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Forensic Psychology and Law

by Patricia A. Zapf Stephen D. Hart Ronald Roesch

Praise for Forensic Psychology and Law"In Forensic Psychology and Law, three internationally known experts provide exceptional coverage of a wide array of topics that address both the clinical applications of forensic psychology and the role of psychological science in understanding and evaluating legal assumptions and processes."--Norman Poythress, PhD, Research Director and Professor, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Dept. of Mental Health Law and Policy"Forensic Psychology and Law is a major contribution to the teaching of law and psychology. Roesch, Zapf, and Hart offer a timely, comprehensive, and succinct overview of the field that will offer widespread appeal to those interested in this vibrant and growing area. Outstanding."--Kirk Heilbrun, PhD, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Drexel University"In this volume, three noted experts have managed to capture the basic elements of forensic psychology. It is clearly written, well organized, and provides real world examples to hold the interest of any reader. While clarifying complex issues, the authors also present a very balanced discussion of a number of the most hotly debated topics."--Mary Alice Conroy, PhD, ABPP, Psychological Services Center, Sam Houston State UniversityA Comprehensive, Up-to-Date Discussion of the Interface Between Forensic Psychology and LawForensic Psychology and Law covers the latest theory, research, and practice in the field and provides thought-provoking discussion of topics with chapters on:Forensic assessment in criminal and civil domainsEyewitness identificationPolice investigations, interrogations, and confessionsCorrectional psychologyPsychology, law, and public policyEthics and professional issues

Clinical Treatment Directions for Infidelity: A Phenomenological Framework for Understanding

by Nicolle Zapien

Clinical Treatment Directions for Infidelity considers the psychotherapeutic treatment of infidelity from a fresh perspective. Psychotherapy (both couples and individual) for infidelity is notoriously challenging, and clinicians tend to disagree on case conceptualizations and treatment objectives. This book approaches infidelity from a client-centered, phenomenological perspective, informed by qualitative research and social context. Essential for clinicians who work with cases of infidelity, it provides a framework and set of tools with which to approach these cases from a non-judgmental stance that helps clients glean meaning from these experiences and make conscious personal choices about how to move forward.

Getting It Right

by Zappert

Career or motherhood? Do you have to sacrifice one to be truly successful in the other? And if you're trying to do both, will you have to compromise your career path or your child's needs? With professional demands increasingly impinging on personal time, is "having it all" even realistic, or is it just plain fantasy? Now leading Stanford University psychologist Dr. Laraine Zappert, who specializes in the issues of women and work, draws upon her twenty years of clinical and research experience and a landmark study to answer these questions and create a road map of innovative solutions. Dr. Zappert surveyed more than three hundred women who have graduated from Stanford's Graduate School of Business, and has incorporated case studies from hundreds of women professionals in each chapter. Her findings address such common concerns as: Do I really have to choose between career and family? How do I handle the stresses of my job and the demands of parenting? How do children affect my career, and when is the best time to have them? How do I keep my relationships healthy? Who will care for my children when I'm not available? Coming from many different occupational backgrounds, the subjects of Dr. Zappert's study show us that although we so often think that everyone else is doing it better and having an easier time of it, that is hardly ever the case. Sometimes "good enough" has to do. And whereas the stresses may be the same for all working women, the solutions rarely are. Let the insights, advice, and strategies found in Getting It Right help you make smarter, more informed decisions for creating a satisfying and fulfilling lifestyle on every level.

Medical Student Well-Being: An Essential Guide

by Dana Zappetti Jonathan D. Avery

This book tackles the most common challenges that medical students experience that lead to burnout in medical school by carefully presenting guidelines for assessment, management, clinical pearls, and resources for further references. Written by national leaders in medical student wellness from around the country, this book presents the first model of care for combating one of the most serious problems in medicine. Each chapter is concise and follows a consistent format for readability. This book addresses many topics, including general mental health challenges, addiction, mindfulness, exercise, relationships and many more of the important components that go into the making of a doctor.Medical Student Well-being is a vital resource for all professionals seeking to address physician wellness within medical schools, including medical students, medical education professionals, psychiatrists, addiction medicine specialists, hospitalists, residents, and psychologists.

Made You Up

by Francesca Zappia

<P>This thought-provoking debut tells the story of Alex, a high school senior—and the ultimate unreliable narrator—unable to tell the difference between real life and delusion. <P>Alex fights a daily battle to figure out what is real and what is not. Armed with a take-no-prisoners attitude, her camera, a Magic 8 Ball, and her only ally (her little sister), Alex wages a war against her schizophrenia, determined to stay sane long enough to get into college. <P>She's pretty optimistic about her chances until she runs into Miles. Didn't she imagine him? Before she knows it, Alex is making friends, going to parties, falling in love, and experiencing all the usual rites of passage for teenagers. But Alex is used to being crazy. She's not prepared for normal. Can she trust herself? Can we trust her?

Technical Analysis for Algorithmic Pattern Recognition

by Achilleas D. Zapranis Prodromos E. Tsinaslanidis

The main purpose of this book is to resolve deficiencies and limitations that currently exist when using Technical Analysis (TA). Particularly, TA is being used either by academics as an "economic test" of the weak-form Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) or by practitioners as a main or supplementary tool for deriving trading signals. This book approaches TA in a systematic way utilizing all the available estimation theory and tests. This is achieved through the developing of novel rule-based pattern recognizers, and the implementation of statistical tests for assessing the importance of realized returns. More emphasis is given to technical patterns where subjectivity in their identification process is apparent. Our proposed methodology is based on the algorithmic and thus unbiased pattern recognition. The unified methodological framework presented in this book can serve as a benchmark for both future academic studies that test the null hypothesis of the weak-form EMH and for practitioners that want to embed TA within their trading/investment decision making processes. ​

El fin de la ansiedad en niños y adolescentes: Cómo ayudar a tus hijos a gestionar los miedos, el estrés y la ansiedad

by Gio Zararri

El fin de la ansiedad, ahora para nuestos hijos. ¿Te preocupa que tu hijo pueda estar desarrollando problemas de estrés o de ansiedad y no sabes cómo ayudarle? ¿Te gustaría poder comunicarte con él o ella para ayudarles a aumentar su autoestima y valentía? Si te identificas con alguna de estas preguntas, este libro es perfecto para ti. Gio Zararri, el aclamado autor de El fin de la ansiedad -el best seller de referencia en castellano sobre la principal dolencia mental en el mundo-, te da las claves y herramientas de la ciencia y la psicología para ayudarte a comprender y gestionar este tipo de problemas emocionales. Pronto entenderás que educar a hijos valientes y felices puede ser más sencillo y divertido de lo que te imaginabas. «He creado este libro a partir de la experiencia y la investigación. Aquí encontrarás información relevante sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro, los miedos, el estrés y la ansiedad en niños y adolescentes. También hallarás ejercicios y herramientas que pueden ayudar a tu hijo a superar estos problemas». GIO ZARARRI

Respuestas a tu ansiedad: Todo lo que necesitas para superar la ansiedad y el miedo

by Gio Zararri

¿Sientes que las preocupaciones dominan tu vida? ¿No consigues entender qué te ocurre y todo ello aumenta tus miedos y tu ansiedad? Sé por lo que estás pasando, y también sé que si no respondes con calma a tus miedos, nada cambiará. En este libro encontrarás la respuesta a todas esas preocupaciones que complican tu vida o la de un ser querido. Te ayudará a comprender lo que estás sintiendo y cuál es la realidad de tu ansiedad, una verdad con la que entenderás que no tienes nada que temer, sino mucho que aprender. Este libro puede convertirse en tu mejor aliado contra la ansiedad, la mejor herramienta tanto si la sufres tú como si deseas ayudar a un hijo, a tu pareja o a un familiar o amigo que padece este trastorno. Gracias a Respuestas a tu ansiedad, pronto podrás responder, con calma y objetividad, a las muchas preocupaciones que genera este trastorno y que te llevan a sentir verdadero pánico. No esperes más para cambiar tu vida o la de un ser querido. No existe mejor momento para conseguirlo que ahora. Utiliza estas respuestas como el mejor remedio para eliminar esos miedos irracionales y sin sentido que acompañan tu vida.

Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism, and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100

by Marta Zaraska

A smart, research-driven case for why optimism, kindness, and strong social networks will help us live to 100.From the day her daughter was born, science journalist Marta Zaraska fretted about what she and her family were eating. She fasted, considered adopting the keto diet, and ran a half-marathon. She bought goji berries and chia seeds and ate organic food. But then her research brought her to read countless scientific papers and to interview dozens of experts in various fields of study, including molecular biochemistry, epidemiology and neuroscience. What Marta discovered shattered her long-held beliefs about aging and longevity. A strong support network of family and friends, she learned, lowers mortality risk by about 45 percent, while exercise only lowers it by about 23 percent. Volunteering your free time lowers it by 22 percent or so, while certain health fads like turmeric haven't been shown to help at all. These revelations led Marta Zaraska to a simple conclusion: In addition to healthy nutrition and physical activity, deepening friendships, practicing empathy and contemplating your purpose in life can improve your lifespan. Through eleven chapters that take her around the world, from catching wild mice in the woods of central England to flower arranging with octogenarians in Japan, from laboratories to "hugging centres," Marta embarks on an absorbing, entertaining and insightful journey to determine the habits that will have the greatest impact on our longevity. Deeply researched and expertly reported, Growing Young will dramatically change the way you seek a longer, happier life.

Music Psychotherapy and Anxiety: Social, Community and Clinical Contexts

by Rebecca Zarate

Anxiety can be a debilitating illness that impacts an individual on multiple levels. Through examination on both a societal and individual level, its treatment in the music therapy room is contextualised. Case studies with children, adults and a right's women chorus demonstrates the symptoms and treatment music therapists can offer, with a focus on clinical improvisation. As the very first of its kind, this book provides essential insight for any music therapist or student of music therapy working with clients who experience anxiety and related disorders.

Cognitive-Behavioural Assessment And Therapy With Adolescents

by Janet Zarb

First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Adults

by Janet M. Zarb

Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Adults outlines a new cognitive approach that combines existing CBT theory and strategies with a lifespan developmental psychopathology perspective. The major focus is on the relationship between mastery of normative psycho-social developmental tasks and mental health. Primary targets for therapy are maladaptive developmental pathways that have significantly disrupted the client’s ability to cope with normal adult tasks and challenges. The book builds on standard cognitive therapy models and techniques, while providing further assessment and therapy strategies to address patterns interfering with resolution of normative adult tasks and roles. It introduces several new developmental assessment and therapy strategies, designed to address client difficulties with normal adult developmental tasks and to identify longstanding maladaptive pathways maintaining these difficulties. The book offers a variety of psycho-social developmental task difficulties in occupational, social, and family functioning. The clinical examples provide a deeper understanding of pathways to competence, as well as pathways to deviance, and the contrast between normal and atypical processes as they emerge at different developmental periods.

Biografisch-Systemische Verhaltenstherapie: Tools für die psychotherapeutische Praxis

by Gerhard Zarbock Paula-Sophie Wilckens Nicolai Semmler

Dieses Buch bietet angehenden Psychotherapeut*innen eine fundierte und praxisnahe Zusammenstellung zu allen inhaltlichen und planerisch-organisatorischen Themen der Verhaltenstherapie – erweitert um biografische und systemische Anteile – sowie zahlreiche Arbeitsmaterialien zur Vorbereitung und Strukturierung der einzelnen Therapiestunden.Neben Kapiteln zu „Beziehung und Motivation“, die den Grundstein einer gelingenden Therapie legen, finden sich nach Störungen sortierte Arbeitsblätter („Arbeit am Symptom“), nach den verschiedenen „Interventionsebenen“ (Verhalten, Emotion, Kognition, Imagination und Physiologie) aufgeteilte Informationen und Materialien zur „Arbeit am Hintergrund“. Das Kapitel „Selbstreflexion und -fürsorge“ unterstützt Anwender*innen auf ihrem beruflichen und persönlichen Weg. Neben diesen inhaltlich orientierten Kapiteln, geben die Kapitel „Probatorik“ und „Therapieplanung und -durchführung“ Hilfestellung bei planerisch-organisatorischen Abläufen der Therapie. Zum Einlesen, Nachschlagen und Anwenden! Angereichert mit zahlreichen Videos zur Veranschaulichung der Inhalte.

Speaking Professionally: Influence, Power and Responsibility at the Podium

by Alan Jay Zaremba

Updated with new and current examples throughout, this concise guide is a rich resource for anyone who wants to become more effective in speaking settings. It covers all the basics and identifies essential principles that will help readers to efficiently prepare, deliver, and evaluate presentations.

Entangled in Fear: Everyday Terror in Poland, 1944–1947

by Marcin Zaremba

"Fear is always experienced individually, and few experiences are as personal. There can be no collective fear without individual fear preceding it. A society's fear is born out of the convergence of individual experiences, when dozens, hundreds, thousands, and millions of people are afraid of the same thing at the same time." This is a story about postwar Polish society and its emotions. This is a story of heroes: soldiers, deserters, orphans, and beggars. Now available in English for the first time, Entangled in Fear reveals the broken society where bandits, hunger, bombs, Russia, and countless other threats had an immense influence on Poles as they struggled through the wreckage caused by World War II. Journalist and historian Marcin Zaremba uses sociology, psychology, and history to explore collective fear in official documents and the personal papers of those who were left to survive in postwar Poland. In doing so, he reveals how fear of famine and epidemics, sexual violence and looting, joblessness and invasion led directly to collective action on the part of Poles. A groundbreaking work, Entangled in Fear challenges the reader to consider how emotions have shaped human history and how a more serious engagement with emotions is key to a fuller understanding of the past.

Political Freud: A History

by Eli Zaretsky

In this masterful history, Eli Zaretsky reveals the power of Freudian thought to illuminate the great political conflicts of the twentieth century. Developing an original concept of "political Freudianism," he shows how twentieth-century radicals, activists, and intellectuals used psychoanalytic ideas to probe consumer capitalism, racial violence, anti-Semitism, and patriarchy. He also underscores the continuing influence and critical potential of those ideas in the transformed landscape of the present. Zaretsky's conception of political Freudianism unites the two overarching themes of the last century—totalitarianism and consumerism—in a single framework. He finds that theories of mass psychology and the unconscious were central to the study of fascism and the Holocaust; to African American radical thought, particularly the struggle to overcome the legacy of slavery; to the rebellions of the 1960s; and to the feminism and gay liberation movements of the 1970s. Nor did the influence of political Freud end when the era of Freud bashing began. Rather, Zaretsky proves that political Freudianism is alive today in cultural studies, the study of memory, theories of trauma, postcolonial thought, film, media and computer studies, evolutionary theory and even economics.

Caregiving Systems: Informal and Formal Helpers (Social Structure and Aging Series)

by Steven H. Zarit K. Warner Schaie Leonard I. Pearlin

Caregiving has emerged as a critical issue in the second half of the life cycle. With the growth of the older population, there have been dramatic increases in the number of people needing care and assistance. The responsibility for care typically falls on families at a time when they have limited resources to meet these needs. At a societal level, the need for care for growing numbers of disabled elders poses a major challenge for how to organize supportive services in an efficient and responsive system. Bringing together multiple perspectives on caregiving, the authors' explore informal and formal family caregiving and the pivotal issue of how these systems interface and interact. An overview of this variation is provided by examining family caregiving from three perspectives: * the effects of culture on helping patterns and family responsibility, * how different disabilities affect patterns of family care, and * longitudinal perspectives on the impact that caregiving has on family members.

Mental Disorders in Older Adults, Second Edition

by Steven Zarit Judy Zarit

Illustrated with abundant clinical material, this book provides essential knowledge and skills for effective mental health practice with older adults. It demonstrates how to evaluate and treat frequently encountered clinical problems in this population, including dementias, mood and anxiety disorders, and paranoid symptoms. Strategies are presented for implementing psychosocial interventions and integrating them with medications. The book also describes insightful approaches for supporting family caregivers and addresses the nuts and bolts of consulting in institutional settings. Combining their expertise as a researcher and an experienced clinician, the authors offer a unique perspective on the challenges facing older adults and how to help them lead more fulfilling and independent lives. Three reproducible forms can also be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.

The Neuropsychology of Men

by Charles M. Zaroff Rik Carl D'Amato

This timely text examines normative and pathological brain/behavior connections across the male lifespan, and how these findings can best inform research, intervention, and prevention. It spotlights possible etiologies for male-dominated pathology, including academic deficits and disorders relating to violence, as well as identifying men's psychological resilience and vulnerabilities throughout life. Clinical and social issues are intricately linked here, particularly in areas such as substance abuse, emotion processing, and sequelae of brain trauma. In these ways, the text moves on from the simplistic view of males as the standard in psychological studies while respecting complicated questions about biology and environment that have yet to be resolved. Since the inception of psychology, much research has focused specifically on men but few studies have offered distinctive interventions developed to help this unique male population. This volume fills the chasm left from many seminal studies. Among the featured topics: · Imaging and development: relevant findings in males. · Understanding the neuropsychology of autism spectrum disorders in men. · Understanding disorders of defiance, aggression, and violence in males. · Serving men with traumatic brain injuries. · Men at risk: special education and incarceration. · The neuropsychological basis of emotion and social cognition in men. The Neuropsychology of Men offers neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, and rehabilitation specialists an evidence-based framework for understanding male-specific cognitive and behavioral trends in the normative population, and for identifying and addressing challenges in boys and men outside the norm.

Psychophysical Acting: An Intercultural Approach after Stanislavski

by Phillip B. Zarrilli

Psychophysical Acting is a direct and vital address to the demands of contemporary theatre on today’s actor. Drawing on over thirty years of intercultural experience, Phillip Zarrilli aims to equip actors with practical and conceptual tools with which to approach their work. Areas of focus include:an historical overview of a psychophysical approach to acting from Stanislavski to the presentacting as an ‘energetics’ of performance, applied to a wide range of playwrights: Samuel Beckett, Martin Crimp, Sarah Kane, Kaite O’Reilly and Ota Shogoa system of training though yoga and Asian martial arts that heightens sensory awareness, dynamic energy, and in which body and mind become onepractical application of training principles to improvisation exercises.Psychophysical Acting is accompanied by Peter Hulton’s downloadable resources featuring exercises, production documentation, interviews, and reflection.

Technology and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users (New Language Learning and Teaching Environments)

by Nourollah Zarrinabadi Mark R. Freiermuth

This edited volume brings together large-scale research as well as case studies from a range of geographical contexts and represents a variety of educational settings involving second language learners and users. Its aim is to explore the interrelated issues of psychology and technology use in second language learning settings as well as in more autonomous environments. As language learning professionals continue to devote more time and attention to making various technological tools an integral part of the classroom, it is just as important to understand the influences that these tools have on the psychological state of the learners who use them. In consideration of this objective, the volume examines factors such as learner attitudes and motivation, emotion and behaviour, and the cognitive processes that are at play in the minds of the language users. This volume will be of interest not only to language teachers but also to researchers working in second language acquisition (SLA), applied linguistics, and educational psychology.

The Hoarder in You: How to Live a Happier, Healthier, Uncluttered Life

by Robin Zasio

We all have treasured possessions—a favorite pair of shoes, a much-beloved chair, an ever-expanding record collection. But sometimes, this emotional attachment to our belongings can spiral out of control and culminate into a condition called compulsive hoarding. From hobbyists and collectors to pack rats and compulsive shoppers—it is close to impossible for hoarders to relinquish their precious objects, even if it means that stuff takes over their lives and their homes. According to psychologist Dr. Robin Zasio, our fascination with hoarding stems from the fact that most of us fall somewhere on the hoarding continuum. Even though it may not regularly interfere with our everyday lives, to some degree or another, many of us hoard. The Hoarder In You provides practical advice for decluttering and organizing, including how to tame the emotional pull of acquiring additional things, make order out of chaos by getting a handle on clutter, and create an organizational system that reduces stress and anxiety. Dr. Zasio also shares some of the most serious cases of hoarding that she's encountered, and explains how we can learn from these extreme examples—no matter where we are on the hoarding continuum.

Bringing Bubbe Home

by Debra Gordon Zaslow

Debra Zaslow was humming along on baby-boomer autopilot, immersed in her life as a professional storyteller, wife of a Rabbi, and mother of two teenagers when she felt compelled to bring her 103-year-old grandmother, Bubbe, who was dying alone in a nursing facility, home to live and die with her family. Zaslow had no idea if she would have the emotional stamina to midwife Bubbe to the other side. Bringing Bubbe Home is the story of their time together in Bubbe’s last months, mingled with scenes from the past that reveal how her grandmother’s stories of abuse, tenacity, and survival have played out through the generations of women in the family. Debra watches her expectations of a perfect death dissolve in the midst of queen-size diapers, hormonal teenagers and volatile caregivers, while the two women sit soul-to-soul in the place between life and death. As she holds her grandmother’s gnarled hand and traces the lines of her face, Debra sees her own search for mothering reflected in her grandmother’s eyes. When Bubbe finally dies, something in Debra is born: the possibility to move into the future without the chains of the past.

Bringing Bubbe Home

by Debra Gordon Zaslow

Debra Zaslow was humming along on baby-boomer autopilot, immersed in her life as a professional storyteller, wife of a Rabbi, and mother of two teenagers when she felt compelled to bring her 103-year-old grandmother, Bubbe, who was dying alone in a nursing facility, home to live and die with her family. Zaslow had no idea if she would have the emotional stamina to midwife Bubbe to the other side.Bringing Bubbe Home is the story of their time together in Bubbe's last months, mingled with scenes from the past that reveal how her grandmother's stories of abuse, tenacity, and survival have played out through the generations of women in the family. Debra watches her expectations of a perfect death dissolve in the midst of queen-size diapers, hormonal teenagers and volatile caregivers, while the two women sit soul-to-soul in the place between life and death. As she holds her grandmother's gnarled hand and traces the lines of her face, Debra sees her own search for mothering reflected in her grandmother's eyes. When Bubbe finally dies, something in Debra is born: the possibility to move into the future without the chains of the past.

Social Work with Groups: A Comprehensive Worktext (8th edition)

by Charles H. Zastrow

Using a plentiful selection of skill-building and self-evaluation exercises, author Charles Zastrow's comprehensive, workbook-style text promotes his philosophy that you can learn group leadership skills best by practicing them in class. In this eighth edition of SOCIAL WORK WITH GROUPS: A COMPREHENSIVE WORKBOOK, Zastrow discusses topics central to a successful understanding of group leadership: stages of groups, group dynamics, verbal and nonverbal communication, types of groups, and diversity in groups. When you participate in groups, the classroom becomes a "lab" where you can experience what it's like to work in and lead the many kinds of groups the author discusses.

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