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General Principles of Thai Criminal Law

by Alessandro Stasi

This book is centered around the major issues relating to criminal law in Thailand and aims to offer a detailed and systematic overview of the Thai criminal justice system. It is designed as a traditional textbook of criminal law which provides a succinct focused coverage of all the relevant aspects of laws, judgments, and legal reforms in a concise and readable form. Although all topics have been previously treated in the Thai language, this is the first and most comprehensive work in the English language about Thai criminal law. The book covers not only the legal system, starting from the Penal Code of 1908 and emphasizing the substantial changes that have been introduced in the past decades, but also the deep influence of doctrine and case law. It is built up in several layers, starting from the general rule, to gradually examine the more specific ones. The book begins with the elementary legal concepts to be learned by the reader, by defining the fundamental principles underlying the Thai criminal system and outlining its objectives. It then extensively describes the main offences under the Thai Penal Code and classifies those breaches of law which are crimes from those which are merely illegal without being criminal.

National Conceptualisations of the Body Politic: Cultural Experience and Political Imagination (Cultural Linguistics)

by Andreas Musolff

This book presents the results of a large-scale experiment into interpretations of the metaphor “the Nation as a Body” among 1,800+ respondents from 30 linguistic and cultural backgrounds. In this first account of an empirical study of cross-cultural global metaphor interpretation of that scale, Musolff confirms that the meanings of metaphors are complex, culturally mediated and may differ for senders and recipients. The book provides a historical and cultural map of the traditions underlying differences in how the nation as a body – or, “the body politic” – is understood. Musolff challenges the hypotheses of the universality of “the nation” as a predominantly male-gendered and hierarchically organized concept and, in so doing, puts into question some of the key presuppositions of traditional historical and cognitive approaches to metaphor. For scholars and students of figurative language, the book lays out methodological foundations for cross-cultural metaphor comparison and reveals hidden meaning differences in political metaphor in English as lingua franca.

Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue Between Philosophy and Law

by Baosheng Zhang Shijun Tong Jing Cao Chuanming Fan

This book presents an in-depth discussion on two concepts from the field of philosophy and law, in order to improve our understanding of the relation between “fact” and “evidence” in judicial process. Since fact-finding is a difficult task for judges, proof by evidence has been devised to help them access the truth. However, in the process of judicial fact-finding, there is always a gap between fact and truth. This book covers a wide range of topics, from reflections on the concept of “fact,” “evidence” and “fact-finding” in the field of philosophy and law to individual case studies. As such it is a useful reference resource on the continuing research on the judicial proof process for students and scholars.

A Dialogue Between Law and History: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Facts and Evidence

by Baosheng Zhang Thomas Yunlong Man Jing Lin

This book builds on the success of the First International Conference on Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue between Law and Philosophy (Shanghai, China, May 2016), which was co-hosted by the Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization (CICJC) and East China Normal University. The Second International Conference on Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue between Law and History was jointly organized by the CICJC, the Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science (ELFS) at China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), and Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL) in Shenzhen, China, on November 16–17, 2019. Historians, legal scholars and legal practitioners share the same interest in ascertaining the “truth” in their respective professional endeavors. It is generally recognized that any historical study without truthful narration of historical events is fiction and that any judicial trial without accurate fact-finding is a miscarriage of justice. In both historical research and the judicial process, practitioners are invariably called upon, before making any arguments, to prove the underlying facts using evidence, regardless of how the concept is defined or employed in different academic or practical contexts. Thus, historians and legal professionals have respectively developed theories and methodological tools to inform and explain the process of gathering evidentiary proof. When lawyers and judges reconsider the facts of cases, “questions of law” are actually a subset of “questions of fact,” and thus, the legal interpretation process also involves questions of “historical fact.” The book brings together more than twenty leading history and legal scholars from around the world to explore a range of issues concerning the role of facts as evidence in both disciplines. As such, the book is of enduring value to historians, legal scholars and everyone interested in truth-seeking.

The Theory of Language Holography

by Guanlian Qian

This book presents a method of linking the ordered structure of the cosmos with human thoughts: the theory of language holography. In the view presented here, the cosmos is in harmony with the human body and language, and human thoughts are holographic with the cosmos at the level of language. In a word, the holographic relation is nothing more than the bridge by means of which Guanlian Qian connects the cosmos, human, and language. This is a vitally important contribution to linguistic and philosophical studies that cannot be ignored.The book has two main focus areas: outer language holography and inner language holography. These two areas constitute the core of the dynamic and holistic view put forward in the theory of language holography. The book’s main properties can be summarized into the following points: First and foremost, it is a book created in toto by a Chinese scholar devoted to pragmatics, theoretical linguistics, and philosophy of language. Secondly, the book was accepted by a top Chinese publisher and was republished the second year, which reflected its value and appeal. Thirdly, in terms of writing style, the book is characterized by succinctness and logic. As a result, it reads fluidly and smoothly without redundancies, which is not that common in linguistic or even philosophical works. Lastly, as stated by the author in the introduction, “Creation is the development of previous capacities, but it is also the generation of new ones”; this book can be said to put this concept into practice. Overall, the book offers a unique resource to readers around the world who want to know more about the truly original and innovative studies of language in Chinese academia.

Speaking Management: How to Spot Language Traps and Resolve Contested Management Terms

by Stephen Keith McGrath

This book identifies ten linguistic traps in our everyday language usage and provides philosophical justification for a method of determining internally consistent definitions of groups of related terms that avoid all ten traps. Various examples and applications of this method are given throughout. The book demonstrates how the seemingly straightforward matter of our understandings of the meaning of words can have major implications for the exercise of power. This book illustrates how this insight originated from management research into project governance that found lack of agreement on the definition of that term, as well as on many other important management terms. To resolve this, the impacts of evolution, philosophy and linguistics upon our everyday language usage were investigated. The research documented in this book found that the human tool called language works well for describing physical objects but has difficulty producing a common understanding of the meaning of concepts - a problem not restricted to the management field. That field is simply a microcosm that exposes a much more widespread linguistic usage problem affecting our personal, religious and political lives; one that existed at the time of Plato and Aristotle and has laid hidden for millennia. This book includes a lexicon of 69 commonly used but confused or contested management terms, all developed by applying its definitional method. The terms include governance, power, ethics, leadership and their associated groups of terms. The book explores how disagreement can be resolved using these new clear definitions and extends this into an analysis of who ‘good’ ethics are good for. It also incorporates a section on “how to speak management and actually know what you are talking about”, written in the style of an ‘idiots guide’ or ‘guide for dummies’. This identifies common, everyday circumstances in which lack of agreed definitions cause avoidable confusion and provides the book’s focus on conflict dissolution rather than on conflict resolution.

Intelligence and Wisdom: Artificial Intelligence Meets Chinese Philosophers

by Bing Song

This book centers on rethinking foundational values in the era of frontier technologies by tapping into the wisdom of Chinese philosophical traditions. It tries to answer the following questions: How is the essence underpinning humans, nature, and machines changing in this age of frontier technologies? What is the appropriate ethical framework for regulating human–machine relationships? What human values should be embedded in or learnt by AI? Some interesting points emerged from the discussions. For example, the three dominant schools of Chinese thinking–Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism– invariably reflect non-anthropocentric perspectives and none of them places humanity in a supreme position in the universe. While many Chinese philosophers are not convinced by the prospect of machine intelligence exceeding that of humans, the strong influence of non-anthropocentrism in the Chinese thinking contributed to much less panic in China than in the West about the existential risks of AI. The thinking is that as human beings have always lived with other forms of existence, living with programs or other forms of “beings,” which may become more capable than humans, will not inevitably lead to a dystopia. Second, all three schools emphasize self-restraint, constant introspection, and the pursuit of sage-hood or enlightenment. These views therefore see the potential risks posed by frontier technologies as an opportunity for the humanity to engage in introspection on the lessons learned from our social and political history. It is long overdue that humanity shall rethink its foundational values to take into account a multi-being planetary outlook. This book consists of nine leading Chinese philosophers’ reflections on AI’s impact on human nature and the human society. This is a groundbreaking work, which has pioneered the in-depth intellectual exploration involving traditional Chinese philosophy and frontier technologies and has inspired multidisciplinary and across area studies on AI, philosophy, and ethical implications.

A Study of Criminal Proceeding Conventions in Tang Dynasty

by Xi Chen

This book uses the monographic study of litigation subjects, prosecution, trial, and enforcement to reveal the formation, operation, and development of criminal proceeding conventions in the Tang Dynasty. It also outlines the combination, coordination, and interaction of rules, conventions, and ideas in the traditional Chinese legal system, and presents an overview of the evolution and development of traditional litigation in China. This book is intended mainly for scholars and graduate and undergraduate students in the fields of law and Chinese history.

Representational Content and the Objects of Thought

by Nicholas Rimell

This book defends a novel view of mental representation—of how, as thinkers, we represent the world as being. The book serves as a response to two problems in the philosophy of mind. One is the problem of first-personal, or egocentric, belief: how can we have truly first personal beliefs—beliefs in which we think about ourselves as ourselves—given that beliefs are supposed to be attitudes towards propositions and that propositions are supposed to have their truth values independent of a perspective? The other problem is how we can think about nonexistents (e.g., Santa Claus) given the widespread view that thought essentially involves a relation between a thinker and whatever is being thought about. The standard responses to this puzzle are either to deny that thought is essentially relational or to insist that it is possible to stand in relations to nonexistents. This book offers an error theory to the problem. The responses from this book arise from the same commitment: a commitment to treating talk of propositions—as the things towards which our beliefs are attitudes—as talk of entities that actually exist and that play a constitutive and explanatory role in the activity of thought.

Explosions in the Mind: Composing Psychedelic Sounds and Visualisations (Palgrave Studies in Sound)

by Jonathan Weinel

This book explores how to compose sounds and visualisations that represent psychedelic hallucinations and experiences of synaesthesia. Through a detailed discussion regarding compositional methodologies and technical approaches, the book aims to educate students, practitioners, and researchers working in related areas. It weaves together sound, visual design, and code across a range of media, providing conceptual approaches, theoretical insights, and practical strategies, which unlock new design frameworks for composing psychedelic sounds and visualisations.

Risk Management in Outer Space Activities: An Australian and New Zealand Perspective (Space Law and Policy)

by Maria A. Pozza Joel A. Dennerley

Risk Management in Outer Space Activities assesses selected risks associated with space activities, from an Australian and New Zealand perspective. The book explores the rise of commercial space activities and considers the development of Australia and New Zealand’s regulatory frameworks, and how they are equipped to address new and emerging risks in the space sector.The book examines the juxtaposition of international space law against the domestic legal regimes of Australia and New Zealand, and how these regulatory frameworks are designed to create governance mechanisms to control space risk. Both national jurisdictions approach space risk from the perspective of liability and international legal obligations, but as a result of their different historical space trajectories, their risk approaches differ. This is illustrated by research that suggests that from an Australian point of view, much of its space industry development has been influenced by Cold War era military and national security concerns. On the other hand, the New Zealand perspective is grounded on the rapid market-led commercial development that is currently underway in the country.The book examines a variety of risks that can and do emerge in the course of undertaking space activities. It does this by presenting a series of space risk case studies. There are chapters devoted to examining commercial space risks, space insurance, the risks posed by space debris, cybersecurity and space assets, light pollution as a risk for astronomy and the risks inherent in landing objects on the Moon. The work contained in this book is intended to provide a clear, practical and informed approach to understanding risk management in outer space activities. It will appeal to policy makers, risk professionals, space lawyers, national space agencies as well as academics, researchers and students

Development of the Constitutions in China and the Visegrad States: A Comparative Perspective

by Lu Da

This book deals with the development of constitutional law in China and Visegrad states by employing a comparative perspective. It is the first time that the researcher compared the constitutional development in the China and the Visegrad states. It offers a few glimpses of development of constitution in the (former) socialist states to readers who are interested in the constitutional law or China–V4 relations. With the increased cooperation between China and V4 countries, this book gives the undergraduates in the university to think about the BRI and 17+1 network from a Chinese perspective. Last, compared to the previous works which mainly focus on North America and/or Western Europe, this book provides a new angle on comparative constitutional law.

Virtuality and Humanity: Virtual Practice and Its Evolution from Pre-History to the 21st Century

by Sam N. Lehman-Wilzig

This is a pioneering study of virtuality through human history: ancient-to-modern evolution and recent expansion; expression in many fields (chapters on Religion; Philosophy, Math, Physics; Literature and the Arts; Economics; Nationhood, Government and War; Communication); psychological and social reasons for its universality; inter-relationship with "reality." The book's thesis: virtuality was always an integral part of humanity in many areas of life, generally expanding over the ages. The reasons: 1- brain psychology; 2- virtuality's six functions — escape from boredom to relieving existential dread. Other questions addressed: How will future neuroscience, biotech and "compunications" affect virtuality? Can/should there be limits to human virtualizing?

Law, Resources and Time-Space Constructing: Internal Evolutionary Logic for Chinese Judiciary During the 19th Century

by Zhang Shiming

This book studies the judicial evolution of the Qing Dynasty. It sums up the changes from six major aspects: 1. Banfang(班房)emerged in the late Qianlong period; 2. The opening of capital appeals(京控)early in Jiaqing’s reign; 3. The consular jurisdiction was established during Daoguang’s reign; 4. The execution on the spot (就地正法)was started in Daoguang and Xianfeng periods; 5. The introduction of fashenju (发审局,a interrogatory court) happened during Tongzhi’s reign; 6. Late in Guangxu’s reign, banishment was abolished, and reforms were made for prisons. In the past, people did not have a comprehensive understanding of these big changes. From the perspective of legal culture, scholars often criticize traditional Chinese law focuses on criminal law while ignores civil law in terms of legal culture, but this situation can be explained in part by the inadequate allocation of resources and authoritarian resources in traditional societies. Using a large number of archives and precious materials such as private notes that were not noticed by academics in the past, this book adopts the research path of new historical jurisprudence to explore the inner logic of judicial evolution in the Qing Dynasty, focusing on the triangular connection between legal rules, resources, and temporal and spatial constructions, which is an important contribution to the study of traditional Chinese law.

History of Design and Design Law: An International and Interdisciplinary Perspective

by Tsukasa Aso Christoph Rademacher Jonathan Dobinson

For the first time, this book provides an up-to-date history of product design and product design law covering 17 countries — Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), Russia, the United States, Brazil and Australia — selected for their innovative or influential approach to design or design protection.Each country is the subject of two chapters — one on the history of design and the other on the history of design law — authored by experts in design and intellectual property (IP) law. This unique interdisciplinary approach explains why and how various national design protection systems (that can include design, copyright, trade mark, competition and civil laws) developed, making it an ideal book for students, researchers and lawyers. The book also serves as an international survey of different national policy and legal responses to historical developments and specific design and legal issues allowing readers to consider their advantages and disadvantages — and so is also recommended for policy and law makers, as well as organizations that administer IP rights. Topics include the subject matter of design protection; procedural and substantive requirements; design registration; infringement; and the overlap of design rights and other IP rights. The chapters on design history provide further context to the historical development of these legal concepts by considering major design movements, key designers and iconic designs and the current state of design. The chapters highlight the connected and often complementary relationship between the two histories, not only for each country, but at the regional and international level, often as a result of government policies, trade, colonialism, immigration and globalisation. Design and design practice continue to become more global and evolve with developments in technology. At the same time, design laws are not internationally harmonized and continue to develop at the national level, with a number of significant changes occurring in recent years. This timely book shows how the lessons of the past continue to inform the future direction of design and the legal systems developed to protect it.

Principles of Digital Economics: Innovation Theory in the Age of Intelligence (Contributions to Economics)

by Zhiyi Liu

This book aims to "digital economics" as an inter-discipline research area, by integrating economics, philosophy of technology, computer science and sociology. It takes an in-depth look at the history of technology development covering the changes and challenges to the society and thoughts, as it is, which helps readers to understand the logic and operation of the emerging integrated economy. Also a lot of innovation cases in digital transformation of China are presented in this book.

Habermas, Foucault and the Political-Legal Discussions in China: A Discourse on Law and Democracy

by Fan Yang

This book revisits the discourse theories of Habermas and Foucault in a Chinese context. After arguing that Habermas’s Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy is too normative and idealistic, it presents Foucault’s Discourse Theory of Power Relations to illustrate the tensions between different Western discourse theories. The book then draws on the normative concept of Confucian Rationality from traditional Chinese cultural sources in order to investigate how adaptable these two discourse theories are to the Chinese society, and to balance the tension between them. Presenting these three dimensions of discourse theory, as well as the relations between them, it also uses empirical descriptions of certain facts of political-legal discussion both in traditional China and in the country’s new media age to explain, supplement and question this theoretic framework.The book asserts that, because of the diverse modes of thinking in specific cultures, there might be different normative paradigms of discorse and different political-legal discussion modes across corresponding cultural contexts. Normative discourse theories provide guidance for the practices of deliberative democracy and legal discussions, which can in turn verify, supplement, improve and challenge the normative discourse theories. In addition to demonstrating the multiple dimensions of discourse theories, this research also promotes an approach to the Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy that combines elements of both Chinese and modern society.

Transforming the Hong Kong Legal Machine: Gender and Familial Law in Jurisprudence

by Man-Chung Chiu

This book examines the law in relation to how it has responded to sexual and gender issues in the context of Hong Kong, and addresses the implications of those responses for the global context. It aims to develop a localized theory of justice which enables the analysis of multiple socio-legal issues arising in Hong Kong, a predominantly Han-Chinese society in Greater China, while also offering formulations for corresponding solutions. Unlike other books on Hong Kong jurisprudence and socio-legal studies, this book not only compares and contrasts different theories of justice, but also attempts to generate a philosophical perspective which can synchronize and re-organize a range of theoretical components via the lens of localization. The author investigates theories of justice developed, respectively, by Rawls, Deleuze, Lacan, Žižek and from the perspective of Mahāyāna Buddhism, as well as (Orthodox) Han-Chinese Confucianism and Daoism. The book applies these theoretical perspectives in analyzing different socio-legal issues in post-97 Hong Kong, including transgender rights to marriage, domestic violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse and race. The book concludes by proposing singular possible strategies, which include Degenderization, Desexualization, De-ageing, by which justice(s) can hopefully be re-manufactured and challenged. This book is relevant to researchers and students of law, philosophy, sociology, gender studies and cultural studies.

Relevance of Duties in the Contemporary World: With Special Emphasis on Gandhian Thought

by Raman Mittal Kshitij Kumar Singh

This book reflects on the significance of duties in creating an egalitarian society by collating and contextualizing the relevant literature. It particularly focuses on an appreciation of Gandhi’s views on duty to showcase how they remain pertinent to create a cohesive, responsible and value-based society in the present right-dominated world. A viable solution to the current real world problems could be found in exploring the philosophy on duties and the book provides relevant literature in this regard. It undertakes jurisprudential analysis of duty in a rights-dominated world, identifying the gaps in realising the potential of duty to address the critical issues of the present times. It argues that enforcement of rights depends heavily on the observance of duties and proposes coherence in right-duty relationship. Gandhian thought on duty recognises duty as a precursor to rights and emphasises that the observance of duties guarantees the enforcement of rights. The relevance of duties and Gandhian thoughts on the same is not restricted to India but transcends borders with profound appeal. Gandhian thoughts have become even more relevant in the current times to examine the situation of COVID-19 pandemic, racial discrimination (BLM), environmental crises, digital divide, health care and medical care crises, refugee and migrant labour problems and it can offer promising solutions based on the nuances of social solidarity, self realisation of duties/responsibilities, local governance, compassion and humanity.

Analysis of Legal Argumentation Documents: A Computational Argumentation Approach (Translational Systems Sciences #29)

by Hayato Hirata Katsumi Nitta

This book introduces methods to analyze legal documents such as negotiation records and legal precedents, using computational argumentation theory.First, a method to automatically evaluate argumentation skills from the records of argumentation exercises is proposed. In law school, argumentation exercises are often conducted and many records of them are produced. From each utterance in the record, a pattern of “speech act +factor” is extracted, and argumentation skills are evaluated from the sequences of the patterns, using a scoring prediction model constructed by multiple regression analyses between the appearance pattern and the scoring results. The usefulness of this method is shown by applying it to the example case “the garbage house problem”. Second, a method of extracting factors (elements that characterize precedents and cases) and legal topoi from individual precedents and using them as the expression of precedents to analyze how the pattern of factors and legal topoi appearing in a group of precedents affects the judgment (plaintiff wins/defendant wins) is proposed. This method has been applied to a group of tax cases. Third, the logical structure of 70 labor cases is described in detail by using factors and a bipolar argumentation framework (BAF) and an (extended argumentation framework (EAF) together. BAF describes the logical structure between plaintiff and defendant, and EAF describes the decision of the judge. Incorporating the legal topoi into the EAF of computational argumentation theory, the strength of the analysis of precedents by combined use of factored BAF and EAF, not only which argument the judge adopted could be specified. It was also possible to determine what kind of value judgment was made and to verify the logic. The analysis methods in this book demonstrate the application of logic-based AI methods to the legal domain, and they contribute to the education and training of law school students in logical ways of argumentation.

Philosophical Semiotics: The Coming into Being of the World of Meaning

by Yiheng Zhao

This book attempts to solve the question whether semiotics is a methodology as is generally held and if the studies of meaning and the mind can shed light on a series of metaphysical issues, so that the edifice of semiotics could be erected on a philosophical ground. It proposes that a philosophical semiotics is, by necessity, a semiotic phenomenology about the construction of the “world of meaning” by signs, and any discussion about semiotics has to proceed around two core issues: meaning and the mind.This book particularly exemplifies the semiotic connections in various schools of traditional Chinese philosophies. In the “Pre-Imperial Age” (before BC 300), there emerged an abundance of semiotic thinking in China, from Yijing the first sign system that aims to explain everything in the world, to the Namists’s subtle argument about the form of meaning, from the Yin-Yang/five elements of the Han, to the “Things are non-existent while mind is non-non-existent” principle of the Vijñāptimātratāsiddhi School of Buddhism in the Tang, and from the Sudden Revelation of Chan Buddhism to the “Nothing outside the mind” endorsed by the Mindist Confucianism in the Ming. The mighty trend of philosophical heritage provides rich food to our understanding of the form of meaning.

Behavioral Public Choice Economics and the Law (SpringerBriefs in Law)

by Eric C. Ip

This book provides an accessible introduction to the emerging field of behavioral public choice economics and the law. This field studies how public officials, lawmakers, and judges fall prey to their own biases and heuristics, and how constitutions and judicial doctrines can be structured to mitigate these cognitive shortcomings. Written lucidly in plain language, this book is invaluable to all students, scholars, and general readers interested in behavioral economics, law and economics, and political economy.

A Study of Legal Tradition of China from a Culture Perspective: Searching for Harmony in the Natural Order

by Zhiping Liang

Professor Zhiping Liang offers a new understanding of Chinese legal tradition in this profoundly influential book. Unlike the available literature using the usual method of legal history research, this book attempts to illustrate ancient Chinese legal tradition through cultural interpretation. The author holds that both the concept and practice of law are meaningful cultural symbols. The law reveals not only the life pattern in a specific time and space but also the world of the mind of a specific group of people. Therefore, just as cultures have different types, laws embedded in different societies and cultures also have different characters and spirits. Believing that human experience is often condensed into concepts, categories, and classifications, the author begins his discussion with the analysis of relevant terms and then seeks to understand history by interpreting the interaction and interconnectedness of the words, ideas, and practices. Based on the same understanding, the author uses modern concepts reflectively and critically, consciously exploiting the differences between ancient and contemporary Chinese and Western concepts to achieve a more realistic understanding of history while avoiding the ethnocentrism and modern-centrism common in historical studies.

The Power of Ideas: A History of Technological Thoughts on Digital Economics (Contributions to Economics)

by Zhiyi Liu

As the first academic monograph that a Chinese scholar discusses the histories of thoughts and ideas related to the development of digital economics, this book aims to make research from the perspective of the history of ideas and discuss the ideas influencing the development of digital economics and the evolution of related theories and thoughts with the methodology of interdisciplinary research.The human society is in the stage of major historic transition and enters the digital world with the main goal of developing the artificial world. In this world, the development of digital economics is significantly characterized by the deep interaction between the real and the virtual worlds, while the key triggering this paradigm reform is the evolution of ideas since the modern times. While involving the field of computer, these thoughts are also related to the fields of philosophy, ethics, communication and economics. Therefore, the results of the research on the history of ideas related to digital economics are required to really understand the depth of this discipline. If computationalism is the most important paradigm evolution of natural science, the most important paradigm evolution of social science is interdisciplinary complex science. In the meantime, this book is the most significant in understanding the nature of paradigm evolution related to the development of digital economics from the perspective of complex science and interdisciplinary systematic researches.Digital economics is in the foundation-laying phase, while this book mainly aims to historically narrate the thoughts of this discipline and hopes that readers can understand the influence of ideas in the old era on shaping the disciplines in the new era while exploring this new discipline. The construction of digital economics is a process of evolution. This book will be helpful to understand the underlying logic of the ideas constructed by the thinkers in different fields.

English Bilingual Project: Exploring the Pedagogical Function of Mentalese

by Mathew Varghese

Today, English is the global lingua franca and competent English communication skills should be one of the rights of all educated individuals irrespective of any socio-cultural limits. By introducing a new method, this book focuses on helping any learner to get sufficient communication skills in English as much as in the native language. This method helps one to avoid translating from mother tongue to English. And by using the method of thinking in English, one could acquire the required English bilingual skills naturally. The method is founded on the philosophical idea of mentalese—mind language as the base language of thinking available for humans for constructing thoughts. The proposed English Bilingual Project (EBP) helps one to transfer thoughts from a structureless mentalese to the grammatical structure of any language English/Japanese/Chinese. The method described in this book works in two ways: one it helps one to intuitively understand the working of mentalese; the other is by practicing think in English with the mentalese, one could generate the bilingual brain. The main procedure for transferring thoughts from the mentalese to English is through writing one’s thoughts. This helps one to think effectively in English like one’s own mother tongue. This method works as a prime requirement model for one to generate multilingual skills. The book resourced the idea of mentalese from the classical philosophy, reflects it with the modern generative theories, links it with the studies in neuro-linguistic studies on bilingualism and the bilingual brain.

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