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Showing 81,526 through 81,550 of 81,600 results

A profeta

by Maria Francisca Gama

A vingança pode ser uma religião? Um romance de estreia original e surpreendente Mariana é uma jovem mulher solitária. Tem um emprego do qual não gosta, passa os dias e as noites sozinha a ler um livro misterioso. Sente um profundo desprezo pela Humanidade, mas não consegue evitar ajudar quem precisa, mesmo que a ajuda venha na forma de um frasquinho de veneno indetetável. Através das pessoas com quem se vai cruzando, todas vítimas de alguém, Mariana vai eliminando o mal do mundo e, ao fazê-lo, junta uma legião que jura segui-la para sempre, como a uma profeta. Neste livro, Maria Francisca Gama faz uma reflexão sobre a religião, o certo e o errado, e a aleatoriedade de acontecimentos que em segundos destroem uma vida. É a incapacidade de aceitação e a busca por uma justiça divina que, não chegando, é feita pelas próprias mãos.

Nostradamus: As Profecias Completas para o Futuro

by Mario Reading

Um livro que dá a conhecer o futuro da humanidade, descodificando as previsões do maior adivinho da história. O QUE REVELAM PARA AS PRÓXIMAS DÉCADAS AS PROFECIAS MAIS SURPREENDENTES DE NOSTRADAMUS? Nostradamus é amplamente conhecido como o maior adivinho e visionário que já existiu. Em toda a história editorial, apenas a Bíblia vendeu mais exemplares do que as suas profecias, que foram impressas desde a sua morte, a 1 de julho de 1556 — um evento que ele previu com precisão na noite anterior. Michel de Nostredame profetizou alguns dos momentos mais chocantes dos tempos modernos: o 11 de Setembro, a Guerra do Iraque, o devastador tsunami de 2004 e até a morte da rainha de Inglaterra em 2022. Graças à interpretação inovadora de Mario Reading — o maior especialista no vidente francês — e aos seus comentários precisos e qualificados, podemos agora ter um novo vislumbre do que o futuro nos reserva.Alguns exemplos: 2035 • Nascimento do Terceiro Anticristo 2040 • Fim da monarquia na Grã-Bretanha 2052 • Emancipação das mulheres muçulmanas 2065 • Desmembramento da União Europeia2070 • Eclosão da Terceira Guerra Mundial

Viver a Vida, Aceitar a Morte: Lições e práticas intemporais para navegar pela incerteza e abraçar novos começos

by Pema Chodron

Um curso intensivo sobre viver a vida plena e compassivamente na sombra da morte e da mudança. Por mais que tentemos resistir, enquanto vivemos, estamos continuamente perante fins: o fim de uma respiração, o fim de um dia, o fim de um relacionamento e, em última instância, o fim da vida, que é um fardo quotidiano para a maioria das pessoas, ainda que tal não tenha de ser assim. Neste livro luminoso, a monja budista Pema Chödrön partilha a sua sabedoria e oferece orientação para enfrentarmos sentimentos desconfortáveis e aceitarmos as constantes mudanças da vida, abraçando novos começos e preparando-nos para a morte com abertura, em vez de medo. Segundo a autora, se aprendermos a aceitar a imprevisibilidade e a lidar com as emoções mais desafi adoras da vida, estaremos no caminho para a iluminação espiritual e seremos mais destemidos ao enfrentar a morte e o que se seguir, pois, é importante que o lembremos, o modo como vivemos é o modo como morremos. «Um tratado sábio que reflete filosoficamente sobre as transições da vida.» Publishers Weekly «Pema Chödrön é uma luz que guia todos os que procuram crescimento pessoal.» Library Journal «Uma forma de transmitir a sabedoria e a luz ao mundo moderno. Num tempo em que as pessoas gostariam mais de viver na ilusão da certeza, Chödrön lembra aos leitores que devem reconhecer a beleza da imprevisibilidade e que abandonar o controlo de uma realidade que está, e sempre estará, em permanente mutação.» Shelf Awareness

Presença Plena

by Paulo Borges

«Façamos desta leitura uma viagem de peregrinação pelo território sagrado que somos, descobrindo e deixando irradiar a liberdade, consciência, amor, abundância e criatividade que já existem em nós, como os nossos mais profundos e desconhecidos recursos.» «Presença» é muito mais do que apenas estar. É um não-sei-quê que nos envolve, impossível de expressar e definir plenamente. Com isto em mente, Paulo Borges leva-nos aqui numa jornada pelos cinco aspectos fundamentais da experiência da presença: a presença aberta, a presença consciente, a presença amorosa, a presença abundante e a presença criativa. Um livro que deve ser lido e vivido de um modo diferente, prático e experiencial, com disponibilidade e entrega para com os exercícios propostos, como se se tratasse de um retiro ou workshop presencial.Porque, no final, o mais importante não é exclusivamente a compreensão intelectual, mas sim aprofundar a prática, parando sempre que necessário para realizar as experiências meditativas

A Relíquia

by Emanuel Bento Eça De Queirós Anselmo Borges

A Relíquia foi escrita em 1887. Mas, em 2010, mergulhados numa profundíssima crise da Igreja e da sociedade, não é consumidos pelas "incertezas da Inteligência" e angustiados pelos "tormentos do Dinheiro" que continuamos? Quando do que mais se precisa é do confronto com "a nudez forte da verdade" e com "uma lição lúcida e forte (...)".

Um Anjo da Guarda

by James Patterson

E se o seu amigo imaginário de infância fosse o grande amor da sua vida? Uma gatinha frágil e faminta é resgatada das ruas de Nova Deli por Sua Santidade, o Dalai Lama, e torna-se a companheira preferida do líder espiritual tibetano. Esta é a sua história, contada na primeira pessoa, pela própria gata. Na nova casa, um mosteiro com vista deslumbrante sobre os picos nevados dos Himalaias, a gata do Dalai Lama testemunha encontros com estrelas de Hollywood, mestres budistas, professores de universidades de topo, filantropos e muitas outras pessoas que procuram os conselhos do seu dono. São estas as histórias que a gatinha nos conta, de modo divertido, irreverente e sábio, proporcionando ensinamentos sobre como encontrar a felicidade e o significado da vida num mundo tão intenso e materialista.

Yo hablo con los muertos

by Lilian Elizabeth Quiñonez de Váldez

Lily de Valdez nos cuenta, a través de una serie de anécdotas, su camino por un mundo espiritual de aprendizaje y su disposición de ayudar, constituyéndose como mediadora entre quienes viven y quienes ya han muerto. Nacida en el año 59 en el seno de una familia de 6 hijos. Desde pequeña ve y escucha a personas que se quieren comunicar con ella y que sólo ella percibe. Esta situación le causa incomprensión y negación de un don que heredo de su familia materna por lo que decide no seguir compartiendo sus vivencias. Busca tranquilidad y orientación en las iglesias. No quiere pasar por loca. Durante la niñez y adolescencia varios sucesos la acercan a su realidad, pero es hasta los 23 años que toma consciencia de cuál es su misión al entrar en comunicación con una persona fallecida a la que nunca en vida conoció. En este momento comprende que los dones que posee están destinados a ayudar a sus semejantes. Es así como empieza y 20 años después decide escribir Yo hablo con los muertos con la finalidad de compartir sus experiencias y aprendizajes y para aquellos que se han negado a enfrentar los dones especiales que se les encomendaron, no se sientan locos ni indiferentes.

A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam (2nd edition)

by I. A. Ibrahim

This book is a brief guide to understanding Islam. God has supported His last Prophet Muhammad with many miracles and much evidence which proves that he is a true Prophet sent by God. Also, God has supported His last revealed book, the Holy Qur'an, with many miracles that prove that this Qur'an is the literal word of God, revealed by Him, and that it was not authored by any human being.

33 Important Lessons for Every Muslim

by Abdul Aziz Saleh Al-Shomar

"[This] is a highly beneficial book to all Muslims. It gives basic requirements for the foundation of their Aqeedah (creed) and Ibadah (worship). It struck me that this small but informative book would be of immense benefit for non-Arabic speaking Muslims, spread all over the world, if translated into another foreign language. While translating this book, it dawned on me that the Sheik has written this book, primarily for the Arab speaking Muslims and thus has written most of the information very briefly. But this is not the case with non-Arab Muslims, whose knowledge of Islam is mixed with their local cultures and practices, resulting in deviations from the pure Islamic monotheism."-Preface

La trinchera de occidente: A 70 años del Estado de Israel

by Julio María Sanguinetti

Julio María Sanguinetti, periodista desde su primera juventud, recoge aquí textos de medio siglo sobre el tema judío, la intolerancia y las batallas del Medio Oriente. Hace 70 años en Naciones Unidas se crearon, sobre la histórica Palestina, dos Estados: uno judío y otro árabe. Sin embargo, los gobernantes de los países árabes no aceptaron esa resolución y se lanzaron a una guerra para destruir a Israel. Desde el primer día, entonces, el nuevo estado aprendió a luchar con las armas en la mano para sobrevivir. Lo ha logrado, pero no ha podido alcanzar una paz plena. Hoy, el radicalismo musulmán va incluso más allá: enfrenta a todo Occidente y sus valores. A lo largo de este periplo se anudan prejuicios, fanatismos, racismos, intereses y guerras, hasta este presente en el que Israel ya no es más el pequeño David enfrentando al poderoso Goliath. Ha logrado sobrevivir con éxito y construir una moderna democracia, lo que excita viejas envidias y acarrea nuevos enemigos. Sin embargo, más que nunca, es la "trinchera de Occidente". De su fortaleza depende la de Europa y nuestra civilización. Julio María Sanguinetti presenta un libro donde no faltan las polémicas, especialmente en los últimos años, en que el "antisemitismo" se viste de "antisionismo" para sustentar siempre la misma causa: la destrucción de Israel y lo que él representa.

Sheba: Ancient Customer Service Secrets Repackaged in a Social-Media Driven Era (Biblical Economics Series 5)

by Comfort Ocran Albert Ocran

Treating people well, delighting your customers and giving them moments to treasure should be the preoccupation of every service organisation be it a business, not-for-profit, church or sporting club. The Queen of Sheba travelled across the world to visit King Solomon and had an incredible experience that made her declare that “What I have seen far exceeds what I was told. Indeed, half of your greatness was not told to me.” What does it take to get your customer experience to exceed all expectations? What do customers look at beyond the main product or service? This book will inspire and equip you to build wonderful relationships with all who meet you, visit you online or patronise your services. Applying the principles in this book could lead to longevity, thriving customer relationships and prosperity for your business, church, NGO or service organisation.

Speak Like A Pro: 10 Commandments of Public Speaking

by Comfort Ocran Albert Ocran

Learn more about good habits of public speaking that will inspire, entertain and educate your listeners

El gato en la sacristía: Cuenta y razón del declive de la Iglesia católica en el mundo

by Francisco Pérez de Antón

"Si la Iglesia continúa haciendo lo que ahora hace, y continúa siendo lo que ahora es, no tiene ningún futuro. Sus bellas iglesias y sus hermosas catedrales se convertirán en monumentos sepulcrales, en las tumbas de Dios." Esta cita de P. Robert Adolfs, da paso a las páginas de este libro, en el que Pérez de Antón habla de la marcada decadencia del catolicismo, da su visión respecto al Alto Clero, y aborda los escándalos y crisis que atañen a la Iglesia católica en la actualidad.Tras el colapso del socialismo real en el Este de Europa, muchos temieron que el fin de las ideologías duras creara un profundo vacío que sólo serían capaces de llenar los grandes credos. Fue sólo una especulación. No serían las religiones organizadas las que vendrían en reemplazo de tales ideologías y menos la Iglesia católica. Por el contrario, desde el Vaticano II a la fecha, el catolicismo ha experimentado un progresivo declive cuyas cifras y motivos de analizan en este polémico libro que devuelve al Alto Clero la culpa que éste habitualmente atribuye a la civilización moderna. La Iglesia católica es hoy una institución arcaica que, a juicio del cardenal O?Connor, pareciera estar condenada a ser sólo una contracultura. Ignorante en los estratos populares, indiferente en las clases medias y altas, debilitada, envejecida, asediada por escándalos sexuales y con recursos humanos decrecientes, estamos ante una fe fría desde cuyos púlpitos se imparte una doctrina social adocenada, repleta de extemporáneas admoniciones sobre la propiedad privada, el control de la natalidad, la homosexualidad o el divorcio y que prohíbe a la mujer ejercer a plenitud sus derechos.

Genesis of a Genre: The Birth Of Christian Rock

by Joe Markko

Contemporary Christian Music is still four years away from being “a thing.” Larry Norman, one of the progenitors of the emerging genre, has just released his first Christian album, “Upon This Rock.” Amy Grant is 9 years old. Matthew Ward, of the 2nd Chapter of Acts, is eleven. At the Salt Company Coffee House in Hollywood, Larry Norman shared the platform with a Southern California “power-trio” who called themselves, Agape. Intrigued by the gritty and unapologetically loud “blues-edge” to their music, Larry Norman “came out of his seat,” excited by the possibilities. No one else in his experience had yet married such hard-driving, high-energy rock music to the Gospel message. Playing out against the backdrop of the Jesus Movement – the “Fourth Great Awakening” in American Evangelical history – 20,000 people were reported to have responded to Agape’s audacious, Gospel message. And then, at their peak, they simply disappeared. A prequel to Contemporary Christian Music, the untold story of Agape is a story of beginnings; the Genesis of a Genre. It’s a tale about “the days of old” and The Birth of Christian Rock, when minstrels became messengers and the Word became flesh once again.

Life Is a Near Death Experience: Skills for Illness, Aging, Dying, and Loss

by Ajahn Sona

“I have this saying: ‘Don’t worry, everything is out of control.’ Once you really and truly get that, you will stop worrying, you will stop being fearful, because those negative feelings won’t change the existential situation we are all in.” Life is a Near Death Experience focuses primarily on illness and a handful of skillful ways to reduce the emotional suffering that can occur in its presence. <p><p>In these pages you will learn healthy, mindful choices about how to react to illness, and the prospect of death. The last section of the book gives a Buddhist context for the larger view of reality. If the first section helps you, that is all that matters. If you are curious about the Buddhist view of life, the second section may aid you as well. <p><p>Ajahn Sona is the Abbot of Birken Forest Buddhist Monastery (Pali name: ‘Sitavana’) located in British Columbia, Canada, and the author of Bloom: Buddhist Reflections on Serenity and Love.

Against Oneness Pentecostalism: An Exegetical-Theological Critique

by Michael Burgos

Oneness Pentecostalism constitutes one of the world's largest non-trinitarian expressions of Christianity. While many studies have been written to provide a critique of other heterodox Christian groups (e.g., Jehovah's Witnesses, the LDS Church), there is a general lack of careful scholarship examining the theological claims of Oneness Pentecostals. <p><p> Now revised, updated, and expanded, Against Oneness Pentecostalism (3rd Edition) is a thoroughly researched critique of Oneness Pentecostalism. With scholarly precision, Michael Burgos has provided an incisive evaluation of Oneness exegesis and theology while accurately representing the teachings of Oneness Pentecostals.

God is Bigger Than the Bible: We Are God's Stories

by Raymond Moody

Dr. Raymond Moody looks at God and how his personal understanding of the Creator has changed over the course of his life and research into near-death experiences. Dr. Moody organizes his insights about God into 13 simple and profound ideas and walks us through them using stories and examples from his own life and from accounts of encounters with God in the hereafter. He looks at our society's beliefs about God, how religion can both help and hinder our relationships with the Divine, and how we can bring Source into our lives with a new understanding that transcends all limits.

For the Faith: A History of the Foundations Baptist Fellowship International

by Larry R. Oats

The Foundations Baptist Fellowship International is the successor of the Fundamentalist Fellowship, the Conservative Baptist Fellowship, and the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship. For the Faith is the record of 100 years of faithfulness to the Word of God.

Anglican Dogmatics: Francis J. Hall's Dogmatic Theology

by Francis J Hall John A Porter Thomas Holtzen

The original advertisement for the publication of Francis J. Hall’s Dogmatic Theology in ten volumes by Longmans, Green and Company characterized it as “the long-desired Anglican Summa of doctrine, designed to constitute a connected treatment of the entire range of Catholic Doctrine,” making an implicit comparison to the magisterial Summa Theologicae (Summary of Theology) of St. Thomas Aquinas. The two are of roughly similar length, but it is in terms of comprehensiveness that the latter most resembles the former. Hall does for Anglicans what Aquinas did for Roman Catholics: systematize the contents of the Faith as taught by the Church and confirmed by the Scriptures. Regrettably, this compendium of Anglican—and therefore, Catholic—doctrine is little known, and even less consulted, one hundred years after its publication. After more than twenty years in the priesthood, I would likely never have heard of it had not an Anglo-Catholic parishioner commended it to me. Its present obscurity is no doubt due to its being out of print for long periods, as well as to the unwieldiness of its 3,198 (!) pages. This slightly abridged and fully annotated edition is intended to remove both of these obstacles to its accessibility. My editorial work has been primarily in service of slightly condensing the original to reduce it from ten compact tomes to two full-sized volumes, a goal made attainable in large part by typesetting and formatting changes. I have omitted text only in those rare instances when I judged it to be either unnecessarily redundant, overly technical, or anachronistic in illustration or application—or when Hall enters into debate with his contemporaries on some issue of the day. In all such cases, I have used ellipses enclosed in square brackets to indicate that material is missing. Whenever sentences or paragraphs seemed to me peripheral to the flow of Hall’s argument, tangential to the subject under discussion, or parenthetical in nature, but still important enough to retain, I have converted them into smaller-print footnotes as a means of conserving space. Headings for sections (marked with §) within chapters are taken from the original table of contents for each Book, and all paragraph divisions within the sections themselves have been eliminated. For their part, the original footnotes have been drastically reduced in number and considerably shortened in length by eliminating all references to contemporaneous theological literature, on the assumption that the large majority of those sources, whatever their historical value, are likely to be of little interest to twenty-first-century readers, especially non-specialists. On the other hand, all cross-references and all attributions to (1) theologians of the undivided Church, (2) the works of medieval authors (especially Aquinas’s Summary), and (3) post-reformational English divines (such as Richard Hooker) have been retained as essential to the Catholic character of what I have called—in venturing a distinctive title for this abridgement—“Anglican Dogmatics.”

Anglican Dogmatics (Dogmatic Theology #2)

by Francis J. Hall

IN THIS VOLUME: <p><p>BOOK VI: The Incarnation <p>BOOK VII: The Passion & Resurrection of Christ <p>BOOK VIII: The Church & The Sacramental System <p>BOOK IX: The Sacraments <p>BOOK X: Eschatology <p><p> From the Prolegomena of the Editor: <p> The original advertisement for the publication of Francis J. Hall’s Dogmatic Theology in ten volumes by Longmans, Green and Company characterized it as “the long-desired Anglican Summa of doctrine, designed to constitute a connected treatment of the entire range of Catholic Doctrine,” making an implicit comparison to the magisterial Summa Theologicae (Summary of Theology) of St. Thomas Aquinas. The two are of roughly similar length, but it is in terms of comprehensiveness that the latter most resembles the former. Hall does for Anglicans what Aquinas did for Roman Catholics: systematize the contents of the Faith as taught by the Church and confirmed by the Scriptures. <p><p> Regrettably, this compendium of Anglican—and therefore, Catholic—doctrine is little known, and even less consulted, one hundred years after its publication. After more than twenty years in the priesthood, I would likely never have heard of it had not an Anglo-Catholic parishioner commended it to me. Its present obscurity is no doubt due to its being out of print for long periods, as well as to the unwieldiness of its 3,198 (!) pages. This slightly abridged and fully annotated edition is intended to remove both of these obstacles to its accessibility. <p><p> My editorial work has been primarily in service of slightly condensing the original to reduce it from ten compact tomes to two full-sized volumes, a goal made attainable in large part by typesetting and formatting changes. I have omitted text only in those rare instances when I judged it to be either unnecessarily redundant, overly technical, or anachronistic in illustration or application—or when Hall enters into debate with his contemporaries on some issue of the day. In all such cases, I have used ellipses enclosed in square brackets to indicate that material is missing. Whenever sentences or paragraphs seemed to me peripheral to the flow of Hall’s argument, tangential to the subject under discussion, or parenthetical in nature, but still important enough to retain, I have converted them into smaller-print footnotes as a means of conserving space. Headings for sections (marked with §) within chapters are taken from the original table of contents for each Book, and all paragraph divisions within the sections themselves have been eliminated. <p><p> For their part, the original footnotes have been drastically reduced in number and considerably shortened in length by eliminating all references to contemporaneous theological literature, on the assumption that the large majority of those sources, whatever their historical value, are likely to be of little interest to twenty-first-century readers, especially non-specialists. On the other hand, all cross-references and all attributions to (1) theologians of the undivided Church, (2) the works of medieval authors (especially Aquinas’s Summary), and (3) post-reformational English divines (such as Richard Hooker) have been retained as essential to the Catholic character of what I have called—in venturing a distinctive title for this abridgement—“Anglican Dogmatics.”

Case Conceptualization: Biblical Wellness (B-Well) Approach

by David Jones Ken Miller Kevin Hull

Case Conceptualization: A Biblical Wellness (B-Well) Approach is developed in a stepwise progression for students and counseling practitioners. The book begins by establishing a clear understanding of wellness and then provides an overview of biblical worldview essentials. After offering these two foundations―wellness and biblical perspective―an integrated biblical wellness model is delivered, the Biblical Wellness (B-Well) model. Next, case conceptualization (CC) is addressed. It is here that you will gain an understanding of the CC process and how to use the B-Well model in that process. Finally, the last chapters deliver an application of the B-Well model by specific theory by counseling discipline―school counseling, clinical mental health counseling, addiction counseling, pastoral counseling, marriage and family counseling, and special populations―using theories such as solution-focused, cognitive behavioral, acceptance and commitment therapy, Adlerian, psychodynamic, family systems, play therapy, and others. <p><p> Case Conceptualization: A Biblical Wellness (B-Well) Approach is intended for students, counselors, counselor educators, and other helping professionals who desire to operate from wellness and a Christian worldview when conducting a clinical case conceptualization. This book seeks to offer the student, practitioner, and educator a coherent case conceptualization process by bridging the gap between wellness and a Christian worldview.

Living Better With Spirituality Based Strategies That Work: Workbook For Spiritually Informed Therapy

by Thomas G. Plante

Living Better with Spirituality Based Strategies that Work: Workbook for Spiritually Informed Therapy is designed to serve as a practical workbook or companion book to Spiritually Informed Therapy that can be used by therapists with their clients, faculty with their students, or with the general public to put key evidence-based principles into actual practice. The workbook features numerous exercises and practical strategies that can help readers examine and implement core tenets from Jesuit spirituality into their everyday and contemporary life. The core tenets from Jesuit spirituality introduced throughout the book include seeing God (or the sacred) in all things, treating the whole person, using a pathway for decision-making focusing on discernment, ending the day with a five-step reflection, managing conflicts with accommodation, humility, the expectation for goodness, and more. The text features real-world case studies that demonstrate how Jesuit spirituality has helped individuals work through their challenges and discover greater overall wellness. Living Better with Spirituality Based Strategies that Work is an innovative workbook that can be paired with Thomas G. Plante's textbook, Spiritually Informed Therapy, or can be used independently by individuals interested in learning how faith-based principles can enrich their life and experiences.

A Year of Taoism: Daily Wisdom and Meditations for a Life of Balance (A Year of Daily Reflections)

by Elizabeth Reninger

Infuse the Tao 's teachings into your life through 365 days of reflection Taoism is an ancient spiritual tradition that celebrates the natural world and invites you to live in greater harmony with the flow of the universe. Tap into the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching with this book of daily meditation s and practices that cultivate peace, joy, and freedom. 12 months of Taoism —Sharpen your understanding of the Tao's teachings with focused guidance for every month of the year, each highlighting different elements of Taoism like humility and compassion. Brief and meaningful exercises —These inspiring affirmations, insights, and activities only take 10 to 15 minutes, making it easy to incorporate the Tao into your everyday life. An approachable entry point —Even if this is your first foray into Taoism, you'll find practical explanations and simple reflections that encourage you to keep learning. Unlock greater well-being as you embrace the essence of the Tao with A Year of Taoism.

The Little Encyclopedia of Jewish Culture: 101 People, Places, Things (and Foods) Every Jew Should Know

by Mathew Klickstein

Celebrate Jewish culture with this fun collection of facts and stories! Jewish traditions aren't just something they sing about in Fiddler on the Roof. Explore them all with this delightful book of essential Jewish foods, philosophers, pop culture, and more. It's sure to be way more satisfying than the typical encyclopedia—but probably not as exciting as finding the perfect bagel. Discover cultural touchstones—From babka to Mel Brooks, learn fascinating facts about the writers, entertainers, delis, and Yiddish phrases that shine a light on Jewish culture through the ages. Find what fascinates you—Paging through this book is a pleasure, whether you choose to read it cover to cover or use it as a quick reference guide. Give the perfect present—This encyclopedia's lighthearted tone and charming illustrations make it a great gift for Chanukah, housewarmings, and more. Show a little chutzpah and pick up a copy of this amusing and informative Jewish encyclopedia today!

Celebrating Christmas: History, Traditions, and Activities – A Holiday Book for Kids (Holiday Books for Kids)

by Sarah Cooley

Christmas is right around the corner! Get into the holiday spirit with this fun Christmas book for kids 6 to 9Christmas is an enchanting time of year for many people around the world. Sparkling lights decorate homes, wrapped gifts are placed under Christmas trees, and carols fill the air. This engaging non-fiction book explains the history and customs of the Christmas holiday and includes entertaining activities that encourage kids to get festive.Many ways to celebrate—From hanging stockings and baking cookies to giving gifts and going to church, kids will learn about all kinds of Christmas traditions.Hands-on holiday activities—Try festivities like making reindeer cookies, creating snowman slime, and crafting a graham cracker gingerbread house!Colorful and illustrated—Bring this beloved holiday to life with vibrant illustrations, fascinating facts, and Christmas greetings in other languages.Celebrate, explore, and learn with this charming choice in holiday books for kids.

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