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Showing 34,701 through 34,725 of 49,989 results

The Cambridge Handbook of Play: Developmental and Disciplinary Perspectives (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

by Peter K. Smith Jaipaul L. Roopnarine

Play takes up much of the time budget of young children, and many animals, but its importance in development remains contested. This comprehensive collection brings together multidisciplinary and developmental perspectives on the forms and functions of play in animals, children in different societies, and through the lifespan. The Cambridge Handbook of Play covers the evolution of play in animals, especially mammals; the development of play from infancy through childhood and into adulthood; historical and anthropological perspectives on play; theories and methodologies; the role of play in children's learning; play in special groups such as children with impairments, or suffering political violence; and the practical applications of playwork and play therapy. Written by an international team of scholars from diverse disciplines such as psychology, education, neuroscience, sociology, evolutionary biology and anthropology, this essential reference presents the current state of the field in play research.

The Cambridge Handbook of Sexual Development: Childhood and Adolescence (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

by Sharon Lamb Jen Gilbert

The Cambridge Handbook of Sexual Development is a carefully curated conversation that brings together the top researchers in child and adolescent sexual development to redefine the issues, conflicts, and debates in the field. The Handbook is organized around three foundational questions: first, what is sexual development? Second, how do we study sexual development? And third, what roles might adults - including the institutions of the media, family, and education - play in the sexual development of children and adolescents? As the first of its kind, this collection integrates work from sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, education, cultural studies, and allied fields. Writing from different disciplinary traditions and about a range of international contexts, the contributors explore the role of sexuality in children's and adolescents' everyday experiences of identity, family, school, neighborhood, religion, and popular media.

The Cambridge Handbook of Successful Aging (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

by Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros Athanase Benetos Jean-Marie Robine

Recent studies show that more people than ever before are reaching old age in better health and enjoying that health for a longer time. This Handbook outlines the latest discoveries in the study of aging from bio-medicine, psychology, and socio-demography. It treats the study of aging as a multidisciplinary scientific subject, since it requires the interplay of broad disciplines, while offering high motivation, positive attitudes, and behaviors for aging well, and lifestyle changes that will help people to stay healthier across life span and in old age. Written by leading scholars from various academic disciplines, the chapters delve into the most topical aspects of aging today - including biological mechanisms of aging, aging with health, active and productive aging, aging with satisfaction, aging with respect, and aging with dignity. Aimed at health professionals as well as general readers, this Cambridge Handbook offers a new, positive approach to later life.

The Cambridge Handbook of Technology and Employee Behavior (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

by Richard N. Landers

Experts from across all industrial-organizational (IO) psychology describe how increasingly rapid technological change has affected the field. In each chapter, authors describe how this has altered the meaning of IO research within a particular subdomain and what steps must be taken to avoid IO research from becoming obsolete. This Handbook presents a forward-looking review of IO psychology's understanding of both workplace technology and how technology is used in IO research methods. Using interdisciplinary perspectives to further this understanding and serving as a focal text from which this research will grow, it tackles three main questions facing the field. First, how has technology affected IO psychological theory and practice to date? Second, given the current trends in both research and practice, could IO psychological theories be rendered obsolete? Third, what are the highest priorities for both research and practice to ensure IO psychology remains appropriately engaged with technology moving forward?

The Cambridge Handbook of the Intellectual History of Psychology (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

by Robert J. Sternberg Wade E. Pickren

We cannot understand contemporary psychology without first researching its history. Unlike other books on the history of psychology, which are chronologically ordered, this Handbook is organized topically. It covers the history of ideas in multiple areas of the field and reviews the intellectual history behind the major topics of investigation. The evolution of psychological ideas is described alongside an analysis of their surrounding context. Readers learn how eminent psychologists draw on the context of their time and place for ideas and practices, and also how innovation in psychology is an ongoing dialogue between past, present, and anticipated future.

The Cambridge Handbook of Wisdom (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

by Robert J. Sternberg Judith Glück

This is a comprehensive review of the psychological literature on wisdom by leading experts in the field. It covers the philosophical and sociocultural foundations of wisdom, and showcases the measurement and teaching of wisdom. The connection of wisdom to intelligence and personality is explained alongside its relationship with morality and ethics. It also explores the neurobiology of wisdom, its significance in medical decision-making, and wise leadership. How to develop wisdom is discussed and practical information is given about how to instil it in others. The book is accessible to a wide readership and includes virtually all of the major theories of wisdom, as well as the full range of research on wisdom as it is understood today. It takes both a basic-science and applied focus, making it useful to those seeking to understand wisdom scientifically, and to those who wish to apply their understanding of wisdom to their own work.

Cancer and Creativity: A Psychoanalytic Guide to Therapeutic Transformation

by Esther Dreifuss-Kattan

Cancer and Creativity is a dialogue between accounts by cancer patients and survivors and a more clinical consideration and theoretical discussion from a psychoanalytic point of view of using creativity in coping with serious illness. The contributions featured demonstrate the power of creative expression as a tool for dealing with somatic, chronic and potentially life-threatening illnesses, giving patients a way of expressing and managing their individual cancer journeys and its attendant emotional sequelae. Ten artist-patients and survivors, who were involved in several long-term art therapy groups, give accounts of their experiences with cancer and with their support group, where they create paintings, embroidery, digital photography, comic books, maps and other works to express their experiences of being diagnosed and treated for cancer. The contributors describe their symptoms and their relationships to physicians and family members in words and visual representations. The book also addresses the experience of the public when they are confronted with art by cancer patients. Dreifuss-Kattan's own work as a psychoanalyst and art therapist informs her approach to the art space as what Winnicott calls a "transitional space," influenced by both the personal psychological experience and the physical environment. Dreifuss-Kattan closes her discussion with a reflection on terminal cancer care and the complex transferential and countertransferential relationship between patient and therapist. The book ends with a practical guide for both therapy groups, as well as individuals at home, to creatively address their experiences with cancer and its treatments. Cancer and Creativity will be of great interest to psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, psychooncologists and art therapists, as well as health professionals working in oncology and in palliative care.

Cannabis Use Disorders

by Ivan D. Montoya Susan R. Weiss

This book is an unbiased scientific compendium documenting the state-of-the-art in the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of Cannabis Use Disorders (CUD). Unlike any other current medical text, this volume focuses on the scientific aspects of CUDs and provides a resource for researchers, physicians and other health care providers who treat patients suffering from the disorder or its consequences. It begins by establishing the landscape of the disorder, including its prevalence, association with disabilities and comorbidities, and frequency of patients seeking treatment. The text delves into the complexity of the disorder in today’s environment by including the discoveries on the nature and extent of the endocannabinoid system as well as potential breakthroughs in safe and effective pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments. Experts in the field contribute discussions on the most cutting-edge diagnostic and biological topics, including genetics, medical consequences, and clinical manifestations. The text also covers the challenges and risks presented by external factors, including social repercussions, protective factors, psychiatric comorbidities, withdrawal, and treatment services. Cannabis Use Disorders is a vital resource for researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists, addiction medicine specialists, toxicologists, hospital administrators, nurses, social workers, and all health care professionals working with patients who misuse cannabis.

CAPS-CA DSM-5 – handleiding: Klinisch interview voor PTSS bij kinderen en adolescenten

by Ramón Lindauer

Doel van de testDe CAPS-CA 5 is een semigestructureerd interview voor het diagnosticeren van post-traumatische stressstoornis (PTSS) en acute stressstoornis bij kinderen en adolescenten volgens de criteria van de DSM 5. Onbehandelde PTSS heeft bij kinderen en adolescenten een ernstige negatieve invloed op de ontwikkeling en het psychosociaal functioneren, terwijl evidence-based traumabehandelingen beschikbaar zijn. Signalering van traumagerelateerde klachten is dan ook van belang om ernstige problemen op het gebied van de psychosociale ontwikkeling te voorkomen. Toepassing• Individuele diagnostiek: stelt de aanwezigheid van PTSS en acute stressstoornis vast volgens de DSM 5. Stelt de impact vast van de aanwezige symptomen op het psychosociaal functioneren.• Evaluatie: meet het effect van (evidence-based) traumabehandeling.Wat meet de CAPS-CA 5?De CAPS-CA 5 meet de frequentie en de intensiteit van symptomen die samenhangen met de DSM 5 PTSS-kenmerken en stelt daarnaast vast wat de impact van deze symptomen is. Voor wie?De CAPS-CA 5 wordt afgenomen door psychologen, orthopedagogen en kinder- en jeugdpsychiaters. Afname en scoringDe CAPS-CA 5 wordt individueel bij kinderen afgenomen. De duur van het interview is ca. 45-60 minuten (afhankelijk van de leeftijd van het kind, en de ernst en type van het trauma). Hulpmiddelen bij de afnameEr zijn hulpmiddelen die men kan gebruiken bij de afname van de CAPS-CA 5: een kalender, een intensiteitsblad en een frequentieblad. Deze hulpmiddelen zijn gratis downloadbaar via de BSL site en te vinden op de pagina van de complete set van de CAPS-CA 5. Het intensiteitsblad en frequentieblad zijn ook als herbruikbare plastic kaart opgenomen in de complete set. NormenDe CAPS-CA 5 wordt vooralsnog gebruikt met de valideringsgegevens van de vorige editie van de CAPS-CA uit 2014 die werd onderzocht met een groep kinderen die één of meer traumatische gebeurtenissen meemaakten en met kinderen die stressvolle gebeurtenissen meemaakten die niet aan het A-criterium voldeden. Deze valideringsgegevens zijn al bijlag opgenomen in de handleiding van de CAPS-CA 5. Materiaal• Complete set (handleiding, set interviewboekjes, frequentiekaart en intensiteitskaart)• Interviewboekjes (set van 10 stuks)

The Career Coaching Toolkit

by Julia Yates

The Career Coaching Toolkit is a practical guide to 34 effective and relevant career coaching techniques to help practitioners encourage, stretch and clarify their clients’ thinking. Structured around ten of the most common career dilemmas clients bring to their coaches, this book provides clear advice to coaches about when to apply the right technique to address all of these problems. With a dual focus on theory and practice, each chapter explores the links between the coaching technique and the scientific research on which it is based. The book explains how and why the technique works, giving the reader a real appreciation of the underlying mechanisms that make these techniques effective. Written specifically for career coaching, this deepened understanding will enhance confidence when working with clients. A practical toolkit for practitioners and students alike, The Career Coaching Toolkit will add depth to the practice of anyone working with clients facing a career crossroads, or conducting research into occupational identities and career decision making.

Career Counseling: Foundations, Perspectives, and Applications

by David Capuzzi Mark D. Stauffer

Career Counseling, 3rd edition, provides a comprehensive, holistic overview of the foundations of career counseling, information on the most effective skills and techniques, and contextual perspectives on career and lifestyle planning, all by nationally and internationally recognized experts. Updated chapters introduce important material not often addressed in introductory texts, such as rehabilitation, addictive behaviors, counseling couples and families, and working with ethnic and gender/sexual minority clients. Included throughout the text are case studies, informational sidebars, and experiential activities that enhance the reading and encourage additional contemplation of chapter content. Readers can also turn to the book’s companion website for chapter test questions, PowerPoints, and additional resources.

Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Skills-Based Training Manual

by Jenny Langley Janet Treasure Gill Todd

Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Skills-Based Training Manual provides a framework for carer skills workshops which can be used by anyone working with these conditions. Based on the successful New Maudsley Model, which equips carers with the knowledge and skills needed to support those with an eating disorder, the book consists of two sections which will help facilitators to deliver skills workshops to carers. The first section provides the theoretical background, while the second uses exercises to bring the New Maudsley Model to life. The skills workshops provide a much-needed lifeline, giving carers an opportunity to meet in a safe, non-judgemental and confidential environment, and to learn to recognise that changes in their own responses can be highly beneficial. With session-by-session guidelines and handouts for participants, Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Skills-Based Training Manual will be of aid to anyone working with someone coping with these conditions.

The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid The Truth From Our Eyes

by Donald Hoffman

Can we trust our senses to tell us the truth? Challenging leading scientific theories that claim that our senses report back objective reality, cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman argues that while we should take our perceptions seriously, we should not take them literally. How can it be possible that the world we see is not objective reality? And how can our senses be useful if they are not communicating the truth? Hoffman grapples with these questions and more over the course of this eye-opening work. Ever since Homo sapiens has walked the earth, natural selection has favored perception that hides the truth and guides us toward useful action, shaping our senses to keep us alive and reproducing. We observe a speeding car and do not walk in front of it; we see mold growing on bread and do not eat it. These impressions, though, are not objective reality. Just like a file icon on a desktop screen is a useful symbol rather than a genuine representation of what a computer file looks like, the objects we see every day are merely icons, allowing us to navigate the world safely and with ease. The real-world implications for this discovery are huge. From examining why fashion designers create clothes that give the illusion of a more “attractive” body shape to studying how companies use color to elicit specific emotions in consumers, and even dismantling the very notion that spacetime is objective reality, The Case Against Reality dares us to question everything we thought we knew about the world we see.

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning: Integrating Theory With Clinical Practice

by Dr Pearl Susan Berman

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning: Integrating Theory With Clinical Practice teaches students in counseling, psychotherapy, and clinical psychology how to develop the case conceptualization and treatment planning skills necessary to help clients achieve change. Author Pearl S. Berman provides client interviews and sample case studies in each chapter along with detailed steps for practice and developing treatment plans. Chapters conclude with questions that engage students in critical thinking about the complexity of human experiences. The updated and expanded Fourth Edition includes cutting-edge issues in trauma-informed care; responsiveness to development across the lifespan; integration of issues relevant to intersectionality of oppression; and evidence-based practice.

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning: Integrating Theory With Clinical Practice

by Dr Pearl Susan Berman

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning: Integrating Theory With Clinical Practice teaches students in counseling, psychotherapy, and clinical psychology how to develop the case conceptualization and treatment planning skills necessary to help clients achieve change. Author Pearl S. Berman provides client interviews and sample case studies in each chapter along with detailed steps for practice and developing treatment plans. Chapters conclude with questions that engage students in critical thinking about the complexity of human experiences. The updated and expanded Fourth Edition includes cutting-edge issues in trauma-informed care; responsiveness to development across the lifespan; integration of issues relevant to intersectionality of oppression; and evidence-based practice.

Case Studies In Abnormal Psychology

by Thomas F. Oltmanns Michele T. Martin

Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology presents actual clinical cases, providing developmental histories essential to appropriate diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. This text presents 23 distinct case studies, applying abstract theoretical research to real-world situations. Each study describes the clinical problem, demonstrates the formulation and implementation of a treatment plan, and discusses evidence of potential causes and prevalence. This comprehensive examination includes cases ranging from psychotic and personality disorders including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to those concerning child development and aging such as attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Coverage of sometimes controversial subjects including dissociative identity disorder, gender dysphoria, autism spectrum disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder ensures contemporary relevance.

Case Studies in Forensic Psychology: Clinical Assessment and Treatment

by Ruth Tully Jennifer Bamford

Case Studies in Forensic Psychology offers the reader a unique insight into the often-hidden world of psychological assessment and intervention with people who have committed serious crimes. The book contains a breadth of forensic case studies, and each chapter details the real forensic work that psychologists do in their clinical practice in prison, psychiatric, and community settings. Assessment and therapeutic approaches used in each case study are discussed, as well as the state of the literature in each area (e.g. sexual violence risk assessment, schema therapy). Each chapter will take the reader through a variety of offender profiles, their personal background, any relevant psychiatric or psychological diagnoses, and assessments and/or treatment completed. Case studies offer valuable insight into the clinical practice and day-to-day role of a forensic psychologist, demonstrating the work undertaken that empirical research does not offer. Uniquely, Case Studies in Forensic Psychology brings together treatment models and forensic research, demonstrating how theory translates into practice and considering whether it is effective at an individual level. It is ideal for students of forensic psychology and forensic mental health, as well as practitioners at any stage of their career in this rapidly expanding field.

Case Studies in Social Psychology: Critical Thinking and Application

by Dr Thomas Heinzen Dr Wind Goodfriend

In Case Studies in Social Psychology: Critical Thinking and Application, Thomas Heinzen and Wind Goodfriend use brief, entertaining case stories to illustrate the historical context and evolution of major theories within the field of social psychology. By employing a unique mix of contemporary research and hallmark studies, Heinzen and Goodfriend encourage students to explore new, meaningful ways of thinking about and connecting with foundational course concepts. In turn, this approach facilitates engaged conversation and deeper critical thinking both in and out of the classroom.

Case Studies in Social Psychology: Critical Thinking and Application

by Dr Thomas Heinzen Dr Wind Goodfriend

In Case Studies in Social Psychology: Critical Thinking and Application, Thomas Heinzen and Wind Goodfriend use brief, entertaining case stories to illustrate the historical context and evolution of major theories within the field of social psychology. By employing a unique mix of contemporary research and hallmark studies, Heinzen and Goodfriend encourage students to explore new, meaningful ways of thinking about and connecting with foundational course concepts. In turn, this approach facilitates engaged conversation and deeper critical thinking both in and out of the classroom.

A Casebook of Transformational and Transactional Leadership

by Fil J. Arenas

Featuring more than twenty-five case studies of leaders throughout history, A Casebook of Transformational and Transactional Leadership supplements existing texts on transformational leadership and the full range model to promote higher levels of understanding of transformational and transactional leadership behaviors. Beginning with an overview of transformational and transactional behavior components, Arenas describes the original tenets of leadership researchers, demonstrating how practicing the principles of full range leadership can aid those who guide or manage others. The subsequent chapters examine influential figures from various organizational environments to provide readers with examples that connect with core full range leadership concepts. Finally, each chapter ends with a discussion question, helping to engage students with the material and encouraging further reflection and study. A Casebook of Transformational and Transactional Leadership is essential reading for both graduate and undergraduate students of leadership development, as well as military and non-military professionals in leadership, leadership development, business and management, and education.

Cases of Amnesia: Contributions to Understanding Memory and the Brain (Frontiers of Cognitive Psychology)

by Sarah E. MacPherson Sergio Della Sala

In all cognitive domains, neuropsychological research has advanced through the study of individual patients, and detailed observations and descriptions of their cases have been the backbone of medical and scientific reports for centuries. Cases of Amnesia describes some of the most important single case studies in the history of memory, as well as new case studies of amnesic patients. It highlights the major contribution they make to our understanding of human memory and neuropsychology. Written by world-leading researchers and considering the latest theory and techniques in the field, each case study provides a description of the patient's history, how their memory was assessed and what conclusions can be made in relation to cognitive models of memory. Edited by Sarah E. MacPherson and Sergio Della Sala, Cases of Amnesia is a must read for researchers and clinicians in neuropsychology, cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience.

Catatonia, Shutdown and Breakdown in Autism: A Psycho-Ecological Approach

by Amitta Shah

This ground-breaking book provides the first detailed clinical analysis of the various manifestations of catatonia, shutdown and breakdown in autistic individuals, with a new assessment framework (ACE-S) and guidance on intervention and management strategies using a psycho-ecological approach. Based on Dr Amitta Shah's lifetime of clinical experience in Autism Spectrum Disorders, and her research in collaboration with Dr Lorna Wing, this much needed book will be a valuable resource for professionals, autistic individuals and their families and carers.

Causality and Development: Neo-Eriksonian Perspectives

by Gerald Young

The third book in Young’s unique trilogy on causality and development continues to locate and define the central role of causality in biopsychosocial and network/systems development, and as a unifying concept of psychology itself. As a way of discussing causality, in general, initially, the book focuses on the acquisition of handedness and hemispheric specialization in infancy and childhood, and their relations to the development of cognition, language, and emotion, in particular. The second part of the book elaborates an innovative 25-step Neo-Eriksonian model of development across the life course based on a Neo-Piagetian model covered in the previous books, completing a step-by-step account of development over the lifespan cognitively and socio-emotionally. It builds on the concept of neo-stage, which is network-based. From this conceptual synthesis, the author’s robust theory of development and causality identifies potential areas for psychological problems and pathology at each developmental step as well as science-based possibilities for their treatment. This elegant volume:Presents a clear picture of the development of handedness and laterality in more depth than has been attempted in the literature to date.Traces the causal concepts of activation-inhibition coordination and networking in the context of development.Describes in depth a novel 25-step Neo-Eriksonian lifespan model of development.Reviews relevant research on Piagetian and Eriksonian theories in development.Emphasizes the clinical utility of the described 25-step Neo-Eriksonian approach to lifespan development. A significant step in understanding this highly nuanced subject and synthesizing a broad knowledge base, Causality and Development will find an interested audience among developmental psychologists, mental health practitioners, academics, and researchers.chers.

CBT: Managerialism, Politics and the Corruptions of Science

by Farhad Dalal

Is CBT all it claims to be? The Cognitive Behavioural Tsunami: Managerialism, Politics, and the Corruptions of Science provides a powerful critique of CBT’s understanding of human suffering, as well as the apparent scientific basis underlying it. The book argues that CBT psychology has fetishized measurement to such a degree that it has come to believe that only the countable counts. It suggests that the so-called science of CBT is not just "bad science" but "corrupt science". The rise of CBT has been fostered by neoliberalism and the phenomenon of New Public Management. The book not only critiques the science, psychology and philosophy of CBT, but also challenges the managerialist mentality and its hyper-rational understanding of "efficiency", both of which are commonplace in organizational life today. The book suggests that these are perverse forms of thought, which have been institutionalised by NICE and IAPT and used by them to generate narratives of CBT’s prowess. It claims that CBT is an exercise in symptom reduction which vastly exaggerates the degree to which symptoms are reduced, the durability of the improvement, as well as the numbers of people it helps. Arguing that CBT is neither the cure nor the scientific treatment it claims to be, the book also serves as a broader cultural critique of the times we live in; a critique which draws on philosophy and politics, on economics and psychology, on sociology and history, and ultimately, on the idea of science itself. It will be of immense interest to psychotherapists, policymakers and those concerned about the excesses of managerialism.

CBT Express: Effective 15-Minute Techniques for Treating Children and Adolescents

by Robert D. Friedberg Jessica M. McClure Micaela A. Thordarson Marisa Keller

Offering vital tools for working with 4- to 18-year-olds in a wide range of settings, this book presents engaging cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) activities that can be implemented rapidly and flexibly. Concise chapters guide the provider to quickly identify meaningful points of intervention for frequently encountered clinical concerns, and to teach and model effective strategies. Each intervention includes a summary of the target age, module, purpose, rationale, materials needed, and expected time for completion, as well as clear instructions and sample dialogues and scripts. In a convenient large-size format, the book features helpful graphics and 77 reproducible handouts and worksheets in the form of Handy and Quick (HQ) Cards. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.

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