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Showing 65,301 through 65,325 of 81,408 results

Seeking the Promised Land

by David E. Campbell John C. Green David E. Campbell John C. Green J. Quin Monson

Mormons have long had an outsized presence in American culture and politics, but they remain largely unknown to most Americans. Recent years have seen the political prominence of Mormons taken to a new level - including the presidential candidacy of Republican Mitt Romney, the prominent involvement of Mormons in the campaign for California's Proposition 8 (anti-gay marriage), and the ascendancy of Democrat Harry Reid to the position of Senate Majority Leader. This book provides the most thorough examination ever written of Mormons' place in the American political landscape - what Mormons are like politically and how non-Mormons respond to Mormon candidates. However, this is a book about more than Mormons. As a religious subculture in a pluralistic society, Mormons are a case study of how a religious group balances distinctiveness and assimilation - a question faced by all faiths.

Seeking the Sacred

by Stephanie Dowrick

Opening the Door of Your Heart: Moments of insight, love and compassion flow through Ajahn Brahm's stories like rivers of hope. In nearly thirty years as a Buddhist monk, born and educated in the West but trained in the Thai forest tradition, Ajahn Brahm has gathered many poignant, engaging and profound stories from the Buddhist philosophy. Seeking the Sacred: Imagine the world we would live in if we dared to see all of life as sacred - unconditionally. At a time when religion is increasingly seen as a cause of prejudice and division, or as irrelevant to our most pressing concerns, the eternal truths of a genuinely inclusive spiritual wisdom have never been more urgently needed or sought.

Seeking the Straight and Narrow: Weight Loss and Sexual Reorientation in Evangelical America

by Lynne Gerber

Losing weight and changing your sexual orientation are both notoriously difficult to do successfully. Yet many faithful evangelical Christians believe that thinness and heterosexuality are godly ideals—and that God will provide reliable paths toward them for those who fall short. Seeking the Straight and Narrow is a fascinating account of the world of evangelical efforts to alter our strongest bodily desires. Drawing on fieldwork at First Place, a popular Christian weight-loss program, and Exodus International, a network of ex-gay ministries, Lynne Gerber explores why some Christians feel that being fat or gay offends God, what exactly they do to lose weight or go straight, and how they make sense of the program’s results—or, frequently, their lack. Gerber notes the differences and striking parallels between the two programs, and, more broadly, she traces the ways that other social institutions have attempted to contain the excesses associated with fatness and homosexuality. Challenging narratives that place evangelicals in constant opposition to dominant American values, Gerber shows that these programs reflect the often overlooked connection between American cultural obsessions and Christian ones.

Seeking the Straight and Narrow: Weight Loss and Sexual Reorientation in Evangelical America

by Lynne Gerber

Losing weight and changing your sexual orientation are both notoriously difficult to do successfully. Yet many faithful evangelical Christians believe that thinness and heterosexuality are godly ideals—and that God will provide reliable paths toward them for those who fall short. Seeking the Straight and Narrow is a fascinating account of the world of evangelical efforts to alter our strongest bodily desires. Drawing on fieldwork at First Place, a popular Christian weight-loss program, and Exodus International, a network of ex-gay ministries, Lynne Gerber explores why some Christians feel that being fat or gay offends God, what exactly they do to lose weight or go straight, and how they make sense of the program’s results—or, frequently, their lack. Gerber notes the differences and striking parallels between the two programs, and, more broadly, she traces the ways that other social institutions have attempted to contain the excesses associated with fatness and homosexuality. Challenging narratives that place evangelicals in constant opposition to dominant American values, Gerber shows that these programs reflect the often overlooked connection between American cultural obsessions and Christian ones.

Seeking the Truth: Faith in the Face of Crime (True Blue K-9 Unit #6)

by Terri Reed

Her investigation could prove fatal…In this exciting True Blue K-9 Unit installmentBy secretly investigating the New York City K-9 Command Unit chief’s murder, reporter Rachelle Clark puts a bull’s-eye on her back. Single dad and K-9 unit officer Carter Jameson thought Rachelle was reporting on police-field-dog trials—not his brother’s death. Though he’s not happy about her true purpose, the danger is real…and he and his trusty German shepherd must save her.

Seeking the Truth of Things: Confessions of a (Catholic) Philosopher

by Al Gini

Far too many people think philosophy is an intellectual exercise that is beyond them, over their heads, or an intellectual waste of time. In Seeking the Truth of Things, Gini attempts to reestablish philosophy at the center and not the periphery of the public square by relating bits of wisdom that are both manageable yet imaginative and flavorful enough to entice and satisfy readers without ever overwhelming them.Known for his books on practical philosophy, such as The Importance of Being Lazy: In Praise of Play, Leisure, and Vacations and Why It's Hard to Be Good, Gini is a philosopher who writes for real people about things they actually care about, such as the meaning of work, moral courage, choice, sin, laughter, and leisure. In Seeking the Truth of Things, he explores his lifelong quest for wisdom. Part memoir, part introduction to key philosophical concepts, this book exposes the profound concerns that make us human in the context of real life.

Seeking True Values: Workbook

by Velina Hoover

The Day We Lost The Game, The Return of the Dove, The Gutenberg's' Secret Coaly Bay, Outlaw Horse, Charity, Who Hath a Book, Benjamin’s Message, Trek Across The Mountains and The Bible.

Seeking True Values: Grade 7 Textbook

by Pathway Publishers

Seeking True Values Grade 7 Textbook

Seen. Known. Loved.: 5 Truths About God and Your Love Language

by Gary Chapman R. York Moore

Could Your Love Language Guide You to a Meaningful Life?In a world of varying beliefs and endless opportunities, determining how to spend our lives can seem impossible. And even more difficult than finding direction can be finding meaning. Perhaps we know what we&’re most interested in, but how do we know if it has purpose?These longings are rooted in our desire to feel God&’s presence in our lives, which begins when we know how He communicates with us. Seen. Known. Loved. examines how God—the Creator of the universe—intimately communicates with each of His people. Relationships expert Gary Chapman and coauthor R. York Moore offer practical insights for how to know your own love language and how God uses it to communicate with you. When we come to understand our own unique love language, we discover how God both speaks and listens. And, therefore, how He is intimately involved in our lives in ways we have never before identified. The first step to living with meaning is living in union with our God—the source of meaning.

Seen. Known. Loved.: 5 Truths About God and Your Love Language

by Gary Chapman R. York Moore

Could Your Love Language Guide You to a Meaningful Life?In a world of varying beliefs and endless opportunities, determining how to spend our lives can seem impossible. And even more difficult than finding direction can be finding meaning. Perhaps we know what we&’re most interested in, but how do we know if it has purpose?These longings are rooted in our desire to feel God&’s presence in our lives, which begins when we know how He communicates with us. Seen. Known. Loved. examines how God—the Creator of the universe—intimately communicates with each of His people. Relationships expert Gary Chapman and coauthor R. York Moore offer practical insights for how to know your own love language and how God uses it to communicate with you. When we come to understand our own unique love language, we discover how God both speaks and listens. And, therefore, how He is intimately involved in our lives in ways we have never before identified. The first step to living with meaning is living in union with our God—the source of meaning.

Seen, Secure, Free: How a Life Hidden with Christ Strengthens and Transforms You

by Allison Allen

In a world that screams Be Seen! Be Known! and often measures value by likes and shares and follows, it's easy to feel invisible, unheard, unloved. But God's Word offers a powerful and freeing counternarrative: true treasure is actually found in the "hidden" life of Christ.Somewhere along the way, we've confused our level of visibility with our value. We've mixed up fame with fruitfulness. We've equated exposure with excellence.But what if we stopped trying so hard to be seen, recognized, and affirmed by the world around us? What if there's a different way of living altogether?Seen, Secure, Free unpacks the great promise in Colossians 3:3: "Your life is hidden with Christ in God" and reminds us that when God hides us in himself, he provides a non-negotiable, never-ending source of contentment, identity, and worth.Join Bible teacher Allison Allen as she explores the incredible power of hiddenness in nature, history, and Scripture, which will help you:Let go of the pressure to be recognized and praised by others;Release the resentment that comes from feeling unseen or misunderstood;Find contentment in a loving God who knows you deeply;Find security in a powerful God who establishes your identity, worth, and purpose;Reset your motivations and goals to align with his kingdom; andFeel freed to pursue new adventures with Jesus No more striving to be seen or wondering if you matter; no more pressure to perform or be visible to the world. Instead, rest assured that God truly sees, knows, and loves you more than any person ever could. And let him lead you into the freedom, joy, and transformative power of a life hidden in him.

The Seer

by Lars Muhl

The Seer is a compelling account of one man's spiritual awakening, written with extraordinary energy, candour and humility. The first of three books that together comprise 'The O Manuscript', it is the beginning of a personal and philosophical quest that challenges conventional wisdom and takes the reader on a mystical journey through ancient history and modern times. The book begins with the author at a crossroads, suffering from debilitating health, his personal and professional lives disintegrating around him. Bed-ridden for three years, Lars Muhl was put in touch with a seer who helped him, over the telephone initially, to recover his energy and brought him back to life. The Seer became his spiritual leader, teaching him the inner truths of existence. We travel with him to Montsegur, a remote mountain village and castle in southern France, where he meets the Seer and begins his remarkable and challenging adventure. The book is not only a spellbinding introduction to the ancient vision of cosmic interconnectedness, but also a critical evaluation of a long list of limiting New Age dogmas.When Lars and the Seer part, the latter hands an old manuscript into the author's care - a doorway to further revelations.

The Seeress of Prevorst: Her Secret Language and Prophecies from the Spirit World

by John Desalvo

Prophecies of a 19th-century German mystic who spent seven years suspended between life and death• Focuses on the mysterious “language of the spirits” that the seeress spoke and wrote• Contains a biography of the Seeress of Prevorst’s life and illustrations of all known examples of her spiritual script and diagramsKnown as the Seeress of Prevorst, Frederika Hauffe (1801-1829) was a German mystic and clairvoyant who was subject to convulsions and trances that caused her to remain bedridden from 1822 until her death seven years later. While in this state suspended between life and death, she received revelations from the spirit world about the triune doctrine of body, soul, and spirit, and she drew precise geometrical diagrams, often in complete darkness and with astonishing speed. The spirits of the dead were said to be in constant attendance on her and were even occasionally seen by others. Her most remarkable gift, however, was the ability to write and speak in what she called “the language of the spirits,” a unique coded alphabet that incorporated numbers and primitive ideographs. Using his scientific expertise to decode her secret language and diagrams, John DeSalvo examines the life and revelations of the Seeress of Prevorst and her importance in light of spiritual development over the nearly two centuries since her death. Preceding the rise of Spiritualism by two generations, the seeress’s prophecies and teachings threw open the door to the spirit world. With one foot in each world, her life and work offer a portal into mystical realms as fascinating today as in her own time.

The Seer's House and Other Sermons

by James Rutherford

A fantastic collection of devotionals from Scottish preacher James Rutherford.“One feels that the preacher of these sermons truly lives in the Seer's House. Somehow Scotland is the preaching-center of the English-speaking world, and this series is by no means inferior to the high standard of the Scottish pulpit. Such simplicity, insight, strength, tenderness, directness, and clarity might well be coveted by any preacher.”-Journal of Religion, Vol. 44, no. 6.


by Ewa Lipska Barbara Bogoczek Tony Howard

Poetic, witty, and ever so faintly surreal, Sefer delicately explores the legacy of the Holocaust for the postwar generation, a generation for whom a devastating history has grown distant, both temporally and emotionally. The novel’s protagonist, Jan Sefer, is a psychotherapist living in Vienna—someone whose professional life puts him in daily contact with the traumas of others but who has found it difficult to address his own family background, especially his memories of his father. During a two-week trip to his father’s birthplace, Kraków—a visit he has long postponed—he begins to sort out some of his feelings and to connect with a past the memory of which is swiftly disintegrating. Much like memory itself, Sefer speaks to us obliquely, through the juxtaposition of images and vignettes rather than through the construction of a linear narrative. With its fragmentary structure and its preference for hints rather than explanations, the novel belongs to the realm of the postmodern, while it also incorporates subtle elements of magical realism. One of Poland’s best-known poets, Ewa Lipska is today a major figure in European literature. In their translation of Sefer, Lipska’s first novel, translators Barbara Bogoczek and Tony Howard deftly capture the poet’s unmistakable voice—cool and precise, gently ironic, and deeply humane.

"Sefer Hasidim" and the Ashkenazic Book in Medieval Europe (Jewish Culture and Contexts)

by Ivan G. Marcus

Composed in Germany in the early thirteenth century by Judah ben Samuel he-hasid, Sefer Hasidim, or "Book of the Pietists," is a compendium of religious instruction that portrays the everyday life of Jews as they lived together with and apart from Christians in towns such as Speyer, Worms, Mainz, and Regensburg. A charismatic religious teacher who recorded hundreds of original stories that mirrored situations in medieval social living, Judah's messages advocated praying slowly and avoiding honor, pleasure, wealth, and the lures of unmarried sex. Although he failed to enact his utopian vision of a pietist Jewish society, his collected writings would help shape the religious culture of Ashkenazic Judaism for centuries.In "Sefer Hasidim" and the Ashkenazic Book in Medieval Europe, Ivan G. Marcus proposes a new paradigm for understanding how this particular book was composed. The work, he contends, was an open text written by a single author in hundreds of disjunctive, yet self-contained, segments, which were then combined into multiple alternative versions, each equally authoritative. While Sefer Hasidim offers the clearest example of this model of composition, Marcus argues that it was not unique: the production of Ashkenazic books in small and easily rearranged paragraphs is a literary and cultural phenomenon quite distinct from anything practiced by the Christian authors of northern Europe or the Sephardic Jews of the south. According to Marcus, Judah, in authoring Sefer Hasidim in this manner, not only resisted Greco-Roman influences on Ashkenazic literary form but also extended an earlier Byzantine rabbinic tradition of authorship into medieval European Jewish culture.

"Sefer Yesirah" and Its Contexts: Other Jewish Voices (Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion)

by Tzahi Weiss

Sefer Yeṣirah, or "Book of Formation," is one of the most influential Jewish compositions of late antiquity. First attested to in the tenth century C.E. and attributed by some to the patriarch Abraham himself, Sefer Yeṣirah claims that the world was created by the powers of the decimal number system and the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This short, enigmatic treatise was considered canonical by Jewish philosophers and Kabbalists and has fascinated Western thinkers and writers as diverse as Leibnitz and Borges. Nonetheless, Sefer Yesirah is nearly impossible to contextualize, mainly owing to its unique style and the fact that it does not refer to, nor is it referenced by, any other source in late antiquity. After a century and a half of modern scholarship, the most fundamental questions regarding its origins remain contested: Who wrote Sefer Yeṣirah? Where and when was it written? What was its "original" version? What is the meaning of this treatise?In "Sefer Yeṣirah" and Its Contexts, Tzahi Weiss explores anew the history of this enigmatic work. Through careful scrutiny of the text's evolution, he traces its origins to the seventh century C.E., to Jews who lived far from rabbinic circles and were familiar with the teachings of Syriac Christianity. In addition, he examines the reception of Sefer Yeṣirah by anonymous commentators and laypeople who, as early as the twelfth century C.E., regarded Sefer Yeṣirah as a mystical, mythical, or magical treatise, thus significantly differing from the common rabbinic view in that period of the text as a philosophical and scientific work. Examined against the backdrop of this newly sketched historical context, Sefer Yeṣirah provides a unique and surprising aperture to little-known Jewish intellectual traditions of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages which, despite their distance from the rabbinic canon, played a vital role in the development of medieval Jewish learning and culture.

Segredos do Mundo Judeu

by Melissa Maia Moscoso Bernard Levine

Este livro vai abrir a porta para novas e excitantes descobertas sobre os segredos da religião judaica, tradições eo modo de vida judaico. Você vai descobrir: Por que as mulheres judias não tem permissão para tocar ou ler uma Bíblia? Qual é o sobrenome de Jesus? Quais letras do alfabeto são impressas de cabeça para baixo na Bíblia? Por que os judeus não comem queijo com hambúrgueres? Qual o é nome pessoal único de Deus que é deixado de fora da maioria das Bíblias? Qual é a diferença entre hebraico e iídiche? Judeus são permitidos a ajoelhar-se em oração? todos os judeus são o mesmo? Existem diferentes seitas judaicas religiosas? Existe uma oração especial que é ditaantes de ir ao banheiro? Por que as mulheres não podem sentar-se juntos com seus maridos na sinagoga? Como você fala sobre Jesus Cristo a um judeu? Os homens judeus dançam junto com as mulheres? Para todos aqueles que amam o povo judeu e anseiam descobrir mais sobre sua religião e modo de vida, para cada cristão que ama Jesus e gostaria de saber mais sobre as suas raízes judaicas ... .este livro único é lotado com segredos muito preciosos que agora foram revelados!

Segredos escondidos do mundo Judaico agora revelados: (O que os Cristãos não sabem sobre os Judeus)

by Adelaide Franco Nikolic Bernard Levine

Vocês pediram, e por demanda popular, aqui estão mais segredos da vida e dos costumes dos Judeus. O que é que os Judeus fazem nas suas casas diariamente? O que é que comem? O que é que fazem durante o Sabat? Quais são os feriados Judaicos e como é que se celebram? Tudo isto e muito mais! Será com grande prazer que vai encontrar muitas explicações à medida que descobre os segredos escondidos do que acontece no mundo Judaico.

Segredos Íntimos Sexuais dos Judeus

by Ligia Ribeiro Bernard Levine

Qual é a verdadeira história sobre fazer sexo através de um buraco no lençol? O que os Rabinos fazem com os prepúcios que são cortados? Por que as mulheres devem mostrar suas roupas íntimas a um Rabino? Você sabe que o Rabino suga o sangue do pênis circuncidado de um bebê? Você já ouviu falar que há um método especial que os judeus utilizam para colocar os sapatos? Por que os judeus pegam uma galinha a balançam acima de suas cabeças? Por que os judeus enterram pratos na terra? Você ficará perplexo com os hábitos estranhos da comunidade judaica.

Segreti Sessuali Intimi degli Ebrei

by Giulia Roasio Bernard Levine

Questo volume è un'edizione interamente nuova con informazioni confidenziali che non sono mai state pubblicate prima. Rimarrai Shockato dalle strane pratiche della comunità ebraica. Qual è la verità sul sesso fatto attraverso un buco nelle lenzuola? Cosa fanno i Rabbini cn i prepuzi che rimuovono? Perchè le donne devono mostrare la pripria biancheria intima al Rabbino? Lo sapevi che il Rabbino succhia via il sangue dal pene circonciso del neonato? Hai mai sentito che c'è un modo speciale in cui gli ebrei dovrebbero mettersi le scarpe? Perchè gli ebrei usano un pollo vivo sventolandoselo sulla testa? Perchè gli ebrei seppelliscono i propri piatti a terra? Resterai shockato dalle strane pratiche della comunità ebraica.

Los seguidores de Megan: Un Espíritu Guía, Un Tigre Fantasma y ¡Una Madre que da Miedo! (La Serie Megan #5)

by Owen Jones

Un Espíritu Guía, Un Tigre Fantasma y ¡Una Madre que da Miedo! Megan es una niña de 13 años con poderes sobrenaturales. Algunos de ellos todavía están parcialmente desarrollados y otros están funcionando, pero ella no sabe cómo usarlos todavía. Sus mayores problemas por el momento es encontrar una maestra que pueda mostrarle cómo manejarlos adecuadamente. Otra es que no conoce a nadie que sepa algo acerca de los poderes sobrenaturales. De hecho, su madre está violentamente en contra de lo sobrenatural, al igual que su madre antes que ella. Las únicas personas que parecen estar dispuestas a ayudarla están muertas, no es que eso haga una diferencia para Megan. Ella abraza su ayuda con los brazos abiertos. Los seguidores de Megan se refieren a sus seguidores en Internet. Desde que acaba de cumplir trece años, sus padres y los sitios multimedia ahora le permiten usarlos, por lo que configura cuentas de Twitter, Facebook y LinkedIn. Wacinhinsha le enseña acerca de la comunicación y cómo se puede percibir a nivel espiritual.


by Jeffrey De Leon

Seguirazgo: (sustantivo) El acto de seguir y liderar simultáneamente.A lo largo del mundo, se escriben libros acerca del "líderfuerte" que vence a su oposición con una mera mirada. En el púlpito, se vemucho el fenómeno del líder macho, intocable, casi no humano. Pero el liderazgo que Dios ha levantado tiene como finprincipal servir a otros. Como el de Jesús, es un liderazgo compartido en dondepor muy alta que sea la posición el líder todavía entiende que es saludabledarles cuentas a otros. Los líderes verdaderos saben seguir para poder entoncesliderar. Esta frase no necesariamente tiene que ser consecutiva: mientras lideran,pueden y deben seguir a otros. La idea no es pasar algún tiempo siguiendo paraluego dejarlo para poder liderar. Seguimos siguiendo para poder liderar.

Segundas oportunidades: Más historias de gracia

by Wally Armstrong

El mulligan. El perdón generoso del golf. Un rehacer. ¿No sería genial ser capaz de tomar un mulligan en la vida? ¿Rehacer algunas de las decisiones que ya hemos tomado? ¿Tener una segunda oportunidad? Este libro es una inspiración a tomar un mulligan, a reconsiderar los intentos de esta vida y a obtener una segunda oportunidad sobre aquellos intentos que fracasamos. Este volumen sencillo y corto presenta a Ken Blanchard en lo suyo, lleno de sabiduría y consejo tan práctico como perspicaz que puede cambiar la forma de ver todas las cosas. Esta es una historia conmovedora de segundas oportunidades en la vida y en el golf , escrita con un estilo atractivo en forma de parábola, tal como los éxitos de librería Who Moved My Cheese?, Gung Ho!, Fish! y Whale Done! Bajo la tutoría de un profesional, un obstinado Paul McAllister aprende, dondequiera que esté, sobre prioridades, autoestima, segundas oportunidades en los intentos que fracasamos y sobre aquello que se necesita para jugar un buen juego, tanto en el golf como en la vida.

Segundas oportunidades

by Max Lucado

Nosotros los humanos somos propensos al fracaso. Somos expertos en enredar, revolver y estropear nuestras vidas. ¿Quién de nosotros no ha mirado hacia arriba desde el fondo de un hoyo y se ha dado cuenta de que lo ha cavado por sí mismo? ¿Quién no ha caído tan hondo y ha echado a perder las cosas de tal manera que ha llegado a pensar que no había esperanza? Es en estos momentos de desaliento cuando anhelamos un recordatorio de que hay esperanza para los quebrantados.Ningún recordatorio es tan conmovedor como una historia que hable de segundas oportunidades. Una historia de gracia en acción. ¿A cuántos no les servirían más historias como estas?Segundas oportunidades está lleno de relatos bíblicos, contemporáneos y de ficción extraídos de las obras publicadas de Max Lucado, donde se observa la gracia de Dios en acción, e incluye historias sobre nuevas oportunidades para aquellas personas propensas al fracaso, llenas de rebeldía, orgullo y otras condiciones. Desde Pedro hasta el rey David, pasando por una hija pródiga, estas historias les recordarán a los lectores la magnitud del evangelio sobre segundas oportunidades. We humans are prone to failure. We're experts at muddying, mixing, and messing up our lives. Who among us hasn't looked up from the bottom of a pit and realized he dug it himself? And it's at these low points that we crave reminders that there's hope for the broken.

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