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Showing 35,776 through 35,800 of 49,989 results

Treating ADHD and Comorbid Disorders

by Steven Pliszka Larry Greenhill

Children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) frequently experience co-occurring problems with aggression, mood swings, tics, anxiety, or depression. Organized around detailed case presentations, this highly informative book helps the clinician make sound decisions when assessing and treating the full range of ADHD comorbidities. Experienced child psychiatrist Steven Pliszka offers straightforward guidance on how to avoid common diagnostic errors, develop an individualized medication regimen, minimize health risks and side effects, collaborate successfully with parents, and tailor psychosocial treatments to each family's needs. A reproducible structured interview facilitates sorting out symptoms and distinguishing between different comorbid disorders.

Neuroscience for the Mental Health Clinician, Second Edition

by Steven R. Pliszka

Accessible and succinct, this book has given thousands of clinicians and students the basic understanding of neuroscience that is essential in contemporary mental health practice. Steven R. Pliszka synthesizes current knowledge on the neurobiological bases of major psychiatric disorders. He explores the brain systems that underlie cognition, emotions, and behavior; how disturbances in these systems can lead to psychopathology; and the impact of genetic and environmental risk factors across development. The book also addresses the ways that both pharmacological and psychosocial treatments act on the brain as they bring about a reduction in symptoms. Illustrations include 93 black-and-white figures and 14 color plates. New to This Edition *Incorporates over a decade of important advances in brain science. *Heightened focus on brain networks replaces a deficit-based understanding of disorders. *Cutting-edge discussions of genetics and epigenetics, the biological impact of stress, neurotransmitters, novel depression treatments, and other timely topics. *Detailed chapters on autism spectrum disorder and dementia. *Numerous new and revised figures.

Agressie bij kinderen

by Jan Ploeg

Agressie is een probleem waarmee ouders, leerkrachten en hulpverleners dikwijls geen raad weten. Agressieve kinderen en jongeren blijken moeilijk te behandelen. Hoe moet agressie worden aangepakt? Waar komt agressie vandaag? Waarom is het ene kind wel en het andere niet agressief? En blijven agressieve kinderen altijd agressief? Op deze en andere vragen geeft dit boek antwoord. Agressie kan het functioneren van kinderen ernstig belemmeren. Thuis, op school en onder vrienden kan dat tot heftige problemen leiden. Voor opvoeders en hulpverleners is het van groot belang een goed inzicht te krijgen in het verschijnsel agressie. Dat kan helpen agressie een half toe te roepen of te voorkomen dat het agressieve kind steeds agressiever wordt. In de verschillende hoofdstukken belicht de auteur het verschijnsel agressie van begin tot eind. Het boek maakt duidelijk hoe agressie ontstaat, welke ontwikkelingen agressieve kinderen kunnen doormaken en welke oplossingen er zijn om agressie te voorkomen of in te perken. Dit helder geschreven overzichtswerk is bedoeld voor (aankomend) orthopedagogen, psychologen, sociaal-pedagogische hulpverleners, leerkrachten, beleidsmakers en andere professionals die met agressieve jeugdigen te maken hebben of krijgen.

Stress bij kinderen

by Jan Van Ploeg

Een toegankelijk en informatief geschreven handboek voor voornamelijk zorgprofessionals die te maken krijgen met kinderen van 0 tot 18 jaar die gebukt gaan onder stress en trauma. De tweede doelgroep bestaat uit ouders en studenten. Het zijn niet alleen extreme situaties die bij kinderen veel stress kunnen veroorzaken; ook kleine dagelijkse weerkerende negatieve gebeurtenissen kunnen veel stress met zich meebrengen.

Warum Achtsamkeit?: Coachingimpulse zur (Selbst-)Führung

by Nikola Plohr

Das Buch folgt dem Anliegen, einen Dialog zu eröffnen und zum Nachdenken und Reflektieren anzuregen. Der Prozess, durch den das Buch die Leser*Innen leitet ist für alle geeignet, die sich mehr mit sich selbst und ihren inneren Mustern beschäftigen möchten und auch offen sind für neue Anregungen im Umgang mit anderen. Der Text führt von innen nach außen, aus der Theorie in die Praxis und aus der Reflexion ins Tun. Der erste Teil, Inner Leadership, widmet sich den vielschichtigen Möglichkeiten zur Selbstreflexion, die für das zeitgenössische Verständnis von Führung unabdinglich ist. Achtsamkeit hält als Praxis und Begriff den Raum für die Hinwendung zum Innenleben, den inneren Geschichtenerzähler*Innen, dem individuellen Umgang mit Kritik, Emotionen und dem allgegenwärtigen Streben nach Anerkennung. Im zweiten Teil wird die teambasierte Führungspraxis in den Fokus gerückt. Unter dem Schlagwort Mindful Leadership werden einige der vielen zwischenmenschlichen Ebenen und Verbindungen beleuchtet, die nicht nur das Arbeitsleben prägen. Darunter: Kommunikation, Inspiration, Mut, Entscheidungen, sowie Zugehörigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit. Jedes Kapitel endet mit Reflexionsfragen und Übungen, die aus der Theorie in die Praxis überleiten.

Separate Social Worlds of Siblings: The Impact of Nonshared Environment on Development

by Robert Plomin David Reiss E. Mavis Hetherington

One of the most notable findings in contemporary behavior genetics is that children growing up in the same family are not very comparable. Findings suggest that in order to understand individual differences between siblings it is necessary to examine not only the shared experiences but also the differences in experiences of children growing up in the same family. In the past decade a group of investigators has begun to examine the contributions of genetics, and both shared and nonshared environment to development. As with many new research endeavors, this has proven to be a difficult task with much controversy and disagreement not only about the most appropriate models and methods of analysis to be used, but also about the interpretation of findings. Written by some of the foremost scholars working in the area on nonshared environment, the papers in this book present their perspectives, concerns, strategies and research findings dealing with the impact of nonshared environment on individual differences in the development of siblings. This volume will have heuristic value in stimulating researchers to think in new ways about the interactions between heredity, shared and nonshared environment and the challenges in identifying their contributions to sibling differences. These papers should raise new questions about how to examine the contributions of genetic and environmental factors to development, with consideration given to the findings of this study of sibling differences and nonshared environment. Further, these papers may encourage a growing trend to integrate genetic and environmental perspectives in studies of development.

The Intelligent Ear: On the Nature of Sound Perception

by Reinier Plomp

Plomp's Aspects of Tone Sensation--published 25 years ago--dealt with the psychophysics of simple and complex tones. Since that time, auditory perception as a field of study has undergone a radical metamorphosis. Technical and methodological innovations, as well as a considerable increase in attention to the various aspects of auditory experience, have changed the picture profoundly. This book is an attempt to account for this development by giving a comprehensive survey of the present state of the art as a whole. Perceptual aspects of hearing, particularly of understanding speech as the main auditory input signal, are thoroughly reviewed.

The Journey of Soul Initiation: A Field Guide for Visionaries, Evolutionaries, and Revolutionaries

by Bill Plotkin

Soul initiation is an essential spiritual adventure that most of the world has forgotten — or not yet discovered. Here, visionary ecopsychologist Bill Plotkin maps this journey, one that has not been previously illuminated in the contemporary Western world and yet is vital for the future of our species and our planet. Based on the experiences of thousands of people, this book provides phase-by-phase guidance for the descent to soul — the dissolution of current identity; the encounter with the mythopoetic mysteries of soul; and the metamorphosis of the ego into a cocreator of life-enhancing culture. Plotkin illustrates each phase of this riveting and sometimes hazardous odyssey with fascinating stories from many people, including those he has guided. Throughout he weaves an in-depth exploration of Carl Jung&’s Red Book — and an innovative framework for understanding it.

Wild Mind

by Bill Plotkin

Our human psyches possess astonishing resources that wait within us, but we might not even know they exist until we discover how to access them and cultivate their powers, their untapped potentials and depths. Wild Mind identifies these resources -- which Bill Plotkin calls the four facets of the Self, or the four dimensions of our innate human wholeness -- and also the four sets of fragmented or wounded subpersonalities that form during childhood. Rather than proposing ways to eliminate our subpersonalities (which is not possible) or to beat them into submission, Plotkin describes how to cultivate the four facets of the Self and discover the gifts of our subpersonalities. The key to reclaiming our original wholeness is not merely to suppress psychological symptoms, recover from addictions and trauma, or manage stress but rather to fully embody our multifaceted wild minds, commit ourselves to the largest, soul-infused story we're capable of living, and serve the greater Earth community.

Introduction to Psychology 6th Edition

by Rod Plotnick

This introductory text is organized by self-contained modules rather than chapters, and features integration of colorful graphics and photos with text in smaller one- and two-page units. Material is accessibly written yet detailed, with illustrated explanations of difficult concepts related to physical and biochemical aspects, and many references to news events, public figures in entertainment and politics, and ongoing real-life cases. Other learning features include concepts reviews, summary tests, critical thinking exercises, and quizes. Plotnik teaches at San Diego State University. Annotation c. Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Introduction to Psychology (7th Edition)

by Rod Plotnik

Drawing students into psychology using a unique "magazine-style" format, Rod Plotnik's modular, visually-oriented approach to the fundamentals makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. Incorporating the latest research updates, the text breaks concepts down into small, easily digested chunks that allow students and instructors great flexibility in their approach to the subject. For students, this means the flexibility to learn at their own pace; for instructors, the flexibility to assign as much or as little as they like. This Seventh Edition expands upon Plotnik's commitment to teaching by extending the text's approach into its comprehensive ancillary package. For students, "Learning Links" features in the text connect them to the newly updated PowerStudy 2. 0 CD-ROM (see below for details). In addition, students have free access to a Book Companion Web Site that now includes personalized Self-Study Assessments-giving them even further assistance in reviewing and prioritizing study time for maximum effectiveness. For instructors, a detailed ancillary package centered around a comprehensive Instructor's Resource Manual provides everything needed for easier, more effective course preparation.

Discovery Series: Introduction to Psychology

by Rod Plotnik Haig Kouyoumdjian

The Cengage Learning DISCOVERY SERIES: INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY is designed to deliver traditional course content in an innovative "hybrid" learning format--instruction presented in a printed book paired with integrated online applications and assessments. The program promotes measurable mastery of core course learning objectives by guiding students' active engagement with content delivered through the book, images, video, simulations, and assessments. This contemporary approach to learning seamlessly integrates text and technology, enabling students to easily move from the book's instruction to its online applications for a deeper, lasting understanding of the core psychological concepts, and for assessments that reliably track students' progress and performance.

Introduction to Psychology

by Rod Plotnik Haig Kouyoumdjian

Like reading a magazine-not studying from a text-Plotnik's PSYCHOLOGY, EIGHTH EDITION will draw you in and show you how visual and exciting the study of psychology can be. Rod Plotnik's modular, visually-oriented approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. Incorporating the latest research updates, the text breaks concepts down into small, easily digested chunks that give you and great flexibility how you approach and study the subject. This Eighth Edition expands upon Plotnik's commitment to helping you learn. For instance, For instance, "Learning Links" features in the text connect you to the newly updated PowerStudy 3. 0 CD-ROM. In addition, you can access the Book Companion Website that includes personalized Self-Study Assessments-giving you even further assistance in reviewing and prioritizing study time for maximum effectiveness.

Introduction to Psychology: Tenth Edition

by Rod Plotnik Haig Kouyoumdjian

Rod Plotnik and Haig Kouyoumdjian's modular, visual approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. As the pioneer of what's become known as the "visual" or "magazine style" text, Plotnik's INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY remains the one developed on the strongest foundation of visual learning theory and research. Each and every page is individually planned, written, and formatted to effectively incorporate the use of Visual Cues, which help students to better remember information. The text also utilizes "chunking," a method of breaking concepts down into small, easily digested sections that help students learn at their own pace, and give instructors great flexibility in planning their courses. The Tenth Edition features a contemporary new design, over 500 new visuals, timely new topic coverage, and over 1,000 new references, all from recent years. The authors' commitment to visual learning is also reflected in the text's comprehensive ancillary package.

Introduction To Psychology

by Rod Plotnik Haig Kouyoumdjian

Featuring a look and style that's more like a magazine than a textbook, Plotnik's INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY, Tenth Edition will draw you in and show you how exciting the study of psychology can be. This modular, visual approach to the fundamentals of psychology--the pioneer of the "visual" or "magazine" style approach--makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. Each and every page is individually planned, written, and formatted to effectively incorporate the use of Visual Cues, which help you to better remember information. Extensively updated, the text also utilizes "chunking," a method of breaking concepts down into small, easily digested sections that help you learn at your own pace.

Introduction to Psychology (8th Edition)

by Rod Plotnik Haig Kouyoumdjian

Like reading a magazine-not studying from a text-Plotnik's Introduction to Psychology 8e will draw you in and show you how visual and exciting the study of psychology can be. Rod Plotnik's modular, visually-oriented approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. Incorporating the latest research updates, the text breaks concepts down into small, easily digested chunks that give you and great flexibility how you approach and study the subject.

Introduction to Psychology Ninth Edition

by Rod Plotnik Haig Kouyoumdjian

Like reading a magazine--not a textbook--Plotnik's INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY, NINTH EDITION will draw you in and show you how exciting the study of psychology can be. Rod Plotnik's modular, visual approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. As the pioneer of the "visual" or "magazine" style approach, each and every page of the text is individually planned, written, and formatted to effectively incorporate the use of Visual Cues, which help you to better remember information. Extensively updated, the text also utilizes "chunking," a method of breaking concepts down into small, easily digested sections that help you learn at your own pace.

The Prenatal Theme in Psychotherapy

by Philippe Ploye

This book is an attempt to examine whether patients in analysis or therapy can sometimes be said to form a kind of transference that not only operates at a prenatal level but can also lend itself to interpretation just like any other postnatal level of transference.

Creativity and Innovation: Theory, Research, and Practice

by Jonathan Plucker

Creativity and innovation are frequently mentioned as key 21st-century skills for career and life success. Indeed, recent research provides evidence that the jobs of the future will increasingly require the ability to bring creative solutions to complex problems. And creativity is often the spice of life, that little extra something that makes the mundane into the interesting, making our routines into fresh new approaches to our daily lives. Over the past quarter century, our understanding of creativity has advanced significantly-we know more about what it is (and isn't), we better understand how to foster it, and we have deeper, more complex knowledge about how it relates to intelligence, leadership, personality, and other constructs. This book brings together some of the world's best thinkers and researchers on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship to provide a comprehensive but highly readable overview of these exciting, important topics.

Creativity and Innovation: Theory, Research, and Practice

by Jonathan A. Plucker

Creativity and innovation are frequently mentioned as key skills for career and life success in today’s world. This award-winning book brings together some of the world's best thinkers and researchers to offer insights on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The new edition features fully updated chapters, including expanded coverage of exciting topics such as group creativity, ethics, development, makerspaces, and lessons from other fields. Educational applications are emphasized throughout. Creativity is often the spice of life, that little extra something that makes the mundane into the interesting, making our routines into fresh new approaches to our daily lives. With this book’s comprehensive and readable approach, you’ll be able to understand what creativity truly is (and isn't), how to foster it, and how it relates to intelligence, leadership, personality, and other concepts.

Conscious Parenting of Your Toddler: Strategies To Turn Discipline into Growth and Connection

by Mihaela Plugarasu

Turn difficult moments into opportunities for connection with conscious discipline Discover how you can communicate with your toddler to de-escalate difficult moments and connect through your bond of love. Conscious Parenting of Your Toddler teaches you the skills you need to master the art of self-reflection and self-regulation, as well as how those tools can help you better understand toddler behavior. Start by discovering the principles of conscious discipline: what it means to be a conscious parent, how to find calm and establish a feeling of safety, and which steps to take to connect emotionally with your toddler. Afterward, learn how you can put these principles into practice with step-by-step guides to managing common behaviors and conflicts. This guide to conscious discipline helps you: Master conscious discipline—Learn the five steps behind conscious parenting and how self-reflection will make you a better parent and a more caring adult. Understand toddler behavior—Get ahead of tantrums and disconnected behavior with proven, actionable conscious parenting advice that lets you be present for your toddler and help them feel loved. Take care of yourself—Do right by your child by looking inward, regulating your emotions, and practicing self-care so that you can be your best self. Set yourself and your child up for success with the power of conscious discipline.

Fixstern im Kopf: Transformation des Mindsets

by Philipp Plugmann

Fixstern im Kopf – Ziele setzen, Ziele erreichen Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihr volles Potential zu entfalten, sich dabei neue Denkmuster anzueignen und Ihre weitere Persönlichkeitsentwicklung voranzubringen. Dabei lassen Sie Ihren persönlichen Fixstern nie aus den Augen, setzen sich konkrete Ziele und erreichen diese. Auch wenn Widerstände, Aufgaben und andere Menschen den Weg erschweren, können Sie mit den Empfehlungen in diesem Werk nützliche und erfolgversprechende Strategien einsetzen, um interne und externe Hürden zu meistern und die gesetzten Ziele zu erreichen. Anhand der Metapher, dass das Leben ein Langzeitrennen ist und die Sieger nicht am Start, sondern am Ziel erkannt werden, verdeutlicht Ihnen der Autor, dass häufig nicht diejenigen mit den größten Talenten oder mit den besten Rahmenbedingungen gewinnen, sondern diejenigen mit einer klug durchdachten und radikalen Lern- und Arbeitseinstellung. Sie erfahren, wie der Umgang mit alten Denkmustern, Herausforderungen und hinderlichen Gewohnheiten auf dem Weg zu Ihren persönlichen Zielen erfolgreich gestaltet werden kann. Zielgruppen: alle, die mehr aus ihrem Leben machen wollen. Zum Autor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Philipp Plugmann ist seit 22 Jahren als Zahnarzt und Implantologe tätig, mehrfacher Unternehmensgründer und arbeitet derzeit an seiner dritten Doktorarbeit. Dazu hat er zahlreich publiziert und ist seit vielen Jahren an Hochschulen und als Mentor aktiv und wurde für herausragende Lehre und Engagement ausgezeichnet.

Please Don't Cry: A family torn apart by grief. An incredible act of love.

by Jane Plume

'I’m glad I could do her this one last favour. If it had been the other way round, I know Gina would have done the same for me.’Jane and Gina were the best of friends. When Gina’s husband Shaun was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2009, Jane vowed to do everything she could to help her best mate and her two small sons through the awful time to come. But things were about to take a tragic turn for the worse. In 2010, Gina was killed in a shock car crash. Though devastated by her own grief, Jane knew that Gina needed her now more than ever – to help with the boys she had left behind. And after cancer claimed Shaun's life, Jane stepped in to care for the two orphans, becoming the mother her best friend could no longer be.This is the moving true story behind an incredible act of love.

Helping Adolescents and Adults to Build Self-Esteem: A Photocopiable Resource Book

by Deborah Plummer

Packed with activities and helpful advice, this resource is designed for professionals working to help adolescents and adults break the destructive cycle of low self-esteem. This fully updated new edition of Deborah M. Plummer's popular resource is filled with practical ideas for building healthy self-esteem. Easy-to-use photocopiable activity sheets encourage participants to use existing skills and develop new techniques to nurture confidence and feelings of self-worth. These are complemented by relaxation and breath control exercises, and expanded theoretical chapters that explains what healthy self-esteem is, why people may have low self-esteem and the consequences that can result from it. Suitable for work with individuals and groups in a wide range of educational and therapeutic settings, this resource will prove indispensable to teachers, speech and language therapists, professionals working in adult education centres, counsellors at schools and universities, social workers and other individuals working with young people.

Some of My Friends Are...: The Daunting Challenges and Untapped Benefits of Cross-Racial Friendships

by Deborah Plummer

An insightful look at how cross-racial friendships work and fail within American society.In a U.S. national survey conducted for this book, 70% of respondents strongly agreed that friendships across racial lines are essential to making progress toward improving race relations. However, further polling found that most Americans tend to gravitate towards friendships within their own racial category.Psychologist, Deborah L. Plummer tells us why that is so. She examines how factors such as leisure, politics, humor, faith, social media, and education influence the nature and intensity of cross-racial friendships. With engaging stories and inspiring anecdotes drawn from national focus groups, interviews, and analyses of survey results of contemporary patterns of adult friendships, she provides insights into the fears and discomforts associated with cross-racial friendships. Through these narratives and social analyses of friendship patterns, Plummer explores how we make connections to form solid bonds, and why it is so challenging to do so across a racial divide. She discusses how we cross that divide and get beyond the prickly uncomfortable moments and have meaningful, enlightening, empathetic conversations about race. With the inclusion of personal stories, this book stirs up authentic racial discourse, prompts readers to examine their own friendship patterns, and encourages us all to create a better path toward a more enlightened future by crossing racial lines in friendship and deepening the strength of current cross-racial friends.

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