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Lo mejor de mí: La guía para descubrirte, entenderte y quererte

by Elena Puig Guitart

Transforma tu modo de pensar y actuar para conseguir ser una persona más serena, agradecida y con una vida plena. Aprender a ser la mejor versión de ti mismo es un camino de vida y de por vida. Un viaje que solo tú puedes realizar, que emprendes el día en que llegas a este mundo y que finalizas cuando te marchas de él, con la certeza de haber vivido con sentido. Esta guía práctica y accesible pone a tu disposición un conjunto de reflexiones y ejercicios que te ayudarán a recorrerlo con éxito y te enseñarán a: - poner el foco en lo que depende de ti y aceptar lo que no depende de ti; - escuchar tu cuerpo desde la consciencia; - poner la mente a tu servicio para planificar y focalizar; - reconocer y gestionar tus emociones; - no dejarte desanimar por tus miedos, detectar las creencias que ya no te sirven y desactivar las limitaciones sociales que te impiden crecer; - escribir tu propia historia con cada pequeña acción; - atender a tu niño interior desde tu adulto maduro; - dejar de lado el modo víctima, para liderar tu vida; - felicitarte y agradecer.

La revolución emocional: ¡Todos necesitamos lo mismo para sentirnos bien!

by Inma Puig

A partir de historias vividas, Inma Puig muestra cómo aprender a gestionar las propias emociones y a entender las de los demás en el entorno personal y empresarial nos permite descubrir otra realidad. Esta «evolución emocional» al alcance de todos abrirá sin duda las puertas a un mundo mejor. Nos hallamos inmersos en una revolución en la que los cambios tecnológicos se suceden a un ritmo vertiginoso, en la vida diaria y en campos como la inteligencia artificial o la genética que incluso permitirán alargar la vida. Sin embargo, en una sociedad en la que hemos perdido la privacidad y todos somos cada vez más anónimos, ¿cómo afectarán estos avances tan deslumbrantes a nuestras emociones? ¿De qué nos sirve incrementar la longevidad, por ejemplo, si el resultado es una vida sin sentimientos? No hay más que mirar a nuestro alrededor para constatar que las emociones se han obviado en las empresas y en las relaciones personales. Por ello es urgente emprender una nueva revolución sin la cual las anteriores no habrían tenido sentido: Una «revolución emocional» al alcance de todos, personas y empresas, y que permitirá respetar, compartir y considerar los sentimientos propios y ajenos. Porque la realidad nos muestra que solo nos emociona lo que es auténtico, que solo recordamos lo que nos emociona, que solo aprendemos de aquello que nos emociona y que la vida solo vale la pena ser vivida con pasión. Además, la práctica demuestra que lo que no se hace con sentimiento se muere por el camino. Y basta con imaginar qué pasaría si tuviéramos en cuenta qué es lo que sienten y cómo se sienten quienes nos rodean. Evidentemente, sería un mundo mucho mejor. Reseñas:«Como afirma Inma Puig en La revolución emocional, cuando hablamos de transformación, deberíamos concentrarnos menos en la tecnología y la reingeniería de procesos y más en programas para desarrollar las competencias emocionales, sociales y relacionales. Ya es hora de devolver la humanidad al mundo de los negocios.»Sarah Harmon, Directora de LinkedIn España y Portugal «A veces no nos damos cuenta de lo que estamos haciendo. Lo hacemos casi por inercia, porque debemos hacerlo. Inma me ha ayudado a comprender muchas cosas y a mejorar en otras y, por encima de todo, me ha enseñado a elegir.»Andrés Iniesta, jugador del F.C. Barcelona y del Vissel Kobe «El libro de Inma Puig es imprescindible para comprender que la vanguardia no va de tecnología, ni de producto, sino de personas y de revolución sensible. En la restauración, y quizás en el mundo de la empresa, vanguardia e innovación es cuidar a las personas.»Joan, Josep y Jordi Roca, El Celler de Can Roca

Care of the World: Fear, Responsibility and Justice in the Global Age (Studies in Global Justice #11)

by Elena Pulcini Karen Whittle

This book proposes a philosophy of care in a global age. It discusses the distinguishing and opposing pathologies produced by globalization: unlimited individualism or self-obsession, manifested as (Promethean) omnipotence and (narcissistic) indifference, and endogamous communitarianism or an 'us'-obsession that results in conflict and violence. The polarization between a lack and an excess of pathos is reflected in the distorted forms taken on by fear. The book advocates a metamorphosis of fear, which may restore in the subject an awareness of vulnerability and become the precondition for moral action. Such awareness and the recognition of the condition of contamination caused by the other's unavoidable presence teach us to fear for rather than be afraid of. Fear for the world means care of the world, and care, understood as concern and solicitude, is a new notion of responsibility, in which the stress is shifted to a relational subject capable of responding to and taking care of the other. From a global perspective, the proposed vision of care also compels us to explore a new paradigm of justice.

A Crash Course in SPSS for Windows

by Briony D. Pulford Andrew M. Colman

This quick, simple, and user-friendly introduction to SPSS for Windows has now been updated so that it can be used with Versions 14 to 16 of the software. For this edition, a section has been added on partial correlation, together with new material on sorting, classifying, and coding data, inserting variables and cases, and paneling charts and graphs, and the chapter on charts and graphs has been completely rewritten in line with changes to the SPSS Chart Builder. The supporting website allows data sets used in the book to be downloaded from the Internet and provides additional examples from various social science disciplines.The fourth edition retains all of the features that have made the text so attractive to students and teachers:The material is concise and focused, enabling most users to learn the basics comfortably within 10 hours.All the most widely used statistical techniques and graphic facilities in SPSS for Windows are clearly described.Every statistical procedure is explained with the help of a step-by-step analysis of a numerical example taken from real data in published research.The authors have chosen small data sets so that readers do not waste unnecessary time inputting data.Screenshots on the page make it easy for students to cross between the text and the screen.Online support material to accompany the text is available at

Human Development from Middle Childhood to Middle Adulthood: Growing Up to be Middle-Aged

by Lea Pulkkinen

This seminal work focuses on human development from middle childhood to middle adulthood, through analysis of the research findings of the groundbreaking Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS). The JYLS project, which began in 1968, has generated extensive publications over many years but this is the first comprehensive summary that presents the conceptual framework, the research design and methodology, and the findings. The study looks at the development over time of issues related to personality, identity, health, anti-social behavior, and well-being and is unparalleled in its duration, intensity, comprehensiveness and psychological richness. The thorough synthesis of this study illustrates that there are different paths to adulthood and that human development cannot be described in average terms. The 42-year perspective that the JYLS provides shows the developmental consequences of children’s differences in socioemotional behavior over time, and the great significance of children’s positive socioemotional behavior for their further development until middle age. Not only will the book be an invaluable tool for those considering research methods and analysis on large datasets, it is ideal reading for students on lifespan courses and researchers methodologically interested in longitudinal research.

Discrimination, Challenge and Response: People of North East India (Mapping Global Racisms)

by Venkat Pulla Rituparna Bhattacharyya Sanjai Bhatt

This book explores discrimination against Northeast Indians, who have been frequently stereotyped as backwards, anti-national, anti-assimilationist, immoral, and relegated to low paying positions across retail, hospitality, telecommunications and wellness industries. The contributions draw on interviews with individuals who have migrated to other Indian cities and towns to find jobs and escape from native poverty, and provide a critical examination of the intersections between power, privilege and racial hierarchy in India today. The chapters cover a variety of perspectives including social movements and activism, history, policy, youth studies and gender studies. With a focus on marginalised communities, and the effects and persistence of racial inequality in a South Asian context, this collection will be an important contribution to critical race studies, public policy, human rights discourse, and social work.


by Ellidy Pullin

'If not with you, then for you.'It was a perfect Wednesday morning when Alex 'Chumpy' Pullin kissed his partner, Ellidy, goodbye to go spearfishing. Most days Ellidy would go to the beach too, but that day she didn't. Later, there was a knock at the door. A man had been found unconscious on the ocean floor. It was Chumpy. From that moment, Ellidy's world stopped. There was deep grief, disbelief and then the gradual realisation that this was real. Ellidy's partner of eight years, a World Champion snowboarder, a man of energy and music, was gone. And so was the life they had built together and the dream of the child they had been trying for. In the hours that followed a suggestion was made: did Ellidy want to harvest Chumpy's sperm and try for the baby they both wanted so deeply? There was a ticking clock and the need to discuss with family and friends. They had thirty-six hours before it would be too late . . . Heartstrong is an unforgettable book about love, joy, grief, hope and finding a way to keep going in the darkest of times.

Designing Web-Based Applications for 21st Century Writing Classrooms (Baywood's Technical Communications)

by George Pullman Gu Baotong

Designing Web-Based Applications for 21st Century Writing Classrooms brings together, for the first time, a group of scholars and teachers who have been developing, on their own initiative, web-based solutions to technical and professional writing instructional problems. In industry the perennial question is whether to buy or build, but in academia, for various reasons, buy is rarely an option. Individual faculty members do not have the money to pay for software solutions, and often their interests are too local or small-scale to warrant institutional-level involvement. In addition, the design of commercial applications from vendors typically does not take into account the unique needs and considerations of teachers of writing and often reflects a design ideology quite different from theirs. This is why so many writing teachers have turned to open source solutions and, in the process of learning how to tweak them to make them more responsive to their specific needs, why so many of these teachers have developed programming and design skills. Beyond exigency, the motivation for becoming proficient at interface and database design comes from the observation that the nature of writing is changing dramatically. Text is no longer an object. It has become a place of interaction; consumers are becoming producers. And the work of technical and professional communication, indeed the work of writing teachers more generally, is becoming increasingly involved in the design and implementation of places of interaction. Words have become data; texts are becoming communities.

Content Management: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice (Baywood's Technical Communications)

by George Pullman Baotong Gu

This collection of articles is the first attempt by academics and professional writers to delve into the world of content management systems. The knowledge economy's greatest asset and primary problem is information management: finding it, validating it, re-purposing it, keeping it current, and keeping it safe. In the last few years content management software has become as common as word-processing software was five years ago. But unlike word processors, which are designed for single authorization and local storage, content management systems are designed to accommodate large-scale information production, with many authors providing many different pieces of information kept in a web-accessible database, any piece of which might find its way into electronic documents that the author doesn't even know exist. These software systems are complex, to say the least, and their impact on the field of writing will be immense.

Hart On Responsibility

by Christopher Pulman

A collection of essays discussing Herbert Hart's writings on responsibility. The essays focus upon Hart's work on causation in the law and on the justification of punishment. Specific topics discussed include senses of 'responsibility', voluntariness, Mill's harm principle, mens rea, excuses, the Hart-Wootton debate, and negligence.

Suicide Among Diverse Youth

by Andres J Pumariega Neha Sharma

This book provides a comprehensive review of the complex, growing mental health challenges faced by culturally diverse populations of children and adolescents. Suicide Among Diverse Youth: A Case-Based Guidebook is the first book of its kind, and is designed specifically to bridge the knowledge and skills gap encountered by most clinicians dealing with youth from diverse cultural backgrounds, particularly those different than that of the clinician. The title begins with two introductory chapters, which cover cultural aspects of suicidality among youth, culturally informed treatment of suicidality with diverse youth, and examples of preventative approaches. These are followed by population specific chapters which cover a broad spectrum of diverse populations, including underserved ethnic and racial populations in the United States, LGBTQ youth, as well as various immigrant populations from Eastern European and Middle Eastern countries. These case-based chapters are structured in a cohesive, easy-to-read format that promotes ease of reference, beginning with a clinical case report, review of literature, unique characteristics and risk factors associated with suicidality, and evidence-based practice provided by the authors from their considerable experience. The authors are often from the same ethnic, racial, or cultural group that they discuss in their writings; providing experiential knowledge where scientific knowledge is lacking. Suicide Among Diverse Youth: A Case-Based Guidebook is a unique resource that offers the clinical material needed to treat diverse adolescent patients with sensitive, intersectional, and culturally-informed care, and will provide an indispensable resource for medical professionals working with, and caring for these patients.

Creative Arts Therapies and Clients with Eating Disorders

by Sarah Punch Kristine Vende Annie Heiderscheit Erin Gargaro Barbara Nordstrom-Loeb Tamar Melmed-Marmor Nona Cameron Katrina Mcferran Stacy Saindon Rhonda Guertin Simona Orinska Leah Wellstone Sarah Kipnis Indra Majore-Dusele Geri Giebel Chavis Susan M. Clark Laura Wood Gro Trondalen Anda Upmale

Drawing on the expertise of leading creative arts therapists from around the world, this book provides a comprehensive examination of the role of the creative arts in the treatment of clients with eating disorders (EDs). The book explores how art, dance and movement, drama, music, and poetry therapies have fostered insights, growth, and recovery for patients across ED diagnoses (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and compulsive overeating disorder), and comorbid diagnoses. It illustrates how each creative arts modality is implemented in the ED treatment process and covers a variety of treatment levels (residential, inpatient, intensive outpatient and outpatient). Each chapter is enriched with case illustrations to provide a greater depth of understanding of how the methods are used in clinical practice. This book is an incomparable overview of the value and diverse uses of the creative arts in the treatment of EDs, and it will be of interest to all arts therapists, psychodrama therapists, family therapists, as well as students of these disciplines.

It's Interpersonal: An Introduction to Relational Communication (First Edition)

by Bruce Punches Leslie Ramos Salazar

Students will relate Teachers already know that the interpersonal communication course is among the most interesting, relevant, and life-changing courses a student can take. But many texts fail to directly connect the core ideas in the field to students’ own relationships with friends, family, and coworkers. It’s Interpersonal puts students at the center of its approach. Written in a friendly, conversational, and approachable style and filled with relatable examples, pop culture references, and innovative, engaging pedagogy—including InQuizitive, an interactive, adaptive learning tool—It’s Interpersonal motivates students to improve their communication skills and to apply the course’s content to their own lives. This purchase offers access to the digital ebook only.

Sigmund Freud: His Life and Mind

by Helen Walker Puner

Freud's development of psychoanalysis is one of the great fault lines of twentieth-century cultural history. The field as such provides one of the great professional dramas of our time: a classic struggle between a new, vital idea and the ignorance, prejudice and refusal that so often attend major breakthroughs and innovations. Helen Puner's biography is far more than a professional appreciation. It is the story of a complex, by no means flawless individual, whose personal characteristics helped sow the seeds of controversy as well as ultimately establish a new field. Upon its initial appearance, the Herald Tribune identified the book as "the first authoritative and profoundly perceptive biography of the man who more than any other has shaped the thinking of the Western World." It was summarized as a "brilliant performance, done without fear."Puner did precisely what irritated Freud most: probe the sources, social no less than personal, religious no less than scientific, that made Freud such a towering figure. Dorothy Canfield caught the spirit of this work when she noted that in this book, we see Freud "as we never saw him before, as most of us never knew he was, a rigidly virtuous, deeply troubled, upright, dutiful Jewish son, husband and father. We see him tracing the significance of clues he hit upon in the practice of medicine, and then fit these clues into the bewildering mastery of human behavior."In his Foreword, Erich Fromm indicates that Puner looks at Freud with genuine admiration, but without idolatry. "She understands his own psychological problems and has a full appreciation of the pseudo-religious nature of the movement which he created." And the late Ernest Becker, in The Denial of Death, seconded this estimate by calling the Helen Walker Puner effort "a brilliant critical biography." This new edition contains a new introduction by Paul Roazen; with this, and the appreciation of the author by her husband, Samuel Puner, we can better locate the author of the book as well as the famous object of her analysis.

Pack Elsa Punset (2 ebooks): Inocencia radical y Brújula para navegantes emocionales

by Elsa Punset

Elsa Punset, experta en inteligencia emocional, nos ayuda a entender nuestras emociones, a enfrentarlas y a transformarlas en nuevas oportunidades de cambio. Elsa Punset nos habla en este pack del impacto de las emociones en la vida diaria. «Siempre quise arrancar las emociones del campo académico, de la fría disección, para llevarlas a las manos de las personas, a la vida real, al interior de cada uno de nosotros. Porque allí es donde importan, traspasan, duelen y transforman. Las emociones son el lenguaje universal con el cual sentimos, nos comunicamos, nos amamos o nos odiamos. Tenemos que lograr descifrarlas, amaestrarlas, disfrutarlas sin temor». Este pack contiene los títulos:- INOCENCIA RADICAL- BÚJULA PARA NAVEGANTES EMOCIONALES Inocencia radical:Nacemos inocentes, vulnerables, curiosos, dotados de la pasión por vivir. Cómo nos enfrentamos a estas etapas cruciales de nuestra existencia determinará el tejido de nuestras emociones. Elsa Punset nos alienta en Inocencia radical a sacar provecho de nuestra capacidad innata para amar y para transformar. Brújula para navegantes emocionales:En los últimos tiempos las emociones, gracias a las puertas abiertas por la neurociencia, pueden catalogarse, comprenderse e incluso gestionarse: son la llave de nuestro centro neurálgico. Conocerse a uno mismo permite descubrir las fuentes de nuestra felicidad, nuestra ira y nuestro dolor para poder convivir armoniosa y plenamente con nosotros mismos y con los demás.

Psychometric Framework for Modeling Parental Involvement and Reading Literacy

by Annemiek Punter Cees A. W. Glas Martina R. M. Meelissen

This volume offers insights from modelling measures of parental involvement and their relationship with student reading literacy across countries, exploring and incorporating cultural differences. This is a significant contribution to a field where cross-cultural comparisons from a triangulated perspective are sparse. For readers interested in exploring the relationship between parental involvement and student attainment, the literature review provides a useful starting point. Meanwhile, for the more methodologically interested reader, this report presents state-of-the-art ways to identify and model cultural differential item functioning in international large-scale assessment (ILSA), illustrating the extent to which the parental involvement construct may be influenced by cultural differences and how this may affect the outcomes of cross-cultural comparisons. The framework is generic and should provide a solid foundation for future ILSA practices and secondary analyses. ILSA studies like the IEA's Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) provide valuable data, containing both student achievement data and contextual background data from schools, teachers, students and parents for over 41 countries.

Understanding Visible Differences: Working Therapeutically With Individuals Who Look Different (Palgrave Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy)

by Vivienne Purcell

This book provides an evidence-based guide to working with visible difference in therapeutic practice. It explores how appearance problems intersect with other concerns causing mental health issues and provides clear guidance on treatment plans and related topics. Visible difference is a bigger cause of mental distress than is often realised. One in five people have an appearance that is considered ‘different’ to the normal population. The category of ‘visible difference’, previously described as ‘disfigurement’ or simply ‘disability’ captures a range of conditions with varying aetiology, severity, and extent. Differences in appearance can be the result of a birth anomaly, or be caused later in life through illness, physical trauma, or behaviour. Whatever the cause, visible difference can have a negative effect on how individuals are perceived and view themselves. This timely work arrives at a moment of rising professional interest, due to the growth of social media use and the focus this puts on appearance (“the amplification of appearance bias”), and also influenced by the implications new research. The author draws on these findings together with her own research and practice to examine best practice and key issues in addressing visible difference. Particular consideration is given to establishing a good working therapeutic relationship. Whether a trainee, a recently qualified therapist, or an experienced professional wanting to broaden their understanding, this is the ideal text for anyone wanting to better understand this growing area of therapeutic practice.

Faithful Through and Through

by Richard Purden

Following on from We Are Celtic Supporters, Richard Purden tackles a variety of subjects in his second book Faithful Through and Through. Here he takes a fresh look at the people who have added to the wider culture, reputation and traditions on and off the park which have strengthened Celtic's position as a much valued institution. Purden talks to a selection of supporters, ex-players, managers and public figures, while travelling to a number of historical locations. While visiting the club's ancestral home in Ireland he discusses Celtic in the context of faith, politics and identity. The author channels the voices of secret millionaires, Irish troubadours, Scottish politicians and the club's most popular icons who take you on a Celtic odyssey in a continuing story that underlines why this team from Glasgow's East End personify a way of life that represents unwavering hope and positive life-affirming values around the world.

Growth Mindset for Athletes, Coaches and Trainers: Harness the Revolutionary New Psychology for Achieving Peak Performance

by Jennifer Purdie

A complete and easy-to-follow guide for inspiring every athlete with the proven power of growth mindsetWhether you&’re a coach, trainer or athlete, growth mindset has changed the game. It&’s helping everyone from little leaguers to professionals reach their full potential. The perfect complement to a physical training regimen, this book shows how to use growth mindset to overcome plateaus and achieve peak performance.With proven strategies and step-by-step examples, this practical handbook shows how to implement growth mindset starting today. The program is based on SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) goals and offers a range of powerful techniques, including how to:• Use visualization for game-day success• Turn losses into learning opportunities• Improve coach-athlete communication• Build trust among teammates• Stretch athletes beyond their comfort zone• Train with different personalities and ages

Forensic Psychiatry: Fundamentals and Clinical Practice

by Basant Puri Ian H. Treasaden

This book covers the basic science and neurobiology of violence and integrates this with clinical, legal, and ethical aspects of forensic psychiatry. Unique text which integrates the basic sciences, clinical, legal, and ethical aspects Highly illustrated. Numerous colour images in the basic sciences section further explain the text Succinct yet comprehensive coverage for instant access to the information The book is designed for postgraduate trainees in psychiatry wishing to specialise in forensic psychiatry, specialists in forensic psychiatry, mental health, criminal lawyers, and forensic psychologists. It will be an invaluable reference work for clinical psychologists, criminologists, sociologists, and other professionals working with forensic psychiatric patients such as members of the probation service, social workers, and nursing staff.

Mensch und Raum, eine glückliche Beziehung?: Wohnpsychologie als Planungsgrundlage für Humanes Bauen

by Bettina Purkarthofer Barbara Friehs

Das Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen und betrachtet sowohl Wohnen aus systemischer Sicht als auch die lebensraumbezogenen Wohnbedürfnisse.Je hektischer und instabiler der Alltag bzw. die Außenwelt, desto wichtiger wird ein Zuhause, das Regeneration erlaubt, das Sicherheit und Geborgenheit schenkt. Ein Zuhause, das nicht nur den individuellen Wohnwünschen und -anforderungen entspricht, sondern auch die (oft unbewussten) grundlegenden menschlichen Wohnbedürfnisse wie etwa nach Privatheit, sensorischer Wahrnehmung, Selbstbestimmung und Regulation, Aneignung, Ortsbindung, Entwicklung und Entfaltung (…) erfüllt.Davon ausgehend, dass jeder (natürliche und gebaute) Raum unser Empfinden, Denken, Verhalten und Zusammenleben beeinflusst, führt der Weg zu „Humanen Lebensräumen“ über die Betrachtung von Wohnung, Wohngebäude bzw. Wohnumfeld hinsichtlich der wechselseitigen Wirkung "Mensch – Raum" aber auch über die Bewusstseinsschärfung der Bewohner für die eigenen Wohnbedürfnisse und jene der Mitbewohnenden.

Transforming Social Representations: A social psychology of common sense and science (Psychology Library Editions: Social Psychology)

by S. Caroline Purkhardt

Common sense, by definition, is familiar to us all. Science, for some of us, is more remote, yet it is not always clear what the connections are between these two ways of seeing the world. In this title, originally published in 1993, the author explores several related themes in social psychology to elucidate the way we understand the social construction of knowledge and the means by which we change social reality. From the perspective of a critique of social representations theory, the author argues that this necessitates a change of viewpoint from the individualistic and mechanistic assumptions of Cartesian science to the social and evolutionary perspective of a Hegelian framework. This not only emphasizes the cultural and historical dimensions of social phenomena but also illuminates the social and dynamic nature of individuals. As a consequence, the discipline of social psychology must itself be transformed, recognizing the active participation of scientists in the social construction of scientific knowledge. This title will be of interest to those working in social psychology, history and philosophy of science, and sociology.

The Parents' Practical Guide to Resilience for Children aged 2-10 on the Autism Spectrum: Two to Ten Years

by Jeanette Purkis Emma Goodall

Children and young people with autism have the capacity to be independent and resilient which can help them live independently or be supported to live a fulfilling life and reach their full potential. This book empowers parents of autistic children aged two to ten to help them promote resilience in their child. Full of suggestions and simple activities, this easy-to-use resource will help guide parents on how to build the foundations of resilience and independence for situations such as school, new environments and relationships with other children. It includes information about the main developmental stages for children on the autism spectrum, and will take parents through life events and milestones at different ages and identify where difficulties and barriers to resilience may arise and how to address them.

The Autistic Trans Guide to Life

by Yenn Purkis Wenn B. Lawson

This essential survival guide gives autistic trans and/or non-binary adults all the tools and strategies they need to live as their very best self.Blending personal accounts with evidence-based insights and up-to-date information, and written from a perspective of empowerment and self-acceptance, the book promotes pride, strength and authenticity, covering topics including self-advocacy, mental health and camouflaging and masking as well as key moments in life such as coming out or transitioning socially and/or physically. Written by two leading autistic trans activists, this book honestly charts what life is like as an autistic trans person and is vital, life-affirming reading.

The Power of Letting Go: How to drop everything that's holding you back

by John Purkiss

If you learn to let go,your life will take off.When you let go, you live intuitively. Everything flows, because you are no longer attached to things being a certain way, to being a certain person or always being right. What a relief. The irony is that when you feel stuck in any area of your life - career, relationships, purpose, health or money - letting go can seem very hard. You cling on for dear life just at the moment you need to take the leap.In The Power of Letting Go, John Purkiss explains why we should let go and how we can do it, using proven techniques to make things happen.The stages of letting go:-Be Present and Enjoy Each Moment-Let Go of the Thoughts that Keep You Stuck-Let Go of the Pain that Runs Your Life-Surrender and Tune into Something Far More Intelligent than Your Brain(p) 2020 Octopus Publishing Group

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