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Showing 1,126 through 1,150 of 21,410 results

Spain - Culture Smart!

by Marian Meaney

Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar situations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful business relationships.Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture and society of a particular country. It will help you to turn your visit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include* customs, values, and traditions* historical, religious, and political background* life at home* leisure, social, and cultural life* eating and drinking* do's, don'ts, and taboos* business practices* communication, spoken and unspoken"Culture Smart has come to the rescue of hapless travellers." Sunday Times Travel"... the perfect introduction to the weird, wonderful and downright odd quirks and customs of various countries." Global Travel"...full of fascinating-as well as common-sense-tips to help you avoid embarrassing faux pas." Observer" useful as they are entertaining." Easyjet Magazine"...offer glimpses into the psyche of a faraway world." New York Times

Culture Smart! Japan

by Paul Norbury

Japan is at a crossroads. The postwar economic miracle that brought it unprecedented development and prosperity is over. Since the publication of the first Culture Smart! guide, it has been overtaken by China as the world's second-largest economy. The balance of power in Asia has shifted and new players are entering the field. Loss of influence abroad, economic pressure at home, and the problems posed by a rapidly aging population present a real challenge to Japan's orderly and harmonious way of life, and to the very sense the Japanese have of themselves as a nation "apart." Traditional Japanese culture--based on a consensus-driven philosophy and underpinned by many protocols--is threatened by job insecurity, a growing class divide, and disillusionment with political leaders. But all is not lost. Japan is still a major economic power and cultural trendsetter, and the Japanese have a genius for innovation. The younger generation is open to change, women have a new confidence, and the country's technical and scientific research capability is as good as it gets. There is a growing ecological awareness that may well translate into new forms of eco-friendly industries. No one can predict how Japan will rise to the challenge, or what effect the changes will have on how people live, think, and behave. Paul Norbury's revised and updated edition of Culture Smart! Japan will guide you through a shifting cultural maze, and help you make your visit to this important, dynamic, and creative society a rich and mutually rewarding experience.

Australia - Culture Smart!

by Barry Penney

Australia -Culture Smart! appears on Oprah's Austalian Adventure!Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar situations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful business relationships.Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture and society of a particular country. It will help you to turn your visit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include* customs, values, and traditions* historical, religious, and political background* life at home* leisure, social, and cultural life* eating and drinking* dos, don'ts, and taboos* business practices* communication, spoken and unspoken"Culture Smart has come to the rescue of hapless travellers." Sunday Times Travel"... the perfect introduction to the weird, wonderful and downright odd quirks and customs of various countries." Global Travel"...full of fascinating-as well as common-sense-tips to help you avoid embarrassing faux pas." Observer" useful as they are entertaining." Easyjet Magazine"...offer glimpses into the psyche of a faraway world." New York Times

Ireland - Culture Smart!

by John Scotney

Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar situations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful business relationships.Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture and society of a particular country. It will help you to turn your visit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include* customs, values, and traditions* historical, religious, and political background* life at home* leisure, social, and cultural life* eating and drinking* do's, don'ts, and taboos* business practices* communication, spoken and unspoken"Culture Smart has come to the rescue of hapless travellers." Sunday Times Travel"... the perfect introduction to the weird, wonderful and downright odd quirks and customs of various countries." Global Travel"...full of fascinating-as well as common-sense-tips to help you avoid embarrassing faux pas." Observer" useful as they are entertaining." Easyjet Magazine"...offer glimpses into the psyche of a faraway world." New York Times

India - Culture Smart!

by Becky Stephen

India is in transition. Since the publication of Culture Smart's first guide to India in 2003, it has been transformed from a developing, third-world country into the world's fastest growing economy. Today, a huge, confident, emerging middle class is exporting technology, brains, and enterprise to the rest of the world. At the same time, young Indians educated abroad are returning home to take advantage of the new opportunities, bringing Western expectations and lifestyles with them. The impact of all this wealth-creation, modernity, and individualism on the timeless values and ancient caste structures of India is beginning to be felt well beyond the great cities, adding yet another facet to the giant kaleidoscope of Indian society. This completely new and up-to-date volume by American author Becky Stephens is unrivalled. It highlights the many subtle and not so subtle changes that are taking place in Indian society, describes and explains those areas of life where traditional attitudes and practices continue to prevail, and offers original insights, practical tips, and vital human information to guide you through the pitfalls and delights of this complex, vibrant, and increasingly important country.

Germany - Culture Smart!

by Barry Tomalin

Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar situations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful business relationships.Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture and society of a particular country. It will help you to turn your visit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include* customs, values, and traditions* historical, religious, and political background* life at home* leisure, social, and cultural life* eating and drinking* do's, don'ts, and taboos* business practices* communication, spoken and unspoken"Culture Smart has come to the rescue of hapless travellers." Sunday Times Travel"... the perfect introduction to the weird, wonderful and downright odd quirks and customs of various countries." Global Travel"...full of fascinating-as well as common-sense-tips to help you avoid embarrassing faux pas." Observer" useful as they are entertaining." Easyjet Magazine"...offer glimpses into the psyche of a faraway world." New York Times

Quest For Speed - Simple Guides

by Peter Gosling

Man's quest for speed is driven by two ambitions. One is the competitive urge to excel -- to go as fast as possible by any available means, and preferably to go faster than anybody else. The other, more practical, aim is to make travel and transport as swift and efficient as possible. The two are closely linked, since by pushing technology to the limit to achieve the first, we improve performance in the second, with results that continue to shrink the world.In this book Peter Gosling tells the fascinating story of the key scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs in our drive to conquer distance -- from our earliest crude efforts using animal power and the wheel, to harnessing the wind and the waves, on through the watershed of the Industrial Revolution, rail and steam, the invention of the internal combustion engine, through powered flight to rocketry, and on to space travel. We look at developments on land, sea, and air, and the novel "green" solutions that scientists are exploring in order to meet today's environmental challenges. Along the way we meet some of the remarkable men and women behind these breakthroughs, whose vision and determination have helped to shape the modern world. Written in an engaging, non-technical style, The Quest for Speed captures both the thrill of the race and the adventure of science, and points to the social and cultural changes ahead as technology accelerates the pace of life and transforms the human landscape.SIMPLE GUIDES: SCIENCESimple Guides: Science are user-friendly introductions to the great scientific discoveries of the world. Written by experts in the field, they offer the general reader simple and engaging descriptions of key developments and breakthroughs in different fields of science and technology. * Simple Guides: Science are written in a clear, informal style, using plain, non-technical language to provide accessible introductions to complex scientific theories.* Organized both by theme and chronologically, the books link the major breakthroughs to the lives of their discoverers and inventors.* The clear structure and design enable the general reader to grasp essentials easily. * These guides will appeal to readers with no specific scientific knowledge, yet with a thirst to know more about the world we live in.* The scientific developments and theories are brought to life by descriptions of their social contexts; not only the breakthroughs are described, but also their impact on society and the human story behind the scientists.

Greek Philosophy - Simple Guides

by Sophia Macdonald

THIS BOOK WILL HELP YOU* to appreciate the revolution in thinking brought about by the Ancient Greek philosophers, who sought to make sense of the world through analysis, reasoning and argument* to recognize the key ideas of the most significant philosophers and their contribution to Western thought* to learn about the philosophers' lives, and their impact on society* to appreciate the value of questioning received wisdom and submitting it to rigorous analysisTo live in the modern world is to owe a debt of gratitude to the Ancient Greeks. Ancient Greece was one of the wellsprings of European civilization, and the Greeks were both the pioneers of rigorous analytical thought and the creators of prose and poetry that speak to us over the centuries.Materialism and idealism form the two major strands of Greek philosophy: thinking about the universe, nature and matter; and thinking about humanity, politics, justice, good and evil, and our relationship with the divine. The Greeks were the first to distinguish between myth and philosophy, and to develop a scientific method of enquiry. In ancient Greece 'natural philosophers' studied mathematics, physics, logic, cosmology, medicine, Politics, ethics and aesthetics. Democracy, atoms, copycat killings -- the Greeks had opinions on these and many more, and their conclusions have often proved prescient. Cynicism and Stoicism are Greek philosophical schools whose names have passed into common parlance.This lucid introduction to Greek philosophy links important ideas to key personalities and places. It shows the development and movement of people and ideas around the Mediterranean world, from the time of the earliest pre Socratic philosophers, through Pythagoras, Heraclitus, and the Sophists to Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Cynics and the Stoics. Written in a clear and engaging style, it is a fascinating account of the major source of Western culture and today's knowledge-based society.ACCESS THE WORLD'S PHILOSOPHIESSimple Guides: Philosophy is a series of concise introductions to the major philosophies of the world. Written by experts in the field, these accessible guides offer a fascinating account of the rich variety of arguments ideas and systems of thought articulated by different cultures in the attempt to explore and define the nature of reality, and the meaning, purpose and proper conduct of life.The Simple Guides will appeal to analytical thinkers and spiritual seekers alike. Taken together, they provide a basic introduction to the evolution of human thought, and a point of reference for further exploration and discovery. By offering essential insights into the world views of different societies, they also enable travellers to behave in a way that fosters mutual respect and understanding.

Chinese Philosophy - Simple Guides

by Peter Nancarrow

THIS BOOK WILL HELP YOU* to appreciate the variety, subtlety and wisdom of a unique philosophical tradition* to understand the major schools of thought that have shaped Chinese civilization* to draw on a rich cultural resource for different perspectives on questions of our time* to recognize traditional concepts that continue to inform Chinese thinking todayChina, an emerging superpower, is heir to an ancient civilization that owes little to outside influences. This compelling introduction to Chinese philosophy describes the major traditional schools of thought that continue to underpin much of Chinese thinking today. It includes an outline of the country's early history, and traces the development of Chinese thought, which evolved in a continuum and generally in isolation from the rest of the world, from the earliest concerns with ritual and divination until the arrival of Buddhism in the first century.The best known strand of Chinese philosophy is Confucianism, which is basically a philosophy of relationships between different levels in a hierarchy, from the ruler down to the individual. In complete contrast, the almost contemporary school of Laozi espoused the wisdom and freedom of the Dao, based on the concept of alignment with nature and reverence for the environment. There followed schools of analytical logic, Legalism, and the arrival of Buddhism, which became associated in China with the mystical writings of Laozi, adding the dimension of compassion. These schools gradually fused in a neo-Confucian synthesis that went unchallenged in China until the encounter with the West.The book touches on the relationship between philosophical thought and politics, and brings the reader up to date by looking at the considered way in which China has adapted foreign ideas in modern times. Written by a distinguished author in clear, everyday language, it is a fascinating and accessible introduction to an important subject.ACCESS THE WORLD'S PHILOSOPHIESSimple Guides: Philosophy is a series of concise introductions to the major philosophies of the world. Written by experts in the field, these accessible guides offer a fascinating account of the rich variety of arguments, ideas and systems of thought articulated by different cultures in the attempt to explore and define the nature of reality and the meaning, purpose and proper conduct of life. The Simple Guides will appeal to analytical thinkers and spiritual seekers alike. Taken together, they provide a basic introduction to the evolution of human thought, and a point of reference for further exploration and discovery. By offering essential insights into the world views of different societies, they also enable travellers to behave in way that fosters mutual respect and understanding.

Theory of Evolution - Simple Guides

by John Scotney

Today the theory of evolution by natural selection and the science of genetics are the twin keys to our understanding of how life on earth came about. Yet when an English naturalist called Charles Darwin first published his ideas in 1859 in a book called On the Origin of Species the world was horrified at the notion of a changing creation without the intervention a Creator. By contrast, when a few years later an obscure Moravian monk, Gregor Mendel, published the results of his experiments in genetics the world failed to noticeJohn Scotney's new book explains just what these two great men had discovered and follows the amazing development of this seminal idea from the decade when it turned the world on its head to the present time and the unravelling of the human genome. It describes how the first dinosaur fossils were believed to be the bones of giants and how little by little the ongoing story of living creatures has been assembled until we can see the thread of life running from single-cell microorganisms to primates like ourselves, and why most ancient creatures died out and some survive to this day. Indeed we still carry vestiges of former life forms in our bodies and it is said that ancient seas flow in our blood. Anatomy, taxonomy, chemistry, geology, archaeology, and embryology have all had a part in this remarkable detective story, and even the Cold War became involved when the followers of Mendel in the West were confronted by those of Lamarck in China and Russia. Modern evolutionary theory is shown to be a synthesis of many scientific fields and the product both of years of tireless work and of sudden imaginative leaps. The Theory of Evolution conveys the excitement of this fundamental discovery and gives an insight into the way scientific enquiry and debate continue to shape our world.SIMPLE GUIDES: SCIENCESimple Guides: Science are user-friendly introductions to the great scientific discoveries of the world. Written by experts in the field, they offer the general reader simple and engaging descriptions of key developments and breakthroughs in different fields of science and technology. * Simple Guides: Science are written in a clear, informal style, using plain, non-technical language to provide accessible introductions to complex scientific theories.* Organized both by theme and chronologically, the books link the major breakthroughs to the lives of their discoverers and inventors.* The clear structure and design enable the general reader to grasp essentials easily. * These guides will appeal to readers with no specific scientific knowledge, yet with a thirst to know more about the world we live in.* The scientific developments and theories are brought to life by descriptions of their social contexts; not only the breakthroughs are described, but also their impact on society and the human story behind the scientists.

VH1: The List

by Wendy Walker

Ever since VH1's The List started recruiting celebrities for on-air debates over everything from the Greatest Male Rock Star to the Most Overrated Song, people everywhere have been demanding their own vote. Now, in this addictive and conversation-sparking book of lists, the general populace has spoken. Here are some of the results, in more than 70 categories of great import, including: Artist You Most Want to Spend the Night With; Sexiest Teen Idol; Rock's Most Significant Moment Best Album; Best TV Theme Song; Most Fashionable Artist; Best Lead Guitarist; Best Music Video; Featuring celebrity lists from the likes of James Brown, Melissa Etheridge, Stewart Copeland of The Police, and Gavin Rossdale of Bush, celebrity quotes, a "Just Missed" section, and space at the back of the book for you own write-in lists, VH1: The List is a fun, interactive book- perfect for the opinionated pop-culture enthusiast in all of us.

The Psychotherapist’s Guide to Psychopharmacology

by Michael J. Gitlin

Gitlin (psychiatry, UCLA) provides a guide to medicines used for treating mental and emotional disorders, designed to familiarize mental health professionals who do not prescribe medicine with the latest medical treatment options. He describes the type of treatment used for numerous disorders, explaining in detail how each medication works and its effects.

Puzzlements & Predicaments of the Bible

by Linda Washington Betsy Todt Schmitt Gene Smillie

Explore a new world of biblical adventure and excitement through this entertaining collection of stories. There are many trivia games in society today -- from radio programs and board games to online quizzes and contests. People love those little-known facts that most of the time escape our attention. Puzzlements & Predicaments of the Bible takes great truths of Scripture and translates them into easily learned tidbits of information in an innovative manner. This book will keep readers wanting more as they cover sections, such as "Curious Crimes," "Baffling Behavior," "Sinister Schemes," "Momentous Miracles," and "Exceptional Escapes," as well as chapters titled "The Night Stalker," "A Donkey's Tale," "Dead Man Walking," "Grapes of Wrath," and "A Wife Unmourned." Riveting and compelling, these tales will entertain and inform without fail. Puzzlements & Predicaments of the Bible's fresh approach to the Bible reveals a variety of facts and stories that will have the words jumping off the page, alternately surprising and sobering readers as they are brought to a better understanding of God's Word.

The SABR Baseball List & Record Book

by Lisa Hochstein

From the authority on baseball research and statistics comes a vast and fascinating compendium of unique baseball lists and records. The SABR Baseball List & Record Book is an expansive collection of pitching, hitting, fielding, home run, team, and rookie records not available online or in any other book. This is a treasure trove of baseball history for statistically minded baseball fans that's also packed with intriguing marginalia. For instance, on July 25, 1967, Chicago's Ken Berry ended Game Two of a doubleheader against Cleveland with a home run in the bottom of the sixteenth inning -- Chicago's second game-winning homer of the day. The comprehensive lists include Most Career Home Runs by Two Brothers (Tommie and Hank Aaron have 768), Most Seasons with 15 or More Wins (Cy Young and Greg Maddux each have 18), and Highest On Base Percentage in a Season by a Rookie (listing every rookie above . 400). Unlike other record books that only list the record holders -- say, most RBI by a rookie, held by Ted Williams with 145 -- SABR details every rookie to reach 100 RBI. Other record books might note the last pitcher in each league to steal home; here SABR has included every pitcher to do it. The book also includes a number of idiosyncratic features, such as a rundown of every player who has hit a triple and then stolen home, or every reliever who has won two games in one day. Many of the lists include a comments column for key historical notes and entertaining trivia (Bob Horner hit four home runs in a 1986 game, but his team lost). This is a must-have for every fan's library. Edited by Lyle Spatz, Chairman of the Baseball Records Committee for SABR.

Simon & Schuster Thesaurus for Children

by Simon Schuster

The Simon & Schuster Thesaurus for Children provides students with the tools they need to build their vocabulary, improve their writing skills, and express themselves more accurately and precisely. The thesaurus is packed with information that encourages children to expand their knowledge of the English language. With over 800 main entries and 5,000 synonyms, the Simon & Schuster Thesaurus for Children helps young writers make correct word choices and avoid repetition. It stimulates children's creativity and gives them a new understanding of the complex resources of language. SOME SIMON & SCHUSTER THESAURUS FOR CHILDREN HIGHLIGHTS: More than 800 entries and 5,000 synonyms; Entries that give parts of speech, definitions, and example sentences; Easy-to-use cross-references; A complete index of all the synonyms, antonyms, phrases, and idioms; Special word banks that contain additional word choices; Unique word alerts that warn of possible problems in grammar or word use; Common phrases and idioms; Synonyms that include definitions and one or more example sentences.

Wear This, Toss That!

by Amy E. Goodman

It costs us not to look our best! Dressing poorly costs us interviews, first impressions, money . . . and a whole lot more. But you can look good all the time, asserts Amy E. Goodman, the magazine maven and style expert who's a regular on NBC's Today show. Her one-stop fashion and beauty book cuts through the information overload to teach you how to dress to impress whatever your age, lifestyle, or size--while staying true to yourself and your budget. Who can afford clothes and makeup that don't fit or flatter? Since every piece needs to count, Amy uses snappy, clear comparisons to show how to regain control of your wardrobe and beauty shelf by simplifying your choices. Cleverly organized like a woman's closet, wear this, toss that! outlines the 30 pieces of clothing and 30 accessories plus beauty basics every woman must own. Then Amy builds beyond the essentials, walking you through your closet, rack by rack, shelf by shelf, and drawer by drawer, telling you what to wear and what to toss. By sorting through the items you already have and taking inventory of what you need, you can build upon what you own and finally create the winning total look you've always dreamed of! Amy provides immediate style answers for real women: * 700 wear/toss items * Over 1,000 product suggestions * You-heard-it-here-first steals and deals * On-sale items to avoid regardless of price * Styling tips for every body type * The ultimate shoe guide: you'll never question which footwear is right again! * 24 "save-me" products to rescue you from any fashion emergency Filled with candid tips from pro stylists and designers, along with Amy's unfiltered guidance, wear this, toss that! will inspire you to invest in yourself, shake off the wardrobe blahs, and wake up your looks from head to toe. Step into your closet. Do you have: A ruffled tank that sweetly frames your faceor a blouse with overpowering ruffles? A long cardigan that graces over your curves or a super drapey wrap that resembles a blanket? A pencil skirt that lands just above your knees or a bell skirt that bunches at your middle? A cropped, straight-leg pant with a flat front or wrinkled, baggy cargo pants? A shade of red lipstick that says "bombshell" or one that's says "I'm trying too hard"? If any of these questions make you cringe, then wear this, toss that! is your go-to guide. It's for women of any size, age, or lifestyle who realize they just don't like the clothes, accessories, or makeup they're wearing and want to make a change. Almost instantly you'll learn what works, what's got to go, and why.

Your Older Cat

by Susan Easterly

Safe preventive care for a long and healthy life You probably feel that you know everything your cat needs -- plenty of food, frequent naps, and lots of love! Cats heal quickly and take excellent care of themselves, but as they age, they do need owners to pay special attention to their health and behavior. Creating a balanced diet, encouraging regular exercise, and providing good health care will ensure that your cat enjoys every one of his nine lives. Your Older Cat shows how to extend your cat's active years and explains the special health issues for an aging cat. Divided into five sections, this practical guide discusses: HOW TO RECOGNIZE THE ONSET OF OLD AGE READING YOUR CAT FOR SIGNS OF ILLNESS BECOMING A PARTNER IN YOUR CAT'S HEALTH CARE -- FROM VETERINARY CARE TO PET HEALTH INSURANCE PREVENTION 101: TIPS ON DIET, GROOMING, NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, AND EXERCISE AFFORDABLE AND EFFECTIVE NATURAL TREATMENTS FOR AGING CATS, INCLUDING ACUPUNCTURE, MASSAGE, HERBS, AND HOMEOPATHY Plus, readers will find handsome color photos, informative sidebars for quick reference, and an extensive resource section.

Different Loving

by William Brame Jon Jacobs Gloria Brame

A breakthrough in sexual literature, this work is a complete, comprehensive user-friendly guide to and tour through the world of alternative sexual lifestyles. While the topics are exotic and erotic, the authors handle each one in a sensitive, thorough, analytical, and fascinating way and manage to explain a secret world to those who might wish to visit.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Everyday Mathematics: Student Reference Book

by The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project

A reference book is organized to help people find information quickly and easily. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, cookbooks, even telephone books are examples of reference books. Unlike novels and biographies, which are usually read in sequence from beginning to end, reference books are read in small segments to find specific information at the time it is needed. You can use this Student Reference Book to look up and review information on topics in mathematics. It is not always easy to read text about mathematics, but the more you use the Student Reference Book, the better you will become at understanding this kind of material. You may find that your skills as an independent problem-solver are improving. We are confident that these skills will serve you well as you undertake more advanced mathematics courses.

The Words We Live By

by Brian Burrell

At one time, this nation held a profound and simple faith in the power of words. Today we have become so engulfed in public cynicism that the whole notion of "words to live by" seems to us impossibly naive. Brian Burrell's splendid collection shows that many of the phrases we once lived by can still have resonance today. A comprehensive, fascinating treasure trove of American common sense and whimsy, The Words We Live By presents a sentimental rediscovery of a lost era in American history. From fraternal loyalty oaths to marriage vows, corporate mottoes to monument inscriptions, Ben Franklin to Henry Ford, Americans for generations have committed their most cherished ideals to print, often in charming and plain-spoken language that perfectly represents our provincial, pragmatic, and romantic national character. Burrell's work was inspired by his father, an obsessive collector of words and a chronic nostalgia buff who traveled widely with his family, introducing them to the landmarks, monuments, and other symbols of America's past. Throughout his life, he clipped or wrote down memorable phrases, quotes, mottoes, and quips, both the silly and the profound, the playful and the maudlin. Burrell has lovingly compiled his father's collection of scrapbooks, complementing them with extraordinary research into the origins of America's civic ethics, to produce a truly memorable and inspirational work of historical reference. More than just a compendium of classic American wit and wisdom, The Words We Live By brings this material to life with poignantly told stories, forgotten anecdotes, and deeply considered meditations on the meaning of the words that have shaped the American nation.

Massage for Pain Relief

by Peijian Shen

This fully illustrated, step-by-step guide to simple pain relief covers everything from headaches to back pain to tennis elbow, all using Oriental massage and pressure techniques. Full-color illustrations and diagrams throughout.From the Trade Paperback edition.

China Urbanizes: Consequences, Strategies, and Policies

by Anthony Saich Shahid Yusuf

The key challenges facing China in the next two decades derive from the ongoing process of urbanization. China's urbanization rate in 2005 was about 43%. Over the next 10-15 years, it is expected to rise to well over 50%, adding an additional 200 million mainly rural migrants to the current urban population of 560 million. How China copes with such a large migration flow will strongly influence rural-urban inequality, the pace at which urban centers expand their economic performance, and the urban environment. The growing population will necessitate a big push strategy to maintain a high rate of investment in housing and the urban physical infrastructure and urban services. To finance such expansion will require a significant strengthening and diversification of China's financial system. Growing cities will greatly increase consumption of energy and water. Containing this without at the same time constraining the economic performance of cities or the improvement in the standards of living will call for enlightened policies, strategies, careful urban planning, and significant technological advances. This volume identifies the key developments to watch and discusses the policies which would affect the course as well as the fruitfulness of change.

Growing Industrial Clusters in Asia: Serendipity and Science

by Shahid Yusuf Kaoru Nabeshima Shoichi Yamashita

Industrial clusters in Silicon Valley, Hsinchu Park, and northern Italy, and in the vicinity of Cambridge, U.K., have captured the imagination of policymakers, researchers, city planners and business people. Where clusters take root, they can generate valuable spillovers, promote innovation, and create the critical industrial mass for sustained growth. For cities such as Kitakyushu, Japan, that are faced with the erosion of their traditional industrial base and are threatened by economic decline, creating a cluster that would reverse the downward trends is enormously attractive. Growing Industrial Clusters in Asia offers practical guidance on the nature of clusters and the likely efficacy of measures that could help build a cluster. It draws on the experience of both established dynamic clusters and newly emerging ones that show considerable promise. The insights that result from its analysis will be of particular interest to policy makers, urban planners, business people, and researchers.

Global Development Finance 2008

by World Bank

'Global Development Finance' - the World Bank's annual report on the external financing of developing countries - provides monitoring and analysis of development finance, identifying key emerging trends and policy challenges in international financial flows that are likely to affect the growth prospects of developing countries. As major financial institutions currently recognize losses from the U.S. subprime mortgage market crisis and rebuild their balance sheets through a more conservative approach to lending and risk management, the central theme of this year's report will be the market for international bank credit to developing countries.It is an indispensable resource for governments, economists, investors, financial consultants, academics, bankers, and the entire development community. 'Vol I: Analysis and Outlook' reviews recent trends in financial flows to developing countries. 'Vol II. Summary and Country Tables'* includes comprehensive data for 138 countries, as well as summary data for regions and income groups. Also available on CD-ROM, with more than 200 historical time series from 1970 to 2006, and country group estimates for 2007. * 'Vol II. Summary and Country Tables' not sold separately.

Migration and Remittances Factbook 2008

by Dilip Ratha Zhimei Jamie Xu

'The Migration and Remittances Factbook 2008' attempts to present the numbers and facts behind the stories of international migration and remittances, drawing on authoritative, publicly available data. It provides a snapshot of statistics on immigration, emigration, skilled emigration, and remittance flows for 194 countries, and 13 regional and income groups. Some interesting facts from the Factbook: - Nearly 200 million people, or 3 percent of the world population, live outside their countries of birth. Current migration flows, relative to population, are weaker than those of the last decades of the nineteenth century. - The volume of South-South migration is almost as large as that of South-North migration. - International migration is dominated by voluntary migration, which is driven by economic factors. In 2005, refugees numbered only 13.5 million, or just over 7 percent of international migrants. The share of refugees in the population of low-income countries was more than five times larger than the share in high-income OECD countries. - Worldwide remittance flows are estimated to have exceeded $318 billion in 2007, of which developing countries received $240 billion. The true size, including unrecorded flows through formal and informal channels, is believed to be significantly larger.

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