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Showing 35,001 through 35,025 of 49,952 results

Deixe de se Perocupar: Como Eliminar Preocupações, Ansiedades e Ser uma Pessoa Mais Saudável

by Vera Mónica Mendes Monteiro

Um guia completo para compreender e eliminar a ansiedade, stress, preocupação, medo e pânico. Este guia irá ajudá-lo a eliminar e lidar com preocupações, stress e ansiedade. - Pare as Preocupações - Trave o Stress - Pare a Ansiedade - Métodos Naturais - Sem Medicação - Durma Melhor - Seja Mais Saudável - Seja Mais Feliz - Viva Uma Vida ;elhor --> Deslize para o topo da página e clique "Adicionar ao Carro de Compras Para Obter Instantaneamente" Aviso Legal: Este autor ou dono de direitos de autor, não faz reivindacações, promessas ou garantias acerca da exactidão, totalidade, ou adequação dos conteúdos deste livro, e descarga expressamente a responsabilidade por erros e omissões nos conteúdos. Este produto serve como referência de uso apenas.

Deje de Preocuparse: Como Eliminar Preocupaciones Estrés y Ansiedad para Dormir Mejor y Ser Más Sano

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

La guía completa para entender y eliminar ansiedad, estrés, preocupaciones, miedo y pánico. Esta guía lo ayudara a eliminar y lidiar con sus Preocupaciones, Estrés y Ansiedad. •Detenga las Preocupaciones •Detenga el Estrés •Detenga la Ansiedad •Métodos Naturales •Sin Medicamentos •Duerma Mejor •Sea Más Sano •Sea Más Feliz •Viva una Vida Mejor

Delivering Effective College Mental Health Services

by Lee Keyes

An essential guide to organizing and offering mental health services on campus.Stressed by increasing student demand for mental health services, campus counseling centers across the country are grappling with how best to deliver ethical, effective, and efficient service. Hampered by limited budgets, most centers find it deeply challenging to address growing college mental health service needs. Yet little conceptual training is provided to student affairs, higher education, health, and mental health professionals who deliver campus mental health services.In Delivering Effective College Mental Health Services, psychologist Lee Keyes aims to change that. He offers sound, field-tested advice for creating a congruent, cross-division, and service-oriented college counseling enterprise that best fits its campus culture and students. This useful handbook for administering counseling services• poses questions and offers practical advice to help college counseling centers form a consistent philosophical model• lays out conceptual groundwork for constructing college counseling services, from training activities to counseling/psychotherapy processes• takes into account the pressures (time related, economic, political, cultural) that strain universities• explains how to cultivate an accurate and empathic response to each individual, their entire history and context, and their possible life trajectoryWritten by a leading provider of college mental health services, Delivering Effective College Mental Health Services is an essential guide to organizing and offering mental health services on university and college campuses.

Delivering Resilient Health Care

by Erik Hollnagel Jeffrey Braithwaite Robert L. Wears

Health care is under tremendous pressure regarding efficiency, safety, and economic viability. It has responded by adopting techniques that have been useful in other industries, such as quality management, lean production, and high reliability – although with limited, and all-too-often disappointing, results. The Resilient Health Care Network (RHCN) has worked since 2011 to facilitate the interaction and collaboration among practitioners and researchers interested in applying concepts from resilience engineering to health care and patient safety. This has met with considerable success, not least because the focus from the start was on developing concrete ways to complement a Safety-I perspective with a Safety-II perspective. Building on previous volumes, Delivering Resilient Health Care presents documented experiences and practical guidance on how to bring Resilient Health Care into practice. It provides concrete advice on how to prepare a study, how to choose the right data, how to collect it, how to analyse the data, and how to interpret the results. This fourth book in the Resilient Healthcare series contains contributions from international experts in health care, organisational studies and patient safety, as well as resilience engineering. This book provides a practical guide for delivering resilient healthcare, particularly for clinicians on the frontline of care unsure how to incorporate resilience into their everyday work, managers coordinating care, and for policymakers hoping to steer the system in the right direction. Other groups – patients, the media, and researchers – will also find much of interest here.

Dementia: An Attachment Approach (The Bowlby Centre Monograph Series)

by Kate White Angela Cotter Hazel Leventhal

This interdisciplinary book offers a relational perspective to dementia care drawing on attachment theory and practice. Relevant to professionals and the general public alike, it brings together innovative research and practice in psychotherapy and the creative arts with the lived experience of being a carer. Indeed, the book includes insights from professional and personal experience throughout. It also provides exclusive access to Josh Appignanesi’s short film, Ex Memoria, about his grandmother’s experience of dementia, poignantly portrayed by Sara Kestelman. Chapters include the experience of caring for a sister with dementia; the importance of an attachment perspective in theory and practice; a new approach to understanding the possible origins of dementia in trauma; contemporary understandings from clinical and research arenas; the description of a leading-edge project providing psychotherapeutic work; and an innovative creative arts and reminiscence European-wide family intervention for those living with dementia. Written in accessible language, Dementia: An Attachment Approach will be of great interest to people living with dementia, as well as those working with, and caring for, people with dementia in a variety of contexts including nurses, doctors and psychiatrists, clinical and counselling psychologists, social workers, health and social care workers, family carers and psychotherapists, as well as creative arts practitioners and policymakers.

The Dementia Manifesto: Putting Values-Based Practice to Work (Values-Based Practice)

by Julian C. Hughes Toby Williamson

This book represents a new turn in approaching dementia. It is a manifesto which sets out important principles about the nature of dementia both as a disease and as a disability and explores how a values-based, person-centred and rights-based approach can be applied to every aspect of the experience of dementia. Using vignettes, the book covers a variety of issues such as diagnosis, treatment, care, social attitudes, research, public policy and funding. It reflects the considerations of the patient and their carers as well as the perspectives of healthcare professionals, researchers and policy makers. The Dementia Manifesto promotes the concepts of 'values' and disability rights, as well as the growing focus on creating an environment for people to live well with their condition. It will appeal to a range of clinicians, practitioners, academics and students from a variety of specialties.

Dementia Reimagined: Building a Life of Joy and Dignity from Beginning to End

by Tia Powell

The cultural and medical history of dementia and Alzheimer's disease by a leading psychiatrist and bioethicist who urges us to turn our focus from cure to care.Despite being a physician and a bioethicist, Tia Powell wasn't prepared to address the challenges she faced when her grandmother, and then her mother, were diagnosed with dementia--not to mention confronting the hard truth that her own odds aren't great. In the U.S., 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day; by the time a person reaches 85, their chances of having dementia approach 50 percent. And the truth is, there is no cure, and none coming soon, despite the perpetual promises by pharmaceutical companies that they are just one more expensive study away from a pill. Dr. Powell's goal is to move the conversation away from an exclusive focus on cure to a genuine appreciation of care--what we can do for those who have dementia, and how to keep life meaningful and even joyful. Reimagining Dementia is a moving combination of medicine and memoir, peeling back the untold history of dementia, from the story of Solomon Fuller, a black doctor whose research at the turn of the twentieth century anticipated important aspects of what we know about dementia today, to what has been gained and lost with the recent bonanza of funding for Alzheimer's at the expense of other forms of the disease. In demystifying dementia, Dr. Powell helps us understand it with clearer eyes, from the point of view of both physician and caregiver. Ultimately, she wants us all to know that dementia is not only about loss--it's also about the preservation of dignity and hope.

Depression at University (Student Wellbeing Series)

by Dominique Thompson

This illustrated pocket book offers advice, practical tips, and useful exercises for students to combat low moods and depression at university. Written by the award-winning student mental health specialist, Dr Dominique Thompson, this easy-to-read guide will ensure that students have all the tools they need to understand the sources of their depression and take steps to reclaim their life from its debilitating effects.Although plenty of people talk about depression, there are still a lot of misconceptions about it. This book will clearly explore what depression is, and investigate the ways in which it can affect anyone. With extracts from students’ own accounts about their depression, and how they learned to manage it, and lots of practical, easy-to-follow examples and exercises, the book will help readers understand their depression, so they can deal with it in the right way for them.Above all, this book will help readers gain real power over their depression so that they can enjoy the full university experience on their terms.

Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink

by Nita Sweeney

&“Sweeney&’s courage and grit shine through her candid memoir . . . This book has the power to inspire countless others as they pace themselves to mental health.&” ―Aimee Liu, author of Gaining: The Truth About Life After Eating Disorders Before she discovered running, Nita Sweeney was forty-nine years old, chronically depressed, occasionally manic, and unable to jog for more than sixty seconds at a time. Using exercise, Nita discovered an inner strength she didn&’t know she possessed, and with the help of her canine companion, she found herself on the way to completing her first marathon. In her memoir, Sweeney shares how she overcame emotional and physical challenges to finish the race and come back from the brink. Anyone who has struggled with depression knows the ways the mind can defeat you. However, it is possible to transform yourself with the power of running. You may learn that you can endure more than you think, and that there&’s no other therapy quite like pavement beneath your feet.Depression Hates a Moving Target is a witty and poignant story of rediscovery. Whether you&’re born to run or just looking for rebirth, you will: · Be inspired by the powerful story of one woman—and her dog · Cheer on Nita as she endures the challenges of a marathon and a mind in turmoil · Discover the power of running to overcome obstacles Winner of the Maxwell Award from the Dog Writers Association of America

Depressive Disorders: Mechanisms, Measurement and Management (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1180)

by Yiru Fang

This book offers a state-of-the-art report on recent discoveries concerning the basic and clinical, neuroscientific and psychiatric findings in depression research. Depressive disorder is a severe and recurrent brain disorder that can manifest in depressive mood, somatic symptoms and cognitive impairment. The underlying mechanisms of depressive disorder and its clinical practice are subjects of long-standing interests. This book is a biologically plausible and multilevel theory which describes neural, physiological, molecular and genomic mechanisms that drive depression pathogenesis, as well as navigates the clinical practice and management for depressive disorder. It mainly describes advances made over the past 20 years on the neural, molecular, neuroimaging, physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and internet-based measurement and management of depressive disorder. It will help postgraduate students and academic researchers to get either basic or clinical picture of depressive disorder. Also, it may benefit pharmaceutical companies for developing novel drugs to treat this disease.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Juristen: "Komm zu Dir!" - Justieren Sie sich Plädoyer für das Training der Selbstregulation (Anti-Stress-Trainer)

by Stefanie Simone Klief

Juristen bilden keine heterogene Berufsgruppe ab. Sie nehmen die unterschiedlichsten Tätigkeiten wahr, sind in den verschiedensten Hierarchien eingeordnet und arbeiten sich gleichermaßen durch Aktenberge wie direkt „am Menschen“. Da geht es um Rechtsgestaltung, Streitvermeidung und Streitentscheidung, also Urteilskraft. Dazu braucht es Problemlösungs- und Analysefähigkeiten. Das ist es, was alle eint: vor oft schwierig fassbaren Problemen nicht zu kapitulieren, sondern selbstgesteuert Rückschlüsse zu ziehen und konstruktive Lösungsmöglichkeiten zu erarbeiten. Diese Fähigkeiten nutzt der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Juristen als Grundlage, um darauf aufbauend das Bewusstsein für die Ressource der Selbstregulation zu wecken und sie mittels einiger Techniken zu trainieren. Dies braucht Zeit, Raum und Engagement. Jegliche Prozesse, und gerade die der Stressregulierung, können dauerhaft nur über Bewegung zum Ziel führen. Zu dieser facettenreichen Dynamik möchte das Buch gerne anregen.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Personalverantwortliche: Praxis für Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter (Anti-Stress-Trainer)

by Peter Buchenau Stefan Assian

Dieses Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe führt zur Mitte: Ins Zentrum des Stresses der Personalverantwortlichen und in den Raum ihres Selbst.Im Kontext der vorherrschenden Dynamik und Hektik unserer Zeit, die gerade die Personalabteilungen erfasst hat, widmet es dem alten Wissen eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit.Dessen Darstellung, eingebettet in gegenwärtige unternehmerische Strukturen, macht deutlich, dass seine Prinzipien heute aktueller denn je sind.Durch die technischen Veränderungen haben sich das Leben und die Probleme des Menschen in der Welt geändert aber die wesentlichen Fragen sind dieselben geblieben.Anhand des „Fünf Ebenen Modells“ mit seinen Wurzeln in uralten Traditionen und der Jahrtausende alten chinesischen Lehre von den „Fünf Elementen“ bietet dieser Ratgeber Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, die in der modernen Unternehmenswelt praktisch angewendet werden kann.

Der Bewerbungs-Coach: Von der Uni in den Job: Infos und Tipps für die perfekte Bewerbung und das erfolgreiche Vorstellungsgespräch

by Martin Sutoris

Vor allem für Uni-/FH-Absolventen ist der Bewerbungsprozess eine gänzlich neue Erfahrung. Es gibt viele Do’s und Dont’s zu beachten, die Informationen in Ratgebern sowie im Internet sind teilweise widersprüchlich, die eigene Vita hat noch nicht allzu viel vorzuweisen - und dann ist da noch das Vorstellungsgespräch… die Erfahrung, mit „wichtigen“ Vorgesetzten und Entscheidern überzeugend zu kommunizieren, fehlt größtenteils. Allein schon bei dem Gedanken sich schriftlich oder persönlich „verkaufen“ zu müssen dreht sich vielen jungen Jobsuchern der Magen um. Der Bewerbungscoach bietet daher auf Grundlage der hoch spezialisierten Erfahrung eines Coaches praxiserprobte Insidertipps an. Drei thematische Blöcke bilden die Substanz des Buches: Die schriftliche Bewerbung: Hier werden Themen wie Design, Rhetorik, Lebenslauf, Struktur angesprochen und mit erfolgreichen Beispielen veranschaulicht. Der rote Faden ist ein Vergleich der typischen Elemente zu der Arbeit eines Bestsellerautors.Das Vorstellungsgespräch: In diesem Teil geht es darum, wie das Gespräch erfolgreich gemeistert werden kann. Hierbei kommen speziell praxiserprobte Methoden des Mentaltriainings und der Kommunikationspsychologie zum Einsatz. So ist es zum Beispiel gut möglich, Lampenfieber in den Griff zu bekommen oder auf die Frage nach den eigenen Schwächen rhetorisch versiert zu kontern sowie die eigene Wirkungskraft deutlich zu erhöhen. Allgemeine Bewerbungsthemen: Nun geht es noch darum, wie und wo man nach passenden Stellen recherchieren kann; wie man der zentralen Frage „Wo will ich eigentlich hin?“ nachspüren kann; wie man während der (ggf. länger andauernden) Erwerbslosigkeit motiviert bleibt. Zudem verraten 6 Karriereexperten ihre besten Tipps.

Der Mentoring Kompass für Unternehmen und Mentoren: Persönliche Erfahrungsberichte, Erfolgsprinzipien aus Forschung und Praxis

by Lothar Wüst Stephan Pflaum

Mentoring ist ein vielversprechendes Beratungskonzept, um die Karrieren junger Akademiker und Fachkräfte gezielt zu fördern. Das vorliegende Arbeitsbuch richtet sich gleichermaßen an Mentoren und Mentees, die eine Mentoringbeziehung während des Studiums oder am Beginn ihrer Karriere aufbauen und erfolgreich gestalten wollen. Neben einer Einführung in die grundlegenden Methoden der Beratung im Mentoringprozess bietet das Buch eine anwendungsorientierte Best-Practice-Sammlung zur erfolgreichen Gestaltung der Beziehung zwischen Mentor und Mentee.

Der Weg in ein glückliches Leben ...: ... durch nachhaltiges (Selbst-) Coaching

by Petra Denninger

Sei dein eigener Coach – du hast es selbst in der Hand glücklich zu sein! Wo stehe ich aktuell und was will ich ändern und wie? Mit diversen Tools und Werkzeugen hilft Ihnen dieses Buch dabei, Ihre innersten Wünsche und Ziele herauszufinden. Es ist eine Art Selbstcoaching zur Förderung der persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung: Viele Tipps aus der Praxis und Hilfestellungen erleichtern Ihnen den Einstieg und laden ein, sofort zu beginnenEs führt Sie fundiert und leicht verständlich durch zentrale Fragen und bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Situation zu reflektieren um Klarheit über sich selbst zu gewinnenFragebögen und zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis helfen Ihnen dabei, das Gelesene praktisch umzusetzenEs öffnet Ihnen die Augen, um ungesunde Denkmuster wie fehlende Selbstliebe, Angst vor Entscheidungen und Resignation sowie schädliche Gewohnheiten zu erkennenDazu zeigt es Ihnen Schritt für Schritt unterschiedliche Tools, die ihnen helfen, Ihre Wünsche umzusetzen Dieses Buch möchte jeden Einzelnen darin unterstützen, das Leben so zu gestalten, um den passenden eigenen Weg zu finden. Es eignet sich für alle, die sich weiterentwickeln und unter Anleitung mutig und zuversichtlicher werden möchten.

Derecho a la felicidad: Un camino directo hacia el bienestar

by Enrique De Rosa Alabaster

La felicidad, el bienestar, es lo que buscamos a lo largo de nuestra vida. A veces parece imposible, pero está más cerca de lo que pensamos. Este libro es el inicio de ese camino. ¿Qué es la felicidad? ¿Por qué en vez de ir derecho hacia ella desviamos siempre nuestro camino? ¿De dónde provienen las preguntas fundamentales de la existencia? ¿Somos capaces de aprender lo que la vida tiene para enseñarnos? ¿Cómo encontramos la salida del laberinto? ¿Por qué creemos que siempre tendremos tiempo para todo? ¿Por qué pensamos que está mal estar mal? Con casi cuarenta años de experiencia, Enrique De Rosa Alabaster reflexiona sobre la idea de la felicidad -comúnmente considerada algo frívolo o poco importante- de manera profunda, didáctica y conmovedora, recurriendo a ejemplos de la literatura, el derecho, los mitos griegos, la psiquiatría y la filosofía. Como si fuera la bitácora de un barco que usan los marinos para llegar al faro, este libro se propone buscar las señales adecuadas que nos llevarán derecho a la felicidad.

Desafiando la tierra salvaje: La verdadera pertenencia y el valor para ser uno mismo

by Brene Brown

Brené Brown está revolucionando la forma de entender la vulnerabilidad, la empatía y la pertenencia. De la autora de Sé valiente, el documental de Netflix. La actual crisis de desconexión nos obliga a plantearnos la pertenencia a nuestra comunidad, empresa, cultura. La verdadera pertenencia no nos pide que cambiemos; nos exige que seamos quienes somos. Brené Brown, famosa por profundizar en las experiencias que dan sentido a la vida, como el coraje, la vulnerabilidad, el amor, la vergüenza y la empatía, se adentra ahora en el debate sobre la pertenencia. En Desafiando la tierra salvaje, Brown redefine el concepto «pertenecer» en una era marcada por la complacencia, el individualismo y el aislamiento ideológico. La autora da un giro al discurso cultural establecido y abre un nuevo camino hacia lo que significa ser parte de algo. Un libro oportuno y necesario que desafía lo que pensamos sobre nosotros mismos y nuestra forma de relacionarnos con los demás.

Design for a Better Future: A guide to designing in complex systems

by John Body Nina Terrey

The world we live in is increasingly complex. It throws up complex problems. This book is about tackling them. <P><P> At ThinkPlace, we’ve pioneered the application of design thinking to complex challenges like climate change, family violence and global malnutrition. We work globally with governments, organisations and communities using a methodology – the Design System™ outlined in this book – that has been developed over more than a decade. <P><P> We bring together different voices and help them to create better futures. If you’re one of those voices, or would like to be, this book is for you. It’s part roadmap, part instruction manual, but mostly it’s a clarion call for a new way of doing things: tackling the world’s biggest problems in a way that brings people together and produces positive, lasting change.

Designing Experiences (Columbia Business School Publishing)

by J. Rossman Mathew Duerden B. Pine

In an increasingly experience-driven economy, companies that deliver great experiences thrive, and those that do not die. Yet many organizations face difficulties implementing a vision of delivering experiences beyond the provision of goods and services. Because experience design concepts and approaches are spread across multiple, often disconnected disciplines, there is no book that succinctly explains to students and aspiring professionals how to design them. J. Robert Rossman and Mathew D. Duerden present a comprehensive and accessible introduction to experience design. They synthesize the fundamental theories and methods from multiple disciplines and lay out a process for designing experiences from start to finish. Rossman and Duerden challenge us to reflect on what makes a great experience from the user's perspective. They provide a framework of experience types, explaining people's engagement with products and services and what makes experiences personal and fulfilling. The book presents interdisciplinary research underlying key concepts such as memory, intentionality, and dramatic structure in a down-to-earth style, drawing attention to both the macro and micro levels. Designing Experiences features detailed instructions and numerous real-world examples that clarify theoretical principles, making it useful for students and professionals. An invaluable overview of a growing field, the book provides readers with the tools they need to design innovative and indelible experiences and to move their organizations into the experience economy. Designing Experiences features a foreword by B. Joseph Pine II.

Designing for Kids: Creating for Playing, Learning, and Growing

by Krystina Castella

Designers, especially design students, rarely have access to children or their worlds when creating products, images, experiences and environments for them. Therefore, fine distinctions between age transitions and the day-to-day experiences of children are often overlooked. Designing for Kids brings together all a designer needs to know about developmental stages, play patterns, age transitions, playtesting, safety standards, materials and the daily lives of kids, providing a primer on the differences in designing for kids versus designing for adults. Research and interviews with designers, social scientists and industry experts are included, highlighting theories and terms used in the fields of design, developmental psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology and education. This textbook includes more than 150 color images, helpful discussion questions and clearly formatted chapters, making it relevant to a wide range of readers. It is a useful tool for students in industrial design, interaction design, environmental design and graphic design with children as the main audience for their creations.

Designing Instruction For Open Sharing

by Shalin Hai-Jew

This textbook considers and addresses the design of online learning objects, electronic textbooks, short courses, long courses, MOOC courses, and other types of contents for open sharing. It also considers the design of online mediated communities to enhance such learning. The “openness” may be open-access, and/or it may even be open-source. The learning may range from self-directed and automated to AI robot-led to instructor-led. The main concept of this work is that design learning for open sharing, requires different considerations than when designing for closed and proprietary contexts. Open sharing of learning contents requires a different sense of laws (intellectual property, learner privacy, pedagogical strategies, technologies, media, and others). It requires different considerations of learner diversity and inclusion. It requires geographical, cultural, and linguistic considerations that are not as present in more localized designs. The open sharing aspect also has effects on learner performance tracking (assessments) and learner feedback. This textbook targets students, both undergraduate and graduate in computer science, education and other related fields. Also, professionals in this field managing online systems would find this book helpful.

Designing Integrated Care Ecosystems: A Socio-Technical Perspective

by Bernard J. Mohr Ezra Dessers

This book brings together research and theory about integrated care ecosystems with modern Socio-Technical Systems Design. It provides a practical framework for collaborative action and the potential for better care in every sense. By combining the aspirations, information, resources, activities, and the skills of public and private organizations, independent care providers, informal care givers, patients and other ecosystem actors, this framework makes possible results that none of the parties concerned can achieve independently It is both a design challenge and a call for innovation in how we think about health care co-creation. Illustrative stories from many countries highlight different aspects of integrated care ecosystems, their design and their functioning in ways that allow us to push the operating frontiers of what we today call our health care system. It explains what it means to design higher levels of coordination and collaboration into fragmented care ecosystems and explores who the participants should and can be in that process. Written for a broad audience including researchers, professionals, and policy makers, this book offers readers new thinking about what outcomes are possible and ways to achieve them.

Designology: How to Find Your PlaceType & Align Your Life with Design

by Dr. Sally Augustin

A simple guide to creating spaces at home and work that align with your personality type and support your goals—with the help of science. Discover a new paradigm: Are you an adventurer or a visionary? A maverick or a maven? Designology makes design personal through environmental and design psychologist Sally Augustin&’s 8 personality &“Placetypes&” that characterize the different ways we can relate to the space around us.Personalize everything: What color should you paint your child&’s bedroom? How do shapes and patterns influence how you think in a space? How do room dimensions influence you psychologically? Designology answers all these questions and more with practical how-to advice and real-world examples sure to help make your house a happier place to be.Move forward with your design projects: Bust through the design paralysis that affects so many by applying verified science-based insights. Designology will help you regain control of your design-related efforts with suggestions customized to your personality and space-related needs.Find out what really matters: Designology teaches you how smells, textures, and other factors in your home influence your happiness. It shows you how your personality and ideal design styles are really related. Readers will learn about:· How to sound-scape a place whether they need to concentrate or think creatively· How to use scents in their home to help their family feel healthier· What to read into their spouse&’s desktop landscape· How to use paint to make their living room feel more comfortable· And much more!Take on your intimidating design tasks with confidence using this practical, personalizable how-to guide.

The Desk on the Sea (Made in Michigan Writers Series)

by Jonathan Johnson

The Desk on the Sea begins four years after American poet Jonathan Johnson spread his mother’s ashes in her beloved Lake Superior and moved with his wife and young daughter into a seventeenth-century cottage on Scotland’s North Sea. On an idyllic, desolate coast and in the wild Highlands, Johnson began his search for a way to live through ongoing grief and to take in the wonder of each new day. Through years of extraordinary suffering by way of multiple ailments, Johnson’s mother, Sheila, endured an astounding number of amputations—a toe, the end of a finger, a foot, whole fingers, the other foot. What she lost in her physical being, she gained in her kindness and generosity. By the time she was told that the only way she could survive a little longer was the amputation of both hands, she was capable of giving those who loved her and herself a beautiful death instead. Inspired by her example of grace and awareness, Johnson and his family gave themselves one year on the coast of Scotland to live by Shelia’s great, guiding principle: We don’t get the days back. They wandered trails along windswept shores and past the stone ruins left by people who’d come and gone before. They played as characters from Harry Potter on deserted beaches. From their cottage, they watched an island lighthouse, counting the seconds between flashes to know exactly when to say "goodnight" so the lighthouse would answer with a wink. The Desk on the Sea is a chronicle of progress toward one man’s new life goal—to be a father, husband, and poet worthy of his mother’s legacy. Sustained by an unwavering belief that words can help us fully occupy our lives, and that imagination and empathy can transform suffering into what John Keats called "soul-making," Johnson offers readers a raw look at love and loss.

Determinism and Self-Organization of Human Perception and Performance (Springer Series in Synergetics)

by Till Frank

This book discusses human perception and performance within the framework of the theory of self-organizing systems. To that end, it presents a variety of phenomena and experimental findings in the research field, and provides an introduction to the theory of self-organization, with a focus on amplitude equations, order parameter and Lotka-Volterra equations. The book demonstrates that relating the experimental findings to the mathematical models provides an explicit account for the causal nature of human perception and performance. In particular, the notion of determinism versus free will is discussed in this context. The book is divided into four main parts, the first of which discusses the relationship between the concept of determinism and the fundamental laws of physics. The second part provides an introduction to using the self-organization approach from physics to understand human perception and performance, a strategy used throughout the remainder of the book to connect experimental findings and mathematical models. In turn, the third part of the book focuses on investigating performance guided by perception: climbing stairs and grasping tools are presented in detail. Perceptually relevant bifurcation parameters in the mathematical models are also identified, e.g. in the context of walk-to-run gait transitions. Chains of perceptions and actions together with their underlying mechanisms are then presented, and a number of experimental phenomena – such as selective attention, priming, child play, bistable perception, retrieval-induced forgetting, functional fixedness and memory effects exhibiting hysteresis with positive or negative sign – are discussed. Human judgment making, internal experiences such as dreaming and thinking, and Freud’s concept of consciousness are also addressed. The fourth and last part of the book explores several specific topics such as learning, social interactions between two people, life trajectories, and applications in clinical psychology. In particular, episodes of mania and depression under bipolar disorder, perception under schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive rituals are discussed. This book is intended for researchers and graduate students in psychology, physics, applied mathematics, kinesiology, and the sport sciences who want to learn about the foundations of the field. Written for a mixed audience, the experiments and concepts are presented using non-technical language throughout. In addition, each chapter includes more advanced sections for modelers in the fields of physics and applied mathematics.

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