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El cáncer y las palabras

by Agustina Chacón Sonia Checchia Nancy Ferro

Ni héroes, ni víctimas, ni guerreros.Historias de personas que enfermaron y cómo acompañarlas con empatía. "Pobre, debe ser terrible". "No parecés enferma". "De tu actitud depende tu curación". Estas son algunas de las cosas que suelen decirles a los pacientes con cáncer. Estos a su vez se rebelan contra lo que se espera de ellos ("estoy enferma, no voy a la guerra"), expresan su malestar ("mis amigos ya no me tratan como antes") o buscan refugio en las palabras y acciones de otros: "Me hace bien que mis médicos se muestren esperanzados", "mi abuela me acompaña a las quimios", "quiero un trato normal, amable y respetuoso". Mediante historias y relatos de pacientes oncológicos, este libro conmovedor indaga en la manera en que cada uno pone en palabras su propio tránsito de la enfermedad. Si bien se trata de una experiencia única e intransferible, una y otra vez surgen el temor a la soledad, la importancia de contar con una adecuada comunicación profesional y la empatía de quienes los rodean. De sentirse acompañados en una comunidad que en lugar de recurrir a metáforas bélicas y heroicas les hable sin eufemismos. Las prestigiosas psicooncólogas Agustina Chacón, Sonia Checchia y Nancy Ferro desentrañan los modos en que a través de lo dicho se reproducen estereotipos, mitos y prejuicios que profundizan el sufrimiento, pero también se pueden encontrar herramientas valiosas para reflexionar y proponer otras representaciones sociales en torno a la enfermedad. El cáncer y las palabras aborda sensaciones y emociones de quienes recibieron un diagnóstico o atraviesan un tratamiento y presenta una nueva mirada. Su objetivo es ayudar tanto a los pacientes como a sus entornos afectivos, para dejar de asociar al cáncer con la muerte y empezar a encararlo como parte de la vida.

La Guaracha del Macho Camacho

by Luis Rafael Sánchez

Desde su publicacion en 1976 esta obra se convirtio en el texto literario puertorriqueno mas difundido en el siglo XX. Narrada con humor, la novela puede leerse como una fiesta de mascaras minada secretamente por la tragedia. Una obra tragicomica tan bailable como el genero musical sugerido en el titulo.

A ser feliz tambien se aprende

by Neva Milicic

Un libro para todo padre y profesor que desea enseñar a ser feliz a los niños ¿Se puede aprender a ser feliz? ¿Cómo les transmitimos seguridad a nuestros niños? ¿Cómo superar sus primeros miedos? El período que abarca desde los dos hasta los seis años de vida es fundamental para la formación de la personalidad y la salud mental de nuestros hijos. En este corto tiempo la persona aprende a vincularse consigo misma y con los otros, a dar y recibir ternura, a respetar los derechos y las normas, a relacionarse con los objetos y la naturaleza. Pero todavíamás, hay evidencia que señala cómo las experiencias emocionales positivas son clave para generar en los niños una actitud optimista ante la vida. Este libro -en una edición actualizada- es una auténtica guía para el desarrollo emocional de nuestros hijos y da respuesta a las preguntas más frecuentes de los padres y educadores acerca de cómo ayudar a los niños a crecer y ser feliz. Una lectura valiosa e imprescindible.


by Pedro Uribe

Un lúcido ensayo sobre las masculinidades, el rol de los hombres en la sociedad compleja de hoy y las distintas visiones que existen sobre la virilidad, el patriarcado y la deconstrucción de lo masculino. En tiempos en que el feminismo parece tomarse el debate, el sicólogo Pedro Uribe escribe sobre las luces y las sombras que están atravesando las relaciones entre los hombres y las mujeres en una sociedad compleja y turbulenta como la actual. Y se pregunta: ¿qué está pasando con los hombres?, ¿por qué algunos son violentos y otros, criados del mismo modo, no ejercen violencia de género?, ¿por qué los hombres actúan así? ¿qué están sintiendo? Desvelando el manto de misterio que cubre la masculinidad, esta es una invitación a pensar y ampliar las miradas sobre el rol de los varones en la sociedad de hoy.

Esta depresión no es tu culpa

by Nicolás Fernández

En una sociedad que ha descuidado la salud mental para privilegiar la productividad, el psicólogo y creador de contenidos en Instagram @unpsiconico propone una mirada comunitaria para sanar y alejarse del positivismo tóxico. El psicólogo Nicolás Fernández echa por tierra afirmaciones como "primero debes quererte a ti mismo para que te quieran", "vamos que se puede", "es cuestión de ánimo" y otras frases hechas patentadas por el positivismo tóxico y, en cambio, promueve las buenas prácticas colectivas y políticas para combatir la pandemia de salud mental que es la depresión. Con guiños a su propia experiencia como paciente y terapeuta, Esta depresión no es tu culpa entrega herramientas y una mirada contenedora y colaborativa frente a un tema de preocupación global.

El manto

by Marcela Serrano

Una conmovedora reflexión sobre la pérdida. El libro más personal de Marcela Serrano En noviembre de 2017, tras años de ir y venir, un cáncer terminó con la vida de la periodista Margarita Serrano. Devastada, su hermana Marcela encontró en el retiro campesino y en la escritura la única manera de sobrellevar el desconcierto, la tristeza y la rabia. Ese estado de excepción emocional es lo que está en la base de estas páginas que, con el pasar de los días, la autora fue tejiendo como un manto para cubrir a su hermana y a quienes tras su muerte quedaron a la intemperie. El resultado de ese arrojo son los emocionantes, tristes y a la vez luminosos apuntes # discontinuos como el duelo mismo# que Serrano reunió con lucidez y coraje durante todo el año que siguió a la muerte de #la M#. Cita: Tiene el ideario y el corazón amueblados con una firmeza que es capaz de esquivar todas las contradicciones." Ángela López, El Mundo

El muerto

by Franco Pesce

Poderosa novela sobre la pérdida y el duelo de la mano de un nuevo escritor chileno. Tiago murió y ahora López relata su muerte, el momento en que su amigo se ahogó en el mar. Alguien lo escucha narrar esa escena y las que siguieron: el llamado a la familia con la noticia, el funeral sin féretro, la posible deriva del cuerpo en el agua: «En la playa seguían observando el agua, creyendo que Tiago podía vivir. No podía: había muerto». Obsesivamente y con lucidez tal vez despiadada, López repasa las esperanzas e ilusiones de los familiares y amigos del muerto desde una visión despojada de toda magia y autocompasión.

Historia de un duelo

by Carolina Soto Víctor El Khoury Jacky Cepeda

"ESTE LIBRO ENCENDERÁ EN TU VIVIR LUCECITAS DE ESPERANZA". GONZALO GALLO En el año 2015 un accidente fatal cambió para siempre las vidas de la familia de Sofía El Khoury, hija de Víctor El Khoury y Jacky Cepeda, y hermana de la reconocida presentadora de televisión Carolina Soto. Pasado un tiempo, los tres narran, en este conmovedor y desgarrador testimonio, la historia de un duelo: el antes, el ahora y el después. Este relato es un devenir de emociones y dejará en los lectores una sensación de ilusión, de alivio y de fe, a pesar de la desolación y la tristeza que producen la partida de un ser querido. Es también un homenaje póstumo a Soffy, a la huella imborrable que dejó tras su alegre paso por este mundo terrenal, y un testimonio necesario para todos aquellos que luego de enfrentar un duelo, han encontrado una oportunidad y se han llenado de razones para vivir y honrar así a quienes ya no están.

Aprender a amar(me)

by Camila Zuluaga

"El amor propio nos enseña que el dolor no es una opción" CAMI ZULUAGA, influenciadora colombiana, tuvo un episodio depresivo muy fuerte y descubrió que también sufre de codependencia, un trastorno que la hace tener relaciones tóxicas. En este inspirador libro nos cuenta su proceso de rehabilitación, y con ejercicios, consejos y actividades, nos comparte las herramientas que la ayudaron a salir adelante. Aprender a amar(me) nos va a enseñar a tener relaciones amorosas y saludables, empezando por la más importante: la que tenemos con nosotros mismos

Al otro lado del miedo

by María Cecilia Betancur

Descubre, enfrenta y vence los temores que te impiden llevar una vida estable, tranquila y feliz. <P><P>¿De dónde provienen nuestros miedos? Saberlo puede cambiarnos la vida. Y es que los temores no tienen límites y pueden originarse por las alturas, los animales, la soledad o el rechazo. ¿Cómo debemos reaccionar frente al temor? ¿Cuál es el tratamiento adecuado? ¿Qué tipo de miedos sienten los niños? <P><P> La reconocida psicóloga María Cecilia Betancur presenta una guía que se convertirá en la herramienta indispensable para todas las personas que quieran enfrentar y vencer sus mayores temores.

La mente absorbente del niño

by Maria Montessori

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Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to Interaction Styles 2.0

by Linda V. Berens

Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to Interaction Styles reveals the four fundamental interaction style patterns for you to "try on" in your search for understanding yourself (and others). Within these patterns are clues to the "how" of our behaviors. Find out how you consistently see to fall into certain roles in your interactions with others and how you can shift your energies to take on other roles when necessary. <P><P> After seven years of working with this groundbreaking model, Linda Berens has completed version 2.0. She added two additional pages for each Interaction Style with expanded arrow pattern descriptions AND snapshots of four variations for each style. In addition, there is a new page devoted to the four energy patterns and the four decision-making styles. <P><P> A conceptual change was made in the Things-in-Common section to help people clarify their Interaction Style. The focus on Control versus Movement was changed to a more bias free dichotomy of focus on Outcome versus focus on Process.

Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision (Cognitive Science and Technology)

by Qi Zhao

Despite a plethora of scientific literature devoted to vision research and the trend toward integrative research, the borders between disciplines remain a practical difficulty. To address this problem, this book provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of vision from various perspectives, ranging from neuroscience to cognition, and from computational principles to engineering developments. It is written by leading international researchers in the field, with an emphasis on linking multiple disciplines and the impact such synergy can lead to in terms of both scientific breakthroughs and technology innovations. It is aimed at active researchers and interested scientists and engineers in related fields.

Neural Correlates of Quality During Perception of Audiovisual Stimuli

by Sebastian Arndt

This book presents a new approach to examining the perceived quality of audiovisual sequences. It uses electroencephalography (EEG) to explain in detail how user quality judgments are formed within a test participant, and what the physiological implications might be when subjects are exposed to lower quality media. The book redefines the experimental paradigms of using EEG in the area of quality assessment so that they better suit the requirements of standard subjective quality testing, and presents experimental protocols and stimuli that have been adjusted accordingly.

Assessing Foreign Language Students' Spoken Proficiency: Stakeholder Perspectives on Assessment Innovation (Educational Linguistics #26)

by Martin East

This book presents an indepth study of assessment innovation and its impact on teaching and learning. The context is New Zealand, and the focus is additional languages other than English and the recent introduction of a radical new assessment of students' spoken proficiency, called interact. The book crosses the traditional theoretical and methodological boundaries associated with language testing research, which focuses on assessment performance, and presents an alternative approach where stakeholders become the centre of interest. It advances our understanding of how assessment innovation impacts on two key groups - teachers and students in schools - based on data collected from a substantial twoyear research project. It presents an account of these stakeholders' perceptions of the validity and usefulness of the new assessment in comparison with the more traditional test that it has replaced. Assessing Foreign Language Students' Spoken Proficiency makes an outstanding and original contribution to the field of second and foreign language teaching, providing a theory and research-based account of the development of a learner-centred approach to oral proficiency assessment. It is an important resource for teachers and teacher educators as well as assessment and curriculum specialists worldwide. It deserves to be widely read.

Learning Bodies

by Julia Coffey Shelley Budgeon Helen Cahill

'Learning Bodies' addresses the lack of attention paid to the body in youth and childhood studies. Whilst a significant range of work on this area has explored gender, class, race and ethnicity, and sexualities - all of which have bodily dimensions - the body is generally studied indirectly, rather than being the central focus. This collection of papers brings together a scholarly range of international, interdisciplinary work on youth, with a specific focus on the body. The authors engage with conceptual, empirical and pedagogical approaches which counteract perspectives that view young people's bodies primarily as 'problems' to be managed, or as sites of risk or deviance. The authors demonstrate that a focus on the body allows us to explore a range of additional dimensions in seeking to understand the experiences of young people. The research is situated across a range of sites in Australia, North America, Britain, Canada, Asia and Africa, drawing on a range of disciplines including sociology, education and cultural studies in the process. This collection aims to demonstrate - theoretically, empirically and pedagogically - the implications that emerge from a reframed approach to understanding children and youth by focusing on the body and embodiment.

Technology Implementation in Second Language Teaching and Translation Studies

by María Luisa Carrió-Pastor

This monograph mainly focuses on the idea that language teaching in higher education involves making use of new approaches and technology. It identifies the key determinants of the materials needed to improve language teaching on the basis of the actual experimental research included in the respective contributions. Thanks to its unique perspective, the book offers a distinctive approach to addressing empirical research on second language teaching, translator training and technology. As universities are some of the best arenas for analyzing teaching techniques for various subjects, higher education teachers can use this book to thoroughly prepare for the application of pilot studies and learn more about students' responses to new teaching and translation techniques. An enlightening guide for scholars and students with an academic interest in acquiring the basic principles of language teaching and translation, this book mainly provides actual cases in which the implementation of technology was useful to second language teachers and translation trainers. As the authors are experienced scholars, readers will not only come to understand how to use new teaching strategies, but also discover that the proposals described in each chapter can be useful to any level of second language training for teachers and translators.

Counselling in India: Reflections on the Process

by Sujata Sriram

This volume provides acritical and reflexive view into the counselling profession in India. Counselling and psychotherapy are emergent fields in India; there is inadequatesynergy between theory and practice at present, as psychotherapy andcounselling practice in the field have not sufficiently informed research, andvice versa. While research on counselling, the counselling process andtraining, and development of counsellors is extremely vital for the growth ofthe profession, practitioners seldom feel the need to wear the lens of theresearcher. Drawing upon primaryresearch on counsellors and psychotherapists in different parts of India, thisvolume bridges this gap and discusses the personal and professional journeys ofcounsellors at various stages of their career, which in turn facilitatesfurther research on counselling in India. The chapters discuss practical issueslike the challenges faced by novice counsellors, which contribute to feelingsof inadequacy and incompetence; synergy between the personal and professionallives of counsellors and the effect of the counselling process on the self;elements that go into training and how counselling education could bepositioned and developed; the use of creative arts in therapy; and therole of school counsellors and the process of negotiating boundaries amongvarious stakeholders in the school system. The volume also examines ethical dilemmas in the field, which have wider policyramifications.

Challenging Dominant Views on Student Behaviour at School: Answering Back

by Bruce Johnson Anna Sullivan Bill Lucas

This is a deliberately provocative book. It critiques current student behaviour management practices, seeks to explain the flawed assumptions that justify those practices, and proposes how things could be better for children in our schools if different practices were adopted. It is one of the few books to offer alternative ways of addressing the issues associated with student behaviour at school, and exposes the field to serious and sustained critique from both a research perspective and a children's rights ideological stance. The authors address the following questions: What ideas dominate current thinking on student behaviour at school? What are the policy drivers for current practices? What is wrong with common behaviour approaches? What key ideologies justify these approaches? How can we present ethical alternatives to current approaches? How can a human rights perspective contribute to the development of alternative approaches? In exploring these questions and some ethical alternatives to the status quo, the authors suggest practical ways to 'answer back' to calls for more authoritarian responses to student behaviour within our schools. In doing so, the authors advocate for reforms on behalf of children, and in their interests.

Motivation in Online Education

by Maggie Hartnett

This work explores and explicates learner motivation in online learning environments. More specifically, it uses a case-study approach to examine undergraduate students' motivation within two formal and separate online learning contexts. In doing so, it recognizes the mutually constitutive relationship of the learner and the learning environment in relation to motivation. This is distinctive from other approaches that tend to focus on designing and creating motivating environments or, alternatively, concentrate on motivation as a stable learner characteristic. In particular, this book identifies a range of factors that can support or undermine learner motivation and discusses each in detail. By unraveling the complexity of learner motivation in such environments, it provides useful guidelines for teachers, instructional designers and academic advisors tasked with building and teaching within online educational contexts.

Prelinguistic and Minimally Verbal Communicators on the Autism Spectrum

by Deb Keen Hedda Meadan Nancy C. Brady James W. Halle

This book draws on contemporary theory and recent findings to provide researchers, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students with essential resources, allowing them to better understand and support children, youth and adults with autism and significant communication impairments. The book consists of 11 chapters organized into 3 sections detailing typical and atypical prelinguistic development for individuals on the autism spectrum, together with a range of assessment and intervention approaches that clinicians and educators can draw on in practice. The book adopts a lifespan perspective, recognizing that there is an important and particularly challenging sub-group of children on the spectrum who remain minimally verbal beyond the age of 8 years. Each chapter summarizes current research on a selected topic, identifies key challenges faced by researchers, educators and clinicians, and considers the implications for research and practice. The concluding chapter considers issues of research translation and how educators and clinicians can encourage the use of evidence-based practices for prelinguistic and minimally verbal individuals.

Intervention Research

by Nyanda Mcbride

This book offers a step-by-step guide to intervention research, including the methods and techniques that researchers, higher degree research students and others can use when pursuing intervention research in schools and other settings. Guided by the Intervention Research Framework, it also provides practical information on linking a program developed using a comprehensive, evidence-based approach, to research and evaluation processes. The handbook also illustrates how to select an appropriate research sample for research; how to develop valid and reliable instruments for measuring change, including how to devise appropriate measures for assessing behavioural change; how to recruit and negotiate with schools (and other settings) for research involving young people; how to measure and incorporate measures of fidelity of implementation to understand dose response and behavior change; and how to optimize data collection and dissemination. The development and longitudinal assessment of the multi award-winning School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP) - the first alcohol harm reduction study to assess the impact of a school-based classroom intervention on alcohol use, alcohol-related behaviors and alcohol-related harm using a harm reduction paradigm - provides a practical example of the intervention research processes described in this handbook.

Young Children Playing

by Sophie Jane Alcock

The subject of this book is young children's emotional-social learning and development within early childhood care and education settings in Aotearoa-New Zealand. The focus on emotional complexity fills a gap in early childhood care and education research where young children are frequently framed narrowly as 'learners,' ignoring the importance of emotional functioning and the feelings with which children make sense of themselves and the world. This book draws on original data in the form of narrative-like framed events to creatively illustrate the complexities in children's diverse ways of feeling, thinking, playing, being, and becoming. Events illuminate the feelings and meanings of observed experiences in holistic and contextualised gestalts. Awareness of unconscious processes, the feeling of feelings, and cultural dimensions of development and meaning-making are addressed. The book emphasises the emergent and psychodynamic nature of children's development and learning with strong links to the role of play and playfulness in the events, drawing on two ethnographically inspired research projects that present theory, experience and practice in real-life events.

Stroke Revisited: Vascular Cognitive Impairment (Stroke Revisited)

by Seung-Hoon Lee Jae-Sung Lim

This book presents state of the art knowledge on vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). The focus is in particular on two major representative clinical syndromes of VCI: subcortical VCI and post-stroke cognitive impairment. Individual chapters address a wide range of topics and issues, providing up-to-date information on epidemiology, cognitive evaluation, pathophysiology, established and emerging neuroimaging biomarkers, amyloid imaging, serum and genetic biomarkers, prognosis, prevention, and treatment. The accompanying illustrations and photos enable the reader to achieve a ready understanding of the contents and to retrieve fundamental information quickly. The book will be an invaluable resource for stroke physicians, surgeons, and students wishing to learn more about the latest advances, from efforts to harmonize neuropsychological evaluation and improvements in diagnostic criteria through to the role of advanced neuroimaging techniques in deepening understanding of VCI and progress toward more targeted treatment.

Economic Analysis of Suicide Prevention: Towards Evidence-based Policy-making (Economy And Social Inclusion Ser.)

by Yasuyuki Sawada Michiko Ueda Tetsuya Matsubayashi

This book examines the causes and consequences of suicide from the perspective of economics. The approach here differs from those in medical, psychiatric, epidemiological, and sociological studies of suicide and is thus novel in a way that highlights the importance of economic and institutional settings in the problem of suicide. The authors argue that suicide imposes a tremendous economic cost on contemporary society in a variety of ways, requiring the government to develop an effective prevention strategy. An empirical analysis using data from Japan and other developed countries shows that natural disasters and economic crises increase suicide rates, while liberal government policies favorable to the poor can decrease them. Further, the types of effective prevention strategies in the context of railway/subway suicides, celebrity suicides, public awareness campaigns, and education using data primarily from Japan are revealed. This book ultimately contributes to an understanding of suicides and the development of evidence-based policy proposals. The Japanese version of this book won the 56th Nikkei Prize for Economics Books (Nikkei Keizai Tosho Bunka Award) in 2013.

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