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Personal Consultancy: A model for integrating counselling and coaching

by Nash Popovic Debra Jinks

Making the case for an integrated approach to the practices of counselling, psychotherapy and coaching, Personal Consultancy provides a coherent and systematic framework for working with clients. Nash Popovic and Debra Jinks use their experience in the area of integrative practice to demonstrate how this wider approach can be a more comprehensive way of helping clients than coaching or counselling on its own. The authors explain how a range of techniques and approaches from various one-to-one practices can be brought together under the framework of Personal Consultancy, creating a method that is systematic, ethical and professional but not limited by any particular theoretical bias or preconceptions. With chapters by guest authors who discuss their perspectives on the approach and its application across various contexts, Personal Consultancy demonstrates that it is possible to combine the reparative work normally associated with counselling with the more proactive, goal-oriented approach of coaching. The result is a method that allows clients to have their counselling and their coaching needs met within one relationship and which allows the practitioner more flexibility and freedom than when using a single approach. Personal Consultancy will be essential reading for practicing coaches and counsellors, especially those already integrating the two approaches or those looking to do so, as well as students and those in training.

Culture and Neural Frames of Cognition and Communication (On Thinking #3)

by Ernst Pöppel Shihui Han

Cultural neuroscience combines brain imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and event-related brain potentials with methods of social and cultural psychology to investigate whether and how cultures influence the neural mechanisms of perception, attention, emotion, social cognition, and other human cognitive processes. The findings of cultural neuroscience studies improve our understanding of the relation between human brain function and sociocultural contexts and help to reframe the "big question" of nature versus nurture. This book is organized so that two chapters provide general views of the relation between biological evolution, cultural evolution and recent cultural neuroscience studies, while other chapters focus on several aspects of human cognition that have been shown to be strongly influenced by sociocultural factors such as self-concept representation, language processes, emotion, time perception, and decision-making. The main goal of this work is to address how thinking actually takes place and how the underlying neural mechanisms are affected by culture and identity.

Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty: From Theory To Practice

by Steven W. Popper Warren E. Walker Vincent A. W. J. Marchau Pieter J. T. M. Bloemen

This open access book focuses on both the theory and practice associated with the tools and approaches for decisionmaking in the face of deep uncertainty. It explores approaches and tools supporting the design of strategic plans under deep uncertainty, and their testing in the real world, including barriers and enablers for their use in practice. The book broadens traditional approaches and tools to include the analysis of actors and networks related to the problem at hand. It also shows how lessons learned in the application process can be used to improve the approaches and tools used in the design process. The book offers guidance in identifying and applying appropriate approaches and tools to design plans, as well as advice on implementing these plans in the real world. For decisionmakers and practitioners, the book includes realistic examples and practical guidelines that should help them understand what decisionmaking under deep uncertainty is and how it may be of assistance to them. <p><p> Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty: From Theory to Practice is divided into four parts. Part I presents five approaches for designing strategic plans under deep uncertainty: Robust Decision Making, Dynamic Adaptive Planning, Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways, Info-Gap Decision Theory, and Engineering Options Analysis. Each approach is worked out in terms of its theoretical foundations, methodological steps to follow when using the approach, latest methodological insights, and challenges for improvement. In Part II, applications of each of these approaches are presented. Based on recent case studies, the practical implications of applying each approach are discussed in depth. Part III focuses on using the approaches and tools in real-world contexts, based on insights from real-world cases. Part IV contains conclusions and a synthesis of the lessons that can be drawn for designing, applying, and implementing strategic plans under deep uncertainty, as well as recommendations for future work.

The Quantified Process Approach to Neuropsychological Assessment (Studies on Neuropsychology, Neurology and Cognition)

by Amir M. Poreh

Since the late 1800s psychologists have been interested in discerning the strategies subjects employ to solve psychological tests (Piaget, 1928, Werner, 1940, Gesell, 1941). Much of this work, however, has relied on qualitative observations. In the 1970s, Edith Kaplan adopted this approach to the analysis of standardized neuropsychological measures. Unlike her predecessors, Dr. Kaplan and her colleagues emphasized the application of modern behavioral neurology to the analysis of the test data. Her approach was later termed the Boston Process Approach to neuropsychological assessment. While Edith Kaplan's work generates a great deal of enthusiasm, the qualitative nature of her analyses did not allow for its adoption by mainstream neuropsychologists. However, in recent years this limitation has begun to be addressed. Clinicians and researchers have developed new methodologies for quantifying the Boston Process Approach, leading to the emergence of a new field, which is collectively termed the Quantified Process Approach. Quantified Process Approach to Neuropsychological Assessment outlines the rationale for the emergence of this new approach and reviews the state of the art research literature and up to date clinical applications as they pertain to the evaluation of neuropsychiatric, head injured, and learning disabled patients. When available, norms and scoring forms are included in the appendices.

The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power Of Feeling Safe (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology #0)

by Stephen W. Porges

Bridging the gap between research, science, and the therapy room. When The Polyvagal Theory was published in 2011, it took the therapeutic world by storm, bringing Stephen Porges’s insights about the autonomic nervous system to a clinical audience interested in understanding trauma, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. The book made accessible to clinicians and other professionals a polyvagal perspective that provided new concepts and insights for understanding human behavior. The perspective placed an emphasis on the important link between psychological experiences and physical manifestations in the body. That book was brilliant but also quite challenging to read for some. Since publication of that book, Stephen Porges has been urged to make these ideas more accessible and The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory is the result. Constructs and concepts embedded in polyvagal theory are explained conversationally in The Pocket Guide and there is an introductory chapter which discusses the science and the scientific culture in which polyvagal theory was originally developed. Publication of this work enables Stephen Porges to expand the meaning and clinical relevance of this groundbreaking theory.

Polyvagal Safety: 50 Client-centered Practices (IPNB #0)

by Stephen W. Porges

The foundational role of safety in our lives. Ever since publication of The Polyvagal Theory in 2011, demand for information about this innovative perspective has been constant. Here Stephen W. Porges brings together his most important writings since the publication of that seminal work. At its heart, polyvagal theory is about safety. It provides an understanding that feeling safe is dependent on autonomic states, and that our cognitive evaluations of risk in the environment, including identifying potentially dangerous relationships, play a secondary role to our visceral reactions to people and places. Our reaction to the continuing global pandemic supports one of the central concepts of polyvagal theory: that a desire to connect safely with others is our biological imperative. Indeed, life may be seen as an inherent quest for safety. These ideas, and more, are outlined in chapters on therapeutic presence, group psychotherapy, yoga and music therapy, autism, trauma, date rape, medical trauma, and COVID-19.

The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)

by Stephen W. Porges

A collection of groundbreaking research by a leading figure in neuroscience. This book compiles, for the first time, Stephen W. Porges's decades of research. A leading expert in developmental psychophysiology and developmental behavioral neuroscience, Porges is the mind behind the groundbreaking Polyvagal Theory, which has startling implications for the treatment of anxiety, depression, trauma, and autism. Adopted by clinicians around the world, the Polyvagal Theory has provided exciting new insights into the way our autonomic nervous system unconsciously mediates social engagement, trust, and intimacy.

Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence Of Polyvagal-informed Therapies (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology #0)

by Stephen W. Porges Deb A. Dana

Innovative clinicians share their experiences integrating Polyvagal Theory into their treatment models. Clinicians who have dedicated their work to bringing the benefits of the Polyvagal Theory to a range of clients have come together to present Polyvagal Theory in a creative and personal way. Chapters on a range of topics from compassionate medical care to optimized therapeutic relationships to clinician's experiences as parents extract from the theory the powerful influence and importance of cases and feelings of safety in the clinical setting. Additionally, there are chapters which: elaborate on the principle of safety in clinical practice with children with abuse histories explain the restorative consequences of movement, rhythm, and dance in promoting social connectedness and resilience in trauma survivors explains how Polyvagal Theory can be used to understand the neurophysiological processes in various therapies discuss dissociative processes and treatments designed to experience bodily feelings of safety and trust examine fear of flying and how using positive memories as an active "bottom up" neuroceptive process may effectively down-regulate defense shed light on the poorly understood experience of grief Through the insights of innovative and benevolent clinicians, whose treatment models are Polyvagal informed, this book provides an accessible way for clinicians to embrace this groundbreaking theory in their own work.

Our Polyvagal World: How Safety and Trauma Change Us

by Stephen W. Porges Seth Porges

The creator of the Polyvagal Theory explains the principles in simple terms that are accessible to all. Since Stephen Porges first proposed the Polyvagal Theory in 1994, its basic idea—that the level of safety we feel impacts our health and happiness—has radically shifted how researchers and clinicians approach trauma interventions and therapeutic interactions. Yet despite its wide acceptance, most of the writing on the topic has been obscured behind clinical texts and scientific jargon. Our Polyvagal World definitively presents how Polyvagal Theory can be understandable to all and demonstrates how its practical principles are applicable to anyone looking to live their safest, best, healthiest, and happiest life. What emerges is a worldview filled with optimism and hope, and an understanding as to why our bodies sometimes act in ways our brains wish they didn’t. Filled with actionable advice and real-world examples, this book will change the way you think about your brain, body, and ability to stay calm in a world that feels increasingly overwhelming and stressful.

Konstruktivismus: Medienethische Konsequenzen einer Theorie-Perspektive (essentials)

by Bernhard Pörksen

Dieser Essay stellt sich einem doppelten Anspruch: Zum einen soll - kurz und knapp - in die Erkenntnistheorie des Konstruktivismus eingeführt werden, die in den verschiedensten Disziplinen (Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Soziologie etc. ) für Aufsehen gesorgt hat. Zum anderen gilt es zu zeigen, in welcher Weise die Kernaussagen und Prämissen des Konstruktivismus (Abschied von der Idee absoluter Wahrheitserkenntnis, Orientierung am ,,Beobachter" bzw. dem Erkennenden, Akzeptanz der Pluralität von Wirklichkeitskonstruktionen etc. ) für die medienethischen Debatten folgenreich sind. Deutlich wird, dass die konstruktivistischen Einsichten zu einer grundsätzlichen Skepsis inspirieren und eine radikale Verantwortungsethik begründbar machen. Jeder ist, so das hier entfaltete Argument, für seine Wirklichkeitskonstruktion verantwortlich.

Institutionality: Studies of Discursive and Material (Re-)ordering (Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse)

by Yannik Porsché Ronny Scholz Jaspal Naveel Singh

This edited book brings together humanities and social sciences scholars from the various disciplines at the nexus of discourse studies and ethnography to reflect on questions of institutional practices and their political concerns. Institutional order plays an important role in structuring power relations in society. Yet, contrary to common understandings of structure, institutional orders are far from fixed or stable. They constantly change, and they are resisted and reimagined by social actors. The 20 studies collected in this edited volume develop the notion of institutionality as an overarching perspective to explore how institutional actors and institutional practices order and reorder power in societies across the globe. Thereby the chapters pay special attention to the fluidity, volatility, fragility, and ambiguity of order, and consequently to its claims to authority. Employing a broad range of discourse analytic and ethnographic methodologies, the studies show how institutions are discursively and materially constructed, defined, represented and how they are made relevant and become powerful – or how they are resisted, transformed or lose significance – in interaction. Readers will obtain nuanced insights into ways in which differently positioned social actors engage in struggles about how institutions can be imagined and enacted across several domains, such as workplace interactions, architecture, mass-media representations or organisational publicity. This book will be of interest to readers in Applied Linguistics, Discourse and Society, Critical Discourse Analysis, Political Theory and Communication Studies.

Meeting Democracy

by Donatella Della Porta Dieter Rucht

The concepts of power and democracy have been extensively studied at the global, national and local levels and within institutions including states, international organizations and political parties. However, the interplay of those concepts within social movements is given far less attention. Studies have so far mainly focused on their protest activities rather than the internal practices of deliberation and democratic decision-making. 'Meeting Democracy' presents empirical research that examines in detail how power is distributed and how consensus is reached in twelve global justice movement organizations, with detailed observations of how they operate in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the UK. Written by leading political scientists and sociologists, this work contributes significantly to the wider literature on power and deliberative democracy within political science and sociology.

Psychology (Degree in a Book Series)

by Alan Porter

This book provides the reader with an overview of the different areas of psychology that are covered on a typical psychology degree course. Each chapter gives a general overview of the topic and introduces important concepts and research methods. In a series of boxes, important studies, individuals or methods are explored in greater depth. This will allow the reader to get a sense of the general ‘lie of the land’ and also a sense of the style of research carried out in different areas. At the end of the book, there is a section on further reading that provides a short, chapter-by-chapter, bibliography of books suitable for the general reader and textbooks targeted at psychology students.

Blow: How a Small-Town Boy Made $100 Million with the Medellin Cocaine Cartel and Lost It All

by Bruce Porter

BLOW is the unlikely story of George Jung's roller coaster ride from middle-class high school football hero to the heart of Pable Escobar's Medellin cartel-- the largest importer of the United States cocaine supply in the 1980s. Jung's early business of flying marijuana into the United States from the mountains of Mexico took a dramatic turn when he met Carlos Lehder, a young Colombian car thief with connections to the then newly born cocaine operation in his native land. Together they created anew model for selling cocaine, turning a drug used primarily by the entertainment elite into a massive and unimaginably lucrative enterprise-- one whose earnings, if legal, would have ranked the cocaine business as the sixth largest private enterprise in the Fortune 500. The ride came to a screeching halt when DEA agents and Florida police busted Jung with three hundred kilos of coke, effectively unraveling his fortune. But George wasn't about to go down alone. He planned to bring down with him one of the biggest cartel figures ever caught. With a riveting insider account of the lurid world of international drug smuggling and a super-charged drama of one man's meteoric rise and desperate fall, Bruce Porter chronicles Jung's life using unprecedented eyewitness sources in this critically acclaimed true crime classic.

The Voice of Reason: Fundamentals of Critical Thinking

by Burton F. Porter

Lively, comprehensive, and contemporary, The Voice of Reason: Fundamentals of Critical Thinking covers three principal areas: thought and language, systematic reasoning, and modes of proof. It employs highly accessible explanations and a multitude of examples drawn from social issues and various academic fields, showing students and other readers how to construct and criticize arguments using the techniques of sound reasoning. The Voice of Reason examines the traditional elements of the field and also explores new ground. The first section of the book elucidates the relationship between thought and language, explaining how words function. It discusses meaning, connotation, vagueness, ambiguity, and definition, identifying the linguistic elements that can produce mistakes in thinking. The next section describes the rules of systematic reasoning, examining such topics as truth, relevance, and adequacy; deductive logic (categorical, hypothetical, and disjunctive); and induction (cause and effect, analogy, generalization, and hypothesis). Sixteen fallacies in thinking are also described through extensive illustrations and applications. The final section of the book offers a unique study of what constitutes proof in several different areas--including politics, advertising, law, and social issues--as well as in the academic disciplines of literature, science, history, and ethics. The author describes the various rules of evidence, using essays by major figures in each field as examples. An ideal text for courses in critical thinking, informal logic, and reasoning and writing, The Voice of Reason offers numerous pedagogical features including a host of examples; assignments, exercises, and puzzles at both the halfway point and at the end of each chapter; cartoons and quotations throughout; and practical applications of theoretical concepts.

Collective Trauma and the Psychology of Secrets in Transnational Film (Routledge Advances in Film Studies)

by Deborah Lynn Porter

Collective Trauma and the Psychology of Secrets in Transnational Film advances a methodological line of inquiry based on a fresh insight into the ways in which cinematic meaning is generated and can be ascertained. Premised on a critical reading strategy informed by a metapsychology of secrets, the book features analyses of internationally acclaimed films—Guillermo del Torro’s Pan’s Labyrinth, Andrey Zvyagintsev’s The Return, Jee-woon Kim’s A Tale of Two Sisters, and Alejandro Amenábar’s The Others. It demonstrates how a rethinking of the figure of the secret in national film yields a new vantage point for examining heretofore unrecognized connections between collective historical experience, cinematic production and a transnational aesthetic of concealment and hiding.

The Evolution of Chinese Filiality: Insights from the Neurosciences

by Deborah Lynn Porter

This unique book brings a fresh interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of ancient Chinese history, creating a historical model for the emergence of cultural mainstays by applying recent dramatic findings in the fields of neuroscience and cultural evolution. The centrality in Chinese culture of a deep reverence for the lives of preceding generations, filial piety, is conventionally attributed to Confucius (551-479 B.C.), who viewed hierarchical family relations as foundational for social order. Here, Porter argues that Confucian conceptions of filiality themselves evolved from a systemized set of behaviors and thoughts, a mental structure, which descended from a specific Neolithic mindset, and that this psychological structure was contoured by particular emotional conditions experienced by China’s earliest farmers. Using case study analysis from Neolithic sky observers to the dynastic cultures of the Shang and Western Zhou, the book shows how filial piety evolved as a structure of feeling, a legacy of a cultural predisposition toward particular moods and emotions that were inherited from the ancestral past. Porter also brings new urgency to the topic of ecological grief, linking the distress central to the evolution of the filial structure to its catalyst in an environmental crisis. With a blended multidisciplinary approach combining social neuroscience, cultural evolution, cognitive archaeology, and historical analysis, this book is ideal for students and researchers in neuropsychology, religion, and Chinese culture and history.

You Don't Understand Me: Finding Yourself, Facing Your Problems and Figuring Out Life (When Nobody Gets It)

by Dr. Tara Porter

Being a young woman today is harder than ever before, but Tara Porter’s empathetic, highly expert approach will guide teenagers, young women and their parents through these difficult years Female adolescence is an ever-shifting, notoriously tricky time of life. And never before have young women had so much freedom and choice. But never before have they had so many demands placed upon them—by themselves as well as by others. How can today’s teenager or young woman cope during this stage? Are there any simple answers? Writing directly to girls and young women, Dr. Tara Porter draws on decades of experience to offer insight into their own psychology. Like a warm letter from a wise friend or big sister, You Don’t Understand Me examines the situation from a young person’s perspective, guiding readers through the various challenges they may encounter. And as well as explaining young women to themselves, it provides an indispensable resource for parents—a glimpse behind the rolled eyes and the protestations of “You don’t understand me!” Filled with simple strategies, clear explanations and current case studies, this book is an essential and deeply human guide for families everywhere.

The International African Library: After Rape

by Holly Porter

Following the ICC intervention in 2005, northern Uganda has been at the heart of international justice debates. The emergent controversy, however, missed crucial aspects of Acholi realities: that the primary moral imperative in the wake of wrongdoing was not punishment but, instead, the restoration of social harmony. Drawing upon abundant fieldwork and in-depth interviews with almost 200 women, Holly Porter examines issues surrounding wrongdoing and justice, and sexual violence and rape, among the Acholi people in northern Uganda. This intricate exploration offers evidence of a more complicated and nuanced explanation of rape and its aftermath, suggesting a re-imagining of the meanings of post-atrocity justice, whilst acknowledging the role of sex, power and politics in all sexual experiences between coercion and consent. With its wide investigation of social life in northern Uganda, this provocative study offers vital analysis for those interested in sexual and gender violence, post-conflict reconstruction and human rights.

Planet Claire: Suite For Cello And Sad-eyed Lovers

by Jeff Porter

The second installment in Ann Hood's Gracie Belle imprint challenges the traditional solemnity that characterizes nonfiction books of grief, loss, and sorrow. ”Few readers will fail to be gripped by this tragically common story about death and

The Behavioral Neuroscience of Drug Discrimination (Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences #39)

by Joseph H. Porter Adam J. Prus

The goal for this volume is to provide an up-to-date review of the discriminative stimulus properties of major psychoactive drug classes with an emphasis on how this paradigm enhances our understanding of these drugs and how these findings translate from animals to humans. The drug discrimination paradigm applies to both drugs of abuse and drugs for treating mental illnesses, and research from these studies has provided immense translational value for learning about the mechanisms responsible for drug effects in humans.

Counselling Young People: A Handbook for Trainees and Practitioners

by Louise Porter

Practical and clearly written, this new book from best-selling author Louise Porter equips mental health professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to provide insightful guidance and support to children and adolescents. The book introduces exciting new models for thinking about young people’s needs, self-esteem and resilience that will invigorate counselling. It outlines the most common presenting difficulties for young people and provides clear, practical guidance on how professionals in a counselling environment can respond to these in an effective way. Offering a coherent blend of theories and practices, chapters address a wide range of emotional, social, behavioural and learning difficulties with which young people may present to counselling, such as experiences of grief and loss, anxiety and depression, disordered eating, and dealing with adversity. With an aim to empower, the book presents a non-pathologising approach to counselling that respects the skills that young people bring to working through their challenges. Accessible for professionals and trainees alike, this book is a must-have for anyone working in a counselling capacity with children and adolescents.

Student Behaviour: Theory and practice for teachers

by Louise Porter

Behaviour management in the classroom and schoolyard is one of the most challenging aspects of teaching. Student Behaviour offers a comprehensive overview of the major theories of behaviour management in primary and secondary schools, illustrated with detailed case studies.Porter outlines how teachers can develop a personal approach to classroom management based on a sound understanding of theory. The emphasis is on proactive approaches to discipline to assist students in achieving educational and social goals. Porter also shows how to enhance students' motivation and help students become confident and independent learners. This third edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the latest research, and includes new material on collaborating with parents, ethical issues, dealing with bullying and helping students to be autonomous in their learning and behaviour. Examples and references are drawn from current international research.Student Behaviour is an essential textbook for preservice teachers and a valuable reference for more experienced teachers who want to improve their ability to cope with disruptive behaviour. The style of writing is clear, accessible and authoritative an ideal text for all teachers in initial and post-experience training. It treats its audience as intelligent and discerning, provides a clear digest of a very wide range of published material, and allows its readers to reach their own decisions about suitable and sensitively executed approaches that are likely to be of lasting value.' - British Journal of Educational Psychology

Grief Is the Thing with Feathers: A Novel

by Max Porter

Here he is, husband and father, scruffy romantic, a shambolic scholar--a man adrift in the wake of his wife's sudden, accidental death. And there are his two sons who like him struggle in their London apartment to face the unbearable sadness that has engulfed them. The father imagines a future of well-meaning visitors and emptiness, while the boys wander, savage and unsupervised.In this moment of violent despair they are visited by Crow--antagonist, trickster, goad, protector, therapist, and babysitter. This self-described "sentimental bird," at once wild and tender, who "finds humans dull except in grief," threatens to stay with the wounded family until they no longer need him. As weeks turn to months and the pain of loss lessens with the balm of memories, Crow's efforts are rewarded and the little unit of three begins to recover: Dad resumes his book about the poet Ted Hughes; the boys get on with it, grow up.Part novella, part polyphonic fable, part essay on grief, Max Porter's extraordinary debut combines compassion and bravura style to dazzling effect. Full of angular wit and profound truths, Grief Is the Thing with Feathers is a startlingly original and haunting debut by a significant new talent.

The Crazy Man

by Pamela Porter

It is 1965, and twelve-year-old Emaline lives on a wheat farm in southern Saskatchewan. Her family has fallen apart. When her beloved dog, Prince, chased a hare into the path of the tractor, she chased after him, and her dad accidentally ran over her leg with the discer, leaving her with a long convalescence and a permanent disability. But perhaps the worst thing from Emaline's point of view is that in his grief and guilt, her father shot Prince and then left Emaline and her mother on their own. Despite the neighbors' disapproval, Emaline's mother hires Angus, a patient from the local mental hospital, to work their fields. Angus is a red-haired giant whom the local kids tease and call the gorilla. Though the small town's prejudice creates a cloud of suspicion around Angus that nearly results in tragedy, in the end he becomes a force for healing as Emaline comes to terms with her injury and the loss of her father. In the tradition of novels such as Kevin Major's Ann and Seamus and Karen Hesse's Out of the Dust, novelist and poet Pamela Porter uses free verse to tell this moving, gritty story that is accessible to a wide range of ages and reading abilities.

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