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Sex Cult Nun: Breaking Away from the Children of God, a Wild, Radical Religious Cult

by Faith Jones

Named a Best Book of 2021 by Newsweek and a Most Anticipated by People, TIME, USA Today, Real Simple, Glamour, Nylon, Bustle, Purewow, Shondaland, and more!Educated meets The Vow in this story of liberation and self-empowerment—an inspiring and stranger-than-fiction memoir of growing up in and breaking free from the Children of God, an oppressive, extremist religious cult.Faith Jones was raised to be part a religious army preparing for the End Times. Growing up on an isolated farm in Macau, she prayed for hours every day and read letters of prophecy written by her grandfather, the founder of the Children of God. Tens of thousands of members strong, the cult followers looked to Faith’s grandfather as their guiding light. As such, Faith was celebrated as special and then punished doubly to remind her that she was not.Over decades, the Children of God grew into an international organization that became notorious for its alarming sex practices and allegations of abuse and exploitation. But with indomitable grit, Faith survived, creating a world of her own—pilfering books and teaching herself high school curriculum. Finally, at age twenty-three, thirsting for knowledge and freedom, she broke away, leaving behind everything she knew to forge her own path in America.A complicated family story mixed with a hauntingly intimate coming-of-age narrative, Faith Jones’ extraordinary memoir reflects our societal norms of oppression and abuse while providing a unique lens to explore spiritual manipulation and our rights in our bodies. Honest, eye-opening, uplifting, and intensely affecting, Sex Cult Nun brings to life a hidden world that’s hypnotically alien yet unexpectedly relatable.

The Vixen: A Novel

by Francine Prose

Named one of the best books of 2021 by NPR, The Washington Post, and Financial Times“No one states problems more correctly, more astutely, more amusingly and more uncomfortably than Francine Prose . . . The gift of her work to a reader is to create for us what she creates for her protagonist: the subtle unfolding, the moment-by-moment process of discovery as we read and change, from not knowing and even not wanting to know or care, to seeing what we had not seen and finding our way to the light of the ending.”—Amy Bloom, New York Times Book Review"Depending on the light, it’s either a very funny serious story or a very serious funny story. But no matter how you turn it, The Vixen offers an illuminating reflection on the slippery nature of truth in America, then and now."—Washington PostCritically acclaimed, bestselling author Francine Prose returns with a dazzling new novel set in the glamorous world of 1950s New York publishing, the story of a young man tasked with editing a steamy bodice-ripper based on the recent trial and execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg—an assignment that will reveal the true cost of entering that seductive, dangerous new world. It’s 1953, and Simon Putnam, a recent Harvard graduate newly hired by a distinguished New York publishing firm, has entered a glittering world of three-martini lunches, exclusive literary parties, and old-money aristocrats in exquisitely tailored suits, a far cry from his loving, middle-class Jewish family in Coney Island.But Simon’s first assignment—editing The Vixen, the Patriot and the Fanatic, a lurid bodice-ripper improbably based on the recent trial and execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, a potboiler intended to shore up the firm’s failing finances—makes him question the cost of admission. Because Simon has a secret that, at the height of the Red Scare and the McCarthy hearings, he cannot reveal: his beloved mother was a childhood friend of Ethel Rosenberg’s. His parents mourn Ethel’s death.Simon’s dilemma grows thornier when he meets The Vixen’s author, the startlingly beautiful, reckless, seductive Anya Partridge, ensconced in her opium-scented boudoir in a luxury Hudson River mental asylum. As mysteries deepen, as the confluence of sex, money, politics and power spirals out of Simon’s control, he must face what he’s lost by exchanging the loving safety of his middle-class Jewish parents’ Coney Island apartment for the witty, whiskey-soaked orbit of his charismatic boss, the legendary Warren Landry. Gradually Simon realizes that the people around him are not what they seem, that everyone is keeping secrets, that ordinary events may conceal a diabolical plot—and that these crises may steer him toward a brighter future. At once domestic and political, contemporary and historic, funny and heartbreaking, enlivened by surprising plot turns and passages from Anya’s hilariously bad novel, The Vixen illuminates a period of history with eerily striking similarities to the current moment. Meanwhile it asks timeless questions: How do we balance ambition and conscience? What do social mobility and cultural assimilation require us to sacrifice? How do we develop an authentic self, discover a vocation, and learn to live with the mysteries of love, family, art, life and loss?


by Noa Belling

What if you could practice, and access, happiness at any time? When were you last truly happy? How did 'happy' feel? Some people find that being happy is a natural state of being, but for others it's a constant struggle to find contentment with all of life's stresses and upheavals. Bestselling author and psychologist Noa Belling has designed a variety of 'happiness workouts' to help you do just that. Based on scientific studies of biochemistry and neuroscience, this book teaches you how to cultivate happiness by honing certain physical skills such as strength, flexibility, fluidity, grounding and warm-heartedness. Deeply rooted within your body, these skills foster resilience, confidence and creativity to help you meet life's challenges skillfully. A happiness workout is made up of everyday quick practices, complemented by physical exercise programs that are designed to be accessible no matter your age or level of fitness. Try it out and feel how it optimises your brain function and reliably turns things around!

The Book of Faerie Spells: Southern Hemisphere

by Cheralyn Darcey

The Spiritual Guidebook is a comprehensive guide to understanding and mastering healing and psychic techniques. Tap into your intuition, your heart and soul and be amazed at how your skills unfold and develop in surprising ways. The Spiritual Guidebook includes information about opening the 3rd eye, chakras, tarot, mediumship, crystals, reiki, healing, meditation, self-hypnosis, channelling, automatic writing, auras, scrying, psychometry, energy, essential oils, yoga, Guides, shamanism, numerology, health, quantum physics, sacred geometry, self-hypnosis, mind power, spirit releasement and setting goals! This is the book to expand your psychic knowledge and intuitive healing abilities in ways you never imagined...

Awaken your Psychic Ability - updated edition: LEARN HOW TO CONNECT TO THE SPIRIT WORLD

by Debbie Malone

Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body and its role in your general wellbeing cannot be overlooked. A healthy liver performs an amazing 500 different functions, from breaking down fat to extracting vitamins, storing energy and fighting infection. Yet, due to our modern lifestyles and environment, our livers can really take a hit. The time to take action is now and Healthy Liver contains all the tools and information you need to heal and restore this essential organ. Author Dr Cris Beer is a registered medical doctor and expert in holistic medicine, specialising not just in the prevention and treatment of illnesses but in attaining optimum wellbeing. With case studies, an easy-to-follow diagnosis questionnaire and a simple 7-day Detox plan, this book is your authoritative guide to ultimate liver health. Understand the importance of looking after your liver Includes Liver lovers and liver haters Understand how easy it is to change simple things in your lifestyle to improve your liver Six step Liver Detox plan A quick post party detox plan A percentage of the profit from the sale of Healthy Liver in Australia is being donated to the DRY JULY Charity.

What Happens Next? (What Happens Next? Ser.)

by Jade-Sky

Herbs can heal, comfort and nourish and they hold ancient energies that people have used throughout time to create magick spells. This same magickal power in nature is yours to explore with everyday sacred herbs so that you may also facilitate change and find the support and inspiration you are seeking. Along with 60 sacred herb spells from Cheralyn Darcey&’s personal nature grimoire, The Book of Herb Spells features spellcasting and spellcrafting basics, magickal gardening, supply sourcing and dedicated lessons on how to write and cast your own spells. To complete your treasury of herb nature magick, a beautifully illustrated personal grimoire journal section is provided to keep your own bespoke herbs spells.

Past Lives Unveiled: Discover how consciousness moves between lives

by Barry Eaton

Struggling to stay alive with a gaping wound across my back, I desperately wondered how I got to this point. My knife-wielding opponent was not the attacker... He'd been defending himself against an ego-driven, menacing thug who was intent on hurting him. That thug was me. In a hole of anxiety and depression, Luke Kennedy resorted to drugs, alcohol, graffiti and fighting in a desperate bid to silence his frantic mind. Soon he was leading a street-fighting and graffiti crew, and constantly coming close to killing others or being killed. Tortured by the voices in his head, Luke began looking for an out. Eventually he found it - and lost 47 kilos in the process. Redemption Road is the gripping and powerful story of Luke's journey from ego-driven, obese thug to fit, sober and successful business owner whose focus is on helping others turn their lives around.

Raising Angels: A Novel Filled with Love and the Wisdom of Angels

by Paul Morris Segal

This entertaining collection of tried and true games, tested by an aerial and physical theater performer, is perfect for any child who loves excitement, being physical, learning, or just having fun An invaluable tool for moms and dads to better engage with their young children, these amazing games can be played with both children and adults—as long as the main objective is to have fun! The games and instructions are easy to understand, with fun bright photos of children demonstrating how to play each one. It only includes games that have been tested by the author—so she&’s seen first hand that they're sure to be a hit with young kids. Includes games such as icebreakers and introduction games; chasing games; lively, physical games; quieter indoor games; games that involve trust; theatrical and musical games; classic games; and many more!

Plant Spirit Medicine: A Guide to Making Healing Products from Nature


Plant spirit medicine: what is it? Our modern world is travelling at such a speed, we have become separated from the natural world, which should be sustaining us physically, emotionally and spiritually. This book is about reconnecting with nature and the plants in our environment; it's also about learning to listen to the plants and applying what they have to tell us to mend that disconnection. Indigenous peoples from all around the world have worked with plant spirits for thousands of years, and this is how they came to know what specific plants were used for. In this book, you will learn how to listen to the plant spirits and how to access the medicine available through plants. You will also learn about plant spirit medicine making, from drying herbs to extracting plant properties to infusing oils, as well as how to make ointments, lotions, creams, smudge sticks and many more herbal products. Plant Spirit Medicine Making can help heal the parts of our soul and psyche that so desperately need it at this time in the story of humanity.

Crystal Shamanism

by Rachelle Charman

Based on bestselling author Rachelle Sharman's 20 years of teaching and writing practice, Crystal Shamanism comes to offer practical healing rituals in order to awaken your knowledge of earth medicine. By using crystals, you will experience a shamanic awakening that will assist you to build a strong relationship with the spirit of each medicine. This book includes stories of Rachelle's personal experiences, which offer a healing process and ceremony for readers to share in this experience. Each story also offers earth medicines and healing rituals that you can learn and teach to others. We are currently living in a very special time, where as a mass consciousness we are awakening to a deeper truth. It is time to awaken this innate knowing inside of us to offer this in our present time to our community, and to those who feel lost and in need of guidance and healing. This book is for anyone drawn to the path of healing and helping humanity.

Brave: Courageously live your truth

by Sheila Vijeyarasa

Ford Falcon Commemorative Edition celebrates the much-loved car's six-decade rule of Aussie roads and racetracks. With the chequered flag flying on the Blue Oval favourite, this book examines the first Falcons to take flight in the early 1960s through to the final FG-X. Special emphasis is placed on the glorious decade 1969-78 and the magnificent high-performance machines from the Falcon XW GT-HO to the XA, XB and the Cobra. These are cars that still command instant respect and ooze all the excitement, emotion, colour, freedom and raw power of their time. Ford Falcon captures the stories from the men who designed, developed, built and raced these bred-for-Bathurst beasts. It features stunning photography of Falcon's triumphs, milestones and majesty. After some 56 years and 3.8 million cars, what better way to say goodbye to Aussie motoring royalty.

The Spiritual Guidebook: Mastering Psychic Development and Techniques

by Anna Comerford

A Perfect Practice is a step-by-step guide to help the novice practitioner establish and maintain a successful practice in their choice of modality. Full of real-life examples, this book gives you clear guidelines on how to set up your practice, promote your business and make a living by following your passion. Whether you are a brand new practitioner or an existing professional who hasn't yet reached their potential, reading this book will give you insight from BelindaGrace&’s twenty years of experience in the mind, body and spirit health and healing fields. You have put so much time, energy, effort and money into coming this far, it&’s time to turn your passionate business into personal fulfilment and professional succes

Monsters and Creatures: Discover Beasts from Lore and Legends

by Gabiann Marin

Experience the exhilaration and danger of emergency trauma, where a few seconds can mean the difference between life and death, but also the raw beauty, vulnerability and remarkable resilience of the human spirit. We expect our ambos to be superhuman, remaining calm, controlling their emotions and thinking and acting clearly, however, the emotional depth of these stories will reveal a whole other side. Sandy is just like you, only she is at the wheel of an ambulance with life and death in her hands every day. Without shying away from the trauma, she shows the reader just how much a life deeply grounded in love can offer. Sandy&’s unique perspective as paramedic with the NSW Ambulance Service will open your mind, awaken your heart and shine a light in some very dark places.

Priestess Path

by Stacey Demarco

Become the awakened dreamer. You will never again say 'It's just a dream!' Rose Inserra, best-selling Author on Dreams and their meanings has taken it one level above in this advanced guide into lucid dreaming, astral projection and how to avoid sleep paralysis and deal with nightmares. Her dream interpretation techniques describe techniques to apply shamanic, nature-based principles such as soul journeys and tree wisdom into your everyday life. She also supplies guided meditations and step-by-step exercises on how to remember your dreams.

Discourses at the Communion on Fridays (Philosophy of Religion)

by Søren Kierkegaard

Søren Kierkegaard's 13 communion discourses constitute a distinct genre among the various forms of religious writing composed by Kierkegaard. Originally published at different times and places, Kierkegaard himself believed that these discourses served as a unifying element in his work and were crucial for understanding his religious thought and philosophy as a whole. Written in an intensely personal liturgical context, the communion discourses prepare the reader for participation in this rite by emphasizing the appropriate posture for forgiveness of sins and confession.

Human Flourishing, Spiritual Awakening and Cultural Renewal: Personal and Communal Challenges

by Francisco Díaz Estrada Catalina Elena Dobre Rafael García Pavón

This book seeks to generate a theoretical and a reflective framework to re-connect people with culture and spirituality. It seeks to recreate important links between these domains to provide interpretative, foundational, and ethical perspectives. It is distinctive in that it focusses on the challenges that humanity is facing at a cultural, social, moral, and spiritual level. It provides a philosophical understanding of humanity from a humanistic and multidisciplinary perspective (encompassing ethics, language, art/cinema, political, cultural and gender approaches) and offers a variety of ways of how we can rethink our culture and our society for the future.

Mevlevi Manuscripts, 1268–c. 1400: A Study of the Sources

by Cailah Jackson

This book provides a detailed and carefully researched catalogue of over 140 manuscripts related to the Mevlevi Sufis in their formative period during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. It also offers an in-depth and rigorous analysis of the manuscript material, which reveals much about the role of manuscripts in early Mevlevi life, the identity of disciples who were scribes and manuscript owners, and the geographical spread of the Sufi group. The Mevlevi Sufis were one of the most important and prominent socio-religious groups to emerge in late medieval Anatolia, following the Mongol conquests of the 1240s. Sometimes known colloquially as the ‘whirling dervishes,’ the Mevlevis became particularly powerful under Ottoman rule in the early modern period, even counting some sultans as their disciples. However, there is still much to learn about their earliest days, following the death of their ‘patron saint’ Jalal al-Din Rumi in 1273. Rumi is of course also notable as the authorof the Masnavi, an extensive work of Sufi poetry written in rhyming couplets that is the core of Mevlevi ritual and learning. Beyond Mevlevi circles, Rumi remains very popular today as a ‘mystic’ poet. This study sheds new light on the intellectual culture of his time.

Going Home: One of the Observer's Debut Novels of 2024

by Tom Lamont

'Meltingly warm'OBSERVER, 10 BEST NEW NOVELISTS FOR 2024'Pepped up and gorgeous, just bristling with life'OLIVIA LAING, GUARDIAN'A beautiful, funny tale of London and lives new and old'SUNDAY TIMES'A spirit-lifting debut'DAVID MITCHELL, author of Cloud Atlas'Poignant yet very funny . . . Tom Lamont writes in clear, swift prose about the power struggles that exist in even the most loving of families and the longest of friendships. A lyrical, hypnotic delight'KATHERINE HEINY, author of Games and Rituals'I will never forget these characters: so pained and funny, so brilliantly drawn, wrestled with and forgiven' HELEN GARNER, author of The Children's Bach'I adored every moment. The characters have stayed with me ever since'BELLA MACKIE, author of How To Kill Your Family'It has a bright ring of truth which chimes on every page' CLAIRE FULLER, author of Unsettled Ground'Explores parenthood, responsibility, freedom and faith . . . Immersive and finely observed'THE BOOKSELLER, Editor's ChoiceLocal boy Téo Erskine is back in the north London suburb of his youth, visiting his father - stubborn, selfish, complicated Vic. Things have changed for Téo: he's got a steady job, a brand-new car and a London flat all concrete and glass, with a sliver of a river view.Except, underneath the surface, not much has changed at all. He's still the boy seeking his father's approval; the young man playing late-night poker with his best friend, unreliable, infuriating Ben Mossam; the one still desperately in love with the enigmatic Lia Woods.Lia's life, on the other hand, has been transformed: now a single mum to two-year-old Joel, she doesn't have time for anyone - not even herself.When the unthinkable happens, Joel finds himself at the centre of an odd constellation of men - Téo, Vic, Ben - none of whom is fully equipped to look after him, but whose strange, tentative attempts at love might just be enough to offer him a new place to call home.

NIV Bible: Job-Song of Songs

by New International Version

Poirot actor David Suchet reads some of the most beautiful books of the Bible - the poetry books of the Old Testament from Job to Song of Songs.Ever since he became a Christian at the age of forty, it has been Poirot actor David Suchet's dream to make an audio recording of the whole Bible. Starting with the writings of the Apostle Paul to accompany his BBC1 documentary, 'In the Footsteps of St Paul', Suchet now turns his attention to the poetical books of the Old Testament, Job to Song of Songs. This portion of the Bible includes the famous Psalms of David - some of the most deeply emotional and beautiful passages in biblical literature. Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011 translation.

NIV Bible: Isaiah–Lamentations

by New International Version

This audio book contains three of the major prophetic books of the Old Testament - Isaiah, Jeremiah and Lamentations, narrated by Poirot actor David Suchet.The first three of the prophetic books of the Bible, from Isaiah to Lamentations, using the New International Version 2011 translation, read by Poirot actor, David Suchet. The sixteen Old Testament prophets preached God's Word, including both promises and judgment warnings to Israel and Judah, between about 760 BC and 460 BC - a period of great change for God's people. The prophets spoke into the situation - explaining persuasively why the people were living such hard lives in foreign exile, but they also prophesied how God would eventually undo it and redeem his wayward people by grace via a new covenant. Acclaimed British actor David Suchet brings his deep, melodic and un-rushed voice to this beautiful and profound section of the Bible.An enhanced ebook, containing the NIV Bible text to accompany the narration is also available.

NIV Bible: Genesis-Deuteronomy

by New International Version

Acclaimed British actor, David Suchet, reads the first five book of the Holy Bible.Ever since he became a Christian at the age of forty, it has been Poirot actor David Suchet's dream to make an audio recording of the whole Bible. Starting with the writings of the Apostle Paul to accompany his BBC1 documentary, 'In the Footsteps of St Paul', Suchet now turns his attention to the Law - the first five books of the Bible - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011 translation.

NIV Bible: Matthew-John (New International Version)

by New International Version

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - the first four books of the New Testament known as the Gospels, narrated by Poirot actor, David Suchet. Ever since he became a Christian at the age of forty, it has been Poirot actor David Suchet's dream to make an audio recording of the whole Bible. Starting with the writings of the Apostle Paul to accompany his BBC1 documentary, 'In the Footsteps of St Paul', Suchet now turns his attention to the story of Jesus - the leading figure of Christianity - as he reads from the gospels.Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011 translation.

NIV Bible: Acts–Revelation

by New International Version

The book of Acts and the letters of St Paul from the Holy Bible, read by David Suchet. David Suchet reads the biblical letters (from Acts to Revelation) to accompany his BBC1 series, 'In the Footsteps of St Paul'. In the two part documentary, the Poirot actor travels to ancient and modern locations around the Mediterranean, interviewing experts and uncovering the latest archaeological research surrounding St Paul's career.Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011 translation.

NIV Bible: 2 Kings - Esther

by New International Version

Acclaimed British actor, David Suchet, reads the historical books of the Old Testament from the Holy Bible, NIV 2011 translation - 2 Kings to Esther.Ever since he became a Christian at the age of forty, it has been Poirot actor David Suchet's dream to make an audio recording of the whole Bible. Starting with the writings of the Apostle Paul to accompany his BBC1 documentary, 'In the Footsteps of St Paul', Suchet now turns his attention to the historical books of the Old Testament, 2 Kings to Esther. Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011 translation.

The Dissident: A Novel

by Paul Goldberg

“A feast for serious fiction readers.” —Wendy Smith, The Washington Post“A dead-serious, dead-funny, no-he-didn't marvel.” —Joshua Cohen, author of The NetanyahusA thrilling, witty, and slyly original Cold War mystery about a ragtag group of Jewish refuseniks in Moscow.On his wedding day in 1976, Viktor Moroz stumbles upon a murder scene: two gay men, one of them a U.S. official, have been axed to death in Moscow. Viktor, a Jewish refusenik, is stuck in the Soviet Union because the government has denied his application to leave for Israel; he sits “in refusal” alongside his wife and their group of intellectuals, Jewish and not. But the KGB spots Viktor leaving the murder scene. Plucked off the street, he’s given a choice: find the murderer or become the suspect of convenience. His deadline is nine days later, when Henry Kissinger will be arriving in Moscow. Unsolved ax murders, it seems, aren’t good for politics.A whip-smart, often hilarious Cold War thriller, Paul Goldberg’s The Dissident explores what it means to survive in the face of impossible choices and monumental consequences. To help solve the case, Viktor ropes in his community, which includes his banned-text-distributing wife, a hard-drinking sculptor, a Russian priest of Jewish heritage, and a visiting American intent on reliving World War II heroics. As Viktor struggles to determine whom to trust, he’s forced to question not only the KGB’s murky motives but also those of his fellow refuseniks—and the man he admires above all: Kissinger himself.Immersive, unpredictable, and always ax-sharp, The Dissident is Cold War intrigue at its most inventive. It is an uncompromising look at sacrifice, community, and the scars of history and identity, from an expert storyteller.

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