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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Perinatal Distress

by Amy Wenzel Karen Kleiman

Countless studies have established the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for many manifestations of depression and anxiety. In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Perinatal Distress, Wenzel and Kleiman discuss the benefits of CBT for pregnant and postpartum women who suffer from emotional distress. The myths of CBT as rigid and intrusive are shattered as the authors describe its flexible application for perinatal women. This text teaches practitioners how to successfully integrate CBT structure and strategy into a supportive approach in working with this population. The examples used in the book will be familiar to postpartum specialists, making this an easily comprehensive and useful resource.

On Seeing Forms (The Uttal Tetralogy of Cognitive Neuroscience)

by William R. Uttal

Originally published in 1988, this is the final volume in the set. The original intent of the tetralogy was to review neural explanations of high level perceptual and cognitive processes. However, at this point, it became clear that there were few neural explanations of perceptual topics – a situation that still persists today. This book, therefore, used a different framework examining the role of detection, discrimination, and recognition at the behavioral level.

A Taxonomy of Visual Processes (The Uttal Tetralogy of Cognitive Neuroscience)

by William R. Uttal

Originally published in 1981, this third volume deals with the empirical data base and the theories concerning visual perception – the set of mental responses to photic stimulation of the eyes. As the book develops, the plan was to present a general taxonomy of visual processes and phenomena. It was hoped that such a general perspective would help to bring some order to the extensive, but largely unorganized, research literature dealing with our immediate perceptual responses to visual stimuli at the time. The specific goal of this work was to provide a classification system that integrates and systematizes the data base of perceptual psychology into a comprehensive intellectual scheme by means of an eclectic, multi-level metatheory invoking several different kinds of explanation.

The Psychobiology of Mind (The Uttal Tetralogy of Cognitive Neuroscience)

by William R. Uttal

Originally published in 1978, this book develops a conceptual synthesis of the field of physiological psychology, the science specifically concerned with the relationship between the brain and the mind. It was designed to elucidate the important questions under investigation, the basic intellectual and technical problems that were encountered, and the significance of the major empirical results of the time. Of equal or even greater importance is the author’s derivation of the general principles relating brain and mind that had emerged after decades of modern research into this important question. Included in the volume are historical and philosophical perspectives on the mind-brain problem as well as extensive discussions of instruments, methodology, empirical findings and theory. Here is a powerful heuristic tool that informs the reader about the concepts and ideas implicit in this science rather than simply exhaustively listing experimental results. The author does not ignore findings; he organizes them into three broad categories – localization; representation, and learning – then emphasizes the relationships among experiments. This is a book that synthesizes, integrates, and stresses concepts, principles and problems. The careful organization of the book makes it especially useful for students of brain and mind at all levels.

The Psychobiology of Sensory Coding (The Uttal Tetralogy of Cognitive Neuroscience)

by William R. Uttal

Originally published in 1973, this book deals with what were, even at that time, the well-known neural coding processes of the sensory transmission processes. The book was written to demonstrate the common features of the various senses. It concentrates on the most peripheral neural aspects of the senses starting with the physical transduction process and culminating in the arrival of signals at the brain.

Handbook of Gender and Sexuality in Psychological Assessment

by Virginia Brabender Joni L Mihura

Handbook of Gender and Sexuality in Psychological Assessment brings together two interrelated realms: psychological assessment with gender and sexuality. This handbook aids in expanding the psychological assessors’ knowledge and skill when considering how gender and sexuality shapes the client’s and the assessor’s experiences. Throughout the six sections, gender and sexuality are discussed in their relation to different psychological methods of assessment; various psychological disorders; special considerations for children, adolescents, and older adults; important training and ethical considerations; as well as several in-depth case discussions.

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Libido Theory (Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts)

by Humberto Nagera S. Baker A. Colonna E. First A. Gavshon A. Holder G. Jones E. Koch M. Laufer D. Meers L. Neurath K. Rees

The libido theory is one of the major areas of interest in psychoanalysis. Freud’s insights in this field have been widely applied and used by psychoanalysts, adult and child psychiatrists, psychologists, educationalists, experts on child development and social workers. They have thrown light on the normal and abnormal aspects of sexual development from childhood to adulthood and on the role played by sexual development in neurotic disturbances. Further they have made possible an understanding of the complex field of sexual perversions. Originally published in 1969, in this volume the reader will find twenty-four basic psychoanalytic concepts concerning the libido theory including oral erotism, anal erotism, phallic erotism, genital erotism, the Oedipus complex of the girl, the Oedipus complex of the boy, autoerotism, narcissism, masochism, sadism and bisexuality. As in the other volumes in this series, the historical development of each concept and references to Freud’s works are clearly given so that students and scholars can pursue any aspect of special interest.

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on Metapsychology, Conflicts, Anxiety and Other Subjects (Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts)

by Humberto Nagera A. Colonna E. Dansky E. First A. Gavshon A. Holder L. Kearney P. Radford

Originally published in 1970 and in contrast to the previous three volumes, which each dealt with a single subject, this volume is a miscellaneous one. Seventeen subjects were selected on the basis of their relevance for the understanding both of psychoanalytic theory and of human behaviour in general. In this volume the reader can follow the development of Freud’s theories regarding important subjects such as Fixation, Regression, Cathexis, Conflicts, Anxiety, Ambivalence, Reality Testing, Transference and Counter- Transference. Some of these subjects were chosen because of the many misconceptions and misunderstandings that surrounded them. As in previous volumes, the development of each concept is described from its conception to Freud’s final formulation and detailed references are given for the guidance of the student, the psychoanalyst, the psychiatrist, the social worker, the psychologist and the general reader.

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Theory of Instincts (Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts)

by Humberto Nagera S. Baker R. Edgcumbe A. Holder M. Laufer D. Meers K. Rees

Originally published in 1970, this volume describes in condensed but detailed form Freud’s development of the theory of instincts. As is well known, Freud reformulated and amplified his theory of instincts at several points during his lifetime. Such periodical amplifications and reformulations were made necessary by a number of factors, for as Freud gained experience he not only developed fresh insights but also was faced with the problem of explaining an increasing amount of clinical phenomena that offered itself for examination under the psychoanalytic microscope. There can be no doubt that Freud considered his theory of instincts as one of the corner stones of psychoanalysis and yet at the same time he recognised that it was an area where many of his formulations were necessarily of a tentative character and open to discussion and modification. In this volume the reader will be able to follow the development of Freud’s thought from his initial discovery of the duality of ‘sexual’ and ‘ego’ instincts and his recognition of the fundamental importance of the aggressive forces in human nature and behaviour, to the formulation of his theories regarding life and death.

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Theory of Dreams (Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts)

by Humberto Nagera S. Baker A. Colonna A. Holder D. Meers L. Neurath K. Rees L. Kearney R. Edgcumbe M. Kawenoka C. Legg

It is generally accepted that among Freud’s many contributions to the understanding of the normal and abnormal aspects of mental functioning, The Interpretation of Dreams stands alone and above all others. In this work published in 1900 Freud laid down the foundations of psychoanalytic theory as it was to develop throughout this century. This work not only unravelled the significance of the process of dreaming and allowed for the scientific understanding of the true meaning and nature of the mysterious world of dreams, but created the basis for a general theory of personality capable of encompassing within a single model both the normal and abnormal aspect of mental functioning. Originally published in 1969 Dr Nagera and his collaborators (all analytically trained) from the Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic and Course (now the Anna Freud Centre) isolated from Freud’s work twenty-five basic concepts that they considered not only the cornerstones of Freud’s theory of dreams but fundamental pillars for the understanding of psychoanalytic theory generally. They include subjects such as dream sources, dream work, dream censorship, manifest content, latent content, condensation, displacement, symbolism, secondary revision and dream interpretation. They are presented in a condensed and concentrated manner containing all significant statements made by Freud at any point in his life on the subject of dreams, as well as tracing the historical development of his ideas wherever significant. References to the sources are given in all instances for the guidance of the student of psychoanalysis, the psychiatrist, the social worker, the psychologist or the scholarly minded reader.

Video and Filmmaking as Psychotherapy: Research and Practice (Advances in Mental Health Research #4)

by J. Lauren Johnson Joshua L. Cohen Penny Orr

While film and video has long been used within psychological practice, researchers and practitioners have only just begun to explore the benefits of film and video production as therapy. This volume describes a burgeoning area of psychotherapy which employs the art of filmmaking and digital storytelling as a means of healing victims of trauma and abuse. It explores the ethical considerations behind this process, as well as its cultural and developmental implications within clinical psychology. Grounded in clinical theory and methodology, this multidisciplinary volume draws on perspectives from anthropology, psychiatry, psychology, and art therapy which support the use and integration of film/video-based therapy in practice.

Handbook of Social Influences in School Contexts: Social-Emotional, Motivation, and Cognitive Outcomes (Educational Psychology Handbook)

by Kathryn R. Wentzel Geetha B. Ramani

The Handbook of Social Influences in School Contexts draws from a growing body of research on how and why various aspects of social relationships and contexts contribute to children’s social and academic functioning within school settings. Comprised of the latest studies in developmental and educational psychology, this comprehensive volume is perfect for researchers and students of Educational Psychology. Beginning with the theoretical perspectives that guide research on social influences, this book presents foundational research before moving on to chapters on peer influence and teacher influence. Next, the book addresses ways in which the school context can influence school-related outcomes (including peer and teacher-student relationships) with specific attention to research in motivation and cognition. Within the chapters authors not only present current research but also explore best-practices, drawing in examples from the classroom. With chapters from leading experts in the field, The Handbook of Social Influences in School Contexts provides the first complete resource on this topic.

Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes: Linguistic Functions in Cognitive Theory (Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes)

by W. K. Estes

Originally published in 1978, Volume 6 concludes the survey of research and theory on learning and cognitive processes that was envisaged when the plan for this Handbook was sketched. The primary orientation in the planning the Handbook was to concentrate on research and models aimed toward the development of general cognitive theory. The first five chapters of this volume are organized in relation to one of the research areas that had expanded most vigorously during the period of planning and writing of the Handbook. These chapters treat aspects of psycholinguistics most closely related to research and theory covered in the other volumes. Perhaps the most fertile source of new concepts and models closely related to other branches of cognitive theory has been research on semantic memory. This work is given a critical review and interpretation by Smith in the first chapter of this volume, following which some lines of theoretical developmental leading "upward" into problems of comprehension of meaningful material are reviewed by Kintsch, then connections "downward" into more elementary problems of coding in memory by Johnson. Also, Johnson’s chapter shades into the very active current body of work on perceptual and memorial processes in reading, carried further by Baron’s examination of perceptual learning in relation to letter and word recognition. Finally, we consider inputs to the psycholinguistic system via speech and speech perception. The strong emphasis of Pisoni’s chapter on speech perception rather than production simply reflects both the predominance of research on perceptual aspects of speech in the current cognitive literature and the close relationships of this research to other lines of investigation of perception and short-term memory. Some knowledge of the history of the subject and some understanding of the way some of the more persuasive concepts and principles have evolved may serve present-day investigators better than boosting their reading rates. The final chapter of the present volume provides some documentation for this last suggestion.

Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes: Human Information Processing (Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes)

by W. K. Estes

Originally published in 1978 Volume 5 of this Handbook reflects a single theoretical orientation, that characterized by the term human information processing in the literature at the time, but which ranges over a very broad spectrum of cognitive activities. The first two chapters give some overall picture of the background, goals, method, and limitations of the information-processing approach. The remaining chapters treat in detail some principal areas of application – visual processing, mental chronometry, representation of spatial information in memory, problem solving, and the theory of instruction. The first three volumes of the Handbook presented an overview of the field, followed by treatments of conditioning, behavior theory, and human learning and retention. With the fourth volume, the focus of attention shifted from the domain of learning theory to that of cognitive psychology.

Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes: Attention and Memory (Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes)

by W. K. Estes

Originally published in 1976, this is Volume 4 of a series that reflected the current state of the field at the time. In this title the focus shifts to modern developments in cognitive psychology. The emphasis is primarily on attention and short-term memory, as these concepts came to be understood in the decade leading up to publication. In addition to presenting the major concepts, the authors outline fundamental theories and methods, all in a way that will be readable by anyone with a reasonable scientific background. As the editor notes in the Foreword, each author "has taken on the assignment of giving explicit attention to the orienting attitudes and long-term goals that tend to shape the overall course of research in his field and to bring out both actual and potential influences and implications with respect to other aspects of the discipline." This volume, as all volumes of the Handbook, will be invaluable for those who want an organized picture of the current state of the field as it was at the time.

Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes: Approaches to Human Learning and Motivation (Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes)

by W. K. Estes

Originally published in 1976, Volume 3 of this Handbook deals primarily with conditions of acquisition, retention and forgetting, and the manner in which acquired information and motivation combine to determine performance. The organization of this volume can be understood in terms of four principal categories. The first category deals with general problems of methodology, the second and third with basic concepts arising from research on human learning and performance and the fourth with applications. Volume 1 presented an overview of the field and introduced principal theoretical and methodological issues that persistently recurred in the expanded treatment of specific research areas which comprise the later volumes. The areas traditionally associated with conditioning, learning theory and the basic psychology of human learning are treated in Volumes 2 and 3. The last three volumes will range over active lines of research having to do with human cognitive processes, at the time: Volume 4, attention, memory storage and retrieval; Volumes 5 and 6, information processing, reading, semantic memory, and problem solving.

Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes: Conditioning and Behavior Theory (Handbook of Learning and Cognitive Processes)

by W. K. Estes

Originally published in 1975, Volume 2 of this Handbook looks at areas traditionally associated with learning theory such as conditioning, discrimination and behavior theory. It deals with concepts and theories growing principally out of laboratory studies of conditioning and learning. The intention was to treat mechanisms, processes, and principles of some generality – applicable at least to all vertebrates. It was becoming well understood that detailed interpretations of particular behaviors required the authors to take account of the way general principles operate in the context of species-specific behavioral organizations and developmental histories; but detailed consideration of just how these interpretations were accomplished for different animal forms was another enterprise. Here the authors limit their task to abstracting from the enormous literature facts and ideas which seemed general enough to be of interest and perhaps utility to investigators in other disciplines at the time. Volume 1 presented an overview of the field and introduced the principal theoretical and methodological issues that persistently recurred in the expanded treatments of specific research areas that comprise the later volumes. Volume 3 looks at human learning and motivation, while the last 3 volumes range over the many active lines of research identified with human cognitive processes at the time.

The Routledge Handbook of Attachment: Assessment

by Paul Holmes Steve Farnfield

The Routledge Handbook of Attachment: Assessment provides, in one volume, a detailed discussion of the formal measurement tools available to assess attachment across the age range, including with families. It contains comprehensive chapters on many attachment-based validated procedures for assessing parenting and evaluating risk, to enable professionals to decide what type of assessment is appropriate, who should conduct it and the usefulness of the results. The book provides a detailed account of assessment measures of attachment to enable practitioners at all levels (including academic research workers) to decide which assessment procedure will best meet their need. The chapters are written by those who developed these tools and by people closely associated with them, and advocate an evidence-based model of assessment to increase fairness and transparency for families. Providing a practical guide to the uses of attachment theory and research in professional practice with adults, children, parents and families, and a detailed account of all the current evidence-based tools that can be used in assessment, The Routledge Handbook of Attachment: Assessment is ideal for professionals and clinicians wishing to commission or undertake assessments of attachment, as well as academic research workers and students.

Structures of Subjectivity: Explorations in Psychoanalytic Phenomenology and Contextualism (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series #4)

by Robert D. Stolorow George E. Atwood

Structures of Subjectivity: Explorations in Psychoanalytic Phenomenology and Contextualism, is a revised and expanded second edition of a work first published in 1984, which was the first systematic presentation of the intersubjective viewpoint – what George Atwood and Robert Stolorow called psychoanalytic phenomenology – in psychoanalysis. This edition contains new chapters tracing the further development of their thinking over the ensuing decades and explores the personal origins of their most essential ideas. In this new edition, Atwood and Stolorow cover the philosophical and theoretical assumptions of psychoanalysis and present a broad approach that they have designated phenomenological contextualism. This approach addresses personal subjective worlds in all their richness and idiosyncrasy and focuses on their relational contexts of origin and therapeutic transformation. Structures of Subjectivity covers the principles guiding the practice of psychoanalytic therapy from the authors' viewpoints and includes numerous detailed clinical case studies. The book will be essential reading for psychoanalysts, practitioners of psychotherapy, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and social workers. It will also be of interest to scholars and students with an interest in psychoanalytic theory and practice, and its philosophical premises.

Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Wellness Perspectives on Behaviors, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

by Kelly L. Wester Heather C. Trepal

Grounded in a wellness, strengths-based, and developmental perspective, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury is the ideal guide for counselors and other clinicians seeking to understand self-injurious behaviors without pathologizing them. The book covers topics not previously discussed in other works, including working with families, supervising counselors working with clients who self-injure, DSM-5 criteria regarding the NSSI diagnosis, NSSI as a protective factor for preventing suicidal behavior, and advocacy efforts around NSSI. In each chapter clinicians will also find concrete tools, including questions to ask, psychoeducational handouts for clients and their families, treatment handouts or treatment plans for counselors, and more. Non-Suicidal Self-Injury also includes real-life voices of individuals who self-injure as well as case vignettes to provide examples of how theoretical models or treatments discussed in this book immediately apply to practice.

Creating an Effective Couples Therapy Practice

by Butch Losey

Most clinicians seek guidelines and indicators as to the effectiveness of their interventions with clients. Some may even be implementing evidence-based interventions and seek an in-depth understanding of their results. This book helps clinicians who provide couple’s or marriage therapy and counseling go from the ambiguous realm of "thinking" or "knowing" their effectiveness to being able to demonstrate it. It identifies effective strategies for common treatment concerns that connect to the successful outcomes of therapy. Here, the process starts even before the couple enters therapy and goes beyond the final session. Dr. Losey discusses specific outcome measures and how they can be used in session so that the couple can assess their relationship and develop specific goals and interventions for treatment. The author also examines session notes, pre-treatment change, and developing quality post-treatment goals in his discussion of clinical effectiveness.

Using Drawings in Clinical Practice: Enhancing Intake Interviews and Psychological Testing

by Gerald D. Oster

Clinicians are always in need of enticing techniques to engage clients on a daily basis, especially those who are nonverbal or initially opposed to feedback. Using Drawings in Clinical Practice provides a rich variety of drawing directives to enhance the diagnostic process. In this highly illustrated text, clinicians will discover the tools they need to interact effectively with their clients. The book places special emphasis on intake interviewing and psychological testing, where the potential for uncovering hidden conflicts and therapeutic direction is especially poignant. Case studies provide a comprehensive overview of how to introduce simple drawings and gain remarkable insights. Using Drawings in Clinical Practice is a crucial guidebook for professionals who seek new ways to facilitate meaningful communication and interactions in their practice settings.

Learning and the Development of Cognition (Psychology Revivals)

by Barbel Inhelder Hermine Sinclair Magali Bovet

How do children learn and how are new modes of thought developed? These questions have for years been of paramount interest to psychologists and others concerned with the cognitive development of the child. In this major work, originally published in 1974 and reporting on over ten years’ research of the Geneva School, the authors carried the pioneering investigations of Jean Piaget to a new and remarkable level. As Piaget said in his foreword to the book: ‘The novelty of the findings, the clarity of the theoretical interpretation, and the sometimes even excessive caution of the conclusions enable the reader to separate clearly the experimental results from the authors’ theoretical tenets.’ The authors’ learning experiments with children were designed to examine the processes that lead to the acquisition of certain key concepts, such as conservation of matter and length. Detailed study of the progress of each individual subject revealed a number of features characteristic of situations that create conflicts in the child’s mind and certain regularities in the way these conflicts are resolved. Such data threw new light on the dynamics of the development of cognitive structures as well as on basic mechanisms of learning at the time.

Innovations in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Strategic Interventions for Creative Practice

by Amy Wenzel

Innovations in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy provides clinicians with a powerful arsenal of contemporary, creative, and innovative strategic interventions for use in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This book goes well beyond standard CBT texts by highlighting new developments in the field and advancing a new definition of CBT that reflects the field’s evolution. Throughout these pages, clinicians will find empirical research to back up recommended strategies and discussion of ways to translate this research into their clinical practice. Readers can also turn to the book’s website for valuable handouts, worksheets, and other downloadable tools.

Counseling Addicted Families: A Sequential Assessment and Treatment Model

by Gerald A. Juhnke W. Bryce Hagedorn

Counseling Addicted Families, Second Edition, is an up-to-date treatment manual that fosters lasting change for families dealing with addiction and addictive disorders. Focused around the clinically esteemed Sequential Family Addictions Model, the book guides counselors through the principles of how to "progressively sequence" a client family during their change process, and explores how family counseling theories and interventions can be applied in treatment settings. This second edition aligns with the DSM-5 Substance Use Disorder criteria and terminology and includes new sections on neuroscience and cutting-edge drug detection assessment methods. Both experienced and entry-level counselors will appreciate how the Model improves their clinical skills and knowledge to address the idiosyncratic needs of each individual family system and create healthy systemic change.

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