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Routledge Revivals (1994): A Supplement to Gordon N. Ray, The Letters and Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray

by Edgar F. Harden

First published in 1994, these two volumes are intended as a supplement to the four-volume edition edited by Gordon N. Ray in 1945-46. In writing to his broad range of correspondents, Thackeray produced a varied body of letters that will help readers to better understand his nineteenth-century society as well as his professional and private life — especially his relationships with women. These volumes contain 1713 letters: 1464 to and from Thackeray that were not included in the earlier volumes, and 249 with texts that have been edited from newly available manuscripts, and that thereby replace texts that were printed in Ray from incomplete sources.

Routledge Revivals (1994): A Supplement to Gordon N. Ray, The Letters and Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray

by Edgar F. Harden

First published in 1994, these two volumes are intended as a supplement to the four-volume edition edited by Gordon N. Ray in 1945-46. In writing to his broad range of correspondents, Thackeray produced a varied body of letters that will help readers to better understand his nineteenth-century society as well as his professional and private life — especially his relationships with women. These volumes contain 1713 letters: 1464 to and from Thackeray that were not included in the earlier volumes, and 249 with texts that have been edited from newly available manuscripts, and that thereby replace texts that were printed in Ray from incomplete sources.

Samurai 1550-1600

by Anthony Bryant Angus Mcbride

This title details the culture, weapons, armour and training of the elite samurai warrior class in the fascinating Age of Battles period (1550-1600). This was a period of vital importance not only because of the political effects of the chaos but also due to the changes in warfare that occurred. In 1542 the Portuguese introduced the matchlock musket into Japanese warfare, and this book traces the effect that this important innovation had on the samurai. Life outside the field of battle is also examined, making this an unmissable book for those interested in this brave warrior caste.

Scholastic Rhyming Dictionary

by Sue Young

Scholastic Reference.

Science of Coercion: Communication Research & Psychological Warfare, 1945–1960 (Forbidden Bookshelf #13)

by Christopher Simpson

Science of Coercion provides the first thorough examination of the role of the CIA, the Pentagon, and other U. S. security agencies in the evolution of modern communication research, a field in the social sciences which crystallized into a distinct discipline in the early 1950s. Government-funded psychological warfare programs underwrote the academic triumph of preconceptions about communication that persist today in communication studies, advertising research, and in counterinsurgency operations. Christopher Simpson contends that it is unlikely that communication research could have emerged into its present form without regular transfusions of money from U. S military, intelligence, and propaganda agencies during the Cold War. These agencies saw mass communication as an instrument for persuading or dominating targeted groups in the United States and abroad; as a tool for improving military operations; and perhaps most fundamentally, as a means to extend the U. S. influence more widely than ever before at a relatively modest cost. Communication research, in turn, became for a time the preferred method for testing and developing such techniques. Science of Coercion uses long-classified documents to probe the contributions made by prominent mass communication researchers such as Wilbur Schramm, Ithiel de Sola Pool, and others, then details the impact of psychological warfare projects on widely held preconceptions about social science and the nature of communication itself. A fascinating case study in the history of science and the sociology of knowledge, Science of Coercion offers valuable insights into the dynamics of ideology and the social psychology of communication.

Sordid Images: The Poetry of Masculine Desire

by Steve Clark

In this extraordinary and bold book, S.H. Clark explores and constructs a history of poetic misogyny. For the first time, a wide range of English poetry by men is examined for evidence of the articulation of heterosexual masculine desires. But Clark goes beyond a straightforward oppositional model of reading the male canon, to ask how we read this work 'after feminism', and whether it is possible to value these texts as misogynist texts in the light of feminist theory? Sordid Images is a challenging, controversial book. It will excite and unsettle its readers, and inspire many to look again at some of the cornerstone works of English literature.

Survey of English Dialects

by Clive Upton David Parry J.D.A. Widdowson

First Published in 1994. The Survey of English Dialects (SED) is the only detailed nation-wide dialect survey which has ever been conducted in England. The SED is a unique repository of data on the traditional dialects of England in the mid-twentieth century. This remarkable record is a valuable resource for scholars in the fields of British English dialectology, sociolinguistics, and English historical linguistics. The SED fieldwork was undertaken in predominantly rural communities in England in the middle of the twentieth century, at a time when social, domestic and working life was undergoing very significant changes. The SED is thus a record of speech which reflects a society different in many ways from today, and as such affords the possibility of comparison which is instructive to those engaged in all types of study of linguistics today.

A Survey of English Spelling

by Edward Carney

Published at a time when literacy and spelling are issues of topical concern, A Survey of English Spelling offers an authoritative, comprehensive, and up-to-date overview of this important but hitherto neglected area of the English language. The text brings together a vast body of knowledge, both synthesised from diverse sources and original, unpublished research. The emphasis is on a functional exploration of the spelling regularities and markers that underpin literacy in English. An extensive database has been used throughout to provide a wealth of examples, statistics and analyses. The carefully signposted text and detailed contents listing allow students, professionals, teachers and academics in all areas of English Language, Linguistics and Speech Pathology to access specific information with ease.

That's in the Bible?

by Wick Allison

This engaging, easy-to-use, and fun guide to learning more about the Bible features hundreds of questions and detailed, frequently surprising answers organized in the form of the Good Book itself. It is filled with cultural, historical, literary, and theological facts that will surprise and inform readers of every denomination.

The Treasury of Religious and Spiritual Quotations

by Rebecca Miller Susan Mesner

The Treasury of Religious and Spiritual Quotations organizes its contents by category: angels and agnosticism, suicide and capital punishment, nature and technology, clergy and repentance. Quotes from wide-ranging religious and spiritual sources, including the Bhagavad Gita, the Talmud, and the Bible, give readers a holistic understanding of some of life's most monumental issues. Based on Ralph L. Woods' seminal reference book of religious sayings, this book is sure to spark reflection and inspire readers of all faiths to ye of little faith--or none at all.

Who's Who of Sanskrit Scholars in India, 1991

by K. C. Dutt

There are thousands of eminent living practitioners in the various fields of classical learning scattered through the length and breadth of India from north to south, and east to west, whose lingua franca of intellectual discourse is Sanskrit and who converse with each other on the subtlest issues with as great a sophistication and erudition as their counterparts in this country do in hundreds of the seminars that are organised around the country each year and where only those who have proficiency in writing and speaking English, participate and discuss in a world whose terms of intellectual discourse have little to do with those which were developed in the country over millennia by some of the greatest minds the world has ever seen in the long period of its history up till now.

World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre: Volume 1: Europe (World Encyclopedia Of Contemporary Theatre Ser. #Vol. 3)

by Don Rubin

The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre:Europe covers theatre since World War II in forty-seven European nations, including the nations which re-emerged following the break-up of the former USSR, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Each national article is divided into twelve sections - History, Structure of the National Theatre Community, Artistic Profile, Music Theatre, Theatre for Young Audiences, Puppet Theatre, Design, Theatre, Space and Architecture, Training, Criticism, Scholarship and Publishing and Further Reading - allowing the reader to use the book as a source for both area and subject studies.

The Writing Frame of Mind: From Bird by Bird (A Vintage Short)

by Anne Lamott

A Vintage Shorts selection. To the enormous challenges of being a writer, Anne Lamott offers invaluable advice and encouragement, which more than a million scribes and scribblers of all ages and abilities have been inspired by for a quarter century. In this selection from her essential volume, Bird by Bird, Lamott tenderly recommends and outlines the qualities that every writer should learn to hone: intuition, attention, morality, and more. An ebook short.

Writing the Blockbuster Novel

by Al Zuckerman

Every novelist dreams of it--writing the book that rockets to the top of the best-seller lists. Now, they can see how it's done, up close, in a book by an agent who has sold manuscripts that turned into hits.<P><P> Here Albert Zuckerman covers the essential elements of the blockbuster novel and shows writers how to put them to work in their books. Zuckerman covers the subject thoroughly, from creating outlines and building larger than life characters to injecting suspense and more. His instruction is decisive, direct and clear and is supported with examples from Gone With the Wind, The Godfather and other blockbusters.

Your Best Year Yet: A Proven Method for Making the Next Twelve Months the Most Successful Ever

by Jinny S. Ditzler

This book is a transformational goal-setting program that will guide you toward Your Best Year Yet.

Zona caliente

by Richard Preston

La historia del brote de Ébola más mortífero en la historia: un relato apasionante de los médicos y científicos que lucharon, y luchan, por protegernos. Zona caliente: área del laboratorio denominada así por los científicos que investigan los virus más letales como el ébola. Sellada herméticamente, sus accesos están rigurosamente controlados y los operarios visten trajes especiales sometidos a duchas de desinfección antes de abandonar el recinto. Parte de los hechos narrados en este libro transcurren en una «zona caliente» gestionada por el Ejército de Estados Unidos en Maryland. Zona caliente fue escrito y publicado en 1994 para explicar los orígenes y la evolución del virus ébola y advertir del peligro de su propagación en el futuro. Su autor, Richard Preston, catedrático de la Universidad de Princeton y un destacado especialista en abordar temas científicos con un alto nivel de rigor y conocimiento de la materia -ha sido galardonado con el Premio del Instituto de Física de Estados Unidos y Zona caliente es lectura recomendada en los institutos de Norteamérica-, fue el primero en dar a conocer al gran público la amenaza del ébola, un virus potencialmente mil veces más letal que el VIH del sida y que, hasta el día de hoy, no ha sido controlado en su totalidad. La narración de esta historia, que se lee como una novela, se basa en hechos reales documentados con precisión y contrastados hasta el límite de lo posible. El resultado es un relato apasionante y esclarecedor, una fuente rica en datos fidedignos sobre todos los aspectos involucrados en este desafío de la naturaleza. Así, los lectores podrán formarse una opinión razonada por encima de todo el torrente de informaciones fragmentadas que propician en la opinión pública una sensación de desconcierto y temor.

The 25 Most Common Sales Mistakes and How to Avoid Them: ... And How To Avoid Them

by Stephan Schiffman

"25 Sales Mistakes is essential for any professional or organization committed to sales excellence."--Michael A. Berman, Chief Operating Officer, Outside VenturesIn the newest edition of this valuable manual, Stephan Schiffman offers updated advice to salespeople about getting prospects and making the sale. It's not just what you do--it's what you don't do:Don't sell against a competitorDon't be satisfiedDon't stop getting ideasDon't use boilerplate proposalsDon't overuse e-mail The book also includes a new introduction and updated text. Schiffman offers salespeople the kind of advice--from listening to the client to following up on the sale--that has made him the best corporate sales trainer today. With Schiffman's book in their pocket, salepeople can avoid common blunders and make the sale.

The 776 Nastiest Things Ever Said

by Ross Petras Kathryn Petras

A hilarious collection of malicious, crude and catty quotes taken straight from the mouths of well-known entertainers, authors, politicians and other public figures. Ross and Kathryn Petras are writers and media junkies. When not collecting other people's stupidities and nasty comments, they collect their own.

A través de la Biblia: Libro por libro

by Myer Pearlman

Myer Pearlman recorre en esta obra cada uno de los libros que componen el canon bíblico. El estudiante de la Biblia obtendrá una información general y precisa en el análisis de esta obra. El autor expone algunas de las características más importantes de cada libro de la Biblia, y presenta un breve bosquejo del mensaje concreto de ellos.

Adler's Philosophical Dictionary

by Mortimer J. Adler

The terms and concepts that have simulated thinkers from Aristotle onward come to life in the latest work by the man TIME magazine has called "America's philosopher for everyman". Is the human soul immortal? What does it mean to know something? What is the nature of erotic love? Adler examines these questions as well as many others with his trademark clarity, rigor, and common sense.

Alexander Pope: The Critical Heritage (Critical Heritage Ser.)

by John Barnard

The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work, enabling students and researchers to read for themselves, for example, comments on early performances of Shakespeare's plays, or reactions to the first publication of Jane Austen's novels.The carefully selected sources range from landmark essays in the history of criticism to journalism and contemporary opinion, and little published documentary material such as letters and diaries. Significant pieces of criticism from later periods are also included, in order to demonstrate the fluctuations in an author's reputation.Each volume contains an introduction to the writer's published works, a selected bibliography, and an index of works,authors and subjects.The Collected Critical Heritage set will be available as a set of 68 volumes and the series will also be available in mini sets selected by period (in slipcase boxes) and as individual volumes.

Aliens & Alien Societies: A Writer's Guide to Creating Extraterrestrial Life-Forms (Science Fiction Writing Ser.)

by Schmidt Stanley

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet, William ShakespeareStanley Schmidt guides you toward a better understanding of our universe to create beings who will live in your science fiction.Aliens and Alien Societies explains science to help you make your fiction plausible. You'll avoid bringing characters from solar systems unlikely to support life. Discover the galaxy's vastness and imagine the technology needed to cross it. Put biochemistry on your side to put viable creatures on your pages. Learn how engineering shapes life and why this suggests that intelligent inhabitants of other planets might have similarities to humans. Develop well-founded cultures and logical languages. Introduce aliens to people or other aliens. Portray them as individuals, true to their species.In this book, possibilities abound and lines between knowledge and conjecture blur enthrallingly.Aliens and Alien Societies is thoughtful, clear and utterly fascinating. It is filled with facts to help you write believable fictions about the things in heaven and earth.

The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette: 50th Anniversay Edition

by Nancy Tuckerman Nancy Dunnan

The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette is the most authoritative book of its kind. Filled with practical advice for every occasion, business and pleasure, this book ensures that all of your social interactions will be handled with grace and confidence.This classic guide, first published in 1952, has been fully updated to reflect the concerns of the modern reader. The advice that has made Amy Vanderbilt the first name in etiquette remains pertinent today. Here is the final word on buying and using stationery, responding to dinner invitations, hosting a party, and attending religious ceremonies. The chapter of the most enduring popularity is, of course, the one on weddings. From addressing invitations to sending thank you notes, everything a bride needs to plan the perfect wedding is easily accessible.In addition to the time-honored guidance that has made this book a treasured reference, this updated edition contains information that addresses modern concerns of every kind. Here is advice on answering cellular phone calls in public, behaving courteously at the gym, and speaking at business meetings.Whether you need to compose an invitation, write a letter of condolence, address your senator, set a dinner table, or buy a gift for a foreign business associate, you will find The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette practical, down-to-earth, and always reliable.Updated and revised by former White House Staff Coordinator Nancy Tuckerman and respected businesswoman Nancy Dunnan, this trusted book remains the most complete and authoritative guide to living well.From the Hardcover edition.

Anthony Trollope: The Critical Heritage (Critical Heritage Ser.)

by Donald Smalley

First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

AQA Psychology for GCSE: Student Book

by Cara Flanagan Dave Berry Mark Jones Rob Liddle Ruth Jones

Written by renowned author Cara Flanagan and a highly experienced author team, this Student Book has been approved by AQA, offering high quality support you can trust. // Each topic in the specification is presented on one spread so you can see the whole topic with just the right amount of detail and depth of information. // Spreads are divided into Description (AO1) and Evaluation (AO3) - the two key skills for any topic. // Research methods and mathematical requirements are thoroughly covered in a dedicated chapter plus in 'Apply it' exercises across the book. // Application questions, practice questions and skills guidance are provided for the new assessment objectives and mark schemes. // Each chapter ends with visual summaries, example student answers with comments and test yourself multiple choice questions.

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