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The Fandom of David Bowie: Everyone Says "Hi"

by Toija Cinque Sean Redmond

Built from stories and memories shared by self-defined David Bowie fans, thisbook explores how Bowie existed as a figure of renewal and redemption,resonating in particular with those marginalized by culture and society. SeanRedmond and Toija Cinque draw on personal interviews, memorabilia, diaries,letters, communal gatherings and shared conversation to find out why Bowiemattered so much to the fans that idolized him. Contextualising the identification streams that have emerged around David Bowie, the book highlights his remarkable influence.

Fanon, Education, Action: Child as Method (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Erica Burman

Bridging childhood studies, pedagogy and educational theory, critical psychology, and postcolonial studies, this unique book reads the role and functions of ‘the child’ and childhood as both cultural motif and as embodied life condition through the work of Frantz Fanon. Based on innovative readings of Fanon and postcolonial cultural studies, the book offers new insights for critical pedagogical and transformative practice in forging crucial links not only between the political and the psychological, but between distress, therapy, and (personal and political) learning and transformation. Structured around four indicative and distinct forms of ‘child’ read from Fanon’s texts (Idiotic, Traumatogenic, Therapeutic, Extemic), the author discusses both educational and therapeutic practices. The pedagogical links the political with the personal, and Fanon’s revolutionary psychoaffective account offers vital resources to inform these. Finally the book presents ‘child as method’ as a new analytical approach by which to read the geopolitical, which shows childhood, education, and critical psychological studies to be key to these at the level of theory, method, and practice. By interrogating contemporary modalities of childhood as modern economic and political tropes, the author offers conceptual and methodological resources for practically engaging with and transforming these. This book will be vital and fascinating reading for students and scholars in psychology, psychoanalysis, education and childhood studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, and mental health.

Farb- und Formpsychologie

by Tobias C. Breiner

Dieses Werk ist eine umfassende und praxisrelevante Darstellung zur Farb- und Formpsychologie. Mit einer klaren Sprache und über 100 farbigen Abbildungen wird Ihnen die komplexe Thematik auf eine wissenschaftliche und anregende Art veranschaulicht.Über eine allgemeine Einführung in die Grundlagen des visuellen Systems hinaus werden Sie ebenfalls spezielles Wissen zu Assoziationen, Wirkungen und Anwendungen bestimmter Farben und Formen erwerben. Speziellen Wert legt der Autor dabei auf deren Einsatz im Game Design. Es wird zudem erstmals eine neue Farbstudie präsentiert, die zeigt, dass die Assoziationen zu Farben sich in einem in sich logischen dreidimensionalen System anordnen lassen. Die daraus gezogenen überraschenden Erkenntnisse liefern mögliche Antworten auf fundamentale Fragen der Philosophie. Das Buch ist daher nicht nur ein Muss für Wahrnehmungspsychologen und Designer, sondern eine Bereicherung für alle an dieser Thematik Interessierten.

Faszination Psychologie – Berufsfelder und Karrierewege

by Simon Werther Maximilian Mendius

Dieser Ratgeber nimmt Sie mit auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die vielfältigen Tätigkeitsfelder von Psychologinnen und Psychologen. Dabei lernen Sie neben den etablierten Anwendungsgebieten wie klinische Psychologie und Wirtschaftspsychologie auch vermeintlich exotische Arbeitsfelder wie Polizei- oder Verkehrspsychologie kennen. Finden Sie für sich heraus, ob Ihr Herz für eine Tätigkeit in der Psychologie schlägt und wie Sie diesen Wunsch verwirklichen können. Alle Kapitel sind von Experten aus der Praxis verfasst. Sie vermitteln Ihnen sowohl einen authentischen als auch realistischen Einblick in den jeweiligen Berufsalltag und räumen auf mit gängigen Vorurteilen. Darüber hinaus verleihen eingeflochtene Interviews mit praktisch tätigen Psychologen und Experten aus der Wissenschaft bereichernde Perspektiven. Wir bieten Ihnen:über 25 Autoren mit langjähriger Praxiserfahrungüber 15 zusätzliche Experteninterviews mit erfahrenen Praktikernüber 15 Meinungen von Professoren und anderen wissenschaftlichen Experten In dieser zweiten Auflage finden Sie neben einer Aktualisierung auch eine Erweiterung um interkulturelle Tätigkeiten in der Psychologie, um Schulpsychologie sowie um rechtliche Aspekte und Schweigepflicht.Dieses Buch ist nicht nur ideal für Bachelor-, Master- und Nebenfachstudierende der Psychologie, sondern für alle, die sich für Psychologie interessieren. Kommen Sie an Bord und lassen auch Sie sich von der Psychologie faszinieren!

Fathering in Cultural Contexts: Developmental and Clinical Issues (International Texts in Developmental Psychology)

by Jaipaul L Roopnarine Elif Dede Yildirim

How do men think about fathering? How does this differ across different regions of the world? And what effect does this have on child development? Fathering in Cultural Contexts: Developmental and Clinical Issues answers these questions by considering a broad range of theoretical and conceptual models on fathering and childhood development, including attachment theory, developmental psychopathology, masculinity and parenting typologies. Roopnarine and Yildirim provide a comprehensive view of fatherhood and fathering in diverse cultural communities at various stages of economic development, including fathers’ involvement in different family structures, from two-parent heterosexual families to community fathering. This book’s interdisciplinary approach highlights the changing nature of fathering, drawing connections with child development and well-being, and evaluates the effectiveness of a range of father interventions. Fathering in Cultural Contexts will appeal to upper level undergraduate and graduate students in human development, psychology, sociology, anthropology, social work, and allied health disciplines, and professionals working with families and children in non-profit and social service agencies across the world.

Fathering in India: Images and Realities

by Rajalakshmi Sriram

This book covers the underexplored subject of ‘fathering’ in India. It delves into the shared aspirations of men in India to nurture their children in sensitively attuned ways within the culturally prescriptive context that governs men’s roles as providers and caregivers. This work is based on over two decades of intensive research in India on how different groups construct and experience fatherhood and fathering under changing circumstances. It unmasks the heterogeneity that exists within fathering in India through conversations with fathers across diverse contexts—in privileged economic situations and those in difficult home and family circumstances, having children with disability, single-parent fathers and fathers in the military. A separate section discusses fathering daughters and shared parenting. Images and role models in fathering are brought alive through analysis of Hindi films, the media, children’s literature and classical literature. The conceptual analysis moves beyond the power and control dimensions commonly used to describe Indian men and fathers, to highlight their resilience, adaptability, positive involvement and developmental trajectories. This volume is for scholars, researchers and practitioners in developmental psychology, human development and family science, sociology, early childhood education and psychiatry, pediatrics, community medicine and allied fields.

Fear-Less: The Art of Using Your Anxiety to Your Advantage

by Kate Dow

With the most compelling teachings, stories, and practices, Fear-Less teaches women how to overcome anxiety and become empowered.So many women and female entrepreneurs struggle with anxiety that is stopping them from moving forward in their personal growth, business, and sense of purpose. In Fear-Less, anxiety expert and coach Dr. Kate Dow offers proven methods for women to become adept at overcoming their anxiety and rewiring their brain. With compelling teachings, stories and practices, she gently guides women back into relationship with their inner wisdom, abilities and their own power, laying out the Fear-Less path of teachings, steps, and practices that help women overcome anxiety. Fear-Less includes Dr. Kate Dow's narrative, as well as many client case stories of womens incredible outcomes. Written specifically for women, a unique and powerful perspective, Fear-Less guides readers through transformation with its practical, heart-based, and potent methods.,

Fear of Breakdown: Politics and Psychoanalysis (New Directions in Critical Theory #65)

by Noëlle McAfee

What is behind the upsurge of virulent nationalism and intransigent politics across the globe today? In Fear of Breakdown, Noëlle McAfee uses psychoanalytic theory to explore the subterranean anxieties behind current crises and the ways in which democratic practices can help work through seemingly intractable political conflicts. Working at the intersection of psyche and society, McAfee draws on psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott’s concept of the fear of breakdown to show how hypernationalism stems from unconscious anxieties over the origins of personal and social identities, giving rise to temptations to reify exclusionary phantasies of national origins.Fear of Breakdown contends that politics needs something that only psychoanalysis has been able to offer: an understanding of how to work through anxieties, ambiguity, fragility, and loss in order to create a more democratic politics. Coupling robust psychoanalytic theory with concrete democratic practice, Fear of Breakdown shows how a politics of working through can help counter a politics of splitting, paranoia, and demonization. McAfee argues for a new approach to deliberative democratic theory, not the usual philosopher-sanctioned process of reason-giving but an affective process of making difficult choices, encountering others, and mourning what cannot be had.

The Fear of Child Sexuality: Young People, Sex, and Agency

by Steven Angelides

Continued public outcries over such issues as young models in sexually suggestive ads and intimate relationships between teachers and students speak to one of the most controversial fears of our time: the entanglement of children and sexuality. In this book, Steven Angelides confronts that fear, exploring how emotional vocabularies of anxiety, shame, and even contempt not only dominate discussions of youth sexuality but also allow adults to avoid acknowledging the sexual agency of young people. Introducing case studies and trends from Australia, the United Kingdom, and North America, he challenges assumptions on a variety of topics, including sex education, age-of-consent laws, and sexting. Angelides contends that an unwillingness to recognize children’s sexual agency results not in the protection of young people but in their marginalization.

The Fear of Snakes: Evolutionary and Psychobiological Perspectives on Our Innate Fear (The Science of the Mind)

by Nobuyuki Kawai

This book provides a series of compelling evidence that shows that humans have innate fear of snakes. Building on the previous studies on the Snake Detection Theory (SDT), the author presents a summary of psychological and neuropsychological experiments to explain the fear of snakes in humans and primates. Readers will come to understand why and how we are afraid of snakes from an evolutionary perspective.The first half of the book discusses the history of psychological behaviorism and neobehaviorism. The latter half of the book consists mainly of the experimental studies performed by the author with a focus on three key items: First, compared with other animals, snakes especially draw the attention of primates and humans. Second, the ability of primates and humans to recognize snakes with particular efficiency. Third, processing mechanisms within the brain for snake detection is discussed from a new viewpointThe book offers a unique resource for all primatologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, anthropologists, herpetologists, and biologists who are interested in the evolution of visual and cognitive systems, mechanisms of fear, snakes or primates.

Feedback at Work

by Lisa A. Steelman Jane R. Williams

This book delivers an evidence-based summary of best practices in providing and utilizing feedback in organizational settings. Bringing together a range of renowned experts, the chapters in this book discuss the current state of feedback theory and research, as well as practical recommendations for using the evidence to improve feedback processes in organizations. This book is intended for scholars and managers, but anyone on the giving or receiving end of feedback will benefit from a better understanding of the process. The chapters in this volume take the reader deep into the current literature, set a research agenda for the future, and provide key take-aways to enhance intentionality in the feedback process.

Feelgood-Management: Chancen für etablierte Unternehmen (essentials)

by Ulrike Weber Sophia Gesing

Dieses essential beschreibt, wie das Konzept des Feelgood-Managements auch für etablierte Unternehmen einen Mehrwert bietet. Ulrike Weber und Sophia Gesing zeigen in dem Folgeband zu „Konzept und Berufsbild des Feelgood-Managements“ die Chancen auf, mit Feelgood-Management organisatorische Agilität zu fördern. Dazu stellen die Autorinnenwerden inhaltliche Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede von Feelgood-Management zu anderen Führungskonzepten wie auch die Schnittstellen und Synergien mit anderen Organisationseinheiten dargestellt. Der Band liefert einen fundierten als auch praxisorientierten Ausblick auf die Chancen von Feelgood-Management in etablierten Unternehmen.

The Feeling of Embodiment: A Case Study in Explaining Consciousness

by Glenn Carruthers

This book proposes a novel and rigorous explanation of consciousness. It argues that the study of an aspect of our self-consciousness known as the ‘feeling of embodiment’ teaches us that there are two distinct phenomena to be targeted by an explanation of consciousness. First is an explanation of the phenomenal qualities – 'what it is like' – of the experience; and second is the subject's awareness of those qualities. Glenn Carruthers explores the phenomenal qualities of the feeling of embodiment using the tools of quality spaces, as well as the subject's awareness of those qualities as a functionally emergent property of various kinds of processing of these spaces. Where much recent work on consciousness focuses on visual experience, this book rather draws evidence from the study of self-consciousness. Carruthers argues that in light of recent methodological discoveries, awareness must be explained in terms of the organization of multiple cognitive processes. The book offers an explanation of anomalous body representations and, from that, poses a more general theory of consciousness. Ultimately this book creates a hybrid account of consciousness that explains phenomenology and awareness using different tools. It will be of great interest to all scholars of psychology and philosophy as well as anyone interested in exploring the intricacies of how we experience our bodies, what we are and how we fit into the world.

The Feeling of Life Itself: Why Consciousness Is Widespread but Can't Be Computed (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Christof Koch

An argument that consciousness, more widespread than previously assumed, is the feeling of being alive, not a type of computation or a clever hack.In The Feeling of Life Itself, Christof Koch offers a straightforward definition of consciousness as any subjective experience, from the most mundane to the most exalted—the feeling of being alive. Psychologists study which cognitive operations underpin a given conscious perception. Neuroscientists track the neural correlates of consciousness in the brain, the organ of the mind. But why the brain and not, say, the liver? How can the brain, three pounds of highly excitable matter, a piece of furniture in the universe, subject to the same laws of physics as any other piece, give rise to subjective experience? Koch argues that what is needed to answer these questions is a quantitative theory that starts with experience and proceeds to the brain. In The Feeling of Life Itself, Koch outlines such a theory, based on integrated information.Koch describes how the theory explains many facts about the neurology of consciousness and how it has been used to build a clinically useful consciousness meter. The theory predicts that many, and perhaps all, animals experience the sights and sounds of life; consciousness is much more widespread than conventionally assumed. Contrary to received wisdom, however, Koch argues that programmable computers will not have consciousness. Even a perfect software model of the brain is not conscious. Its simulation is fake consciousness. Consciousness is not a special type of computation—it is not a clever hack. Consciousness is about being.

Feeling Smarter and Smarter: Discovering the Inner-Ear Origins and Treatment for Dyslexia/LD, ADD/ADHD, and Phobias/Anxiety

by Harold N. Levinson, MD

In this ground-breaking book, Dr. Harold Levinson, a renowned psychiatrist and clinical researcher, provides his long-awaited follow-up work about truly understanding and successfully treating children and adults with many and diverse dyslexia-related disorders such as those found on the cover. This fascinating, life-changing title is primarily about helping children who suffer from varied combinations and severities of previously unexplained inner-ear-determined symptoms resulting in difficulties with: reading, writing, spelling, math, memory, speech, sense of direction and timegrammar, concentration/activity-level, balance and coordinationheadaches, nausea, dizziness, ringing ears, and motion-sickness frustration levels and feeling dumb, ugly, klutzy, phobic, and depressedimpulsivity, cutting class, dropping out of school, and substance abusebullying and being bullied as well as anger and social interactionslater becoming emotionally traumatized and scarred dysfunctional adults Feeling Smarter and Smarter is thus also about and for the millions of frus-trated and failing adults who are often overwhelmed by similar and even more complicated symptoms—as well as for their dedicated healers. Having laid the initial foundations for his many current insights in an earlier bestseller, Smart But Feeling Dumb, Dr. Levinson now presents a compelling range of enlightening new cases and data as well as a large number of highly original discoveries—such as his challenging illumination that all dyslexia-related manifestations are primarily inner-ear or cerebellar-vestibular—not cerebrally—determined and so do not impair IQ, and an “ingeniously simple” explanatory theory of symptom formation. Most important, all the dyslexia/inner-ear based impairments and their symptoms were discovered by Dr. Levinson to respond rapidly and often “mi-raculously” in 75 to 85 percent of cases when treated with simple and safe inner-ear enhancing medications—thus enabling bright but dumb-feeling children and adults to feel… smarter and smarter.

Felicidad sólida: Sobre la construcción de una felicidad perdurable

by Ricardo Capponi

Capponi nos sorprende: la felicidad no se consigue con voluntad, optimismo ni buenos pensamientos; se construye enfrentando la dura realidad. Solemos pensar en la felicidad como una especie de alegría y bienestar, algo placentero y agradable. Una condición que la sociedad de consumo e individualismo en que hoy vivimos propugna que se puede alcanzar a través de la voluntad, con la sola fuerza del deseo. El actualmente llamado «pensamiento positivo» sostiene que se podría obtener con solo seguir los consejos de los innumerables manuales de autoayuda que abundan en el mercado. Sin embargo, lo que vemos son sociedades en las que el individualismo y el egocentrismo progresivamente han instalado la desconfianza y la corrupción, y donde cada vez más gente se siente sola, infeliz y frustrada. Ante esta evidencia, el destacado psiquiatra Ricardo Capponi plantea una propuesta propia -basada en los estudios científicos de la psicología cognitiva y en su experiencia profesional y personal como psicoanalista-, conducente a un cambio psíquico sólido y perdurable. Para Capponi, alcanzar la felicidad no es posible sino en el encuentro íntimo con quienes nos rodean y con nuestro trabajo, espacios donde podemos desarrollar las herramientas psíquicas indispensables para elaborar nuestras emociones negativas y, con ello, lograr ese sentimiento que denominamos felicidad.

Femininity and Psychoanalysis: Cinema, Culture, Theory

by Agnieszka Piotrowska Ben Tyrer

For Freud, famously, the feminine was a dark continent, or a riddle without an answer. This understanding concerns man’s relationship to the question of ‘woman’ but femininity is also a matter of sexuality and gender and therefore of identity and experience. Drawing together leading academics, including film and literary scholars, clinicians and artists from diverse backgrounds, Femininity and Psychoanalysis: Cinema, Culture, Theory speaks to the continued relevance of psychoanalytic understanding in a social and political landscape where ideas of gender and sexuality are undergoing profound changes. This transdisciplinary collection crosses boundaries between clinical and psychological discourse and arts and humanities fields to approach the topic of femininity from a variety of psychoanalytic perspectives. From object relations, to Lacan, to queer theory, the essays here revisit and rethink the debates over what the feminine might be. The volume presents a major new work by leading feminist film scholar, Elizabeth Cowie, in which she presents a first intervention on the topic of film and the feminine for over 20 years, as well as a key essay by the prominent artist and psychoanalyst, Bracha Ettinger. Written by an international selection of contributors, this collection is an indispensable tool for film and literary scholars engaged with psychoanalysts and anybody interested in different approaches to the question of the feminine.

Feminism and a Vital Politics of Depression and Recovery

by Simone Fullagar Wendy O’Brien Adele Pavlidis

Drawing upon insights from feminist new materialism the book traces the complex material-discursive processes through which women’s recovery from depression is enacted within a gendered biopolitics. Within the biomedical assemblage that connects mental health policy, service provision, research and everyday life, the gendered context of recovery remains little understood despite the recurrence and pervasiveness of depression. Rather than reducing experience to discrete biological, psychological or sociological categories, feminist thinking moves with the biopsychosocialities implicated in both distress and lively modes of becoming well. Using a post-qualitative approach, the book creatively re-presents how women ‘do’ recovery within and beyond the normalising imperatives of biomedical and psychotherapeutic practices. By pursuing the affective movement of self through depression this inquiry goes beyond individualised models to explore the enactment of multiple self-world relations. Reconfiguring depression and recovery as bodymind matters opens up a relational ontology concerned with the entanglement of gender inequities and mental (ill) health.

Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice

by Leeja Carter

With an emphasis on women and transwomen athletes and exercisers of color, Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice introduces the reader to feminist, black feminist, and womanist sport psychology, offering an alternative and powerful approach to working with athletes. Covering core concepts, applied skills, and research methods, the book includes useful features throughout, such as discussion questions and definitions of key terms. It is organized into three sections covering, firstly, feminist theory, history, movements, and their importance in applied sport psychology; secondly, the intersection of race, class, and gender, and the integration of intersectional considerations into sport psychology; and finally, in-depth case studies of feminist sport psychology in action, each of which offers strategies for best practice. Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice is important reading for feminist-centred students and practitioners in performance and sports domains, and exercise psychology and anybody with an interest in feminist approaches to working with women of diverse backgrounds.

Fermare la missione suicida: Un libro con una causa per fermare la missione suicida che continua

by Madhu Ronda

Un suicidio è il primo luogo un'azione sgradita. E' allarmante vedere che dopo il 2020 una morte viene predetta ogni 20 secondi. Le statistiche non sono tutte incoraggianti per le società (USA, Regno Unito) molto avanzate e sofisticate con tutte le risorse a portata di mano. Questo libro copre tutte le categorie delle cause per morti da suicidio. Esso punta a tutti gli schemi di salvataggio messi in pratica per l'OMS per prevenire i suicidi. Semplicemente, la vita mette alla prova le persone in luoghi e modi diversi e uno non dovrebbe piegarsi e finire una vita preziosa. La vita non dovrebbe essere sottomessa a uno schema di suicidio folle e stupido come quello degli attentatori di oggi. E' sciocco sottomettere la vita in nome di un sacrificio a Dio.

Fictional Clinical Narratives in Relational Psychoanalysis: Stories from Adolescence to the Consulting Room

by Christina Moutsou

Fictional Clinical Narratives in Relational Psychoanalysis explores the therapeutic space between the patient and therapist in psychoanalysis and the transformative effect of the therapeutic relationship through a collection of twenty-two short stories beginning at a moment of trauma in adolescence. Christina Moutsou illustrates both contemporary clinical issues as well as the relational and intersubjective nature of the therapy relationship. First, six teenagers narrate in the first person their experience of battling with sexual abuse, eating disorder, body image, the first sexual awakening, loss of a parent and the intricacies of teenage friendship. The stories then unravel years later as adults in the consulting rooms of Ellie and Jake, two middle-aged therapists working in London. The reader is offered an intimate look at how the therapists work through their personal losses and past wounds, while facing their patients’ conflicts and dilemmas including adoption, bereavement, pregnancy loss, lack of intimacy in the couple relationship and a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. What distinguishes this collection of fictional clinical narratives is the focus on an internal point of view, where the reader is invited to experience first-hand the tribulations of the psychoanalytic dialogue and the enduring marks that trauma and loss leave on each member of the therapeutic dyad. The focus here is on how narratives are constructed and deconstructed through the intersubjective dance between the therapist and the patient. Both are transformed in the process. The fictional nature of the stories also allows for the exploration of sensitive issues that are difficult or awkward to explore adequately using direct case studies from real-life examples. This fascinating and unusual work provides an innovative method of exploring everyday clinical dilemmas, using an accessible, easy to follow narrative path. It is written from a broadly relational perspective but will appeal to all psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists.

Fieldnotes from a Depth Psychological Exploration of Evil: From Chinggis Khan to Carl Jung

by Robin L. Gordon

In Fieldnotes from a Depth Psychological Exploration of Evil, Robin L. Gordon presents an accessible account of an attempt to define and understand the nature of evil. Gordon takes on the role of guide to this confusing land, tying together threads of Jungian theory, philosophy, etymology, neuroscience and history, as we are led on a personal journey of discovery. Gordon begins by analysing what a twelfth-century meeting between Chinggis Khan and Taoist priest Ch’ang-Ch’un can tell us about the presence of opposing traits and the nature of evil in human beings. We learn what depth psychology has said about evil and the shadow part of our psyches, and examine examples of human behaviour throughout history to understand the etymological, philosophical and historical understandings and definitions of evil. Gordon’s own relationship with her work, and the feelings that arise when researching the psychological framework of Nazi doctors, genocide in Rwanda, Bosnia and Syria, and the functionality of serial killers, are interrogated. We then return to Chinggis Khan’s and Ch’ang-Ch’un’s relationship, attempting to build a real and practical definition of "evil", and assessing their dialogues as a metaphor for Jung’s views of the transcendent function. Fieldnotes from a Depth Psychological Exploration of Evil will be essential reading for academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies, sociology, criminology and philosophy. It will also be a key resource for Jungian analysts and psychotherapists interested in the study of evil and its impact on society and the psyche, as well as anyone investigating and redefining their own meanings of evil, past and present.

Fifty Strategies To Boost Cognitive Engagement: Creating A Thinking Culture In The Classroom (50 Teaching Strategies To Support Cognitive Development)

by Rebecca Stobaugh

Transform your classroom culture from one of passive knowledge consumption to one of active learning and student engagement. In this well-researched book, author Rebecca Stobaugh shares how to build a culture of thinking that emphasizes essential 21st century skills -- from critical thinking and problem-solving to teamwork and creativity. Gain 50 teacher-tested instructional and student engagement strategies for nurturing students' cognitive development, and utilize the book's Take Action activities to help you put the student engagement strategies to work in your classroom. Use these teaching strategies to foster student engagement and cognitive skills: Gain an understanding of the concepts of critical thinking and cognitive engagement, as well as the relationship between the two. Study Bloom's revised taxonomy, the cognitive processes associated with its various levels, and how they relate to cognitive engagement in the classroom. Access 50 teaching strategies for classroom engagement that will encourage the cognitive development of students and grow their critical thinking skills. Learn about three important aspects for sustaining classroom engagement -- movement, collaboration, and media literacy -- and how these connect with the 50 teaching strategies. Utilize effective teaching strategies and new knowledge of critical thinking and cognitive skills to build a culture of thinking in the classroom.

The Films of Lars von Trier and Philosophy: Provocations and Engagements

by José A. Haro William H. Koch

The films of Lars von Trier offer unique opportunities for thinking deeply about how Philosophy and Cinema speak to one another. The book addresses von Trier’s films in order of their release. The earlier chapters discuss his Golden Heart trilogy and USA: Land of Opportunities series by addressing issues of potential misogyny, ethical critique, and racial justice. The later chapters focus on his Depression Trilogy and address the undermining of gender binaries, the psychoanalytic meaning of the sacrifice of children and depression, and philosophical questions provoked by the depiction of the end of the world. Taken together, the volume explores the topics of Philosophical Psychology, Social Theory, Political Theory, Theories of the Self, Philosophy of Race, and Feminist Thought, and opens a conversation about von Trier’s important work.

Financial Counseling

by Dorothy B. Durband Ryan H. Law Angela K. Mazzolini

"This text is a valuable new resource that we recommend for all of our professionals and are proud to incorporate as part of our AFC® certification program. With expertise representing the breadth and depth of the financial counseling profession, the content in this text provides you with a rigorous foundation of knowledge, considers critical theoretical models, and explores foundational skills of communication, self-awareness, and bias. This type of comprehensive approach aligns with our mission and vision—providing you with the foundational knowledge to meet clients where they are across the financial life-cycle and impact long-term financial capability." -Rebecca Wiggins, Executive Director, AFCPE® (Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education®)This timely volume presents a comprehensive overview of financial counseling skills in accessible, practical detail for readers throughout the career span. Expert financial counselors, educators, and researchers refer to classic and current theories for up-to-date instruction on building long-term client competence, working with clients of diverse backgrounds, addressing problem financial behavior, and approaching sensitive topics. From these core components, readers have a choice of integrated frameworks for guiding clients in critical areas of financial decision-making. This essential work: · Offers an introduction to financial counseling as a practice and profession · Discusses the challenges of working in financial counseling · Explores the elements of the client/counselor relationship · Compares delivery systems and practice models · Features effective tools and resources used in financial counseling · Encourages counselor ethics, preparedness, and self-awareness A standout in professional development references, Financial Counseling equips students and new professionals to better understand this demanding field, and offers seasoned veterans a robust refresher course in current best practices.

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