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The Zippered Heart

by Marilyn Meberg

"Why did I say that? Why did I do that? Where on earth did those mean thoughts and motivations come from? I'm so glad no one can read my mind." We all get whiplashed and sometimes broadsided by the "dark" side of our nature, which produces thoughts and behaviors that cause us to feel ashamed. many of us deny that part of ourselves, and kick it off somewhere in the shadowy recesses of the heart, where we hope it will stay put, not cause us any more trouble, and hopefully not be noticed.In The Zippered Heart, Marilyn does a gentle exploration of those secrets and issues which, if denied, can rob us of the abundant life we are promised in Christ. God means for us to be whole. This book is an encouragement in that process."This book will change lives, because it requires that we look precisely at both the dark and the light sides of ourselves. Then it brings an overflowing grace and forgiveness. As a psychologist with thirty-five years of clinical experience, I can say that this is one of the best books I have read." -Neil Clark Warren, author of Finding the Love of Your Life"Step into liberty through the rapscallion brilliance of Marilyn Meberg." -Patsy Clairmont, author of Mending Your Heart in a Broken World"For thirty years Marilyn's compassionate exploration of the human heart has amazed me. Now, with skill and tenderness she opens that heart for all of us to see how fearfully and wonderfully we are made." -Luci Swindoll, author, speaker, Women of Faith"The Zippered Heart is a perceptive and sensitive examination of the 'war within' between our two natures." -Archibald D. Hart, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary

Zipporah, Wife of Moses: A Novel

by Marek Halter

From the internationally bestselling author of Sarah comes the riveting story of the remarkable woman who walked beside Moses. Although she is a Cushite by birth--one of the people of the lands to the south--Zipporah grew up as the beloved daughter of Jethro, high priest and sage of the Midianites. But the color of Zipporah's skin sets her apart, making her an outsider to the men of her adopted tribe, who do not want her as a wife. Then one day while drawing water from a well, she meets a handsome young stranger. Like her, he is an outsider. A Hebrew raised in the house of the Egyptian Pharaoh, Moses is a fugitive, forced to flee his homeland. Zipporah realizes that this man will be the husband and partner she never thought she would have.Moses wants nothing more than a peaceful life with the Midianites, but Zipporah won't let Moses forget his past--or turn away from his true destiny. She refuses to marry him until he returns to Egypt to free his people. When God reveals himself to Moses in a burning bush, his words echo Zipporah's, and Moses returns to Egypt with his passionate and generous wife by his side. A woman ahead of her time, Zipporah leaps from the pages of this remarkable novel. Bold, independent, and a true survivor, she is a captivating heroine, and her world of deserts, temples, and ancient wonders is a fitting backdrop to an epic tale. , independent, and a true survivor, she is a captivating heroine, and her world of deserts, temples, and ancient wonders is a fitting backdrop to an epic tale.As Zipporah and Moses came closer to the queen of cities, the road parted company with the riverbank, and they found themselves facing a vast expanse of palm groves between the river and the hills and ocher cliffs, beyond which the desert began. And there, finally, rising into the blue sky, were the temples of Pharaoh.There were about ten of them, the largest surrounded by smaller ones, as if they had given birth to them. Seeming to grow out of the rock, the tops reaching up into the sky, they defied belief, so fantastically huge that beside them, even the cliffs seemed mere hillocks. Their faces shimmered in the heat like oil against the transparent sky. The neatly laid brick road leading to them burned in the sun.Zipporah remembered Moses' words about the splendor of Pharaoh's temples, but their hugeness surpassed anything she could have imagined. Nothing here was on a human scale. Not even the stone monsters with the heads of men and the bodies of lions that stood guard before them.Farther on, beneath great pyramids, they could see vast building sites. Colonnades and needles of white limestone and walls carved and painted with thousands of figures rose on the fronts of palaces hollowed out of the cliffs. There were unfinished monsters without wings, and statues without heads. In places, the roads became mere dirt paths, with bricks piled at the sides. And everywhere, the slaves swarmed, working, carrying, hammering, creating a din that rose into the heat of the day and was carried on the air from the farthest reaches of the building sites. --FROM ZIPPORAHLook for the Reader's Group Guide at the back of this book.From the Hardcover edition.

Zipporah, Wife of Moses: A Novel (Canaan Trilogy #2)

by Marek Halter Howard Curtis

Featuring a bold, spirited woman of color as its protagonist, "Zipporah," the story of the wife of Moses, will appeal to a wide range of readers and follows "Sarah" in Halter's Canaan Trilogy.

Zivilgesellschaftliche Performanz von religiösen und säkularen Migrantenselbstorganisationen: Eine Studie in Nordrhein-Westfalen

by Anna Wiebke Klie

Das vorliegende Open-Access-Buch trägt in theoretischer und empirischer Hinsicht zu einem besseren Verständnis der Eigenschaften und zivilgesellschaftlichen Verortung von religiösen und säkularen Migrantenselbstorganisationen (MSO) bei. MSO werden unter migrations-, religions- sowie organisationssoziologischen Blickwinkeln betrachtet, in politische Felder und Diskurse eingeordnet und die jeweiligen Positionen mit den Ergebnissen einer (nicht-repräsentativen) Befragung von MSO in neun Großstädten Nordrhein-Westfalens ins Verhältnis gesetzt. Bei der Erhebung wurden organisationsspezifische Merkmale, Ressourcenausstattungen und zivilgesellschaftliche Eigenschaften in den Blick genommen, die wiederum Aktivitäten, Ziele, Selbstverständnisse, das Kooperationsspektrum sowie die Umweltbeziehungen der MSO umfassen. Insgesamt unterstreichen die Ergebnisse für die beiden unterschiedenen Organisationstypen viele Gemeinsamkeiten, zugleich aber auch spezifische Binnen- und Außenverhältnisse. Eine Reduzierung ausschließlich auf religiöse oder säkulare Merkmale wird ihrer Charakterisierung also nicht gerecht – vielmehr ist von einer Vermischung von Handlungslogiken auszugehen.

Zix Zexy Ztories

by Curt Leviant

A humorous collection of love stories from an award-winning author who has been called &“a compassionate and witty satirist&” (Kirkus Reviews). From Holocaust survivors to Yiddish artists, a petty thief and a Polish shiksa with a passion for Jewish history, what unites the delectable characters in Curt Leviant&’s witty collection of romantic tales is the universal desire for love and admiration. With settings as various as the Deep South, Boston, New York, Italy, Israel, each story is a wry look at romantic pursuit, each relationship as unique as the lovers themselves. Whether or not love succeeds for Leviant&’s all-too-human characters, the journey is always filled with humor and heart.

Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories

by Isaac Bashevis Singer Elizabeth Shub

From two masters who need no introduction comes a handsome reprint of the classic Newbery Honor book Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories. With wit and whimsy, Maurice Sendak illustrates seven tales about the legendary village of fools, Chelm, written by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Silly, outrageous, and sometimes poignant, the stories (translated from the Yiddish) reflect the traditions, heroes, and villains of middle European folklore. The devil makes an appearance more than once, as do the ever-so-foolish yet highly revered Elders of Chelm. In "The Mixed-Up Feet and the Silly Bridegroom," four sisters wake one morning to discover that their feet have become mixed up in the bed they share. A wise Elder advises their mother to whack the bed with a big stick, thus causing each girl to grab her own feet in pain and surprise. When their feet are sorted out, he then recommends, the sisters should be married off as soon as possible, to reduce the possibility of similar mix-ups in the future. Of course, none of them count on the breathtaking stupidity of the first bridegroom. Another not-so-clever fellow stars in "The First Shlemiel." When this man's wife asks him to do three things for her, he promptly and accidentally proceeds to breach each one of his promises, resulting in a baby with a bump on his head, an escaped rooster, and an emptied pot of jam. Somehow, though, possibly because ignorance is bliss, fools always come out on top in these wonderful stories, making for terrific read-aloud, laugh-aloud fun for the entire family. (All ages) --Emilie Coulter

The Zodiac Guide to Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the curious and independent air sign, Aquarius.- Discover what really makes an Aquarius tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Aries: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the passionate and adventurous fire sign, Aries.- Discover what really makes an Aries tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Cancer: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the sensitive and caring water sign, Cancer.- Discover what really makes a Cancer tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Capricorn: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the ambitious and logical earth sign, Capricorn.- Discover what really makes a Capricorn tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Gemini: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the quick-witted and adaptable air sign, Gemini.- Discover what really makes a Gemini tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Leo: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the proud and generous fire sign, Leo.- Discover what really makes a Leo tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Libra: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the charming and easy-going air sign, Libra.- Discover what really makes a Libra tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Pisces: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the empathetic and compassionate water sign, Pisces.- Discover what really makes a Pisces tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Sagittarius: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the enthusiastic and broadminded fire sign, Sagittarius.- Discover what really makes a Sagittarius tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Scorpio: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the resourceful and intuitive water sign, Scorpio.- Discover what really makes a Scorpio tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Taurus: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the determined and faithful earth sign, Taurus.- Discover what really makes a Taurus tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Virgo: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the capable and thoughtful earth sign, Virgo.- Discover what really makes a Virgo tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

Zodiacal Symbology and Its Planetary Power

by Isidore Kozminsky

After some years of careful study in the endeavour to fix the special planetary influence attached to each degree of the Zodiac, author Isidore Kozminsky is at length enabled to present the result of his researches in this direction for the consideration of the many sincere students who find in astrology a safe and sure foundation upon which to build the temple of world enlightenment, which the approaching true civilization will demand.From a close examination of thousands of nativities during the past, Kozminsky believes that the planets which will be found associated with the zodiacal degrees in this book are correct and important in every particular. He further believes this is the first attempt in this direction, and is certain that the reader will find it helpful in dealing with the many problems with which he or she has to grapple.

The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume Two (The zohar: Pritzker Edition Ser. #2)

by Daniel C. Matt

Sefer ha-Zohar, "The Book of Radiance," has amazed and overwhelmed readers ever since it emerged mysteriously in medieval Spain toward the end of the thirteenth century. Written in a unique Aramaic, this masterpiece of Kabbalah exceeds the dimensions of a normal book; it is virtually a body of literature, comprising over twenty discrete sections. The bulk of the Zohar consists of a running commentary on the Torah, from Genesis through Deuteronomy. This translation begins and focuses here in what are projected to be ten volumes. Two subsequent volumes will cover other, shorter sections. The Zohar's commentary is composed in the form of a mystical novel. The hero is Rabbi Shim'on son of Yohai, a saintly disciple of Rabbi Akiva who lived in the second century in the land of Israel. In the Zohar, Rabbi Shim'on and his companions wander through the hills of Galilee, discovering and sharing secrets of Torah.

The Zohar: Pritzker Edition (The Zohar: Pritzker Edition #1)

by Daniel C. Matt

The first two volumes of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, translated with commentary by Daniel C. Matt, cover more than half of the Zohar's commentary on the Book of Genesis (through Genesis 32:3). This is the first translation ever made from a critical Aramaic text of the Zohar, which has been established by Professor Matt based on a wide range of original manuscripts. The extensive commentary, appearing at the bottom of each page, clarifies the kabbalistic symbolism and terminology, and cites sources and parallels from biblical, rabbinic, and kabbalistic texts. The translator's introduction is accompanied by a second introduction written by Arthur Green, discussing the origin and significance of the Zohar. Please see the Zohar Home Page for ancillary materials, including the publication schedule, press release, Aramaic text, questions, and answers. <p><p> Further information on the Zohar: <p> Sefer ha-Zohar, "The Book of Radiance," has amazed and overwhelmed readers ever since it emerged mysteriously in medieval Spain toward the end of the thirteenth century. Written in a unique Aramaic, this masterpiece of Kabbalah exceeds the dimensions of a normal book; it is virtually a body of literature, comprising over twenty discrete sections. The bulk of the Zohar consists of a running commentary on the Torah, from Genesis through Deuteronomy. This translation begins and focuses here in what are projected to be ten volumes. Two subsequent volumes will cover other, shorter sections. <p><p> The Zohar's commentary is composed in the form of a mystical novel. The hero is Rabbi Shim'on son of Yohai, a saintly disciple of Rabbi Akiva who lived in the second century in the land of Israel. In the Zohar, Rabbi Shim'on and his companions wander through the hills of Galilee, discovering and sharing secrets of Torah. <p><p> On one level, biblical figures such as Abraham and Sarah are the main characters, and the mystical companions interpret their words, actions, and personalities. On a deeper level, the text of the Bible is simply the starting point, a springboard for the imagination. For example, when God commands Abraham, Lekh lekha, Go forth... to the land that I will show you (Genesis 12:1), Rabbi El'azar ignores idiomatic usage and insists on reading the words more literally than they were intended, hyperliterally: Lekh lekha, Go to yourself! Search deep within to discover your true self. <p><p> At times, the companions themselves become the main characters, and we read about their dramatic mystical sessions with Rabbi Shim'on or their adventures on the road, for example, an encounter with a cantankerous old donkey driver who turns out to be a master of wisdom in disguise. <p><p> Ultimately, the plot of the Zohar focuses on the ten sefirot, the various stages of God's inner life, aspects of divine personality, both feminine and masculine. By penetrating the literal surface of the Torah, the mystical commentators transform the biblical narrative into a biography of God. The entire Torah is read as one continuous divine name, expressing divine being. Even a seemingly insignificant verse can reveal the inner dynamics of the sefirot―how God feels, responds and acts, how She and He (the divine feminine and masculine) relate intimately with each other and with the world.

Zohar: The Book of Enlightenment

by Daniel Chanan Matt

From the book's introduction: "Sefer ha-Zohar, the Book of Splendor, Radiance, Enlightenment, has amazed and overwhelmed readers for seven centuries. The Zohar is the major text of Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition. It is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Torah, the Five Books of Moses. It is a mosaic of Bible, midrash, medieval homily, fiction, and fantasy. Its central theme is the interplay of human and divine reali- ties. Its language is a peculiar brand of Aramaic that breaks the rules of grammar and invents words."

Zohar: Basic Readings from the Kabbalah

by Gershom Scholem

One of the great masterpieces of Western religious thought, the Zohar represents an attempt to uncover hidden meanings behind the world of appearances. It is the central work in the literature of the Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition. <P> This volume of selected passages from the Zohar, culled by the greatest authority on Jewish mysticism, offers a sampling of its unique vision of the esoteric wonders of creation; the life and destiny of the soul; the confluence of physical and divine love; suffering and death; exile and redemption.

Zohar The Book of Splendor: Basic Readings from the Kabbalah

by Gershom Scholem

One of the great masterpieces of Western religious thought, the Zohar represents an attempt to uncover hidden meanings behind the world of appearances. It is the central work in the literature of the Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition. This volume of selected passages from the Zohar, culled by the greatest authority on Jewish mysticism, offers a sampling of its unique vision of the esoteric wonders of creation; the life and destiny of the soul; the confluence of physical and divine love; suffering and death; exile and redemption.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Zombie Book

by Nick Redfern Brad Steiger

Rampaging, driven, killing machines. Soulless and dead. Infected and infectious. Zombies. The epidemic of the living dead is stronger than ever in today's pop-culture, but long before exotic viruses, biological warfare, and sinister military experiments brought the dead back to life in our cinemas and on our television screens, there were the dark spells and incantations of the ancient Egyptians, the Sumerians, and the Babylonians. Blending the historical with the modern, the biographical with the literary, the plants and animals with bacteria and viruses, the mythological with the horrifying true tales, The Zombie Book: The Encyclopedia of the Living Dead is a comprehensive resource to understanding, combating, and avoiding zombies.More than 250 entries cover everything from hit television shows, books, and movies, including The Walking Dead, World War Z and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, to zombies' ignominious role in folklore and mythology, such as the Greek god Asclepius, ancient Voodoo religion, and the Native American Wendigo legend. The Zombie Book: The Encyclopedia of the Living Dead examines mad cow disease, the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the Centers for Disease Control preparing for the end of the world, and much, much more.

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