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Showing 81,226 through 81,250 of 81,598 results

Religion - Profession - Subjekt: Biographische Positionierungen angehender Pädagog*innen im erziehungswissenschaftlichen Diskurs (Subjektivierung und Gesellschaft/Studies in Subjectivation)

by Benjamin Rensch-Kruse

Die vorliegende qualitativ-empirische Studie untersucht religiöse Orientierungen von Student:innen der Erziehungswissenschaften und der Lehrämter. Sie geht der noch nicht erforschten Frage nach, wie angehende Pädagog:innen ihre Religiosität mit Wissensinhalten ihres Studiums biographisch vermitteln und inwiefern dabei Subjektivierungseffekte eine Rolle spielen. Anhand einer Verknüpfung von Biographie- und Diskursanalyse werden übergeordnete kollektive Wissensordnungen in den Blick genommen, die im Kontext religionsbezogener und professionalisierungsspezifischer Diskurse zirkulieren und deren Analyse Hinweise darauf gibt, wie sich Student:innen im Spannungsfeld diskursiver Ordnungsstrukturen positionieren. Solcherart gibt die Studie Einblicke in Prozesse, die als Subjektivierungs- bzw. Professionalisierungsmomente gelesen werden können

Religion-Regime Relations in Zimbabwe: Co-operation and Resistance (Routledge Studies on Religion in Africa and the Diaspora)

by Ezra Chitando Lovemore Togarasei Joram Tarusarira

This book explores religion-regime relations in contemporary Zimbabwe to identify patterns of co-operation and resistance across diverse religious institutions. Using co-operation and resistance as an analytical framework, the book shows how different religious organisations have interacted with Emmerson Mnangagwa’s "Second Republic", following Robert Mugabe’s departure from the political scene. In particular, through case studies on the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference and Pentecostals, African Traditional Religions, Islam, and others, the book explores how different religious institutions have responded to Mnangagwa’s new regime. Chapters highlight the complexities characterising the religion-regime interface, showing how the same religious organisation might co-operate and resist at the same time. Furthermore, the book compares how religious institutions co-operated or resisted Mugabe’s earlier regime to identify patterns of continuity and change. Overall, the book highlights the challenges of deploying simplistic frames in efforts to understand the interface between politics and religion. A significant contribution to global scholarship on religion-regime interfaces, this book will appeal to academics and students in the field of Religious Studies, Political Science, History and African Studies

The Religion Toolkit: Understanding Religion in the World Today

by Tamara Sonn John Morreall

THE RELIGION TOOLKIT A comprehensive survey of the study of religion worldwide, from ancient indigenous traditions to today’s religious nationalism. “This is an excellent book that is a good, comprehensive overview of the history of religions and the ways of studying religion within Religious Studies… it really brings religions to life for the reader.” —Gavin Flood, Professor of Hindu Studies and Comparative Religion, Oxford University “The authors provide a clear, first-rate introduction to the study of religions, origins, leading scholars and their theories and beliefs…. This is by far the best introductory volume I am aware of both in terms of substance, clarity, and insights.” — John L. Esposito, Distinguished University Professor, Georgetown University, and Past President of the American Academy of Religion The Religion Toolkit: Understanding Religion in the World Today is a clear and comprehensive introduction to the academic study of religions, providing readers an introduction to the history and theories of Religious Studies, a survey of global religious traditions, and an overview of religion in the public sphere today. Discusses theory and methodology in religion, including the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, philosophy, biblical studies, and theologyDescribes the early development of religion, with overviews of traditions around the world, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Daoism, Confucianism, and ShintoCovers traditions not commonly addressed in introductory textbooks, such as Santeria, Vodou, Tengrism, and indigenous traditions of the AmericasExamines recent developments and contemporary issues such as secularization, bioethics, and the rise of religious nationalismIncludes access to a companion website with discussion questions, additional material, and helpful primary and secondary sources Providing the knowledge and tools required to explore and understand the nature and roles of religion, The Religion Toolkit: Understanding Religion in the World Today, Second Edition is an excellent introductory textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in Religious Studies, History of Religion, Religions of the World, and Theory and Method in the Study of Religion, as well as a valuable resource for general readers interested in the role of religion in the world today.

Religionen der Welt für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Rabbi Marc Gellman Monsignor Thomas Hartman

Die Menschen durch ihren Glauben verstehen Über Religionen hat man sich oft schnell eine Meinung gebildet – doch wie viel wissen wir wirklich über sie? Dieses Buch stellt Ihnen verschiedene Religionen vor und zeigt Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede auf. Marc Gellman und Thomas Hartman erzählen von heiligen Menschen und Schriften und erläutern die Standpunkte der Glaubensgemeinschaften zu kritischen gesellschaftlichen Fragen. Die Autoren schildern auch, wie die Menschen ihren Glauben praktizieren und welche Auswirkungen Religion auf die Gesellschaft hat. So liefert Ihnen dieses Buch einen Überblick über den Glauben von Menschen rund um die Welt. Sie erfahren Was eine Religion ausmachtWelchen ethischen Verhaltensregeln die Weltreligionen folgenWie religiöse Botschaften verbreitet werdenWelche verschiedenen Glaubensformen es neben den großen Religionen gibt

Religionless Christianity: God's Answer to Evil

by Eric Metaxas

Christianity is not about rituals but changed hearts. In the prophetic tradition of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas calls slumbering Christians to battle.Picking up where he left off in his electrifying Letter to the American Church, Eric Metaxas renews and deepens his call to believers not to &“practice&” their faith but to live it—heroically and with joy. Invoking famous but misunderstood words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, he shows that God&’s answer to evil is &“religionless Christianity&”—the rejection of religiosity and the embrace of a living and active faith, one that consumes the whole person and affects every aspect of his life. The awakening of this faith will bring revival, a &“new birth of freedom&” and a renaissance of Christian culture.

Religions and Sports: The Basics (The Basics)

by Terry D. Shoemaker

Religions and Sports: The Basics introduces the many connections and interactions between religions and sporting activities.Readers will gain a foundational understanding of how to approach religions and sports analytically, theoretically, and methodologically. The book uses multiple relational frameworks to examine probing discussions around religious expressions in sports, the social connections of religions and sports, the mirroring of sport and religious devotion, and the discourse between religious ideas and leaders and professional athletes. Supplemented with numerous case studies and engaging exercises, it guides students through approaching research inquiries within the intersection of religion and sport for the first time.With lively discussion on contemporary sports including skateboarding and pickleball, it is a must-read for all students of Religions and Sports and Religion and Popular Culture, in addition to sports fans more broadly.

Religions, Beliefs and Education in the European Court of Human Rights: Investigating Judicial Pedagogies (Routledge Research in Religion and Education)

by Nigel Fancourt

The Routledge Research in Religion and Education series aims at advancing public understanding and dialogue on issues at the intersections of religion and education. These issues emerge in various venues and proposals are invited from work in any such arena: public or private education at elementary, secondary, or higher education institutions; non-school or community organizations and settings; and formal or informal organizations or groups with religion or spirituality as an integral part of their work. Book proposals are invited from diverse methodological approaches and theoretical and ideological perspectives. This series does not address the work of formal religious institutions including churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples. Rather, it focuses on the beliefs and values arising from all traditions as they come into contact with educational work in the public square. Please send proposals to Mike Waggoner ( and Alice Salt (

Religionsphilosophie nach Pascal: Über Wissenschaft und Religion unter nachmetaphysischen Prämissen (Neue Horizonte der Religionsphilosophie)

by Markus Knapp

In der Formierungsphase der Neuzeit hat Blaise Pascal den durch den Fortschritt der Wissenschaften verursachten Wandel des Weltbildes sowohl existentiell erlitten wie kritisch reflektiert. Das zentrale Anliegen Pascals, der selbst ein bedeutender Wissenschaftler war, bestand darin, eine Vernunftkonzeption zu entwickeln, die der Wissenschaft ebenso wie dem religiösen Glauben Raum gibt. In den Beiträgen dieses Bandes der Reihe Neue Horizonte der Religionsphilosophie wird zum einen das Projekt Pascals im Kontext des 17. Jahrhunderts hermeneutisch erschlossen. Zum anderen wird systematisch reflektiert, welche Bedeutung ihm in den gegenwärtigen Kontroversen um ein gemessenes Verhältnis von Vernunft und Religion, Gott und Säkularität zukommen kann.

Religionspolitik und politische Religion in Japan und Europa: Debatten um Polytheismus, Nationalismus und Kolonialismus (Studien zu Literatur und Religion / Studies on Literature and Religion #8)

by Michael Mandelartz David Weiß

In der neueren Debatte um das Wechselverhältnis von Religion und Politik hat Japan bislang keine Rolle gespielt; zu Unrecht, wie der vorliegende Band zeigt. Japan dürfte das einzige Land mit polytheistisch geprägter Kultur sein, das dem Imperialismus erfolgreich Widerstand entgegensetzte. Mit dem Aufstieg zur Kolonialmacht und der Erhebung des Shintoismus zur Staatsreligion stellte es die Denkmuster europäischer Überlegenheit infrage. Die polytheistische Religion sollte in diesem Transformationsprozess die historische Kontinuität des neuen Staates verbürgen. Dabei stimmen die rhetorischen Strategien überraschend genau mit dem Rückgriff der deutschen Romantik auf vermeintliche ‚Ursprünge‘ überein. Religiöse Symbolsprachen sind interpretationsoffen gegenüber politischen Deutungen, auch quer zur Unterscheidung von poly- und monotheistischen Religionen. Dies zeigt der Band in fünf Fallstudien von Germanisten und Japanologen.

Religious Hatred and Human Conflict: Psychodynamic Approaches to Insight and Intervention

by Andrew Floyer Acland

Religious Hatred and Human Conflict focuses the lens of psychodynamic psychology on a phenomenon that often confounds conventional thinking – the intensity of conflict with religious or quasi-religious dimensions. The book highlights six dimensions of religion: identity, doctrine and practice, emotion and experience, mythology, sacred values and power and control, exploring how these can give rise to religious hatred and lead to marginalisation, persecution and even genocide. It also explores reasons for the evolution of religion and religious hatred, and their relationship with human behaviour through contemporary issues such as fundamentalism, martyrdom, clerical narcissism and apocalyptic belief. Acland examines how religious hatred and conflict may be transcended by facilitating processes of dialogue and diapraxis which enable a systematic understanding of prejudices and projections. Last, it offers practical methods and strategies for helping individuals and communities grow beyond the constraints of religious hatred, treating religious hatred as a psycho-spiritual problem that requires self-understanding. Identifying the implications for professionals in conflict resolution and mediation, politicians, community leaders, diplomats and anyone working to prevent or reduce conflict where religious belief is a factor, this book sets out how those tasked with intervening can respond to the challenges involved. It will also be highly relevant reading for students and researchers of psychology and religious studies.

Religious Organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: Connections to Society and the State (Routledge Research in Religion and Development)

by Carole Rakodi

This book explores the links between religion, states, social welfare and social change in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Building on the author’s previous analysis of how religious beliefs, practices and values influence social behaviour and relationships, especially within families, this book focuses on the organisational characteristics of religions and societies. The book considers how Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist organisations working in different contexts express the religious values of charity and compassion in practical activities to improve social welfare. Drawing on extensive empirical research, the book maps the organisations involved, identifying the factors that explain their choice of activities, sources of funding and modes of organisation, and highlighting similarities and differences between the religious traditions. It considers the involvement of religious actors in school-level education, as well as in international humanitarian relief and reconstruction, and addresses the claim that religious organisations have distinctive features that give them comparative advantages. Finally, the book reviews research on the roles of religious values and organisations in resisting or promoting social change, focusing on women’s movements, especially their campaigns for changes in family law, and the quest for social and legal recognition for sexual and gender minorities. The book’s wide coverage of two subcontinents in the Global South and several important religious traditions will be of interest to researchers and students in the fields of sociology, international development, religious studies, anthropology and area studies, as well as to those engaged in policy and action who are looking to improve their understanding of the complex social, cultural, political and religious contexts in which they work.

Religious Responses to Pandemics and Crises: Isolation, Survival, and #Covidchaos (Routledge Studies in Religion)

by Sravana Borkataky-Varma, Christian A. Eberhart, and Marianne Bjelland Kartzow

Religious Responses to Pandemics and Crises explores various dimensions of the interrelations between the individual, community, and religion. With their global scope, the contributions to this volume represent reflections on the rich and multifaceted spectrum of human responses in a variety of different religions and cultures to the current SARS2-COVID-19 pandemic and similar crises in the past. The contributions are organized in three thematic parts focusing on strategies, rituals, and past and present responses to pandemics and crises. They reflect on the intersection of personal or communal responses and state-mandated policies relative to SARS2-COVID-19 while outlining different strategies to cope with the pandemic crisis. Timely questions explored include: How do individuals connect with or disconnect from religious and spiritual communities during times of personal and collective crises, including pandemics? How do religious practices such as rituals bridge individuals and communities? How do religious texts from past and present highlight and represent crises and pandemics? Dynamic and multidisciplinary in its inquiry, this volume is an outstanding resource for scholars of religion, theology, anthropology, social sciences, ritual theory, sex and gender studies, and contemporary medical science.

Religious Responses to Pandemics and Crises: Isolation, Survival, and #Covidchaos (Routledge Studies in Religion)

by Sravana Borkataky-Varma Christian A. Eberhart Marianne Bjelland Kartzow

Religious Responses to Pandemics and Crises explores various dimensions of the interrelations between the individual, community, and religion. With their global scope, the contributions to this volume represent reflections on the rich and multifaceted spectrum of human responses in a variety of different religions and cultures to the current SARS-2-COVID-19 pandemic and similar crises in the past.The contributions are organized in three thematic parts focusing on strategies, rituals, and past and present responses to pandemics and crises. They reflect on the intersection of personal or communal responses and state-mandated policies relative to SARS-2-COVID-19 while outlining different strategies to cope with the pandemic crisis. Timely questions explored include: How do individuals connect with or disconnect from religious and spiritual communities during times of personal and collective crises, including pandemics? How do religious practices such as rituals bridge individuals and communities? How do religious texts from past and present highlight and represent crises and pandemics? Dynamic and multidisciplinary in its inquiry, this volume is an outstanding resource for scholars of religion, theology, anthropology, social sciences, ritual theory, sex and gender studies, and contemporary medical science.

Religious Sensibilities in Pursuit of Sexual Well-Being: African Diasporic Communities in the Netherlands (Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives #55)

by Amisah Zenabu Bakuri

The self-identifying Ghanaian-Dutch and Somali-Dutch communities residing in the Randstad area of the Netherlands are deeply impacted by religious beliefs and cultural factors in their approach towards sexual health practices, well-being and pleasure. This book shows how religious sensibilities shape the physical activities, beauty practices, and gendered roles that are adopted into the daily lives of these communities in pursuit of their sexual and general well-being. Through an ethnographic account, it explores and challenges the assumptions held around the complex relationship between religion and sexuality.

Religious Tourism and Globalization: The Search for Identity and Transformative Experience (CABI Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Series)

by Vitor Ambrósio Silvia Aulet Serrallonga Caglar Bideci Mujde Bideci Elzbieta Bilska-Wodecka Dr Dino Bozonelos Dr Nour Farra-Haddad Stephen F. Haller Jaffer Idris Antonietta Ivona Isilda Leitão Dimitrios Mylonopoulos Polyxeni Moira Eleanor O’Keeffe Spyridon Parthenis Donatella Privitera Ricardo Nicolas Progano Alison T. Smith

Is it possible to identify the positive and negative effects of globalization on religious tourism or to estimate the transformation of the internal and external constructs of pilgrimage by these effects? In order to address these questions, this book highlights the importance of the search for identity and transformative experience during religious tourism. It also looks at how, recently, globalization has played a part in the changes of the concept of personal and social identity and the transformative experience of pilgrimage. The chapters, consisting of carefully selected case studies, analyse possible effects including the adoption of different new rituals, new pilgrims' values, changes of tradition, acceptance of technologic innovations, development of new business models, and other environmental and sociocultural changes. The book provides: · a conceptual framework for understanding the impacts of globalization; · integrated cross-disciplinary approaches; and · an insight into major religious travel practices in the age of identity challenges and worldwide transformations. It will be suitable for researchers and students of religious tourism, pilgrimage, identity tourism, as well as related subjects such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, theology, history and cultural studies.

Remarriage in Early Christianity

by A. Andrew Das

What did early Christians believe about remarriage after divorce? The New Testament sends mixed messages about divorce. Jesus forbids it in Mark&’s and Luke&’s Gospels, but he seems to make an exception for victims of infidelity in Matthew&’s Gospel. Paul permits divorce in 1 Corinthians when an unbeliever initiates it. Yet other Pauline passages imply that remarriage after divorce constitutes adultery. A. Andrew Das confronts this dissonance in Remarriage in Early Christianity. Challenging scholarly consensus, Das argues that early Christians did not approve of remarriage after divorce. His argument—covering contemporary Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts, the Gospels, Paul&’s letters, and ante-Nicene interpretation—reveals greater consistency in early Christianity than is often assumed. Das pays special attention to the Greek words used in contemporary bills of divorce and in the New Testament, offering much-needed clarity on hotly contested concepts like porneia. At once sensitive and objective, Das finds an exegetically sound answer to the question of remarriage among early Christians. This bold study will challenge scholars and enlighten any Christian concerned with what Scripture has to say on this perennially relevant topic.

¡Renuévate! (Do the New You): Seis mentalidades que te convertirán en el ser que fuiste creado

by Steven Furtick

Esa versión ideal de ti no es imaginaria en absoluto. En realidad, es tu ser auténtico el que intenta abrirse paso. Tampoco es una versión futura de ti mismo lo que tienes que perseguir. El verdadero tú puede ser nuevo para ti, pero no lo es para Dios. Es el ser que Él conoció desde el principio. En ¡Renuévate!, el pastor y autor de éxitos de ventas del New York Times, Steven Furtick, habla directamente del desafío de vivir la identidad y el llamado que Dios nos ha dado. En este reciente libro, él explora y analiza seis mentalidades prácticas que todos podemos adoptar para pasar de ser quienes somos hoy a donde Dios nos quiere llevar. Estas seis afirmaciones son verdades sobre ti mismo que puedes expresarlas en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar: • No estoy estancado, a menos que me detenga. • Cristo está en mí, por lo que soy suficiente. • Con Dios, siempre hay un camino y por la fe lo encontraré. • Dios no está en mi contra; Él está conmigo, obrando a través de mí y peleando por mí. • Estar alegre es mi tarea. • Dios me ha dado todo lo que necesito para la temporada en la que estoy. Estas frases sencillas, poderosas y memorables cambiarán tu enfoque, tus sentimientos y tus acciones para alinearlos con la visión que Dios tiene de ti. Dios no solo te está llamando a ser tú mismo. Él te está llamando a renovarte, a ser tu nuevo yo: esa persona única y poderosa que Dios creó en ti. Find your God-given identity and calling and to grow into the person God designed you to be all along with New York Times bestselling author and pastor Steven Furtick's inspiring advice. Do you ever get a glimpse of a version of you that doesn't quite exist yet - but something in you believes it could? The happier, kinder, less stressed, more courageous you? The ideal version of you isn't imaginary at all. It's actually the authentic you trying to break through. God knows the potential he placed inside of you, even if you don&’t yet. Accepting yourself as you are doesn't mean giving up on the possibility of growing into even greater things. And as you do, you meet the true you - the new you. And it may be new to you, but it&’s not new to God. It's the you he knew all along. In Do the New You, bestselling author and pastor Steven Furtick speaks directly to the challenge of living out your God-given identity and calling. He explores and unpacks six practical mindsets everyone can adopt to get from who you are today to where God is taking you. These six statements are truths you can speak over yourself any time and anywhere: • I&’m not stuck unless I stop. • Christ is in me. I am enough. • With God there's always a way and by faith I will find it. • God is not against me, but he's in it with me, working through me, fighting for me. • My joy is my job. • God has given me everything I need for the season I&’m in. These simple, powerful, memorable phrases will shift your focus, feelings, and actions to align with God&’s vision of you. God isn&’t just calling you to do you. He&’s calling you to do the new you—the unique and powerful person he created and called you to be.

Rescue Story: Faith, Freedom, and Finding My Way Home

by Zach Williams

From a hard-rocking life fueled by substance abuse to a hope-filled life of freedom and joy--this is music star Zach Williams's bold and vulnerable story of faith and redemption.Before two-time GRAMMY Award winner Zach Williams penned heartfelt, faith-filled ballads like "Chain Breaker," "There Was Jesus (featuring Dolly Parton)," and "Fear Is a Liar," there was darkness. A rock-and-roll singer who thought he had all he ever wanted to make him happy, Zach instead felt empty. The drugs, alcohol, and late-night gigs played around the world couldn't satisfy the longing in his heart for a place to belong. He was desperate for change.It came while on tour in Spain with his band, and in this powerful and poignant memoir, Zach shares in vivid detail his personal Rescue Story. He reflects on his childhood and the prophecy that kept his parents from giving up hope, his descent into the substance abuse that held him captive for so long, and ultimately the rescue he didn't think was possible but embraced with open arms.A compelling, honest story of God's unconditional love, grace, and redemption, Rescue Story shares the intimate journey of a beloved music artist and challenges you to seek resilient hope in the trials of your own life--because Jesus offers real freedom and joy, despite the mistakes of your past.

The Rescue Turn and the Politics of Holocaust Memory

by Ido De Haan Sofie Lene Bak Mark Roseman Anna Bikont Anna Marie Droumpouki Sarah Gensburger Liliana Hentosh Hana Kubátová Naum Trajanovski Anika Walke

This volume considers the uses and misuses of the memory of assistance given to Jews during the Holocaust, deliberated in local, national, and transnational contexts. History of this aid has drawn the attention of scholars and the general public alike. Stories of heroic citizens who hid and rescued Jewish men, women, and children have been adapted into books, films, plays, public commemorations, and museum exhibitions. Yet, emphasis on the uplifting narratives often obscures the history of violence and complicity with Nazi policies of persecution and mass murder. Each of the ten essays in this interdisciplinary collection is dedicated to a different country: Belarus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, North Macedonia, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The case studies provide new insights into what has emerged as one of the most prominent and visible trends in recent Holocaust memory and memory politics. While many of the essays focus on recent developments, they also shed light on the evolution of this phenomenon since 1945.

Resilience and Responsiveness: Alfred’s Schutz’s Finite Provinces of Meaning (Contributions to Phenomenology #129)

by Michael Barber

This book extends Alfred Schutz’s “On Multiple Realities” by describing the provinces of meaning of play, music, religious ritual, and African-American folkloric humor. Throughout these provinces, the author traces two themes: resilience and responsiveness. In resilience, individuals or communities run up against obstacles, imposed relevances, which they come to terms with, or give meaning to (in phenomenological parlance), by modifying, evading, overcoming, or accepting them. Responsiveness emerges from Schutz’s idea of making music together, which the author takes further by analyzing the mimetic encounter with the other and the asymmetries in listening to music, and, especially, by showing how the features of the cognitive style of music as a province of meaning affect sociality, disposing us to be more vulnerable and attentive to each other’s non-conceptual, musical meanings. This text appeals to upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students as well as to faculty in philosophy.

Resolving Disagreements: A Semantic and Epistemological Inquiry (Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion)

by Åke Wahlberg

This book examines how the semantics and metaphysics of disagreement affect the epistemology of disagreement. It thus broadens the philosophical discourse by relating the epistemological discussion of (peer) disagreement to inquiries into the nature of disagreement and disagreeing. By doing this, it paints a new picture of the epistemological situation evoked by disagreement: To the same extent that an interpersonal dispute undermines the justification of the disputing persons’ beliefs, it also presents an obstacle to interpersonal understanding. This follows from the nature of meaning, belief and communication, rightly understood. In demonstrating the relevance of this to philosophical reflections on peer disagreement and resolution of disagreement, the book addresses arguably the most contentious kind of disagreement, namely, religious disagreement. It shows that apparent disagreement in religion suggests that the dialog partners might not have reached sufficient mutual understanding. This has important ramifications for the rationally right conduct in the face of religious disagreement, and for the possibility of rational resolution of religious disputes.

Responses to 7 October: Antisemitic Discourse (Studies in Contemporary Antisemitism)

by David Hirsh Rosa Freedman Odeliya Lanir Zafir

One of three volumes responding to the 7 October attack, Antisemitic Discourse focuses on the ideology that motivated it and the antisemitism that shaped many responses to it.It examines the provenance of the Jew-hatred, from English history to Palestinian Islamism; from toxic 19th century ‘Jewish Question’ rhetoric to the perversion of the Trotskyist tradition that allowed parts of the left to embrace antisemitism. It includes Howard Jacobson’s lecture of 22 October on antisemitism and it focuses on what was significant about this attack. There is discussion from Britain, Germany, Poland, and Norway, and a linguistic account of responses.This work will appeal to scholars, students and activists with an interest in antisemitism, Jewish studies and the politics of Israel.

Responses to 7 October: Law and Society (Studies in Contemporary Antisemitism)

by David Hirsh Rosa Freedman Odeliya Lanir Zafir

One of three volumes responding to the 7 October attack, Law and Society begins with a legal and a genocide studies critique of the claim that Israel is genocidal; another reflects on the absence of an understanding of antisemitism in international legal discourse.There are reflections on experiences in the Palestine solidarity movement and on the twists that discourse there takes. Contributions draw on Judaism, feminism, and sociology to face what happened and to trace how Israelis were transported back to a quintessentially pre-Israel Jewish experience. Others survey reports of antisemitism around the globe in the wake of 7 October, including pieces about Britain and Germany.This work will appeal to scholars, students, and activists with an interest in antisemitism, Jewish studies, and the politics of Israel.

Responses to 7 October: Universities (Studies in Contemporary Antisemitism)

by David Hirsh Rosa Freedman Odeliya Lanir Zafir

One of three volumes responding to the 7 October attack, Universities focuses on the heartland of contemporary antisemitic thinking, which is scholarship; and its reflection in student discourse on campus.Contributions go back to Sartre and to debates of Marx’s time; another looks at the New Left forged in the civil rights movement, and shows how antisemitic responses to the 2023 violence were anticipated by some of the responses to the 1967 Arab League aggression. The feminist movement and ‘progressives’ more generally come under scrutiny, and there is analysis of antisemitism on campus after 7 October, showing how it is tolerated and protected there; including in archaeological attempts to deny that there is an ancient Jewish history in Israel.This work will appeal to scholars, students and activists with an interest in antisemitism, Jewish studies and the politics of Israel.

The Rest of Your Story: The Path to the Christian Life You Want

by Greg A. Lindsey

God never intended the Christian life to be boring, empty, or irrelevant. In The Rest of Your Story, Pastor Greg Lindsey takes us on a journey past forgiveness to freedom. The journey starts with diving deep into our own stories so we can let go of the shame, regret, and pain that are holding us back. Only then can we discover all the ways we need Jesus&’ help—and become people of godly passion who live out the true desires of our hearts. Many of us find that despite our best religious efforts, we&’re still chasing God&’s abundant life instead of enjoying it. In The Rest of Your Story, Pastor Greg Lindsey shows us why believing the &“right&” things or behaving the &“right&” way will never lead to our fullest life. True spiritual growth happens when we journey with Jesus back into our stories. The Rest of Your Story is a roadmap to what God wants our Christian life to be: passionate, joy-filled, fulfilling, significant, and freeing. Along with his own vulnerable story of redemption, Greg shares: The dangers of knowing the significance of our sin but not the significance of our stories Ways our spiritual enemy uses our past to keep us from realizing our purpose The difference between living forgiven and living free Why the places we are most afraid to go lead us to the life we don&’t want to miss What you&’ve done and what you&’ve experienced is not who you are. As you identify how your past is keeping you from experiencing Jesus&’ abundant life, you&’ll find that God can turn the deepest pain into your richest treasure.

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Showing 81,226 through 81,250 of 81,598 results