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Yours, Till Heaven: The Untold Love Story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon

by Ray Rhodes Jr.

Enter the remarkable untold love story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon.Charles Spurgeon is esteemed for his writing, preaching, and passion for the Lord. But behind the great man was a great wife—and between the man and wife was a profound marriage. Yours, Till Heaven invites you into the untold love story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon to discover how the bond between this renowned couple helped fuel their lifelong service to the Lord. Discover how Charles and Susie traversed the challenges of loneliness, physical affliction, popularity, controversy, and other trials together with a heavenly vision. Just as the Spurgeons lived their lives as witnesses of Christ, in Yours, Till Heaven their marriage continues to be an example for how all marriages today can remain faithful, loving, and joyful despite the challenges that life may bring. With historical precision and narrative craft, Spurgeon scholar Ray Rhodes Jr. captures the inner-life of this Victorian romance that not only served the Spurgeons in their day, but that can also continue to empower and encourage couples today. For more on the lives of the Spurgeons, find Susie by Ray Rhodes Jr.

YOUT 201 Student Work Text: Survey of Youth Ministries (2nd Edition)

by Richard Brown

Learn more about the principles of teaching young people about the Christian religion and engaging them with the church and ministry as a lifelong experience.

Youth Culture 101

by Walt Mueller

CPYU President Walt Mueller's critically acclaimed book, Understanding Today's Youth Culture, is widely recognized as one of the most thorough and comprehensive overviews of youth culture today. This Gold Medallion Book Award winner is used as a seminal text in colleges, universities, and seminaries around the world, but is especially noted for its honest and easy to read style. The book approaches youth culture from a distinctively Christian perspective and contains chapters on a variety of topics including: music, media, sexuality, materialism, drugs and alcohol, and spirituality. A great resource for parents, educators, youth workers, and pastors.

Youth in Egypt: Identity, Participation, and Opportunity

by Nadine Sika

An eye-opening look at youth in contemporary Egypt, from the role they play in advancing political change to their everyday strugglesIn Youth in Egypt, Nadine Sika explores the political world of young people in Egypt, focusing on their experiences under authoritarianism. From the reigns of Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat to that of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, she offers an on-the-ground perspective through the eyes of multiple generations of young people who lived through consecutive periods of political upheaval and state militarization.Drawing on surveys, interviews, and focus groups, Sika shines a light on youth who have participated in protest movements, civil society organizations, and political parties. She shows us the different opportunities for economic and political participation that exist for them, explaining why young Egyptians may choose to either mobilize against or—surprisingly—in support of the regime. Sika underscores how youth in Egypt have been regarded as both the “hope of the nation” and a “threat to the nation.” Youth in Egypt shines a light on the rising generation of young people that represents Egypt's future and also has significant implications for the broader Middle East and North Africa region.

Youth in the Former Soviet South: Everyday Lives between Experimentation and Regulation (ISSN)

by Stefan B. Kirmse

This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of youth, in all its diversity, in Muslim Central Asia and the Caucasus. It brings together a range of academic perspectives, including media studies, Islamic studies, the sociology of youth, and social anthropology. While most discussions of youth in the former Soviet South frame the younger generation as victims of crisis, as targets of state policy, or as holy warriors, this book maps out the complexity and variance of everyday lives under post-Soviet conditions. Youth is not a clear-cut, predictable life stage. Yet, across the region, young people’s lives show forms of experimentation and regulation. Male and female youth explore new opportunities not only in the buzzing space of the city, but also in the more closely monitored neighbourhood of their family homes. At the same time, they are constrained by communal expectations, ethnic affiliation, urban or rural background and by gender and sexuality. While young people are more dependent and monitored than many others, they are also more eager to explore and challenge. In many ways, they stand at the cutting edge of globalization and post-Soviet change, and thus they offer innovative perspectives on these processes. This book was published as a special issue of Central Asian Survey.

Youth Ministry: What's Gone Wrong and How to Get It Right

by David Olshine

The Youth Ministry "movement" has become a monument. Youth leaders are doing so much work, and it all seems worthy. It's big, important stuff. But leaders across the nation quietly suspect that the more we do, the less effective we seem to be in reaching young people. All those retreats and camps, books and seminars, conferences and leadership symposiums--what difference do they make in young lives today? As technology accelerates, spiritual apathy increases. Young people are biblically illiterate, bored, and find the church to be irrelevant. Parents are frustrated. Youth leaders are burned out. And high school and college students--if they ever attended--are leaving the church by the droves. What on earth has gone wrong? Youth Ministry: What's Gone Wrong & How to Get It Right shines a revealing light on standard youth ministry practices, and helps the reader to see what needs to change. The book is full of practical ideas that work in real churches, and includes 'voices from the trenches'--perspectives from current youth ministry leaders. Deep down inside, young people want life to matter. The church has something important to offer, but we have to start getting it right.

Youth Ministry 3.0: A Manifesto of Where We’ve Been, Where We Are and Where We Need to Go

by Mark Oestreicher

Over the past several decades there have been three significant shifts in youth culture; each new shift brought with it different values and priorities in the lives of teens. Youth ministries adapted and responded to the first two shifts, but we’re missing the boat on the third. The result? Youth ministry isn’t addressing the realities and needs of today’s youth culture. After nearly three decades in youth ministry, Mark Oestreicher has lived through a lot of those shifts himself. In recent years, he’s found himself wondering what needs to change, especially since so much of what we’re doing in youth ministry today is not working. In Youth Ministry 3.0, youth workers will explore, along with Marko and the voices of other youth workers, why we need change in youth ministry, from a ministry moving away from a dependence on programs, to one that is focused on communion and mission. They’ll get a quick history of youth ministry over the last fifty years. And they’ll help dream about what changes need to take place in order to create the next phase of youth ministry—the future that needs to be created for effective ministry to students.

Youth Ministry 3.0: A Manifesto of Where We've Been, Where We Are and Where We Need To Go

by Mark Oestreicher

Over the past several decades there have been three significant shifts in youth culture; each new shift brought with it different values and priorities in the lives of teens. Youth ministries adapted and responded to the first two shifts, but we're missing the boat on the third. The result? Youth ministry isn't addressing the realities and needs of today's youth culture. After nearly three decades in youth ministry, Mark Oestreicher has lived through a lot of those shifts himself. In recent years, he's found himself wondering what needs to change, especially since so much of what we're doing in youth ministry today is not working. In Youth Ministry 3. 0, youth workers will explore, along with Marko and the voices of other youth workers, why we need change in youth ministry, from a ministry moving away from a dependence on programs, to one that is focused on communion and mission. They'll get a quick history of youth ministry over the last fifty years. And they'll help dream about what changes need to take place in order to create the next phase of youth ministry --- the future that needs to be created for effective ministry to students.

Youth Ministry as Mission: A Conversation About Theology and Culture

by Brian Hull Patrick Mays

Equipping youth ministers with the tools of a crosscultural missionaryThe parallels between ministry within youth culture and global missions have long been touted by youth ministry experts, yet few resources exist to help youth workers benefit apply the insights of missiologists. In Youth Ministry as Mission, Brian Hull and Patrick Mays fill this gap with an introduction to missiology, missions practice, and missionary witness tailored especially for a youth ministry context.Youth ministers will discover missiological language that not only describes realities they face regularly, but also provides practical cross-cultural activities that translate well to youth ministries. Hull and Mays address issues such as these:• Avoiding ethical relativism while understanding historical and methodological changes in missions• Translating stories and practicing storytelling as preparation for witnessing• Training for witness in a multi-religious contextYouth Ministry as Mission will be a valuable guide for college and seminary students but will also be a breath of fresh air to those already working as youth directors and youth ministers.

Youth Ministry from the Outside In: How Relationships and Stories Shape Identity

by Kenneth J. Gergen Chap Clark Brandon K. McKoy

We tend to organize our youth ministry from the inside out. We give gathered groups of individual youth tools and teaching to form their souls around a Christian identity. So far, so good. But what if our identity is not merely or even primarily rooted and established somewhere inside ourselves? What if our identity is shaped and cultivated in the relationships we inhabit—each with their own distinctives and demands—and in the overlapping stories we find ourselves in? Prefabricated approaches to ministry that focus on the interior makeup of our youth may make for good youth group members, but these limited approaches don't reach beyond the youth room into other corners of their lives. Rather than centering them on the faith, our inside-out approach may be pushing their faith to the margins of their life. Brandon McKoy mines the insights of social construction theory to help us locate Christ not in our hearts but in our midst. We learn to embrace him as our own and our students as whole people engaging in a life's worth of encounters. Approaching youth ministry from the outside in, we discover our students in a whole new light—and with them, the fullness of our faith.

Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society: Forming Christian Identity Among Skeptics, Syncretists and Sincere Believers of Other Faiths

by Len Kageler

In simpler, more homogenous times, youth ministry was a relatively straightforward activity. The church's youth gathered (occasionally inviting their unchurched friends from school), played together, sang together and listened together to a message from a bright, engaging youth minister, selecting from a relatively defined set of topics: "What does it mean to follow Jesus when it comes to _______?" Now Christian youth must make sense of their faith, with its exclusive claims, in light of their close friends who are Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist, "other" or even "none." And increasingly other religions are taking their cues for rooting and establishing their youth from Christian ministry practices, so that our kids are being invited to outreach events sponsored by other faiths. Veteran youth minister and researcher Len Kageler digs into the data surrounding this exciting multifaith era and offers surprising confidence that our kids can be guided into mature Christian faith while simultaneously learning to love their neighbors of other religions.

Youth Ministry In A Multifaith Society: Forming Christian Identity Among Skeptics, Syncretists And Sincere Believers Of Other Faiths

by Len Kageler Chap Clark

In simpler, more homogenous times, youth ministry was a relatively straightforward activity. The church's youth gathered (occasionally inviting their unchurched friends from school), played together, sang together and listened together to a message from a bright, engaging youth minister, selecting from a relatively defined set of topics: "What does it mean to follow Jesus when it comes to _______?"Now Christian youth must make sense of their faith, with its exclusive claims, in light of their close friends who are Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist, "other" or even "none. " And increasingly other religions are taking their cues for rooting and establishing their youth from Christian ministry practices, so that our kids are being invited to outreach events sponsored by other faiths. Veteran youth minister and researcher Len Kageler digs into the data surrounding this exciting multifaith era and offers surprising confidence that our kids can be guided into mature Christian faith while simultaneously learning to love their neighbors of other religions.

Youth Ministry Management Tools 2.0: Everything You Need to Successfully Manage Your Ministry

by Mike Work Ginny Olson

Youth ministry isn't just meeting with students and teaching them God's truth. It also involves a myriad of administrative and operational details. Youth Ministry Management Tools 2. 0 provides youth ministers and volunteers with helpful insights, advice, and practical resources to successfully manage a youth ministry. You'll find sample budgets, release forms for trips, and clear direction for screening applicants for volunteer positions. Authors Mike Work and Ginny Olson provide you with quick and accessible answers to all of your management, administrative, and supervisory questions and needs. Sprinkled throughout the manual are brief personal anecdotes by actual, in-the-trenches youth workers, case studies of church-office debacles, pivotal lessons learned over decades of ministry, nightmare scenarios to avoid, and glorious successes to emulate. No other book provides everything a youth ministry leader needs in one place at such an affordable price. This revised and updated edition of a youth ministry classic includes bonus online content, copy-ready pages and forms, and loads of other highly practical material.

Youth Ministry Nuts and Bolts, Revised and Updated: Organizing, Leading, and Managing Your Youth Ministry

by Duffy Robbins

Youth ministry veteran and bestselling author, Duffy Robbins, offers an updated and revised edition of his book about the important, behind-the-scenes mechaincs of youth ministry. The tasks of budgeting, decision-making, time management, team ministry, staff relationships, conflict resolution, working with parents, and a range of other issues, are the things that keep a ministry together and functioning well. Nobody gets into youth ministry because they want to think about these things; but a lot of people get out of youth ministry because they didn't think about them. All youth workers--whether paid or volunteer, full-time or part-time--will find Youth Ministry Nuts and Bolts to be a thoughtful, fun, practical guide to youth ministry administration.

Youth Ministry on a Shoestring: How to Do More with Less

by Lars Rood

Most youth pastors find it a constant struggle to get enough money allotted to their ministry’s budget, and with the latest recession, they’re feeling the crunch now more than ever as churches are cutting costs anywhere they can. But a youth pastor doesn’t have to feel stuck. In this book, youth workers will find innovative ideas to help them discover useful resources in places they hadn’t looked before. In his 15 years of youth ministry, Lars Rood has had his share of tight budgets, and he found that by looking at things from a different perspective, he was able to make his ministry work with limited funds. Here, Rood helps youth workers discover resources in the things around them, or through partnerships and people around them. He offers hope and encouragement to (often) frustrated youth workers as he guides them toward a new perspective when it comes to their ministry budgets.

The Youth Ministry Survival Guide: How to Thrive and Last for the Long Haul

by Len Kageler

It’s more common in youth ministry than we want to admit—burnout and failure. Exhaustion, frustration, disappointment, and conflict bring many youth workers to a point where they either choose a new church, a new career, or someone makes that choice for them. After thirty years of youth ministry experience, Len Kageler wants to help youth workers avoid the pitfalls that are common to their calling, and give them the tools to not only survive, but also to thrive in youth ministry. Along with his own wisdom, Len offers insights gained from his 2006 survey of more than 300 burned out or fired youth workers who come from a variety of ministry contexts and denominations. If you’re new to youth ministry, or you’ve been at it for a while and feel like you may be on the verge of burnout, The Youth Ministry Survival Guide will help you: • deal with conflict and compromise • determine the causes of burnout (and how to avoid them!) • discover how your personality, and the personality of those you work with, affects the dynamics of your ministry experience • develop the best plan for working with senior pastors, church leadership, parents, and students, so you can… • do youth ministry in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond! Don’t let burnout force you out! Inside this book you’ll find steps you can take to help build fences against failure, and you’ll learn what it takes to survive and thrive in youth ministry.

Youth Ministry That Transforms: A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Hopes, Frustrations, And Effectiveness Of Today's Youth Workers (YS Academic)

by Karen Jones Dave Rahn Merton P. Strommen

A first-of-its-kind study of Protestant youth ministers reveals the hopes, frustrations, and effectiveness of today’s youth workers. Of the 7,000 youth workers assembled in 1996 under Atlanta’s Georgia Dome, a sample of 2,130 full-time youth ministers from dozens of Protestant denominations and parachurch organizations answered a battery of exhaustive, deliberate questions covering: What they liked best about youth ministry What particularly pleased them in their work with youth What they found most encouraging or discouraging Their biggest obstacle to an effective youth ministry Their biggest concern in youth ministry Their answers revealed a dedicated group of professionals, concerned a out the students in their ministries, but troubled with a variety of perplexing issues. And their answers form the backbone of Youth Ministry That Transforms, a comprehensive analysis of this groundbreaking study (funded by the Lilly Endowment) focusing on the hopes, frustrations, and effectiveness of today’s youth workers. Spearheaded by Merton Strommen--one of America’s most exemplary and influential thinkers and authors in youth and family ministry--the research-writing team is joined by Karen E. Jones and Dave Rahn of Huntington (Indiana) College’s Link Institute for Faithful and Effective Youth Ministry, and acknowledged leader in the task of undergirding youth ministry with a research base. These three deliver thorough analysis and sound interpretation regarding the state of youth ministry at the dawn of the 21st century. Youth Ministry That Transforms belongs on the desks and in the classrooms of all who are concerned with this developing profession, including denominational and parachurch leadership, professors, youth ministry students, and thoughtful youth workers themselves. It is also an insightful resource for any who want to understand youth ministers and their profession: senior pastors, executive pastors, and other individuals and committees charged with hiring and supervising youth workers.

Youth on Edge: Facing Global Crises in Multicultural French Society (Studies in Childhood and Youth)

by Vincenzo Cicchelli Sylvie Octobre

This book explores disrupted youth cohesion in France within the context of multiple ongoing global economic, migratory, social, political, and security-related crises. While these trends can be observed in numerous Western societies, France provides a unique case study of various anti-cosmopolitan and anti-Enlightenment movements shaping youth conditions and reconfiguring relationships between the individual, the group, and society. The authors undertook in-depth interviews with French young people between the ages of 18 to 30 years old to inquire into how they experience "vivre ensemble" (living together) in a time of rising economic inequalities and multicultural tensions. Through these findings, they invite decision-makers, politicians, educators, and parents to propose a renewed narrative of social cohesion for youth who are not disillusioned, but deeply on edge.

Youth Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Youth Ministry

by Houston Heflin

A youth pastor--whether paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time, right out of college or right out of retirement--has a big job to do. Actually, anyone who accepts God's call to help young people grow as disciples of Christ has several big jobs to do. The youth minister must be a teacher who can communicate the essentials of the faith; a friend who can listen to and be present with young people; a prophet who challenges teens to live lives of justice and righteousness; and an administrator who can manage the day-to-day logistics of youth ministry. Youth Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Youth Ministry provides a biblical and theological grounding for the many jobs a youth minister does, explains what each of these jobs entails, and helps youth pastors identify where their gifts lie and where they still need to grow. Whether you are a first-time youth minister or a seasoned youth ministry veteran, Youth Pastor gives you valuable tools for evaluating your ministry and vocation. It also serves as an excellent text for undergraduate courses in youth ministry. Table of Contents: Introduction Chapter 1 Becoming All Things in Ministry Chapter 2 Discipling Teacher Chapter 3 Evangelistic Missionary Chapter 4 Pastoral Shepherd Chapter 5 Organized Administrator Chapter 6 Bold Prophet Chapter 7 Compassionate Priest Chapter 8 Spiritual Friend Chapter 9 Equipping Recruiter Chapter 10 Visionary Leader Chapter 11 Faithful Teammate Chapter 12 Discover Your Ministry Style Epilogue: Character and Competence in Ministry Appendix: Youth Ministry Role Inventory

The Youth Worker Book of Hope: True Stories of Brokenness and Healing

by Tim Baker

You know, we’re an interesting breed. We pour our whole life into ministry—giving physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, even financially. And, we do all of this to encourage students to live like Christ beyond youth group. Even when we struggle, fail, or find ourselves at the end of a long month feeling drained and discouraged we’re still called to show our students the love of Jesus. The Youth Worker Book of Hope offers you encouragement and hope in those moments of darkness by using experiences and advice from people who have been through the valley and learned from it. Youth workers from around the country have contributed personal stories of their own desire to quit, confrontations with parents, struggles with running the ministry, getting fired, and many more. You’ll read about how other youth workers messed up and how they found hope at the end of a seemingly hopeless road. In tough times it’s easy to get lost. The Youth Worker Book of Hope meets you while you’re still struggling and draws you in to the hope of God.

The Youth Worker’s Big Book of Case Studies: Not Quite a Million Stories That Beg Discussion

by Steven L. Case

More than 180 real-life case studies to get more students talking . . . and thinking! Easy answers are not easy to find. With The Youth Worker’s Big Book of Case Studies, your teenagers will be talking, and thinking about stuff that matters most in their lives. Open-ended questions, excruciating dilemmas, familiar scenarios, and going-deeper at Scripture make these cutting-edge case studies power-packed and unforgettable. Why just have mere chats with teens when you can use The Youth Worker’s Big Book of Case Studies to dig deeper, gaining insights that will enrich your group, and students’ lives outside the group! In this gigantic collection, you’ll get . . . • More than 180 faith-building case studies of issues vital to students complete with provocative discussion questions and themed Bible verses and passages! • Fun, engaging, sometimes very serious discussions! • Easy-to-use, overflowing indexes–contents, categories, multiple topics,–cross referenced for every youth leader’s need. • Among the categories dealt with: Family; School; Sex-Dating; Friends; and Growing Up. Add sizzle, spice, even a little bit of controversy to you next lesson, service, message, or sermon with The Youth Worker’s Big Book of Case Studies!

A Youth Worker's Commentary on James

by Les Christie David P. Nystrom

Christians wrestling to apply the teachings of Jesus to their everyday lives. Communities plagued by divisiveness and hypocrisy, with an emphasis on wealth and status. That’s the book of James … and the story of our modern lives. A Youth Worker's Commentary on James has the entire NIV Biblical text printed alongside a deeply rich, yet readable, look into the meaning of this marvelous book. The book includes dozens of word studies, with fascinating historical accounts and personal stories, followed by a large section of thought provoking questions to get your students thinking and talking. Written for youth workers, ministry volunteers, and everyday people who want to probe deeper into the Book of James, youth workers will find it an invaluable aid for message and lesson preparation. Using this book to achieve a solid understanding of James, including its historical context, rationale, and meaning, youth workers will then apply this pertinent wisdom to the needs and issues they and their youth groups are working through. A Youth Worker's Commentary on James also includes bonus material and activities that make the passages come to life.

A Youth Worker's Commentary on John, Vol 1: Volume 1

by David P. Nystrom Les Christie

When a youth pastor is preparing a lesson, it’s sometimes challenging to find a curriculum that really offers depth into the Scripture passages and goes beyond a cursory look at the text. A Youth Worker’s Commentary on John is the first in a new series of commentaries developed with youth workers in mind. An in-depth, yet readable approach to the gospel of John, this first volume includes commentary, word studies, personal and historical stories, and discussion questions that will help get students thinking and talking. The gospel of John is the most personal and revealing of all the portraits of Jesus in the New Testament. This commentary has the entire NIV biblical text printed alongside a rich, deep look into the meaning of this gospel. Youth workers will find this to be an invaluable aid for message and lesson preparation. They’ll get a solid understanding of the gospel of John, including its historical context, rationale, and meaning, to see how to apply what they uncover to the needs and issues the teens in their group are dealing with.

A Youth Worker's Commentary on John, Vol 2: Volume 2

by Les Christie David P. Nystrom

Following the first volume of this series, A Youth Worker’s Commentary on John, Vol 2 digs deeper into the miracles and teachings of Jesus as told by John. Covering the remainder of John’s gospel, chapters nine to twenty-one, you’ll find this resource to be an invaluable aid for your message and lesson preparation. The authors give you a solid understanding of the Gospel of John, including its historical context, rationale, and meaning. You’ll see how to apply the wisdom gained from these passages to the needs and issues you and your students are working through. Written specifically for youth workers, A Youth Worker’s Commentary on John, Vol 2 has the entire NIV biblical text printed alongside a deep, yet readable, look into the meaning of this marvelous gospel. The book includes dozens of word studies, historical accounts and personal stories, followed by a large section of in-depth, thought provoking questions to get your students thinking and talking.

The Youth Worker's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis

by Jim Hancock Rich Van Pelt

When youth work becomes crisis managers. Anyone who stays in youth ministry for a while will encounter significant crises. Family break-ups, substance abuse, sexual assault, eating disorders, cutting, suicide, gun violence. But without proper and immediate care, crises like these can cause years of emotional pain and spiritual scarring in students. Rich Van Pelt and Jim Hancock want to help you prevent that from happening. Through their experience and expertise, you¹ll learn how to: -Respond quickly and effectively to crisis -Balance legal, ethical, and spiritual outcomes -Forge preventive partnerships with parents, schools, and students -Bring healing when damage is done When crises happen‹and they will, ready or not‹there are practical steps you can take. Van Pelt and Hancock provide field-tested counsel and specific, biblical advice for each stage of crisis. Keep this book on hand as your go-to resource when you need it most. Because when it comes to crisis, it¹s not a matter of if, but when.

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