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Restore the Table: Discovering the Powerful Connections of Meaningful Mealtimes

by Ryan Rush

Restore the Table shows readers the importance of meaningful mealtimes and how gathering around a table with those we love can help build relationships, improve our quality of life, and go deeper in our walk with God. When is the last time you gathered around the dinner table with those you loved without distractions, having meaningful and intentional conversation? If you can&’t remember, you&’re not alone. Americans have lost the art of gathering around the table. Busy schedules, digital distractions, and loneliness plague us, making gathering around the table for a meal feel like something from the distant past. This is why Pastor Ryan Rush posed a challenge to his congregation: have five meaningful mealtimes with those you love each week. The challenge took off and what happened was transformative. Marriages were strengthened, siblings got along better, people who had struggled with addictions began to face them, students&’ grades improved. The table changed everything. In Restore the Table, Pastor Rush offers this challenge to all readers who want to strengthen their relationships, improve their quality of life, and go deeper in their walk with God. In the book, he addresses: the tables of our pasts and how they&’ve impacted us why Jesus chose mealtimes to build relationships with people outside his circle how to create a healthy and intentional mealtime habit with your loved ones how the table can establish your legacy for years to come Restore the Table will convince readers that the table is so much more than the place we eat. When used intentionally for discipleship and connection, the table can change the world.

Resurrection Remembered: A Memory Approach to Jesus’ Resurrection in First Corinthians

by David Graieg

This book is the first major study to investigate Jesus’ resurrection using a memory approach. It develops the logic for and the methodology of a memory approach, including that there were about two decades between the events surrounding Jesus’ resurrection and the recording of those events in First Corinthians. The memory of those events was frequently rehearsed, perhaps weekly.The transmission of the oral tradition occurred in various ways, including the overlooked fourth model—“formal uncontrolled.” Consideration is given to an examination of the philosophy and psychology of memory (including past and new research on (1) the constructive nature of memory, (2) social memory, (3) transience, (4) memory distortion, (5) false memories, (6) the social contagion of memory, and (7) flashbulb memory). In addition, this is the first New Testament study to consider the insights for a memory approach from the philosophical considerations of (1) forgetting and (2) the theories of remembering and from the psychological studies on (1) memory conformity, (2) memory and age, and (3) the effects of health on memory. It is argued that Paul remembers Jesus as having been resurrected with a transformed physical body. Furthermore, the centrality of Jesus’ resurrection in Paul’s theology suggests it was a deeply embedded memory of primary importance to the social identity of the early Christian communities.New Testament scholars and students will want to take note of how this work advances the discussion in historical Jesus studies. The broader Christian audience will also find the apologetic implications of interest.

Rethinking Subsidiarity: Multidisciplinary Reflections on the Catholic Social Tradition

by Martin Schlag Boglárka Koller

This book takes a fresh and interdisciplinary approach to the concept of subsidiarity. While subsidiarity is commonly understood as an organizational principle that assigns competences to the appropriate level within an organization, its application extends beyond politics. This innovative book offers a comprehensive analysis that includes religious and secular perspectives, exploring the relevance of subsidiarity to society, business, law and politics.By bridging the gap between theology, philosophy, political science, law, and history, this volume fills a significant gap in the literature. It reexamines the ideological foundations of subsidiarity within the Catholic social tradition, investigates its practical implications, and questions how it can address the challenges faced by contemporary business environments, particularly issues of social inequity. With a normative and conceptual approach, the book critically reflects on the links between subsidiarity and themes such as responsible business practices, ecological concerns, individual autonomy, and the common good. By exploring the potential of subsidiarity to overcome dichotomies and promote a middle ground between government-based solutions and individual freedom, the volume offers valuable insights and practical solutions.This volume stands out as the first major study dedicated to subsidiarity in society, business, law and politics. Through its multidisciplinary lens, it sheds light on unexplored connections and highlights the role of subsidiarity in fostering ethical and socially responsible behavior. It is an essential resource for researchers, PhD and graduate students, as well as professionals in theology, philosophy, political sciences, law, and history who seek a comprehensive understanding of subsidiarity and its implications for contemporary issues.

Retired Missionaries and Faith in a Changing Society (Routledge Studies in Religion)

by Carmel Gallagher

Retired Missionaries and Faith in a Changing Society offers a sociological study of the Irish missionary diaspora. It draws on a series of interviews with female and male Catholic missionaries, mainly nuns and priests, who have worked in Asia, Africa and Central and South America, and who have returned to live in Ireland. The chapters provide unique insight into their experiences, exploring how they have navigated life-course changes in the context of changing church and changing societies. Retired missionaries have several vantage points from which to communicate their understandings, having worked across cultures and encountered some of the most challenging global social problems. Responding to significant changes in the Catholic Church, in Irish society, in their host countries and in mission work itself, their lives offer valuable perspectives on what it is to be Christian in contemporary society. The rich narrative data illuminates deep and complex processes of meaning-making as missionaries have sought to integrate their religion and spirituality in dynamic and diverse settings. The book suggests that the holistic character of the work of missionaries raises important questions about the different ways of being ethical, religious and acting justly in the world today. It will be of particular interest to scholars of Christianity, missiology, and the sociology of religion.

Retrieving the Spiritual Teaching of Jesus: Sandra Schneiders, William Spohn, and Lisa Sowle Cahill (Past Light on Present Life: Theology, Ethics, and Spirituality)

by Roger Haight, SJ, Alfred Pach III, and Amanda Avila Kaminski

This volume directs attention to the teaching of Jesus; it introduces the question of how the imagination has to work in order to retrieve the teaching of Jesus and apply it to actual life in our day. Teachers and preachers are engaged in this work all the time, but upon examination it involves a process that bears reflection. We live in a world that is so different from the world in which Jesus taught that many ask about its practicability relative to our complex everyday lives. The volume turns to three authors who work at this, have thought through present-day theory of interpretation, and respond to basic questions that explain the adjustments that allow us to apply Jesus’ teaching to our dilemmas with interpretation that remain faithful to the content that he proposed. Sandra Schneiders turns to modern hermeneutics, the theory of interpretation, and explains what is going on in the human mind that allows us to say that present-day interpretation, while different from Jesus because our “worlds” are different, corresponds to what Jesus communicated in the past relative to his world. William Spohn pushes the same idea further to concrete examples of how analogy, sameness and difference together, both binds the imagination to Jesus and frees us to see new relevance for Jesus’ actual teaching. And Lisa Sowle Cahill takes the spirit of the other two into the social order to show how Jesus’ teaching has a real relevance for the highly complex societies in which we live today. The logics of these three authors offer models for what is going on in all of the Past Light on Present Life volumes as they represent different historical periods and distinct themes in Western Christian spirituality.

The Return of Prayers: The Tidings Of Peace; And The Folly Of Relapsing (classic Reprint)

by Thomas Goodwin

Delve into the profound and transformative practice of prayer with Thomas Goodwin's classic work, The Return of Prayers. This insightful book offers a deep exploration of how God responds to the prayers of the faithful, providing readers with a richer understanding of the dynamics of prayer and divine intervention.Thomas Goodwin, a renowned Puritan theologian and preacher, brings his extensive biblical knowledge and spiritual wisdom to this thoughtful examination of prayer. The Return of Prayers addresses the vital question of how and when God answers the petitions of His people, shedding light on the mysterious and often misunderstood process of divine response.In this timeless work, Goodwin discusses the various ways in which prayers are returned, including immediate answers, delayed responses, and answers that come in unexpected forms. He offers practical advice on how believers can recognize and discern God's answers to their prayers, encouraging them to remain patient, faithful, and attentive to God's will.Goodwin's writing is grounded in Scripture, with extensive references to biblical examples of answered prayer. He draws from the experiences of key figures in the Bible, such as Abraham, Moses, David, and the apostles, illustrating how their prayers were returned by God in powerful and meaningful ways.The Return of Prayers also explores the conditions and attitudes that make prayers more effective, emphasizing the importance of sincerity, humility, and perseverance. Goodwin's pastoral heart shines through as he offers comfort and encouragement to those who struggle with unanswered prayers, reminding them of God's faithfulness and sovereign wisdom.Join Goodwin on a journey into the heart of prayer, and discover the profound truths about how God returns the prayers of His faithful. The Return of Prayers is a timeless exploration of faith, patience, and the wondrous ways in which God responds to the cries of His people.

Revelation: Witness and Worship in the World (New Testament Everyday Bible Study Series)

by Scot McKnight

Revelation is a wake-up call, not a blueprint for the final apocalypse. John spotlights corrupt human politics while unveiling the coming of the true King, Jesus Christ. Followers of Christ are shown as witnesses to the coming King and worshipers of the Lamb of God.In this volume of the New Testament Everyday Bible Study series, Scot McKnight boldly tackles political issues, transcending party lines to expose the danger of equating America with God&’s kingdom. Revelation unveils sins that beset first century Christians and still beset us today: idolatry, immorality, and injustice. Fortunately, the book also provides us imaginative visions of how followers of Jesus are to live when surrounded by these timeless sins.John tells readers that we are blessed by God if we listen, learn, and follow the words of Jesus, worshiping God alongside the hosts of heaven. Be empowered to courageously dissent against corrupt powers and shine a light in a world of darkness.In the New Testament Everyday Bible Study Series, widely respected biblical scholar Scot McKnight combines interpretive insights with pastoral wisdom for all the books of the New Testament. Each volume provides:Original Meaning. Brief, precise expositions of the biblical text and offers a clear focus for the central message of each passage.Fresh Interpretation. Brings the passage alive with fresh images and what it means to follow King Jesus.Practical Application. Biblical connections and questions for reflection and application for each passage.The NIV is used as the primary Bible text but McKnight also includes insights from his own translation of the entire New Testament. Each Bible study features a short, compact, clear exposition that both summarizes the whole and gives the reader a clear focus for what is central to the passage.

Revelation: An Analysis And Exposition Of The Final Book Of The New Testament

by Arno C. Gaebelein

Embark on a comprehensive and insightful journey through the Bible's most enigmatic and prophetic text with Arno C. Gaebelein's Revelation: An Analysis and Exposition of the Final Book of the New Testament. This masterful work provides a detailed and accessible analysis of the Book of Revelation, offering readers a deeper understanding of its profound messages and intricate symbolism.Arno C. Gaebelein, a distinguished biblical scholar and theologian, brings his extensive knowledge and interpretive skill to this thorough exposition of Revelation. Through meticulous study and clear exposition, Gaebelein unpacks the rich tapestry of visions, prophecies, and divine revelations contained in the book, making complex theological concepts understandable to readers of all backgrounds.Revelation addresses key themes such as the ultimate triumph of good over evil, the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan, and the glorious future awaiting believers. Gaebelein explores the significance of the seven churches, the seals, the trumpets, and the bowls of judgment, providing historical context and theological insight into each element. His interpretation is grounded in a deep reverence for the scriptural text and a commitment to unveiling its true meaning.The book also delves into the vivid and often mysterious imagery of Revelation, from the majestic vision of Christ to the depiction of the New Jerusalem. Gaebelein's approach balances scholarly rigor with spiritual sensitivity, helping readers to see how these ancient visions speak to the contemporary church and individual believers.Revelation is an essential resource for pastors, theologians, and anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of this pivotal book of the Bible. Gaebelein's work stands as a timeless guide to one of Scripture's most profound and challenging books, offering hope and insight to those who seek to understand God's ultimate plan for humanity.

Revelation 911: How the Book of Revelation Intersects with Today's Headlines

by Paul Begley

A riveting account of current events as foretold in the mysterious Book of Revelation.A series of unparalleled apocalyptic events—predicted in a third of the Bible—is approaching. They will so shake the world that people&’s hearts fail them for &“fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth&” (Luke 21:26). In Revelation 911, Pastor Paul Begley—host of the syndicated television show The Coming Apocalypse and a popular YouTube show with more than 240 million views—and Pulitzer Prize–nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson show that signs of the approaching Apocalypse are accelerating exponentially. A catastrophic economic collapse and global conflagration could be next on the prophetic timeline. Then comes the Antichrist, False Prophet, and &“mark of the beast&” economic system. The authors also explore why the popular transhumanist movement, artificial intelligence, and top-secret government and military programs are linked with prophecies of the last days. Despite its stunning disclosures, Revelation 911 offers hope, comfort, and blessings to help readers navigate this tumultuous time through the power, protection, and provision of the Holy Spirit.

Revelation and Material Religion in the Roman East: Essays in Honor of Steven J. Friesen (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies)

by Nathan Leach Daniel Charles Smith Tony Keddie

This collection of essays from a diverse group of internationally recognized scholars builds on the work of Steven J. Friesen to analyze the material and ideological dimensions of John’s Apocalypse and the religious landscape of the Roman East. Readers will gain new perspectives on the interpretation of John’s Apocalypse, the religion of Hellenistic cities in the Roman Empire, and the political and economic forces that shaped life in the Eastern Mediterranean. The chapters in this volume examine texts and material culture through carefully localized analysis that attends to ideological and socioeconomic contexts, expanding upon aspects of Friesen’s research and methodology while also forging new directions. The book brings together a diverse and international set of experts including emerging voices in the fields of biblical studies, Roman social history, and classical archeology, and each essay presents fresh, critically informed analysis of key sites and texts from the periods of Christian origins and Roman imperial rule. Revelation and Material Religion in the Roman East is of interest to students and scholars working on Christian origins, ancient Judaism, Roman religion, classical archeology, and the social history of the Roman Empire, as well as material religion in the ancient Mediterranean more broadly. It is also suitable for religious practitioners within Christian contexts.

Revivals: Their Laws And Leaders

by James Burns

Discover the dynamic and transformative world of religious revivals with James Burns' comprehensive study, Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders. This illuminating book delves into the principles and personalities that have driven some of the most significant spiritual awakenings in history, offering readers a detailed exploration of the forces behind these powerful movements.James Burns, a respected historian and theologian, provides an in-depth analysis of the key elements that characterize successful revivals. Through meticulous research and insightful commentary, Burns uncovers the "laws" or underlying principles that contribute to the rise and impact of revivalist movements. These include the importance of fervent prayer, charismatic leadership, societal conditions, and the role of divine intervention.Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders also brings to life the stories of the influential figures who have led these spiritual movements. From the passionate preaching of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield during the Great Awakening to the compelling leadership of Charles Finney and Dwight L. Moody, Burns presents vivid portraits of the men and women whose zeal and dedication ignited widespread religious fervor.The book spans various historical periods and geographical regions, providing a broad perspective on the phenomenon of religious revivals. Burns examines the social, cultural, and theological contexts in which these revivals occurred, highlighting their profound impact on communities and societies. He also addresses the lasting legacies of these movements, including their influence on contemporary religious practice and thought.Join James Burns on a journey through the history of religious revivals and gain a deeper appreciation for the powerful forces that have shaped the spiritual landscape. Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders is a timeless exploration of faith, fervor, and the enduring quest for spiritual renewal.

Reviving the Ancient Faith, 3rd ed.: The Story of Churches of Christ in America

by Richard T. Hughes James L. Gorman

A balanced, well-documented history of the Churches of Christ in America The Churches of Christ is a denomination defined by not being a denomination. These communities intended to restore a primitive Christianity, undivided by historical quarrels. Despite this ideal, the Churches of Christ in America have a surprisingly complex history dating back to the nineteenth century. James L. Gorman&’s fresh edition of Richard T. Hughes&’s classic work, Reviving the Ancient Faith, illuminates the movement started by Barton Stone and Alexander Campbell. The authors trace the movement&’s sociological transformation into a denomination from the 1830s into the twentieth century. Four developments forged this new identity: the premillennialist controversy, the divide over institutions, the racial segregation of congregations and schools, and the fight over liberalism in the 1960s. New to the third edition, the final chapters bring the history of Churches of Christ from the 1960s up to 2022, analyzing the growing diversity of the movement amid intradenominational &“culture wars.&” Reviving the Ancient Faith, 3rd edition, challenges readers to learn the historical basis of Church of Christ identity and beliefs. Students of the history of the Church of Christ and American religion will derive from its pages a more holistic and informed understanding of the tradition.

The Rhythm of Fractured Grace (Sedgwick Count Chronicles)

by Amanda Wen

Is Siobhan too far gone to respond to the song of a God who's calling her back to him? When a new customer brings a badly damaged violin into Siobhan Walsh's shop, it is exactly the sort of challenge she craves. The man who brought it in is not. He's too close to the painful past that left her heart and her faith in shambles. Matt Buchanan has had a rough start as the new worship pastor. A car accident on his way into town left him with a nearly totaled truck, and an heirloom violin in pieces. When he takes it to a repair shop, he's fascinated with the restoration process--and with the edgy, closed-off woman doing the work. As their friendship deepens and turns into more, they both discover secrets that force them to face past wounds. And the history of the violin reveals more about their current problems than they could have ever expected. On the nineteenth-century frontier, a gruesome tomahawk attack wiped out most of Deborah Caldwell's family. Her greatest solace after the tragedy is the music from her father's prized violin. Given her horrendous scars, she'd resigned herself to a spinster's life. But Levi Martinson's gentle love starts to chip away at her hardened heart, until devastating details about the attack are revealed, putting their love--and Deborah's shaky faith--to the ultimate test. Full of forgiveness and the message that no one is too damaged for God's healing touch, the final book in the split-time Sedgwick County Chronicles will thrill fans of Rachel Hauck, Lisa Wingate, and Kristy Cambron.

Rift: A Memoir of Breaking Away from Christian Patriarchy

by Cait West

A gripping memoir about coming of age in the stay-at-home daughter movement and the quest to piece together a future on your own terms. Raised in the Christian patriarchy movement, Cait West was homeschooled and could only wear clothes her father deemed modest. She was five years old the first time she was told her swimsuit was too revealing, to go change. There would be no college in her future, no career. She was a stay-at-home daughter and would move out only when her father allowed her to become a wife. She was trained to serve men, and her life would never be her own. Until she escaped. In Rift, Cait West tells a harrowing story of chaos and control hidden beneath the facade of a happy family. Weaving together lyrical meditations on the geology of the places her family lived with her story of spiritual and emotional manipulation as a stay-at-home daughter, Cait creates a stirring portrait of one young woman&’s growing awareness that she is experiencing abuse. With the ground shifting beneath her feet, Cait mustered the courage to break free from all she&’d ever known and choose a future of her own making. Rift is a story of survival. It&’s also a story about what happens after you survive. With compassion and clarity, Cait explores the complex legacy of patriarchal religious trauma in her life, including the ways she has also been complicit in systems of oppression. A remarkable literary debut, Rift offers an essential personal perspective on the fraught legacy of purity culture and recent reckonings with abuse in Christian communities.

Ritual Boundaries: Magic and Differentiation in Late Antique Christianity (Christianity in Late Antiquity #14)

by Joseph E. Sanzo

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more. In Ritual Boundaries, Joseph E. Sanzo transforms our understanding of how early Christians experienced religion in lived practice through the study of magical objects, such as amulets and grimoires. Against the prevailing view of late antiquity as a time when only so-called elites were interested in religious and ritual differentiation, the evidence presented here reveals that the desire to distinguish between religious and ritual insiders and outsiders cut across diverse social strata. The magical evidence also offers unique insight into early biblical reception, exposing a textual world in which scriptural reading was multisensory and multitraditional. As they addressed sickness, demonic struggle, and interpersonal conflicts, Mediterranean people thus acted in ways that challenge our conceptual boundaries between Christians and non-Christians; elites and non-elites; and words, materials, and images. Sanzo helps us rethink how early Christians imagined similarity and difference among texts, traditions, groups, and rituals as they went about their daily lives.

The Ritual Effect: From Habit to Ritual, Harness the Surprising Power of Everyday Actions

by Dr Michael Norton

In the bestselling tradition of Charles Duhigg&’s The Power of Habit and Angela Duckworth&’s Grit, a renowned social psychologist demonstrates the power of small acts—and how a subtle turning of habits into rituals can add purpose and pleasure to life.Our lives are filled with repetitive tasks meant to keep us on track—what we come to know as habits. Over time, these routines (for example, brushing your teeth or putting on your right sock first) tend to be performed automatically. But when we&’re more mindful about these actions—when we focus on the precise way they are performed—they can instead become rituals. Shifting from a &“habitual&” mindset to a &“ritual&” mindset can convert ordinary acts from black and white to technicolor. Think of the way you savor a certain beverage, the care you take with a particular outfit that gets worn only on special occasions, the unique way that your family gathers around the table during holidays, or the secret language you enjoy with your significant other. To some, these behaviors may seem quirky, but because rituals matter so deeply to us on a personal level, they imbue our lives with purpose and meaning. Drawing on a decade of original research, Norton shows that rituals play a role in healing communities experiencing a great loss, marking life&’s major transitions, driving a stadium of sports fans to ecstasy, and helping us rise to challenges and realize opportunities. Compelling, insightful, and practical, The Ritual Effect reminds us of the intention-filled acts that drive human behavior and create sur­prising satisfaction and enjoyment.

Ritual Human Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: Recent Findings and New Perspectives (Conflict, Environment, and Social Complexity)

by Rubén G. Mendoza Linda Hansen

This edited volume addresses the environmental and cultural underpinnings of the kind of social conflict that spawned the origins and elaboration of ritualized human and animal sacrifice in Mesoamerica. The chapters variously document the place of cultural evolution and social complexity in the origins and elaboration of ritual human sacrifice, cannibalism, and trophy-taking across a broad spectrum of Mesoamerican cultural and social contexts that first saw the light of day before 2600 BCE, and rapidly developed and proliferated across the Mesoamerican world in the centuries to follow. They study the developments in sacrifice rituals through the centuries into the first millennium CE, when the Mexica Aztec and their allies had elevated ritual human sacrifice such that they produced a plethora of sacrificial acts, modes and manners of death, and associated deities to articulate the necro-cultures and blood-tribute of the times. The chapters further study present-day rites of Amerindian communities from throughout Mesoamerica that include paying homage to the deities of earth and sky through sacrifice and consumption of animal surrogates. The interdisciplinary effort undertaken by this international cadre of scientists, including anthropologists, bioarchaeologists, art historians, ethnohistorians, iconographers, and religious studies experts provides a particularly rich forum for launching an interrogation into the role of conflict, environment, and social complexity in the emergence and persistence of ritual violence and human sacrifice in the Mesoamerican world.

Ritualisierende Agency in Todesritualen: Eine Untersuchung der Positionierung(en) von gemeinschaftsungebundenen Ritualleiter*innen in der Deutschschweiz (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Lilo Ruther

In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden anhand von ethnographischen Fallbeobachtungen mit16 Ritualleiter*innen folgende Fragen beantwortet Wie positionieren sich Leitende von Todesritualen, die ausserhalb einer religiösen Gemeinschaft in der Deutschschweiz stattfinden? Welches Selbstbild vertreten die Ritualleiter*innen? Welche Aufgaben verbinden sie mit ihrer Tätigkeit? Wem sprechen sie Handlungs- und Wirkmächtigkeit (Agency) zu? Welche Themen und Konzepte sind für ihr Handeln und Erleben zentral? An welche kollektiven Sinngehalte (Deutungsmuster) schließen sie dabei an? Methodisch verortet sich die Arbeit in der Rekonstruktiven Sozialforschung. Dabei orientiert sie sich an Narrationsanalyse, Grounded Theory und Qualitativer Agencyforschung. Theoretisch knüpft die Studie an Konzepte von 'Ritualisierungen' und 'Agency' an, um auf empirischer Grundlage das Konzept der 'Ritualisierenden Agency' zu entwickeln: Durch die gewählten Formen der Ritualisierung im Umgang mit der Bestattung und der Begleitung der Angehörigen erlangen die Akteur*innen eigenständige Handlungsmächtigkeit und Verantwortlichkeit. Die Analysen zeigen, wie die Akteur*innen selbst ihre Handlungsspielräume und ihre eigene Teilhabe in den Interviews und in den Bestattungsritualen zum Ausdruck bringen.

Roads to Rome: The Antebellum Protestant Encounter with Catholicism (The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics #28)

by Jenny Franchot

The mixture of hostility and fascination with which native-born Protestants viewed the "foreign" practices of the "immigrant" church is the focus of Jenny Franchot's cultural, literary, and religious history of Protestant attitudes toward Roman Catholicism in nineteenth-century America. Franchot analyzes the effects of religious attitudes on historical ideas about America's origins and destiny. She then focuses on the popular tales of convent incarceration, with their Protestant "maidens" and lecherous, tyrannical Church superiors. Religious captivity narratives, like those of Indian captivity, were part of the ethnically, theologically, and sexually charged discourse of Protestant nativism. Discussions of Stowe, Longfellow, Hawthorne, and Lowell—writers who sympathized with "Romanism" and used its imaginative properties in their fiction—further demonstrate the profound influence of religious forces on American national character. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1994.

Robert Pollok’s The Course of Time and Literary Theodicy in the Romantic Age: The Rise and Fall of a Christian Epic (Routledge Studies in Romanticism)

by Deryl Davis

This book explores the contexts and reception history of Robert Pollok’s religious epic The Course of Time (1827), one of the best- selling long poems of the nineteenth century, which has been almost entirely forgotten today. Widely read in the United States and across the British Empire, the poem’s combination of evangelical Calvinism, High Romanticism, and native Scottishness proved irresistible to many readers. This monograph traces the poem’s origins as a defense of Biblical authority, divine providence, and religious orthodoxy (against figures like Byron and Joseph Priestley) and explores the reasons for The Course of Time’s enormous, decades- long popularity and later precipitous decline. A close reading of the poem and an examination of its reception history offers readers important insights into the dynamic relationship between religion and wider culture in the nineteenth century, the uses of literature as a vehicle for theological argument and theodicy, and the important but often overlooked role that religion played in literary— and, particularly, Scottish— Romanticism. This work will appeal to scholars of religious history, literary history, Evangelicalism, Romanticism, Scottish literature, and nineteenth- century culture.

Rocky Mountain Survival

by Jane M. Choate

Running from unknown enemies… but the wilderness is no refuge. Narrowly escaping death after being attacked, photojournalist Kylie Robertson flees to the mountains with her ex, former navy SEAL Josh Harvath. She doesn&’t know who&’s after her—or why they want the flash drive of photos she took. Together, they must piece together the mystery behind the pictures. But with killers running them down, will tackling a dangerous conspiracy become a second chance they won&’t survive? From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

The Routledge Companion to Indian Ethics: Women, Justice, Bioethics and Ecology

by Purushottama Bilimoria Amy Rayner

This companion volume focuses on the application and practical ramifications of Indian ethics. Here Indian dharma ethics is moved from its preeminent religious origins and classical metaethical proclivity to, what Kant would call, practical reason – or in Aristotle’s poignant terms, ēhikos and phronēis –and in more modern parlance normative ethics. Our study examines a wide range of social and normative challenges facing people in such diverse areas as women’s rights, infant ethics, politics, law, justice, bioethics and ecology. As a contemporary volume, it builds linkages between existing theories and emerging moral issues, problems and questions in today’s India in the global arena. The volume brings together contributions from some 40 philosophers and contemporary thinkers on practical ethics, exploring both the scope and boundaries or limits of ethics as applied to everyday and real-life concerns and socio-economic challenges facing India in the context of a troubled globalizing world. As such, this collection draws on multiple forms of writing and research, including narrative ethics, interviews, critical case studies and textual analyses.The book will be of interest to scholars, researchers and students of Indian philosophy, Indian ethics, women and infant issues, social justice, environmental ethics, bioethics, animal ethics and cross-cultural responses to dominant Western moral thought. It will also be useful to researchers working on the intersection of Gandhi, sustainability, ecology, theology, feminism, comparative philosophy and dharma studies.

The Routledge Companion to John Wesley (Routledge Religion Companions)

by Clive Norris Joseph Cunningham

The Routledge Companion to John Wesley provides an overview of the work and ideas of one of the principal founders of Methodism, John Wesley (1703-91). Wesley remains highly influential, especially within the worldwide Methodist movement of some eighty million people. As a preacher and religious reformer his efforts led to the rise of a global Protestant movement, but the wide-ranging topics addressed in his writings also suggest a mind steeped in the intellectual developments of the North Atlantic, early modern world. His numerous publications cover not only theology but ethics, history, aesthetics, politics, human rights, health and wellbeing, cosmology and ecology. This volume places Wesley within his eighteenth-century context, analyzes his contribution to thought across his multiple interests, and assesses his continuing relevance today. It contains essays by an international team of scholars, drawn from within the Methodist tradition and beyond. This is a valuable reference particularly for scholars of Methodist Studies, theology, church history and religious history.

The Routledge Handbook of Megachurches (Routledge Handbooks in Religion)

by Afe Adogame Chad M. Bauman Damaris Parsitau Jeaney Yip

The Routledge Handbook of Megachurches provides a survey of global megachurch phenomena, with an international slate of authors introducing existing and emerging research on a wide variety of relevant topics.Over the past decade, the field of megachurch studies has matured and become global in its scope and orientation. The Handbook offers 33 chapters by top scholars in the field, focusing in particular on: The location, demographic nature, and transnational connections of megachurches. Megachurch worship, hermeneutics, and theology (in theory and practice). Megachurch institutional dynamics. The various ways that megachurches have both influenced and been influenced by their social contexts in terms of class, age, gender, sexuality, and pop culture. The Handbook's interdisciplinary orientation makes it essential reading for sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, media specialists, pop culture observers, business strategists, leadership consultants, marketing analysts, scholars of religion, and Christian historians, theologians, and missiologists. Experienced scholars of megachurches will gain valuable insight into aspects of megachurch research beyond their own specializations. Scholars new to the field will find the chapters useful as signposts for where to begin their own academic exploration. Christian pastors and laypeople will learn more about this increasingly prominent and influential form of their faith.

Runes for the Green Witch: An Herbal Grimoire

by Nicolette Miele

A magickal guide to working with runes and plant allies for manifestation, healing, and spellwork• Examines the herb and plant connections of each of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark as well as correspondences with deities, astrology, tarot, and crystals • Provide examples and tips on how runes and plants may be combined within spells and ritual for manifesting, protecting, healing, banishing, and more • Explains how runes and plants can be worked with for the soulful process of rewilding and connecting with Mother Nature Runes and plants both contain the dynamic and raw energies of Mother Earth and can be used to heal, manifest, protect, and elevate magick. Both support and deepen the nature-human connection that is vital to mind, body, and spirit. And while both can provide us with many benefits on their own, when merged in magickal union, their combined powers are multiplied exponentially. In this magickal grimoire, herbalist witch Nicolette Miele immerses readers in the wisdom and folklore of the 24 Elder Futhark runes as well as their correspondences with deities, astrology, tarot, crystals, and plants. Each chapter begins by discussing the etymology, meanings, mythology, divination, correspondences, and magick of a particular rune and culminates with profiles of several herbs and plants that possess similar magickal energies. Each plant profile delves into the magickal, metaphysical, traditional, and medicinal applications as well as how to work with these incredible plant allies. These profiles also provide examples and tips on how the runes and plants may be combined within spells and ritual for manifesting, protecting, healing, banishing, and more. For example, the author connects Fehu, the rune of wealth and value, with the practice of altar-building, making offerings, and with alfalfa, cedar, dandelion, and other plants traditionally used in abundance and prosperity magick. In the chapter on Kenaz, the rune of heat and illumination, the nature connection is nurtured through the element of fire and a step-by-step bindrune candle ritual. The plants connected with Kenaz are those that embody the characteristics of fire—such as passion, ferocity, and sexuality—and include clove, damiana, and kava kava. Guiding the green witch through the benefits and strengths of synergistic magick, this book helps eclectic magickal practitioners advance their craft through folk magick and medicine, rituals, meditations, spells, and the soulful process of rewilding and connecting with Mother Nature.

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