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The Witness Stand and Lawrence S. Wrightsman, Jr.

by Cynthia Willis-Esqueda Brian H. Bornstein

This unique volume salutes the work of pioneering forensic psychologist Lawrence S. Wrightsman, Jr. , by presenting current theorizing and research findings on issues that define the field of psychology and law. Ongoing topics in witness behaviors, suspect identification, and juror decision making illustrate how psychology and law complement and also conflict at various stages in legal processes. The book also sheds light on evolving areas such as DNA exonerations, professional trial consulting, and jury selection strategies, and the distinct challenges and opportunities these issues present. Noted contributors to the book include Wrightsman himself, who offers salient observations on the field that he continues to inspire. Featured among the topics: The credibility of witnesses. Psychological science on eyewitness identification and the U. S. Supreme Court. False confessions, from colonial Salem to today. Identifying juror bias: toward a new generation of jury selection research. Law and social science: how interdisciplinary is interdisciplinary enough? Race and its place in the American legal system. With its diverse mix of perspectives and methodologies, The Witness Stand and Lawrence S. Wrightsman, Jr. will interest forensic researchers in academic and applied settings, as well as individuals working in the legal system, such as attorneys, judges and law enforcement personnel.

Schizophrenia: Seven Approaches

by George Willison

Seven controversial approaches to schizophrenia, each assuming a distinctive model, biological, psychological, or social, are presented by their leading exponents. Arnold and Edith Buss deal with such fundamental issues as: What is the nature of schizophrenia? What general approach does each theory represent? What does each theory assume, what evidence does it require for proof, and what follows if the theory is correct? While the various approaches covered here have many differences and few similarities, they are not all mutually contradictory, and several may be combined into a larger synthesis.From a biological point of view, schizophrenia is a disease like any other, originating in heredity, tissue malformation, and physiological abnormality. The biological approach is represented here by a theory focusing on genetic and neurological aspects. The psychological approach treats schizophrenia as a failure of adjustment. Within this framework there is considerable disagreement. One theory emphasizes the cognitive problems of perceiving, thinking, and problem-solving; another centers on motivational disturbance, with its attendant problems of anxiety and withdrawal; and two theories focus on regressive behavior.Schizophrenia provides a stimulating basis for discussion by presenting the etiology of schizophrenia in terms of the most significant contemporary approaches. The juxtaposition of these viewpoints enables the professor to maximize students' interest as well as their insight into the complexity of contradictory evidence and opinions.

The Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching: Connecting Sophisticated Thinking from Early Childhood to PhD (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by John Willison

This book provides a practical philosophy for promoting students' sophisticated thinking from Early Childhood to PhD in ways that explicitly interconnect across the years of education. It will help teachers, academics and the broader learning and teaching community to understand and implement these connections by introducing a conceptual framework, the Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching (MELT). By covering the nature, philosophy, practice and implications of MELT for teachers and students alike, the book will help teachers to facilitate students’ awareness of, and increasing responsibility for, the thinking demanded by subject and discipline-specific learning as well as interdisciplinary learning, whether face to face, online or in blended modes. The book will also provide educators with ways to effectively engage with complex, and sometimes conflicting, contemporary educational concepts, and with a diverse variety of colleagues involved in the learning and teaching enterprise.The book provides guidance that allows curriculum improvement, teacher action research and larger-scale research to be reported on from a common perspective, bridging the gap between those readers focused on research and those focused on teaching. The book shares valuable insights and ways of addressing the contemporary issue of discipline-based learning versus transdisciplinary learning, reducing the dichotomy and enabling the two approaches to complement each other.This is an Open Access book.

Trauma-Informed Forensic Practice

by Phil Willmot

Trauma-Informed Forensic Practice argues for placing trauma-informed practice and thinking at the heart of forensic services. It is written by forensic practitioners and service users from prison and forensic mental health, youth justice, and social care settings. It provides a compassionate theoretical framework for understanding the links between trauma and offending. It also gives practical guidance on working with issues that are particularly associated with a history of trauma in forensic settings, such as self-harm and substance use, as well as on working with groups who are particularly vulnerable to trauma, such as those with intellectual disabilities and military veterans. Finally, it considers organisational aspects of delivering trauma-informed care, not just for service users but for the staff who work in challenging and dangerous forensic environments. The book is the first of its kind to address such a broad range of issues and settings. It is aimed at forensic practitioners who wish to develop their own trauma-informed practice or trauma-responsive services. It also provides an accessible introduction to trauma-informed forensic practice for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Biological Determinism, Free Will and Moral Responsibility: Insights from Genetics and Neuroscience (SpringerBriefs in Ethics)

by Chris Willmott

This book examines the way in which new discoveries about genetic and neuroscience are influencing our understanding of human behaviour. As scientists unravel more about the ways in which genes and the environment work together to shape the development of our brains, their studies have importance beyond the narrow confines of the laboratory. This emerging knowledge has implications for our notions of morality and criminal responsibility. The extent to which "biological determinism" can be used as an explanation for our behaviour is of interest to philosophers reflecting on the free will versus determinism debate. It also has repercussions for the criminal justice system; in courtrooms around the world, defence lawyers are beginning to appeal to genetic and brain imaging data as grounds for finding their clients not guilty. Can a defendant's genes or the structure of his brain be used as an excuse for his behaviour? Is criminality "hardwired"? Is it legitimate to claim "I couldn't help it, my genes made me do it"? This book appeals to anyone interested in the link between behaviour and genetics, the science and philosophy of moral responsibility and/or criminal law. ​

Comparative-Integrative Psychoanalysis: A Relational Perspective for the Discipline's Second Century (Relational Perspectives Book Series #Vol. 35)

by Brent Willock

Finalist for the 2007 Goethe Award for Psychoanalytic Scholarship! This exceptionally practical and insightful new text explores the emerging field of comparative-integrative psychoanalysis. It provides an invaluable framework for approaching the currently fractious state of the psychoanalytic discipline, divided as it is into diverse schools of thought, presenting many conceptual challenges. Moving beyond the usual borders of psychoanalysis, Willock usefully draws on insights from neighboring disciplines to shed additional light on the core issue. Comparative-Integrative Psychoanalysis is divided into two sections for organizational clarity. Part I is an intriguing investigation into the nature of thought and its intrinsic problems. It convincingly builds a case for the need, after a century of disciplinary development, to move beyond delineated schools, and proposes a method for achieving this goal. The succeeding section elaborates this desideratum in detail, exploring its implications with respect to theory, organizations, practice, and pedagogy. This second portion of the volume is most applicable to everyday concerns with improving work in the field, be it in the consulting room, classroom, or in and between various psychoanalytic organizations.

The Wrongful Conviction of Oscar Pistorius: Science Transforms our Comprehension of Reeva Steenkamp’s Shocking Death

by Brent Willock

Just when the world thought Oscar Pistorius’ meteoric rise to Olympic glory and international celebrity had terminated abysmally in prison, Brent Willock’s scientific perspective reopens this gripping narrative for an astonishing re-view.Olympian Oscar Pistorius’ spectacular assent to fame ground to a screeching halt in the wee hours of Valentine’s Day, 2013. Hearing a sound emanating from his bathroom, he grabbed his pistol and he stumbled to the washroom, screaming at the intruders to leave. Fearing someone was about to emerge to harm him and his girlfriend, Reeva, he fired four bullets into the bathroom. Soon he realized he had killed his lover. Horrified, he summoned the authorities. The investigating detective believed this was yet another case of an escalating argument where a man murdered his partner. World opinion is split. Some believe Oscar. Others are convinced he committed a despicable crime of passion.Distinguished clinical psychologist Brent Willock brings an entirely new perspective to bear on these horrific events: that Oscar’s horrific actions occurred while he was in a state of paradoxical sleep, also known as parasomnia. Throughout this book, Willock uses scientific scrutiny and legal precedence to resolve the crucial anomalies surrounding the Oscar Pistorius trial. Willock also discusses how mental health experts and the defense team might have overlooked the hypothesis of parasomnia that could have exonerated Oscar.Millions who followed the Blade Runner’s astonishing achievements, uplifted and inspired by his triumph over physical adversity, were crushed by his precipitous plunge from grace. They were baffled. Even Oscar himself, in a television interview shortly before his sentencing, achingly asked, “I always think, How did this possibly happen? How could this have happened?” At last, Willock’s elegant work responds to these poignant questions that have so plagued and pained Reeva’s family, friends, Oscar, and, indeed, the world.

On Deaths and Endings: Psychoanalysts' Reflections on Finality, Transformations and New Beginnings

by Brent Willock Lori C. Bohm Rebecca C. Curtis

Winner of the 2008 Gradiva Award! Can something as negative as loss also be a positive, transformative experience? Is it possible that not only individuals but also societies can be developmentally arrested by problematic mourning? On Deaths and Endings brings together the work of psychoanalytic scholars and practitioners grappling with the manifold issues evoked by loss and finality. The book covers the impact of endings throughout the life cycle, including effects on children, adolescents, adults, those near death and entire societies. New psychoanalytic perspectives on bereavement are offered based on clinical work, scholarly research and the authors’ own, deeply personal experiences. The contributors present compelling, often moving, enquiries into subjects such as the reconfiguration of self-states subsequent to mourning, the role of ritual and memorials, the tragic impact of unmourned loss, modern conceptualisations of the death instinct, and terror-based losses. In that much psychotherapy is conducted with people who have suffered some form of loss, this book will be an invaluable resource for all mental health professionals. The emphasis on the potential of working through the vicissitudes of these experiences will provide inspiration and hope both to those who have endured personal loss and to anyone working with grieving patients.

Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Passion: Meanings and Manifestations in the Clinical Setting and Beyond

by Brent Willock Rebecca Coleman Curtis Lori C. Bohm

Passion! The word brims with and exudes power, movement, intensity, vitality, desire, and fulfillment. Its multifaceted meanings include eroticism, rage, sex, suffering, drive, commitment, dedication, and love. On the one hand, it embodies a quality to be embraced and lived fully, to make life meaningful and worthwhile. On the other, it is sometimes to be treated with suspicion, reined in, subjected to the dictates of reason. While it brightens existence and its departure makes life dull, many passions may prove unbearable. The manifold connotations of passion make it highly relevant to psychoanalysis, yet, so far, no book has explored the many facets of this pervasive theme. This book provides a comprehensive guide that will sensitize readers to the omnipresent importance of passionate emotion in the clinical setting, and throughout all areas and times of life. It bursts with thought-provoking ideas. Challenging cases are illuminated by penetrating reflections and novel applications and combinations of theoretical perspectives. Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Passion explores the many ways in which very strong emotions – passions – can be understood and worked with in clinical contexts. The contributions cover such key topics as psychosis and violence, emotions in childhood, sexuality, secure and insecure attachments, the role of passion in seeking meaning, passion and transition space, and transference and countertransference. This book will be of great help to all psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists struggling to assist patients (and perhaps themselves) in locating their passions, channeling and expressing them in meaningful ways, and overcoming obstacles to their fulfillment.

Understanding and Coping with Failure: Psychoanalytic Perspectives

by Brent Willock Rebecca Coleman Curtis Lori C. Bohm

Failure is a theme of great importance in most clinical conditions, and in everyday life, from birth until death. Its impact can be destabilizing, even disastrous. In spite of these facts, there has been no comprehensive psychoanalytic exploration of this topic. Understanding and Coping with Failure: Psychoanalytic Perspectives fills this gap by examining failure from many perspectives. It goes a long way toward increasing understanding of the numerous issues involved, and provides many valuable insights into ways of coping with these challenging experiences and several chapters discuss positive aspects of failure - what can be learned from what would otherwise simply be regrettable experiences. Brent Willock, Rebecca Coleman Curtis and Lori C. Bohm bring together a rich diversity of topics explored in thoughtful ways by an international group of authors from the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States of America. Failed therapies (which have been examined in the literature) are but one element freshly explored in this comprehensive exploration of the topic. The book is divided into sections covering the following topics: Failing and Forgiving; Society-Wide Failure; Failure in the Family; Therapeutic Failure; Professional Failure in the Consulting Room and on the Career Path; Integrity versus Despair: Facing Failure in the Final Phase of the Life Cycle; Metaphoric Bridges and Creativity; The Long Shadow of Childhood Relational Trauma. Understanding and Coping with Failure will be eagerly welcomed by all those trying to increase their awareness, understanding, and capacity to work with the many ramifications of this important issue. Because of the uniqueness of this broad, detailed exploration of the complexities of the failure experience, it will be essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, and students in these disciplines. It will also appeal to a wider audience interested in the psychoanalytic perspective.

Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Knowing and Being Known: In Theory and Clinical Practice

by Brent Willock Ionas Sapountzis Rebecca Coleman Curtis

The importance of knowing and being known is at the heart of the human experience and has always been the core of the psychoanalytic enterprise. Freud named his central Oedipal construct after Sophocles’ great play that dramatically encapsulated the desire, difficulty, and dangers involved in knowing and being known. Psychoanalysis’ founder developed a methodology to facilitate unconscious material becoming conscious, that is, making the unknown known to help us better understand ourselves and our relational lives, including psychic trauma, and multigenerational histories. This book will stimulate readers to contemplate knowing and being known from multiple perspectives. It bursts with thought-provoking ideas and intriguing cases illuminated by penetrating reflections from diverse theoretical perspectives. It will sensitize readers to this theme’s omnipresent, varied importance in the clinical setting and throughout life. Accomplished contributors discuss a wide variety of fascinating topics, illustrated by rich clinical material. Their contributions are grouped under these headings: Knowing through dreams; Knowing through appearances; Dreading and longing to be known; The analyst’s ways of knowing and communicating; Knowing in the contemporary sociocultural context; The known analyst; and No longer known. Readers will find each section deeply informative, stimulating thought, insights, and ideas for clinical practice. Psychoanalytic Explorations in Knowing and Being Known will appeal to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, counselors, students in these disciplines, and members of related scholarly communities.

The Millennial Marriage

by Brian J Willoughby

This essential text explores the concept of "Me-Marriage"—a marital relationship that blends individualized life goals and interests—and draws from research on the current benefits and costs of marriage to consider how to achieve success, both individually and relationally. Chapters explore the larger patterns at play and identify the trends about what a modern "healthy marriage" looks like for this new generation. Brian J. Willoughby combines a review of the latest social science research on the benefits and costs of marriage with new quantitative and qualitative data from married and single adults. The book explores how marriage has fundamentally shifted in the Western world due to the changing values and approaches to relationships by the Millennial generation that is now largely transitioning to marriage. This book is an ideal text for clinicians and practitioners (particularly those working with young married populations) looking for guidance on how to understand the increasingly complex ways that adults are navigating their relationship landscape, as well as students and scholars in the fields of psychology, family studies, and sociology and those interested in individual development, relational development, and demographic trends on the family.

Moving On After Childhood Sexual Abuse: Understanding the Effects and Preparing for Therapy

by Jonathan Willows

This self-help guide allows those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse to consider the impact that it has had on their adult lives from a new perspective, helping them to understand the effects, and prepare for therapy. Based on known reactions to physical and emotional trauma, the book explains how a broad range of difficulties in adulthood can result from sexual abuse in childhood. The reader is invited to think about how psychological therapy can be particularly helpful in reducing these difficulties and promoting change. Ground rules for therapy are provided, as well as guidance on how to get the most from the therapy process. Moving On After Childhood Sexual Abuse provides a clear explanation of the developmental effects of childhood sexual abuse as well as the role of psychological therapy. This book will therefore assist the reader in making informed decisions about seeking treatment and setting personal goals for therapy, as well as appreciating the demands involved in the process of change.

Give a F*ck, Actually: Reclaim Yourself with the 5 Steps of Radical Emotional Acceptance

by Alex Wills

Stop battling your emotions and engage them to live a better life.You&’ve been told that it&’s a subtle art to not give a f*ck, to only live, laugh, and love, and to f*ck your feelings. That&’s impossible and unhealthy. What if you could stop trying to fix your emotions and work with them instead of against them—even the &“bad&” ones?Give a F*ck, Actually is the self-help guidebook to doing that with Radical Emotional Acceptance, a simple five-step process for having a healthy relationship with your emotions in real time. Developed by psychiatrist Dr. Alex Wills through over 15,000 hours with patients, REA stops the fight against your own feelings and allows you to acknowledge, accept, interpret, and act on emotions—even the painful ones that you are told to suppress—before they become a problem. Rather than pretending you don&’t give a f*ck, REA helps you embrace your f*cks and learn from them emotional data to live a fuller life.Give a F*ck, Actually integrates teaching with anecdotes, historical lessons, and narrative encounters with patients to demonstrate REA in action. The result is an unforgettable how-to guide for emotions that will change your life.

New Directions in Human Associative Learning

by Andy J. Wills

The editor and authors of this book present a synthesis of work on human associative learning, tracing some of its historical roots but concentrating mainly on recent developments. It is divided into three sections: an introduction to the recent data and controversies in the study of human associative learning; recent developments in the formal theories of how associative learning occurs; and applied work on human associative learning, particularly its application to depression and to the development of preferences. The book is designed to be accessible to undergraduates, providing a clear illustration of how principles most commonly introduced in animal cognition courses are relevant to the contemporary study of human cognition.

Beck's Cognitive Therapy: Distinctive Features (CBT Distinctive Features)

by Frank Wills

Beck's Cognitive Therapy: Distinctive Features explores the key contributions made by Aaron T. Beck to the development of cognitive behaviour therapy. This book provides a concise account of Beck's work against a background of his personal and professional history. The author, Frank Wills, considers the theory and practice of Beck's cognitive therapy by firstly examining his contribution to the understanding of psychopathology, and going on to explore Beck's suggestions about the best methods of treatment. Throughout the book a commentary of how Beck's thinking differs from other approaches to CBT is provided, as well as a summary of the similarities and differences between Beck’s methods and other forms of treatment including psychoanalysis and humanistic therapy. Beck's Cognitive Therapy will be ideal reading for both newcomers to the field and experienced practitioners wanting a succinct guide.

Beck's Cognitive Therapy: Distinctive Features 2nd Edition (CBT Distinctive Features)

by Frank Wills

Beck's Cognitive Therapy explores the key contributions made by Aaron T. Beck to the development of cognitive behaviour therapy. The book describes the development of the unique model of therapy developed by Professor Aaron. T. Beck and his daughter, Dr. Judith. S. Beck. The first part on theory explains how the Becks understand psychological problems. The second part on practice describes the main methods and skills that have evolved in cognitive therapy. Updated throughout to include recent developments, this revised edition of Beck's Cognitive Therapy will be ideal for both newcomers and experienced practitioners.

Skills in Cognitive Behaviour Counselling & Psychotherapy

by Frank Wills

Skills in Cognitive Behaviour Counselling and Psychotherapy is a practical guide to the core techniques used when working with clients in a range of therapeutic settings. Representing a truly contemporary view of the cognitive behavioural approach, Frank Wills describes the process of working in a collaborative and interpersonally informed way with clients. The book stresses the need for an emotionally based CBT and outlines the essential skills used by practitioners in: " making assessments " mapping issues (formulation) " developing a therapeutic relationship, and " promoting change in thinking, feelings and behaviour. The book also features exercises, samples of therapist-client dialogue and case studies to illustrate key points and deepen understanding. Skills in Cognitive Behaviour Counselling and Psychotherapy is written for those who are undertaking skills training and preparing to work in a wide range of health, mental health and general counselling settings. Frank Wills is an independent cognitive psychotherapist in Bristol, and a tutor at the University of Wales, Newport.

Skills in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

by Frank Wills

This step-by-step guide to the core skills and techniques of the cognitive behaviour approach is suitable for those with little or no prior experience in CBT. The author uses case examples from a variety of settings to illustrate the skills needed at each stage of the therapeutic process, and brings the therapeutic relationship to the foreground to show you how to build and maintain a successful working alliance with your clients. This second edition includes new content on: - the historical foundations of CBT - common presenting issues, such as depression and anxiety - third wave CBT - IAPT - insights from other approaches, relevant to trainees in other modalities with an interest in CBT.

Skills in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Skills in Counselling & Psychotherapy Series)

by Frank Wills

This step-by-step guide to the core skills and techniques of the cognitive behaviour approach is suitable for those with little or no prior experience in CBT. The author uses case examples from a variety of settings to illustrate the skills needed at each stage of the therapeutic process, and brings the therapeutic relationship to the foreground to show you how to build and maintain a successful working alliance with your clients. This second edition includes new content on: - the historical foundations of CBT - common presenting issues, such as depression and anxiety - third wave CBT - IAPT - insights from other approaches, relevant to trainees in other modalities with an interest in CBT Accompanied by a new companion website (, which includes additional case studies, template forms, PowerPoint presentations for each chapter, and a wealth of material for further reading, this is an essential text for anyone wishing to hone their therapeutic skills in CBT.

Skills in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Skills in Counselling & Psychotherapy Series)

by Frank Wills

This step-by-step guide to the core skills and techniques of the cognitive behaviour approach is suitable for those with little or no prior experience in CBT. The author uses case examples from a variety of settings to illustrate the skills needed at each stage of the therapeutic process, and brings the therapeutic relationship to the foreground to show you how to build and maintain a successful working alliance with your clients. This second edition includes new content on: - the historical foundations of CBT - common presenting issues, such as depression and anxiety - third wave CBT - IAPT - insights from other approaches, relevant to trainees in other modalities with an interest in CBT Accompanied by a new companion website (, which includes additional case studies, template forms, PowerPoint presentations for each chapter, and a wealth of material for further reading, this is an essential text for anyone wishing to hone their therapeutic skills in CBT.

The Barns Experiment (Routledge Revivals)

by W. David Wills

Originally published in 1945, this is a concise account of the remarkable experiment with boys carried out by the author of The Hawkspur Experiment. The war put this latter experiment into abeyance, but gave its author an opportunity to practice his principles on a group of younger difficult boys. Aged from eight to fourteen, these boys were the "throw-outs" of the Evacuation Scheme, but before the Barns experiment had been long in operation troublesome boys were being evacuated not primarily to escape bombs, but in order that they might have the treatment that Barns provided. Barns was a Hostel-school initiated by the Society of Friends, where lawless boys made their own laws, and where the principle instrument in their reformation was not punishment but affection. So successful were the unconventional methods here described that sceptics were convinced, and Barns has now achieved a permanent place in the field of "the therapy of the dis-social." Today it would be described as a therapeutic community and is one of the earliest experiments of its kind that raised awareness and paved the way for further research in this area.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies

by Rob Willson Rhena Branch

Retrain your thinking and your life with these simple, scientifically proven techniques! Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT for short, is often cited as the gold standard of psychotherapy. Its techniques allow you to identify the negative thought processes that hold you back and exchange them for new, productive ones that can change your life. Increasingly popular among healthcare professionals, the CBT approach can be used by anyone to overcome common problems ranging from depression or anxiety to more complex disorders like OCD, PTSD and addiction. CBT can also be used to simply developing a healthier, more productive outlook on life. This book shows you how you can easily incorporate the techniques of CBT into your day-to-day life and produce tangible results.. You’ll learn how to take your negative thoughts to boot camp and retrain them, establishing new habits that tackle your toxic thoughts and retool your awareness, allowing you be free of the weight of past negative thinking biases. Move on: take a fresh look at your past and maybe even overcome it Mellow out: relax yourself through techniques that reduce anger and stress Lighten up: read practical advice on healthy attitudes for living and ways to nourish optimism Look again: discover how to overcome low self-esteem and body image issues Whatever the issue, don’t let your negative thoughts have the last say—buy a copy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dummies and start developing your new outlook on life today!

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies

by Rob Willson Rhena Branch

An updated edition of the bestselling guide on reprogramming one's negative thoughts and behaviourOnce the province of mental health professionals, CBT (or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) has gained wide acceptance as the treatment of choice for anyone looking to overcome anxiety, manage anger, beat an addiction, lose weight or simply gain a new outlook on life. Written by two CBT therapists, this bestselling guide helps you apply the principles of CBT in your everyday life-allowing you to spot errors in your thinking; tackle toxic thoughts; refocus and retrain your awareness; and finally, stand up to and become free of the fear, depression, anger, and obsessions that have been plaguing you.Includes tips on establishing ten healthy attitudes for living as well as ten ways to lighten upHelps you chart a path by defining problems and setting goalsOffers advice on taking a fresh look at your past, overcoming any obstacles to progress as well as ways to maintain your CBT gainsIncludes new and refreshed content, including chapters on how to beat an addiction and overcome body image issuesWith indispensable advice on finding your way out of the debilitating maze of negative thoughts and actions, the book is brimming with invaluable suggestions that will have even a confirmed pessimist well armed for the journey forward.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook For Dummies

by Rob Willson Rhena Branch

Dozens of practical exercises and easy to perform techniques for banishing negative thoughts before they take holdWhether you're trying to overcome anxiety and depression, boost self-esteem, beat addiction, lose weight, or simply improve your outlook, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) offers a practical, sensible approach to mastering your thoughts and thinking constructively. In this updated and expanded edition of the companion workbook to their bestselling Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies, professional therapists Rhena Branch and Rob Wilson show you, step-by-step, how to put the lessons provided in their book into practice. Inside you'll find a huge number of hands-on exercises and techniques to help you remove roadblocks to change and regain control over your life.Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook For Dummies, Second Edition:Develops the ideas and concepts that presented in the bestselling Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies, Second Edition and provides exercises to put those ideas into practiceFeatures a range of hands-on CBT exercises and techniques for beating anxiety or depression, boosting your self-esteem, losing weight, or simply improving your outlook on lifeRhena Branch and Rob Willson are CBT therapists at the Priory Clinic in London, and the authors of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies.

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