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The Simple Guide to Attending Christian Ceremonies

by Akasha Lonsdale

In today's multicultural society we are increasingly likely to meet and become friends with people from different religious backgrounds, and to find ourselves attending an unfamiliar ceremony. When this happens, there can be few of us who know exactly what to expect, or are confident about how to behave. This chapter from Do I Kneel or Do I Bow? will tell you everything you need to understand and take part in a Christian ceremony.

The Simple Guide to Attending Orthodox Christian Ceremonies

by Akasha Lonsdale

In today's multicultural society we are increasingly likely to meet and become friends with people from different religious backgrounds, and to find ourselves attending an unfamiliar ceremony. When this happens, there can be few of us who know exactly what to expect, or are confident about how to behave. This chapter from Do I Kneel or Do I Bow? will tell you everything you need to understand and take part in a Orthodox Christian ceremony.

The Simple Guide to Attending Jewish Ceremonies

by Akasha Lonsdale

In today's multicultural society we are increasingly likely to meet and become friends with people from different religious backgrounds, and to find ourselves attending an unfamiliar ceremony. When this happens, there can be few of us who know exactly what to expect, or are confident about how to behave. This chapter from Do I Kneel or Do I Bow? will tell you everything you need to understand and take part in a Jewish ceremony.

The Simple Guide to Attending Muslim Ceremonies

by Akasha Lonsdale

In today's multicultural society we are increasingly likely to meet and become friends with people from different religious backgrounds, and to find ourselves attending an unfamiliar ceremony. When this happens, there can be few of us who know exactly what to expect, or are confident about how to behave. This chapter from Do I Kneel or Do I Bow? will tell you everything you need to understand and take part in a Muslim ceremony.

The Simple Guide to Attending Hindu Ceremonies

by Akasha Lonsdale

In today's multicultural society we are increasingly likely to meet and become friends with people from different religious backgrounds, and to find ourselves attending an unfamiliar ceremony. When this happens, there can be few of us who know exactly what to expect, or are confident about how to behave. This chapter from Do I Kneel or Do I Bow? will tell you everything you need to understand and take part in a Hindu ceremony.

The Simple Guide to Attending Sikh Ceremonies

by Akasha Lonsdale

In today's multicultural society we are increasingly likely to meet and become friends with people from different religious backgrounds, and to find ourselves attending an unfamiliar ceremony. When this happens, there can be few of us who know exactly what to expect, or are confident about how to behave. This chapter from Do I Kneel or Do I Bow? will tell you everything you need to understand and take part in a Sikh ceremony.

The Simple Guide to Attending Buddhist Ceremonies

by Akasha Lonsdale

In today's multicultural society we are increasingly likely to meet and become friends with people from different religious backgrounds, and to find ourselves attending an unfamiliar ceremony. When this happens, there can be few of us who know exactly what to expect, or are confident about how to behave. This chapter from Do I Kneel or Do I Bow? will tell you everything you need to understand and take part in a Buddhist ceremony.

Armies of the Adowa Campaign 1896

by Sean Mclachlan Raffaele Ruggeri

In the late 19th century, the new nation-state of Italy was eager to join her European neighbors in creating an international empire. Italy's eyes turned towards Africa as a source of potential colonies. Most of the continent had already been carved up between the Great Powers but Italy succeeded in securing a foothold in Eritrea on the Red Sea coast, a vassal of the Emperor of Ethiopia. Trade and other links were established with the Ethiopian empire but quarrels regarding the interpretation of a particular clause led to Ethiopian support for uprisings in Eritrea. Italian troops entered northern Ethiopia and captured Adowa, the capital of the Tigray province. Full-scale war broke out and this new Osprey title tracks every development in the battle and the men who fought in it.From the Trade Paperback edition.

P-40 Warhawk vs Bf 109

by Jim Laurier Carl Molesworth

Although the P-40 and the Bf 109 both joined the air war over North Africa at nearly the same time in early 1941, the venerable German fighter was already fully sorted with a combat career dating back to 1937 in Spain, while the American fighter was making its combat debut in the hands of the RAF's Desert Air Force. Both aircraft were low-wing designs powered by a single liquid-cooled engine of roughly the same output, but there the similarities ended. The Bf 109 was small and agile, capable of operating at high altitudes. The P-40's weight and engine limited it to middle-altitude operations, but it was more manoeuvrable than the Bf 109 and extremely capable in the fighter-bomber role. In typical encounters, Bf 109 pilots would climb above a formation of P-40s and then dive into battle, seeking to maintain the initiative and a speed advantage. The P-40 pilots would respond by trying to turn into the attack. The tide turned in the autumn of 1942, by which time USAAF P-40 squadrons had joined the fight in time for the final Allied push from El Alamein and the Operation Torch landings in Morocco.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Fourth Crusade 1202-04

by David Nicolle Christa Hook

The Fourth Crusade was the first and most famous of the 'diverted' crusades, that is, ones diverted from their originally intended target. It was also the first to be directed against a fellow Christian, though Orthodox, state. Initially preached (from 1198 onwards) as a campaign against Ayyubid Egypt, which was correctly seen as the most potent threat to the Latin or 'Crusader' Kingdom of Jerusalem, its first Christian target was the city of Zadar in what is now Croatia. The greater part of the crusading army then attacked the Byzantine capital of Constantinople, again as part of their obligations to Venice. The result was a siege and the first capture of that great city in 1203. This title will highlight all the intrigue, deception, and betrayal of this tumultuous Crusade.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Vietnam Gun Trucks

by Peter Bull Gordon Rottman

When US combat units began arriving in Vietnam in mid-1965 they were initially based in coastal cities. Munitions and supplies were delivered by sea at ports to directly supply the newly arrived forces. It was not long before American units began to venture into the countryside to engage the VC in the areas they controlled. Many of these areas were well inland and forward bases had to be established. These bases had to be continuously supplied and required a great deal of tonnage. Supplies had to be transported overland from the coastal ports of Qui Nhon and Cam Ranh Bay at Bong Son, An Khe, Pleiku, Dalat, and Buon Ma Thuot. Later, more inland bases were established and more seaports opened. The logistical efforts expanded and it became a major effort to run convoys to these bases. Discover the history of the little-known but vitally important improvised vehicles, or 'gun trucks', that were developed in-theatre in Vietnam by the vehicle crews themselves to protect convoys from Viet Cong ambushes in this highly-detailed, fully-illustrated title from our popular New Vanguard series.From the Trade Paperback edition.

10 Ways to Recycle a Corpse: And 100 More Dreadfully Distasteful Lists

by Karl Shaw

Prepare to be even more revolted, flabbergasted, appalled, and completely entertained by this incredible follow-up collection of absolutely true trivia from the author of 5 People Who Died During Sex. Nothing is too insane, too inane, or too sacred for Karl Shaw's eclectic lists of the world's very worst. DID YOU KNOW... ...that according to recent estimates (2010) your body is worth between $10,000-$100,000 on today's open market--from companies legitimately trading body parts from willing donors to recognized medical facilities? ...that the great plague of Athens in 404, which lead to the defeat of the Athenians in the Peloponnesian War, was probably caused by contaminated cereals? ...that Benjamin Franklin liked to sit stark naked in front of his open windows, calling the practice "taking an air bath"? ...that in the last days of his life, the actor Steve McQueen lived on a diet largely comprised of boiled alligator skin and apricot pits, washed down with urine? From the Trade Paperback edition.

Italian Battleships of World War II

by Paul Wright Mark Stille

Often overlooked as a naval power of WWII, Italy's Regia Marina was, upon the declaration of war against France, the fourth largest navy in the world. Despite its numbers, the Italian fleet was made up of largely obsolete vessels, none being equipped with radar, and had a reputation for having inadequately-trained crews. Added to these drawbacks, the Italian commanders did not enjoy the discretion of command at sea that their counterparts in the service of other nations did, being directed closely by the Supermarina (Italian Naval Headquarters). Despite these obstacles, and the heavy losses inflicted upon the fleet by the Royal Navy while in harbour at Taranto, the battleships of the Italian Navy enjoyed a good reputation for being well-designed, and served with courage and determination at Punto Stilo/Calabria, Sirte, Cape Spartivento, and Cape Matapan. Mark Stille details, with the aid of many stunning photographs, including several from the Italian Navy's own archives, the battleships of one of the forgotten navies of WWII.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Beretta M9 Pistol

by Johnny Shumate Leroy Thompson

In 1990 the Beretta M9 replaced the venerable Colt 1911 as the main pistol of choice for the US Army. At the time the decision was controversial particularly because it was perceived that a smaller caliber weapon such as the Beretta would lack the necessary stopping power and range in comparison to the .45 caliber Colt. The situation was not helped by the rumour that the adoption of this Italian designed pistol was in exchange for the creation of US missile bases within Italy. Nonetheless, the Beretta, although not a perfect pistol, has since proved many of its distractors wrong with widespread use in Iraq and Afghanistan. Written by a leading pistol expert who currently trains US Special Forces in the use of this weapon, this book is an honest appraisal of the successes and failings of the Beretta design. The volume traces the Beretta designs, which preceded the M9 as well as its use on the battlefield, including the impact it has had on close combat training due to the larger magazine capacity. It also details the adoption of the Beretta by US law enforcement agencies and the impact this has had. This is a fascinating history of a classic pistol and its future use.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Longman Writer: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook (7th edition)

by Judith Nadell John Langan Eliza A. Comodromos

Clear, step-by-step writing instruction, ample annotated student essays, and extensive practice opportunities for writing have made The Longman Writer one of the most successful methods-of-development guides for college writing. Created by the authors of the best-selling Longman Reader, the text draws on decades of teaching experience to integrate the best of the "product" and "process" approaches to writing. Its particular strengths include an emphasis on the reading-writing connection, a focus on invention and revision, attention to the fact that patterns blend in actual writing, and an abundance of class-tested activities and assignments--more than 350 in all.

Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science

by James N. Druckman Arthur Lupia James H. Kuklinski Donald P. Green

Laboratory experiments, survey experiments and field experiments occupy a central and growing place in the discipline of political science. The Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science is the first text to provide a comprehensive overview of how experimental research is transforming the field. Some chapters explain and define core concepts in experimental design and analysis. Other chapters provide an intellectual history of the experimental movement. Throughout the book, leading scholars review groundbreaking research and explain, in personal terms, the growing influence of experimental political science. The Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science provides a collection of insights that can be found nowhere else. Its topics are of interest not just to researchers who are conducting experiments today, but also to researchers who think that experiments can help them make new and important discoveries in political science and beyond.

The American Revolution 100: The Battles, People, and Events of the American War for Independence, Ranked by Their Significance

by Michael Lanning

Experience the defining moments of the war that gave birth to America. The American Revolution 100 brings to life the monumental moments, bloody battles, and influential leaders who gave birth to a great nation. In comprehensive fashion, decorated veteran and military expert Michael Lee Lanning ranks and analyzes the war's most significant events, showing how each affected the outcome. Relive the memorable battles, when a country of citizen-farmers prepared themselves to take on the mightiest army in the world. Learn about the remarkable figures and forces of the time, and decide for yourself: Who influenced the revolution more--John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, or John Paul Jones? Was the Battle of Yorktown more pivotal than the Battle of Trenton? Was The Declaration of Independence more important to the revolution than Thomas Paine's Common Sense? Read the stories of Henry Knox, Thomas Sumter, American militias, and December 26, 1776, and let your own debates begin... Praise for Michael Lee Lanning's history books: "Easily accessible... Recommended reference for the aficionado and the uninitiated alike." ForeWord magazine. "Unusual and even witty insights also abound." Publishers Weekly.

EU Prospectus Law

by Pierre Schammo

Pierre Schammo provides a detailed analysis of EU prospectus law (and the 2010 amendments to the Prospectus Directive) and assesses the new rules governing the European Securities and Markets Authority, including the case law on the delegation of powers to regulatory agencies. In a departure from previous work on securities regulation, the focus is on EU decision-making in the securities field. He examines the EU's approach to prospectus disclosure enforcement and its implementation at Member State level and breaks new ground on regulatory competition in the securities field by providing a 'law-in-context' analysis of the negotiations of the Prospectus Directive.

Green Earth Guide: Traveling Naturally in Spain

by Dorian Yates

Surveys by the International Ecotourism Society reveal that more than three-quarters of American travelers feel it is important not to damage the environment they are visiting. Green Earth Guide: Traveling Naturally in Spain helps travelers to Spain accomplish that goal. Author Dorian Yates focuses exclusively on where to find things green and alternative in one of the world's most popular travel destinations: local and organic foods, natural health care, ecological businesses, organic vineyards, renewable energy, yoga and meditation centers, national parks, public transportation, and other green places and services of interest.Written in a friendly, accessible style with personal anecdotes, how-to travel tips, and practical information, this second book in the series is aimed at helping travelers leave a smaller footprint wherever they venture. The book rescues readers who are accustomed to a certain level of green consciousness at home but end up compromising their values on vacation. Author Yates shows how to make the most environmentally beneficial choices for basic needs--food, shelter, health, exercise--while enjoying sites of ecological, historical, and natural interest along the way.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Seasons of a Woman's Life

by Daniel J. Levinson

Firmly grounded in scientific research, this book reveals that women follow a predictable developmental course through adulthood. Work and marriage relationships, personal crisis, emotional states, and behavior can all be related to this grand pattern. But in the case of women, the situation is made far more complicated by gender biases.From the Hardcover edition.

Requirements Engineering Fundamentals

by Chris Rupp Klaus Pohl

In practice, requirements engineering tasks become more and more complex. In order to ensure a high level of knowledge and training, the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) worked out the training concept "Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering", which defines a requirements engineer's practical skills on different training levels. The book covers the different subjects of the curriculum for the "Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering" (CPRE) defined by the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB). It supports its readers in preparing for the test to achieve the "Foundation Level" of the CPRE.

The VueScan Bible

by Sascha Steinhoff

VueScan is the world's most widely used software interface for digitizing film and prints on flatbed and film scanners. This powerful yet affordable program supports over 1500 scanners and 321 digital camera RAW file types, and is available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. Much more than a simple scanner program, VueScan allows you to perform functions such as color restoration, adding sharpening filters, adjusting white balance, rotating images, and batch scanning multiple images. It also provides output to a variety of formats including TIFF, JPEG, and searchable PDF files (even all three simultaneously). The Pro version outputs to the RAW format and provides options for color adjustments, and more. Despite its popularity, the documentation for VueScan does not provide enough information to use the full power of the system and makes it difficult to get started. The VueScan Bible is the missing manual for new, experienced, and prospective users of VueScan.

Roman Centurions 753-31 BC

by Raffaele D'Amato

A detailed glimpse into the weapons, equipment and uniforms worn by Roman Centurions from the Roman Kingdom right through to the height of the Republic. Including new research, photographs of artefacts and the signature Men-at-Arms artwork, this is an essential addition to the series and includes several artwork reconstructions of actual named individuals and two lavish scenes depicting combat between Centurions and a Triumphal procession.

British Campaign Medals of the First World War

by Peter Duckers

Britain has issued medals rewarding war service since at least the early nineteenth century, and increasingly through the period of its imperial expansion prior to 1914, but examples of many of the early types are now scarce. However, few families escaped some involvement with "the Great War" of 1914-18, and many still treasure the medals awarded to their ancestors for wartime service. Today, with a growing interest in British military history and particularly in family history and genealogy, more and more people want to trace their ancestors' past. This book looks in detail at the origin, types and varieties of the British medals awarded for general war service between 1914 and '18, and gives advice on researching the awards and their recipients.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Homemade: The Heart and Science of Handcrafts

by Carol Endler Sterbenz Harry Bates

Offering an abundance of information and inspiration, Homemade is a revelatory addition to the craft world--the ultimate reference book on crafting and also a warm, engagingly written book that combines history and personal narrative with the science that makes a craft possible and the passion that inspires it. Carol Endler Sterbenz is a crafter, a teacher, a homemaker, a wife, and a mother. Raised by immigrant parents who taught her the enduring value of resourcefulness and creativity, she makes her lifetime of experience and infinite enthusiasm the foundation for Homemade. Sterbenz provides readers with not only practical information and direction but also a philosophy and methodology of crafting that build confidence and ability, making it easy to achieve truly professional results. Teeming with clear, reliable, and thorough information on everything from tools and materials to techniques, Homemade is an essential guide to seven of the most beloved crafts: beading, the flower arts, paper crafting, hand printing, decoupage, decorative embellishing, and children's arts and crafts. Crafters--beginners and veterans alike--can turn to Homemade to learn which glues and finishes to use, how to form a perfect beaded loop, assemble a miniature robot, hollow out an egg, emboss paper, make a hand-tied bouquet, or transform a chandelier. Overflowing with hundreds of techniques; easy-to-follow step-by-step directions supported by more than eight hundred beautiful and precise hand-drawn illustrations, diagrams, and patterns; and countless insider secrets and troubleshooting tips, Homemade is an indispensable go-to reference no crafter should be without.

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