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Los buenos suicidas

by Toni Hill

Hace poco terminó Navidad. Sumida en plena crisis económica. Barcelona es ahora una ciudad más fría y lluviosa. La desaparición de Ruth, su ex mujer, obsesiona a Héctor Salgado y quizá el caso que le acaban de asignar pueda hacerle olvidar por momentos su caída en desgracia.El director financiero de una compañía de cosméticos mata a su esposa y luego se suicida. Lo que parece un caso de violencia doméstica, se revela como algo más complejo al hallarse incidios que lo relacionan con otra muerte.Mientras, encerrada en casa por una prematura baja médica, Leire Castro, la pareja de investigación de Héctor, sigue la pista perdida de Ruth y no sospecha que puede destapar peligros que nadie había imaginado.

Dance Hall of the Dead (A Leaphorn and Chee Novel #2)

by Tony Hillerman

Don’t miss the TV series, Dark Winds, based on the Leaphorn, Chee, & Manuelito novels, now on AMC and AMC+! The Edgar-Award winning second novel in New York Times bestselling author Tony Hillerman’s bestselling and highly acclaimed Leaphorn and Chee series“Hillerman is a wonderful storyteller.”—New York Times Book ReviewTwo Native American boys have vanished into thin air, leaving a pool of blood behind them. Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn of the Navajo Tribal Police has no choice but to suspect the very worst, since the blood that stains the parched New Mexico ground once flowed through the veins of one of the missing, a young Zuñi. But his investigation into a terrible crime is being complicated by an important archaeological dig . . . and a steel hypodermic needle. And the unique laws and sacred religious rites of the Zuñi people are throwing impassable roadblocks in Leaphorn’s already twisted path, enabling a craven murderer to elude justice or, worse still, kill again.

The Ghostway: Three Classic Hillerman Mysteries Featuring Officer Jim Chee: The Dark Wind, People Of Darkness And The Ghostway (A Leaphorn and Chee Novel #6)

by Tony Hillerman

Don’t miss the TV series, Dark Winds, based on the Leaphorn, Chee, & Manuelito novels, now on AMC and AMC+! The sixth installment in New York Times bestselling author Tony Hillerman's Leaphorn and Chee series—an electrifying thriller of revenge, secrets, and murder.“One of the best of the series.”—New York Times Book ReviewOld Joseph Joe sees it all. Two strangers spill blood at the Shiprock Wash-O-Mat. One dies. The other drives off into the dry lands of the Big Reservation, but not before he shows the old Navajo a photo of the man he seeks.This is all Tribal Policeman Jim Chee needs to set him off on an odyssey that moves from a trapped ghost in an Indian hogan to the seedy underbelly of L.A. to an ancient healing ceremony where death is the cure, and into the dark heart of murder and revenge.

Sacred Clowns: A Leaphorn And Chee Novel (A Leaphorn and Chee Novel #11)

by Tony Hillerman

Don’t miss the TV series, Dark Winds, based on the Leaphorn, Chee, & Manuelito novels, now on AMC and AMC+! From New York Times bestselling author Tony Hillerman comes another unforgettable mystery in which Leaphorn & Chee must race against the clock to solve two brutal murders.“[Hillerman's] clowns are . . . every bit as raucous, profane, and funny as Shakespeare's."—New York Times Book ReviewDuring a kachina ceremony at the Tano Pueblo, the antics of a dancing koshare fill the air with tension. Moments later, the clown is found bludgeoned to death, in the same manner a reservation schoolteacher was killed only days before.Officer Jim Chee and Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn believe that answers lie in the sacred clown's final cryptic message to the Tano people. But to decipher it, the two Navajo policemen may have to delve into closely guarded tribal secrets—on a sinister trail of blood that links a runaway, a holy artifact, corrupt Indian traders, and a pair of dead bodies.

Ce n’est pas grave (Série Blingg #1)

by Miranda Hillers

Sophie possède, avec sa sœur, un magasin de vêtements qui marche bien, Blingg, et elle profite de la vie. Elle n’a jamais vraiment été amoureuse des hommes avec lesquels elle vit de courtes aventures. Jusqu’à ce qu’elle rencontre le beau et blond Frederick. Est-il l’homme de sa vie ? Et Frederick peut-il supporter que le jeune et séduisant Rens soit le meilleur ami de Sophie ? D’autant qu’ils ont un lien très étroit. Pendant des vacances en commun, les tensions se font très fortes. Ce premier tome de la série Blingg est remplie de dramatiques problèmes masculins alternant avec des scènes torrides.

No importa (Blingg #1)

by Miranda Hillers

Sophie y su hermana Gwen son las propietarias de Blingg, una tienda de ropa con mucho éxito, y disfrutan la vida a tope. Ella nunca se ha enamorado a pesar de sus muchas aventuras de una noche con diferentes hombres... Hasta que se encuentra con el atractivo y rubio Frederick. ¿Será su amor verdadero? ¿Y podrá soportar Frederick el hecho de que el atractivo Rens sea el mejor amigo de ella? Porque ella siempre tendrá un nexo especial con él. Durante las vacaciones que viven juntos se desata la tensión... Esta primera parte de la serie Blingg incluye un montón de problemas dramáticos con los hombres, intercalados con escenas muy calientes.

Oh Gad!: A Novel

by Joanne C. Hillhouse

A stirring novel about a woman facing cross-cultural odds and redefining everything she understands about her family, herself, and the country she's never really been able to call home. Nikki Baltimore was born in Antigua but grew up with her dad in the United States. With each year, she's grown further apart from her mother and maternal siblings, potters in rural Antigua. Her mother's funeral brings Nikki back to the island, and, at a professional and personal crossroads, she makes the impulsive decision to stay after being offered a job by the ruling government. Soon, Nikki is embroiled in a hurricane of an existence which includes a political hot potato, confusion in her romantic life, and deepening involvement in the lives of the family she left behind. Will Nikki eventually find her place in the chaos and begin to plant the roots that have escaped her all her life?

Oh Gad!

by Joanne C Hillhouse

A stirring novel about a woman facing cross-cultural odds and redefining everything she understands about her family, herself, and the country she's never really been able to call home. Nikki Baltimore was born in Antigua but grew up with her dad in the United States. With each year, she's grown further apart from her mother and maternal siblings, potters in rural Antigua. Her mother's funeral brings Nikki back to the island, and, at a professional and personal crossroads, she makes the impulsive decision to stay after being offered a job by the ruling government. Soon, Nikki is embroiled in a hurricane of an existence which includes a political hot potato, confusion in her romantic life, and deepening involvement in the lives of the family she left behind. Will Nikki eventually find her place in the chaos and begin to plant the roots that have escaped her all her life?

The Bookshop of the Broken Hearted

by Robert Hillman

In this tender and wise novel about love and forgiveness in 1960s Australia, a lonely farmer finds his life turned upside down by the arrival of a vibrant bookseller."Beautifully written. . . . Full of insight into the nature of tragedy, love, and redemption." --Garth Stein"Hillman guides us on a poignant journey of unthinkable loss, love, and the healing capacity of the written word." --Ellen Keith, author of The Dutch WifeCan one unlikely bookshop heal two broken souls?It is 1968 in rural Australia and lonely Tom Hope can't make heads or tails of Hannah Babel. Newly arrived from Hungary, Hannah is unlike anyone he's ever met--she's passionate, brilliant, and fiercely determined to open sleepy Hometown's first bookshop. Despite the fact that Tom has only read only one book in his life, when Hannah hires him to install shelving for the shop, the two discover an astonishing spark. Recently abandoned by an unfaithful wife--and still missing her sweet son, Peter--Tom dares to believe that he might make Hannah happy. But Hannah is a haunted woman. Twenty-four years earlier, she had been marched to the gates of Auschwitz.Perfect for fans of The Little Paris Bookshop and The Light Between Oceans, The Bookshop of the Broken Hearted cherishes the power of love, literature, and forgiveness to transform our lives, and--if we dare allow them--to mend our broken hearts.

La librería de los corazones solitarios

by Robert Hillman

La novela perfecta para quien haya tenido el corazón roto, para quien haya conseguido recomponerlo y para quien se lo haya dejado alguna vez en una librería. Tom Hope no piensa que se le dé especialmente bien ser granjero. Solo hace lo que puede: ordeña las vacas, recoge las manzanas, cuida de las ovejas... Tampoco se considera un buen marido porque su esposa lo abandonó y se llevó consigo al pequeño Peter. Pero cuando en su vida aparece Hannah Babel, la alegre y excéntrica mujer que quiere montar una librería en el pueblo, él se atreve a soñar que podrían ser felices juntos. Sin embargo, en 1968 solo han transcurrido veinticuatro años desde que Hannah llegara a Auschwitz con su hijo pequeño y saliera sola. Y Tom se enfrenta a una batalla contra el dolor y el recuerdo que todavía apenas puede imaginar. La crítica ha dicho...«Una novela tierna y emotiva. Contiene dolor y corazones rotos, pero van acompañados de amor y verdad y, en última instancia, esperanza. Esta historia delicada y fascinante está destinada a convertirse en una favorita de los lectores.»Books+Publishing «Una impresionante y cautivadora historia sobre cómo dos personas muy diferentes se recuperan de una tristeza desgarradora y se dan permiso para volver a amar.»Publishers Weekly «La capacidad de Hillman para evocar los ritmos y los matices de la vida rural australiana es una fuente de alegría. En esta novela nos habla de la importancia de la libertad así como de la capacidad redentora del amor, y de cómo aceptar el pasado puede ser la clave para sentirse libre y amado.»Saturday Paper «Esta novela es un canto al amor tras el dolor y en particular al amor entre padre e hijo. Muy recomendable.»New Zealand Herald «El estilo de Hillman desprende grandeza y encanto.»Age «Con una prosa conmovedora, reflexiva y emocionante, Hillman cuenta una historia de amor y sacrificio desgarradora y a la vez reconfortante.»Booklist «Este libro es una lección magistral de cómo provocar un gran impacto emocional sin artificios.»Otago Daily Times «Las vivas y poéticas imágenes de Hillman se funden con las realistas descripciones del horror de la guerra y su futilidad... A pesar de sus momentos de tristeza, fue un placer leer esta novela, con su inspiradora filosofía e irresistibles personajes.»Good Reading

Past Imperfect: A John McIntire Mystery (John McIntire Mysteries #0)

by Kathleen Hills

A grizzled Lake Superior fisherman with a massive allergy to bees dies very early one morning alone on his boat. Was he stung to death?John McIntire, retired from a career in military intelligence and striving to regain a place in his boyhood home after 30 years away, is serving as township constable. He questions the easy verdict. The town of St. Adele has little experience with violent death—or murder. Nor does McIntire, despite fighting in two world wars. Worse, all the suspects are friends and neighbors, men and women he grew up with "talking Swede." The dead man, last of a Norwegian family who came to raise apples in the struggling rural township sandwiched between the Huron Mountains of Michigan's Upper Peninsula and the southern shore of Lake Superior, had no real enemies despite his gruff temper. And he had little to leave aside from a heavily mortgaged boat. So, who wanted to kill him?Saddened by violence striking Utopia, worried his British bride might cut and run, his task complicated by taciturn witnesses and six party telephone lines, the naturally humorous McIntire, while bringing a murderer to justice, struggles to evolve a new perspective on a rural community he has idealized for three decades.Rich in magnificent landscape, vivid characters stepping from a past both thoroughly Midwestern and multi-ethnic, and a secret-laden story, filled with laughter and warm insights, Past Imperfect offers a new voice of great promise reminiscent of the debuts of Steve Hamilton, A Cold Day in Paradise, and William Kent Krueger, Iron Lake.

The Tiger and the Ruby: A Journey to the Other Side of British India

by Kief Hillsbery

In 1841, Nigel Halleck left Britain as a clerk in the East India Company. He served in the colonial administration for eight years before leaving his post, eventually disappearing in the mountain kingdom of Nepal, never to be heard from again. A century-and-a-half later, Kief Hillsbery, Nigel&’s nephew many times removed, sets out to unravel the mystery. Tracing his ancestor&’s journey across the subcontinent, his quest takes him from Lahore to Calcutta, and finally to the palaces of Kathmandu. What emerges is an unexpected personal chapter in the history of the British Empire in India.

Guerreira do Amor

by Jennifer Hilt

Tudo é válido no amor e na guerra para reconquistar uma parceira predestinada… Ser filha de Áries, Deus da Guerra, significa que Jessica Tindal é uma guerreira amazona, mas ela abriu mão de seus hábitos sanguinarios para se esconder e trabalhar como uma bruxa curandeira herbática. Pena que ela está presa em uma estação de gelo ártica com um assassino que deseja incriminá-la. Mas, então, o Delegado Paranormal Carson Slater — urso polar transmorfo, com uma cabeleira prateada bastante jeitosa e, claro, ex-marido de Jessica — aparece. Carson chega à estação determinado a fazer duas coisas: prender o assassino e reconquistar sua mulher. Seus instintos protetores o fazem ficar sempre ao lado dela, o que é perfeito para seu plano de seduzi-la novamente até sua cama e de volta para sua vida. Agora tudo que ele precisa fazer é provar a inocência dela e ganhar seu coração, mas antes que o verdadeiro assassino ataque novamente.

Stellarnet Prince

by J. L. Hilton

An otherworldly love. Human blogger Genny O'Riordan shares two alien lovers: Duin, a leader of the Uprising, and Belloc, the only surviving member of the reviled Glin royal family. Their relationship has inspired millions of followers-and incited vicious anti-alien attacks.A planet at risk. A Stellarnet obsessed with all things alien brings kidnappers, sex traffickers and environmental exploitation to Glin. Without weapons or communications technology, the planet cannot be defended. Glin will be ravaged and raided until nothing remains.A struggle for truth. On Earth, Duin discovers a secret that could spur another rebellion, while on Glin, Belloc's true identity could endanger their family and everything they've fought for. Have the Glin found true allies in humanity, or an even more deadly foe?94,000 words

Stellarnet Rebel

by J. L. Hilton

Welcome to Asteria, a corporate-owned, deep-space colony populated with refugees, criminals and obsessive online gamers. Genny O'Riordan has shifted in from Earth determined to find a story that will break her blog into the Stellarnet Top 100, and even better-expose the degradation of the colony's denizens. Duin is an alien-a Glin-a hero of a past revolution against the Glin royal family, yet branded a terrorist. Duin speaks every day in the Asteria market, hoping to spur humans to aid his home world, which has been overtaken by the evil, buglike Tikati. When Genny and Duin meet, what begins with a blog post becomes a dangerous web of passion and politics as they struggle to survive not only a war but the darker side of humanity...94,000 words

Ill Wind

by James Hilton

Not one of them knew it-or willed it-but each was to touch off an explosive event that would alter forever an unknown person's life! Death and murder in the Far East began the human chain. It was lengthened by the unsuspecting behavior of a disgraced civil servant ... by the antics of a much-married movie queen, a wealthy newspaper tycoon, a murderously-inclined Indian woman and an alarmingly handsome Rumanian youth ... One by one, as the links are added, James Hilton creates a powerful story of human passions to rank with his finest novels.

The Amish Christmas Gift (Hidden Springs #2)

by Laura V. Hilton

Past relationships and close quarters stir up old emotions, making Christmas the perfect time for a magical connection in this heartwarming second chance Amish romance.Elsie Miller has witnessed -- and experienced -- Levi Wyse's forgetfulness too many times to count. But even after they broke things off, Elsie never forgot the handsome Amish toymaker or her love for him. So when Levi's sister asks her to help keep him organized for the busy Christmas season, Elsie agrees. But she didn't expect working alongside Levi to reignite those old feelings. Secretly, Levi's heart will always belong to Elsie. But she deserves a better man, one who isn't so absentminded . . . or responsible for a terrible tragedy. Now, she's at his workshop every day and as Christmas draws near, his reasons for staying away become harder and harder to remember. Will the spirit of Christmas heal past hurts and give Elsie and Levi the greatest gift of all: a future together?

The Amish Secret Wish (Hidden Springs #3)

by Laura V. Hilton

Fall in love with an award-winning author's charming Amish romance about a woman with a secret pen pal—perfect for fans of Rachel J. Good and Marta Perry. Waitress Hallie Brunstetter has a secret: she writes a popular column for her Amish paper under the pen name GHB. When Hallie receives a letter from a reader asking to become her pen pal, she reluctantly agrees. She can&’t help but be drawn to the compassionate stranger, never expecting him to show up in Hidden Springs looking for GHB . . . or for him to be quite so handsome in real life. But after losing her beau in a tragic accident, Hallie won&’t risk her heart—or her secrets—again.If Kiah didn&’t already feel so connected to GHB, Hallie would be a perfect wife—and it seems most of Hidden Springs&’s would-be matchmakers agree! Though Hallie is peculiarly opposed to uncovering GHB&’s true identity, she understands Kiah almost as well as his mystery pen pal. The longer he searches for GHB, the more Kiah finds himself hoping Hallie will be holding the pen that first captured his heart. But will Hallie ever trust Kiah with the truth about her identity . . . and her feelings for him?

The Amish Wedding Promise (Hidden Springs #1)

by Laura V. Hilton

Could this bride's wedding disaster be a blessing in disguise? Grace Lantz always imagined her wedding day would be a blissfully happy occasion. But after a tornado swept through town, she finds herself relieved that the ceremony is delayed. After all, her groom-to-be hasn't even bothered to check on her. Instead, it's the handsome volunteer Zeke Bontrager who selflessly offers Grace his strong shoulders to lean on. Zeke came to Hidden Springs to assist a community in need. He didn't expect to meet his soul mate. Determined to ignore his feelings, Zeke promises to help reunite kind, beautiful Grace with her groom. But after spending time together, Grace confesses that she might not want to marry her fiancé after all. Can Zeke convince her that her true love is standing right in front of her? And can she find the courage to follow her heart?

Swept Away

by Laura V. Hilton

Sara Jane Morgan is trying to balance teaching with caring for her ailing, stubborn grandmother. When school lets out for the summer, the plans are for Grandma to teach Sara Jane to quilt as they finish up the Appalachian Ballad quilt Grandma started as a teenager. But things don't always go as planned. Andrew Stevenson is hiding from his past--and his future. He works as a handyman to pay the bills, but his heart is as an artisan, designing homemade brooms. When Sara Jane's grandmother hires him to renovate her home, sparks fly between Drew and his new employer's granddaughter. Still, it doesn't take Sara Jane long to see Drew isn't what he seems. Questions arise, and she starts researching him online. What she discovers could change her life--and her heart--forever.

Marriage On A Pillow: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Himigu

To him and her, love was but an extravagant hope.

Plum Blossoms in Paris

by Sarah Hina

Post-grad neuroscience student Daisy Lockhart has never been short on brains, but after her longtime boyfriend, Andy Templeton, dumps her through e-mail, she is short on dreams. Alone for the first time in six years, Daisy allows herself to finally be an individual instead of half of a couple.

The Birds, the Bees, and You and Me

by Olivia Hinebaugh

A teen who's never even been kissed becomes her school's unofficial sex expert in Olivia Hinebaugh's fun, voice-y contemporary YA romance debut. Seventeen-year-old Lacey Burke feels like the last person on the planet who should be doling out sex advice. For starters, she’s never even kissed anyone, and she hates breaking the rules. Up until now, she's been a straight-A music geek that no one even notices. All she cares about is jamming out with her best friends, Theo and Evita.But then everything changes.When Lacey sees first-hand how much damage the abstinence-only sex-ed curriculum of her school can do, she decides to take a stand and starts doling out wisdom and contraception to anyone who seeks her out in the girls' restroom. Meanwhile, things with Theo have become complicated, and soon Lacey is not just keeping everyone else’s secrets, but her own as well.

Cornish Girl

by Joanna Hines

At sixteen Margaret's childhood is over when she is persuaded to leave the secure world of her family's farm to marry a stranger with his own secrets. Alienated by her husband's coldness, Margaret is desperate for affection. And she unwillingly finds herself turning to the wealthy Richard Treveryan; a cynical and bitter man, loathed by her family and friends. Margaret discovers in him an unexpected tenderness and in herself a passion she'd never thought possible. But the bloodshed of the Civil War threatens all Margaret holds dear. Forcing her to choose between her beloved son and the only happiness she has ever known...

Puritan's Wife

by Joanna Hines

To her neighbours in the small Cotswold town of Tilsbury she is a respectable wife and mother; to her husband Josiah she will always be his 'Doll', the child-bride he brought home from the German wars; to the painter of the family's portrait she is an enigma, remote and unknowable, a mystery perhaps even to herself. When Royalist soldiers arrive to garrison Tilsbury the tranquil rhythm of country life is shattered. Mistress Doll Taverner is more affected than anyone by the impact of the Civil War, which revives all the half-forgotten nightmares of childhood tragedy. Then a Cornish officer, Captain Stephen Sutton, begins to pose a threat of a subtler kind; as affection grows between them, she is compelled to question all the certainties by which she has lived her life.

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