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Showing 35,376 through 35,400 of 49,936 results

Outcome Assessment in Residential Treatment

by Steven I Pfeiffer

As residential treatment centers and psychiatric hospitals are increasingly asked to document their effectiveness, it is essential for mental health care providers to demonstrate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the services they provide. Outcome Assessment in Residential Treatment helps health care providers demonstrate that their planned treatment is necessary and active rather than simply custodial. A practitioner’s guide to conducting treatment outcome assessment projects, this innovative book presents readers with historical perspectives, current issues, and practical suggestions for implementing an outcome assessment project.Outcome Assessment in Residential Treatment guides psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health practitioners, and social program administrators in addressing which therapeutic components contribute to the goals and objectives of their programs and which may require modification, radical revision, or even elimination. It helps residential treatment centers and psychiatric treatment facilities document treatment successes and better understand which factors (within the client, family, environment, treatment setting, or combinations therein) predict successful outcome. This objective data empowers readers to influence government and industry, enhance public awareness of the needs of severely disturbed children and youth, and validate the usefulness of intensive psychiatric treatment.Unlike other books on treatment outcome, Outcome Assessment in Residential Treatment tells readers how to determine clinically significant improvement and not simply statistically significant change. It gives practical, detailed, proven advice on how to carry out studies that will benefit residential treatment centers and the psychiatric and mental health fields. Contributors provide tools to validate/demonstrate that psychiatric and mental health treatments are effective. They offer insight into: planning a treatment outcome project recognizing ethical, practical, methodological, logistical, and clinical considerations in implementing a treatment outcome project selecting instruments to assess treatment outcome and measuring success comparing different outcome measuresHealth care providers must have accurate information about treatment outcomes to demonstrate that specific services are beneficial, cost-effective, and well-received by the client. Outcome Assessment in Residential Treatment helps readers evaluate the impact a treatment program has on a client’s clinical status and psychosocial and educational functioning, making it possible to provide an objective yardstick for the payer’s evaluation of the quality of care provided.Psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health practitioners, and social program administrators will find Outcome Assessment in Residential Treatment an essential guide to evaluating and understanding the relative effects of specific interventions or procedures on the quality and effectiveness of their services. They will use this information to make appropriate changes which guarantee that they best meet their clients’mental health care needs.

Serving the Gifted: Evidence-Based Clinical and Psychoeducational Practice (School-Based Practice in Action)

by Steven I. Pfeiffer

Designed for practitioners who work with the gifted, this volume is intended to serve as a practical and easy-to-use resource for working with gifted students, their teachers, and their parents and families. It provides timely, practical, evidence-based techniques and guidelines to help these practitioners better help an underserved group. The book is written in a user-friendly style that makes this a quick, simple, and easy reference. Topics covered include identification and assessment of gifted students; important information for understanding the needs of the gifted; counseling and psychotherapy strategies; career counseling for gifted and talented students; methods for working with the families of the gifted; and legally-correct and ethically-smart counseling techniques. An accompanying CD will contain valuable resources such as PowerPoint presentations and reproducible handouts and forms.

Inclusion Practices with Special Needs Students: Education, Training, and Application

by Steven I Pfeiffer Linda A Reddy

Explore the challenges, opportunities, and pitfalls of the inclusion of students with disabilities in your classroom!Exciting, complex, and challenging shifts in American education are occurring today. First, schools are moving to embrace student diversity and accommodate the classroom experience to support diverse ways of organizing students for learning. Second, teachers are moving away from a traditional didactic instructional mode and embracing a facilitator role that encourages creating innovative classroom learning opportunities. Third, there is a shift from the view of the school as providing educational and psychoeducational services for students to providing educational supports for learning.Coinciding with these changes is the growing movement in special education that enourages full inclusion of students with special needs. This is a far cry from the exclusionary and separatist movements of special education less than twenty years ago. Now American education is facing the challenging situation of working with students with disabilities in the regular classroom. Inclusion Practices with Special Needs Students provides a much needed overview of the issues faced by educators committed to understanding how to best serve children with disabilities in schools.Inclusion Practices with Special Needs Students: Theory, Research, and Application provides an overview of the origins, evolution, and recent developments regarding the inclusion of students with disabilities into general education classrooms. The book critically challenges the overriding assumptions that support the philosophy of inclusion with a balanced presentation or research and theory that both supports and raises questions about the viability of this practice. The contributors are authorities in their respective areas of inclusionary practices.Some of the issues you will explore in Inclusion Practices with Special Needs Students are: political, fiscal, and legal events that have shaped inclusion practices implications for school psychologists handling students with serious emotional, behavioral, or developmental problems remaining in regular education agenda for future research priorities for research, training, and policy reformInclusion Practices with Special Needs Students addresses practical, psychoeducational, philosophical, legal, ethical, and financial issues surrounding the inclusionary initiative in special education.

Innovative Mental Health Interventions for Children: Programs That Work

by Steven I Pfeiffer Linda A Reddy

Children and families are in increasing need of mental health services that are more effective and less costly. Are you prepared to make this happen?This vital book for clinical psychiatrists and trainers examines uniquely successful prevention programs addressing the most challenging mental health problems in children. In it, leading authorities in child and family mental health provide compelling descriptions of these model prevention programs, which are clinically proven and cost-effective.Each chapter describes an internationally recognized program, including program mission and goals, key treatment ingredients, logistical and operational considerations, evaluation data, and replicability/transportability considerations. With Programs That Work: Innovative Mental Health Interventions for Children, you will explore insightful, expert examinations of: an interpersonal cognitive problem-solving program that can reduce and help prevent high-risk behaviors in young children a video-based program aimed at reducing substance abuse and behavioral problems in young adolescents the Teaching-Family Model (TFM) which stresses the importance of a positive family environment for children and adolescents with emotional/behavioral problems in residential treatment centers a set of school-based intervention programs for parents, teachers, and children ages 3--10 which can help reduce or prevent conduct problems and drug abuse in children MST (multisystemic therapy) programs aimed at juvenile offenders and youths who abuse substances--people who are not typically compliant with treatment programs the Anger Coping Program which can improve the social/cognitive skills of aggressive children aggression replacement training which combines skill streaming, anger control, and moral education to prevent aggression in adolescents multidimensional treatment foster care for adjudicated youthThe programs and interventions you will find in Programs That Work: Innovative Mental Health Interventions for Children address a great variety of serious emotional problems in children and adolescents, and emphasize the importance of an ecological and multi-systems approach to treatment. Explore them and choose what will work best for the children and families in your community!

Female Football Players and Fans

by Gertrud Pfister Stacey Pope

This volume draws upon social science and historical approaches to provide insights into the world of women’s football and female fans. It gives an in-depth analysis of the development of the women’s game in different European countries and examines the experiences of female fans. An overview about women’s football in Europe shows the rise and development of the game and the increasing inclusion of girls and women in football and fan communities. To date, there has been a lack of research on female participation in football, but drawing on research studies from various European countries, the volume explores a range of issues, including how girls and women become football fans and players, how women combine football with their everyday lives, and how they may encounter stereotypes and barriers when they challenge male dominance by entering this traditionally male sport. This collection will be of interest to students and scholars in a range of fields, including sports sociology, sport sciences, gender studies, leisure studies, women’s studies as well as fandom and cultural studies.

Die Psychologie der Entscheidung: Eine Einführung

by Hans Rüdiger Pfister Helmut Jungermann Katrin Fischer

Dieses Lehrbuch beschreibt, wie sich Menschen entscheiden, und erkl#65533;rt, warum Menschen manchmal zu Beurteilungen und Entscheidungen kommen, die aus der Perspektive rationaler Entscheidungen nicht optimal sind. Das allgemein verst#65533;ndlich geschriebene Werk richtet sich an Studierende, an Wissenschaftler und an alle Leser, die an den psychologischen Prozessen interessiert sind, die unsere Urteile und Entscheidungen beeinflussen. Leser lernen hier die wichtigsten psychologischen Theorien und Forschungsergebnisse der Entscheidungspsychologie kennen: Wie entstehen Pr#65533;ferenzen, wie gehen Menschen mit Zielkonflikten und mit Unsicherheit um, und welche Rolle spielen Emotion und Intuition beim Entscheiden. Auch erfahren Sie #65533;ber Entscheidungen in interessanten Anwendungsfeldern: Entscheidungen an der B#65533;rse, im Cockpit und im Gesundheitswesen. In dieser 4. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel komplett #65533;berarbeitet und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Zwei zus#65533;tzliche Kapitel erweitern das Themenspektrum, zum einen geht es um die Rolle von Emotionen bei Entscheidungen, zum anderen um die Integration von Entscheidungsprozessen in #65533;bergreifende kognitive Theorien. Die Entscheidungspsychologie ist Pr#65533;fungsstoff im Fach Allgemeine Psychologie, in der Sozialpsychologie und in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Sie spielt eine wesentliche Rolle in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Behavioral Economics) und in anderen Sozialwissenschaften wie der Soziologie und den politischen Wissenschaften. In Bereichen wie der Medizin und dem Gesundheitswesen oder bei der Analyse technischer und gesellschaftlicher Risiken finden entscheidungspsychologische Faktoren zunehmend Beachtung.

Christianity and Fear: A Study in History and in the Psychology and Hygiene of Religion

by Oscar Pfister

Originally published in 1948, Christianity and Fear explores the nature and history of Christian love in relation to the problem of fear. Based on methods of depth psychology and mental hygiene, the book argues for the necessity of a general concentration of the Christian religion and way of life upon the unity of love through faith and faith through love. It presents the struggle between the teaching of Christian love and the many instances of disputes on dogma that have prompted hatred and fear throughout ecclesiastical history. By using the theory of fear and compulsions, it attempts to explain the directions assumed by these aberrations in Christian history and to highlight love as the essence of the teaching of Jesus. Christianity and Fear will appeal to those with an interest in the history of Christianity, theology, and the psychology of religion.

The Psychoanalytic Method

by Pfister, Oskar

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Aufgabenkultur im Sportunterricht: Konzepte und Befunde zur Methodendiskussion für eine neue Lernkultur (Bildung und Sport #5)

by Michael Pfitzner

Die in der Nach-PISA-Phase vor allem in der Mathematikdidaktik und den Didaktiken der naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer erfolgte Erforschung der aufgabenorientierten Unterrichtsgestaltung verspricht auch für das Fach Sport relevante Ergebnisse. Welche Forschungsparadigmen die Sportdidaktik präferiert, wie die forschungsleitenden Fragen lauten und ob die Befunde tatsächlich Orientierungen für die Gestaltung des Sportunterrichts bieten, diese Fragen werden in den Beiträgen des Bandes der Reihe ,Bildung und Sport' erstmals aufgegriffen und beantwortet.

Der Karriere-Kompass für Studierende: Ein Arbeitsbuch zur Selbstreflexion und Orientierung

by Stephan Pflaum

Dieses Buch richtet sich an Studierende aller Fachrichtungen, in allen Phasen ihres Studiums. Es soll ihnen bei wichtigen Fragestellungen Orientierung geben, um ihnen den späteren Übergang vom Studium in den Beruf zu erleichtern. Dabei versteht das Buch sich nicht als Antwortgeber auf alle Fragen, sondern als Wegweiser, der eine schnelle Orientierung bietet, die richtigen Fragen stellt und den Fokus auf bereits vorhandene Stärken und Fähigkeiten der Studierenden richtet.

Kompass Digitale Bewerbung: Für Student*innen und Absolvent*innen

by Stephan Pflaum

Dieses Arbeitsbuch für Studierende und Absolventinnen aller Fachbereiche führt Sie wie ein Kompass durch den Bewerbungsprozess vom Praktikum bis zum ersten Job nach dem Studium. Zahlreiche Checklisten zum Ausfüllen und Reflektieren erleichtern Ihnen den Prozess.In den letzten beiden Jahren hat sich viel verändert. So schwer die Pandemie die Gesellschaft in allen Teilen getroffen hat, so sehr hat sie auch die Prozesse der Digitalisierung in allen Lebensbereichen weitergetrieben. Auch in Bewerbungsverfahren hat sich vieles geändert. Während die blaue papierlederne Bewerbungsmappe mit goldenen Lettern schon länger der Vergangenheit angehört, hat sich nun auch der übrige Bewerbungsprozess weiter digitalisiert: vom Video-Interview bis hin zur remote Einarbeitung.

Der Kompass zum digitalen Mentoring & Coaching: Digitale Beratung entwerfen, gestalten und durchführen

by Stephan Pflaum Markus J. Schwalb

Das Buch gibt den Lesern einen praxisnahen Einblick in das Thema Digitalisierung von Beratungsprozessen im Coaching und Mentoring. 2020 war auf der ganzen Welt ein herausforderndes Jahr und wie es aussieht, werden uns diese Herausforderungen auch in 2021 begleiten. Große Teile der arbeitenden Welt fanden sich von einem Tag auf den anderen im Homeoffice wieder. Von der Grundschule bis in die Vorstandsebene, überall traten Zoom, Teams, Jitsi, WebEx, BigBlueButton ihren Siegeszug an und dominierten unsere Kommunikation. Einerseits gab diese Entwicklung der Digitalisierung einen enormen Entwicklungsschub. Andererseits aber fehlte uns allen die Zeit, sich auf diese Entwicklungen einzustellen. Vor allem die Bereiche, in denen die direkte zwischen-menschliche Kommunikation besonders wichtig ist, Beratung, Coaching und Mentoring waren betroffen. Aus dieser Situation heraus entstand die Idee für dieses Buch. Die Herausgeber und Autoren arbeiten seit vielen Jahren in den genannten Bereichen und sammelten und dokumentierten ihre Erfahrungen in 2020.

Spiel und Magie in der Psychoanalyse: Setting, Rahmen, Regeln (essentials)

by Diana Pflichthofer

Diana Pflichthofer nähert sich dem Thema der Psychoanalyse auf neuem Wege: Sie erläutert die spielerischen und magischen Elemente, die in besonderer Weise bei der Arbeit in der Übertragung zur Geltung kommen. Indem die Psychoanalytikerin eine ihr vom Patienten unbewusst zugewiesene Übertragungsrolle annimmt, lässt sie sich auf diese psychische Realität ein, wie jemand sich auf die Realität eines Spiels einlässt. Dabei muss sich die Analytikerin der Tatsache bewusst sein, dass ihr - gefördert durch den Rahmen und die Regeln - magische Eigenschaften zugeschrieben werden, die ihr eine Machtposition verleihen. Sie darf diese Macht jedoch niemals missbrauchen, sondern muss sie stets in den Dienst der Autonomie-Entwicklung des Analysanden stellen.

Finding Your Granite: My Four Cornerstones of Personal Leadership (Security, Audit and Leadership Series)

by Douglas P. Pflug

In "Finding your Granite", Executive Leadership Coach and Mentor Douglas Pflug walks you through some of the life experiences, lessons and key take-ways from his years as a dual sport university athlete, 28 years as a police officer, 30 years as an elite strength and conditioning coach, mentor and leader. Douglas accomplishes this through four very dynamic, energetic and heartfelt sections entitled: "The Struggle" "Dash Leadership" "Four Cornerstones of Personal Leadership" and "Rise Up and Excel". The Author’s mentoring and protégé process and implementation of #RiseUpAndExcel and #StrongerFasterFitter methodologies assists people in discovering "who they were, who they are and whom they want to be" moving forward in this post COVID 19 world. This book was written through the eyes of an "everyday guy" and designed to educate, entertain and inspire front line 911 emergency workers to seek and achieve their potential. Additionally, this book will also be an essential resource for individuals and business leaders who wish to stay ahead of the evolving leadership trends of strategic thinking, inspiration and motivation, strong interpersonal skills, vision, decisiveness and passion.

Psychologie bei Gericht (Die Wirtschaftspsychologie)

by Michaela Pfundmair

Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Fragestellungen der Rechtspsychologie, die sich im Rahmen von Gerichtsverhandlungen ergeben. Sie erfahren, wie forensisch-psychologische Gutachter ihre Bewertungen im Einzelfall vornehmen. Im Zentrum stehen Themen wie die Aussagepsychologie und die Familienrechtspsychologie. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen werden mit zahlreichen Fallbeispielen und Bezügen zur Praxis verbunden. So ist das Buch auch für Leser ohne Fachkenntnisse leicht lesbar. Im Buch erfahren Sie… wie überprüft werden kann, ob eine Schilderung auf wahrem Erleben basiert.wie bewertet werden kann, wer Sorgerecht und Umgang bei einem Kind erhält und was bei Kindeswohlgefährdung passiert.wie abgeschätzt werden kann, ob ein Rechtsbrecher rückfällig wird.wie geprüft werden kann, ob ein Rechtsbrecher schuldfähig oder strafmündig ist.wie die Zuverlässigkeit einer Personenbeschreibung oder -identifizierung bewertet und wie sie verbessert werden kann.welchen psychologischen Effekten Richter und andere urteilende Verfahrensbeteiligte unterliegen. Zielgruppen: "Psychologie bei Gericht“ ist für alle lesenswert, die im weitesten Sinne mit Gerichten arbeiten – von psychologischen Gutachtern über Staatsanwälte bis hin zu Sozialarbeitern, aber auch Studierende und interessierte Laien, die mehr über die Themen und Tätigkeitsfelder der Forensischen Psychologie erfahren wollen. Die Autorin Michaela Pfundmair, Prof. Dr. phil. habil., Psychologin, ist Professorin an der Hochschule des Bundes in Berlin, wo sie zu sozial- und rechtspsychologischen Themen forscht und lehrt. Zu diesen Themenkomplexen publizierte sie international zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Artikel. Zudem arbeitet sie als aussagepsychologische Sachverständige, prüft und supervidiert Personen in der Weiterbildung für Rechtspsychologie BDP/DGPs und ist Vorsitzende der Sektion Rechtspsychologie im BDP.

10 Days to a Less Defiant Child

by Ph. D. Jeffrey Bernstein

Occasional clashes between parents and children are not uncommon, but when defiant behavior - such as tantrums, resistance to chores, and negativity - becomes chronic, it can cause big problems within the family. In 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child, child and family psychologist Dr. Jeff Bernstein has developed a ground-breaking 10-day program to help parents gain back control over their defiant child or teen. This powerful and exceptionally reader-friendly guide explains what causes defiance in kids, why it's so destructive to the family, and shows parents step-by-step how they can end the behavior. Simple-to-follow and extremely effective, 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child will bring much-needed relief to the millions of frustrated parents out there living with defiant children.

Resilient Controls for Ordering Uncertain Prospects

by Khanh D. Pham

Providing readers with a detailed examination of resilient controls in risk-averse decision, this monograph is aimed toward researchers and graduate students in applied mathematics and electrical engineering with a systems-theoretic concentration. This work contains a timely and responsive evaluation of reforms on the use of asymmetry or skewness pertaining to the restrictive family of quadratic costs that have been appeared in various scholarly forums. Additionally, the book includes a discussion of the current and ongoing efforts in the usage of risk, dynamic game decision optimization and disturbance mitigation techniques with output feedback measurements tailored toward the worst-case scenarios. This work encompasses some of the current changes across uncertainty quantification, stochastic control communities, and the creative efforts that are being made to increase the understanding of resilient controls. Specific considerations are made in this book for the application of decision theory to resilient controls of the linear-quadratic class of stochastic dynamical systems. Each of these topics are examined explicitly in several chapters. This monograph also puts forward initiatives to reform both control decisions with risk consequences and correct-by-design paradigms for performance reliability associated with the class of stochastic linear dynamical systems with integral quadratic costs and subject to network delays, control and communication constraints.

Enhancing Student Education Transitions and Employability: From Theory to Practice

by Thanh Pham Behnam Soltani

This book explores student education transition and employability negotiation experiences in various contexts. It explores determinants of student transitions at three levels including macro, meso and micro but focuses on exploring affordances, constraints and strategies at the micro level. The framework underpinning the explorations at the micro level covers a range of different forms of capital including human, culture, social, identity, psychological and agentic. The book is unique in three ways. First, it consists of chapters about critical discussion, empirical research and practical guidance about student transition experiences. The critical discussion and empirical research chapters explore and obtain insights about the complexity of student transitions and develop conceptual frameworks that guide the development of applicable practices. The book is, therefore, a useful resource for policy makers, institutions, academics, professionals and students. Second, it provides insights about how student transitions are determined by a range of factors at different levels. These insights extend discussions about student transitions in the current literature which have mainly explored impacts of policies, institutional programmes and human capital. Finally, it is international in focus because it draws on research with different cohorts of students and graduates in different contexts. Insights provided in the book are, therefore, rich, diverse and comparative.

The Origins of You: How Breaking Family Patterns Can Liberate the Way We Live and Love

by Vienna Pharaon

From licensed therapist and popular Instagram relationship expert Vienna Pharaon comes a profound guide to understanding and overcoming wounds from your family of origin - the foundation of how we relate to others, ourselves, and the world around us.None of us had a perfect childhood; we are all carrying around behaviors that don't serve us - and may in fact be hurting us. But it doesn't have to be that way, says licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Vienna Pharaon. Our past might create our patterns, but we can change those patterns for the better with the right tools.In THE ORIGINS OF YOU, Pharaon has unlocked a healing process to help us understand our family of origin - the family and framework we grew up within - and examine what worked (and didn't) in that system. Certain dysfunctions (or "wounds") in that family of origin will manifest in our adult life in surprising ways, from work challenges to interpersonal struggles. But when armed with the knowledge about our past, we can rewire our programming to meaningfully improve our relationships and our lives.It doesn't matter whether you've been in therapy for decades, or whether therapy isn't for you. It doesn't matter if you have plenty of memories from childhood, or struggle to remember anything at all. All that matters is your willingness to look inside yourself, and your determination to find a new way forward. Complete with guided introspection, personal experiences, client stories, frameworks for having difficult conversations, and worksheets to complement each chapter, THE ORIGINS OF YOU will teach you how your family can both build you up and break you down - and how you can heal yourself for good.

The Origins of You: How Breaking Family Patterns Can Liberate the Way We Live and Love

by Vienna Pharaon

From licensed therapist and popular Instagram relationship expert Vienna Pharaon (@mindfulmft, +631K followers) comes a profound guide to understanding and overcoming wounds from your Family of Origin—the foundation of how we relate to others, ourselves, and the world around us.None of us had a perfect childhood; we are all carrying around behaviors that don&’t serve us—and may in fact be hurting us. But it doesn&’t have to be that way, says licensed marriage and family therapist Vienna Pharaon. Our past might create our patterns, but we can change those patterns for the better...with the right tools.In The Origins of You, Pharaon has unlocked a healing process to help us understand our Family of Origin—the family and framework we grew up within—and examine what worked (and didn&’t) in that system. Unhealed pain (or &“wounds&”) in that Family of Origin will manifest in our adult behaviors in surprising ways, from work challenges to interpersonal struggles. But the good news: armed with the knowledge about our past, we can actually rewire our programming to meaningfully improve our relationships and our lives, right now and in the future.It doesn&’t matter whether you&’ve been in therapy for decades, or whether therapy isn&’t for you. It doesn&’t matter if you have loads of memories from childhood, or struggle to remember anything at all. What matters is your willingness to look inside yourself, and your determination to find a new way forward. Complete with guided introspection, personal experiences, client stories, frameworks for having difficult conversations, and worksheets to complement each chapter, The Origins of You will teach you how to break family patterns and help you liberate the way you live and love.

The Origins of You: How Breaking Family Patterns Can Liberate the Way We Live and Love

by Vienna Pharaon

From licensed therapist and popular Instagram relationship expert Vienna Pharaon comes a profound guide to understanding and overcoming wounds from your family of origin - the foundation of how we relate to others, ourselves, and the world around us.None of us had a perfect childhood; we are all carrying around behaviors that don't serve us - and may in fact be hurting us. But it doesn't have to be that way, says licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Vienna Pharaon. Our past might create our patterns, but we can change those patterns for the better with the right tools.In THE ORIGINS OF YOU, Pharaon has unlocked a healing process to help us understand our family of origin - the family and framework we grew up within - and examine what worked (and didn't) in that system. Certain dysfunctions (or "wounds") in that family of origin will manifest in our adult life in surprising ways, from work challenges to interpersonal struggles. But when armed with the knowledge about our past, we can rewire our programming to meaningfully improve our relationships and our lives.It doesn't matter whether you've been in therapy for decades, or whether therapy isn't for you. It doesn't matter if you have plenty of memories from childhood, or struggle to remember anything at all. All that matters is your willingness to look inside yourself, and your determination to find a new way forward. Complete with guided introspection, personal experiences, client stories, frameworks for having difficult conversations, and worksheets to complement each chapter, THE ORIGINS OF YOU will teach you how your family can both build you up and break you down - and how you can heal yourself for good.

Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything

by Barbara Oakley PhD Olav Schewe

A book for learners of all ages containing the best and most updated advice on learning from neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Do you spend too much time learning with disappointing results? Do you find it difficult to remember what you read? Do you put off studying because it’s boring and you’re easily distracted? This book is for you.Dr. Barbara Oakley and Olav Schewe have both struggled in the past with their learning. But they have found techniques to help them master any material. Building on insights from neuroscience and cognitive psychology, they give you a crash course to improve your ability to learn, no matter what the subject is. Through their decades of writing, teaching, and research on learning, the authors have developed deep connections with experts from a vast array of disciplines. And it’s all honed with feedback from thousands of students who have themselves gone through the trenches of learning. Successful learners gradually add tools and techniques to their mental toolbox, and they think critically about their learning to determine when and how to best use their mental tools. That allows these learners to make the best use of their brains, whether those brains seem “naturally” geared toward learning or not. This book will teach you how you can do the same.

Integrative Cognitive-Affective Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa

by PhD Carol B. Peterson James E. Mitchell Tracey Leone Smith Scott J. Crow Stephen A. Wonderlich Marjorie H. Klein

Packed with useful clinical tools, this state-of-the-art manual presents an empirically supported treatment solidly grounded in current scientific knowledge. Integrative cognitive-affective therapy for bulimia nervosa (ICAT-BN) has a unique emphasis on emotion. Interventions focus on helping clients understand the links between emotional states and BN as they work to improve their eating behaviors, defuse the triggers of bulimic episodes, and build crucial emotion regulation skills. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes 47 reproducible handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.

Stillbirth, Yet Still Born: Grieving and Honoring Your Precious Baby

by Ph.D. Deborah L. Davis

This small book offers tailored information and support to accompany parents through the early hours, days, and weeks that follow the death and birth of their beloved baby.<P><P> It also offers strategies for enduring labor and delivery, and compassionate suggestions for spending time with the little one. Parents will find ideas for affirming and honoring their precious baby's life.

Intensive Parenting

by Ph.D. Deborah L. Davis Mara Tesler Stein

Parenthood transforms you. Even before this crisis, you may have experienced a wide range of feelings triggered by pregnancy, birth, and welcoming a new baby. The NICU experience challenges your emotional coping, your developing parental identity, your relationship skills, and your ability to adjust. Intensive Parenting explores the emotions of parenting in the neonatal intensive care unit, from in-hospital through issues and concerns after the child is home. Deboral L. Davis and Mara Tesler Stein describe and affirm the wide range of experiences and emotional reactions that occur in the NICU and offer strategies for parents coping with their baby's condition and hospitalization. Deborah L. Davis, PhD, is a developmental psychologist and writer who is the author of several books that support grieving parents including Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby and Loving and Letting Go. Mara Tesler Stein, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist. She consults to healthcare providers and hospitals, guiding their efforts to improve the level of psychological support and care to families in Labor and Delivery and in the NICU. She specializes in the emotional aspects of coping with crisis around pregnancy and parenting.

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Showing 35,376 through 35,400 of 49,936 results