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Uncertain Summer

by Betty Neels

A marriage of friendsWhen her fiancé jilted her, Serena gave up all hope of ever getting married. She was determined to be sensible about the whole thing; that was, until Gijs suggested that she marry him.She liked Gijs very much, and she knew he was fond of her. Companionship seemed as good a basis as any for a marriage-who needed romance anyway? But it turned out Gijs was in love, and Serena couldn't work out who the lucky woman was.

Cruise to a Wedding

by Betty Neels

A double wedding would be twice the funEverybody said that Loveday was good in a crisis. So when her old friend asked for help, Loveday was only too willing to lend a hand.Rimada was desperately in love and wanted to get married, but her guardian, the overbearing Baron Adam de Wolff van Ozinga, didn't approve of her choice. Loveday agreed to take charge of Rimada's illicit wedding plans. Adam was going to discover he wasn't a match for Loveday Pearce...or for true love!

Never While the Grass Grows

by Betty Neels

Would it really be a convenient marriage?Lucas van de Weijnen didn't ask Octavia to marry him-he told her. Octavia's father had just died and she wasn't in any state of mind to make a rational decision. Besides, Lucas wasn't a man to take no for an answer.But after the wedding, Octavia found herself falling under the spell of a man-her husband! And though they had both promised to love each other for the rest of their lives, she had no idea how Lucas felt about her.

The Gemel Ring

by Betty Neels

She thought he was too big for his boots!Sister Charity Dawson loved her job, but there was one problem. Like the other members of St. Simon's nursing staff, she had to put up with the arrogant Dr. Everard van Tijlen.When Charity discovered that the distinguished doctor's exorbitant fees funded a playboy lifestyle, she hit the roof. Everard might have an engagingly boyish smile, but he needed to be taken down a peg or two. And Charity knew just how to do it!

The Secret Pool

by Betty Neels

Her quiet life was thrown into turmoilCalm and capable-those were the words used to sum up Francesca. Certainly she had plenty to cope with, looking after the home she shared with three elderly aunts and working at the local hospital. Yet she dealt with it all with her usual quiet efficiency and believed her life was complete...until Dr. Litrik van Rijgen arrived!Having taken the trouble to track her down while she was enjoying a holiday in Holland, he seemed to have other plans for her. But was she really willing to let him take over her life and possibly her heart?

Never the Time and the Place

by Betty Neels

How could he be so handsome...and yet so cold?Ward Sister Josephine Dowling was heartbroken over the end of her engagement, but how could she marry a man she didn't really love? What she didn't expect, though, was to have to cope with her tears and the arrogant attitude of the brilliant Dr. Julius van Tacx.He seemed to make a habit of finding her just when she was feeling-and looking-her worst. And when he was at his most handsome....

Tabitha in Moonlight

by Betty Neels

Her Prince Charming?Sister Tabitha was an effi cient nurse, but when it came to matters of the heart she was less sure of herself. So when she fell in love, she had no idea how to deal with her feelings.Was that why the Dutch surgeon Marius van Beek called her Cinderella? If only Marius would ride up on a white horse and ask for her hand in marriage. But people lived happily ever after only in fairy tales, didn't they?

The Convenient Wife

by Betty Neels

"It seems to me that it would be to our mutual advantage if you were to become my wife..."Faced with no home and no family, Venetia was only too aware that Duert ter Laan-Luitinga's solution to her problems was certainly practical-albeit rather unorthodox!Yet, he seemed set on the idea of a marriage of convenience, and Venetia really had no choice but to agree. So, having found a sensible solution to her diffi culties, surely she wouldn't be so foolish as to fall in love with him-would she?

Cheyenne Wife

by Judith Stacy

ABANDONED, ALONE, PENNILESSWhen Lily St. Claire buried her father along the Santa Fe Trail her life of privilege and ease had ended. Her future had loomed ahead of her, empty and unknowable until North Walker-half-Cheyenne and all man-bargained for her with horses and hope for brighter days for his people, his family, his heart!North Walker personified the rugged frontier that spawned him. Elegant, refined Lily St. Claire belonged to a different world-but she was perfect for his plan to bring their worlds together. She would teach his sister Eastern manners and then she would be free to go. But in his heart he was beginning to hope that Lily would never leave.

The Knave and the Maiden

by Blythe Gifford

COULD A MAIDEN'S KISS TURN A CYNICAL ROGUE INTO AN HONORABLE KNIGHT?Mercenary knight Sir Garren owed much to William, Earl of Readington: his sword, his horse, even his very knighthood. And in return Garren had saved the earl's life in the Holy Land. Yet when his liege lord fell gravely ill upon their return home, Garren knew he must save his friend once more, whatever the cost-even if it meant embarking upon a pilgrimage to pray to a long-forsaken God, or promising to deflower an innocent young woman along the way....Dominica was certain Sir Garren was a sign from heaven. Surely the pilgrimage, blessed with the presence of the handsome and heroic knight, would provide a sign of heaven's plan for her to take the veil. But every step of the journey seemed to be leading her straight into Garren's powerful arms. And Dominica was beginning to wonder if her true mission was to open the mercenary's seemingly cold heart to true and lasting love.

Marrying the Major

by Joanna Maitland

Guilt Tore Away At His Soul...Surrounded by callous fortune hunters, beautiful Emma Fitzwilliam despaired of ever finding a man who truly loved her. Until she came face-to-face with the man who'd once been the object of her girlhood fantasies.Returning from the Peninsular War, Major Hugo Stratton was nothing like the lighthearted young man Emma remembered. Scarred and embittered, his reputation in tatters, Hugo believed he had nothing to offer her. But as she caught glimpses of the man she once knew and felt the heat of his desire, Emma knew otherwise. Though it wasn't until a desperate situation forced Hugo's hand in marriage that Emma got her chance to discover if that were true. But what would it take to bring back to life the man she'd never stopped loving?

Whirlwind Bride

by Debra Cowan

COULD A HOTHOUSE FLOWER BLOOM UNDER BURNING TEXAS SKIES?Riley Holt didn't think so. Susannah Phelps was fair, fragile...and wholly unsuited for frontier life. And being pregnant didn't help matters. What she needed was a ticket back east-or at least someone to protect her. And damned if fate didn't keep volunteering him for the job!If Riley Holt didn't want to marry her, at least he could believe in her, Susannah fumed. Running a charm school in the Wild West proved she could survive and make a place for herself out here, away from scandal. Now, if only she could stop wishing that place were at his side!

The Youngest Dowager

by Francesca Shaw

MIRROR IMAGEMr. Lucian Southwood traveled all the way from the West Indies to London to give his younger sister a Season in town. While attending the funeral for a distant relation, Lucian found himself causing the very young dowager countess to faint dead away.Not only was Lucian the spitting image of the late earl, but suddenly he was the fourth Earl of Radwinter as well, and his duty was to marry the widow and produce an heir. Lucian was eager to comply-but it seemed as though the lovely lady had buried her heart with her husband. What would it take for the new earl to win her affections?

The Lightkeeper's Woman

by Mary Burton

Their Grand Passion Had Burned Too Brightly To SurviveBut faced with wedding another, Alanna Patterson was determined to reignite any smoldering embers of desire Caleb Pitt might still harbor for her. Would her brawny captain, now a solitary lighthouse keeper, rescue her from a sea of regrets? Or had tragedy both public and private sunk any hopes for a lasting love?Caleb Pitt had once believed love was eternal as the sea, for Alanna Patterson had promised him forever. But despite her vow, she'd left him to drown in disgrace. Now, years later, she'd reappeared on a storm-tossed wave, beautiful as a siren...and just as seductive!

Rinaldi's Revenge

by Paula Marshall

Passionate ConquestDuchess Elena de Carisenda fears her small but wealthy duchy will be taken from her by force. Her only chance for survival is to hire an army to protect her and her people-and mercenary Marco Rinaldi is the best soldier money can buy.Marco pledges to fight off all invaders, but one look at the beautiful duchess and he insists he'll pose even more of a threat if he and Elena wed. Strong and commanding, he awakes the sensual woman deep inside her, but soon it is apparent he harbors a dark secret. Is their marriage part of a plan for revenge?

Raven's Honor

by Claire Thornton

Passion Under FireWhen Major Cole Raven rescues Honor O'Donnell from a rushing river in war-torn Spain, he knows he could find love with this brave, beautiful-unattainable-young woman. An oath to a dying soldier to protect Honor throws them together, and with the dangers of war all around them an irresistible passion flares.The handsome major stirs Honor's spirit as never before, but responsibilities await as they return to England-family duties that will force Cole to deny what he most desires. Unless he can find a way of keeping his honor as well as the woman he loves....

Rake's Reward

by Joanna Maitland

REFORMING A RAKE...Desperate to support her widowed mother, Marina Beaumont had agreed to become a companion to a dowager countess and found herself in an impossible situation. She had never anticipated the position would force her to deal with Kit Stratton-a renowned rake who would stop at nothing to get the revenge he sought...even if it cost Marina all that she held most dear.For unable to restrain the dowager's gambling habit, Marina soon found herself paying the price for Kit's sweet revenge on the widow. And the only way this rake would agree to her request to forfeit the money he was owed was if Marina gave him the reward he most desired....

Maggie and the Law

by Judith Stacy

WHAT DID A STAGECOACH ROBBERY, AN ANCIENT LOVE GODDESS AND THE ROCKIES HAVE IN COMMON?Easy, lawman Spence Harding thought-that'd be Maggie Peyton, potential museum burglar and possessor of the cutest caboose in Colorado. But he had to forget she was a fine-looking woman and remember that this university graduate spelled Trouble for him with a capital "T"!Maggie got her first good look at Spence Harding flat on her back during a holdup. Things went downhill from there. Now this steely-eyed sheriff, convinced she was up to no good, shadowed her every step-and haunted her wildest dreams!

The Abducted Bride

by Anne Herries

THE VENGEFUL GROOMBetrothed to the son of her father's Spanish friend, Mistress Deborah Stirling is taken captive by a roguish privateer. Nicholas, Marquis de Vere, has vowed vengeance on her future husband, and plans to use Deborah to lure the murderous Spaniard from his hiding place. Revenge was never so sweet-or so tempting....At first furious, Deborah soon finds herself unable to resist her handsome captor's charms. Swept away by their passion, she can't help but fall in love. But what if it's a lie? Could it be part of Nicholas's revenge to seduce her, then be rid of her?

An Innocent Deceit

by Gail Whitiker

A Lady's DeceptionWhen the Earl of Carlyle suddenly decides to leave London to become better acquainted with the young daughter he barely knows, Miss Antonia Hadley's plans go awry. Believing the man abandoned his daughter, Antonia has no compunction about persuading the earl's servants to help her deceive him. Determined to help little Clara overcome her fear of horses, Antonia teaches her to ride, under the guise of a Mr. Anthony Davlin. Soon the earl notices something just a bit odd about his daughter's riding instructor. Can Antonia keep her secret, or will Carlyle expose her innocent deceit?

Beloved Enemy

by Mary Schaller

HOW COULD SHE FALL IN LOVE WITH A YANKEE?Julia Chandler was a true daughter of the Confederacy, believing any man who wore Union blue was no man at all. But the magic of a costume ball transformed her, and she looked beyond his mask and saw in the eyes of Major Robert Montgomery the mirror of her very soul!Major Rob Montgomery had good reason to hate Southerners. Hadn't Rebel gunfire shattered his dreams along with his hand? And yet he yearned for even a moonlit glimpse of Miss Julia, a sheltered Virginia belle, forbidden him by war and politics, but destined for him by heart's true love!

Not Quite a Lady

by Margo Maguire

MORE THAN MAGIC...Beautiful and mysterious Lilly Tearwater was no lady. She was a fraud! With a wager at stake, Samuel Temple planned to find a scientific explanation for the mysterious apparitions that supposedly occurred at her inn and then settle down into a quiet, scholarly life. But Sam's plans fell apart when he met the exotic beauty, because she seemed to be practicing her magic on him!Emotionally scarred from his recent captivity in the Sudan, Sam found the very thought of human touch-let alone intimacy-repugnant. But now he found himself desiring Lilly with every fiber of his being. And somehow Sam sensed that a decidedly unladylike Lilly could offer him the adventure of a lifetime....

The Rake

by Georgina Devon

The Rake Has Found A Bride...When Juliet Smythe-Clyde is forced to spend several nights in the devastatingly handsome Duke of Brabourne's house-unchaperoned-her reputation is in tatters. And despite his cynical nature, Brabourne can't help but feel sorry for her. So when all his strategies to restore her in society fail, he offers for her hand in marriage. But when the exasperating, flame-haired young woman agrees to be his wife to save her honor, will the notorious rake be reformed as he finds himself falling for his bride?

The Duke's Mistress

by Ann Elizabeth Cree

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Scorned Duke.Lady Isabelle Milborne would pay in hell for her treachery-even if he went there with her! Three years ago, Belle had participated in her late husband's wager, which had ruined Justin, the Duke of Westmore. And now the duke would stop at nothing to see justice served....But the stricken expression on Belle's face when Justin made his ruthless proposition struck at his conscience. And all too soon the dark-haired beauty awakened feelings in him that he'd thought long dead. Now Justin wondered if he could ever be content with just having Belle as his mistress for the Season...or if he'd need her in his life forever!

High Country Hero

by Lynna Banning

EVERYTHING DR. SAGE WEST NEEDED TO KNOW SHE LEARNED FROM...A BOUNTY HUNTER?When she trekked into the mountains with Cord Lawson to save a life, she'd thought that book smarts alone mattered. Now one rain-soaked river swim and bare-chested kiss in the sun later, she knew that being alive meant feeling things. But could she survive the heartbreak when her tantalizing tutor resumed his wandering ways?Life was uncertain, so a man took his pleasures where he found them. That was the law that Cord Lawson lived by. But when he found Sage West, everything changed, for this surprising lady doctor sparked something new in his footloose soul-a certainty that he'd at last come home!

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