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Desgarrada: Parte Diez

by Sky Corgan Maria Milla San Juan

Este es el décimo libro de la serie de novela romántica sobre multimillonarios alfa, escrita por la autora de superventas de USA Today, Sky Corgan. Piper Gravatt pensaba que su vida era perfecta. Acababa de graduarse en la Universidad y estaba a punto de casarse con el hombre de sus sueños. Entonces todo se fue al infierno. Oscuras circunstancias condujeron a deseos aún más oscuros, y solo había una manera de enterrar su dolor. Adoptó un nuevo lema: No volver a enamorarse nunca. No volver a entregarse nunca por completo. La vida es triste salvo por el placer. Y solo hay un lugar al que Piper puede ir para obtener lo que necesita para sobrevivir. El Club Fet, donde los hombres son apasionados y los actos sensuales son poco convencionales. Pero la discreción no siempre funciona, especialmente cuando se cruzan caminos en los lugares equivocados. Hay hombres poderosos que se esconden en las sombras y uno en particular está decidido a destruir todo lo que representa Piper.

Chioma Apparente: Una rivisitazione di cambio genere di Raperonzolo

by Aj Tipton Benedetta A.

L’amore è la fuga perfetta. In un magico regno lontano, vivevano principi maledetti, donne guerriere e potenti magie. Chioma Apparente è un racconto sexy di cambio genere di Raperonzolo dove gli eroi sono diventati eroine, e niente è come sembra. Il bellissimo oracolo Raperonzolo è intrappolato nella torre di uno stregone malvagio senza via d’uscita. Rassegnato al suo destino, ha deciso di fare solo ciò che la sua lunga barba magica predice. Quando una bellissima nana di nome Parker sconvolge il suo mondo con un audace piano di fuga, Raperonzolo deve decidere se è pronto a lasciare la sicurezza della sua prigione per un mondo di incertezza. Parker brama l’avventura. Mandata dalla sua regina a salvare Raperonzolo, presto realizza che la fuga da quella fortezza protetta dalla magia può essere impossibile. Quando scopre che l’oracolo non è l’unico prigioniero della torre, Parker deve fare tutto ciò che può per portarli tutti in salvo. Riusciranno Raperonzolo e Parker a sconfiggere insieme questo pericoloso nemico? Questo racconto sexy per adulti include avventure ad alto rischio, creature che fanno giochi di parole, ed un amore che nemmeno la magia può predire. Questo libro AUTONOMO fa parte della serie “Favole Sexy di Cambio Genere” che si può leggere in ogni ordine. Non ci sono finali in sospeso, ed ognuno finisce come dovrebbe: per sempre felici e contenti.

Se eu tivesse você

by Violet Haze Thais Monteiro

Ela tomou uma decisão irreversível que os separou. Ele nunca esqueceu a garota que mudou seu mundo inteiro. Seu futuro irá incluir uma segunda chance para o amor? Quando Darcy percebe que vê o que ela acredita ser seu querido Zacarias da escola, aquele cujo coração e confiança ela quebrou há uma década, ela o segue apesar de saber que ele vai fazer com que ela pague por essa traição no momento em que ele a vê. Mais tarde, um momento roubado e seu mundo nunca mais será o mesmo. Zacarias não perdoou nem esqueceu da menina cuja decisão afetou ambas vidas e resultou ser expulso de casa por seus pais. No instante em que ela segue seu caminho novamente, ele não resiste ao impulso de colocar suas mãos sobre ela de qualquer maneira que puder, e o resultado é um confronto explosivo que reina rapidamente em uma paixão por ele, ignorada por muito tempo. As vidas complicadas, misturadas com a história passada, deixam os dois perturbados com sua reconexão e hesitante com o que sempre quiseram. Nada é simples e nenhum dos dois está preparado para o que o futuro reserva.

Amare il Biker

by Cassie Alexandra Veronica Picone

Quando la detective Terin O’Brien viene incaricata di svolgere un’indagine sui Gold Vipers, resta sorpresa dalla forte attrazione che prova per il loro membro più recente: Cole Davis. Ora Terin è divisa tra il voler sbattere Cole in prigione e il suo desiderio per lui, cosa che sa essere sbagliata, stupida e soprattutto… pericolosa. Questa storia contiene un linguaggio volgare, situazioni di tipo sessuale e violenza. Non è adatta ai lettori che abbiano meno di diciotto anni. Per favore, non compratelo se queste cose vi offendono. Questa è un'opera di fantasia e non si pone come vera rappresentazione dei club di motociclismo. È stata scritta per puro intrattenimento. La Biker Series: Resistere al Biker Sopravvivere al Biker Paura del Biker Distruggere il Biker Domare il Biker (Novella) Amare il Biker Nel 2018 (titoli provvisori): Phoenix Rising (spin-off) Adescare il Biker Annientare il Biker

Eres para mí (Quinteto de la muerte #2)

by Sandra Heys

Nueva entrega de la serie Quinteto de la Muerte: Te metes con una y te metes con todas. Dicen que veinte años no es nada, pero para ellos, diez fueron más que suficientes... Lo único que Adriana y Juan tienen en común es su mejor amiga, Isabel. Y que trabajan en el mismo taller de mecánica automotriz, propiedad de la familia Soublette. Porque, por supuesto, considerar sus eternas discusiones como algo en común es exagerar. Ser constantemente apabullada por su perfecta hermana y sus no menos perfectos padres convierte a Adriana en una mujer en apariencia fuerte y guerrera, pero muy acomplejada por su, según ella, menos que agradable apariencia. Si a esa mezcla le sumamos a la hermosísima mejor amiga, el resultado es un camino al desastre. El siempre tímido y silencioso Juan se siente cada vez más lejano a conseguir lo único que ha deseado toda su vida: a Adriana. El gran problema es que ella no le habla si no es para pedirle cosas relacionadas con su trabajo. Y él no le habla. Punto. No es que no quiera, es que no puede. Su naturaleza introvertida le juega en contra cada vez que tiene la oportunidad de entablar una conversación con ella, y cuando abre su boca solo salen monosílabos. Hasta la noche en que, tras una explosiva discusión, descubren que tienen mucho más en común de lo que ellos mismos sospechan.

It's a Wonderful Afterlife

by John Amory

Workaholic Logan rests only one day of the year: Christmas Day, and then only because when he tried to open his coffee shop on that day once no one showed up. Ever since his parents died on Christmas Eve over ten years ago, Logan keeps busy to keep his feelings at bay and people at a distance, even going so far as to ignore his younger brother's invitation to spend the holiday together.But a car accident and a Christmas Eve encounter with a mysterious stranger named Michael, which may or may not be a dream, will change the way Logan sees his past, his present, and his future.

Monsters, Science, and Fanatics

by Hayden Thorne

Book 4 of the Cecilian Blue-Collar ChroniclesIt’s been a while since Sheridan’s spent time with Yuli Soulweaver, who, in the last moment before he left Sheridan’s side, appeared to have been drugged or caught in a terrible spell that left the prince ill and barely functional. With wish-granting knight Clonia also out of the picture, Sheridan’s left floundering for answers. Then, after what should have been a nice, relaxing time with his little brother, Sheridan’s world goes into a tailspin when Adley’s kidnapped by Sheridan’s tormentors and held hostage.The demand is for Sheridan to bring Yuli back, which means Yuli has vanished from the land of the dead, and no one -- especially Sheridan -- knows his whereabouts. Now Sheridan, Milo, and Grandma Janet are forced into a race against time while the door between the two worlds opens farther, and Cecilia’s Earthling colony is suddenly attracting the wrong kind of underworld attention.

Love Will Find a Way

by Rebecca James

Aiden O’Keefe is on top of the world. He owns a thriving catering business, lives in a beautiful New York City apartment, and is about to marry Bryar, the love of his life. They’ve been together for three years, and their wedding is only weeks away. Aiden has always had a feeling that his lover is hiding something from him but chalks it up to his insecurity at not being worthy of the older, gorgeous, accomplished Bryar, who is a commercial pilot.Thatsomethingcomes out when Bryar tells Aiden his parents aren’t dead, as he has led Aiden to believe. Not only that, they’re moving to New York and, worst of all, they believe their son is straight and living with a woman.Once Bryar comes clean, Aiden is understandably angry and hurt. Can their relationship withstand the resulting fallout? Or will love find a way to see them through?

The Flower Duet

by Eve Francis

Theodora "Teddie" Anderson is a business woman. She owns a sex shop and frequents a downtown Toronto hotel called The Nightingale looking for special clients to sell to from her bag of tricks and toys. When she stumbles upon a sports car convention, she believes she's hit the jackpot -- especially when she spots a gorgeous woman in a gold dress.Margot Barrington has no interest in the family car business whatsoever. Still, when forced to come to a car convention, she relishes the fact that she gets to pick the flower arrangements. As she nurses her drink by the bar, she longs for someone to show her a good time. When she finds Teddie, she isn’t quite sure if her prayers have been answered, or if this is yet another boring business person in a sea of many.Teddie’s toys interest Margot far more than she thinks possible, and the two women hit it off in more ways than one.


by Rebecca James

Sequel toPartnersRider has secretly been in love with his partner, Nicco, for years. When he finds out Nicco feels the same way, Rider is euphoric. But Nicco is having trouble accepting he’s in love with a man. Rider wants to take their relationship to the next level, but his partner vacillates between hot desire and cool indecision.A visit to Nicco’s family for the holidays only makes things worse; Nicco’s father is homophobic, his mother wants grandchildren, and an unexpected guest makes Nicco jealous.Back home, the two men must make a decision between pursuing their romantic relationship and saving their partnership.

Plain Delight

by Rae Macgregor

Nathaniel may be looking for more than a recipe when he walks into Jacob's library. As a librarian, Jacob prides himself on his professionalism, but being around Nathaniel makes him want to engage in highly unprofessional behavior.When Jacob offers to give Nathaniel a private cooking lesson, the encounter is certain to test the limits of Jacob's self-control. Then again, maybe buttoned-up, by-the-book Jacob needs someone to help him loosen his tie ... and Nathaniel is just the man to do it.

Mug Shots

by Keelan Ellis

Working in a coffee shop and spending his nights alone is all Neil thinks he can handle after returning from military service. When Detective Macon Chance starts flirting with him, his first reaction is to dismiss it. Rather than admit his attraction, Neil tells himself he finds Chance annoying.But the detective is nothing if not persistent. Despite the obvious spark between them, nothing is simple. Both men have plenty of issues of their own to sort through if they’re going to make it work.

Man Under Construction

by R. M. Olivia

After his father’s sudden death, Dominik has to take over as CEO of Under Construction LLC. His personal life is hardly better. Having caught his long-time lover Léon with another man, Dom’s heart is frozen and he has firmly put all men out of his life.When the need arises to hire a new construction worker, handsome Ian Colbee joins the team. Dom finds Ian way too distracting and tries to distance himself, but Ian is persistent. In the meantime, Léon’s attempts to gain back Dom’s affection begin to escalate.Can Ian teach Dominik to lighten up and trust again? Will Léon get the message and go on his way quietly?

Second Alpha

by Rebecca James

Sequel toFirst OmegaAs second in command of the River Wolf Pack, David takes his duty as ambassador to the Human/Werewolf Congress very seriously. With the threat of war, it’s more important than ever to strengthen human/werewolf relations.But the meeting at the werewolf compound doesn’t go very well. The humans find the homosexual, polygamous nature of the werewolves, along with the fact that the men can bear children, off-putting.On top of this, although David’s human lover Jax says he loves David, he is not willing to take the bite and become a werewolf himself. David doesn’t see how they can have a relationship, and even wonders if he would be better off mating with Brooks, an attractive beta in the pack. When David and Brooks are kidnapped by the vice president of the Congress, David has to think quickly to save his pack, even if it means throwing his own life away.

A Hippie Independence Day

by J. D. Walker

Benjamin "Ben" Brooker loves Carl Neilson with every fiber of his being. They've been together for over a year now, and Carl -- he of the hippie hair and bushy sideburns that finally went the way, thank goodness -- has made great strides in letting his son Chester live his own life, and finding one of his own.For some reason that Ben can't fathom, however, Carl is being stubborn about getting rid of his Hawaiian shirts. It's the only thing remaining from the time when Carl was deathly afraid of change. Ben believes there's something more going on behind his lover's stubbornness on the issue, and he's determined to find out what's really going on.This Independence Day, Ben will stop at nothing to get Carl to open up to him, and maybe make some fireworks of their own, in the process.

Roughing It

by Elizabeth Black

When a strange outbreak occurs at a lakeside campground, Jake Walker and Lance Cameron investigate. Not only are they biologists, they’re lovers who share a passion for science.The outbreak has locals terrified. Nine campers become sick; four die, and one victim reports an increase in her sex drive so serious, she attacks her best friend's husband. Is this lustiness caused by the disease? What’s behind the odd rainstorm that falls over a small geographic area and the strange red dust around the cabins? Is this outbreak a new disease or something much more dire?Together Jake and Lance must find the cause before others are infected ... and before they come down with the plague themselves.

The Spectator

by Francis Gideon

Regina is used to getting what she wants. When she meets Shane, the brooding art school grad turned ad exec at her PR firm, the two fall in love and get married right away. But five years into their marriage, Shane's frustrations only seem to grow and Regina tries everything to mend the relationship -- new sex, vacation time, and long nights discussing their future.Finally, when Regina suggests a threesome, everything seems to click. Shane surprises her when he says he wants to explore his bisexual side by inviting a man into their bed.Together they frequent downtown Toronto and Regina's night classes to see if they can find the perfect man to join them.When they meet a blond, Adonis-like stranger, they think everything's set. So why is Shane suddenly getting cold feet?

Third Mate

by Rebecca James

Sequel toSecond AlphaThe winds of change are blowing through the River Wolf Pack compound. River, the pack alpha, has allowed rogue wolves, a coyote shifter, and humans to join the pack. Then there’s the twin girls that Josiah, River’s mate, has given birth to. A movement to return to more traditional werewolf ways is gaining momentum.In exchange for Leo’s help, Stone offers him the position of second alpha should Stone succeed in usurping River as pack alpha. Leo has his own problems -- his desire to rise within the pack wars with his dislike of Stone. With the addition of Sam and Foster into the mix, Leo’s personal life is no less complex.Jax knows he must make a difficult decision before he’s turned out of the compound. Should he remain human or accept David’s bite? He loves the alpha wolf, but he also has ties to the human world, ones he doesn’t want to sever. When David discovers Brooks is considering mating Stone, David determines to prevent it. Can Jax provide a solution to Brooks’s problem even if it means sacrificing his own happiness?Can River remain in charge of an increasingly fractured pack? Does he even want to?

Summer of My Sex Demon

by Lyssa Dering

With no job prospects in sight, recent college grad Cade is stuck at home at his parents’ house for the summer. They’ve gone off on a three-month-long cruise, but they’ve left behind a list of strict rules and the ghost of their disappointment. Cade, who has taken his failure to secure a position hard, plans to spend all summer answering job listings.The incubus stalking the neighborhood, however, has other plans. When he sets his sights on Cade, it’s a mental and physical tug-of-war that they’re both in for, with Cade’s human brain and body no match for the pushy demon. Cade thinks his best bet is to persuade the incubus to leave him alive once he’s done with him, but does the demon whispering sweet nothings into his ear want more than a meal?

Hat Trick Series Box Set

by Jeff Adams

Simon Roberts and Alex Miller could never have known that from the moment of their first kiss that they were embarking on the love of a lifetime. TheHat TrickBox Set is their story, as told by Simon, from their senior year of high school through college graduation and beyond.This box set includes all 6 stories in 1 ebook download! Includes the stories:Hat Trick: Simon Roberts has a plan -- help his high school hockey team win the state championship and earn a college scholarship. Falling in love with a teammate was not on the agenda. Can Simon juggle school, the team, his new relationship and tragedy before the end of the hockey season?Hat Trick Overtime: A Classic Winter’s Night: Simon and Alex, now freshmen at the University of Michigan, enjoy a holiday evening following an outdoor game with their teammates.Hat Trick 2: Playing the Rebound: Traumatic events from the past haunt Simon as he and Alex begin their sophomore college year. While, anti-gay attacks occur campus, Simon is called home because of an ailing father who wants to make amends. Simon and Alex also celebrate their second anniversary as Simon begins working with LGBT teens in an effort to ensure not everyone’s coming out as is difficult as his.Hat Trick Overtime: Summer Camp: Simon and Alex are off to summer camp to coach hockey for a month. The couple works closely with their team to get them ready to win the camp championship while they have to deal with unwanted advances from a fellow coach.Hat Trick 3: Penalty Shot: As their senior year begins, Simon and Alex coach a hockey team of LGBT youth and allies. When they’re thrown a devastating curve ball, the implications put their entire future on the line.Hat Trick Overtime: Reunion: It’s been twenty years since Simon and Alex became boyfriends. Now they’re back where it began to pay tribute to a smashed losing streak, a retiring coach and a lost friend. As old teammates reunite, it’s a time to honor their past while Simon and Alex prepare to embark on another part of their happily ever after.

Summer Research

by Rain Merton

Presenting his research at the annual academic mega-conference is supposed to provide the answer to Jonah's dilemma.Instead, Congress brings him Xavier. Loud-mouthed, flamboyant, and whip-smart, Xavier wields humor as both a weapon and a shield. Soon Jonah can't discern sincerity from banter; all he knows is the overwhelming, mystifying lust he feels for Xavier.Is desire enough to build a decision around? Can Xavier offer the solution to Jonah's dilemma?

The River Wolf Pack Box Set

by Rebecca James

The first three stories of Rebecca James's best-selling werewolf series are now available together in one box set for the first time! Meet half-werewolf Josiah, his mate River, and all the sexy alphas, omegas, and betas in the River Wolf Pack! Contains the stories:First Omega: Improving werewolf/human relations takes a sudden backseat when Josiah, unknowingly half-werewolf, goes into heat and is mated by the handsome Pack Alpha. Added to that are three rogue alphas stirring up ill feelings towards humans. War between the werewolves and humans and the overthrow of Josiah’s mate as Pack Alpha threaten Josiah’s future happiness of First Omega of River Wolf Pack.Second Alpha: David knows it’s imperative to strengthen human/werewolf relations, but the humans distrust the homosexual, polygamous werewolves. David’s human lover Jax isn’t willing to take the bite and become a werewolf himself. David wonders if he should mate with Brooks instead, an attractive beta in the pack. When David and Brooks are kidnapped, David risks his life to save his pack and their way of life.Third Mate: Leo’s desire to rise within the pack wars with his dislike of Stone, who wants to depose River as alpha. Meanwhile potential mates Sam and Foster add further complications. Should Jax remain human or accept David’s bite? When he discovers Brooks is considering mating Stone, Jax provides a solution at the expense of his own happiness. Can River remain in charge of an increasingly fractured pack?

Christmas Jinx

by Natalie-Nicole Bates

Marnie desperately needs an assistant. As the proprietress of For the Love of Fruitcake, her successful little home bakery, her Christmas orders are piling up. She’s had bad luck in the past with assistants, and vows this year will be different, especially now that she will be entering a Christmas Bakeoff competition.Jinx needs a job and a home for the holidays. She’s young, sweet, and eager to please. But she’s also a jinx, just like her name.Marnie is smitten with Jinx and hires her on the spot, but soon realizes that everything Jinx touches goes wrong. She threatens not only Marnie’s business, but the Christmas Bakeoff, as well.There must be something Jinx is good at, but what? Can the two work together to make the bakery -- and their budding relationship -- a holiday success?

King Kong vs. The Skinny Pirate

by Addison Albright

Blaine is a well-dressed, high priced attorney, and George is a hairy mountain of an auto mechanic. This odd couple meets up one evening on a slow night at a bar. The pickings are slim. Slim enough for these opposites to eyeball each other and ask themselves just how bad they want to get laid.Pleasantly surprised by the evening’s outcome, Blaine is faced with a dilemma. Should he throw caution to the wind and pursue George, or steer clear of that unexpected distraction to his carefully structured life.


by Kass Barrow

When Kylor Knightley, a multi-millionaire nightclub owner, is out talent-spotting at an open mic event in London’s Limehouse district, the last thing the stiff-lipped Brit expects is to fall head-over-heels for a devastatingly handsome singer ten years his junior.Born in New York, twenty-two-year-old Eden McFadden now calls London home and has ambitions of making it big in the capital’s music scene. In the meantime, the feisty free spirit is secretly rocking it as a stripper at a gay club in Soho. But when fate brings him and Kylor together in Limehouse, it starts a chain of events that tears both of their worlds apart.It’s going to take some serious attitude adjustment for the smart-mouthed stripper and the arrogant British gent to find common ground, but the attraction is too strong to ignore. Sometimes you have to trust in fate and see where it takes you.

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