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Lazos de Dragón

by Dusty Lynn Holloway Alexia Polasky

Tras apenas haber escapado con vida de las Llanuras de Fuego, Auri hace caso a las súplicas del Rey Dragón y se lanza en busca de la seguridad y el conocimiento de los legendarios Dragones Maestros. Dirigió la mirada a su padre, al otro lado de la habitación. Un rayo de sol brillaba sobre él. Tenía los ojos cerrados y colgaba de la pared con cadenas oscuras y ásperas. Sangre cubría sus sienes, manos y hombros. Gritó cuando comenzó a caminar hacia él. Una sombra oscura se separó de la pared a la izquierda de su padre. Ella patinó hasta detenerse y sintió que Lobo hacía lo mismo a su lado. Respiró pesadamente cuando la sombra cobró vida. Obsidian. Cinco sombras más se desprendieron de la pared. Tenían capas oscuras que cubrían sus rostros para que no pudiera ver su aspecto. Los cinco salieron de las sombras y luego se detuvieron, pero Obsidian siguió avanzando. Sus ojos brillaron de un azul mortal, venenoso. El corazón de ella se convirtió en hielo cuando el fuego de dragón dentro suyo se apagó. Tras apenas haber escapado con vida de las Llanuras de Fuego, Auri hace caso a las súplicas del Rey Dragón y se lanza en busca de la seguridad y el conocimiento de los legendarios Dragones Maestros. Al llegar allí, espera poder sumergirse en el entrenamiento y poder convertirse en la ventaja que Terradin necesita para detener a Obsisian y a sus Rebeldes. Pero antes de que su viaje realmente haya comenzado, le arrebatan a un ser querido. Aturdida por la pérdida, y con Terradin cada vez más oscuro a su alrededor, se ve obligada a tomar una decisión terrible que tendrá repercusiones duraderas. ¿Se aferrará a lo que alguna vez fue? ¿O regurgirá como el legendario fénix y se levantará de las cenizas para arder más que nunca?

Para Sempre

by Sierra Rose Ju Pinheiro

Série Amantes Motoqueiros Desafortunados Livro 1: Proibido Livro 2: Abandonado Livro 3: Para Sempre Livro 4: Perdoado Para Sempre é o livro 3 na série Amantes Motoqueiros Desafortunados. Lucky e Selene lidam com o caos das suas vidas. Entre tudo isto, eles lutam pelo seu amor e juram ter uma vida juntos para sempre. Seu romance proibido está condenado como o de Romeu e Julieta? Ou eles realmente têm uma chance?

Trabalhando no Clube dos Bilionários - Livro Dois

by Sky Corgan Nelson Leonel De Benedetti

De Sky Corgan vem a sequência do Trabalhando no Clube dos Bilionários, uma série de duas partes. O mundo de Raven Tarley desmoronou quando ela entrou na casa de praia de Croix e o encontrou abraçando outra mulher. Segredos são revelados que vão mudar seu relacionamento para sempre. Como se isso não fosse suficiente, o passado dela volta a levantar a feia cabeça. Derrick não é a única pessoa que a seguiu da Califórnia. Tudo está mudando tão rapidamente que Raven mal consegue acompanhar. Parece que toda a sua vida está desmoronando diante de seus olhos. Ela será capaz de colocar tudo junto no final? E Croix ficará ao lado dela quando as coisas atingirem o mais baixo dos mínimos?

Dois É Demais Para Você

by Sky Corgan Maria Lidia Lima

Duas semanas atrás, dois dos homens mais lindos que já vi se mudaram para a casa da frente. Desde então, estive inquestionavelmente ciente de cada pequeno barulho que escuto vindo da casa vizinha. Cada som é uma dica de que eles podem estar do lado de fora, trabalhando em um dos seus carros na garagem ou aparando a grama sem camisa. Delícia. Mas olhar é tudo que posso fazer. Os dois estão bem fora da minha liga. Um é um loiro maravilhoso com corpo de nadador. O outro é um moreno lindo, robusto, com o semblante de barba por fazer mais delicioso. E então, tem eu, comum, no mínimo. Nunca em um milhão de anos, imaginaria que eles apareceriam na minha porta. E o que eles querem é longe do convencional. Essa é uma história de ménage sem continuação.

Ti amerò per sempre

by Stefania Gil Jessica Catani

Il marito di Holly muore in un incidente stradale il giorno in cui avrebbero festeggiato vent’anni di matrimonio. Triste per non aver potuto dire addio a Sam, Holly decide di preparargli un funerale speciale, per rendere omaggio alla sua vita senza pensare che, grazie alla forza dell’amore che li unisce, avranno un’altra opportunità di vedersi. Holly sente che le visite dello spirito di Sam saranno l’appoggio di cui avrà bisogno per andare avanti con la sua vita, per cercare un lavoro e per affrontare tutte le responsabilità economiche di cui dovrà farsi carico a partire da quel momento. Dovrà farlo per lei e per i suoi figli. Una serie di eventi importanti, le dimostreranno che credendo in se stessa e avendo voglia di farcela, potrà raggiungere tutti gli obiettivi che si pone. Durante questi eventi conosce Steve, che dovrà vedere più spesso di quanto vorrebbe. Mosso dalla gelosia, lo spirito di Sam inizia a comportarsi in modo strano, facendo in modo che Holly inizi a chiedersi se sia giusto o meno continuare ad avere accanto lo spirito del marito. Riuscirà Holly a dire definitivamente addio a Sam? Riuscirà ad aprirsi nuovamente all’amore e a concedere un’opportunità a Steve?

Trabajo para Ángeles

by Blair London Abril Guerra H.

Trabajo para Ángeles: Realidades de Pesadilla de los Veteranos es sobre veteranos que tienen PTSD, y la violencia y las múltiples personalidades que pueden experimentar.

Una Gema Sangrienta

by Dawn Brower Rafael Ramirez

Lady Gemma Kemsley está en una situación desesperada. Su primo Alfie heredó el patrimonio de su padre después de su muerte. Rápidamente desangró todos los fondos y está volcando sus lujuriosas intenciones hacia ella. Alfie quiere tener control total de la herencia. Sin la aprobación de Alfie, no puede casarse. Solo tiene una opción: escaparse y vivir con su mejor amiga en Estados Unidos. La hermana de Liam Marsden le ruega que ayude a Gemma, él accede a regañadientes. Tiene un pasado con Gemma que preferiría olvidar, un intento fallido de compromiso y su amor profesado. Cuando vuelve a ver a Gemma, se da cuenta de que no puede dejarla ir. En lugar de enviarla a Estados Unidos, usa el viejo acuerdo de compromiso para casarse con ella. Gemma duda de que Liam realmente la quiera. ¿Puede él convencerla de la veracidad de su amor o la perderá para siempre?

Un lirio atrevido

by Dawn Brower Bárbara Rojas Núñez

Lo que Lilliana Marsden quiere, obtiene. Lo que cree es su mayor deseo es vivir en Charleston en una plantación. ¿Su problema? Padres que se rehúsan a escucharla. Lily decide hacer sus deseos realidad y quién mejor que un apuesto capitán Americano para ayudarla. Randall Collins considera a Lilliana encantadora y rápidamente cae bajo su hechizo. Cuándo ella pregunta si él puede llevarla en su siguiente viaje, él se encuentra accediendo, por una pequeña tarifa. Un beso a modo de pago y él la llevará donde desee. Mientras se embarcan, las chispas vuelan entre ellos. ¿Podrá Lily encontrar algo más deseable que ser dueña de una plantación? ¿Podrá Rand convencerla que él es la mejor opción?

Corazones al Descubierto

by Dawn Brower Ana Medina

¿Aprenderán Matt y Claire a confiar el uno en el otro el tiempo suficiente para descubrir un amor inquebrantable? La vista de Mathew Price permanece elusiva después de haber sido cegado en un accidente automovilístico, y ha trastocado toda su vida. Depender de otros para que lo ayuden le resulta frustrante y lastima su orgullo. Intenta alejar a todos, especialmente a la mujer que siempre le ha importado. Ahora que está discapacitado, Matt piensa que no tiene derecho a decirle lo que siente. Claire Jackson ha amado a Matt en secreto por un tiempo. Cuando resultó herido, su corazón sufría por él. Ella lo ayuda, aunque él hace todo lo que puede para alejarla de su lado, hasta que un día ocurre algo horrible que podría destruirlos por siempre. A medida que el peligro acecha en el horizonte, ¿podrán confiar el uno en el otro y aceptar al fin que pertenecen juntos?

Romancing the Wrong Twin (Dreamspun Desires #21)

by Clare London

How tangled can a romantic web get? When gruff mountaineer Dominic Hartington-George seeks sponsorship for his latest expedition, his London PA insists on a more media-friendly profile--like dating celebrity supermodel Zeb Z. Zeb can't make the date, so he asks his identical twin, Aidan, to stand in for just one evening. Aidan, a struggling playwright, shuns the limelight to the extent people don't even know Zeb has a sibling, but he reluctantly agrees. When the deception has to continue beyond the first date, Aidan fights to keep up the pretense. Dominic likes his sassy, intelligent companion, and Aidan starts falling for the forthright explorer. But how long can Aidan's conscience cope as confusion abounds? Will coming clean as "the other twin" destroy the trust they've built?

The Mighty Quinns: The Mighty Quinns: Marcus (The Mighty Quinns #719)

by Kate Hoffmann

He didn't stand a chance... <P><P>There's a curse in Sibleyville, Maine. Thanks to a long-ago feud between the Sibleys and the Quinns, residents are destined never to find lasting love together. Unfortunately, when Ronan Quinn steps off the bus in Sibleyville, he has no idea what he's stepped in...until the very sexy Charlotte Sibley gives him a job, a room and the scoop on her family's 200-year-old curse! <P><P>Still, there's a feverish attraction heating up between Ronan and Charlotte. And with Ronan leaving in six weeks, they'll make every second-and every night-count! But now, convinced that a Sibley-Quinn marriage could finally end the curse, everyone in town is suddenly a matchmaker.But do Ronan and Charlotte really want to turn this Fun Little Fling into a Forever?

THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 1 (Thirds Ser. #8)

by Charlie Cochet

Flash Fiction Stories in the THIRDS UniverseJoin us as we celebrate the THIRDS universe with this collection of flash fiction stories written to prompts submitted by fans. Sometimes we want to know more about our favorite characters. Where they came from, how they became who they are, their families, friendships, and past heartaches. These snippets of moments in time offer an inside look at the lives of our favorite THIRDS characters. Whether it’s first shifts, the forging of unbreakable bonds, or a night full of shenanigans, these stories are sure to enrich your THIRDS reading experience.All royalties from this book will be donated to the Big Cat Rescue.

THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 1 (Thirds Ser.)

by Charlie Cochet

Flash Fiction Stories in the THIRDS UniverseJoin us as we celebrate the THIRDS universe with this collection of flash fiction stories written to prompts submitted by fans. Sometimes we want to know more about our favorite characters. Where they came from, how they became who they are, their families, friendships, and past heartaches. These snippets of moments in time offer an inside look at the lives of our favorite THIRDS characters. Whether it's first shifts, the forging of unbreakable bonds, or a night full of shenanigans, these stories are sure to enrich your THIRDS reading experience.All royalties from this book will be donated to the Big Cat Rescue.

Bajo el cielo (La rendición de un libertino #Volumen 2)

by Laura Mercé

Segunda entrega de la trilogía «La rendición de un libertino». Contra todo pronóstico Diego se convierte en el hombre de bien que su familia espera de él.Sin embargo, Brunilda aparecerá de nuevo para desmoronar su tranquila vida. Tras la promesa hecha a su padre, Diego Ibáñez, contra todo pronóstico, logra enderezar su vida y se transforma en el hombre de trabajo que su familia esperaba de él. Pero la reaparición de la mujer a la que no ha podido olvidar, Brunilda, trastoca la tranquilidad que había obtenido tras su partida. Asimismo, descubre un secreto sobre ella que lo inquieta y que lo hará verse, a posteriori, envuelto en una red de conspiración y engaños con la que no contaba. Tiempo después, Diego se involucra sentimentalmente con Trinidad Morales, una mujer enigmática y controladora, la cual pasará a ser una de sus últimas amantes. Desde un comienzo, él sabe qué es ella en su vida, algo para lo cual aún no está preparado. Trata de resistirse a su hechizo, pero por más que lo intenta, no lo consigue. Y así, ante la confusión de todos, y el beneplácito de su familia (a pesar de que la jovencita en cuestión es solo una humilde huertera), Diego comienza a vivir otra etapa de su vida. Los sucesos que asedian Madrid tras la invasión napoleónica en 1808 lo llevan a alistarse en el ejército, pero al producirse la gran batalla de Bailen, Diego cae malherido y nadie cree que pueda sobrevivir. No obstante, es rescatado de las garras de la muerte a efectos de los cuidados (y quizás conjuros) de una curandera bruja llamada Cassandra.

Cartas a mi amor imposible

by Luna Dueñas

Una preciosa historia de amor, realista y humana, en la que una chica se verá atrapada en medio de la presión social por cumplir unas expectativas y entre dos amores que marcarán su vida para siempre. Cuando todo lo que guardaba dentro me ahogaba, Encontré en estas cartas mi bote salvavidas. Te lo tenía que decir de un modo u otro. Estas cartas son para ti. Lara parece no encontrar su sitio en el mundo. No encuentra trabajo, su intento de independizarse es un fracaso y su sueño de ser escritora está cada día más frustrado. Cuando aparece Jojo, un chico con el que parece estar predestinada desde que era una adolescente, su mundo se pone aún más patas arriba a causa de los extraños sentimientos que este extraño chico despierta en ella. Pero es un amor prohibido. Un amor imposible. Así que hará lo que haga falta para sacárselo de la cabeza, mientras se ve sumida en una depresión de la que cada vez es más difícil salir.

Los recuerdos sumergidos

by Ana I. Martín

Una historia de superación de una mujer valiente y fuerte a la que la vida le dará una segunda oportunidad para ser feliz. Cuando te dejas llevar por las pasiones, no es fácil salir indemne de ellas. Novela finalista del VIII Premio Vergara de novela romántica. La vida de la pintora Paula Guevara cambia drásticamente cuando en junio de 1987 conoce a Víctor Sotero, un cantante y compositor por el que dejará su entorno y sus amistades. Pero la convivencia con él será un torbellino emocional marcado por sus adicciones y sus problemas personales. Diez años de altibajos y luchas, hasta que un accidente pondrá fin a su vida y Paula no solo tendrá que recuperarse de las secuelas físicas, también las anímicas. La muerte de Víctor ha sido un duro golpe, sin embargo, debe replantearse su propia existencia, quizá «volver a ser la de antes», como le dicen su madre y su hermana Abigail. Una idea que no quiere ni plantearse por mucho que las circunstancias la obliguen a regresar a su antiguo hogar. Por suerte, su hermana mayor, Graciela, está a su lado y la apoya. También Roberto, que no ha olvidado sus antiguos sentimientos por ella y que le planteará un inesperado reto profesional en el que se embarcará ilusionada, con ganas de retomar su futuro. Pero los recuerdos que creía sumergidos para siempre no la han abandonado; siguen emergiendo desde lo más profundo de su ser. Igual que las pasiones, de las que se sentía por fin a salvo.

The Summer Bride (A Chance Sisters Romance #1)

by Anne Gracie

From the award-winning author of The Spring Bride comes the conclusion to the quartet about four sisters, four weddings, and a bride for every season...Fiercely independent Daisy Chance has a dream--and it doesn't involve marriage or babies (or being under any man's thumb). Raised in poverty, she has a passion--and a talent--for making beautiful clothes. Daisy aims to become the finest dressmaker in London. Dashing Irishman Patrick Flynn is wealthy and ambitious, and has entered society to find an aristocratic bride. Instead, he finds himself growing increasingly attracted to the headstrong, clever and outspoken Daisy. She's wrong in every way--except the way she sets his heart racing. However, when Flynn proposes marriage, Daisy refuses. She won't give up her hard-won independence. Besides, she doesn't want to join the fine ladies of society--she wants to dress them. She might, however, consider becoming Flynn's secret mistress. . . But Flynn wants a wife, not a mistress, and when Flynn sets his heart on something, nothing can stand in his way. . .

Freedom's Light

by Colleen Coble

USA TODAY bestselling author Colleen Coble explores the mystery and the romance of the Revolutionary War. A young lighthouse keeper must navigate the dangerous waters of revolution and one man’s obsession with her to find safe harbor with the sea captain she loves. Hannah Thomas believes she’s escaped Galen Wright’s evil intentions by marrying an older lighthouse keeper. Seemingly safe in faraway Massachusetts, her world is upended when John is killed in one of the first battles of the Revolutionary War. Hannah is allowed to continue the difficult task of tending the twin lighthouses in John’s place, though she faces daily disapproval from John’s family. She thinks her loneliness will subside when her younger sister arrives, but she finds Lydia’s obsession with Galen only escalates the dangerous tides swirling around her.A stormy night brings a shipwrecked sea captain to Hannah’s door, and though he is a Tory, her heart is as traitorous as the dark-eyed captain. Even though she discovers Birch Meredith isn’t the enemy he seemed at first, Hannah isn’t sure their love will ever see the light of freedom.

Intercepted (Playbook #1)

by Alexa Martin

<p>Marlee thought she scored the man of her dreams only to be scorched by a bad breakup. But there's a new player on the horizon, and he's in a league of his own... <p>Marlee Harper is the perfect girlfriend. She's definitely had enough practice by dating her NFL-star boyfriend for the last ten years. But when she discovers he has been tackling other women on the sly, she vows to never date an athlete again. There's just one problem: Gavin Pope, the new hotshot quarterback and a fling from the past, has Marlee in his sights. Gavin fights to show Marlee he's nothing like her ex. <p>Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to let her escape her past. The team's wives, who never led the welcome wagon, are not happy with Marlee's return. They have only one thing on their minds: taking her down. But when the gossip makes Marlee public enemy number one, she worries about more than just her reputation. Between their own fumbles and the wicked wives, it will take a Hail Mary for Marlee and Gavin's relationship to survive the season.</p>

As She Ascends (Fallen Isles #2)

by Jodi Meadows

“A fiercely imagined world!” —Mary E. Pearson, New York Times bestselling author of the Remnant ChroniclesFrom the New York Times bestselling co-author of My Plain Jane comes the second book in a smoldering fantasy trilogy about a girl who must embrace her latent power or lose the dragons she loves. Perfect for fans of Julie Kagawa and Kendare Blake.Mira the Dragonhearted is on the run with her friends following a fiery escape from the prison where she’d been condemned for speaking out against dragon trafficking.And she wants answers. Has the treaty she’s been defending her whole life truly sold out the Fallen Isles to their enemies? Did her own parents lie to her? Will she lose control of her power and hurt the ones she loves?The only way to find the truth is to go home again, to face the people who betrayed her and the parents she’s not sure she can trust. Home, where she must learn to rise above her fears. Or be consumed.

Ours for a Season: A Novel

by Kim Vogel Sawyer

An Old Order Mennonite couple's vows and beliefs are challenged in this stirring contemporary novel for fans of Cindy Woodsmall or Shelley Shepherd Gray.Anthony and Marty Hirschler are part of an Old Order Mennonite community in Pine Hill, Indiana. The couple has grown apart since a doctor confirmed they would never have children. Marty longs to escape the tight-knit area where large families are valued, and the opportunity to do so arises when her childhood friend, Brooke Spalding, resurfaces with the wild idea of rebuilding a ghost town into a resort community. Brooke hires Anthony to help with the construction, drawing the Hirschlers away from Indiana and into her plan, and then finds herself diagnosed with cancer. Moral complications with Brooke's vision for a casino as part of the resort and the discovery of a runaway teenager hiding on the property open up a world neither the Hirschlers nor Brooke had considered before. Will they be able to overcome their challenges and differences to help the ones among them hurting the most?

On Archimedes Street

by Jefferson Parrish

Just across the river from New Orleans, people cook, eat, ply their trades, pursue their hobbies, and live out their lives in the insulated bubble of Archimedes Street, lined with centuries-old live oaks. Honoria Abbott and Rita Simmons, Redemptorist professors and neighbors, are the salty matriarchs who rule the roost in this small fiefdom. Connoisseurs of M/M romance and aspiring matchmakers, they hatch a plot to awaken two of Honoria's students to each other&apos;s charms. The first step is to make Dutch and Flip roommates in Rita&apos;s shotgun-double apartment. Dutch Abbott, a coddled, narcissistic rich boy, is drawn to the down-to-earth Flip, a transfer student with good looks and a pugnacious attitude. Secure in his self-esteem, Flip Abbott starts to question everything he ever believed about himself after he meets the arrogant but undeniably brilliant Dutch. Little do Honoria and Rita know that their matchmaking will swirl Archimedes Street into the eye of a domestic hurricane, complete with lost cats, teenage longing, shrewd trading of sexual favors, fierce culinary competition, and environmental activism sprinkled with a little white magic.

Everything East of the Sumida River

by Kaneyoshi Shikaku Heiko Shihenkei

Japanese businessman Takamatsu Masamune takes great pride in the empire he built from nothing. His shady past and connections to the underworld prove he has no problems getting his hands dirty, but his fondness for beautiful things gets him into trouble. Captivating Naoya Tashimo performs as a traditional dancer in sordid underground clubs. While he loves to dance, other men viewing him as an erotic object has left him numb. Caught in a summer storm, Naoya seeks shelter inside a local import shop where company owner Takamatsu and his PA, Koji, are attending to some business. Immediately smitten, Takamatsu woos Naoya and wants to give him the world. When they learn each other's secrets, it tests the tenuous trust they've built. Takamatsu wants to own Naoya for himself. Having dealt with greedy, possessive men, Naoya turns his back on all that Takamatsu offers. In exchange to truly have what he wants, can Takamatsu give up everything he built?

Reviewing Life (Review Stories #2)

by Lara Brukz

Sequel to Five Star ReviewA Review StoryRecovering alcoholic Marshall Ellerbee still grieves the loss of his best friend and lover, Eric. After a year of sobriety, Marshall accepts a new job with the Wellness Center, something else to help him continue cleaning up his life. Things are finally improving when his sponsor has a heart attack. The counselor hired to replace him is none other than Kyle Young, the lost ex&apos;s best friend. Kyle has always hated Marshall, but now they must work together and move past their history. When Marshall saves Eric's life, Kyle suddenly sees Marshall in a new light. But will romance unsettle Marshall's hard-won new stability...

Echoes of Us

by Teegan Loy

Most people think falling in love is a wonderful thing. For Rylan Blake, love only complicates his life. After a disastrous trip home, Rylan and his best friend, Maggie, head back to Chicago to meet their new roommate, Jade Marin, and prepare for their final year of college. Love is the last thing Rylan expects when he meets Jade. But as the two men get to know each other and discover their mutual love of music, friendship becomes more. They compose songs and, at Maggie's urging, post their work on YouTube--where the videos go viral and a music producer discovers them. But hitting it big isn't always a good thing, especially when it comes with a price. When Rylan and Jade sign a deal with a big music company, they're ordered to hide their relationship from the public and take fake girlfriends. At first, it's a game, but as their fame grows, Rylan feels forced to choose: Does he stay and live a lie, or does he walk away from a life of fame--and from Jade?

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