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Showing 201 through 225 of 81,598 results

Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence

by Ben Carson

Conduct life with reference to God and your own talents.

Healing and Christianity

by Morton Kelsey

Kelsey has written a book on the history and practices of sacramental healing. Students and clergy should find this book to be especially useful.

Revelations: Alpha and Omega

by David Allen Rigsby

The Past. Our fifth planet, Tiamait, is in tact. Earth's covered by a water canopy, protecting us from the sun's harmful radiation, creating a globally warm climate. GOD weds ADAM and EVE. All angels honor them. LUCIFER, the Serpent Cherub and firstborn angel, takes offense to honoring creatures made from dust. While God rests, Lucifer looks to destroy mankind. He eats from the forbidden Tree for insight. Knowing Evil, he uses the mortal serpent made in his image to deceive us. Lucifer tricks one-third of all angels resting on Tiamait. Rebellion escalates, but all rebels are cast from Heaven. Adam and Eve face death. Lucifer faces eternal death in Hell after the prophesied Redeemer restores mankind to God. Lucifer's only hope: prevent his birth. Fallen angels mate with women to corrupt mankind's seed, producing giants. Earth becomes violent. God plans a flood. NOAH builds an ark. Knowledge is preserved by constructing pillars of brick and stone... the three Giza pyramids and stone Lion. Adam and Eve are buried within the Pyramids. Tiamait explodes, causing meteorites to destroy Earth's water shield and flood our planet. Dinosaurs are fossilized. Compressed vegetation becomes coal. To prevent the Messiah's birth, giants inhabit His prophesied birthplace. A titan, NIMROD, teaches hydrogen fusion. The sun's power is placed atop a tower to be sent Heavenward, destroying God's gateway. Nimrod's killed by SHEM, Noah's son. Tower construction continues as Nimrod's widow, SEMIRAMIS, forms her Mystery Religion cult. God scatters them, confusing their language. Cult survivors migrate to Eden's remains, Atlantis. Lucifer unites their speech and teaches them flight. Hydrogen isotopes are separated again from water in ziggurats. Fearing mankind's destruction, God destroys Atlantis. Atlanteans escaping to Europe, continue their mystery religion in Egypt. The Lion's head is re-carved: the Sphinx. The Righteous inhabits the Promised Land after defeating giants there. The Redeemer, JESUS CHRIST, is born. He's sacrificed. He's resurrected with 144,000 Saints, including Adam and Eve. Jesus visits South America, as VIRACOCHA. After forty-days on earth, He promises to return someday. Lucifer's last hope: prevent His return. Christ's church in Rome mixes with mystery religions. Mystery Babylon.

In Search of Love (McFadden Brothers #1)

by Christine Lynxwiler

Christian romance

Raining Fire

by Lynn A. Coleman

Christian romance set in Kentucky in the 1830's.

Precious Jewels

by Nancy J. Farrier

Christian romance set in the Dakota Territory in 1888.

Major League Dad

by Kathleen Y'Barbo

Christian romance

Safer Than a Known Way

by Pamela Rosewell Moore

life story of Pamela Roswell Moore, companion to Corrie Ten Boom for the last years of her life

War Without End: Israelis, Palestinians and the struggle for a Promised Land

by Anton La Guardia

The Story of a long-lived historical rivalry.

Lesbian Rabbis: The First Generation

by Shirley Idelson Sue Levi Elwell Rebecca T. Alpert

Stories of eighteen lesbian rabbis.

The Saintly Buccaneer (House of Winslow, #5)

by Gilbert Morris

Divided by political and spiritual differences, Nathan and Paul, the Winslow cousins, continue their separate struggles during the American Revolution. Nathan fights to keep the hopes of the Continental Army alive at Valley Forge while Paul remains bitterly opposed to the Revolution. Providence temporarily delivers Paul from his own acrid character. He is shanghaied by a British press gang to work aboard a navy frigate, and a sudden attack of amnesia results in an innocence and confidence foreign to all he has been before. Can he escape the ship? Can he escape the person he used to be when his memory returns?

Karla Faye Tucker Set Free: Life And Faith On Death Row

by Linda Strom

Karla Faye Tucker, the first woman executed in Texas in over one hundred years, became an evangelist for Christ during her fourteen-year imprisonment on Death Row. This is the story of Karla's spiritual journey, the women and men she reached, and the God who offers redemption and hope to the hardest of hearts.

The Turncoat

by Diann Mills

Christian romance set during the American Revolution.

Joe's Diner

by Gail Sattler

Christian romance

Renaissance Drama and the English Church Year

by Rudolph Chris Hassel Jr.

Evidence encouraging a new and productive approach to Renaissance drama has long been available in the records of Renaissance court perfon-nances compiled by E. K. Chambers and Gerald Eades Bentley.' Over fifty years ago Chambers noticed the persistent correlation between the dates of dramatic performance at Elizabeth's court and certain liturgical festivals of the English church year. Whether in Whitehall or elsewhere, the twelve days of Christmas from the Nativity to the Epiphany, were a season of high revels.... Twelfth Night [6 Jan.] itself, with St. Stephen's [26 Dec.] , St. John's [27 Dec.], Innocents' [28 Dec.], and New Year's Day [circumcision], were regularly appointed for plays and masks, which often overflowed on to other nights during the period.... The revels were renewed for Candlemas [2 Feb.] and for Shrovetide [Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday] , either at the Christmas headquarters or at some other palace to which the court had meanwhile removed. . . . Easter, with the distribution of alms and washing of feet on Maunday Thursday, and Whitsuntide, were kept as ecclesiastical, rather than secular feasts. [1: 19-201 Gradually emerging during the sixteenth century, this calendar tradition seems to have peaked in the period 1570-85, continued strong until Elizabeth's death, diminished and changed somewhat during the Jacobean and Caroline periods, and then disappeared completely after 1640.


by Homer Duncan

This short book discusses what we can learn about heaven from the Bible. The author of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking Missionary Crusader International for providing its accessible digital book to this community.

The Abundant Life

by Homer Duncan

Discusses the impossibility of living the Christian life by one's own resources, and the need to depend on the enabling power of Christ working through the believer. The author of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking The World-Wide Missionary Crusader for providing its accessible digital book to this community.

Dark Passage

by Junius Podrug

Using time travel, several people are transported to Galilee around 30 AD...

Wild Oats

by Pamela Morsi

Romance set in the Oklahoma Territory.

A Promise Made

by Janet Lee Barton

Christian romance set in the New Mexico Territory in the late 1890's.


by Linda Ford

Christian romance set in Alberta, Canada in 1919.

Emily's Place

by Tracey Victoria Bateman

Christian romance set in the 1880s

Look Who's Laughing

by Shari Macdonald Ann Spangler

rib-tickling stories of fun, faith, family, and friendship

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Showing 201 through 225 of 81,598 results