Emma Woolf provides insight, wisdom and practical solutions: The A to Z of Eating Disorders is a must-have for anyone with or caring for someone with an eating disorder.' Renee McGregor, performance and clinical dietitianI've just been reading your book again for the second time this week, aka The A-Z of Eating Disorders. It's truly an amazing book and its purpose is amazing and I'm just so happy someone has confronted these topics and can educate others because anorexia is such a complex illness which can be hard for 'outsiders' to understand.Thank you,Ellie, a reader

The A to Z of Eating Disorders

by Emma Woolf

Are you worried about your food intake? Do you weigh yourself most days and feel guilty if you gain half a pound? Do strict rules dominate your mealtimes and life, just so you can feel more in control?The A to Z of Eating Disorders is a road map for anyone who wants a way out of the bewildering world of disordered eating and body-image anxiety.From anorexia, bingeing and clean eating, to social media, yo-yo dieting and size zero, this book explores these complex conditions from a range of angles, offering valuable insights and hope.In this inspiring, impeccably researched book, renowned writer and broadcaster Emma Woolf says, 'Eating disorders cause untold misery and can affect anyone at any time of life. As someone who has lived through anorexia and recovery, I receive emails every day from those desperate for guidance. The A to Z of Eating Disorders helps to demystify disordered eating and sets you back on the path to a happy, healthy relationship with food.'Praise for The A to Z of Eating Disorders'Detailed but to the point, Emma Woolf provides insight, wisdom and practical solutions: The A to Z of Eating Disorders is a must-have for anyone with or caring for someone with an eating disorder.' Renee McGregor, performance and clinical dietitianI've just been reading your book again for the second time this week, aka The A-Z of Eating Disorders. It's truly an amazing book and its purpose is amazing and I'm just so happy someone has confronted these topics and can educate others because anorexia is such a complex illness which can be hard for 'outsiders' to understand.Thank you,Ellie, a reader

A ver esa lengua: Cómo el habla se adapta a las nuevas realidades: lenguaje inclusivo y otros asuntos espinosos

by Vanfunfun

Usando palabras sencillas y argumentos de perroflauta punki de la lengua, defendidos por la lingüística más actual, este influencer de YouTube va a cambiar tu percepción de cómo se habla. ¡Hola! ¿Sabías que hablar mal es imposible? ¿Que la RAE no tiene la razón en muchas ocasiones? ¿Que el lenguaje inclusivo es bueno? ¿Que çe pue eccribî en andalû y no se acaba el mundo? ¿Y que, de hecho, la gente joven no está arruinando la lengua?

The A-Z Guide to Exposure: Creative ERP Activities for 75 Childhood Fears

by Dawn Huebner Erin Neely

The art of exposure lies in perfectly pitched challenges. Get them wrong and nothing changes. Get them right and you set an anxious child free.This practical resource guide contains 75 creative, user-friendly lists of exposure activities appropriate for 5-12-year olds struggling with anxiety. Entries cover a wide range of fears and concerns, such as Clowns, Making Mistakes, Picky Eating, Separation Anxiety, and Vomiting. An essential addition to the therapeutic toolbox of practitioners using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), this A-Z guide combines evidence-based guidance with inventive, engaging, actionable activities for an extensive list of childhood fears and concerns.

The A-Z of Gender and Sexuality: From Ace to Ze

by Morgan Lev Holleb

There can be confusion around the appropriate terminology for trans and queer identities, even within the trans community itself. As language is constantly evolving, it can be especially difficult to know what to say. As a thorough A-Z glossary of trans and queer words from 'ace' to 'xe', this dictionary guide will help to dispel the anxiety around using the "wrong" words, while explaining the weight of using certain labels and providing individuals with a vocabulary for personal identification.Having correct and accurate terminology to describe oneself can be empowering, especially with words and phrases that describe gender identity, sexuality, sexual orientation, as well as slang relevant to LGBTQ+ rights and anti-discrimination, queer activism, gender-affirming healthcare and psychology. Written in a traditional A-Z glossary style, this guide will serve as a quick reference for looking up individual words, as well as an in-depth look at trans history and culture.

An A-Z of Genetic Factors in Autism: A Handbook for Professionals

by Kenneth Aitken

Our understanding of the biological bases to the autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) is advancing rapidly. Over 80 genetic conditions have now been reported in people who have also been diagnosed with ASDs. Many of these conditions have specific implications for the presenting phenotype and for treatment, management, and intervention. If the basis to the presenting behavioural phenotype is not identified, this can result in a sub-optimal level of care, complications, or even permanent damage. Kenneth J. Aitken shows that the notion of a single condition known as 'autism' is no longer tenable, and challenges current trends in the diagnosis and management of these behaviours as a homogenous group by drawing on recent research into brain function, genetics, epidemiology and neurology. This volume explains the biology and genetics of ASD, and provides clinicians and researchers with a comprehensive summary of each genetic factor including the research that links it to ASD, diagnosis and treatment issues, and related animal models, as well as detailing relevant professional organisations and avenues for further research. An A-Z of Genetic Factors in Autism is an essential resource for a wide range of researchers, clinical professionals and students interested in autism spectrum disorders, including clinical and educational psychologists, dieticians, psychiatrists, and neurologists.

An A-Z of Genetic Factors in Autism

by Kenneth J. Aitken

The concept of a single condition known as 'autism' is quickly becoming outdated, and is now understood to be an umbrella term for a variety of predominantly genetic conditions. This can be confusing for parents of children who have been diagnosed as having an 'autism spectrum disorder'. An A-Z of Genetic Factors in Autism provides parents with a complete overview of the main genetic disorders associated with autism, including those linked to growth differences, cardiovascular issues, neurodevelopmental problems, immune dysfunction, gastrointestinal disturbances and epilepsy. Kenneth Aitken demystifies the umbrella term 'autism' by alphabetically listing these conditions along with information about how common they are, their causes, signs, and symptoms, and for many, appropriate methods of treatment and management. Information on support groups and sources of further information are also included to help parents obtain any additional support they need, and keep up to date with new developments in research and practice. This is a must-have book for any parent or carer who feels confused by their child's diagnosis, or who seeks a better understanding of the many genetic conditions linked to autism.

The A-Z of Loss: The Handbook for Health Care

by Elizabeth Bell

In a unique approach this book links policy theory and research with the expertise of service providers and users to explore the major debates concerning the provision of mental health services. Many of these dilemmas revolve around questions of who makes the choices and who has control. The book examines the power and demands of the disparate groups involved in the provision and use of services before considering the different practice options and their implicit values and goals. This book will inform critical debate among all those involved in the mental health enterprise and challenge health professionals to consider their own practice. It is timely and relevant reading for practitioners and managers at every level in all disciplines and from all agencies as well as service users and carers.

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