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The Psychology of the Teenage Brain (The Psychology of Everything)

by John Coleman

Why do teenagers stay up late and struggle to get up in the morning? Do teenagers really take more risks? What is happening with teenagers’ hormones? The Psychology of the Teenage Brain offers all those involved in teenagers’ lives insight into what’s happening in their brains and how understanding them can improve relationships and communication at this crucial stage. It explains key topics, including the way the brain changes during adolescence, the role of hormones, and what we really know about risk and resilience, sleep and peer pressure. It challenges the stereotype of the ''snowflake generation'' and explores young people’s mental health. Written for all parents and caregivers, this book will help with the challenges of having a teenager in the home. It also offers crucial understanding for all students and practising professionals in the fields of social work, counselling, health and education who work with teenagers.

The Psychology of Time (The Psychology of Everything)

by Richard Gross

What is the meaning of time? Do we have an internal clock? Can time speed up or slow down?The Psychology of Time considers how we define, describe, and experience time. From a discussion of how our language around time is dependent on metaphor, to the role of biology in controlling our bodily experience of time, the book delves into how the finitude of life is a given human experience. It looks at how we reflect on the passage of time throughout our lives, and how our experience of time can be influenced by diverse factors including our age, gender, health, and culture.Offering insights into something we are all immersed in, but often give little thought to, The Psychology of Time shows us how our understanding and experience of time can influence our everyday behaviour.

The Psychology of Vaccination (The Psychology of Everything)

by Olivier Klein Vincent Yzerbyt

Why do some people choose to be vaccinated and others do not? What is the difference between vaccine hesitancy and anti-vaccinism? What can social psychology tell us about attitudes towards vaccination?The Psychology of Vaccination identifies the social psychological drivers of vaccine mindsets, to explore why some people choose to be vaccinated, some are hesitant, and others refuse. It explores the socio-demographic factors related to vaccine hesitancy and considers the role of motivation in making this health decision. The book focuses on how individuals are social beings, inserted into a web of influences that guide their behaviour, and considers the impact this may have on their health choices.Not only aimed at the convinced, but also for all those who have doubts about vaccination, The Psychology of Vaccination offers an insightful look at our health behaviours and considers whether it is possible to affect health behaviour change.

Psychology of Women and Gender (Second Edition)

by Miriam Liss Kate Richmond Mindy J. Erchull

Ground-breaking, inclusive, and modern for a new generation of students Providing a lens for interpreting the ever-changing issues that influence girls, women, and trans and/or gender nonbinary individuals today, Psychology of Women and Gender 2e incorporates an intersectional lens throughout the text. It expands the idea of gender by challenging assumptions of a gender binary and includes additional focus on the experiences of men. The new edition is grounded in both feminist theory and psychological research. A new research methods chapter teaches students to use research and critical thinking to strengthen their own voices. Student learning becomes active with a new and engaging Norton Illumine Ebook that engages students with active learning opportunities, including embedded videos that make the content come alive through the voices of diverse individuals, and Check Your Understanding questions that provide retrieval practice so students “lock in” what they learn in every section.

The Psychology Research Handbook: A Guide for Graduate Students and Research Assistants

by Frederick T. L. Leong James T. Austin

In the Third Edition of The Psychology Research Handbook editors Frederick T. L. Leong and James T. Austin have assembled experienced expert researchers to provide graduate students and research assistants with a comprehensive framework for conducting many types of psychology research. The book is organized around the idea of a "research script," following the step-by-step process of research planning, design, data collection, analysis, and disseminating research. Many chapters are coauthored by advanced graduate students to give their fellow students a sense of real-world research, adding to the clarity and practicality of many chapters. Students and instructors alike will appreciate chapters on topics typically missing from introductory methods texts, including applying for research grants, dealing with journal editors and reviewers, working within research teams, and conducting cross-cultural research. Structures such as recommended readings and exercises guide students to develop and expand their research skills. New chapters include Power and Evidence, IRB as Critical Collaborators in Research, Alternative Data Collection Strategies, Structural Equation Modeling and Replicability and Reproducibility. A comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide to the entire research process, this book quickly and efficiently equips advanced students and research assistants to conduct a full research project.

The Psychology Research Handbook: A Guide for Graduate Students and Research Assistants

by Frederick T. L. Leong James T. Austin

In the Third Edition of The Psychology Research Handbook editors Frederick T. L. Leong and James T. Austin have assembled experienced expert researchers to provide graduate students and research assistants with a comprehensive framework for conducting many types of psychology research. The book is organized around the idea of a "research script," following the step-by-step process of research planning, design, data collection, analysis, and disseminating research. Many chapters are coauthored by advanced graduate students to give their fellow students a sense of real-world research, adding to the clarity and practicality of many chapters. Students and instructors alike will appreciate chapters on topics typically missing from introductory methods texts, including applying for research grants, dealing with journal editors and reviewers, working within research teams, and conducting cross-cultural research. Structures such as recommended readings and exercises guide students to develop and expand their research skills. New chapters include Power and Evidence, IRB as Critical Collaborators in Research, Alternative Data Collection Strategies, Structural Equation Modeling and Replicability and Reproducibility. A comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide to the entire research process, this book quickly and efficiently equips advanced students and research assistants to conduct a full research project.

Psychoneuroendokrinologie in der psychosozialen und psychotherapeutischen Praxis: Ein biopsychosozialer Coachingansatz

by Julia Wiederhofer

Was sind Hormone und welche Bedeutung haben sie für die Psyche bzw. unser Verhalten? Beeinflussen Hormone unsere Psyche bzw. unser Verhalten? Kann unser Verhalten unsere Hormone beeinflussen? Besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen Hormonen und psychischen Störungen? In diesem Buch wird das Wechselspiel zwischen neurobiologischen Grundlagen psychischen Erlebens und Verhaltens, den endokrinen Vorgängen sowie psychosozialen Umwelteinflüssen gezeigt. Dabei wird die Grundlagenforschung, sowohl der wissenschaftlichen Disziplin Endokrinologie als auch der Psychoneuroendokrinologie dargestellt und so erläutert, dass auch Leserinnen ohne medizinische oder neurobiologische Vorkenntnisse diese komplexen Wissenschaften verstehen. Dieses Buch zeigt zum ersten Mal, wie diese interdisziplinären Erkenntnisse in einen biopsychosozialen Coachingansatz implementiert werden können, der sowohl zur Aufrechterhaltung als auch zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit dient. Ein Coachingansatz, der für die psychosoziale und für die psychotherapeutische Praxis geeignet ist.

Psychopathologie: Merkmale psychischer Krankheitsbilder und klinische Neurowissenschaft

by Friedel M. Reischies

Wie erklärt die Neurowissenschaft Bewusstseinsänderungen? Was passiert im Gehirn z.B. bei einem Angstzustand? Viele Menschen leiden irgendwann an Symptomen wie Antriebslosigkeit oder Bedrücktheit. Psychiatrische Krankheitsbilder sind psychopathologische Merkmalskomplexe, die eine genaue Beobachtung und Wertung benötigen. Hier finden Leser die Psychopathologie mit ihren neurowissenschaftlichen Grundlagen umfassend dargestellt. Systematisch und übersichtlich sind alle Symptome beschrieben. Fallbeispiele vertiefen Beobachtung und klinische Erfahrung. Jedem Kapitel folgen Definitionen, klinische Gesichtspunkte und Diagnostik. Neurowissenschaftliche Modelle sind für jede Merkmalsgruppe und spezielle Aspekte veranschaulicht. Das Buch richtet sich an Psychiater und andere Berufsgruppen aus der psychosozialen Versorgung sowie interessierte Studenten. Es hilft Untersuchenden, Patienten eine verständliche und zutreffende Erklärung ihres Symptoms zu bieten. Für die Neuauflage wurde das Werk komplett überarbeitet, aktualisiert sowie um neueste Forschungsergebnisse zu spannenden aktuellen Themen, wie z.B. zu Halluzinationen und Deep Learning ergänzt.

Psychopathology: Science and Practice

by Ronald J. Comer Jonathan S. Comer

Psychopathology: Science and Practice (formerly Abnormal Psychology) is the market-leading introduction to mental disorders and their treatment using vivid case studies, compelling examples, and the latest research.

The Psychosis of Race: A Lacanian Approach to Racism and Racialization (Psychology and the Other)

by Jack Black

The Psychosis of Race offers a unique and detailed account of the psychoanalytic significance of race, and the ongoing impact of racism in contemporary society. Moving beyond the well-trodden assertion that race is a social construction, and working against demands that simply call for more representational equality, The Psychosis of Race explores how the delusions, anxieties, and paranoia that frame our race relations can afford new insights into how we see, think, and understand race’s pervasive appeal. With examples drawn from politics and popular culture—such as Candyman, Get Out, and the music of Kendrick Lamar—critical attention is given to introducing, as well as explicating on, several key concepts from Lacanian psychoanalysis and the study of psychosis, including foreclosure, the phallus, Name-of-the-Father, sinthome, and the objet petit a. By elaborating a cultural mode to psychosis and its understanding, an original and critical exposition of the effects of racialization, as well as our ability to discern the very limits of our capacity to think through, or even beyond, the idea of race, is provided. The Psychosis of Race speaks to an emerging area in the study of psychoanalysis and race, and will appeal to scholars and academics across the fields of psychology, sociology, cultural studies, media studies, and the arts and humanities.

Psychosocial and Cultural Perspectives on the War in Ukraine: Imprints and Dreamscapes

by Bohdan Shumylovych Magdalena Zolkos

This innovative and important book explores how war imprints on culture and the psychosocial effects of war on individuals and societies, based on the first few months after the outbreak of war in Ukraine in 2022.The book approaches the conflict in Ukraine through the prism of creative and artistic material alongside scholarly analysis to highlight the multiplicity of subjective experiences. Essays are complemented by material from the ‘war diaries’, which comprise day diaries, dream diaries, artistic and poetic material composed by students and academics in February and March 2022. With chapters focusing on fear, ruptures and resistance, the book examines different aspects of subjective, cultural and embodied experiences of war. It examines elements that dominant perspectives of war often overlook; the quotidian, personal and emotive ways that war is registered individually and collectively in societies and cultures.Highlighting different narratives that illuminate the complex effects of war, this book is highly relevant for postgraduate students, researchers and advanced undergraduate students in the fields of cultural psychology, psychosocial studies, peace and conflict studies and cultural history.Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 7 and Chapter 10 of this book are freely available as downloadable Open Access PDFs at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.To read the online archive of Two Months of War, please visit the Urban Media Archive of the Center for Urban History (Lviv, Ukraine):

Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Psychosis: A Case of Catatonia and Discussion (Routledge Focus on Mental Health)

by Bennett E. Roth

This book explores the psychoanalytic treatment of a patient with psychosis from a range of different psychotherapeutic perspectives.The psychotherapeutic treatment of psychotic individuals is both rare and controversial with a limitation in availability of clinical material. As psychoanalytically oriented therapy is private, it is almost impossible to “witness” the actual human interaction of therapeutic process. While catatonia is a rare disorder, there are many attempts to hypothesize a theoretical psychic structure for the range of disorders called psychotic. Therapists rarely report “successful” outcomes of long and unusual treatments. In the book, a fragment of the treatment of a catatonic adolescent is reconstructed as an endeavor in representing that which is not clinically representable. Following the case report, which also reveals part of the history of the therapist, prominent analytic clinicians of different theoretical orientations share their understanding and comment on the material revealed.With a fresh perspective on psychoanalytic treatment of psychosis, this book is essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, and clinicians involved in the treatment of psychosis.

Psychotherapie von Anfang bis Ende: Schritt für Schritt durch den therapeutischen Prozess

by Markus Gmelch

Die Ergebnisse der Psychotherapieforschung können am stimmigsten von einem kontextuellen Metamodell interpretiert werden: In der therapeutischen Beziehung werden hilfreiche Kontexte für KlientInnen angeboten und individuell angepasst, die diese zu Klärung, Veränderung und Ermutigung nutzen können.Vor diesem Hintergrund stellen sich angehenden PsychotherapeutInnen ganz praktische Fragen: Was macht denn eine Beziehung „therapeutisch“? Wie kann ich den Prozess von Beginn an hilfreich strukturieren? Wie gelange ich zu „wohl formulierten“ Therapiezielen? Wie kann ich KlientInnen ihre eigenen Interventionen finden und erfinden lassen? Wie gehe ich mit „unmotivierten“ KlientInnen um? Und was mache ich bei Rückschritten? Wie kann ich mich auf jede einzelne KlientIn individuell einstellen und „anschlussfähige“ Fragen stellen? Und was kann ich tun, dass KlientInnen langfristig auch ohne mich zurechtkommen?Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt PsychotherapeutInnen Grundlagen zum gesamten therapeutischen Prozess und bietet Orientierung und Struktur für zahlreiche schwierige Situationen an - Heuristiken, die wiederum genutzt und angepasst werden können. Viele Transkripte und Beispiele veranschaulichen und konkretisieren die Vorgehensweise.

Psychotherapieausbildung in Österreich: Überblick Methoden Entscheidungshilfen

by Natalie Eller Gerhard Stumm

Dieses Buch bietet eine Orientierungshilfe für den Ausbildungsweg zur Psychotherapeut:in, der in Österreich mehrstufig angelegt ist. Nach einem methodenübergreifenden ersten Abschnitt folgt die langjährige Fachausbildung, für die rund 20 anerkannte Psychotherapiemethoden und über 40 Ausbildungseinrichtungen zur Auswahl stehen.Die Methoden und Ausbildungsangebote sind - differenziert nach psychodynamischen, humanistischen, systemischen und verhaltenstherapeutischen Ansätzen - kompakt nach einem einheitlichen Raster dargestellt. Dies ermöglicht einen Vergleich der inhaltlichen Ausrichtung der verschiedenen Methoden sowie der Schwerpunktsetzung, Dauer und Kosten der einzelnen Ausbildungswege.Das Kompendium liefert darüber hinaus wertvolle Informationen und Tipps zur Ausbildungssituation, zu den gesetzlichen Grundlagen, zu den Berufsaussichten, zur Akademisierung und zur zukünftigen Gestaltung des Ausbildungsangebots in Österreich.Es bietet somit eine praktische Entscheidungshilfe und unterstützt Interessent:innen und Psychotherapeut:innen in Ausbildung in Österreich in Hinblick auf ihren Ausbildungsweg.

Public Crises and Personal Threat

by Glynis M. Breakwell Daniel B. Wright

With an emphasis on the practical, this book explains how people react to different sorts of crises, whether they be economic, environmental, health or war, and how we can better support the public, our families, and ourselves in future crises. The book interrogates how public crises are individualised, thought about, emotionally felt, and also mistrusted, all with a view to helping us understand some of the most difficult times we endure. Ideal for applied psychology students, public planning authorities and those specialising in crisis management this book will help us all to better understand the time we live in. Dame Glynis M. Breakwell is Professor Emeritus at the University of Bath in the Department of Psychology and has Visiting Professorships at Imperial College, London and the University of Surrey. Daniel B. Wright is Professor of Educational Assessment, in the Department of Educational Psychology and Higher Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Public Crises and Personal Threat

by Glynis M. Breakwell Daniel B. Wright

With an emphasis on the practical, this book explains how people react to different sorts of crises, whether they be economic, environmental, health or war, and how we can better support the public, our families, and ourselves in future crises. The book interrogates how public crises are individualised, thought about, emotionally felt, and also mistrusted, all with a view to helping us understand some of the most difficult times we endure. Ideal for applied psychology students, public planning authorities and those specialising in crisis management this book will help us all to better understand the time we live in. Dame Glynis M. Breakwell is Professor Emeritus at the University of Bath in the Department of Psychology and has Visiting Professorships at Imperial College, London and the University of Surrey. Daniel B. Wright is Professor of Educational Assessment, in the Department of Educational Psychology and Higher Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Public Health Approaches to Health Promotion (Public Health Approach)

by Monika Arora and Shifalika Goenka

Healthy behaviors, at the individual and community levels, are imperative to improving and sustaining better public health. With a strong focus on prevention, health promotion strategies are crucial to improving quality of life, while taking into account the various determinants of health. This book provides a global perspective, with an emphasis on contextual issues with health promotion in South Asia for understanding challenges and related strategies. Readers will be comprehensively introduced to healthy behaviors through case studies, covering theories, interventions, and approaches to promote healthy behavior, the impact of policy, and how behavior change can be sustained. Key features – • Covers existing and emerging issues in health promotion • Input from globally renowned public health experts with a multidisciplinary approach to content and audience • Connects with health systems and relevant sustainable development goals • Provides case studies for enabling readers to understand and apply evidence-based solutions to key public health issues

Public Health, Public Trust and American Fragility in a Pandemic Era: The Critical Role of Health Care Professionals

by Norbert Goldfield

This book explores how professionals and policymakers in mental and physical health care can use lessons from the COVID pandemic to better inform future public policy and treatment. Using the United States as a test case, Norbert Goldfield draws on his professional experience in healthcare and policy-making to explore how some societies have emerged from the pandemic with increasing internal conflicts. The author uses excerpts from his own COVID diary to revisit key stages in the response to the COVID pandemic to highlight where division has entered the publish health discourse, and to set out an alternative vision of how mental and physical health can be framed professionally and publicly. In addition to this account, Dr Goldfield details how our political system should change with respect to pandemics and how health professionals, together with the lay public, can help. Specifically, the book highlights the three critical issues confronting American pandemic fragility: increasing vaccinations, decreasing misinformation, and fostering greater linkages between our public and acute health systems. This book will be invaluable for all types of health care professionals, both in mental and physical health arenas, lay people interested in the pandemic, and for policymakers.

Purpose: What Evolution and Human Nature Imply about the Meaning of Our Existence

by Samuel T. Wilkinson

By using principles from a variety of scientific disciplines, Yale Professor Samuel Wilkinson provides a framework for human evolution that reveals an overarching purpose to our existence. Generations have been taught that evolution implies there is no overarching purpose to our existence, that life has no fundamental meaning. We are merely the accumulation of tens of thousands of intricate molecular accidents. Some scientists take this logic one step further, suggesting that evolution is intrinsically atheistic and goes against the concept of God. But is this true? By integrating emerging principles from a variety of scientific disciplines—ranging from evolutionary biology to psychology—Yale Professor Samuel Wilkinson provides a framework of evolution that implies not only that there is an overarching purpose to our existence, but what this purpose is. With respect to our evolution, nature seems to have endowed us with competing dispositions, what Wilkinson calls the dual potential of human nature. We are pulled in different directions: selfishness and altruism, aggression and cooperation, lust and love. When we couple this with the observation that we possess a measure of free will, all this strongly implies there is a universal purpose to our existence. This purpose, at least one of them, is to choose between the good and evil impulses that nature has created within us. Our life is a test. This is a truth, as old as history it seems, that has been espoused by so many of the world&’s religions. From a certain framework, these aspects of human nature—including how evolution shaped us—are evidence for the existence of a God, not against it. Closely related to this is meaning. What is the meaning of life? Based on the scientific data, it would seem that one such meaning is to develop deep and abiding relationships. At least that is what most people report are the most meaningful aspects of their lives. This is a function of our evolution. It is how we were created.

Putins digitale Front und die Wahrheit dahinter

by Steven Broschart

Putins Krieg in der Ukraine wird nicht nur auf dem Schlachtfeld ausgetragen. Gekämpft wird auch an der digitalen Front. Worte und Informationen sind die Munition der modernen, der hybriden Kriegsführung - gegen das gegnerische Militär, aber insbesondere gegen Zivilisten. Es geht um Manipulation und Kontrolle. Um Verwirrung und Ablenkung von dem, was wirklich geschieht. Doch das Internet wird nicht nur zur Propaganda, sondern auch für die Aufklärung und die Logistik genutzt. Und dabei hinterlässt Russland eine Menge Spuren. Analyst Steven Broschart zeigt konkret, welche psychologischen und kommunikativen Mittel an Putins digitaler Frontlinie zum Einsatz kommen.

Puzzled: A Memoir about Growing Up with OCD

by Pan Cooke

Growing up with undiagnosed OCD sure isn&’t easy, and here Pan Cooke shares his own experiences with that condition in a graphic-novel memoir that is as funny as it is powerfully candid and openhearted.Pan Cooke is ten years old when anxious thoughts begin to take over his brain like pieces of an impossible puzzle. What if he blurts out a swear word while in church? What if he accidentally writes something mean in his classmate&’s get-well card? What if his friend&’s racy photo of a supermodel ends up in his own homework and is discovered by his teacher? More and more, he becomes hijacked by fears that can only be calmed through exhausting, time-consuming rituals.Pan has no way of knowing that this anxiety puzzle and the stressful attempts to solve it are evidence of a condition called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This is his story of living with and eventually learning about OCD. Told with endearing honesty and humor, Puzzled shows the reader the importance of empathy for oneself and those going through something they don&’t yet understand.

Quagmire Tiarello Couldn't Be Better

by Mylisa Larsen

Wry humor and sharp insight capture the distinctive voice of a young teen forced by his mother’s unstable mental health to recalibrate his outlook and build a new life with found family. For fans of Gary D. Schmidt and Rebecca Stead. Quagmire Tiarello prides himself on not needing anything from anybody. Sure, his mom is skipping work again and showing signs of going into one of her full-out spins, but it’s nothing he can’t handle. He’s used to her up-and-down moods, even if this time it feels a little different.Then his mom disappears, and Quag must find shelter with an uncle he didn't know he had. Should he come clean about his mother’s mental health challenges? Or can he use his carefully honed skills to bluff long enough to find his mom and get home? Readers will root for Quag as he finds himself rethinking his world and learning to accept help from the people who love him.

Qualitative Inquiry in the Present Tense: Writing a New History (International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Series)

by Norman K. Denzin Michael D. Giardina

In Qualitative Inquiry in the Present Tense, contributors engage with epistemological and philosophical questions concerning the conduct of qualitative inquiry in the present moment, and especially as it relates to various understandings of writing in/as inquiry.Topics addressed include methodological processes, questions of narrative uprootedness, relational inquiry, Indigenous ethico-onto-epistemologies, storytelling, and transformative writing forms and practices. This is a messy, often unruly collection (in the best way possible) of disparate ideas strung tightly together by literal and metaphorical questions of the research act of writing. Contributors from the United States, Australia, Canada, England, and Scotland imaginatively conceive of new qualitative futures—and how we might write ourselves there.This evocative new book is a must-read for faculty and students alike who are interested in and engaged with questions and ideas oriented toward understanding our current historical present in qualitative research—a moment in which the field is perpetually in motion or in flux, with new theories, methods, and orientations arising, competing, and even contradicting one another.

Qualitative Inquiry in Transition—Pasts, Presents, & Futures: A Critical Reader (International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Series)

by Norman K. Denzin Michael D. Giardina

Qualitative Inquiry in Transition—Pasts, Presents, & Futures: A Critical Reader gathers more than 30 internationally renowned scholars in qualitative inquiry to present provocative interventions into the politics of research, philosophy of inquiry, justice matters, and writing practices.Drawn from a decade of cutting-edge plenary volumes emanating from the annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, these contributors and their chapters represent the leading edge of scholarship that has pushed the field forward over the last decade. Topics discussed include the research marketplace, data entanglements, the neoliberal university, Indigenous methodologies, slow research, performative ethics, intersectionality, civically engaged research, post-qualitative inquiry and the new materialisms, collaborative research, poetic inquiry, academic writing, and the future of the field. These and other topics comprise a moving—rather than static—center to the field, one that moves across contexts and ontologies, moves between agreement and disagreement, forges new collaborations, and informs new inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches to research.Qualitative Inquiry in Transition—Pasts, Presents, & Futures: A Critical Reader will be required reading for those seeking to understand where the field of qualitative inquiry has been and will look to go in the years to come.

Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research Methods

by Jonathan A. Smith

Undertaking qualitative research in psychology can seem like a daunting and complex process, especially when it comes to selecting the most appropriate approach for your project. This book provides a comprehensive and practical introduction to the key approaches in qualitative psychology research from a world-leading group of academics and researchers. This Fourth Edition features timely updates that reflect the most current practice in the field. Jonathan A. Smith is Professor of Psychology at Birkbeck University of London.

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